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Guidelines for implementing an effectiveincentive system include ____________. a. transfer more risk to employees b. transfer from the concept of pay asreward entitlement c. relate pay increases to organizationalperformance, both bottom-line andquality driven d. give all employees the same payincreasee. all of the above

(A). It is true that you want to transfermore risk to employees with incentive payso that their pay is closed linked toorganizational performance.

The union security clause that is illegal is a(n)_______________. a. agency shop b. union shop c. maintenance of membership clause d. closed shop e. all of the above

(B). A union shop, which requires unionmembership as a condition for employment isillegal

Which of the following management actionsreflects one of the most common mistakesmade in implementing employee layoffs? a. Management implements an employeelayoff based on selling non-essentialbusiness units. b. Management reduces the company's workforce by 15% without a plan for howthe firm will operate with a smaller numberof employees. c. Management offers early retirementincentives to employees. d. Management imposes a hiring freeze forthe entire organization .e. Management imposes a pay reduction forall employees

(B). This is the problem of a lack ofstrategic vision where managementimplements layoffs without planning forthe post-layoff organization.

You have been hired as a consultant by amanufacturing firm that needs assistance withmaking layoff decisions. Specifically,management needs to layoff 10% of itsworkforce and it needs to do so in a way thatis as objective and legally defensible aspossible. Given this, which approach tomaking a layoff decision should be used inthis situation? a. age-based b. merit-based c. seniority-based d. productivity-based e. work unit-based

(C). A seniority-based approach is mostappropriate here since it is objective andthe most legally defensible.

Joe Gibson, the compensation manager atthe Stuntco Corporation, is in the processof designing a new benefit plan foremployees. He needs a benefit plan that isrelatively simple to implement, but willallow employees to make choices aboutwhich benefits they want. Ideally, hewould like a benefit plan that wouldcreate five or more comprehensivebenefit plans and then employees couldchoose which plan they wanted. Sincethey would have to take all of the benefitsin the plan they selected, it would beeasier to administer and probably bemore cost effective. Given this situation,which type of benefit plan should he use? a. Core cafeteria b. Buffet plan c Alternative dinners d. Value meal e. All of the above

(C). Alternative dinners plans provideexactly what is needed in this situation interms of multiple, comprehensive benefitplans

Which of the following actions should NOTbe taken by management in order to managethe aftermath of an employee layoff? a. Maintain open channels of communicationwith employees .b. Avoid signs of extravagant spendingfollowing a layoff. c. Reassure the survivors of the layoff thattheir jobs are secure. d. Provide a vision for the future. e. Provide access to EAP services forindividuals who are laid off

(C). Management should not attempt tomake statements that guarantee jobsecurity to employees as they may not beable to deliver on this promise and it couldresult in a lawsuit.

You have been assigned the duty ofchairperson of the newly formed safetycommittee at Williams Industries. Thecompany has had a poor safety and healthrecord in the past two years (including anumber of OSHA citations). The safetycommittee was created by senior managementto play a leadership role on health and safetyissues in the company. At your first meeting,you begin a discussion of the specific rolethat the safety committee will play in theorganization. Based on your knowledge ofsafety committees, what types of activitieswould you propose for the safety committee? a. Investigate serious or dangerous accidents. b. Conduct safety inspections .c. Review and evaluate protective equipmentneeds .d. All of the above. e. A and B are correct

(D). All of the activities are typically part of what a safety committee does in an organization.

In the union certification process, the union needs ___% of employees to signauthorization cards in order for the union torequest voluntary recognition from theemployer and to petition the NLRB for anelection. a. 30% b. 40% c. 50% d. more than 50% e. 80%

(D). The union needs more than 50% ofthe targeted workforce to request formalrecognition as the bargaining agent for thatworkforce in negotiating with theemploye

Which of the following work environmentcharacteristics is associated with a greater riskof workplace violence? a. Corporate offices located in large, urbanareas. b. Being employed in a manufacturingfacility .c. Pressure for quality improvements inbusiness processes. d. Insensitive terminations. e. working in teams

(D). The use of insensitive terminations isa common cause of subsequent incidentsof workplace violence

Which of the following is true regardingvarious types of flexible work arrangements? a. Employees are often extremely fatiguedwhen using job sharing arrangements. b. Flextime reduces an employee's visibilityand social integration at work. c. The use of compressed hours arrangementsare often not very flexible. d. The use of telecommuting reduces themotivation and commitment of employees. e. The use of flextime enables workers toadjust their starting and ending time for workto the times that are most convenient forthem

(E). It is true that a benefit of flextime isthat it give workers the flexibility to workwhen they want to work and when theywork most effectively

Union Certification Process

-signing authorization cards -petition for election -election campaign -election and certification

Which of the following is true regarding measures of effectiveness for labor relations and unions? a. You want to maximize the number of changes in the collective bargaining agreement achieved that were desired by management b. You want to minimize the number of arbitrations won c. You want to maximize the cost per grievance d. You want to maximize the number and magnitude of work stoppages e. You want to minimize employee turnove

. You want to maximize the number of changes in the collective bargaining agreement achieved that were desired by management (*)

The reason why it is critical to view compensation and benefits from a total rewards perspective is that __________. a. it emphasizes performance-based pay that an employer may offer b. it emphasizes that wellness and work-family balance benefits are important c. it emphasizes that compensation is about financial and non-financial outcomes. d. it emphasizes that all forms of financial compensation are linked to performance e. all of the above

. it emphasizes that compensation is about financial and non-financial outcomes.

Which of the following is true regarding the unions in the United States? The right of workers to organize and join a union was established by the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947. The relationship between all unions and employers is adversarial and hostile. Unions in the 21st century are most prevalent in the manufacturing sector. The unionization rate in the U.S. peaked at 60% around 1955. A major reason for the decline of unions in the U.S. is the increased participation of women and minorities in the workforce

A major reason for the decline of unions in the U.S. is the increased participation of women and minorities in the workforce

what is a union

A union is an organization that represents employeeinterests and rights to management on issues such aswages, work hours, and working conditions.

According to the satisfaction -union votingmodel, the intention to vote for the unionwill increase when ___________. a. satisfaction with economic factors is low and union instrumentality for economicfactors is high b. satisfaction with economic factors is lowand attitudes toward the union in the electionis low c. satisfaction with economic factors is highand union instrumentality for noneconomicfactors is low d. management-employee relations arenegative e. all of the above

A). Intent to vote for a union will increasewhen workers are dissatisfied and they feelthat the union can be instrumental I helpingthem to improve their work situations.

Which of the following is (are) a commonmistake(s) made in implementing layoffs? a. HR is held completely responsible forimplementation of layoffs .b. Alternatives to employee layoffs areconsidered too much. c. Manager's receive ineffective training inhandling employee layoffs. d. Overspending on outplacement servicesfor employees who have been laid off. e. All of the above.

A). It is true that too often, HR is givensole responsibility for handling layoffs andit is difficult for it to handle this issueeffectively as it needs the support andinvolvement of management.

Disadvantages of the merit-based approachto making layoff decisions include ________. a. it may be less legally defensible b. it may result in the loss of good employees c. loss of a disproportionate number offemale employees d. loss of a disproportionate number ofminority employees e. all of the above

A). It is true that using a merit-basedapproach may actually be less defensiblebecause of the problem of ineffectiveperformance appraisal systems that do notgenerate valid performance ratings.

According to the satisfaction - union votingmodel, which combination of factors wouldbe most desirable from the perspective ofmanagement? a. high satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, low unioninstrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and negative attitudestoward the union and unions in general b. high satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high unioninstrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and positive attitudestoward the union and unions in general c. high satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high unioninstrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and negative attitudestoward the union and unions in general d. low satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high unioninstrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and negative attitudestoward the union and unions in general e. low satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, low union instrumentalityfor economic and non-economic factors, andpositive attitudes toward the union andunions in general

A). Management would like for workers toperceive that they are satisfied with economicand non-economic factors in relation to theirjobs and that the union cannot do much tohelp them with these issues.

In order to be effective, HR issues must be based on the support and involvement of _____________. Non-managerial employees Senior executives HR leaders and staff First-line supervisors and middle managers All of the above

All of the above

You have been hired as an HR consultant by senior management at a well known commercial airline to help them develop a work-life balance program for employees.The company has been experiencing difficulty attracting and retaining high-quality employees because it has developed a reputation as being a company that creates ahigh pressure work environment and overworks its employees by asking them towork after hours and on weekends. What would you recommend to management to address this situation? a. Increase employee base salaries by 20% .b. Create and implement employee leave policies .c. Implement a merit pay system. d. Implement an employee empowerment program. e. Implement an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

B). A leave benefit is another type of work-family benefit that enables workers to balance work vs. family demands

Which of the following results relatedto measures of the effectiveness ofcompensation and benefits wouldindicate a problem with thecompensation system? a. A job evaluation factor (JE/J) = 90% b. Salary range exception factor (EX/E)= 80% c. Utilization rate = 100% d. Benefit to payroll ratio (TBS/TPC) =5% e. All of the above

B). A salary range exception factor of 80% would indicate that the majority ofemployee's salaries are outside the salaryrange for their jobs which is not a positivecondition

Which of the following is a key goal of aunion? a. For management to maintain its right tomake decisions and to retain flexibility .b. For the union to obtain a commitmentfrom the company that there will be no"lockout" during the contract and thatgrievances will be submitted to bindingarbitration, if necessary. c. For management to obtain a guaranteethat the union will not go out on strike duringthe labor contract. d. For the union to grow and prosper at theexpense of the company .e. For the union to have the authority todeviate from the labor contract, when it feelsit is appropriate to do so.

