Midterm - Week 3 - Search Advertising

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What are the steps to implementing a search advertising campaign?

1. Do your homework - Online and offline analysis 2. Define your goals - what do you want to achieve branding vs campaigns to increase sales 3. Budget cost per action and insigts 4. Keyword research - expected columns, misspellings, negative words that would stop from buying from you like free in keyword. 5. Write advertisement - compelling and appropriate url 6. Place your bids 7. tracking - get tracking tags in place 8. measure analyze test and optimise

What is a quality score?

A measure used by Google AdWords to indicate how relevant a keyword is to an ad text and to a user's search query.

What is a keyword?

A word found in a search query. For example, a search for 'blue widgets' includes the keywords 'blue' and 'widgets'.

How should you serach advertising account be organized?

Account>Campaigns >> Ad Group

What are the keyword match types when targeting?

Broad match Broad match modifier Phrase match Exact match Negative match.

What are some automated extensions?

Consumer Ratings, Previous visits that shows how many time user visited, Dynamic structured snippets offer additional landing pages from your site that might fit, seller ratings that show your ratings and reputation to users.

What is an exact match?

Exact match, denoted by square brackets [exact match] means that the advert will appear for search terms only exactly the same as the keywords selected.

What are the typical ad limits

Headline part 1: maximum of 30 characters Headline part 2: maximum of 30 characters (This will be shown after the first headline, usually separated by a hyphen and may wrap around to the second line for mobile) Single description line: maximum of 80 characters Display URL: domain name automatically extracted from your final URL (URL path can be customised using two field options with a 15 character limit each).

In order to help conversion it is important for what in your paid as search

Important that the keyword matches the landing page that the user was searching for. Landing page effects quality score.

It is important that landing pages contain relevant keywords in order to?

Landing pages also indicate relevance to the search engine, which can increase the Quality Score of the advert and in turn lower the cost per click (CPC) of the keyword. Adding keyword-rich pages to the website can also have SEO benefits. PPC campaigns often have thousands of keywords, which can mean that you will have a lot of landing pages to build.

What is a location extension?

Location Extensions helps people find your locations by showing your ads along with your address, a map to your location, or the distance to your business. They display an extra line right within your ads, allowing customers to instantly get directions to the business and/or call directly from the ad.

Name some Ad extesions

Location extensions, call extensions, app extensions, review extensions, sitelink extensions, callout extensions, consumer ratings, previous visits, dynamic structured snippets, seller extensions

What is a negative match?

Negative match, denoted by using a dash in front of the keywords; -negative means that your advert will not appear in searches using that word, no matter what other words are used.

What is the advantage of search advertising?

No to low cost barrier You pay only for traffic, there are usually no setup fees involved and all the tools you need to start out with can be accessed for free. Tracking every cent Search advertising allows you to track your advertising spend down to a keyword level, so you can learn what works and what doesn't on a micro scale. Targeted advert placement You can make your advertising relevant by using filters, targeting your ads to specific users, or even in the way you use keywords and match types. You're giving your customers what they want Search advertising lets you put your advert in front of users who are searching for your product. It lets you provide a solution, as opposed to creating an interruption.

What is a phrase match?

Phrase match, which is denoted with quotation marks around the keywords; 'phrase match' means that your advert will appear only for search terms that have your keywords in them, in the same order, though other words may also be in the search term.

Poorly executed PPC campaigns will do what?

Send users to a homepage instead of a landing page geared towards their specific keywords.

What is a sitelink extension?

Sitelinks add up to six extra links to pages on your site that might help users find what they're looking for. Sitelinks are limited to 25 characters for most languages. Sitelinks allow you to direct users to more relevant areas ofyour website, all from one advert. They are suitable for advertising on more general or branded keywords.

What is an app extension?

The app extension adds a link below your ad that sends users to the app store or begins a download of your app.

What are dynamics keywords

The are used where they can be interactively added to a location in an add.

What is a broad match modifier?

The broad match modifier is an additional targeting option that gives you tighter control than broad match by excluding synonyms but including other versions of the word, such as plurals. It's implemented with a + before the keyword.

What is a Call extension?

The call extension allows you to display a local phone number in a line below the standard text advert. This is particularly effective in mobile ads, where the user can click and call directly from their phone.

What is conversion?

The number of conversions divided by the number of visitors, expressed as a percentage.

What is a landing page?

The page that the user reaches by clicking on an advert is called a landing page and is either an existing page on your website, or a new custom-built page for the campaign at hand (useful if you are running a competition or special offer).

How is Quality Score Determined?

The relevance of the keyword to the search term The relevance of the advert copy to the search term The relevance of the landing page to the search term The historic CTR of that advert. Another way to think of the Quality Score is as a discount that is applied to your campaign. For instance, an advert with a great Quality Score can achieve a top position at a lower bid than a competing ad with a poor Quality Score.

What is a clickthrough rate?

The total clicks on a link divided by the number of times that ad link has been shown, expressed as a percentage.

What is a callout extension?

These allow you to include additional text with your search ads, such as more information about your business, products and services.

What is a review extension?

This shows positive third party reviews, generally from trustworthy sources.

What is key phrase?

Two or more words that are combined to form a search query, often referred to as keywords.

What is some important things to include in ad copy?

Use compelling and well-crafted calls to action so that users know what to do and what to expect: 'try now', 'sign up now', 'buy now'.

What can you do to improve effectiveness of your paid search ad

Use targeted keywords in the title and ad copy. Consider dynamic keyword insertion Target emotions of our target audience to click the ad

Search engine advertising is usually run as what auction model

Vickrey Auction Model

What auction model is typically used for search advertising pricing

Vickrey auction model.

General structure or anatomy of a paid search ad consists of these three primary sections

headline, display url and description.

What is needed to determine profitability for a paid search campaign

insight to cost per click the expected conversion rate typical sale value associated with conversion profit margin.

What is search advertising?

involves placing online advertisements on search engine results pages to connect your product with consumers who are likely to be in the buying phase of the customer lifecycle.

How many people click through the first page of search results on a search engine

less than 10%

What does broad match mean?

means that your advert will appear for the keywords you have entered, as well as search terms that contain your keywords and any other words in any order, as well as some variations of your keywords such as misspellings and synonyms.

What is a dynamics landing page?

xreating dynamic landing pages means that with a simple script, unique keyword-rich landing pages can be created for every search. The script will take the keyword that the searcher has used and insert it in predefined places on the landing page. The user will then be landing on a page that is highly relevant to their search.

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