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The term _____ refers to an integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders. a. fitness for use b. exceeding customer expectations c. performance excellence d. empowerment


Which of the following is not a decisional role according to Henry Mintzberg's model? a. Entrepreneur b. Disturbance handler c. Liaison d. Resource allocator


_____ is an approach for mistake-proofing processes using automatic devices or methods to avoid simple human error. a. Poka-yoke b. QFD c. Quality circles d. Fail secure


Dell's business model is an example of which type of competitive advantage strategies? a. Cost-leadership b. Differentiation c. People d. Quality


_____ is a picture of a process that shows the sequence of steps performed. a. Cause-and-effect diagram b. Flowchart c. Pareto diagram d. Histogram


Consideration is also known as: a. task orientation. b. transformational equity. c. socioemotional orientation. d. benevolent authority.


Factors that are present as a natural part of a process are called: a. primary variances. b. environmental causes of variation. c. common causes of variation. d. system variances.


Flowcharts are also known as: a. step charts. b. Pareto diagrams. c. process maps. d. fishbone charts.


In the Baldrige examination, the factors used to evaluate results include all of the following except: a. current performance levels. b. rate, breadth, and importance of performance improvements. c. performance relative to appropriate comparisons. d. evidence of innovation.


With respect to the quality dimensions of manufactured products, _____ refer(s) to the probability of a product's surviving over a specified period of time under stated conditions of use. a. aesthetics b. serviceability e. features d. reliability


_____ are the needs that customers say they want. a. Essentials b. Dissatisfiers c. Delighters/exciters d. Satisfiers


In a Pareto distribution, the characteristics are ordered: a. according to the criticality. b. from largest frequency to smallest. c. historically, from the earliest to the latest. d. in a sequential manner based on the work-flow.


Which of the following is not one of the informational roles as defined by Henry Mintzberg? a. Monitor b. Disseminator c. Spokesperson d. Negotiator


Which of the following is not one of the principles of statistical thinking? a. Processes have quantifiable and non-quantifiable variations. b. All work occurs in a system of interconnected processes. c. Variation exists in all processes. d. Understanding and reducing variation are keys to success.


Which of the following is true about ISO certification? a. The ISO 9000 standards originally were intended to be advisory in nature. b. The entire company and not individual sites must achieve recertification. c. Recertification is required every two years. d. Costs of recertification are borne by the company and the certifying firm.


Consideration includes all of the following except: a. taking care of subordinates. b. getting people organized. c. explaining things to them. d. being concerned about their welfare.


By viewing processes as interconnected components of a system, we avoid: a. root causes. b. capacity utilization. c. process variance. d. suboptimization.


Deming believed _____ should be the common language across the levels in an organization. a. costs b. efficiency c. management terms d. statistics


Two major types of benchmarking are _____ and _____. a. discrete; continuous b. historical; progressive c. quantifiable; nonquantifiable d. competitive; generic


Value can be defined as: a. conformance to specifications. b. fitness for use. c. least cost benefit. d. quality relative to price.


_____ direct the journey to a vision by defining attitudes and policies for all employees that are reinforced through conscious and subconscious behavior at all levels of the organization. a. Core competencies b. Strategies c. Strategic objectives d. Values


_____ arise from external sources that are not inherent in the process. a. Special causes b. Random variances c. Common causes d. Non-system variances


The _____ of a firm defines its reason for existence. a. vision b. mission c. strategy d. core competence


In which phase of the DMAIC process does statistical thinking play a critical role? a. Define b. Measure c. Analyze d. Control


The total time required by a company to deliver a finished product that satisfies customers' needs is referred to as the: a. product lead time b. delivery time. c. turnaround time. d. cycle time.


_____ is the search for best practices that will lead to superior performance. a. Benchmarking b. Flowcharting c. Alternatives analysis d. Anchoring


A system governed only by _____ is stable and its performance can be predicted. a. special causes b. common causes c. random variances d. assignable causes


_____ is the subjective assessment resulting from image, advertising, or brand names. a. Reliability b. Perceived quality c. Performance d. Aesthetics


The phenomenon that occurs when small changes in demand occur, the variation in production and inventory levels becomes increasingly amplified upstream at distribution centers, factories, and suppliers, that results in unnecessary costs and difficulties in managing material flow is known as: a. upstream variation. b. flagellation. c. bullwhip effect. d. quality dilemma.


