midterm 1309

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"Survival of the fittest" may be a misleading phrase to describe the process of evolution by natural selection because -survival matters less to natural selection than reproductive success does. -it is impossible to determine the fittest individuals in nature. -natural variation in a population is generally too great to be influenced by differential survival. -reproductive success on its own does not necessarily guarantee evolution. -fitness has little to do with natural selection.

-survival matters less to natural selection than reproductive success does.

Speciation without geographic isolation is called -sympatric speciation. -parapatric speciation. -autopatric speciation. -antipatric speciation. -allopatric speciation.

-sympatric speciation.

Analogous features are problematic when constructing evolutionary trees because they are -based on DNA instead of comparative anatomy. -based on comparative anatomy instead of embryology. -monophyletic instead of convergent. -the result of common ancestry instead of natural selection. -the result of natural selection instead of common ancestry.

-the result of natural selection instead of common ancestry.

A mutation is -always dominant. -never adaptive. -always recessive. -usually heritable. -usually lethal.

-usually heritable.

Sequencing DNA from different organisms has been a breakthrough for phylogenetics because -we can now re-create genomes from the past. -we now have a method to determine the relatedness of organisms that leave no fossils. -it has reduced the impact of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. -we can now build heat-tolerant animals. -All of the above answer choices are correct.

-we now have a method to determine the relatedness of organisms that leave no fossils

The frequency of dominant allele A in a population is 0.50. What is the frequency of the genotype AA in that population, according to the Hardy-Weinberg law? 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0


The fixed action pattern found in geese, in which they will retrieve a model egg the size of a basketball preferentially to retrieving their own egg, was able to evolve because -fake eggs the size of basketballs were rarely if ever found near goose nests in natural situations. -larger goose eggs were more likely to survive than smaller goose eggs. -geese rarely have more than one egg in their nests at a time. -All of the above choices were necessary for the particular behavior to evolve. -Only the first two choices were necessary for the particular behavior to evolve.

??-Only the first two choices were necessary for the particular behavior to evolve.??

The oldest prokaryotic fossils have been dated -4.6 billion years ago. -2.5 billion years ago. -2 billion years ago. -1 billion years ago. -3.5 billion years ago.

-3.5 billion years ago.

Before the nineteenth century, most scholars thought that the world was less than 10,000 years old. Based on geological and radiometric evidence, however, scientists now believe the age of planet Earth is closer to -20,000 years old. -100,000 years old. -1 million years old. -50 million years old. -4 billion years old.

-4 billion years old.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT? -A bat's wing is homologous with a moth's wing. -Adaptive radiation is a special case of divergent evolution. -Natural selection plays only a small role in the process of adaptive radiation. -A bird's eye is analogous with a whale's eye. -Convergent evolution results in unrelated organisms developing very dissimilar traits.

-Adaptive radiation is a special case of divergent evolution.

Population bottlenecks occur when a -population's size is significantly reduced for at least one generation. -large portion of a population is suddenly killed off and only a few survive to recolonize the population. -large portion of a population's genetic variation is lost within a single generation. -All of the above answer choices are correct. -None of the above answer choices is correct.

-All of the above answer choices are correct.

If the frequencies of recessive and dominant alleles in a population do not change over time, that population -is evolving. -is migrating. -is exhibiting genetic drift. -is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. -will soon be extinct.

-is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

The phenotype of an organism is -its physical characteristics. -its genetic make-up. -the form it achieves as an adult. -the chronological expression of its genes. -a hypothesis of its evolutionary origins.

-its physical characteristics.

At the time life first evolved on Earth -less oxygen and more methane were present in the atmosphere than today. -more oxygen and more methane were present in the atmosphere than today. -more oxygen and less methane were present in the atmosphere than today. -less oxygen and less methane were present in the atmosphere than today. -None of the above answer choices is correct.

-less oxygen and more methane were present in the atmosphere than today.

