MIS-215 Module 2

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A binary digit that can only have one of two states, representing 0 or 1. a bit represents the smallest unit of data a computer can handle

database server

A computer in a client/server environment that is responsible for running a DBMS to process SQL statements and perform database management tasks

data warehouse

A database, with reporting and query tools, that stores current and historical data extracted from various operational systems and consolidated for management reporting and analysis.

key field

A field in a record that uniquely identifies instances of that record so that it can be retrieved, updated, or sorted


A grouping of characters into a word, a group of words, or a complete number, such as a person's name or age.

Entity Relationship Diagram

A methodology for documenting databases illustrating the relationship between various entities in the database. The lines connecting the boxes represent relationships. A line connecting two entities that ends in two short marks designates a one to one relationship A line ending with a brows foot topped by a short mark indicates a one to many relationship Example: each part can have only one supplier, but suppliers can provide many parts


A row or record in a relational database.

data mart

A small data warehouse containing only a portion of the organization's data for a specified function or population of users.

data administration

A special organizational function for managing the organization's data resources, concerned with information policy, data planning, maintenance of data dictionaries, and data quality standards.

data quality audit

A survey and/or sample of files to determine accuracy and completeness of data in an information system

Relational DBMS

A type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables (called relations). It can relate data stored in one table to data in another as long as the two tables share a common data element. Tables are referred to as files. Each table contains data on an entity and its attributes. The database has a separate table for the entity "supplier" and table for the entity "part". organizes data in rows and columns in tables for entity and its attributes. Example: supplier_number would be a primary key in both the supplier entity table and parts entity table. see image. there are three basic operations of relational databases: select join project select creates a subset of all records or rows in the file that meet a stated criteria join combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is available in individual tables project creates a subset of columns in a table permitting the user to create new tables that contain only the information required examples: Amazon RDS, Oracle Cloud, Azure Database

Data Cleansing

Activities for detecting and correcting data in a database or file that are incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or redundant. Also known as data scrubbing.

Portland Oregon IBM smarter city

All cities are made of a complex system of systems that are inextricably linked Portland OR and IBM have collaborated to come up with a simulation model and decision support system for city leaders with predictive capabilities to create countless "what if" scenarios that show the positive and negative impacts that a proposed decision could have they are able to use the model to explore the relationships that exist among the city's core systems such as the economy, housing, education, safety, transportation, government services, utilities and healthcare IBM facilitated sessions with over 75 Portland area SMEs with help from the university and Forio software They collected 10 years of historical data from across the city to support metrics for the "portland plan" the city's roadmap for the next 25 years The system helped identify priorities for action and drivers of change for the city's strategic plan The city hopes to achieve a 40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and 80% by 2050. Using the model they could see that by making "active transportation" (walking, biking) more available, people will drive less This also created a potential reduction in obesity levels Designed to "break down silos" the model combines a holistic approach with predictive capabilities

data mining

Analysis of large pools of data to find patterns and rules that can be used to guide decision making and predict future behavior.

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

Computerized systems that perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business; they serve the organization's operational level. the principal purpose of systems at this level is to answer routine questions and to track the flow of transactions through the organization managers need TPS to monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment A TPS for payroll processing capture employee payment transaction data like time cards and outputs include online and hard copy reports for management and employee paychecks

data definition

DBMS capability that specifies the structure and content of the database It would be used to create database tables and to define the characteristics of the fields in each table

Microsoft SQL Server is a

DBMS for midrange computers.

Querying and reporting

Data manipulation language - commands used to add, delete, change and retrieve data from the database the most prominent today is SQL - Structured Query Language MS Access allows users to create queries by identifying the tables and fields they want and the result, then selecting the rows from the database that meet criteria. These translate to SQL commands Crystal Reports is a popular reports generator for large corporate DBMS

Non-relational database management systems

Database management system useful for accelerating queries against large quantities of structured and unstructured data that would be difficult to analyze with a relational model, like web, social media, graphics data cloud computing, huge data volumes, massive workloads for web services and the need to store new types of data require database alternatives to the traditional relational model of organizing data companies are turning to "NoSQL", a more flexible data model designed for managing large data sets across many distributed machines and for easily scaling up or down Examples: Oracle NoSQL, Amazon SimpleDB on AWS

Big Data

Datasets with volumes so huge that they are beyond the ability of typical relational DBMS to capture, store, and analyze. The data are often unstructured or semi-structured. web traffic, email messages, social media content, sensor generated data from smart meters refers to data in the petabyte and exabyte range - billions to trillions of records

information policy

Formal rules governing the maintenance, distribution, and use of information in an organization.