B). It is true that a key priority for a union isto obtain a "no lockout clause" from theemployer as this is a tactic that managementcan use to influence the union

The results of an employee attitude survey conducted at the OroTech Corporation revealed that the #1 concern of full-time employees was the long commute they experienced commuting back and forth to work each day. Management has contacted you, an HR representative, to advise them on an appropriate course of action for addressing this situation. What would you recommend to them? a. Implement a flextime program .b. Implement a telecommuting program. c. Implement an alternative dinners flexible benefit plan. d. Implement a wellness program. e. Provide access to an employee assistanceprogram for employees

B). Telecommuting is specifically designed to allow workers to perform their jobs from remote locations.

What is the term that refers to a group of employees that is recognized by an employer or certified by an administrative agency as appropriate for representation by a labor organization for purposes of collective bargaining? Open shop Closed shop Bargaining unit Agency shop Union shop

Bargaining unit


Broadbanding is a compensation strategy that consolidates multiple salary grades into a few broad salary bands, promoting greater flexibility and simplification in setting salaries.

Charney's guidelines for remaining union-freeinclude ___________. a. implement a merit pay system b. implement a wellness program c. establish a formal process to identify andeliminate problems d. provide effective training for lineemployees e. implement a mentoring program

C). A formal complaint process is a bestpractice for identifying and resolving issuesthat could lead to unionization.

You are the Director of Compensation and Benefits at the Mattelo Corporation. You are in the process of trying to redesign the company's employee benefits system.A systematic assessment of employees has indicated that their needs are diverse and that they want choices in which benefits they take to best meet their needs. However, employees do not want to have to make too many decisions about individual benefits either as this would make the process too time consuming and confusing for them.Rather, they would prefer benefit option given to them in the form of a variety of comprehensive benefit packages from which they would choose one. Given this situation,what would you do? a. Implement a core cafeteria flexible benefit plan. b. Implement a job sharing program. c. Implement an alternative inner flexible benefit plan. d. Implement a buffet flexible benefitplan. e. All of the above

C). Alternative dinners provide multiple options of comprehensive benefit plans and this is what is needed in this situation

Broadbanding should be used when_____________. a. an employee empowerment initiative isbeing implemented b. an organization wants to implement a leadpay policy c. when the organization has a lot ofemployees hitting the maximums for theirsalary ranges d. when the organization wants to link paywith job performance e. the organization is very large

C). Broadbanding would be appropriate to use when a lot of employees are maxing out in their salary ranges as it provides a smaller number of wider salary ranges.

You have been hired as an HR consultant bya law firm that needs someone to conduct a thorough evaluation of their employee benefit system. Based on your assessment,you note that the company initially designed the benefits system by just looking at which benefits were commonly offered by otherfirms. This resulted in one standard benefit plan that employees had to either "take orleave." General summaries of employee benefits were delivered orally to employees atnew employee orientation sessions. A recent employee attitude survey showed that only30% of the company's employees felt that thebenefit system was effective. Based on your understanding of effective benefit systems,what would you recommend to managementin order to improve the benefit system at thefirm? a. Don't change the system - just improveyour communication of benefits toemployees. b. Reduce the amount of benefits providedin the benefits package to reduce costs. c. Clarify the objectives of the benefitsystem, involve employees in designing it,and communicate the elements of the systemto employees in writing .d. Provide on-site child care for employeeswith families. e. Implement a tuition reimbursementprogram.

C). Doing alternative C involves theapplication of best practices for makingemployee benefits systems more effectivewhich would be appropriate in thissituation

The key points from the pay-adjustment matrix include _____________. a. merit pay increases should be limited to 2-4% for all employees b merit pay increases should be smaller foremployees who are below the midpoint fortheir salary ranges than for employees whoare above their salary midpoints c. merit pay increases should be larger foremployees who are below the midpoint fortheir salary ranges than for employees whoare above their salary midpoints d. the same merit pay increase should begiven to all employees e. all of the above

C). It is true that merit pay increasesshould be larger when the pay level isbelow the midpoint as once the midpointhas been crossed, the concern is that theemployee is getting too high in his/hersalary range

The Starwood Corporation is a largemanufacturing company in the plasticsindustry. This company employs morethan 25,000 employees performinghundreds of jobs. Although the HRDivision needs to perform a jobevaluation in order to design itscompensation system, it lacks financialsupport from top management tocommit to the process. Given thissituation, which job evaluation methodshould be used? a. Point Method b. Job Ranking Method c. Job Classification Method d. Factor Comparison Method e. All of the above

C). Job classification is the best approachhere since the organization is large andthere are limited resources to support thejob evaluation

A new merchandising analyst has a startingsalary of $40,000 per year. Her pay will beautomatically increased in annual incrementsof 5% until she hits the midpoint of hersalary range. At this point, her annual payincreases will range from 0-10% based on thequality of her job performance. This is anexample of which type of base pay system? a. Time-based step rate system b. Flat or single rate system c. Combination step-rate and performancesystem d. time-sensitive incentive rate systeme. none of the above

C). Since pay is adjusted based on tenureinitially and then performance, this is acombination step-rate and performancesystem

Identify and describe the reasons for the decline in union membership in the U.S.

Changing workforce, globalization, less favorable labor laws, and negative attitudes towards unions are reasons for the decline in union membership in the U.S.

What is collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining is a system in which unions andmanagement negotiate with each other to develop thework rules under which union members will work for astipulated period of time


Compa-ratio is a compensation metric used to compare an employee's actual salary to the midpoint or target salary for their job position. The compa-ratio is calculated by dividing the employee's current salary by the midpoint or target salary for their job and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage

In the union certification process, the union will typically target which type of organization for union organizing campaigns? Companies with a history of safety issues and discrimination lawsuits. All of the above. Companies based in the Northeastern part of the USA. Companies with workforces that consist of at least 1,000 employees. Organizations in the public sector.

Companies with a history of safety issues and discrimination lawsuits.

Identify and describe the considerations when selecting a source of performance information

Considerations when selecting a source of performance information include the reliability, validity, relevance, and sensitivity of the source. Additionally, factors such as cost, time, and effort required to gather the information should also be considered. It is also important to ensure that the source is compatible with the performance management system and aligns with the organization's goals and objectives. Feedback from multiple sources, such as supervisors, peers, subordinates, and customers, can provide a more comprehensive and balanced view of an employee's performance.

Identify and describe the reasons why companies are moving to continuous performance management

Continuous performance management is popular for its ongoing feedback, collaborative approach, agility, learning and development opportunities, alignment with the changing nature of work, and more frequent goal adjustments.

Senior management at a traditionalmanufacturing firm has hired you to developa set of recommendations to help them toremain union-free in the future. Managementis very concerned that unionization of itsworkforce would greatly diminish itscompetitive position in the industry. Basedon this situation, which of the followingwould you recommend to management? a. Terminate employees who demonstrate apro-union attitude in the workplace. b. Use attitudes toward unions as a criterionfor hiring new employees .c. Communicate to employees that theirannual pay increases will be contingent onthe company remaining union-free. d. Establish a formal process to identify andeliminate employee concerns and grievances. e. All of the above

D). A formal complaint process is ahighly effective strategy for resolvingissues that may lead to unionization

You are the new labor relations specialisthired by a major automaker to work with theunion that represents your workforce.Frankly, the relationship betweenmanagement and the union has been veryadversarial in recent years. Your objective isto find a way for the company and the unionto work in more of a partnership-basedapproach. Based on the guidelines forworking effectively with a union, which of thefollowing strategies should you apply in thissituation? a. Make sure that someone from yourcorporate legal area witnesses all interactionsthat you have with union officials. b. Develop and implement additionalinformal agreements between the companyand the union in order to facilitate theadministration of the labor agreement. c. Use timing to your advantage by notinforming the union of major changes ordecisions being made by the company untiljust before they are implemented. d. Provide as much advance notice aspossible for organizational changes that mayaffect the union. e. All of the above

D). A key strategy for working with unions effectively is to keep them i

Based on the "Case of the Unpopular PayPlan," what recommendations would youoffer to management for dealing with thechallenges/problems with the pay plan in thecase study? a. Increase employee participation andinvolvement in the design andimplementation of the pay plan .b. Consider rolling out the new plan withoutpayouts to evaluate its effectiveness and toimprove it before tying in payouts. c. Have the workforce determine theimprovement goals under the plan. d. All of the above e. B and C are correct

D). All of the above were identified asappropriate recommendations in the case

Based on the "Does This Company Need aUnion?" case study, what are the practicaltakeaways from this case for you as a futureHR professional, line manager, or individualcontributor? a. Implement listening mechanisms (e.g.,employee surveys, focus groups, town hallmeetings, suggestion boxes) to understandworker concerns on a regular basis. b. Implement a union avoidance philosophyby taking care of employee needs in termsof pay, benefits, working conditions,supervision, training, etc .c. Consult with your legal counsel tounderstand the do's and don'ts associatedwith handling union organizing campaigns .d. All of the above e. A and B are correct

D). All of the above were identified asbeing key practical takeaways from thecase

What are the key challenges/problemsassociated with the pay plan in the "Case ofthe Unpopular Pay Plan?" a. The Quality for All (QFA) initiativeemphasized teamwork at all levels to developproducts faster, better, and cheaper. However, the compensation system stillrewarded hierarchy, rank, hours worked, andseniority and other irrelevant factors. b. Some (e.g., head of R&D) felt that toomuch emphasis was placed on teamwork. c. Recruiting scientists was more challengingdue to the emphasis on teamperformance. d. All of the above e. A and B are correct

D). All of the above were identified asissues in the case

The primary tasks of OSHA include_____________ .a. developing health and safety standards b. enforcing health and safety standards c. working cooperatively with businesses toimprove safety outside the inspection/penaltysystem d. all of the above e. B and C are correct.

D). All of the activities listed are part ofthe activities associated with OSHA

Mandatory bargaining issues in the collective bargaining process (in the private sector)include __________. a. feather bedding b. closed shop agreements c. performance bonds for union or management d. pay e. all of the above

D). Pay is a mandatory bargaining topic inthe private sector but it is an illegal topic inthe public sector.

