micro test 3

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The Brucella sp typically target domestic livestock but, can thrive in a human host causing chronic disease. Which symptoms are associated with brucellosis?

Chronic joint pain

T cells have various roles in the immune system, including directing and regulating an immune response. The activation of T cell function is based on:

the binding of a peptide-MHC complex to the T cell receptor

An man obtains a puncture wound from a rusty nail and within a week, develops symptoms associated with tetanus. What was transmitted to the man from the rusty nail?

A Clostridium tetani in its endospore state

How many different isotypes of antibodies have been identified in mammals?

5: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the causes of and treatments for peptic ulcer disease?

70-90% of peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria; treat with antibiotics & proton pump inhibiter

Newborn babies are at risk for development of Group B streptococcus (GBS) via transmission during birth. Which measures have become standard to prevent and reduce infant infection?

A positive CAMP test in the third trimester will result in antibiotics administered during labor

Koch's postulates were established to identify the causative agent of a particular disease. Which of the following describes an infectious agent that is an exception to these postulates?

A woman is an asymtomatic carrier of the herpes simplex virus

Which of the following is NOT a correct description of surgical sterilization?

Caleb, a convicted sexual predator, is castrated by having a prostatectomy

Which of the following method(s) of resisting attacks by phagocytes do microbes use?

All methods listed are used by microbes

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when there is an imbalance of bacteria in the vaginal microflora. Which of the following can result in disruption of the normal flora?

All of the choices

The environmental changes occurring that are imposed by humans have huge impacts on pathogenic evolution and infection to human hosts. A major impact includes:

All of the choices

Which of the following are considered procedure by epidemiologist when investigating a disease outbreak?

All of the choices

Which of the following are functions of the complement of system?

All of the choices

Which of the following are predisposing factors that increase the spread and severity of an infectious disease?

All of the choices

Which of the following can increase the risk of developing a urinary tract infection in women?

All of the choices

Which of the following complications are associated with infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV)?

All of the choices

Which of the following describe the pathogenic bacterium Rickettsia?

All of the choices

Which of the following symptoms can result from meningitis?

All of the choices

Which of the following is a common method of disinfection?

All of these answers

West Nile virus (WNV), a nondiscriminatory disease, will cause no symptoms in a majority of infected humans. Those immunocompromised will most likely suffer from its effects. Which of the following can occur as a result of infection by WNV?

All of these choices

Which of the following is a route of transmission for listeria?

All the Choices

There are numerous antimicrobial agents that function as protein synthesis inhibitors. Which of the following antibiotics have been shown to inhibit ribosomal translocation


Koch's postulates were established to define a causal relationship between a pathogenic microbe and a disease. Althought later modified, these postulates have been influential. Which of the following is NOT an original postulate?

An individual may be asymptomatic for the disease symptoms and the pathogen still be present

Which of the following can be considered an advantageous trait to the infection process of nontyphoidal salmonella?

Both living (by multiplying) and dead (via endotoxins) salmonellae can infect the human host

Your friend has been having acid reflux and is taking antacids to help with the problem. How does an antacid change the pH of the stomach?

Antacids increase stomach pH.

An individual that is diagnosed as allergic to all beta-lactam antibiotics is accidentally given a dose of penicillin. Which of the following will occur first in this individual?

Antibodies already present in the body will bind to the drug

Which of the following statements accurately describes the process of neutralization of pathogens by antibodies?

Antibodies block extracellular proteins that pathogens use to enter host cells.

Infection by Streptococcus pyogenes can result in rheumatic fever. This specific illness is characterized as an infection that occurs due to molecular mimicry. Which of the following describes this concept?

Antibodies produced cross-react with peri-arteriolar connective tissue and cause fever

Which cell types are involved in mediating immunological memory?

B and T cells

Fill in the blanks. Exposure to a certain antigen causes _____________ to convert to __________________, which then produce antibodies. Choose one answer.

B cells; plasma cells

After a man has had a tooth extracted, he develops a fever, a skin rash and joint pain. An examination shows a prior heart murmur is now more pronounced and his heart rate has slowed significantly. What can be the cause of his symptoms?

Bacteraemia has developed and attached to the heart causing endocarditis

The ability of microbes to develop antimicrobial resistance is a pressing issue within the medical field as this results in ineffective antibiotics. What factors can contribute to microbe development of antimicrobial resistance?

Both changes in the physiology and structure of the microbe

Bacterial gastroenteritis affects both developed and developing countries. Specifically, in the developed world, which bacterium is primarily responsible for gastroenteritis?

