Midterm Questions

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What three Acts passed from 1930 until 1950 were some of the most significant for providing funding for the conservation of fish and wildlife species. All three of these are still an important source of revenue today for the conservation of fish and wildlife species?

1. Pittman-Robertson Act 2. Dingell-Johnson Act 3. Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act

Boston enacted the first hunting seasons for wildlife in what year?


Before the time of the European, there was somewhere between _____ and _____ million deer in North America.

9 19

The management of wildlife species at the federal level involve what type of species? (choose all that apply) a. Game species that are found in multiple states b. Species on federal lands c. Game species that are on the endangered species list d. Game species that cross state and federal boundaries e. Species on the endangered species list f. Species that cross international boundaries


What were the reasons that the early Spanish came to the New World? a. Clean air and water b. Fur c. Gold d. The great beaches e. Timber f. Gems g. Silver


Which are true about laws that govern fair chase? (choose all that apply) a. Fair chase laws are based upon the basic tenants in common law b. Fair chase laws are based upon concepts that are related to the basic tenants of the US constitution c. Fair chase laws govern how we hunt wildlife species d. Fair chase laws are ultimately based upon the Magna Carta e. These are laws that are bases on universal truths and ethics and are essentially the same the world over f. Fair chase laws are another name for local ordinances that govern the use of wildlife in cities and other local entities g. Fair chase laws are essentially the opposite of how we were forced to hunt under the rule of the crow in the UK and other european countries h. These are laws that can differ, even in neighboring states i. These are laws that are created to legislate ethics


The _____________________ was amended in 1966 and it set forth procedures for federal agencies for formal and informal rulemaking, informal agency action, and adjudicatory proceedings.

Administrative Procedures Act

Which agencies are typically considered what type of agency?

Administrative agencies Regulatory agencies

The ____________________ was enacted to assist with the eradication of wildlife that threatened livestock grazing and agriculture on Western federal and private lands.

Animal Damage Control Act of 1931

Which Act(s) was the enabling legislation for the agency that would eventually become the USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Program?

Animal Damage Control Act of 1931

Which act required the humane treatment, care, and transport of all warm-blooded animals, including wildlife used for research, teaching, exhibition, and as pets?

Animal Welfare Act of 1966

Which act was the first federal statute to prohibit the taking, possession of, or commerce in a particular species of wildlife?

Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940

The _______________________ was an early attempt to address the poor air quality conditions that were present in many places throughout the US.

Clean Air Act of 1955

The ________________was signed in response to the urgent need to control commercial trade in rare wildlife trade.

Conventional of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 1973

The ___________________ imposed a federal excise tax on fishing equipment boats, boat fuel, and other related items to provide funds for the management of sport fish and their assorted fisheries.

Dingell-Johnson Act and Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act of 1950

__________________ is the amount of perturbation or disturbance an ecosystem can absorb without transitioning to an alternate state or condition.

Ecological resilience

Eight characteristics have been suggested that go into management for multiple use or, as it has sometimes been called, integrative collaborative ecosystem management:

Economic incentives A consensus group approach Monitoring and adaptive management Stakeholder influence Integrated and balanced goals Collarborative stewardship Multidisciplinary data Inclusive public involvement

The ____________________ was the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered and threatened species ever enacted by any nation.

Endangered Species Act of 1973

One of the first test cases for the __________________ was Tennessee Valley Authority v Hill in 1978. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a quasi-government agency designed to build and maintain dams on the Tennessee River and its tributaries to provide electricity to the rural Southeast. In 1967, the multi-million dollar Tellico Dam project on the Little Tennessee River was started. Progress was halted on the project after 1973 because the endangered snail darter (Percina tanasi) was found upstream. The Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision that continuance of the project would exterminate an endangered species.

Endangered species act

The _____________________ was enacted to promote federal research on wildlife on federal lands, and for state agencies to cooperate to develop a national program for wildlife conservation.

FIsh and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934

In contrast to the sustained yield, the multiple use form of conservation, many agencies insist on more limited use of their lands and the resources they produce. For example, national wildlife refuges and National Parks in the United States and Canada restrict the use of their properties to low-invasive purposes. True or False?


Once a states authority to manage wildlife or to regulate any action is set, it cannot be changed. True or False?


Pure conservation biology takes into account the human aspect True or False?


The Pittman-Robertson Act can be used to pay for television and advertisements. True or False


What factors led to the incredibly large deer population in the 1500s?

Farming The creation of towns and villages Habitat fragmentation

Which act imposed a federal excise tax on fishing equipment, boats, boat fuel, and other related items to provide funds for the management of sport fish and their associated fisheries?

Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act of 1950

The ____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on hunting equipment and firearms and apportioned the funds to the states for state management and restoration of fish and wildlife resources and habitats.

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937

Which Act is the current guiding legislation for the Bureau of Land Management?

Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976

The _____________ was enacted to protect waterways by providing grants for sewage and treatment plants.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948

Hughes v. Oklahoma (1979) over turned what ruling?

Greer v. Connecticut

Which case asked the following? In _____________, it questioned whether or not the state's power over wildlife was sufficient to give the state the ability to prescribing the property rights for harvested game.

Greer v. Connecticut

Manifest Destiny was an idea that the US was special, being blessed by God, which was an idea that went back to the US Constitution. As these new lands were purchased, Americans felt that it was their responsibility to move into these new lands and dominate them. Which act(s) was designed to speed this process?

Homestead Act

What did Blade V. Higgs do?

In England, it allowed a trespasser to keep game that they killed; however, in the US it did not set the same precedent

The ________________ have extensive powers over the regulation of wildlife harvests

Individual states

Referendums on wildlife issues help wildlife managers effectively reach their management objectives. True, False, It is possible but not always?

It is possible but not always

The 1981 Lacey Act Amendment did what?

It prohibits commerce in fish and wildlife taken in violation of tribal, foreign, and federal wildlife laws. It made the improper or false labeling, marking or recordkeeping illegal It punishes trafficking in illegally taken wildlife It combined the provisions of the 1900 Lacey Act and the Black Bass Act of 1926 so that fish, wildlife, and plants are now covered under the original federal prohibition on the interstate transport and sale of wildlife killed in violation of state laws or regulations.

Proposition 5 in Utah did what?

It required a 2/3 vote for any state law which limits the taking of wildlife.

Common law is created by who?


Aldo Leopold is considered to be the father of game management. Where did he work in the 1920's that led him to develop his ideas about conservation that would help guide his views about predator management?

Kiabab National Forest

The Tariff Act of 1930 strengthened which act(s) by prohibiting importation of any bird or mammal illegally taken or exported from a foreign nation.

Lacey Act

What Acts provided legislation for the use of public lands and/or funds for outdoor recreation?

Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965 Wild and Scenic River Act of 1968 Refuge Recreation Act of 1962 National Trails System Act of 1968

To Chief Justice Taney, the legal question here involved whether the King of England had the right to make thjs grant and whether tills grant still pertained after independence. The Supreme Court declared that, due to the Magna Carta, the king did not have the authority to grant these lands to the Duke. Moreover, when the people of New Jersey took over the governance of the state they assumed the rights and authorities of the same. Thus the state, not individuals, assumed the role of successors to Parliament and the Crown. This decision was the basis for the Public Trust Doctrine that wildlife belongs to the people in common, and that state governments have the obligation to protect these resources for the common good. This doctrine was to permanently shape wildlife conservation in North America. What court case is described here?

Marten vs. Waddell

In what cases did wildlife law supported states' rights over those of the federal government?

Marten vs. Waddell Greer vs. Connecticut Smith vs. Maryland McCreedy vs. Virginia Manchester vs. Massachusetts

____________ was among the first to address this question, and described conservation biology as a "new stage in the application of science to conservation problems".

Michael soule

Which case asked the following? In _____________, this case or cases did not have the authority to manage migratory birds in a sole capacity.

Missouri v. Holland 1920

Migratory Bird Treaty Act was passed in 1918. It was tested in what court case in 1920 when a state sued a federal conservation officer for being too aggressive in his enforcement of the Act. The state claimed that the officer's pursuit of violators was infringing on the right of that states citizens to hunt waterfowl. The Supreme Court held up this act, firmly established that migratory birds could be regulated by the federal government.

Missouri vs. Holland

Which case asked the following? In _____________, the court questioned whether or not the state could really claim to own all the birds within it's borders.

Missouri vs. Holland

Which act was the broadest piece of Congressional legislation passed for the protection of the environment?

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

Which one of these laws was the most significant act impacting federal agencies? a. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 b. Administration Policy Act of 1968 c. Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970 d. Council of Environmental Quality Act of 1971 e. The 2009 revision of the National Environmental Policy Act

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

The ______________________ is the current legislation directing the US Forest Service with the primary mission being multiple use. The US Forest Service manages habitat while the states manage fish and resident wildlife on the various national forests, which is different from the approach used on other federal lands

National Forest Management Act of 1976

Which Act is the current legislation directing the US Forest Service?