An information technology specialist who isan outstanding performer is earning $89,000a year based on receiving annual merit payincreases of 7-9% over the past three years.The salary range for this position is $50,000-85,000. Based on the discussion ofcompensation and benefits in lecture, themost appropriate course of action for dealingwith this employee would be to____________. a. lower the employee's salary to $85,000 b. continue to increase this employee's salaryat a rate of 7-9%. c. reduce the size of the annual meritincreases to 3-5% d. freeze the employee's salary at $89,000until it falls within the salary range for thejob. e. all of the above

D). This is a red circle rate situation sothe appropriate course of action is tofreeze the employee's pay until the salaryrange includes the employee's current pay

Steps in the Development of a Compensation System

Developing a compensation system involves several steps, including conducting a job analysis, evaluating the jobs to determine their relative worth to the organization, establishing a pay structure based on responsibilities, qualifications, and impact on the organization, conducting a competitive analysis, communicating the system to employees, and regularly evaluating its effectiveness. An effective compensation system can help organizations attract and retain top talent, control labor costs, and promote a positive workplace culture.

Describe the relationship between development, training, and careers.

Development, training, and careers are all interconnected in terms of enhancing employee skills and competencies. Development refers to the continuous process of enhancing employee skills and knowledge through various experiences, such as coaching, mentoring, and job rotations. Training, on the other hand, is a more structured approach that focuses on teaching specific skills or knowledge to employees to improve their job performance. Career development involves planning and managing an employee's career trajectory within the organization, which can involve both training and development opportunities. All three elements are essential for improving employee performance, job satisfaction, and long-term career success. Organizations that invest in their employees' development, training, and career growth tend to have higher levels of employee engagement and retention.

The CDX Corporation implemented a newlabor-management cooperation program withthe union that represents its employees oneyear ago. Now, management wants toevaluate the effectiveness of this program.Which of the following measures shouldmanagement use to support its evaluation ofthe labor-management cooperation programat CDX Corporation? a. Number of grievances b. Number and magnitude of work stop pages c. Number of changes in the collectivebargaining agreement achieved that weredesired by management d. Number of labor-managementcooperative efforts in work units throughoutthe organization e. All of the above

E). All of the above are appropriatemeasures for evaluating the effectivenessof the labor-management cooperationprogram.

96. Based on the "Does This Company Needa Union?" case study, recommendations tosenior management at Wellington Associatesfor handling the issues in the case include__________. a. Wellington should communicate her viewson unions to her employees. b. Wellington should contact her legalcounsel to learn more about what she can andcannot do .c. Recognize that perception is reality in theworkplace in recognizing the concerns ofthe support staff .d. Provide a legal briefing to all managers inthe company that outline the do's anddont's of dealing with union organizingcampaigns .e. All of the above

E). All of the above were identified as appropriate recommendations in the case.

Measures of effectiveness for labor relationsand unions include ____________. a. Number of changes in the collective bargaining agreement achieved that weredesired by management b. Number of arbitrations won c. Cost per grievance d. Number of safety and health meetings e. All of the above

E). All of the measures listed areappropriate for evaluating theeffectiveness of how labor relations arebeing handled by management.

You are an HR representative at the MeyersCorporation. One day, you receive a phonecall from a line manager who is strugglingwith how to layoff an employee in aneffective manner. What would yourecommend to this manager? a. Make sure that the employee receives thenews directly an HR representative. b. Give the employee a verbal summary ofhis/her severance benefits. c. Make some personal comments (i.e., smalltalk) to the employee before and after youbreak the news to him/her. d. Offer to call some of your personalcontacts to help the employee find anotherjob .e. Provide outplacement services to theemployee

E). Providing outplacement services foremployees who are laid off is a a bestpractice when implementing layoffs as itattempts to help employees to cope withthe loss of their jobs.

Describe equity theory and fairnessand their relevance to developingeffective pay systems.

Effective pay systems should be designed to promote fairness and equity. This can be achieved through various means, including developing a clear and transparent pay structure, establishing clear and objective performance evaluation criteria, ensuring that the pay system is internally consistent and externally competitive, providing opportunities for employee input and involvement in the development and implementation of the pay system, and ensuring that employees have access to relevant and timely information about the pay system. A pay system that is perceived as fair and equitable can improve employee motivation, job satisfaction, and retention, leading to increased productivity and organizational success.

identify and define the five criteria for effective performance management systems

Effective performance management systems should measure what is intended to be measured, be consistent over time, differentiate between high and low performers, be perceived as fair and acceptable, and provide clear feedback that links performance to rewards and consequences. These five criteria, namely validity, reliability, sensitivity, acceptability, and specificity, are essential for the success of any performance management system.

Define external equity and discuss how it is achieved through market salary surveys

External equity refers to the fairness and consistency of pay and benefits relative to the external labor market. Achieving external equity means that an organization's pay and benefits are competitive and in line with the pay rates offered by other organizations in the same industry and location for similar jobs. One way to achieve external equity is through market salary surveys. Market salary surveys collect and analyze data on compensation rates for different job positions and industries within a specific geographic area. This data helps organizations understand how their pay and benefits compare to those of their competitors and the overall market. By using market salary survey data, organizations can adjust their pay and benefits to ensure that they remain competitive in the labor market, attract and retain top talent, and maintain external equity. However, it's essential to ensure that the market salary surveys used are reliable, valid, and up-to-date to make accurate comparisons and inform compensation decisions.

Which of the following is a key goal of a union? For the union to base elements of the labor contract on merit. For the union to enhance employee stock ownership for its members. For the union to obtain a commitment from the company that the labor contract shall be re-negotiated every year. \For the union to obtain a commitment from the company that "arbitration" will always be the preferred method for handling labor disputes with the union. For the union to share the rewards of the growth and profitability of the company.

For the union to share the rewards of the growth and profitability of the company.

You are the Director of Compensation and Benefits at the Ephraim Corporation. You are in the process of trying to redesign the company's employee benefit system. A systematic assessment of employees has indicated that their needs are diverse and that they want choices in which benefits they take to best meet their needs. However, the employer must require that all employees take certain benefits in order for it to secure discounts from service providers. Given this situation, what would you do? Implement an alternative dinners flexible benefit plan. Implement an employee wellness program. Implement a core cafeteria flexible benefit plan. Implement a work life-balance program. Implement a employee stock option program.

Implement a core cafeteria flexible benefit plan.

Based on our discussion in class, the main issue that Uber drivers have been concerned about that has resulted in attempts to unionize drivers at the company is _______________. Work schedules Use of technology on the job Independent contractor status Hourly wage Safety

Independent contractor status

The part of the labor-management negotiation process that seeks solutions beneficial to both sides is called ____________. Integrative Bargaining Attitudinal Structuring Duty of Fair Representation Intraorganizational Bargaining Distributive Bargaining

Integrative Bargaining

Define internal equity and discuss how it is achieved through job evaluation.

Internal equity refers to the fairness and consistency in pay and benefits within an organization, where employees are paid based on the relative value of their jobs to the organization. Job evaluation is a systematic process used to determine the relative worth of jobs within an organization. It involves analyzing and comparing job duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and complexity to establish a hierarchy of job worth. By establishing a job hierarchy based on job evaluation, internal equity is achieved, ensuring that employees performing similar jobs with similar levels of responsibility and required qualifications are paid similarly. The job evaluation process also helps organizations identify and address pay discrepancies and ensure that employees are compensated fairly and equitably, promoting a positive workplace culture and enhancing employee morale and motivation.

Job Enlargement, Job Enrichment, Job Rotation

Job Enlargement: Job enlargement involves increasing the number of tasks or responsibilities assigned to a job to make it more challenging and interesting. This may involve combining multiple smaller tasks into a larger, more complex task, or assigning additional tasks related to the existing job. The goal is to provide employees with more variety in their work and reduce boredom and monotony. Job Enrichment: Job enrichment involves increasing the level of responsibility, autonomy, and control that employees have over their work. This may involve giving employees more decision-making power, allowing them to plan and organize their work, and providing opportunities for skill development and training. The goal is to increase employee motivation and job satisfaction by giving them a greater sense of ownership over their work. Job Rotation: Job rotation involves moving employees from one job to another within the organization. This may involve rotating employees through different departments or roles, or providing temporary assignments or job swaps. The goal is to expose employees to different aspects of the organization, broaden their skills and knowledge, and provide opportunities for personal and professional development.

Identify, define and differentiate between the different types of job evaluation methodsand when they should be used

Job evaluation methods are used to determine the relative worth of jobs within an organization. There are different types of job evaluation methods, including job ranking, job classification, factor comparison, and point factor systems. Job ranking involves ranking jobs from highest to lowest based on their overall value to the organization. Job classification involves grouping jobs into predefined categories based on their similarities and differences. The factor comparison method involves breaking down jobs into various factors, such as skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions, and assigning a monetary value to each factor. The point factor system involves assigning points to various factors based on their importance and job requirements. Organizations should select a job evaluation method based on their needs, goals, and resources. For example, small organizations may prefer the job ranking or job classification method, while larger organizations may choose more complex methods such as the factor comparison or point factor system. It's also essential to ensure that the job evaluation method used is objective, reliable, and valid, and that it aligns with the organization's compensation philosophy and internal equity goals.

According to the satisfaction - union voting model, which combination of factors would be most desirable from the perspective of the union? high satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high union instrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and positive attitudes toward the union and unions in general high satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high union instrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and negative attitudes toward the union and unions in general Low satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high union instrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and positive attitudes toward the union and unions in general low satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high union instrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and negative attitudes toward the union and unions in general high satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, low union instrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and negative attitudes toward the union and unions in general

Low satisfaction with economic and non-economic factors, high union instrumentality for economic and non-economic factors, and positive attitudes toward the union and unions in general

Identify and differentiate between the goals of management vs. unions.

Management aims to maximize profits and efficiency while unions aim to protect the rights and interests of workers.