In the _____ system, upstream suppliers do not produce until the downstream customer signals a need for parts. a. kaizen b. reduced handoff c. standardized work system d. pull production


_____ is/are the only factor that competitors cannot copy. a. Human resource b. Product differentiation c. Cost-leadership d. Quality methods


A histogram is a graphical representation of: a. the cause-and-effect relationship of data points. b. the variation in a set of data. c. historical trend of critical data over a period of time. d. critical to quality data.


In Deming's view, _____ is/are the chief culprit of poor quality. a. common causes b. lack of monitoring c. assignable causes d. variation


A _____ is an intense and rapid improvement process in which a team or a department throws all its resources into an improvement project over a short time period. a. kaizen blitz b. quality blitzkrieg c. rapid deployment d. TQ impetus


A(n) _____ is a sequence of activities that is intended to achieve some result. a. process b. operation c. methodology d. array


According to Crosby's Absolutes of Quality Management, quality means: a. conformance to requirements b. elegance c. an acceptable level of defects d. none of the above


DFMEA stands for: a. design failure mode and effects analysis. b. design function mode and effects analysis c. design failure mode and efficiency analysis d. design feature methods and efficiency analysis


SS-Melt Castings is a manufacturing unit supplying parts to engineering companies. Management is thinking about finding a solution for frequent quality issues related to product specifications. Having identified the issue to a common cause, which of the following is the best way to resolve the issue? a. Provide quality training to the production employees b. Change the technology of the process c. Revise product specifications d. Outsource specific operations to external vendors


The ISO 9000:2000 standards consist of three documents of which ISO 9001 pertains to: a. Fundamentals. b. Requirements. c. Vocabulary. d. Guidance for performance improvement.


The origin of the term six sigma came from a statistical measure that equates to _____ or fewer errors or defects per million opportunities. a. 2.6 b. 3.4 c. 4.3 d. 4.5


Deming emphasized that management's job is to: a. optimize the system. b. maximize employment. c. achieve suboptimization. d. control the process indexes.


Empirical evidence found in research suggests that _____ leadership behavior is strongly correlated with lower turnover, higher productivity and quality, and higher employee satisfaction than other approaches. a. transformational b. situational c. strategic d. transactional


In a control chart, the sample values will fall within upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL) if the process is affected only by _____ causes of variation. a. common b. random c. special d. cumulative


Lagging measures: a. tell what has happened. b. predict what will happen. c. relate results to its causes. d. compare historical results.


Over time, _____ become _____ as customers become used to them. a. delighters/exciters; satisfiers b. dissatisfiers; satisfiers c. satisfiers; delighters/exciters d. dissatisfiers; delighters/exciters


The _____ model suggests that the style of leadership that one should use depends on the maturity of those being led. a. situational leadership b. maturity-flexibility c. power-distance d. authoritarian


The characteristics that have the most impact on product or service performance are called: a. critical to quality. b. critical variances. c. excellence features. d. essentials.


The time to introduce a new product is an example of: a. cycle time. b. turnaround time. c. product innovation time. d. lead time.


Which of the following is not an example of a quality control parameter for the post office? a. Response time b. Sorting accuracy c. Time of delivery d. Percentage of express mail delivered on time


Which of the following is not one of the critical service dimensions? a. Conformity b. Consistency c. Courtesy d. Accessibility


Which of the following is not one of the four principal leadership dimensions according to the Transformational theory? a. Benevolent authority b. Intellectual stimulation c. Idealized influence d. Individualized consideration


_____ errors arise in the contact between the server and the customer. a. Treatment b. Contact c. Common d. System


_____ refers to an organization's ability to address current business needs and to have the agility and strategic management to prepare successfully for the future, and to prepare for real-time or short-term emergencies. a. Sustainability b. Adaptability c. Proactiveness d. Strategic focus


_____ refers to rapid changeover of tooling and fixtures in machine shops so that multiple products in smaller batches can be run on the same equipment. a. Single minute exchange of dies b. Total productive maintenance c. Pull production d. Seiketsu


_____ refers to the degree to which physical and performance characteristics of a product match pre-established standards. a. Conformance b. Features c. Performance d. Reliability


Customer errors at the resolution stage of a service encounter include all of the following except: a. failure to signal service inadequacies. b. follow instructions. c. learn from experience. d. execute appropriate post-encounter actions.