Camplyobacter jejuni

Corynebacterium diphtheriae is responsible for the upper respiratory tract infection, diphtheria. Whch mechanism of action is responsible for the production of toxins that can result in death?

C. diphtheriae is infected by a bacteriophage that integrates toxin-encoding genes in the bacterium

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets the immune system leading to weakening and destruction. The component of the immune system that is the primary target of HIV is:

CD4+ T cells

Which of the following cells are in close contact with the external environment and link the bodily tissues with the innate and adaptive immune systems?

Dendritic cells

Which of the following are classified as viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by an RNA virus?


Which of the following are symptoms that occur in individuals suffering from bacterial gastroenteritis?

Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramping, bloody stool

What is the main role of antigen presenting cells?

Display antigens in order to activate T cell responses

Which of the following scenarios would most likely result in the development of schistosomiasis?

Drinking from a water supply containing infected snails

An elderly man has complaints of urination issues, fever, lower back pain and body aches. A blood sample is taken and has an elevated white blood cell count with traces of bacteria. The presence of which bacteria would indicate prostatitis?

Escherichia coli

Which of the following detects antigen or antibody by a color change reaction?


Which of the following is correctly paired with its description?

Endemic: diseases that are visited upon a population

Which of the following types of prevention for nosocomial infection is considered to be the most important measure in reducing the risks of transmitting transient flora?

Frequent handwashing

Common symptoms of strep throat include: fever, sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes. The most common bacterial cause of pharyngitis is

Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus

Which of the following is correctly paired according to vector, pathogen and disease?

Hard ticks: Borrelia burgdorferi: Lyme disease

Which of the following T cell type is correctly paired with its function?

Helpter T cells: stimulation proliferation and differentiation of T cells

West Nile virus (WNV) is wreaking havoc on a global level becoming an endemic pathogen. Transmission by the prime vector, mosquitoes, has called for public mosquito control. Which of the following is NOT considered a major factor in transmission?

Humans and ticks

Which subclass of antibodies are found in secretions such as milk and tears?


What is the most abundant antibody class detected in the serum upon reexposure to a pathogen or in reaction to a vaccine?


Adaptive immunity is driven by the principle of antigen or pathogenic recognition by the immune system. Which of the following best describes the function of immunoglobulins (Ig) in this process?

Igs are naive B cell receptors for antigens and once activated, triggers B cell activation

Which of the following prevention methods can be used for both cholera and typhoid fever?

Improving public sanitation conditions

Which of the following would be most effective in counteracting the action of botulinum toxin?

Increase the amount of acetylcholine within the neuromuscular junction to ensure stimulation

After treatment in a clinic, a man develops severe symptoms. During treatment, proper procedure was followed. He was given an IV bag of fluids and antibiotics . Which of the following mode of transmission most likely occurred?

Indirect-contact transmission

Which of the following characteristic is associated with Salmonella enterica and NOT Salmonella typhii?

It can be contracted from poultry, pork and beef when incorrectly prepared

Which of the following can be considered an advantage to the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

It can survive for long periods of time, suspended in air as particles or droplets

Staphlyococcus can cause various infections in humans with numerous symptoms. Which can be considered an advantage to the staphylococcus bacterium?

It can survive on dry surfaces and it has developed resistance

Which of the following facts about the complement system is FALSE?

It is adaptable and always changing

Robert Koch made the first photomicrograph of bacteria in infected tissue. He also formulated guidelines for the identification of the causative agent. What limits the use of Koch's guidelines? Choose one answer.

It is not ethical to infect a healthy subject.

Pathogenic E. coli classifications are based on the antigens present in their lipopolysaccharide. Which of the following are common antigens used for general classification?

K, H and F antigens

Which of the following is an example of innate resistance from pathogens and disease?

Lachrymal glands continuously secrete to keep the conjunctiva moist and the tears contain lysozymes

Which of the following correctly orders the route of an antigen when it enters the body in a normal healthy individual?

Lymph -> lymph vessels -> lymph nodes -> phagocytosis -> lymphocytes -> antibody production

A pathogenic microbe breaches the first line of defense in a human and targets the gastrointestinal tract. Shortly after, a culture of the tract is taken for analysis of the normal microbiota. What would one expect to most likely observe?

Microorganisms of the normal microbiota are secreting protective agents against the pathogen

The recognition of a microbial antigen in tissue activates the immune system so it can carry out phagocytosis. This process involves various cell types. Which of the following cell type is correctly paired with its role in pathogen destruction?

