Middle-aged Adulthood

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When are we middle-aged?

40-60 or 65

3/4 of cancer occurs in people aged __________

55 and older

Definition: Activities oriented toward taking care of one's own body; fundamental to living in a social world; enable basic survival and well-being


Adult self-care demands are the most extensive of those at any point in the lifespan and include both _________ and __________


Mid-Life Crisis: Levinson and Erikson theories (3)

Accepting one's own mortality Recognizing new physical limitations and health risks Adapting to major changes in most roles

Expertise relies on:

Accumulated experience

Definition: As adults become older, their age identity is younger than their chronological age

Age Identity

2 significant factors in shaping relationships between grandparents and grandchildren

Age of grandchild Age of grandparent

_______________ is the most common cause of disability


Ages 45-64 the largest leading cause of death is:


Stress may be linked to the increase in 3 things:

Cancer Higher cholesterol Heart disease

External factors of Cancer

Carcinogens Viruses Chemical compounds (in tobacco or elsewhere) Ultraviolet solar radiation

Definition: __________ homelessness becomes a growing problem in middle adulthood


___________________ may also cause disease

Chronic Stress

Some middle-agers even have improved _________ abilities


Late midlife (55-65) is likely to be characterized by 4 things

Death of a parent Last child leaving the parental home Becoming a grandparent Preparation for and actual retirement

_______________ is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputation, and new cases of blindness among adults


Chronic homelessness is an unaccompanied homeless individual with a ___________ condition and who has been homeless for ____________

Disabling A year or more

3 of the most common reasons why children live with grandparents

Divorce Adolescent pregnancies Parental drug use

When is cognitive development at its peak?

During middle adulthood

Women who return to school need __________ and __________ support

Emotional and professional

Definition: A decline in marital satisfaction after the children leave home

Empty Nest Syndrome

__________ often shows up more in middle adulthood that in early adulthood


True or False: Friendship does not continue to be important in middle adulthood

False; it is important

Historically, early adulthood was associated with the establishment of a _________


The grandparent serves as:

Family Historian

Middle adulthood is at the age period in which _______ and ______ balance each other

Gains & Losses

Grandchildren tend to spend more time with their _________ than with their _______ through adolescence

Grandmothers, grandfathers

Stress hormones associated with anger may contribute to a ____________

Heart Attack

__________ is the 2nd leading cause of death in middle adulthood

Heart Disease

Sandwich generation refers to middle-aged daughter taking care of:

Her own children and/or grandchildren as well as aging parents

High-strain work puts workers at the __________ risk


________________ can occur at any point in the lifespan


Definition: Activities to support daily life within the home and community that often require a more complex interaction


For most parents, marital satisfaction _______ during the years after child rearing


__________ abilities show gains or remain largely stable from early adulthood through middle adulthood


Definition: No two people age in the same way or at the same time

Interindividual variability

Middle-aged adults are more reactive to __________ stressors than younger adults


Definition: Family members who work at keeping in touch with other family members and/or keeping family members in touch with one another


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in:

Late Adulthood

Mid-Life Crisis may be triggered by ____________ rather than age

Life events (ex. death of parent(s))

Grandchildren tend to be more involved with __________ grandparents rather than _______ grandparents

Maternal, paternal

Definition: Highly motivated and more likely than younger learners to find the subject interesting for its own sake

Mature Learners

Many people are at their height of of creativity during:

Middle Adulthood

An increasing percentage of the population is made up of _____ and _____ adults

Middle-aged and Older Adults

Most burden of taking care of the elderly parent falls on:

Middle-aged daughter

Death rates from suicide and poisonings such as drug overdoses increase among:

Middle-aged whites at all socioeconomic levels

The _____________ adult is most likely to be established in a secure housing arrangement

Midlife adult

The longer stress lasts, the worse it is for both the __________ and __________

Mind and body

Serious mid-life problems are experienced by a:

Minority- maybe 25% at most

Occupational Roles are __________ impacted by role confusion, role conflict, and role strain


_________ abilities shows a modest decline through middle adulthood


Definition: A set of behaviors connected to social norms that allows someone to organize and allocate time for self-care activities, work, play, social activities, leisure, and rest

Occupational Role

Stress declines in:

Older Adults

__________ speed begins declining in early adulthood and continues to decline in middle adulthood


Definition: Changes in the body's integumentary system, senses, reaction time, and lung capacity

Physiological aging

Having grandchildren is viewed as a ________________ life event

Positive (valued role)

Both _______ and _______ are influences on grandparent role

Race and Ethnicity

Women with the greatest demands on them from family and work are most likely to:

Return to school

Definition: Results when an individual encounters tension as the result of incompatible roles

Role Conflict

Definition: A situation where an individual has trouble determining which role he/she should assume

Role Confusion

Definition: Felt difficulty in fulfilling role obligations; when tension is felt between two competing roles, the tension comes from just one role

Role Strain

Middle-aged adults experience more "overload" stressors that involve __________ and __________

Role conflict and Role Strain

Definition: Consists a set of rules or norms that function as plans or blueprints to guide behavior


Definition: Role of middle-aged adult who are sandwiched between older and younger cohorts in the population

Sandwich Generation

Stress suppresses the immune system by stimulating the production of __________


Definition: Is a midset exhibited by an individual that makes him or her resistant to the negative impacts of stressful circumstances and events

Stress Hardiness

Internal factors of Cancer:

Such as heredity Problems in immune system Hormonal factors

__________ and __________, in particular, decrease as we age

Timed performance and memorization skills

Definition: Type of homelessness usually associated with younger people

Transitory Homelessness

True or False: An increasing number of U.S. grandchildren live with their grandparents


True or False: Chronic homelessness: the individual must have had at least 4 episodes of homelessness in the past 3 years


True or False: Most elderly parents live near one of their middle-aged children


True or False: The middle-aged mind is calmer, less neurotic, and better able to sort through social situations


True or false: Stress can make existing problems worse


True or False: Refilling of empty nest is becoming a common occurrence

True (boomerangs)

Ages 25-44 the largest leading cause of death are:

Unintentional injuries

__________ ability maintains stability as we age


Nearly 30% of adult workers suffer from __________ stress


Stress is highest in __________ and _________ adults

Young and Middle-aged

Writers and visual artists continue to improve their creativity into middle adulthood, most emotional work tends to be at a __________ age


Heart disease most commonly results from __________

arteriosclerosis (hardening or arteries)

Changes in metabolism, muscle mass, strength, bone density, aerobic capacity, blood-sugar tolerance, and ability to regulate body temperature may be moderated or reversed through:

exercise and diet

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