Microbiology test 2

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The apical complex of Apicomplexans such as Plasmodium is involved in which cellular process?

entry into host cells

Which of the following best describes zooplankton?

eukaryotes that are nonphotosynthetic and motile

Which of the following are enzymes that break down proteins?


Amino groups are an important component of which of the following macromolecules?


In retroviruses, the integrated phage genome is known as which of the following?


Which of the following is not a product of the Krebs cycle?


Plasmodial slime molds produce which of the following

spores that divide into gametes

In which form do plants generally store sugar molecules?


Disulfide bridges are most important in which of the following?

tertiary structure of proteins

Which of the following is a pathway that breaks down glucose in some microbes?

the Entner-Doudoroff pathway

Which site on an enzyme is where substrates bind?

the active site

Which of the following is the best definition of a macronutrient?

the most abundant elements found in living cells

The Baltimore Classification system describes viruses according to which characteristic?

the viral genome

Which is a common type of secondary structure of proteins?

the α helix

A bacteriophage infects a host cell and the genome integrates itself into the host chromosome. Sometime later, the phage is excised along with a short piece of DNA adjacent to the insertion point. Both the phage DNA and the host DNA are packaged into the same capsid. The bacteriophage then infects a new cell, delivering both phage and bacterial DNA. Which process is being described in this scenario?

The lysogenic cycle, reactivating as the lytic cycle, followed by specialized transduction

You are a nurse and you suspect that you may have been exposed to a particular virus. You and your health care provider decide to perform a hemagglutinin assay. A sample of your serum is taken and added to a sample of virus. Next, the virus and serum sample are added to erythrocytes. Upon examination, you do not see any agglutination occurring. Which can you conclude from these results?

The test result suggests you may have been exposed to the virus, and your serum contains antibodies against the virus

Which of the following best describes an endergonic reaction?

absorbs energy from the environment

Where is the pellicle found within a protozoan?

beneath the cell membrane

During the asexual life cycle described in the textbook, cellular slime molds produce which of the following?


Viruses can be visualized using which method?

electron microscope

Which of the following includes fungi used as food (such as truffles), bread molds, and pathogenic fungi such as Trichophyton?


Which scientist first discovered prions?

Stanley Prusiner

Which of the following best describes the difference between steroids and sterols?

Sterols are a type of steroid with an OH group

Which unit of length best describes the average size of a virion


Which of the following best describes a transition reaction?

a reaction that converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA with the release of carbon dioxide

Which of the following is the typical, stable shape of glucose in cells?

a ring

Protozoa are best described as being:

nonphotosynthetic unicellular microorganisms

Which enantiomers rotate plane polarized light in a clockwise direction?

+ or d

Which of the following is a novel enzyme found in retroviruses?

. reverse transcriptase

Fatty acids are often degraded using which set of reactions

. β-oxidation

Which of the following is a parasitic ciliate?

Balantidium coli

Most mushrooms and puffballs are members of which fungal phylum?


Which of the following is the host-cell receptor that recognizes human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)?


Which of the following molecules is an organic molecule?


Which fungus is common in the microbiota of a healthy individual?

Candida albicans

Which of the following is the scientist responsible for first discovering viruses (specifically, tobacco mosaic virus)?

Dimitri Ivanovski

Why does it matter which enantiomer of a molecule is used for a medication?

Enantiomers can have different pharmacologic effects and only one may be effective

During the Krebs cycle, FAD is reduced to which of the following


ATP is produced through oxidative phosphorylation when which of the following occurs?

H+ moves through ATP synthase

Which of the following is not a property of a virus?

It is an infectious cellular pathogen.

Which is a common electron acceptor in catabolic reactions?


Which organism is best known as the "brain-eating amoeba"?

Naegleria fowleri

Which statement regarding the introduction of virus in eggs is true?

Pox can form on the embryo

(−)ssRNA is transcribed into (+)ssRNA using which of the following?