From an evolutionary perspective, behavior can be viewed best as -not subject to the normal evolutionary process because it involves a neurological system. -a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection. -something that is too complex to arise through natural selection. -All of the above answer choices are correct. -Both the second and third answer choices are correct.

a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection.

In humans, random mating is most likely to occur for which of the following characteristics? -blood type -intelligence -personality -physical appearance -language

blood type

All of the living organisms that we can see with the naked eye are -mushrooms. -in the domain Eukarya. -in the kingdom Eukarya. -in the domain Archaea. -in the kingdom Animalia.

in the domain Eukarya.

In a species such as elephant seals, in which males are significantly larger than females, the most likely mating system is -polyandry. -polygyny. -monogamy. -promiscuity. -It is impossible to predict the mating system with only this information.


Behaviors that do not require environmental input for their development are called -instincts. -fixed action patterns. -learned behaviors. -reciprocal altruism. -complex behaviors.


What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection? -Artificial selection operates at the genetic level, whereas natural selection operates on the entire organism. -Artificial selection acts on morphological characteristics, whereas natural selection acts on life history traits. -Artificial selection requires human intervention, whereas natural selection does not require human intervention. -Artificial selection leads to temporary changes, whereas natural selection leads to permanent changes. -Artificial selection is directional, whereas natural selection is stabilizing.

-Artificial selection requires human intervention, whereas natural selection does not require human intervention.

The fact that fish, penguins, and dolphins all have the same basic shape is BEST explained by which of the following? -The basic shapes of fish, penguins, and dolphins are vestigial structures. -Fish, penguins, and dolphins all faced the same physical constraints during their evolution and converged upon the same body plan. -Divergent evolution and adaptive radiation into new niches often result in convergent evolution. -The similarities are probably due to random chance. -Parallel evolution is common among aquatic mammals.

-Fish, penguins, and dolphins all faced the same physical constraints during their evolution and converged upon the same body plan.

Which of the following is NOT a pre-zygotic barrier to interbreeding between different species? -Two species live in areas so far from each other that they never meet. -Biochemical factors prevent the sperm of one species from fertilizing the egg of the other species. -Hybrids between the two species are infertile. -Two species have sufficient physical differences that cause them to be unable to mate. -Two species have different courtship rituals.

-Hybrids between the two species are infertile.

Which of the following is the best way to distinguish male from female? -Males are larger. -Males are more brightly colored. -Males are more aggressive. -Males produce motile gametes. -All of the above answer choices are correct.

-Males produce motile gametes.

Different organisms with an identical specific epithet, such as Drosophila melanogaster and Thamnophis melanogaster, are related to each other at the level of -genus. -appearance. -order. -family. -No particular relationship is implied by the fact that two organisms have identical specific epithets.

-No particular relationship is implied by the fact that two organisms have identical specific epithets.

Evolutionary change as a result of natural selection ALWAYS leads to -increased complexity. -perfection. -more intricate adaptations. -uniformity. -None of the above answer choices is correct.

-None of the above answer choices is correct.

Which of the following conditions must be met for reciprocal altruism to evolve? -The benefits to the recipient must be significantly greater than the costs to the donor. -The ability to recognize and punish cheaters must exist. -Repeated interactions among individuals must occur, with opportunities for each individual to be both the donor and the recipient of altruistic-appearing acts. -The interacting parties must be related to each other. -Only the first three choices are conditions that must be met for reciprocal altruism to evolve.

-Only the first three choices are conditions that must be met for reciprocal altruism to evolve.

Which of the following is a statement that describes the concept of convergent evolution? -Organisms that are not directly related develop similar traits. -Closely related organisms develop similar traits. -Closely related organisms adapt to a wide range of different traits. -Similar traits evolve at the same time in different organisms. -Different organisms merge to become one species.

-Organisms that are not directly related develop similar traits.

During gene flow, where do the genes flow? -The genes do not flow at all; flow is a mathematical metaphor for mean gene frequencies being unstable and drifting from one number to another. -The genes flow into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another. -The genes flow from a locus on one chromosome to another locus on the same chromosome. -The genes flow through cyberspace. -The genes flow from a locus on one chromosome to a locus on another chromosome.