Identify and describe the ways to manage employee performance

Managing employee performance involves setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, coaching and development, and recognizing and rewarding good performance. Clear expectations can be set through job descriptions, performance goals, and performance standards. Regular feedback can be given through ongoing communication, performance appraisals, and performance improvement plans. Coaching and development can involve training, mentoring, and job shadowing. Recognition and rewards can be given through bonuses, promotions, and non-monetary incentives such as flexible work arrangements. Effective performance management requires ongoing communication, collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Which of the following would constitute an employer unfair labor practice? All of the above a 10% pay cut for all employees due to business hardship. Communicating to employees what management believes are the benefits of remaining union-free. Offering incentives to workers to not support a union. Shutting down a production facility as part of an organizational restructuring.

Offering incentives to workers to not support a union.

identify and describe the six purposes of performance management

Performance management has six purposes: strategic alignment, communication, motivation, performance improvement, evaluation, and legal compliance. It aligns goals with organizational objectives, provides feedback, motivates and engages employees, identifies areas for improvement, evaluates performance, and ensures legal compliance.

Performance-Based Pay Systems (Individual, Team, Organization)

Performance-based pay systems tie an employee's compensation directly to their performance. There are three types: individual, team, and organization-based.

You are the new labor relations specialist hired by a major automaker to work with the union that represents your workforce. Frankly, the relationship between management and the union has been very adversarial in recent years. Your objective is to find a way for the company and the union to work in more of a partnership-based approach. Based on the guidelines for working effectively with a union, which of the following strategies should you apply in this situation? Use timing to your advantage by not informing the union of major changes or decisions being made by the company until just before they are implemented. Provide as much advance notice as possible for organizational changes that may affect the union. Develop and implement additional informal agreements between the company and the union in order to facilitate the administration of the labor agreement. Make sure that someone from your corporate legal area witnesses all interactions that you have with union officials. A and C are correct.

Provide as much advance notice as possible for organizational changes that may affect the union.

identify and describe the basic elements of the following approaches to performance management - ranking, force distribution, graphic rating scales, mixed standard scales, BARS, competency model, balanced scorecard, and ProMES

Ranking is a method that involves ranking employees from best to worst. Forced distribution involves placing a certain percentage of employees into predetermined categories. Graphic rating scales use a numerical or descriptive rating scale to evaluate performance. BARS uses specific examples of behavior that anchor performance ratings. Competency model focuses on identifying and measuring specific competencies relevant to job performance. Balanced scorecard links employee performance to organizational goals. ProMES involves setting clear objectives and using data to measure progress towards those objectives. Each approach has its own strengths and weaknesses and is appropriate for different organizations and circumstances.

Strategies for Remaining Union-Free and Working with a Union

Strategies for Remaining Union-Free include positive workplace culture, communication, competitive wages, addressing employee concerns, and monitoring organizing activity. Strategies for Working with a Union include communication, trust, good faith negotiation, and adhering to the collective bargaining agreement.

Identify and describe strategies for reducing rater errors, politics, and increasing reliability and validity of ratings

Strategies for reducing rater errors, politics, and increasing the reliability and validity of ratings include training raters, using behaviorally anchored rating scales, providing clear performance standards, using multiple raters, conducting frequent evaluations, and using technology-based solutions. Additionally, involving employees in the evaluation process, ensuring confidentiality, and addressing rater biases and politics can also enhance the fairness and accuracy of performance evaluations.

Negotiators for an employer are preparing for the collective bargaining process with the company's union. One of the biggest issues of contention will be the pay increase for production workers at the company's factories in North America. They decide that their initial offer to the union will be a 20 cent increase to hourly wages. Their second offer will be a 40 cent increase and their final offer will be a 60 cent increase. Based on this plan, if the union insists that their final offer is a $1.00 increase in hourly wages, what action will the negotiators for the employ likely take? Tell the union that its offer is unacceptable and walk away from the negotiating table. Match the $1.00 increase requested by the union. Drop back to the initial offer of a 20 cent increase. Table discussion of the pay increase issue and move on to job security issues. Adjust their final offer to an 80 cent increase.

Tell the union that its offer is unacceptable and walk away from the negotiating table.

70-20-10 Model

The 70-20-10 model is a learning and development framework used to guide employee training and development programs. The model proposes that 70% of learning and development occurs through on-the-job experiences, 20% through interactions with others, and 10% through formal training and education.

Describe the elements of the FairLabor Standards Act.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards for employees in the private and public sectors. It sets the federal minimum wage at $7.25 per hour and requires employers to pay eligible employees overtime pay of one and a half times their regular rate of pay for any hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. The FLSA also regulates the employment of minors, setting limits on their work hours and the types of work they can perform. Employers are required to keep accurate records of their employees' hours worked and wages earned. The FLSA applies to most employers, although certain exemptions exist for some white-collar employees, such as executive, administrative, and professional employees, and certain industries, such as agriculture and seasonal amusement or recreational establishments.

dDescribe the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires covered employers to provide eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for certain family and medical reasons. This includes the birth or adoption of a child, caring for a seriously ill family member, or an employee's own serious health condition. The FMLA also requires employers to continue providing group health insurance during the leave and to restore the employee to their previous job or an equivalent position upon their return from leave. To be eligible, employees must have worked for the employer for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous year.

Job Satisfaction-Union Voting Model

The Job Satisfaction-Union Voting Model proposes that dissatisfied employees are more likely to vote for union representation, while satisfied employees are less likely to do so.

Based on our discussion of unionization attempts at Amazon, the main criticism of the company's handling of this issue is _______________. Not paying workers adequately. The company's aggressive union avoidance strategies. Inadequate staffing at the company. Not showing concern for worker safety. Violation of employee rights.

The company's aggressive union avoidance strategies.

dentify and define the steps and responsibilities in thedevelopment planning process

The development planning process involves several steps and responsibilities. The first step is to identify the employee's strengths and areas for improvement, followed by setting specific goals and objectives for development. Then, an action plan is created to achieve those goals, which includes identifying resources and timelines. The employee is responsible for taking ownership of the plan and actively participating in the development process, while the manager provides guidance, support, and feedback. The HR department may also play a role in providing resources and training opportunities. Regular check-ins and evaluations are conducted to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. Overall, the development planning process is a collaborative effort between the employee, manager, and HR department to facilitate career growth and skill development.

Based on the Top Things to Remember about HRM, which of the following is (are) true? The primary objective of the recruiting process is to establish person-organization fit. The foundation of an effective training program are its training objectives. It is more important for HR to be horizontally integrated rather than vertically integrated. All of the above. The pay structure is the most important foundation for the rest of the HR functio

The foundation of an effective training program are its training objectives.

Recall our discussion of the graphic regarding UW-Madison faculty salaries vs. salaries at peer universities. Based on this, which of the following is (are) true? The graphic shows that the median for salaries at peer universities is the target for instituting "catch-up" pay for UW-Madison faculty on an intermittent basis. The graphic makes the case that UW-Madison faculty salaries possess external equity. The graphic makes the case that UW-Madison faculty salaries possess internal equity. The graphic shows that UW-Madison faculty are significantly higher in total rewards compared to faculty at peer universities. The graphic shows that UW-Madison faculty lag in total rewards compensation compared to faculty at peer universities.

The graphic shows that the median for salaries at peer universities is the target for instituting "catch-up" pay for UW-Madison faculty on an intermittent basis.

Identify and describe the steps in the performance management process

The performance management process involves several steps that start with goal setting and performance planning, followed by performance monitoring and appraisal, feedback provision, performance improvement, and finally, rewards and recognition. The process begins with clear and measurable goal setting and planning, including identifying required skills and resources. Managers should monitor performance regularly, provide feedback and support, and conduct formal appraisals annually. Feedback should highlight areas for improvement and strengths, and plans developed for further development. If performance does not meet expectations, plans should be developed to address the issues and improve performance. Finally, employees should be rewarded and recognized for their achievements and contributions.

Under the National Labor Relations Act, employees were guaranteed which of the following rights regarding unionization? All of the above. The right to participate in all union activities even if they occur during work time. The right to resign union membership up to 90 days after joining. The right to assist the union in organizing employees. The right to join a union after 6 months of employment.

The right to assist the union in organizing employees.

You have been hired by a large corporation with 50,000 employees and 1,200 jobs to advise them on the process for developing a new pay structure that will be rigorous and as objective as possible. Based on this, what should you recommend to your client in this situation? They should use the point method for job evaluation, They should use the job ranking method for job evaluation. They should use a match pay strategy. They should use a lead pay strategy. They should use the job classification method for job evaluation.

They should use the point method for job evaluation,

Guidelines for an Effective andComprehensive Incentive System

Tie the plan to the organization's business strategies.• Transfer more risk to employees.• Award incentives using a tiered approach that include sindividual, team, and organizational bases

Define total compensation and identify the objectives of a total compensation system.

Total compensation refers to the complete set of monetary and non-monetary rewards that an employee receives in return for their work. A total compensation system has several objectives, including attracting and retaining talent, motivating and engaging employees, ensuring fairness and equity, controlling labor costs, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. A well-designed total compensation system can help organizations to offer competitive compensation and benefits packages, promote a positive workplace culture, and balance the costs of compensation and benefits with their overall budget and financial goals.

Compare and contrast the features of typical vs. continuous performance management processes

Typical performance management is annual or semi-annual, focuses on past performance, and involves evaluating goals, while continuous performance management is ongoing, focuses on feedback and development, and allows for more frequent goal adjustments.

