Microbiology test 1 ch. 1

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List Koch's postulates and explain why they are significant

1) The suspected causative agent must be found in every case of the disease and be absent from healthy hosts. 2) The agent must be isolated and grown outside the host. 3) When the agent is introduced into a healthy host , the host must get the disease. 4) The same agent must be found in the diseased experimental host. His postulates provide a framework for proving the role of microbes in disease.They tell us how to definitively prove that a particular microbe causes a given disease.

compare/contrast investigations of Redi, Needham, spallanzani, nd pasteur in relation to the idea of spontaneous generation.

1.Redi tested the meat and flies and maggots 2.Needham tested that microorganism spontaneous generated 3.Pasteur Proved that all organism arises from other living organism (life comes from life)

Of the following scientists, who first promulgated the theory of abiogenesis? a. Aristotle b. Pasteur c. Needham d. Spallanzani

A. Aristotle; another term for spontaneous generation

Which of the following microorganisms are not eukaryotic? a. bacteria b. yeasts c. molds d. protozoa

A. Bacteria

Leeuwenhoek described microorganisms as what? a. animalcules b.prokaryotes c. eukaryotes d. protozoa

A. animalcules

discoverer of bacteria

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

discoverer of protozoa

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Which of the following favored the theory of spontaneous generation? a. Spallanzani b. Needham c. Pasteur d. Koch

B. Needham

Discuss the significant difference b/w the flasks used by Pasteur and Spallanzani. How did Pasteur's investigation settle the dispute about spontaneous generation?

Both scientists boiled their infusion long enough to kill everything. Spallanzani used vials and sealed them by melting the necks closed, allowing no air to enter. Pasteur used swan neck flasks which allowed air to enter but not dust and microbes. Spallanzani's vials remained clear until he broke the necks off his vials. Though Spallanzani showed no spontaneous generation with his experiment, it was said that he sealed his vials and allowed no air for organisms to survive. Aristotle's 2000 year old theory was not disproved. Pasteur, after 18 months, had no microbial growth in his flasks. He tilted some of the flasks, allowing the dust settled in the curve of the neck to mix with the infusion. He also broke the neck off some other flasks, exposing the liquid to the air. The next day the flasks were cloudy with microbial growth. Pasteur said "Never will spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow of this simple experiment."

Which of the following scientists hypothesized that a bacterial colony arises from a single bacterial cell? a. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek b. Louis Pasteur c. Robert Koch d. Richard Petri

C. Robert Koch

classification system

Carolus Linnaeus

Haemophilus influenzae does not cause flu, but it received its name because it was once through to be the cause. Explain how a proper application of Koch's postulates would have prevented this error in nomenclature

Checking for the presence of H. influenzae in a large number of diagnosed cases of flu would have cast doubt on the conclusions that H. influenzea was the causative agent. H. influenzea wouldnot have been present in every case and would not have satisfied Koch's first postulate. Further, inoculation of H. influenzea into an experimental host would not have produced the flu, violating the third postulate.

The lab of Robert Koch contributed which of the following to the field of microbiology a. simple staining technique b. use of petri dishes c. first photomicrograph of bacteria d. all of the above

D all of the above

In which habitat would you most likely find archaea? a. acidic hot springs b. swamp mud c. Great Salt Lake d. all of the above

D. All of the above

Which scientist first hypothesized that medical personnel can infect patients w/ pathogens? a. Edward Jenner b. Joseph Lister c. John Snow d. Ignaz Semmelweis

D. Ignaz Semmelweis

A scientist who studies the role of microorganisms in the environment is a what? a. genetic techologist b. an earth microbiologist c. an epidemiologist d. an environmental microbiologist

D. an environmental microbiologist

developed smallpox immunization

Edward Jenner

Why would a macroscopic tapeworm be studied in microbiology?

Even though most of these worms are not microscopic as adults , many of them cause diseases that were studied by early microbiologists. Infections of tapeworms were diagnosed by finding microscopic eggs and immature stages in the blood, fecal, urine, and lymph specimens.

developed the most widely used bacterial staining technique

Hans Christian Gram

British general board of health concluded in 1855 that the broad street cholera epidemic discussed in the chapter resulted from fermentation of nocturnal clouds of vapor from the polluted thames river. How could an epidemiologist prove or disprove this claim?

Identification of cholera cases in persons who only visited the Broad Street area during the day would demonstrate that nocturnal exposure to "fermented vapors" was not the source of cholera.

early epidemiologist

John Snow

founder of antiseptic surgery

Joseph Lister

Defend this statement: "The investigations of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek changed the world forever."

Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch tailor, merchant, and a lens grinder. He had a stubborn desire to do everything himself. He learned to make his own magnifying lenses to examine the quality of cloth. He began looking at all kinds of things under his lenses out of curiosity. He began making simple microscopes and this became an over-whelming passion for him. He made a new microscope for each new specimen he viewed. One day he turned a lens to a drop of water. He discovered a previously unknown microbial world he called animalcules.This began the study of micrbiology.

father of microbiology

Louis Pasteur

germ theory of disease

Louis Pasteur

Germs cause disease

Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Girolamo Fracastoro

Why can Pasteur be honored w/ the title "father of Microbiology"?

Pasteur can be honored with this title because of his many, varied, and significant accomplishments in working with microbes. He resolved the theory of spontaneous generation, discovered what causes fermentation and how to keep foods from spoiling (pasteurization). He also hypothesized that microorganisms cause disease, which brought about the germ theory of disease. Pasteur capitalized on Jenner's small pox vaccine by producing weakened strains of various pathogens for use in preventing the serious diseases they caused. He developed successful vaccines against fowl cholera, anthrax, and rabies.

sought a magic bullet to destroy pathogens

Paul Ehrlich

first photomicrograph of bacteria

Robert Koch

Why was the theory of spontaneous generation a hindrance to the development of the field of microbiology?

Spontaneous generation, proposed by Aristotle, was believed for 2000 years. Experiments with meat were done by Redi to disprove the theory and scientists began to doubt Aristotles theory. Needham tested the theory with boiled infusion in corked vials, only to show spontaneous generation was true. Spallanzani also tested the theory with boiled infusion and he sealed his vials by melting the necks to not allow any air to enter. Although his experiment showed no spontaneous generation it was said that his sealed vials did not allow air for organisms to thrive. The theory of spontaneous generation continued. Pasteur is the one who finally disproved the theory with his swan neck flask experiment in the 1800's. It was then that microorganisms began being studied in depth.

just before winter break in early December, your roommate stocks the fridge with a gallon of mil but both of you leave before opening it. when you return in January, the milk is soured. Your roommate is annoyed beause the milk was pasteurized and thus should not have spoiled. Explain why your roommate's position is unreasonable.

The relatively low temperature used in pasteurization is not high enough nor is heating long enough in duration to destroy bacterial endospores or fungal spores. Any such contaminants would have a chance to germinate and ferment the milk over winter break.

List six types of microorganisms

fungi protozoa algae bacteria archaea viruses

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