Monocytes: differentiate into tissue macrophages to carry out phagocytosis

Which neurons does the poliomyelitis virus preferentially infect and destroy?

Motor neurons in the spinal cord

Which of the following patients has chronic hepatitis?

Oleg presents with jaundice; has serious alcohol problem and enlarged liver

Which of the following statements correctly describes pathogen recognition in the innate immune response?

PRRs on macrophages and dendritic cells recognize PAMPS on pathogens.

Four to six days after a man notices a bite mark during a hike in the woods, he develops a fever and an ulcer at the bite site. What other symptoms would he need to develop for a diagnosis of tularemia to be considered?

Reddening of the face and eyes in combination with inflammation would occur

The exact role of the microorganisms within the normal eye microbiota are unknown. However, these type of bacteria have been identified:

Staphylococcus epidermis and Haemophilus influenzae

Which of the following best describes the original definition of antibiotics?

Substances produced by one microorganism that kill or prevent growth of another microorganism

barrier against pathogens provided by the skin


Which of the following diseases is characterized by blocking the inhibition of antagonistic muscle contraction? Choose one answer.


Which of the following best describes the mechanism Bordetella pertussis uses to infect a human host?

The bacterium contains a surface adhesin protein that binds to the cilia of epithelial cells

Which of the following processes is a critical step in the survival of Vibrio cholerae in the host?

The conservation of energy and inhibition of protein production in the stomach

Which step in the route of pathogenesis is central to the transmission of Yersinia pestis to either a human or non-human host?

The expression of the Hms system in the flea that ensures biofilm formation in the esophagus

After swimming in a local pool, a group of friends develop similar symptoms that are flu-like. A microbiologist is hired to analyze the pool water and finds an unusually high number of amoebae. She hypothesizes that:

the amoebae contain Legionella pneumophilia that were transmitted via water droplets into the lungs

The use of antibiotics for treatment of Campylobacter infection in humans is controversial. Which of the following best describes the reason for controversy?

The infection is self-limiting and symptoms can be alleviated with electrolyte replacement

Which of the following statements describes the acute period of disease stages?

The infectious agents are actively replicating and peak in a short period of time

A patient presents with pain during urination, frequent need to urinate and white or cloudy discharge. A doctor suspects the patient has urethal inflammation. Which specific criteria is necessary to diagnose nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)?

The lack of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

The complement system is complementary to:

the antibody response in the adaptive immune system.

A woman has complaints of pain during urination, abnormal discharge and a fishy odor. Upon examination, it is confirmed the woman is suffering from bacterial vaginosis. Which is the most likely explanation for the cause?

The normal vaginal microflora has suffered a disturbance and opportunistic pathogens are thriving

The antimicrobial drugs, beta-lactam and glycopeptides, are designed to target cell wall synthesis. What factor in the synthesis of bacterial cell walls is targeted?

The peptidoglycans in the bacterial cell wall

The bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes is commonly associated with scarlet fever. Which factor is most important in the infection process?

The production of exotoxins by S. pyogenes caused by infection by the T12 bacteriophage

Protein synthesis inhibitors are a major class of antimicrobial drugs used for treatment of microbial based diseases. Which of the following processes do these inhibitors NOT typically target?

The synthesis of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase

Pneumonia can be caused by either viral or bacterial infections. Which of the following statements is NOT correct in regards to the viral route of infection?

The virus infects the alveoli, replicates and releases viruses which cause fluid to fill the alveoli

An elderly patient with a liver infection experiences a high fever, increases in heart and respiratory rates. Blood analysis shows overactivation of the immune system and blood cultures are positive for bacteria. What is most likely occurring?

The woman is experiencing sepsis due to a systemic pathogen

A group of biologists set up an overnight camp site downstream of a beaver colony to analyze behavior. After their return, a few individuals develop symptoms associated with a gastrointestinal infection. Which of the following is a likely cause?

They ingested water contaminated with Giardia lamblia cysts

A woman experiences buring during urination and unusual vaginal discharge. Which other criteria must be met to be officially diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis?

Thin discharge with a fishy odor and white or yellow in color; presence of clue cells; a pH>4.5

Which of the following are classified as nosocomial infections?

Tuberculosis and gastroenteritis

The increase in drug resistance pathogens has caused an increase in reemerging infectious disease incidence. Which of the following represents a reemerging infectious disease caused by drug-resistance?

Tuberculosis caused by drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which of the following methods in public health intervention is considered to be the most effective method of preventing infectious disease?