Job Satisfaction

a positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics

What is the term that refers to a group of employees that is recognized by an employer or certified by an administrative agency as appropriate for representation by a labor organization for purposes of collective bargaining? a. Bargaining unit b. Agency shop c. Open shop d. Closed shop e. Union shop

a. Bargaining unit (*)

hich of the following is a key goal of a union? a. For the union to base elements of the labor contract on seniority. b. For the union to obtain a commitment from the company that "lockouts" will be the preferred method for handling labor disputes with the union. c. For the union to obtain a commitment from the company that "binding arbitration" will be the preferred method for handling labor disputes with the union. d. For the union to grow and prosper at the expense of the company. e. For the union to enhance employee stock ownership for its members

a. For the union to base elements of the labor contract on seniority. (*)

ccording to the , employers have a responsibility to furnish a workplace free from recognized safety hazards. a. General duty clause of OSHA b. Rehabilitation Act c. Family and Medical Leave Act d. Uniform Guidelines e. Americans with Disabilities Act

a. General duty clause of OSHA (*)

The results of an employee attitude survey conducted at the Remington Corporation revealed that the #1 concern of full-time employees was flexibility with scheduling. Management has contacted you, an HR representative, to advise them on an appropriate course of action for addressing this situation. What would you recommend to them? a. Implement a flextime program. b. Implement a telecommuting program. c. Implement an alternative dinners flexible benefit plan. d. Implement a wellness program. e. Implement an employee assistance program.

a. Implement a flextime program. (*)

You have been hired by management at the Maverick Corporation, a manufacturing company, as an HR consultant. Management wants you to assist them in developing a strategy for remaining union- free in order to keep their operating and labor costs to a minimum and to retain strategic and operational flexibility. Based on our discussion of how employers can maintain a union-free environment, which of the following strategies would you recommend? a. Offer competitive pay, safe working conditions, and good supervision. b. Inform workers that supporting unionization will result in the company being forced to close facilities and layoff many employees. c. Screen job applicants during the interview process and only hire those who possess negative attitudes unions. d. Hire a consulting firm that specializes in defeating union organizing campaigns. e. All of the above.

a. Offer competitive pay, safe working conditions, and good supervision.

Based on the active shooter training video shown in lecture, the order of the three steps in the model for dealing with this type of situation are: a. Run, hide, fight b. Hide, run, fight c. Fight, run, hide d. Run, hide, call e. Hide, call, run

a. Run, hide, fight

Recall our discussion of the graphic regarding UW-Madison faculty salaries vs. salaries at peer universities. Based on this, which of the following is (are) true? a. The graphic shows that the median for salaries at peer universities is the target for instituting "catch-up" pay for UW-Madison faculty on an intermittent basis. b. The graphic makes the case that UW-Madison faculty salaries possess internal equity. c. The graphic makes the case that UW-Madison faculty salaries possess external equity. d. The graphic shows that UW-Madison faculty lag in total rewards compensation compared to faculty at peer universities. e. The graphic shows that UW-Madison faculty are significantly higher in total rewards compared to faculty at peer universities

a. The graphic shows that the median for salaries at peer universities is the target for instituting "catch-up" pay for UW-Madison faculty on an intermittent basis. (*)

Fish Creek Corporation is a tech start-up that initially structured its pay system so that employees were paid about 20% above the market average for their jobs. They have an incentive pay system that gives employees pay increases of 1-2% each year depending on their performance with 100% of the increase based on individual performance. Based on our discussion of incentive pay systems, how could the incentive pay system at Fish Creek be enhanced in terms of its effectiveness? a. They should lower the base salaries to the market salary level and increase the incentive pay component of the plan to a maximum of 20% of total compensation. b. They should just pay the market average for all jobs in their company. c. They should make 60% of the incentive pay based on organizational performance, 30% based on group performance, and 10% based on individual performance. d. They should make 100% of the incentive pay based on company performance. e. They should lower the base salaries to well below the market salary level and increase the incentive pay component of the plan to a maximum of 50% of total compensation.

a. They should lower the base salaries to the market salary level and increase the incentive pay component of the plan to a maximum of 20% of total compensation. (*)

What legally required benefit provides financial protection for employees who incur expenses from job-related accidents or illnesses through coverage of rehabilitation costs and temporary or permanent partial income replacement? a. Workers' Compensation b. Health Maintenance Organizations c. Medicaid d. Managed care plans e. ERISA

a. Workers' Compensation (*)

The CEO of a major computer corporation that just laid off 20% of its non- managerial workforce made a comment to the surviving employees at a town hall meeting that there would be no more layoffs in the future. From an "employment at will" perspective, this executive's comment could result in legal issues for the company, if they actually do need to institute additional layoffs due to which exception? a. implied contract b. bargaining in good faith c. employee privacy concerns d. hot stove principle e. just cause termination

a. implied contract

Based on the "How a Pay Structure is Created" diagram shown above, the "evaluated points" (x-axis) element is primarily used to achieve in the pay structure. a. internal equity b. external equity c. compa-ratios d. green-circle rates e. red-circle rates

a. internal equity

The key reason why it is critical to actually practice how to respond in active shooter scenarios is ___________. a. it changes the wiring in a person's brain so that the appropriate behavioral response is linked to specific situations. b. it helps people to memorize the elements of the workplace security plan. c. it enhances people's ability to address the run step of the active shooter response model. d. it enhances people's ability to address the hide step of the active shooter response model. e. it reduces the company's liability in the event of an active shooter scenario.

a. it changes the wiring in a person's brain so that the appropriate behavioral response is linked to specific situations.

When a nonunion firm offers similar compensation to unionized companies, with the goal of reducing the likelihood of unionization, it is called a(n) __________. a. spillover effect b. benchmark effect c. golden parachute effect d. match pay policy e. lead pay policy

a. spillover effect

Based on the clip shown in class from "The Office - Office Closing" episode, which of the following is true? a. Jan, Michael's boss was ineffective in the process she used to inform Michael that his branch was being shut down. b Michael discloses to his staff that the office was closing in an awkward and inappropriate manner resulting in anxiety and fear among his staff. c. Michael Scott was effective in that he maintained the discretion and confidentiality about the office closing that were needed in this situation. d. Toby, the HR Director and Michael Scott possess a highly effective line manager- HR partnership in handling HR issues. e. Michael discloses to his staff that the office was closing in an awkward and inappropriate manner resulting in anxiety and fear among his staff.

b Michael discloses to his staff that the office was closing in an awkward and inappropriate manner resulting in anxiety and fear among his staff. e. Michael discloses to his staff that the office was closing in an awkward and inappropriate manner resulting in anxiety and fear among his staff.

Susan Johnson, HR Director at XCORP, a medical systems manufacturer, has hired you as her consultant to advise her on selecting a base pay system for sales representatives. She indicated that she wants a pay system that focuses on employee development for the first THREE years and then focuses on linking pay to performance after that in future years. Given Susan's needs, which type of base pay system would you recommend to her? a. Scanlon Plan b. Combination step rate and performance system c. Time-based step rate system d. Improshare Plan e. Flat or single rate system

b. Combination step rate and performance system (*)

Recall the Incident entitled, "The Controversial Job," discussed in lecture where there was a disagreement about how to handle the job evaluation of employee Marianne. Based on our analysis, is David (the HR Manager) or Bill and Betty correct in their beliefs about how to handle the situation? a. Bill and Betty were correct in that Marianne's job performance needs to be considered in the job evaluation process b. David is correct in that job evaluation needs to be kept separate from performance appraisal. c. David is incorrect in his position on the issue of Marianne's job as he needs to remember that line managers are HR's internal customer and HR needs to support the wishes of line management. d. Bill and Betty are incorrect in believing that Marianne's compensation is misaligned with her current job duties. e. David is incorrect about how the evaluation of Marianne's job needs to be done in "fairness" to other jobs in the organization

b. David is correct in that job evaluation needs to be kept separate from performance appraisal. (*)

Which of the following is true regarding the current status of labor unions in the United States? a. Overall, workers in the public sector are much more likely to be unionized than workers in the private sector. b. Interest in unions is increasing are due to worker dissatisfaction with working conditions and job opportunities. c. The current unionization rate for US non-farm workers is 21%. d. Unions are experiencing massive losses of their core membership in the U.S. - women and minorities. e. Unions and management are collaborating at unprecedented levels during the COVID19 pandemic in order to survive.

b. Interest in unions is increasing are due to worker dissatisfaction with working conditions and job opportunities. (*)

neutral third party enters the negotiations and attempts to facilitate a resolution to a labor dispute during ____________. a. Union salting b. Mediation c. Decertification d. Beachhead demands e. Arbitration

b. Mediation (*)

If an employer wants to control labor expenses and maintain a strong link between employee job performance and pay, then which pay system should it NOT use, in general? a. Employee Stock Options Program (ESOP) b. Merit pay system c. Deferred profit-sharing plan d. Scanlon plan e. Performance-bonus system

b. Merit pay system (*)

ased on the National Labor Relations Act, which of the following actions would constitute an employer unfair labor practice? a. Implementing a 20% pay cut for all employees due to business hardship with less than 6 months advance notification. b. Offering incentives to workers to not support a union. c. Shutting down more than a total of three production facilities as part of an organizational restructuring and cost cutting initiative. d. Communicating to employees what management believes are the benefits of remaining union-free to employees in e-mails, signage posted in the workplace, etc. e. All of the above

b. Offering incentives to workers to not support a union. (*)

The TCX Corporation is a very large manufacturing company in the computer peripherals industry. This company employs about 100,000 employees performing hundreds of different jobs. The HR Division needs to perform a rigorous job evaluation in order to design a comprehensive compensation system, it has support from top management and funding for the initiative. Given this situation, which job evaluation method should be used? a. Job Classification Method b. Point Method c. Job Ranking Method d. Factor Comparison Method e. Green Circle Method

b. Point Method

Based on the story of the fire at the garment factory in New York City shown in the "America: The Story of Us" video clip, safety issues that were allowed to exist that contributed to the death of over 140 workers included ______________. a. There was no manager on-duty to respond to the fire. b. The external fire escapes collapsed before workers could use them. c. The Fire Department never received the fire alarm. d. The elevators failed to work once the fire started. e. All of the above

b. The external fire escapes collapsed before workers could use them.

