Microbiology Lab Exams

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"Harmless" specimen do not need to be treated as a potential pathogen (True/False).


In order to inoculate a slant, use one quick stabbing motion about half way down and pull straight back out (True/False).


In the capsule stain, we use an acidic dye to stain the cells and a basic dye to stain the background (True/False).

Notify the instructor

In the case of a spill, after covering the spill with paper towels, students should immediately (3 words).

Staphylococcus aureus

Name the organism (Genus and species) that causes the most hospital acquired infections. Note: Be sure to spell and format the name of the organism correctly.

Bacillus and Clostridium

Name the two genera which most commonly form endospores.


Never pipette anything by ________ (one word).


Normal flora can never become pathogenic (True/False).


Obligate anaerobic bacteria can be cultured on an agar slant (True/False).


PPE includes safety glasses, lab coates, gloves, long pants, and ____________ shoes.

Disinfect work areas and wash hands with a disinfectant soap.

What are two things that you should do before AND after performing lab procedures?

Immersion oil

What is used to decrease the amount of light that is refracted when using a compound light microscope to view a specimen at the highest level of total magnification? (two words)

Help the bacteria grow

You heat fix a bacterial smear for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:


______ (general term) are used to provide all essential nutrients needed in order to culture microorganisms in a laboratory setting.


___________ (one word) is defined as the ability to quickly focus while switching from a lower power lens to a higher power lens with a minimal amount of adjustment, using the fine focus knob only.

Hand washing

_______________ ____________ (2 words) is the simplest and most effective way to prevent the transmission of disease and infection.


Viruses can be viewed with the compound light microscope (True/False).


A Blanket from a child with chickenpox is likely to be contaminated with the virus that causes chicken pox (Varicella-zoster virus). What is this blanket called?


A hospital acquired infection is also known as a nosocomial infection (True/False).

Can cause disease in a host regardless of the host's resident microbiota.

A primary pathogen:


A specimen viewed with the oil immersion objective lens would have a total magnification of:


A transparent specimen will ________ light.


After incubation, when interpreting results, you should handle plates carefully, because condensation and/or contaminated water droplets could drip from the plates (True/False).

Sterile Cotton Swabs

All of the following items are potentially hazardous to students EXCEPT:


An instrument called a bactincinerator is used in general labs for the purpose of sterilizing metal inoculating loops (True/False).

Consult with a physician prior to performing lab procedures.

Any student that is immuno-compromised or immune-suppressed should do the following:


Capsule production increases virulence in some microbes by making them less vulnerable to phagocytosis (True/False).


Counters or work surfaces must be disinfected twice when performing lab procedures (True/False).


Counters/surfaces used for completing lab procedures must be decontaminated for at least (number) minutes prior to food preparation.


During optimal growth conditions, an endospore will germinate to form a (one word) cell.


Endospores are dehydrated and show no metabolic activity (True/False).


Endospores are sensitive to extreme temperatures and radiation (True/False).


For proper sterilization, used agar plates must be disinfected using bleach and allowed to stand for at least __ (number) minutes prior to disposal.

Simple streak

For the Lab 1 experimental procedures, nutrient agar (NA) plates will be inoculated using which type of streak method?

May be misidentified due to small halos which form as a result of cell shrinkage

Glycocalyx capsules:


Streaking for isolation is a dilution technique used to obtain a pure culture from a mixed population of cells (True/False).


The Foldscope has a 140X objective lens (True/False).


The endospore stain is a differential stain used to detect the presence and location of endospores in bacteria (True/False).


The name of the method used for staining endospores is the Answer(one word) - Fulton Method.


The proper way to dispose of a contaminated slide is to put into the garbage after thoroughly rinsing with water. (True/False).

Inoculating loop

The sampling instrument used for obtaining an inoculum is called a/an ______________ ______________(two words)


The study of factors influencing occurrence, transmission, distribution, prevention and control of disease is called:


This is the oldest and one of the most common forms of microbial control, which can kill microbes by altering their membranes and denaturing proteins.


Transient flora can be found in the layer of skin called the epidermis (True/False).


When viewing a specimen through the microscope, if you want the specimen to move to the right within your field of vision, which direction should you move the stage?

Size of the specimen observed

Which does NOT affect resolution?


Which is the most common type of biological disease vector?


Which objective lens requires the use of immersion oil?

Condensor lens

Which of the following controls the amount of light passing through a slide on the microscope stage?

Is more likely to occur when using proper aseptic technique

Which of the following is NOT true about contamination?

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