-The genes flow into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another.

Usually, the female is more discriminating than the male when it comes to mating; however, in bush crickets, the opposite is the case. Why is this? -The male contributes a massive amount of energy to the female during mating—his ejaculate makes up about one-fourth of his body weight. -Male bush crickets are prettier than female bush crickets. -Male bush crickets accept the newly fertilized zygotes from the female and incubate them. -A male bush cricket must bring the female a large offering of food in order for the female to accept him as a mate. -Male bush crickets have tremendous variation

-The male contributes a massive amount of energy to the female during mating—his ejaculate makes up about one-fourth of his body weight.

From an evolutionary perspective, behavior can be viewed best as -not subject to the normal evolutionary process because it involves a neurological system. -a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection. -something that is too complex to arise through natural selection. -All of the above answer choices are correct. -Only the second and third answer choices are correct.

-a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection.

Cross-cultural studies are important in studying behavioral biology because they -allow us to determine the extent to which culture has shaped behavior. -allow us to determine the extent to which cultural behaviors have shaped biology. -allow us to evaluate the hereditary component of behaviors by revealing behaviors that persist throughout different cultures. -reveal how diverse human biology is through the many distinct cultures that have developed throughout human history. -reveal how unique human behaviors are from the behaviors of other animals.

-allow us to evaluate the hereditary component of behaviors by revealing behaviors that persist throughout different cultures.

Which of the following are pairs of homologous features? -cactus spine and porcupine quill -snout of African golden mole and snout of North American mole -butterfly wing and blue jay wing -bear paw and blue jay wing -bear paw and bat wing

-bear paw and bat wing

Among Natterjack toads in northern Europe, males produce booming calls to attract females. Females desire large males and the size of the male determines the volume of the call. Why is the Natterjack's call considered an "honest signal"? -because the large Natterjack males invest more parental effort than smaller Natterjack males -because the call of the Natterjack male accurately provides both distance and direction to the female -because the call of a large Natterjack male cannot be faked by a smaller Natterjack male -because the female Natterjack toads answer back with a similar signal -because the female Natterjack toads were taught by their mothers to avoid dishonest signals

-because the call of a large Natterjack male cannot be faked by a smaller Natterjack male

Monogamy, a relatively rare system outside of the birds, evolves when -males compete for females who have higher parental investment. -females compete for males who have higher parental investment. -both males and females have low parental investment. -both males and females have high and equal parental investment. -it is dangerous to compete for multiple mates.

-both males and females have high and equal parental investment.

Interacting systems of molecules enclosed in compartments called __________ evolved 3.8 billion years ago in living organisms. -mitochondria -cells -organs -circulatory systems -brains


Kin selection theory would lead us to predict that -children in stepfamilies are injured more frequently than those living with their biological families. -children in stepfamilies are injured less frequently than those living with their biological families. -children in stepfamilies are injured at exactly the same frequency as those living with their biological families. -children in stepfamilies are less likely to engage in sexual activities with their family members than children living with their biological families. -None of the above answer choices is correct; kin selection theory cannot make predictions about human behavior.

-children in stepfamilies are injured more frequently than those living with their biological families.

Homo sapiens is the name of a species. Homo is the name of a genus. Hominidae is the name of a family. Primate is the name of an order. Mammal is the name of a -domain. -kingdom. -phylum. -class. -variety.


Species that are only distantly related but occupy similar environments often come to resemble each other through a process known as -genetic drift. -divergent evolution. -convergent evolution. -stabilizing selection. -coevolution.

-convergent evolution.

The biological species concept -states that a species is any group that shares similar DNA. -is the best and most accurate species concept. -defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring. -is infrequently used because it is inapplicable to many organisms. -states that any organisms that are biologically similar constitute a species

-defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring.