A middle manager at a telecommunications firm was given an employment contract when she was hired stating that she could be terminated if she failed to meet the business objectives given to her for three consecutive years. after two years, this middle manager failed to achieve her business objectives and her manager terminated her and defended his decision by stating that her job was an "at will" job. What is your evaluation of the manager's decision in this case? a. The manager acted in a completely defensible manner under employment at will. b. The manager made the wrong decision as the employee's contract overrides employment at will. c. The manager will be charged with gender discrimination since the worker involved in this case was a woman. d. The manager should have offered a generous severance package to the worker to de-escalate the situation. e. there isn't enough info to answer the question

b. The manager made the wrong decision as the employee's contract overrides employment at will.

The CML Corporation laid off 30% of its production workers in an effort to reduce costs and to increase profitability. Although this was effective in reducing operating costs in the short-term, the company failed to make changes to its production system after the layoffs so the remaining employees were overwhelmed by the workload which created problems with quality and productivity. Management at CML Corporation committed which common mistake when implementing layoffs? a. They did not conduct a proper job analysis to support the process. b. They did not possess a strategic vision for the organization. c. They did not conduct a proper job evaluation to support the process. d. They did not give the workers at least two weeks advance notice regarding the layoffs. e. They should have implemented the layoffs over the course of six months

b. They did not possess a strategic vision for the organization.

What legislation requires that employees be given 60 days advance notice before a plant closing or mass layoff? a. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act b. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act c. Pension Protection Act d. Patriot Act e. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

b. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (*)

Based on the Strategic HR Systems Model, three key elements of the model that must be actively managed include __________. a. HR planning activities, HR core execution activities, HR KPIs b. external environment, organizational environment, HR system c. vision, mission, business objectives d. external environment, organizational strategy, HR KPIs e. vision, mission, HR core execution activities

b. external environment, organizational environment, HR system (*)

Based on the "How a Pay Structure is Created" diagram shown above, the "wage rates" (y-axis) element is primarily used to achieve in the pay structure. a. internal equity b. external equity c. compa-ratio d. green-circle rates e. red-circle rates

b. external equity

If the salary range for Allison Jones, an operations manager, is $100,000140,000/yr. and her current salary is $97,000, this would be called a and the appropriate course of action is to ________. a. amber circle rate; increase her salary to the midpoint of the salary range of her job b. green circle rate; increase her base salary to $100,000 c. blue circle rate; increase her base salary to $102,000 d. red circle rate; hold her base salary at $97,000 e. green circle rate; decrease her base salary to $120,000

b. green circle rate; increase her base salary to $100,000 (*)

The most important point about the concept of total rewards in compensation is that ___________. a. financial forms of compensation such as base salary are the only things that are important. b. it is important to view compensation holistically. c. it is important to view compensation with a focus on performance-based pay. d. non-financial forms of compensation are the only things that are important. e. benefits should be limited to no more than 10% of total rewards

b. it is important to view compensation holistically. (*)

Based on the disciplinary action process, rules for employees must be based on _________________. a. organizational culture b. organizational goals c. organizational structure d. demographics of the workforce e. key business processes

b. organizational goals

The union security clause that says that union shops, maintenance of membership, and agency shops are all illegal is the ____________. a. employment at will provision b. right to work laws c. open shop d. checkoff provision e. closed shop

b. right to work laws (*)

Based on the "How a Pay Structure is Created" diagram shown above, the "wage line" (y-axis) element is primarily used to set the in the pay structure. a. pay grades b. salary midpoints c. compa-ratios d. green-circle rates e. red-circle rates

b. salary midpoints

The law that provides employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off each year so that they can attend to situations such as the illness of a loved one is the ____________. a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. Affordable Care Act c. Family and Medical Leave Act d. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act e. Employee Retirement and Income Security Act

c. Family and Medical Leave Act (*)

Based on the "How I Met Your Mother" video clip shown in class with Ted and his girlfriend, what mistake did he make in breaking up with her that is also a common mistake that managers make when terminating their direct reports? a. He only took 10 minutes to complete the breakup session. b. He was too direct in breaking the news to her. c. He broke up with her on her birthday for the second time. d. He didn't give her an opportunity to appeal his decision. e. He broke the news to her in person when he should have sent a text message instead.

c. He broke up with her on her birthday for the second time.

ou are the Director of Compensation and Benefits at the Welton Corporation. You are in the process of trying to redesign the company's employee benefit system. A systematic assessment of employees has indicated that their needs are diverse and that they want choices in which benefits they take to best meet their needs. However, employees do not want to have to make too many decisions about individual benefits either as this would make the process too time consuming and confusing for them. Rather, they would prefer benefit options given to them in the form of a variety of comprehensive benefit packages from which they would choose one. Given this situation, what would you do? a. Implement a core cafeteria flexible benefit plan. b. Implement a job sharing program. c. Implement an alternative dinners flexible benefit plan. d. Implement a buffet flexible benefit plan. e. All of the above

c. Implement an alternative dinners flexible benefit plan.

The results of an employee attitude survey conducted at the Noltner Corporation revealed that the #1 concern of full-time employees was gaining access to mental health counseling services as workers are experiencing anxiety and depression associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Management has hired you as an HR consultant to advise them on an appropriate course of action for addressing this situation. Which course(s) of action would you recommend in this situation? a. Implement a Rucker Plan. b. Implement a wellness program. c. Implement an employee assistance program .d. Implement a job enrichment program. e. All of the above

c. Implement an employee assistance program

The part of the labor-management negotiation process that seeks solutions beneficial to both sides is called ____________. a. Attitudinal Structuring b. Intraorganizational Bargaining c. Integrative Bargaining d. Distributive Bargaining e. Duty of Fair Representation

c. Integrative Bargaining

The MPO Corporation is a very small manufacturing company in the electric battery industry. This company employs about 15 employees performing various jobs. Although the HR Division needs to perform a job evaluation in order to design its compensation system, it lacks financial support from top management to commit to the process. Given this situation, which job evaluation method should be used? a. Job Classification Method b. Point Method c. Job Ranking Method d. Factor Comparison Method e. Broadbanding Method

c. Job Ranking Method

If an elite management consulting firm believes strongly that all applicants for it junior consulting job must have a college GPA of 3.7, at least one year of leadership experience, and an SAT composite score in the 90th percentile, then which approach to making selection decisions should be used? a. Compensatory b. Single Criterion c. Multiple Hurdle d. Seniority-Based e. Merit-Based

c. Multiple Hurdle (*)

Based on the "Does This Company Need a Union?" case study, recommendations to senior management at Wellington Associates for handling the issues in the case include . a. Wellington should not communicate her views on unions to her employees. b. Wellington should not contact her legal counsel to learn more about what she can and cannot do. c. Recognize that perception is reality in the workplace in recognizing the concerns of the support staff. d. Wellington should not provide a legal briefing to all managers in the company that outlines the do's and dont's of dealing with union organizing campaigns. e. All of the above

c. Recognize that perception is reality in the workplace in recognizing the concerns of the support staff. (*)

The Bailey's Harbor Corporation is a large, hierarchical corporation. The compensation system at the firm possesses over 40 salary ranges for the various jobs performed by employees. If the company were to implement a broadbanding approach to compensation, which of the following actions would need to be taken by HR to create such a system? a. Job descriptions for all jobs in the firm will need to be rewritten b. The salary ranges for jobs in the company would need to be increased. c. The 40 salary ranges would need to be collapsed into a much smaller number of wider salary ranges for all jobs in the organization. d. Job specifications for all jobs in the firm will need to be rewritten. e. Identify and resolve all red and green circle rates in the pay structure.

c. The 40 salary ranges would need to be collapsed into a much smaller number of wider salary ranges for all jobs in the organization. (*)

Based on the, "Changing the Pay Level at Eight Crossings" case study covered in discussion section, which of the following is true? a. The change in the pay level had a significant adverse impact on recruiting. b. After the pay reduction, the pay system was less strategically aligned with the company's customer service objectives. c. The company effectively communicated the change in the pay to workers based on consulting with managers in advance. d. The change resulted in a 50% increase in employee turnover. e. All of the above

c. The company effectively communicated the change in the pay to workers based on consulting with managers in advance. (*)

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was significant in that it guaranteed that workers had to right to do which of the following? a. The right to join a union after 30 days of employment. b. The right to resign union membership up to 30 days after joining. c. The right to assist the union in organizing employees. d. The right to participate in all union activities even if they occur during work time. e. All of the above.

c. The right to assist the union in organizing employees. (*)

Which of the following is (are) true regarding the goals of unions vs. employers? a. The union wants a no-strike clause while the employer wants a no lockout clause in the labor contract. b. Both the employer and the union want the labor contact to be concise and general to provide flexibility in terms of operations and procedures. c. The union and the company want the company to be financially strong and competitive. d. The union seeks to base elements of the labor contract on merit while the employer places more emphasis on seniority. e. All of the above.

c. The union and the company want the company to be financially strong and competitive. (*)

The relationship between labor and management negotiators in the collective bargaining process is referred to as _________. a. distributive bargaining b integrative bargaining c. attitudinal structuring d. intraorganizational bargaining e. interorganizational bargaining

c. attitudinal structuring

The point factor method for job evaluation uses __________ as the basis for evaluating jobs. a. engagement survey data b. compa-ratio data c. compensable factors d. market salary data e. regression analysis

c. compensable factors (*)

Critical HR actions that employers need to take after implementing employee layoffs include _______. a. conduct an exit interview with employees who were laid off b. re-visiting the company's strategic plan and updating it as needed c. conduct team-building activities with surviving employees d. increase the base salaries of all surviving employees by 20%. e. all of the above

c. conduct team-building activities with surviving employees (*)

One of the biggest drawbacks of a ________ is that employees generally forfeit any money saved by the end of the year. a. health reimbursement account b. managed care plan c. flexible spending account d. health savings account e. preferred provider organization

c. flexible spending account

The first step in the process for conducting a market/salary survey is to . a. conduct a job analysis b. price the jobs c. identify benchmark or key jobs d. establish a pay policy e. perform a job evaluation

c. identify benchmark or key jobs

the job description is important in supporting which activities? a. corporate marketing strategy b. supply chain management c. job evaluation d. corporate strategic planning e. all of the above

c. job evaluation (*)