manufacturing and production

Functional Business Process Area assembling the product, checking for quality, producing bills of materials

sales and marketing

Functional Business Process Area identifying customers, making customers aware of the product, selling the product

human resources

Functional Business Process Area of hiring employees, evaluating employees job performance and enrolling employees in benefits plans

Finance and Accounting

Functional Business Process Area paying creditors, creating financial statements, managing cash accounts

Dubuque Cloud Computing Smart City

IBM and the city of Dubuque, IA are working together to develop a sustainability model that will provide residents and business' with info they need to make smarter decisions about their own resources like electricity, water, gas sustainability is crucial to remaining economically competitive A smarter planet is about implementing systems, interconnecting them, and making them intelligent This is about how the worlds infrastructure becomes intelligent, and using that intelligence to save money, and communities to create jobs The first phase of the project plans to review energy consumption and water management to reduce cost and carbon footprint

data model

If the business doesn't get its data model right, the system wont be able to serve the business well The systems will not be as effective as they could be because data may be inaccurate, incomplete or hard to retrieve Understanding the org's data and how they should be represented in a database is the most important lesson you can learn from this course!

How are Business Processes related to Information Systems

Information systems automate many steps in the business processes that were formerly performed manually. New technology can change the flow of information making it possible for many more people to access and share information, replacing the sequential steps with tasks that can be performed simultaneously, eliminating delays in decision making

MetLife NoSQL

MetLife used MongoDB open source NoSQL database to quickly integrate disparate data and deliver a consolidated view of their customers It brought data from over 70 separate administrative systems, claims systems and other data sources both structured and unstructured data, like images, health and death records.


Metadata describes the characteristics of each field in the table

which of the following is not a DBMS for midrange computers

Microsoft Access


Microsoft Yammer, an enterprise social networking platform, for a central resource that would support dynamic knowledge-sharing and collaboration

sentiment analysis

Mining text comments in an email message, blog, social media conversation, or survey form to detect favorable and unfavorable opinions about specific subjects.


Open-source software framework that enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across many inexpensive computers.

data governance

Policies and processes for managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the firm's data.

Examples of Client Systems

QuickBooks, Microsoft Access, Salesforce

REI data warehouse

REI used DB2 to build a data warehouse to better get to know it's co-op members likes and being relevant to members, if you like to snowshoe they want to send you snowshoe apparel and informational seminars and clinics DB2-9 allows REI to reach farther, look deeper and act faster IBM has been a great partner, took the time to understand the vision of being more relevant and helped them build a strategy REI website will remember info about the member when they log in and know where they live, what they are interested in, what they like to do and make recommendations It blends the best in technology with the best in outdoor stewardship

database administration

Refers to the more technical and operational aspects of managing data, including physical database design and maintenance.

A ____ organizes data in two-dimensional tables

Relational DBMS

Referential Integrity

Rules to ensure that relationships between coupled database tables remain consistent relational db systems try to enforce referential integrity when one table has a foreign key that points to another table, you can't add a record to the table with the foreign key unless there is a corresponding record in the linked table

Database Management System (DBMS)

Special software to create and maintain a database and enable individual business applications to extract the data they need without having to create separate files or data definitions in their computer programs software that permits an organization to centralize data, manage them efficiently and provide access to the stored data by application programs acts as an interface between application programs and the physical data files A self-describing collection of integrated records uses different tables to keep track of information each table has columns and rows like a spreadsheet, and each row is a unique record of customers or items, and each column is an attribute of that item The tables are linked, or integrated Uncouples programs and data, allowing data to stand on their own Reduces or helps control (not eliminate) data redundancy and inconsistency by minimizing isolated files in which the same data are repeated. Example: one database keeps track of consignment customers while another database keeps track of the consignment items, commissions and inventory

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Specific category of information system providing reports on organizational performance to help middle management monitor and control the business and predict future performance they summarize and report on the company's basic operations using data supplied by TPS. The basic data from TPS is compressed and presented in reports that are produced on a regular schedule, usually online today MIS provide answers to questions that have been specified in advance and have a predefined procedure for answering them examples - total pounds of lettuce used this quarter by fast food chain most MIS are not flexible and have little analytical capability, most use simple routines like summaries and comparisons, not sophisticated math models or statistics techniques

data inconsistency

The presence of different values for same attribute when the same data are stored in multiple locations.


