Mid Term Study Guide

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Many Europeans and Americans embraced the Greek Revolution because....?

A love of Greek classical culture.

Desiderius Erasmus

A renaissance humanists. He wrote the famous " The Praise of Folly".

Charles Fourier, a utopian socialist, envisioned mathematically precise communities called "phalanxes" and also urged...?

Abolished marriage, unions based on love and sexual liberty.

How did Frederick William I, King of Prussia, sustain agricultural production while dramatically expanding the size of his army?

All men do military training and then serve as reservists.

Louis XV damaged the sense of his sacred authority by...?

Allowing common-born mistress to exercise influence.

During the Great Schism, how did the powers of Europe align themselves?

Along traditional political alliances.

How did America's Constitutional Convention of 1787 deal with the discord between pro- and anti-slavery delegates?

An enslaved person would count as three-fifths of person for taxation and purposes, and representation in the House of Representatives.

How did justifications for slavery change from the fifteenth to eighteenth century?

Arguments supporting slavery focus on science and nature.

As the Jacobins gained power, what was their reaction to women's political activity?

Banned women's political activities, welcomed women with full civil liberty.

Peace of Augsburg

Became Lutheran or Catholic depending on preference of prince.

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor?

Believed Robespierre might have them executed.

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established...?

By violent revolution.

How did French armies during the French Revolution offer a mixed message to the people they conquered?

Claimed to be liberators but were more like foreign invaders.

When speaking of "moral economy," historians are referring to...?

Community needs pre-dominateover completion and profit.

Until at least 1750, the practice of late marriage did not lead to a large number of illegitimate children because...?

Community pressure to marry when the women became pregnant.

Political power in the Dutch Republic

Controlled by an oligarchy of wealthy businessmen.

Wealthy Spanish landowners kept indigenous workers on their estates through a system of...?

Debt Peonage.

Why did Great Britain seek to raise taxes on its American colonies in the 1760s?

Debt in the seven years war.

How did Napoleon consolidate his rule?

Disillusioned revolutionaries and old nobility got high posts.

How did Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe affect Spanish colonization?

Distance of Pacific led the Spanish to develop American colonies.

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish?

Divides the Atlantic Ocean and Americas between Spain and Portugal.

Francis Bacon formalized the research methods of Tycho Brahe and Galileo into a theory of reasoning known as...?


Thomas Hobbes

English political philosopher held that power of the ruler was absolute and prevented civil war.

How did Europeans initially justify the enslavement of Africans?

Enslavement benefited Africans by bringing Christianity.

What two fundamental principles of the French Revolution were incorporated into the Napoleonic Code?

Equality of all male citizens, security of wealth, potential property.

What reform did France's Second Republic institute in 1848?

Establishment of new revolutionary state bowing to the demands of workers.

How did the Turks' expansion of the Ottoman Empire and their conquest of the Byzantine Empire and its capital Constantinople in 1453 influence European exploration?

Europeans searched for alternate trade routes to China.

The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolutionary third estate included...?

Everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy

In the nineteenth century, how did Ireland's population grow despite extreme poverty?

Extensive cultivation of the humble potato

The primary cause of the English Glorious Revolution was...?

Fear of the establishment of Catholic Absolutism by James II.

Romantics and early nationalists investigated folk songs, folk tales, and proverbs in order to...?

Found unique greatness of every people in its culture.

Describe the immigration patterns (forced and unforced) of Europeans and Africans to the Americas between 1500 and 1800?

Four times as many African-Americans migrated to America as did Europeans.

What was the economic effect of Napoleon's Continental System?

French artisans and middle class suffered.

How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France in the Napoleonic era?

French state pick church officers and church activities.

What characterizes the condition of peasants in Western Europe in the eighteenth century?

Generally free from Serfdom and owned land to pass on to kids.

The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also...?

Give British merchants monopoly on trade with their colonies.

Edict of Nantes

Granted Huguenots the right to worship in 150 towns.

By July 1794, how had the central government in Paris managed to reassert control over the provinces and gain momentum against the First Coalition?

Harnessed forces of planned economy, revolution terror, harnessed modern nationalism into a total war effort.

How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms?

He gained a larger audience for his reform ideas.

The European voyages of the fifteenth century were derived from a desire to share in the wealth of the ________________________________.

Indian Ocean trade.

How did the reaction of kings and nobles in continental Europe toward the French Revolution change over the revolution's first two years?

Initially pleased; soon felt threatened by the radical messages.

Why did Pietism, which began in Germany in the late seventeenth century, appeal to people?

It emphasized a warm and emotional religion.

How did the National Assembly respond to the hopes and expectations of Saint-Domingue's different social groups?

It frustrated the hopes of all the different social groups.

In the eighteenth century, advocates for agricultural innovation argued that...?

Landholdings and common lands needed to be enclosed.

Why did a unified Italian state fail to develop in the fifteenth century?

Loyalty and feeling centered on attachment to city-state

Early Renaissance Italian art....?

Manifested corporate power.