The first stage in the alternative dispute resolution process is ___________. a. arbitration b. mediation c. open door policy d. peer review e. employee assistance program (EAP

c. open door policy

Which KPI provides the most important insight into the long-term effectiveness of the recruiting process? a. hit rate b. number of applicants for a job c. quality of hire d. cost per hire e. time to fill

c. quality of hire (*)

When less experienced employees are paid as much or more than employees who have been with the organization for a long time due to an increase in starting salaries and limited adjustments for long-term employees, it is called ___________. a. salary expansion b. cost of living adjustments c. salary compression d. two-tier wage system e. broadbandin

c. salary compression

When less experienced employees are paid as much or more than employees who have been with the organization for a long time due to an increase in starting salaries and limited adjustments for long-term employees, it is called . a. salary expansion b. cost of living adjustments c. salary compression d. green circle rate e. red circle rate

c. salary compression (*)

You have been hired as a consultant by a manufacturing firm that needs assistance with making layoff decisions. Specifically, management needs to layoff 10% of its workforce and it needs to do so in a way that is as objective and legally defensible as possible. Given this, which approach to making a layoff decision should be used in this situation? a. age-based b. merit-based c. seniority-based d. productivity-based e. work unit-based

c. seniority-based

Based on the "Hot Stove Rule" for the effective use of employee discipline organizations, discipline should reflect which of the following principles? a. "It burns hard and long" b. "It burns without advance notice" c. "It burns in multiple ways" d. "It burns impersonally" e. All of the above

d. "It burns impersonally" (*)

In the episode of "The Office" entitled, "Branch Closing," whatfamous "inspirational" words did Michael Scott have to offer his staffregarding the big news that his boss delivered to him?a. "Wassup?"b. "Netflix and Chill."c. "It's Walk of Shame time."d. "It is over. We are screwed." e. All of the above

d. "It is over. We are screwed."

The_____________ was enacted to allow employees to temporarily continue health care insurance due to termination, layoff, or other change in employment status. a. Standards Act Pension Protection Act b. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability c. Employee Retirement Income Security Act d. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act e. Fair Labor Standards Act

d. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (*)

Based on this situation, what would you recommend to management in order to address the problems with the merit pay system? a. Replace the graphic rating scale with another type of performance appraisal such as BARS. b. Increase the merit pay fund so that all employees get a 4% pay increase. c. Only give merit pay increases to employees with compa-ratios below 1.0. d. Create a pay-performance matrix that provides recommended merit pay increases. e. Don't change the merit pay system, but add new non-financial benefits to the overall compensation of employees.

d. Create a pay-performance matrix that provides recommended merit pay increases. (*)

Based on the Active Shooter Video shown in lecture and our discussion of it, which of the following is (are) important to remember in the fight phase of the model? a. Try to de-escalate the situation with the shooter using aggressive language. b. Say "No" loudly on a repeated basis. c. Focus solely on disarming the assailant using the absolute minimum level of physical violence possible. d. If you are in a group, everyone should attack the shooter and overwhelm him/her with the force of your attack. e. All of the above.

d. If you are in a group, everyone should attack the shooter and overwhelm

You have been hired as an HR consultant by senior management at a well-known consumer products firm to help them develop a work-life balance program for employees. The company has been experiencing difficulty attracting and retaining high quality employees because it has developed a reputation as being a company that creates a toxic work environment and overworks its employees by coercing them to work after hours and on weekends. What would you recommend to management to address this situation? a. Implement an ESOP. b. Implement an alternative dinners benefit plan. c. Implement a Scanlon Pay Plan. d. Implement flexible work schedules. e. All of the above

d. Implement flexible work schedules.

In the hit show, "The Big Bang Theory," the original five cast members negotiated a deal where each individual earned $1 million per episode. The two supporting actresses who joined the cast later and have made significant contributions, Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch, each earned $200,000 per episode. This pay structure is an example of concern for which compensation concept? a. Total rewards b. Non-benchmark jobs c. Benchmark jobs d. Internal equity e. External equity

d. Internal equity (*)

Which of the following is the standard for determining whether to terminate an employee based on the severity of the employee's violation of rules or company policy? a. Discipline b. Employment at will c. Hot stove rule d. Just cause e. Internal employee relations

d. Just cause (*)

The VMX Corporation is a large manufacturer of industrial products based in rural Iowa. The local economy has been depressed the last few years and the company, along with many others in the area, have laid off a lot of employees. A lot of the terminated workers were very angry upon hearing the bad news and the company is concerned about the risk of disgruntled former employees coming back to the company's corporate headquarters or one of its factories and engaging in violent behavior toward their former co-workers and/or supervisors. HR has obtained a profile of individuals who have engaged in workplace violence in the past and distributed this to all current managers and employees. Based on our discussion of the profile of a workplace killer, which of the following traits is especially important as a key predictor of violent behavior? a. Socially isolated b. Experiencing personal stressors c. Fascinated with weapons and the military d. Making threats or intimidating comments to others e. Low self-esteem

d. Making threats or intimidating comments to others

Which of the following statements is true regarding HR strategy maps, HR balanced scorecards, and HR dashboards? a. A strategy map includes traffic light gauges to evaluate HR effectiveness. b. A balanced scorecard identifies KPIs for just two key areas - learning and growth and financial. c. An HR dashboard provides a visual representation of the relationship between HR goals and strategies. d. The KPIs from the HR balanced scorecard become the traffic gauges in the HR dashboard. e. All of the above

d. The KPIs from the HR balanced scorecard become the traffic gauges in the HR dashboard.

Which of the following statements is(are) true regarding the training process? a. Training needs analysis can be helpful, but is not necessary in most cases. b. A training program must have at least 5 training objectives. c. Lectures should never be used in a training program. d. The training methods used should be as close to the actual job for which people are being trained. e. All of the above

d. The training methods used should be as close to the actual job for which people are being trained. (*)

You have been hired by a large corporation with 50,000 employees and 1,200 jobs to advise them on the process for developing a new pay structure that will be rigorous and as objective as possible. Based on this, what should you recommend to your client in this situation? a. They should use a lead pay strategy. b. They should use the job classification method for job evaluation. c. They should use the job ranking method for job evaluation. d. They should use the point method for job evaluation. e. They should use a match pay strategy

d. They should use the point method for job evaluation. (*)

A major reason why the letter from Stephen Elop to Microsoft employees about the plan to eliminate around 12,000 jobs is held up as an example of an ineffective communication was that it _________________. a. was much too blunt about the bad news in the letter b. was so brief that it did not provide thorough explanations of the issues related to the layoffs c. should have been delivered in person or via a town hall meeting format instead d. buried the information about the layoffs beneath many paragraphs of irrelevant information e. was not translated into other languages so many workers did not understand

d. buried the information about the layoffs beneath many paragraphs of irrelevant information (*)

The most important issue that needs to be addressed to make performance management systems more effective in organizations is to__________. a. increase the size of the merit pay pool b. adopt 360 degree feedback systems in all organizations c. use coaches from a company's organizational development unit to conduct the evaluations d. ensure that action plans are completed and supported with ongoing coaching and feedback e. all of the above

d. ensure that action plans are completed and supported with ongoing coaching and feedback (*)

In the development of a pay system, ________ is(are) used to establish internal equity, while _________ is(are) used to establish external equity. a. correlation analysis; the four-fifths rule b. job analysis; benchmarking c. market salary surveys; job evaluation d. job evaluation; market salary surveys e. regression analysis; a yield ratio

d. job evaluation; market salary surveys (*)

Based on the "Do Something - This Guy's About to Snap" case study, the key recommendations for handling the situation with Max included _______________. What recommendations would you offer for handling the situation? (This is a compilation of the recommendations offered by the case commentators) a. De-emphasize the use of profiles as the basis for assessing the likelihood that Max is a workplace killer that is on the verge of snapping. b. The company needs to do its due diligence in conducting a thorough investigation of the situation in order to defend itself in the event of some type of litigation. c. Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) as a service that Max might use to help him to cope with his situation more effectively. d. Create a formal policy about behavioral expectations regarding employee interactions. e All of the above.

e All of the above.

Bryanna Ferguson is the director of wellness programs at Ellison Bay Corporation. She has held this job for seven years during which she has mastered all of the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job at a high level. Her current performance of her job duties exceeds her manager's expectations and she appears to be ready for promotion within the next year. If the salary range for Bryanna's job is $80,000-120,000, then her current salary, given her performance and job tenure, should be _________. a. $100,000 b. $100,000-110,000 c. $90,000-100,000 d. $80,000-90,000 e. $110,000-120,000

e. $110,000-120,000 (*)

If an inexperienced business analyst that was just hired out of college at a consulting firm makes $50,000/per year and the salary range for her job is $30,00070,000, then her salary should actually be __________. a. $50,000-70,000 b. $40,000-50,000 c. $50,000 d. <$30,000 e. $30,000-35,000

e. $30,000-35,000 (*

The salary range for a marketing analyst position at the LVC Corporation, a consumer products company, is $80,000-120,000. Rasheed Wilson has been a marketing analyst and for 23 years and he is making $120,000/yr. while Kristin Johnson has also been in the same position for 10 years and she is making $100,000. Based on this information, what are the compa-ratios for Rasheed and Kristin's jobs, respectively? a. .8; 1.0 b. 2; .8 c. 0; .1.0 d. 0; 1.2 e. 1.2; 1.0

e. 1.2; 1.0 (*)

The labor association that seeks to advance the shared interests of its member unions at the national level is the: a. National Labor Relations Board b. Chamber of Commerce c. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission d. Occupational Safety and Health Administration e. AFL-CIO