Doing work incorrectly, in the wrong order, or too slowly, as well as doing work not requested are examples of: a. treatment errors. b. task errors. c. tangible errors. d. preparation errors.


If the variation in the process is due to _____ alone, the process is said to be in statistical control. a. random causes b. common causes c. special causes d. environmental causes


Juran and Deming would argue that it is pointless to exhort a line worker to produce perfection, because: a. workers are not motivated to improve unless a financial incentive is offered. b. the overwhelming majority of imperfections are due to poorly designed manufacturing systems. c. it is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure quality through effective quality control. d. management systems that are unsupportive of quality initiatives should be reengineered in advance.


Readiness is characterized by all of the following except: a. skills and abilities to perform the work. b. tenure. c. commitment. d. motivation.


The process of drilling down to a more specific problem statement is called: a. root cause analysis. b. project scoping. c. problem mapping. d. variation analysis.


When _____ causes are present, the process is deemed to be out of control. a. common b. special c. random d. cumulative


Which of the following decisional roles will be diminished as people take on a more holistic view of the organizational mission? a. Entrepreneur b. Disturbance handler c. Liaison d. Resource allocator


Which of the following is not an operational problem created by excessive variation? a. Variation increases unpredictability. b. Variation increases capacity utilization. c. Variation makes it difficult to find root causes. d. Variation makes it difficult to detect potential problems early.


Which of the following is not one of the key dimensions of service quality? a. Reliability b. Cost-effectiveness c. Tangibles d. Responsiveness


Which of the following is not one of the key principles of lean thinking? a. Reducing handoffs b. Redesigning steps c. Performing steps in parallel rather than in sequence d. Involving key people early


Which of the following is not one of the techniques used in quality engineering? a. Concurrent engineering b. Cost analysis c. Design reviews d. Experimental design


_____ errors result from the task, treatment, or tangibles of the service. a. System b. Server c. Process d. Common


_____ is a methodology for monitoring a process to identify special causes of variation and signaling the need to take corrective action when it is appropriate. a. Quality function deployment b. Statistical process control c. Process management d. Variation mapping


_____ is a set of matrices used to relate the voice of the customer to technical features and production planning and control requirements. a. BCG matrix b. House of Quality c. Production matrix d. Customer Quality Index


_____ is a technique for prioritizing types or sources of problems. a. Cause-and-effect diagram b. Pareto analysis c. Scatter diagram d. A process map


_____ is focused on breakthrough improvement to dramatically improve the quality and speed of work and to reduce its cost by fundamentally changing the processes by which work gets done. a. Benchmarking b. Reengineering c. Kanban d. Process mapping


_____ leadership theory assumes that certain leaders may develop the ability to inspire their subordinates to exert extraordinary efforts to achieve organizational goals through behaviors that may include contingent rewards as well as active and passive management by exception. a. Transformational b. Transactional c. Situational d. Goal-setting


_____ refer to those needs that are expected in a product or service. a. Essentials b. Dissatisfiers c. Delighters/exciters d. Satisfiers


_____ refers to an organization's areas of greatest expertise that provide a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace or service environment. a. Power strategies b. Core competencies c. Key skill areas d. Key result areas


In a total quality environment, internal customers are the: a. customers who are part of the product testing panel. b. immediate customers, but not the end users. c. recipients of any work output. d. designated team members of the quality control team.


Six Sigma methodology is driven by a _____ methodology. a. fit-for-use b. conformance-to-specifications c. management-by-fact d. cost-driven


The _____ phase of DMAIC focuses on why defects, errors, or excessive variation occur. a. Define b. Measure c. Analyze d. Control


The most recent version of the written quality standards by the International Organization for Standardization is called the _____ family of standards. a. ISO 9000:10000 b. ISO 10000:2005 c. ISO 9000:2000 d. ISO 2000:9000


The premise behind the situation leadership model is that leadership styles vary depending on their: a. need for power. b. maturity. c. readiness to do it. d. position in the hierarchy.