The rickettsial disease causing bacteria, Rickettsia, is transmitted to human via:

a bite obtained from an arthropod vector such as lice

In a group of individuals exposed to a pathogenic bacterium long-term, they become affected and develop the disease all within the same time period. This is considered to be a

common source outbreak, specifically a continuous outbreak

Which of the following IS NOT a surface barrier to pathogen influx?

complement cascade

A cat owner notices she has swollen lymph nodes in her neck and groin. She gets treated with antibiotics but a few weeks later, her lymph nodes swell again but now in the axillae. When she returns to the doctor, they most likely diagnose her with:

acute toxoplasmosis

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the humoral immune response?

antibodies on B cells recognize antigens in the bodily fluids and B cells proliferate

Which of the following stimulate a response by B cells and T cells?


Which of the following is used to prevent infection by killing or inhibiting pathogen growth on animal tissues?


Specific types of bacteria and fungi, that may be considered a component of the microbiota, can cause infection upon impairment of host defenses. This characteristic categorizes these types of microbes:

as opportunistic pathogens

An infectious disease causing bacterium requires an arthropod host to continue its life cycle. Once the life cycle is complete, the bacterium enters an infective stage and is transmitted to another host. This type of transmission can be described:

as transmission via a biological vector

Dental caries, characterized by tooth or cavity decay, can be caused by Streptococcus mutans. The primary cause is:

bacterial fermentation of food debris causing demineralization from excess acid

Patients prescribed antibiotic drugs such as penicillin or vancomycin are given antibiotics that are considered to be:


There are many compounds that can kill bacteria, but unfortunately they also kill mammalian cells as well. Thus a good __________ is one that works with our immune system without damaging our bodies.

bacteriostatic antibiotic

The penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems and monobactams, all principle antibiotics, are considered to be:

beta-lactam antibiotics that inhibit cell wall biosynthesis

Which of the following areas of the body does not have a resident microbial flora?


In what type of reaction do antibodies bind to cell surface receptors on a virus, thus blocking viral attachment onto cells?


A woman previously diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus has complaints of blurred vision, light sensitivity and foreign-body sensation in her eye. Upon staining with a fluorescein dye, a lesion is noted. She is most likely diagnosed with:

epithelial keratitis

Which of the following is responsible for fever blisters?

herpes simplex

An epidemiologist studies whether a virus is epidemic, endemic or pandemic. It appears there are several asymptomatic carriers with a low prevalence. However, over time, the asymptomatic carriers begin to develop symptoms. This may indicate a long

incubation period

Clostridium botulinum, the cause of botulism, produces a toxin, botulinium toxin, that acts by:

inhibiting release of acetylcholine and preventing excitation at neuromuscular junctions

Natural killer cells (NK cells) can kill cells that lack the major histocompatibility complex. As well there is evidence the NK cells can "formulate anti-specific immunological memory". These two functions of NK cells show they are _____________?

innate and adaptive

A non functional CD4 protein on a helper T cell would prevent this cell from:

interacting with a Class II MHC-antigen complex

Which organelle do phagocytes use to digest engulfed particles?


Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about chlamydia?

most women who have an infection of the cervix are unaware: no symptoms

If a pathogen can remain long-term in a specific host without the host getting the disease or remaining asymptomatic, this is referred to as the:

natural reservoir

Complement proteins and antibodies coat a microorganism enabling immune effector cells to phagocytize the microorganism. This process is called:


The major types of disease caused by Yersinia pestis include:

penumonic, bubonic and septicemic plague

What is the most important risk factor globally for tuberculosis (TB), an infectious, potentially lethal disease affecting the lungs?

prior infection with HIV

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a fungal skin infection?


The transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can occur by:

sexual intercourse, exposure to contaminated blood, transplacentally, breastfeeding

Which of the following is a physical barrier to invading pathogens?


A young child is admitted into the hospital for a basic surgical procedure and is given a surgical drain. Upon recovery, the child begins to develop symptoms of a hospital-acquired infection (HAI). The most likely risk factor for this child was:

the presence of a surgical drain that provided a route for infection

The symptoms associated with rabies include: uncontrolled excitement, violent movements, fever, confusion and even delirium. The cause of these movement originate from:

the specific infection of the central nervous system by the rabies virus

A Vibrio bacterium is isolated from a sick individual and analyzed for toxin production. A negative test for toxin production indicates:

this specific strain of Vibrio is noncholera causing which excludes Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139

T cells mature in the ____________.


Adaptive immunity depends on:

traits common to groups of pathogens

All of the following describe adaptive immune responses EXCEPT:

we are born with them

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