Based on the "Does This Company Need a Union?" case study, recommendations to senior management at Wellington Associates for handling the issues in the case include . a. Wellington should communicate her views on unions to her employees. b. Wellington should contact her legal counsel to learn more about what she can and cannot do. c. Recognize that perception is reality in the workplace in recognizing the concerns of the support staff. d. Provide a legal briefing to all managers in the company that outline the do's and dont's of dealing with union organizing campaigns. e. All of the abov

e. All of the abov

Measures of effectiveness for labor relations and unions include . a. Number of changes in the collective bargaining agreement achieved that were desired by management b. Number of arbitrations won c. Cost per grievance d. Number and magnitude of work stoppages e. All of the above

e. All of the above

The determinants of procedural justice include _____________. a. Consistency b. Bias suppression c. Representativeness d. Ethicality e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Philosophies and practices that can undermine the effectiveness of drug-free workplace programs include ___________. a. Allowing insurers to restrict access to treatment programs b. Overreliance on drug testing c. Accepting drug and alcohol abuse as part of modern life and a cost of doing business d. Focusing on termination of users rather than rehabilitation e. All of the above.

e. All of the above. (*)

Why is it appropriate to link MHR 305 to Top Gun? a. What? b. Seriously? c. It's not appropriate, but if madman Kuzuhara views it that way, then so be it. d. Because Maverick rocks, that's why! e. Because human resource management and Top Gun both focus on investing in people to maximize their ability to perform their jobs at the highest level possible

e. Because human resource management and Top Gun both focus on investing in people to maximize their ability to perform their jobs at the highest level possible

The employment law that sets the federal minimum wage as well as overtime pay provisions is the _____________. a. Family and Medical Leave Act b. Civil Rights Act of 1991 c. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act d. National Labor Relations Act e. Fair Labor Standards Act

e. Fair Labor Standards Act (*)

Which of the following is a key goal of a union? a. For management to maintain its right to make decisions and to retain flexibility. b. For the union to obtain a commitment from the company that "lockouts" will be the preferred method for handling labor disputes with the union. c. For the union to obtain a commitment from the company that "binding arbitration" will be the preferred method for handling labor disputes with the union. d. For the union to grow and prosper at the expense of the company. e. For the union to enhance job security for its members

e. For the union to enhance job security for its members

You are the Director of Compensation and Benefits at the RZP Corporation. You are in the processof trying to redesign the company's employee benefit system to make it more responsive to the needsof the company's workforce. A systematic assessment of employees has indicated that their needs arevery diverse and that they want more choices in which benefits they take to best meet their needs.However, the employer must require that all employees take certain benefits in order for it to securediscounts from certain health care service providers. Given this situation, what would you do? a. Implement a flextime benefits program. b. Implement an employee wellness program. c. Implement an alternative dinners flexible benefit plan. d. Implement a compressed work schedules program. e. Implement a core cafeteria flexible benefit plan

e. Implement a core cafeteria flexible benefit plan

Which if the following is (are) true regarding the clip from the movie, "Norma Rae" that was shown in lecture? a. It illustrated the administration of an effective collective bargaining process. b. It illustrated an ineffective arbitration process. c. It illustrated an ineffective progressive disciplinary process. d. It illustrated the use of a lockout by management to resolve a labor contract dispute. e. It illustrated a union organizing campaign.

e. It illustrated a union organizing campaign. (*

The Egg Harbor Corporation is a large manufacturing company in the consumer electronics industry. This company employs more than 100,000 employees performing hundreds of jobs. Although the HR Division needs to perform a job evaluation in order to design its compensation system, it lacks financial support from top management to commit to the process so resources to support this initiative are limited. Given this situation, which job evaluation method should be used? a. Compa-Ratio Method b. Factor Comparison Method c. Broadbanding Method d. Point Method e. Job Classification Method

e. Job Classification Method (*)

Liability that an employer may incur for keeping someone on the payroll whose records indicate a strong potential for wrongdoing is referred to as ________. a. Burnout b. Workplace violence c. Workplace bullying d. Stress e. Negligent retention

e. Negligent retention

A major reason why the broadbanding pay strategy was created was that many large companies possessed which trait? a. Multinational structures with few salary grades b. Boundaryless organizational structures with narrow pay ranges c. Matrix organizational structures with many salary grades d. Decentralized organizational structures with wide pay ranges e. Tall organizational structures with narrow pay ranges

e. Tall organizational structures with narrow pay ranges (*)

The United Workers of the Republic (UWR) union decided to target the XTRON Corporation, a manufacturer of medical diagnostic systems, for an organizing campaign. UWR has experienced challenges with loss of membership and dwindling financial resources for the last few years so it is eager to turn things around. The company is based in Alabama and it employs 100 production workers. The company was recognized as one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work for in 2018 and 2019. UWR organizing staff reached out to XTRON production employees to share how they felt the union could improve the quality of work life at the company. Some workers pointed out that the company pays above the market for their jobs, provides generous benefits, and there is a collaborative relationship between supervisors and the workers. UWR conducted an authorization card campaign and 20% of the production workers voted "yes." The union decided to double up its efforts in terms of using its staff and financial resources to organize the workers in order to achieve a better result in another authorization card campaign. Based on our discussion of the union certification process, what recommendations would you offer to UWR management about their strategy for organizing workers at XTRON? a. Tell them that they should launch a national boycott of XTRON's products until its management agrees to recognize UWR as the union for the production workers. b. Tell them to start picketing in front of XTRON's production facilities to raise awareness about UWR and its value as a union. c. Tell them to contact XTRON management and demand that they agree to binding arbitration regarding recognition of the union as the bargaining agent for the production workers. d. Tell them that you agree that they should devote more resources to support organizing XTRON production workers. e. Tell them that they should abandon their organizing efforts with XTRON given the results of the authorization card campaign, and its existing strength as an employer.

e. Tell them that they should abandon their organizing efforts with XTRON given the results of the authorization card campaign, and its existing strength as an employer.

1. Based on our discussion of the progressive discipline policy below in lecture, which of the following statements is (are) true? Progressive Discipline Policy Corrective action is a process designed to identify and correct problems that affect an employee's work performance or the overall performance of the department. The progressive corrective action process should be handled consistently within each unit and for each problem. Guidelines The Progressive Corrective Action Process refers to the following sequence of actions: I. Counseling or verbal warning; II. Written reprimand and warning; III. Suspension or Suspension pending investigation and final determination; IV. Specific warning of termination; V. Termination These steps are usually taken in sequence when an employee exhibits behavior or performance issues. However, depending on the situation, any step may be repeated, omitted, or taken out of sequence. The Company reserves the right to effect immediate termination should the situation be warranted. Each case is considered on an individual basis. a. The policy is ineffective in that it should only give an employee three violations before he/she is terminated. b. The policy is ineffective because it gives the employer flexibility to deviate from the steps in the process at its own discretion. c. The policy is ineffective because the first violation should result in a written reprimand and not a verbal warning. d. The policy is effective in that it is simple to implement. e. The policy is effective in that it gives the employer the right to consider each case on an individual basis, if necessary

e. The policy is effective in that it gives the employer the right to consider each case on an individual basis, if necessary

The relationship between labor and management negotiators in the collective bargaining process is referred to as _________. a. intraorganizational bargaining b. distributive bargaining c. integrative bargaining d. interorganizational bargaining e. attitudinal structuring

e. attitudinal structuring (*)

In the development of a pay structure, data about ___________ is analyzed using __________ in order to establish the pay policy line. a. benchmark and non-benchmark jobs; job analysis b. job evaluation; market/salary survey data c. non-benchmark jobs; regression analysis d. non-benchmark jobs; reactions-based analysis e. benchmark jobs; regression analysis

e. benchmark jobs; regression analysis

The Noltner Corporation, an upstart manufacturer of green consumer products is focusing on aggressive growth in the US as well as in over 20 target international markets. The company's performance appraisal system includes attitude, teamwork, and job knowledge as performance criteria. Merit pay increases are given out annually with all workers receiving a 2% increase in order to be fair to everyone. Based on this situation, this is an example of _________. a. vertical integration b. lack of vertical integration c. horizontal integration d. lack of horizontal integration e. lack of vertical and horizontal integration

e. lack of vertical and horizontal integration

In the development of a compensation system, the classification of jobs into grade levels should be followed by ___________. a. calculating the compa-ratios for all employees b. pricing the jobs using market-based salary surveys c. using multiple regression analysis to determine the predictive validity of the grade levels. d. developing the pay structure with salary ranges for each job rating e. the worth of jobs using job evaluation

e. the worth of jobs using job evaluation (*

In conducting analyses used to create a pay structure, the pay policy line becomes the _____________. midpoint of the salary ranges for salary grades. minimum of the salary ranges for salary grades. distribution of market salaries for benchmark jobs. distribution of job evaluation points for all jobs. maximum of the salary ranges for salary grades

midpoint of the salary ranges for salary grades.

During the collective bargaining process, a key priority for management is to obtain a _________ from the union while a key priority for the union is to obtain a __________from management. pay match policy; pay lead policy no strike clause; no lockout clause promotion based on merit; promotion based on merit and seniority no lockout clause; no strike clause pay lead policy; pay lag policy

no strike clause; no lockout clause

In the development of a compensation system, the classification of jobs into grade levels should be followed by ___________. rating the worth of jobs using job evaluation calculating the compa-ratios for all employees developing the pay structure with salary ranges for each job using multiple regression analysis to determine the predictive validity of the grade levels. pricing the jobs using market-based salary surveys

pricing the jobs using market-based salary surveys

Recall our discussion of the article about the Wells Fargo scandal in which employees created new accounts for customers without their knowledge to generate more sales revenue and to earn bonuses for themselves. A key factor that contributed to the actions of Wells Fargo employees in this situation was ___________. the company's emphasis on teamwork the company's emphasis on cross-selling the company's emphasis on innovation the company's emphasis on superior customer service the company's emphasis on maximizing profitability

the company's emphasis on cross-selling

Collective Bargaining Process

the process of negotiating a labor agreement, including the use of economic pressures by both parties

In order for HR to add value to organizations, it must reduce the amount of time it spends on _______ activities and increase its focus on _______ activities. transactional; traditional transformational; transactional traditional; transformational traditional; transactional transactional; transformational

transactional; transformational

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