Which of the following is not an example of customer errors during an encounter? a. Inattention b. A memory lapse c. Learning from experience. d. Failure to remember steps


Which of the following is not one of the four leadership styles defined by Blanchard and Hersey? a. Directing b. Coaching c. Negotiating d. Delegating


Which of the following is not one of the four perspectives included in the balanced scorecard according to Robert Kaplan and David Norton? a. Financial Perspective b. Internal Perspective c. Industry Perspective d. Innovation and Learning Perspective


Which of the following statements is true about various service components: degree of customer contact and interaction, the degree of labor intensity, and the degree of customization? a. A railroad is high in labor intensity but low on the other two dimensions. b. An interior design service would be low in all three dimensions. c. A hair-stylist would be high in all three dimensions. d. A fast-food restaurant would be high in customization and customer contact, but low in labor intensity.


While trying to improve the quality of the system, if managers try to "fix" a _____, they will actually increase the variation in the system. a. special cause b. secondary variance c. common cause d. random variance


_____ illustrate relationships between hypothesized causes and effects. a. Histograms b. Pareto diagrams c. Scatter diagrams d. SPC chart


_____ is a term that is commonly used to characterize flexibility and short cycle times. a. Customer-driven b. Proactiveness c. Agility d. Customer-readiness


_____ leaders are more focused on the satisfaction of self-interests and the maintenance of the organization's status quo. a. Situational b. Transformational c. Transactional d. Charismatic


_____ leadership focuses on the roles of senior managers in guiding an organization to fulfill its mission and meet its goals. a. Contingent b. Provisional c. Executive d. Traditional


_____ means getting people organized, including setting goals and instituting and enforcing deadlines and standard operating procedures. a. Consideration b. Mutual assent c. Initiating structure d. Workforce profiling


_____ refer(s) to the "bells and whistles" of a product. a. Aesthetics b. Conformance c. Features d. Benefits


_____, first proposed by Walter Shewhart in 1924, are the backbone of statistical process control. a. Pareto charts b. Histograms c. Control charts d. Scatter charts


According to Blanchard and Hersey, the leadership style where subordinates can do their work with little supervision or support is called: a. directing. b. coaching. c. negotiating. d. delegating.


Deming's philosophy called "A System of Profound Knowledge," consists of four parts. Which of the following is not one of them? a. Appreciation for a system b. Understanding process variation c. Theory of knowledge d. Philanthropy


Partnerships with suppliers and customers are called ______ partnerships. a. horizontal b. cross-functional c. vertical d. interorganizational


Quality control in manufacturing is usually based on: a. Six Sigma standards. b. equipment standards. c. customer expectations. d. conformance to specifications.


The DMAIC approach used in Six Sigma is expanded as: a. Define, Modify, Apply, Increment, and Close. b. Design, Measure, Analyze, Implement, and Cost. c. Design, Monitor, Assess, Improve, and Compare. d. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.


The purpose of DFMEA is all of the following except: a. to recommend corrective design actions. b. to estimate the effect and seriousness of the failure. c. to identify all the ways in which a failure can occur. d. to act as the "voice of the customer" in product design.


The sleekness of an automobile's exterior and the black "high-tech" look of modern stereo components is an example of the _____ dimension of product design. a. performance b. features c. durability d. aesthetics


Variations that result from special causes are often called: a. special variances. b. secondary causes of variation. c. random variances. d. assignable causes.


Which of the following is an example of a service provider? a. A steel plant b. A clothing manufacturer c. A pharmaceutical company d. A bank


Which of the following is not a difference in the management of quality in services and manufacturing? a. Customer needs and performance standards are often difficult to identify and measure. b. The production of services typically requires a higher degree of customization than does manufacturing. c. Customers often are involved in the service process and present while it is being performed. d. Services are generally capital intensive, whereas manufacturing is more labor intensive.


Which of the following statements about cost-leadership is not true? a. A cost leader can achieve above-average performance if it can command prices at or near the industry average. b. Low cost can result from high productivity and high capacity utilization. c. Improvements in quality lead to improvements in productivity, which in turn lead to lower costs. d. To achieve cost-leadership, a firm must be unique in its industry along some dimensions that are widely valued by customers.


_____ is a methodology used to ensure that customers' requirements are met throughout the product design process and in the design and operation of production systems. a. Concept engineering b. Total quality c. BCG analysis d. Quality function deployment


_____ leadership is more aligned with organizational change required by total quality. a. Charismatic b. Transactional c. Situational d. Transformational


_____ refers to the degree of caring and individual attention provided to customers. a. Reliability b. Assurance c. Responsiveness d. Empathy


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