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, all peppered moths (Biston betularia) observed around Manchester, England, were light in color. In 1845, a single black peppered moth was reported. As Manchester became more industrialized and dark soot began to cover the bark of the trees, the frequency of black moths increased greatly. The change in proportion of light and dark forms resulted from -disruptive selection. -directional selection. -stabilizing selection. -genetic drift. -increased mutation.

-directional selection.

Convergent evolution can occur only when two species -live in the same geographic area. -are separated by a barrier such as a new river. -evolve under similar selective forces. -have a recent common ancestor. -are both inedible to predators.

-evolve under similar selective forces.

The contribution of a genotype or phenotype to the genetic composition of subsequent generations relative to other genotypes or phenotypes best describes which of the following concepts? -fitness -evolution -migration -the founder effect -natural selection


Altruistic behavior in animals may be a result of kin selection, a theory maintaining that -aggression between sexes increases the survival and reproduction of the fittest individuals. -aggression within sexes increases the survival and reproduction of the fittest individuals. -genes are more likely to persist within a population when they cause behaviors that assist other animals that share those genes. -companionship is advantageous to animals because in the future they can recognize those that helped them in the past and request help once again. -companionship is advantageous to animals because in

-genes are more likely to persist within a population when they cause behaviors that assist other animals that share those genes.

The longer two species have been evolving on their own, the greater the number of ______________ that accumulate between them. -genetic differences -homologous structures -convergences -DNA bases -genetic similarities

-genetic differences

Arguments that a morphological characteristic or behavior has evolved because it benefits the species or population are arguments for -kin selection. -group selection. -artificial selection. -convergent evolution. -reciprocal altruism.

-group selection.

Because it is possible for a female to mate with multiple males, any of whom could be the father, male mammals and birds will always -invest less in the care of the offspring. -have some degree of paternity uncertainty. -invest more in the care of the offspring. -be the choosier sex in mating. -mate with kin that they can trust.

-have some degree of paternity uncertainty.

An allele leads to deceptive behavior that increases individual fitness. Under these conditions, that allele would -increase in a population. -decrease in a population. -stay the same in a population. -always be inherited from the male parent. -always be inherited from the female parent.

-increase in a population.

Natural selection results from interactions between -individual organisms and their environment. -species and their environment. -individual organisms and their genes. -species and their populations. genes and ecosystems.

-individual organisms and their environment.

Researchers transplanted older female Belding's ground squirrels from their original colonies to new colonies where they had no relatives. These transplanted older females were shown to be -likely to make alarm calls when they saw predators. -unwilling to make alarm calls when they saw predators. -only willing to make alarm calls when they saw predators if they recognized a relative among the squirrels in their new colonies. -likely to engage in the deceptive behavior of making alarm calls even when no predators were present. -receptive to mating opportunities with unrelated males in their new colonies.

-likely to make alarm calls when they saw predators.

Which of the following is NOT caused by bacteria? -morning breath -pneumonia -malaria -tuberculosis -the taste of sourdough bread


Polygamy and monogamy are two types of -mating systems. -dominance hierarchies. -kinship systems. -learned behaviors. -acoustical communications.

-mating systems.

Adaptations shaped by natural selection -are continuously modified, so that they are always fitted to the environment in which an organism lives. -may be out of date, having been shaped in the past, which may have been different from the present. -are unlikely to be present in humans living in industrial societies. -are magnified and enhanced through the complementary force of genetic drift. -represent perfect solutions to the problems posed by nature.

-may be out of date, having been shaped in the past, which may have been different from the present.

Gene flow means most nearly the same as -genetic drift. -natural selection. -migration. -founder effect. -meiotic drive.


