Milady Ch. 8 Skin Disorders and Diseases

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What percentage of symptoms of aging are caused by the accumulation of damaging rays from the Sun?



A physician who specializes in diseases and disorders of the skin, hair, and nails. They attend four years of college, 4 years of medical school, and then complete specialty training in dermatology.


A small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid, but may develop pus. For example acne, warts.


A thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue period keloids will form along any type of scar for people susceptible to them.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Abbreviated ACD, occurs when people develop an allergy to an ingredient or chemical, usually caused by repeated skin contact with a chemical.

Irritant contact dermatitis

Abbreviated ICD, occurs when irritating substances temporarily damage the epidermis. Unlike allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis is not usually chronic if precautions are taken.


Abnormal mass varying in size, shape, and color. Any type of abnormal mass, not always cancer. Requires medical referral.

What are some common ingredients used in follicle exfoliant?

Alpha hydroxy acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide can be expecially effective since it helps shed cellular debris and also kill the acne bacteria. These are generally not used all over because of their drying properties, and are only used as a spot treatment.

Closed Comedo

Also known as a whitehead, and appears as a small bump just under the skin surface


Also known as acne vulgaris, is a skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation in the sebaceous glands from retained secretions and bacteria known as propionibacterium acnes, or P acnes, the scientific term for acne bacteria.

UVA rays

Also known as aging rays, are deep penetrating raise that can even go through a glass window. These rays week in the collagen and elastin fibers causing wrinkling and sagging of the tissue.


Also known as birthmark, is a smaller largemouth formation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dilated discoloration.

Open Comedo

Also known as blackhead, is a hair follicle filled with keratin and sebum. They appear most frequently on the face, especially in the t zone, center of the face.

UVB rays

Also known as burning rays, cause sunburns, tanning of the skin , and the majority of skin cancers. These are shorter rays that stop penetration at the base of the epidermis.


Also known as pink eye, is an infection of the eyes and may be caused by a bacteria or virus. It is generally extremely contagious and clients who have conjunctivitis or obviously irritated I should be politely rescheduled and referred to a physician immediately. Any product touching infected eyes must be thrown away and all implements properly cleaned and disinfected.


Also known as wart, is a hypertrophy of the papillae or epidermis. It is caused by a virus and is infectious. Haruka can be spread from one location to another, particularly along a scratch in the skin. A dermatologist can be helpful in removing and reducing the reoccurance of warts.

When do women usually get acne problems?

Although it can occur during their teenage years, women often do not have acne problems until they reach their twenties, thirties, or beyond.


An abnormal brown colored or wine colored discoloration with a circular or irregular shape. Its permanent color is due to the presence of darker pigment period stains can be present at first, or they can appear during aging, after certain diseases, or after the disappearance of moles, freckles, and liver spots. The causes often unknown.


An itchy, swollen lesion that can be caused by a blow, scratch, bite of an insect, or urticaria, for the sting of a nettle. Typically resolves on its own, but referral to a physician should be considered when the condition lasts more than 3 days.

What are things to look for when servicing your client help prevent skin cancer?

Any unusual lesions on the skin or the scalp or change an existing lesions or moles. Melanoma, these irregularly shaped, dark spots are sometimes found on the scalp and ears and they're often first detected by cosmetologist. A new lesion or discoloration on the skin or scalp. Client complains about sores that do not heal or unexpected skin bleeding. Recurrent scaly areas that may be rough to the touch expecially and son exposed areas such as the face, arms, or hands.


Are benign, keratin filled cysts that appear just under the epidermis can have no visible opening. They resemble small sesame seeds and are almost always perfectly round.

Secondary lesions

Are categorized by piles of material on the skin surface, such as a crust or scab, or by depressions in the skin surface, such as an ulcer.

Genetics and ethnicity

Are pre deposition to skin disorders and our ability to tolerate sun exposure.

Extrinsic factors

Are primarily environmental factors that contribute to aging and the appearance of aging. Many scientists and dermatologists believe that extrinsic factors are responsible for up to 85% of skin aging.

Facial expressions

Are the repeated movements of the face and result in the formation of expression lines, such as crows feet lines that form around the eyes, nasolabial folds that form from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth, and scowl lines that form between the eyes.

ABCDE cancer checklist

Asymmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter, evolution.

Why is acne of interest to a cosmetologist?

Because acne affects the appearance and cosmetologist are in a position to help their clients with treatment for minor cases or to provide dermatologist referral for more severe acne.

What can help rosacea?

Can be treated and kept under control by using medication prescribed by a physician, using proper skin care products designed for especially sensitive skin, and avoiding the agitating flare factors for rosacea.


Close, abnormally develops app that contains bus, semifluid, or morbid matter, above or below the skin. A cyst can be drained of fluid and a tubercle cannot. Requires medical referral.


Crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis.

What is the basis of acne treatment?

Daily use of gentle cleansers formulated for specific skin type and follicle exfoliant are leave on products that help to remove cell build up from the follicles, allowing oxygen to penetrate the follicles, killing bacteria.