National Forest Management Act of 1976

______________ sought to consolidate all of the different refuge areas into a single refuge system.

National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966

Could Greer, in Greer vs. Connecticut 1896, have been prosecuted under the 1900 Lacey Act (if it had been in place when he broke the law)? Why

No, even though Greer sold waterfowl across state lines, his harvests were legal in the state of Connecticut

What are some examples of species that were brought to the brink of extinction and then recovered by wildlife managers?

Odocoileus virginianus Wild Turkey Branta Canadensis White-tailed deer not all right

What was the name of the 1st wildlife refuge and what year was it established?

Pelican Island NWR; 1903

What was the first national wildlife refuge?

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge

Sustainability of natural resources is based upon three tenants. What are they?

Permanence Continuance Relationship

What law(s) help wildlife managers recover wildlife species?

Pittman-Robertson Act

The monitoring and evaluation method of _______________ has been extensively used and formalized in stream and wetland environments, but it is also useful in the assessment of terrestrial landscapes. It is a series of questions about an area designed to obtain information in a short period of time. The method is relatively inexpensive compared to detailed analyses and, if conducted with consistency, can provide insight to change within a conservation area or population through time. This approach has been enhanced and widely used by NGOs such as Conservation International and the World Wildlife Fund. This technique, by their very nature and lack of rigor, are open to subjectivity and reduced reliability compared to some other method of evaluation.

Rapid bioassessment

The _________________ was born during the upsurge in federal environmental and public land protection in the west. It argued that the federal government agencies lacked the constitutional authority to support long-term, extensive land ownership and that state ownership was superior to federal ownership because the state governments were closer to the people.

Sagebrush Rebellion

Which aspect of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation was first introduced by Roosevelt and then later reinforced by Leopold as the basis for informed decision making?

Science is the proper tool to discharge wildlife policy

One of the ways that we represent the concept of sustainability is by three concentric circle of ____________, ________________, and _______________.

Society Economy Environment

While we may have the authority to manage wildlife, including on private land, why can't wildlife management agencies actually manage wildlife populations on private lands?

State agencies often do not have the political will to force wildlife to be managed on private land, we are often not effective at convincing the public that a management action is necessary, the landowner may feel he knows more than the state agency, some people don't hunt, therefor do not allow hunting on their land, state agencies can protect wildlife on private land, but cannot force wildlife to be removed from private land

Legislators develop a Bill in the House of Representatives or Senate, debate its contents, perhaps amend it, and vote on its acceptability to create a (an)

Statutory law

Which case asked the following? In _____________, the court(s) affirmed that states had the ability to manage wildlife within their borders

Supreme Court of Minnesota and Cali 1894, Greer v. Connecticut, Barret v. State, Missouri v. Holland

The _________________________ was enacted to control overgrazing and overproduction on unappropriated public lands by establishing grazing districts and a grazing permit system.

Taylor Grazing Act of 1943

The most important law providing restrictions on the taking of wildlife was

The Lacey Act of 1900

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act established in 1918 was

The first legislation protecting a particular group of wildlife

Preservation is defined as

The protection of resources, such as land, various species of wildlife or plants, specific genotypes, and even entire landscapes or other feature.

When we say that Common Law is based on precedent, we mean that

The whole history of previous decisions influences current decisions

Which two early influential conservationists were responsible for the formation of the Boone and Crockett Club?

Theodore Roosevelt George Bird Grinnell

What is wanton waste?

To intentionally waste something negligently or inappropriately

What is the primary reason the Bald Eagle Act was created?

To protect the national symbol of the US

Ecosystem services are services provided by elements of the ecosystem, such as bees and trees, that provide a service, such as pollinating and cleaning the air, that is valuable to humans. True or False?


In contrast to the multiple use, sustained yield form of conservation, many agencies insist on more limited use of their lands and the resources they produce. For example, national wildlife refuges and National Parks in the United States and Canada restrict the use of their properties to low-invasive purposes. True or False?


In some cases where an issue could be managed by multiple agencies, that segment of the public affected by the law may try to get those powers moved to the more sympathetic agency. True or False?


In the mid-1980's Soule distinguished conservation biology from natural resource fields of fisheries biology, forestry and wildlife management in that conservation biology focuses on the environment whereas the other three areas are more utilitarian and include economics True or False?


Learning to work with the public is a critical skill for wildlife biologists. True or False?


Other people who have little contact with the natural world may have a indifferent attitude toward natural resources. True or False?


Pure conservation biology does not take into account the human aspect True or False?


The federal endangered species act of 1973 replaced previous weaker acts and is another act that has had significant impact on both governmental and private interests. The ESA has been considered the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered species ever enacted by any nation." Essentially, Congress declared that species of fish, wildlife and plants are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value. True or False?