Which of the following molecules was NOT present in the pre-biotic environment? -ammonia (NH3) -molecular dioxygen (O2) -hydrogen sulfide (H2S) -methane (CH4) -water (H2O)

-molecular dioxygen (O2)

The sex with the greater energetic investment in reproduction will be ___________________ when it comes to mating. -more discriminating -less discriminating -more competitive -more exhaustive -less interested

-more discriminating

Of the approximately 10,000 species of birds, ________ appear to be monogamous. -about 50 percent -about 75 percent -more than 90 percent -about 99 percent -about 25 percent

-more than 90 percent

In a random study of 1000 wills, it was shown that ___________________ received the smallest share of a deceased's estate. -spouses -children -siblings -grandchildren -non-relatives


A population consists of a group of organisms -living in a specific geographic locale. -of the same species. -residing in a geographic area that measures one square mile or greater. -of the same species living in a specific geographic area that have the potential to interbreed. -consisting of 5000 or more individuals.

-of the same species living in a specific geographic area that have the potential to interbreed.

Which by-product of photosynthesis was important in altering the atmosphere of the Earth so that aerobic organisms could evolve? -carbon dioxide -methane gas -air -nitrogen -oxygen


Molecules released by an individual into the environment that trigger behavioral responses in other individuals are called -pheromones. -language. -alarm signals. -phospholipids. -rubiscos.


The evolutionary history of groups of organisms is known as -sympatry. -polyploidy. -ontogeny. -monophyly. -phylogeny.


Wolves and bears are placed in the same taxonomic order. Therefore, they must also be classified in the same -genus. -family. -phylum. -species. -specific epithet.


Behaviors that are learned easily and by all (or nearly all) individuals in a species are called -fixed action patterns. -innate behaviors. -prepared learning. -reciprocal altruism. -instincts.

-prepared learning.

An animal will preferentially feed on the -largest prey it can find. -smallest prey it can find. -prey that provides the most energy relative to effort. -prey that provides the most calories relative to the size of the prey. -prey that provides the most calories relative to the size of the predator.

-prey that provides the most energy relative to effort.

All living organisms have evolved from a single common ancestor. The existence of which molecule lends the greatest support to this statement? -phospholipids -messenger RNA -DNA -ribosomal RNA -transfer RNA

-ribosomal RNA

Artificial selection is likely to produce population-level changes most quickly in organisms with a -short generation time. -large genome. -long life span. -large body size. -small litter size.

-short generation time.

The classic "Miller experiments," performed in the 1950s by Harold Urey and Stanley Miller, were the first to show that -the average bill size of a population of Darwin's finches changed with environmental conditions, proving that microevolution can occur within a human lifetime. -water (H2O) could be separated into atmospheric oxygen and H2 gas. -naturally occurring antibiotics, such as penicillin, could be used to treat bacterial diseases. -cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), a type of electromagnetic radiation, fills the entire universe and provides support for the "big bang" model of the origin of the universe. -simple organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form spontaneously in the laboratory under chemical conditions mimicking those of primitive Earth.

-simple organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form spontaneously in the laboratory under chemical conditions mimicking those of primitive Earth.

Natural selection decreases genetic variability in a population. This statement is -always correct. -never correct. -sometimes correct, especially in cases of stabilizing selection. -sometimes correct, especially in cases of disruptive selection. -sometimes correct, especially in cases of frequency-dependent selection.

-sometimes correct, especially in cases of stabilizing selection.

A population of organisms that breaks away and becomes different from the original population through isolation and separate evolution might eventually become a separate -phylum. -order. -class. -species. -genus.


Errors sometimes occur when DNA duplicates itself. Why might that be a good thing? -New genes can enter the population and be acted upon by evolution. -The DNA replication process becomes more fine-tuned as it makes more errors. -The rebuilding process proceeds much more quickly when a few errors occur. -Most errors are, in fact, good for the organism in which they occur. -Errors in DNA replication can never be a good thing.

New genes can enter the population and be acted upon by evolution.

Mutation rates -are generally unimportant in evolution. -can be affected by environmental factors. -are equal in all species—this is why we can accurately calibrate a molecular clock. -tend to be higher in E. coli than in Homo sapiens. -can be synonymous or non-synonymous.

can be affected by environmental factors.

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