Dead cells that form over a wound or blemish while healing. Accumulation of sebum and pus, sometimes mixed with epidermal cells.

What can lesions indicate in the skin?

Disorders or diseases and may be symptomatic of other internal diseases.


Distended or dilated surface blood vessels.

What factors can make rosacea agitated on some individuals?

Exposure to heat, Sun, and very cold weather, ingestion of spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, and stress.

Some extrinsic factors include what?

Exposure to the Sun, smoking, over use of alcoholic beverages, smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages, stress, poor nutrition, and exposure to pollution.

What is the main food source for acne?

Fatty acids, which are easily obtained from the abundance of sebum in the follicle. These bacteria in this ideal environment, which has plenty of food for the bacteria and is void of oxygen. The bacteria multiply, causing inflammation and swelling in the follicle, and eventually rupture the follicle wall.


Flat spot or discoloration on the skin. For example freckle.


Formerly called acne rosacea, is a chronic condition that appears primarily on the cheeks and nose. It is characterized by flushing, redness, telangiectasis, and in some cases the formation of papules and pustules. The cause of rosacea is still unknown, but the condition is thought to be genetic.

A pre deposition to acne is based on what?

Hereditary and hormonal factors. People with acne inherit the tendency to retain cells that gather on the walls of the follicle, eventually clumping and obstructing the follicle period hormone levels directly affect the function of the sebaceous glands, increasing or decreasing the amount of sebum on the skin.

The oiliness level of the skin is what type of factor?

Hereditary, overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous gland contributes to the development of acne by coating the dead cell build up in the follicle with sebum, which hardens due to oxidation.

What can pigment be affected by?

Internal factors such as hereditary or hormonal fluctuations, or by external factors such as prolonged exposure to the Sun.


Is a contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by weeping lesions and usually caused by a Staphylococcus bacteria. Impetigo normally occurs on the face, especially around the nasal passages, and is most frequently seen in children, although it is possible at any age. Clients with any type of weeping, open facial lesions should be politely rescheduled and referred to a physician immediately.

Sebaceous cyst

Is a large, protruding pocket like lesion filled with sebum. Sebaceous cysts are frequently seen on the scalp and the back and may be surgically removed by a dermatologist.


Is a mark on the skin that may indicate any injury or damage that changes the structure of tissues or organs. A lesion can be as simple as a freckle or as dangerous as skin cancer.

Herpes simplex 1

Is a recurring viral infection that often presents as a fever blister or cold sore, although many people have no symptoms. It is characterized by the eruption of a single vesicle or group of vesicles on a red swollen face. The blisters usually appear on the lips, nostrils, or other part of the face, in the stores can last up to 3 weeks.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Is a skin condition caused by an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and is often characterized by redness, dry or oily scaling, crusting, and/or itchiness.


Is a skin disease characterized by red patches covered with silver white scales and is usually found on the scalp, elbows, knees, chest, and lower back. It is rarely found on the face. Psoriasis is caused by skin cells turning over faster than normal and when the condition is irritated, bleeding points can occur. Psoriasis is not contagious but it requires medical referral. It is treatable, but it is not curable


Is a skin disorder characterized by Lake, abnormal patches, is caused by a burn, scar, information, or congenital disease that destroys the pigment producing cells. Examples are vitiligo and albinism

Skin tag

Is a small brown colored or flesh-colored outgrowth of the skin. Skin Tags occur most frequently on the neck and chest and can easily be removed by dermatologist.


Is a small brownish spot or blemish on the skin, ranging in color from a pale tan to a brown or bluish black. Some other small and flat, resembling freckles, others are raised and darker in color. Large dark hairs often occur in moles. Any changes in a mole requires medical attention.


Is an abnormal growth of skin. Many hypertrophies are benign, which means they're harmless.


Is an acquired comma superficial, thickened patch of the epidermis. A callus is a character, that is caused by continued, repeated pressure or friction on any part of the skin, expecially the hands and feet. Is the thickening grows inward, it's called a corn.


Is an allergic reaction created by repeated exposure to a chemical or substance.

Contact dermatitis

Is an inflammation of the skin caused by having contact with certain chemicals or substances. Many of these substances are commonly used in cosmetology.


Is an inflammatory, uncomfortable, and often chronic disease of the skin. It is characterized by moderate to severe inflammation, scaling, and sometimes severe itching. The most common type of eczema is a topic eczema, which is an inherited genetic disorder. Eczema is not contagious. All cases of eczema should be referred to a physician for treatment, which is often topical cortisone.

Herpes simplex 2

Is caused by the same virus and is designated as type 2 because it is below the waist. Herpes simplex is contagious and requires medical referral. Drugs are now available to control the symptoms, but the virus always remains in the body of infected persons.


Is congenital hypopigmentation, or absence of melanin pigment in the body, including the skin, hair, and eyes. Hair is silky white. The skin is a pinkish white and will not hand. The eyes are pink and the skin is sensitive to light and ages prematurely.


Is excessive sweating, caused by heat or general weakness in the body. Requires medical referral.