RNA polymerase encoded by the virus

Which of the following best describes catabolic pathways?

They break down large molecules into smaller components.

African sleeping sickness is caused by which pathogen?

Trypanosoma bruceii

Which of the following is an inhibitor that binds to the active site of an enzyme?

a competitive inhibitor

Which of the following is not a lipid?

a glyceraldehyde

Pseudopod formation requires which cytoskeletal component?

actin filaments

Which of the following viruses does not cause latent infections?


Which of the following refers to the term metabolism?

all the reactions in a cell or organism

The phospholipid molecules in the plasma membrane are which of the following?


To produce spores, some fungi use club-shaped structures called which of the following?


Arthropods typically serve as which mechanism of transmission for viruses?

biological vector

Reverse transcriptase is used to generate which nucleic acid from RNA?


The protein subunits that surround the nucleic acid of a virus are known as which of the following?


An important slime mold used in research is Dictyostelium discoideum. In this species, individual amoeboid cells that aggregate into multicellular mobile slugs, each forming a fruiting body that produces haploid spores, are known as which of the following?

cellular slime molds

The cell walls of fungi are largely composed of which of the following?


Which of the following is an important component of insect exoskeletons?


which structures associated with locomotion in protists can be described as short, hair-like structures that extend from the surface of the cell?


Which of the following are inorganic molecules that bind to enzymes?


The organelle in protists that regulates osmolarity is known as which of the following?

contractile vacuole

Which of the following is not a structure used for locomotion by protists?

contractile vacuoles

A lichen results from the mutualistic relationship between fungi and which of the following?

cyanobacteria or algae

Fungi have an important role in nutrient cycling as which of the following?


Which of the following best describes the molecule lactose?


The reaction that breaks down ATP to form ADP and inorganic phosphate is classified as which of the following?


Cytoprocts are specialized structures that carry out which cellular process?


Which of the following is the step in which CO2 enters the light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle)?


Which of the following types of bonds joins monosaccharides together to form a polysaccharide

glycosidic bonds

Which method cannot be used to detect virus in a patient's serum?

growth in pure culture

Which describes the hydrocarbon tails in the plasma membrane?


The excision of the viral genome from the host chromosome is known as which of the following?


Triglycerides are broken down by which of the following?


Which effect does tomato planta macho viroids have on the crop?

loss of chlorophyll

Which of the following is not one of the four major types of carbon-based macromolecules found in cells?


Which group comprises all lithotrophs?


The building blocks of polymers are called which of the following?


C6H12O6 is an example of which type of molecule?


The mode of reproduction for chytrids (Chytridiomycota) uses which of the following?

motile gametes

Carotenoids are pigments that are which of the following colors?


Chemotrophs obtain their energy from which of the following?

organic and inorganic chemical reactions

The Krebs cycle begins with the addition of acetyl CoA to which of the following?


Which of the following describes a molecule that had an electron removed?


In a protein, which type of chemical linkage joins the amino acids?

peptide bonds

The stigma (eyespot) in members of Euglenozoa functions in which of the following?


Which best describes oligopeptides

polymers of about 20 amino acids

Which of the following is the best example of a micronutrient?


Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, are caused by which of the following?


In the lysogenic cycle of bacteriophages, the integrated phage genome is known as which of the following?


Which term specifically describes fatty acids that do not have any double bonds, triple bonds, or rings?


The liquid portion of blood that does not contain clotting factors is known as which of the following?


Chicken pox can reemerge as which disease?


Which of the following is the purpose of fermentation?

to regenerate NAD+

Which mechanism of horizontal gene transfer relies on the use of viruses?


Which of the following best describes glucose, fructose, and galactose?

tructural isomers

How many single covalent bonds can oxygen form?


Glycolysis produces a net gain of which of the following?

two ATP, two NADH, and two pyruvates

Which of the following best describes the subcomponents of pyrophosphate?

two inorganic phosphate molecules

Cestodes are often transmitted via which of the following?

undercooked meats

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