Microbiology - Chapter 11 Terms

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Gram-negative oxygenic phototrophs; genetically related to chloroplasts


Specialized non-photosynthetic cells of cyanobacteria within nitrogen fixation occurs


Species that can emit light


The study of bacterial adaptations

obligate intracellular parasites

They cannot reproduce outside a host cell

Ti plasmid

Tumor inducing plasmid

fruiting bodies

When nutrients are exhausted, the cells begin to congregate and then pile up to form a complex structure

prosthecate bacteria

A diverse group of Gram-negative bacteria that have projections called prosthecae, which are extensions of the cytoplasm and cell wall


A group of Gram-negative bacteria with a unique motility mechanism that allows them to move through thick, viscous environments such as mud


A group of Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria that often fix nitrogen and form intimate relationships with legumes (plants that bear seeds in pods)


A group of aerobic Gram-negative rods that have a unique developmental cycle as well as a resting stage


An axial filament, contained within the periplasm


An organism retains the primary stain in the acid-fast staining procedure


Archaea that obtain energy by oxidizing hydrogen gas; using carbon dioxide as a terminal electron acceptor, thereby generating methane

nitrogen fixation

Conversion of nitrogen gas to ammonia


Devoid of O2


Faculative, non-spore-forming Gram-negative rods that ferment lactose, producing acid and gas within 48 hours at 35 degrees Celsius; most reside in the intestine, so they are used as indicators of fecal pollution


Gram-negative bacteria that congregate to form complex structures called fruiting bodies

prosthecate bacteria

Gram-negative bacteria that have extensions projecting from their cells, thereby increasing their surface area

sulfur-oxidizing bacteria

Gram-negative bacteria that obtain energy by oxidizing elemental sulfur and reduced sulfur compounds, generating sulfuric acid


Gram-negative bacteria that obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic nitrogen compounds such as ammonia or nitrate

purple bacteria

Gram-negative organisms that appear red, orange, or purple due to their light-harvesting pigments

green bacteria

Gram-negative organisms that are typically green or brownish in color

enterics / enteronacteria

Gram-negative rods of the family Enterobacteriaeceae. Most reside in the internal tract of humans and other animals

lactic acid bacteria

Gram-positive bacteria that generate lactic acid as a major end product of their fermentative metabolism

coryneforms / diphtheroids

Gram-positive cells that are club-shaped and arranged to form V shapes and palisades; resembles the typical microscopic morphology of Corynebacterium species


Long helical bacteria that have flexible walls and endoflagella

primary produces

Organisms that convert CO2 into organic compounds; by doing so, they sustain other life forms, including humans


Organisms that harvest energy by oxidizing chemicals


Organisms that harvest energy by oxidizing inorganic chemicals


Organisms that harvest energy by oxidizing organic chemicals

anoxygenic phototrophs

Photosynthetic organisms that do not produce O2

oxygenic phototrophs

Photosynthetic organisms that produce O2

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