While most modern natural resource policies are geared toward sustainability, conservation, or other long-term use, many policies that are recommended by companies desiring to maximize short-term profits may lean more toward heavy exploitation True or False?


Some federal agencies are not regulatory when it comes to managing wildlife including:

US Forest Service USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

The ____________________ was implemented to address the declining worldwide whale populations.

Whaling Convention Act of 1950

The ____________________ declared that two exotic species were a living symbol of the historic pioneer spirit of the West and that these exotic species must be treated as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands.

Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971

Which act set aside specific areas for preservation in their natural state?

Wilderness Act of 1964

Which aspect of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation was most influenced with the passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Convention in 1916?

Wildlife is an international resource

Which aspect of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is considered the keystone principle?

Wildlife resources are a public trust

Which Acts were responsible for providing a cleaner environment throughout the US?

clean water act of 72, clean air act of 70, clean air act amendment of 77, & toxic substances control act of 76 (not 100% correct)

After the American Revolution, those Sovereign powers of the king were passed to the states. Because the authority over wildlife had become a sovereign power, which also would go to the states. This was later endorsed by the courts and became part of __________________.

common law

_______________ is developed in the judicial branches of government and is sometimes referred to as the "Law of the Land" because it is based on precedent and what is accepted as law by the general public. This type of law uses the nation's constitution as the ultimate litmus test, although individual judges often interpret the constitutions differently at different times in history.

common law

The _________________, including its various departments, has the authority to write regulations, ordinances, and rules.

executive branch

Another provision of the 1900 Lacey Act was the ability to prevent the importation of certain exotic species declared by the Secretary of Interior as nuisances. true or false


Because of the realities of the Tragedy of the Commons, rules needed to be established, even in early America, to prevent over-exploitation of wildlife, except in areas with relatively large human populations. true or false


In the mid-1950's Leopold distinguished conservation biology from natural resource fields of fisheries biology, forestry and wildlife management in that conservation biology focuses on the environment whereas the other three areas are more utilitarian and include economics true or false


In the west the Riparian Doctrine cover water rights usage, and in the east, it is the Prior Use Doctrine. true or false


Individual states have only limited control of the harvest of fisheries. true or false


Other people who have little contact with the natural world may have a positive attitude toward natural resources. true or false


The Crown vs. New Jersey was the first US Supreme Court decision involving wild animals true or false


________________ is the ability of an ecosystem to withstand stress without changing.


In the eastern US, water rights are governed by which doctrine(s)?

riparian doctrine

In early England and most of Europe, before the discovery of the Americas, all wildlife belonged to

the crown

Conservation, as coined by Gifford Pinchot, is defined as

the wise use of natural resources

As the human population in North America shifted to urban areas, market hunters responded by doing what?

they provided game animals for sale in these growing markets

A very controversial and hotly contested wildlife law issue is the critical habitat clause of the Endangered Species Act. This clause has the power to prevent new and existing use of property if it is deemed essential habitat for an endangered species. Law suits are filed almost monthly by disgruntled property owners or users. true or false


Another provision of the 1900 Lacey Act was the ability to prevent the importation of certain exotic species declared by the Secretary of Agriculture as nuisances. true or false


As the human population in North America shifted to urban areas, market hunters responded by providing game animals for sale in these growing markets true or false


Because of the realities of the Tragedy of the Commons, rules needed to be established, even in early America, to prevent over-exploitation of wildlife, especially in areas with relatively large human populations. true or false


In 1900, the Lacey Act was passed by Congress. This was the first Act to support federal authority over wildlife, and it consisted of two parts. One part made it a federal crime to transport game that had been illegally harvested in one state across state lines and sell it in another state. true or false


In the east the Riparian Doctrine cover water rights usage, and in the West, it is the Prior Use Doctrine. true or false


Marten vs. Waddell was the first US Supreme Court decision involving wild animals. true or false


New York established the first warden system in 1739. true or false


Sustained yield is the mandate that resources should not be depleted or abused and that ideally these resources should last into perpetuity.