Olympe de Gouges

Men and Women would be equal in the eyes of the law.

Which of the following characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus?

Minor outpost that produced few products desired by others.

What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly.

Why did Klemens von Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

Nationalism among different groups threatened the empire.

What was the Republic of Letters?

Network involving Western Europe, its colonies, Eastern Europe, and Russia.

Social Consequences of Peter the Great's bureaucratic system

Non-nobles were able to rise to high positions.

What was the result of the consumer revolution of the eighteenth century?

One's self-identity comes from consuming practices.

What characteristic distinguished the English Parliament from other representative assemblies?

Parliaments permission was required for certain types of legislation.

How did the Peace of Utrecht resolve the problem of succession to the Spanish throne?

Phillip is French King; France and Spain's thrones won't unite.

A striking feature of the salons was that...?

Philosophers, nobles, and upper middle class intermingled.

The industrious revolution was a result of...?

Poor families reduce leisure time and production of goods.

Mercantilist Theory

Postulated that economic activity should be regulated by and for the state.

The dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773 is a striking indication of the...?

Power of the state over church.

France supported the Protestant princes of Germany in order to accomplish what?

Prevent Charles V from increasing his power.

The Statute of Kilkenny attempted to do what?

Prevent intermarriage and cultural assimilation.

French foreign policy under Cardinal Richelieu focused primarily on the...?

Prevention of Habsburgs from unifying land around France.

How did Charles X of France seek to rally political support for himself in 1830?

Promoted constitutional charter and guaranteed civil liberties.

What characterizes the response of various religious perspectives to Nicolaus Copernicus's hypothesis?

Protestants rejected idea, the Catholic Church over looked theory until 17th Century.

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in 1848?

Provide employment in public works projects.

According to Machiavelli, government should be judged on what?

Provided order, security, and safety of the populance.


Prussian Nobles.

What aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged?

Publishing his works through the printing press.

What were the achievements of the Avignon popes before the Great Schism?

Reformed financial administration of church and centralized government.

Why was John Wesley's Methodism particularly appealing?

Refuted doctrine of predestination.

What purposes were served by sumptuary laws?

Reinforced social hierarchies attempted to impose moral standards, sought to protect.

John Calvin

Rejected the idea of free will, believing that is would distract from the sovereignty of God.

In the eighteenth century, many liberal thinkers believed that representative institutions could defend the liberty and interests of the people. What did this mean in terms of political practice?

Representation would be restricted to men of property.

Congress of Vienna

Resurrected the Holy Roman Empire.

Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation

Salvation through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace.

How did the Enlightenment affect attitudes toward popular culture?

Saw popular culture as superstitions and vulgar.

What was the effect of France's Constitutional Charter in the post-Napoleonic period?

Secured most of gains by middle class and peasantry.

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women.

What did Italian humanists stress?

Study of the classics to reveal human nature.

The Spanish Inquisition was an attempt to do what?

Target Jewish converts who were believed to continue Judaism.

What caused the life-and-death political struggle between the Girondists and the Mountain?

The Girondist's more moderate policies.

What English weapon provided an advantage against the mounted French Knights in the battles of Poitiers and Agincourt?

The Longbow

What changes around 1300 permitted a significant expansion in the movement of goods?

The changes in ships, allowed for year round sailing.

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of what?

The dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VII.

What did Count Henri de Saint-Simon believe in the nineteenth century?

The key to progress was proper social organization.

The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was...?

The subordination of all institutions to the monarchy.

The Abbé Sieyès considered the third estate...?

The true strength of the French nation.

The most influential aspect of René Descartes' theories of nature was that....?

The universe functioned in a mechanistic function.

Who made up the Loyalist faction in the American Revolution?

The wealthy and politically moderate.

What was one of Karl Marx's most important criticisms of the French utopian socialists?

Their Utopian schemes were not realistic.

Settlers from the Massachusetts colony dispersed into new communities such as Connecticut and Rhode Island because...?

There were religious disputes among the colonists.

On the Iberian Peninsula, what was the social position of African slaves?

They intermingled and sometimes intermarried with them.

By the eighteenth century, the elite of Spanish colonial society believed what about their circumstances?

They were different from those in Spain.

What was the fate of most people brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft?

They were sent home with a warning and ordered to do penance.

17th Century Dutch East India Company

Took over much of east India from Portugal.

How did the encomienda system function?

Tribute was demanded from natives in exchange for food and shelter.

What was the result of the "June Days" in France in 1848?

Triumph of the republican army under General Louis.

The Chartist movement in Britain in the 1830s and 1840s demanded

Universal male suffrage.

Composers in the Romantic Movement...?

Used a wide range of forms to evoke powerful emotions.

How did the idea of "race" transform Europeans' idea of their superiority over other peoples?

Was defined as biologically and culturally superior.

During the Prussian revolution in 1848, why did the alliance between middle-class liberals and workers dissolve?

Workers demanded series of democratic and socialist reforms.

Who benefited from the Black Death?

Workers who survived, demanded higher wages after the black death.

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