Is the absence of pigment, resulting in light or white splotches.


Is the change in the imitation of skin caused by exposure to the Sun or ultraviolet late.

Gravitational pull

Is the constant pulling down word on our skin and bodies and is a consistent factor for everyone.


Is the term broadly use to describe any inflammatory condition of the skin.

Where did seborrheic dermatitis occur?

It often occurs and appears as flaky, red skin love here is in the eyebrows and beard, in the scalp and hair line, at the middle of the forehead, and along the sides of the nose.

What happens when sebum of the comedo is exposed to the environment?

It oxidizes and turns black.


Large blister containing a watery fluid, similar to a vesicle. Requires medical referral. For example contact dermatitis, large second degree burns.

Malignant melanoma

Less common, but most dangerous, form of skin cancer. Characterized by black or brown dark patches on the skin that may appear on even in texture, jagged, or raised. Malignant melanoma is the least common, but is 100% fatal if left untreated - early detection and treatment can result in a 94% five year survival rate, but that dropped drastically, 62%, once it reaches local lymph nodes.


Means darker than normal pigmentation, appearing as dark splotches.


Means hereditary

What are some common chemical solutions that cause allergic reactions with repeated exposure?

Monomer liquids, hair color, and color texture solutions.

Squamous cell carcinoma

More serious than basal cell carcinoma. Characterized by scaly red papules or nodules. It can spread to other parts of the body and survival rates depend on the stage of diagnosis.

Basal cell carcinoma

Most common and least severe skin cancer. Characterized by light or pearly nodules and has a 90% survival rate with early diagnosis and treatment.

Milia is commonly associated with what?

Newborn babies, but can appear on the skin of people of all ages.

What are common places for allergic contact dermatitis?

On the fingers, palms, or the back of the hand. On the face, especially the cheeks. On the scalp, hairline, forehead, or neck line.


One half of the mole does not match the other half.


Open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body, accompanied by loss of skin depth and possibly weeping of fluids or pus. Requires medical referral, particularly in the client with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes. For example chicken pox, herpes.

Instrinsic factors

Our skin aging factors over which we have little control. For example genetics, gravitational pull, and facial expressions.


Raise, inflamed, papule with a white or yellow center containing pus in the top of the lesion.

Primary lesions

Reasons that are a different color than the color of the skin and/or lesions that are raised above the surface of the skin. They are often differentiated by size and layers of the skin affected. These may require medical referral.

Why is it important to not remove a hair from a mole?

Removing a hair from a mole could irritate or cause a structural change to it. Only a physician should remove hair from a mole.


Skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping.

Scar or cicatrix

Slightly raised or depressed area of the skin that forms as a result of the healing process related to an injury or lesion.


Small blister or sac containing clear fluid, lying within or just beneath the epidermis. Requires medical referral if cause is unknown or untreatable with over the counter products.

Normal mole

Small brown spots on the skin ranging in color from pale tan to a brown or bluish black. This is not a type of skin cancer.

What is seborrheic dermatitis sometimes treated with?

Sometimes can be treated with cortisone creams.


The Mole evolves or changes. It may include darkening or variations in color, it may itch or hurt. It may change in shape or growth.


The color of the mole is not the same all over. There may be shades of tan, brown, or black, and sometimes even patches of red, blue, or white.

Border irregularity

The edges of the mall are ragged or notched.

Why is it important to not use harsh cleansers on acne prone skin?

The harshest of cleansers can make skin to dry and sebaceous glands will generate more sebum, creating even bigger of a problem. These for me, rinse off products remove dirt, to breathe, and other oil from the skin. Toners may also be helpful for clients with expecially oily skin.


The mole is wider than about one fourth of an inch, all the doctors are now findings melanoma that are smaller.


The product has been designed and proven not to clog the follicles.

When the comedo is not exposed to the environment what happens?

The sebum remains a white or creamy color and is called a close comedo.

The sun's light travels in what way?

The sun's rays have osculating wave formations called wavelength.

Where are milia usually found?

They are usually found around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead and they appear as small, firm whitish masses.


Thin, dry, or oily plate of epidermal flakes. For example excessive dandruff, psoriasis.

Comodones can be removed by who?

Trained beauty professionals as long as proper procedures are employed and the procedure is performed in a clean environment using extraction implements that have been properly cleaned and disinfected.

Free radicals

Unstable molecules that can cause biochemical aging.

What happens when there's so much see them in a follicle that it eventually ruptures the follicle wall?

When the wall of the follicle ruptures, the immune system is alerted, causing blood to rush to the ruptured follicle, carrying white blood cells to fight the bacteria. Blood will surround and then golf the follicle which is what causes the redness in pimples.

What are milia often mistaken as?

Whiteheads even though white heads are soft and comparison

Can seborrheic dermatitis be helped in a salon?

Yes, with the application of non fatty skin care products designed for sensitive skin. Although severe cases should be referred to a dermatologist, who will often prescribe topical antifungal medication.

How badly can the Sun burn you?

you can actually get a second degree burn from the Sun.

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