The Federal government has the exclusive rights, as provided by the Constitution, to form treaties with other nations, regulate interstate commerce, and protect its property and lands. true or false


The North American Model of Conservation is a set of principles that, collectively applied, has led to the form, function, and successes of wildlife conservation and management in the United States and Canada. true or false


The exploration of North America by the French and English was fundamentally motivated by the wealth of the continent's renewable natural resources and the opportunity by individuals to exploit them. true or false


The tragedy of the commons, in relation to natural resources, is essentially when natural resources are owned by everyone and are free to all, they will often get misused or abused unless there are laws in place to protect them. true or false


Unless the species are anadromous, individual states also have wide authority over harvest of fisheries. true or false


Water barrels were once illegal in Fort Collins Colorado true or false


Wildlife is owned by the people collectively, with the state acting as the managerial trustee. true or false


Bounties have been historically used as a tool by wildlife biologists to achieve objectives. Which of the below statements about boundaries is true? (choose all that apply) a. Bounties were used to reduce deer populations, which is the primary reason they were in such decline by the 1900s b. Bounties often backfire and do not achieve the intended goal c. Bounties were commonly used to address problems with pest species d. Since the federal wildlife bounty legislation act of 1983, only the federal government can approve the use of Pittman-Robertson Act funds for bounty payments e. Bounties are still commonly used by state wildlife agencies to meet management goals

1. Bounties often backfire and do not achieve the intended goal 2. Bounties were commonly used to address problems with pest species

Administrative agencies do what in regards to state laws that are created by the legislature?

1. Implement the law 2. Interpret the law 3. Supplement the law

The Food Security Act of 1985 did what?

1. It set up the Conservation Reserve Program 2. It Provided rent payments to farms who remove wetlands from crop production 3. It protected wetlands by rendering farmers growing crops on wetlands ineligible for federal farm programs

What are five acts that are important for the operations and management of lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management?

1. Taylor Grazing Act 2. National Environmental Policy Act 3. Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burros Act 4. Federal Land Policy Management Act 5. Public Rangelands Improvement Act

The federal government has the authority to manage some species of wildlife. What gives them that authority for which species?

1. The constitution gives the federal government the authority to enter into treaties with other countries which allows the federal government to manage migratory species that cross national boundaries. 2. The constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate commerce between states, which allows the federal government to become involved in cases where animals are illegally taken in one state and then transported to another state. 3. The constitution gives the federal government the authority to enter into treaties with other countries which gives them the authority to manage species that are illegally brought into the US from other countries.

At the peak of the deer population in the 1500s, there were probably around how many deer in North America?

34 million

Which two aspects of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation was important in saving many species of game animals that were quickly going extinct in North America?


Which of the following statements can be used to make a complete definition of a sportsman?

A sportsman hunts for the pursuit or the chase of the game A sportsman will inflict no unnecessary pain or suffering on game A sportsman derives no financial profit from game that is killed A sportsman will not waste any game that is killed A sportsman affords game fair chase A sportsman seeks knowledge of nature and the habits of animals

Other people who have little contact with the natural world may have a negative attitude toward natural resources. True or False?


Social media has no place in the management of wildlife. True or False?


The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species is undertaken, called a Section 1 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species. True or False?


Which of the following journals generally publish articles which are more pragmatic in that they deal with resources used by humans.

Journal of forestry Human wildlife interactions Journal of wildlife management Transactions of American fisheries society

Which of the following journals generally publish articles with a focus on conservation for the sake of the ecosystem.

Journal of nature, conservation, and biological conservation Conservation Biology Journal of ecology

What document(s) served as a model for the Constitution and ultimately was responsible for states being responsible for managing wildlife?

Magna Carta

What are the seven components or principles of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation?

Science is the proper tool to discharge wildlife policy Wildlife can be killed only for a legitimate purpose Allocation of wildlife is by law Wildlife is an international resource Markets for game are eliminated Wildlife resources are a public trust Democracy of hunting is standard

Rachel Carson's book ________________ was published in _________ and it described the consequences of pesticide contamination and environmental contamination. It was a wakeup call for many people throughout the country.

Silent Spring; 1962

In 1887, the Boone and Crockett Club was founded to do what?

Take charge of all matters pertaining to the enactment and carrying out of game and fish laws

The US Constitution recognizes three primary and exclusive powers of the federal government. What are they?

The authority to make treaties and conventions with other nations The responsibility of protecting federally owned land The ability to control interstate commerce

What is the top level of law in the US?

The constitution

The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species is undertaken, called a Section 7 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species. True or False?


The Food Security Act (Farm Bill) of 1985 contained "swampbuster" provisions to render farmers growing crops on wetlands ineligible for federal farm programs. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in that Act provides annual rent payments to farmers who remove wetlands and other sensitive lands from production. Other provisions over the years have been added that are geared to control the amount of farmland in production, but these provision also provide significant benefit over a monoculture agriculture field. True or False?


As the power of the various English kings and queens power was diminished, the ability to manage wildlife was considered a ________ right.


A prime example of the right to make treaties involves migratory birds. In 1913 the United States Congress passed the Migratory Bird Act, which declared that all migratory and insectivorous birds were within the protective custody of the federal government and that none could be harmed or harvested without specific authority of the federal government. true or false


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