The process of creating small, stable, flexible, and adaptive data structures from complex groups of data when designing a relational database. The design process identifies the relationships among data elements and the most efficient way of grouping data elements Also identifies redundant data elements and the groupings of data elements required for specific programs Groups of data are organized, refined, streamlined until overall logical view of the relationships among all the data emerges

Structured Query Language (SQL)

The standard data manipulation language for relational database management systems. Users of DBMS would use SQL to retrieve information they needed from the database

Designing a Database

To create a database, you must understand the relationships among the data, the type of data that will be maintained, and how the data will be used, how the org will need to change to manage data from a company-wide perspective

Toronto Globe and Mail Article

Unable to match it's existing subscriber list with its list of marketing prospects, they were wasting marketing costs by sending offers to existing subscribers. they housed the data in a mainframe that was not easy to access or analyze. Data had to be extracted then moved to a database for analysis - MS Access and Excel. Data was in isolated databases, no central repository They implemented SAP NetWeaver BW in 2002 to contain all the data sources in a single central location data includes sales, circulation data, delivery data, and prospects. The savings from streamlined efficiencies paid for the investment within one year. To beef up online content they moved to the cloud, using AWS with SAP HANA ONE software

database (rigorous definition)

a collection of data organized to serve many applications efficiently by centralizing the data and controlling redundant data, at the same time by storing and managing data so that they appear to be in one location a group of related files makes up a database example: a student database would consist of related files like student personal history and financial background

Microsoft Yammer

a company wide platform for collaboration, knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer, taking advantage of "social" tools to increase employee collaboration and engagement


a group of records of the same type example; the HR functional areas might have a personnel master file, a payroll file, a medical insurance file, a pension file, etc until hundreds of files and programs exist, operated by different departments, which over time leaves organizations saddled with hundreds or programs and applications that are hard to maintain and manage


a group of related fields, such as a students name, the course taken, the date and the grade

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

a language associated with a database management system that end users and programmers use to manipulate data in the database

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

a methodology for documenting databases illustrating the relationship between various entities in the database


a record describes an entity a person, place, thing, or event about which information must be stored and is maintained in a record


a string of bits, usually eight, used to store one number or character in a computer system represents a single character, which can be a letter, a number or symbol

lack of flexibility

a traditional file system can deliver routine scheduled reports after extensive programming efforts but cannot deliver ad hoc reports or respond to unanticipated information requirements in a timely manner

Decision Support System (DSS)

a type of business intelligence system for non-routine decision making an interactive, flexible, computerized information system that enables managers to obtain and manipulate information as they are making decisions focuses on problems that are unique and rapidly changing, for which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be predefined in advance example: what would happen to our RoI if a factory schedule were delayed for six months? DSS use internal info from TPS and MIS but also bring in external sources like stock prices

An effective information system provides users with_____

accurate, timely and relevant information accurate is free of errors timely is available to decision makers when it's needed relevant is useful and appropriate for the type of work and decisions that require it

data dictionary

an automated or manual tool for storing and organizing information about the data maintained in a database automated or manual file that stores definitions of data elements and their characteristics Example: MS Access has a rudimentary data dictionary

An ______ is a characteristic or quality that describes a database entity


on-line analytical processing (OLAP)

capability for manipulating and analyzing large volumes of data from multiple perspectives

Famous footwear

could not achieve its goal of having the right style of shoe in the right store for sale at the right price because its db was not properly designed for rapidly adjusting store inventory They had an Oracle relational db running on midrange computers, designed for producing standard reports rather than reacting to market changes they could not obtain precise data on specific items in inventory in each of its stores they had to build a new db where the sales and inventory data could be better organized for analysis and inventory management

a select operation

creates a subset consisting of all records in the file that meet stated criteria.

Business Intelligence

data and software tools for organizing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help managers and other enterprise users make informed decisions focuses on delivering information to support management decision making at all levels BI for middle management help with monitoring, controlling and decision making

______________ creates confusion that hampers the creation of information systems that integrate data from different sources

data redundancy

web mining

discovery and analysis of useful patterns and information from the World Wide Web

text mining

discovery of patterns and relationships from large sets of unstructured data


each characteristic or quality describing a particular entity a piece of information describing a particular entity example: student ID, course, date, grade are all attributes of the entity "course" the specific values that these attributes can have are found in the fields of the record describing the entity "course"

foreign key (FK)

field in a database table that enables users to find related information in another database table

Kluwer illustrates _____

how much organizations today rely on information systems to improve performance and remain competitive, and how much systems supporting collaboration and teamwork make a difference in an organizations ability to innovate, execute and profit

computer systems organize data _____

in a hierarchy that starts with bits and bytes and progresses to fields, records, files, and databases

when the same attribute in related data files has different values, this is called data


a field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the

key field

A ___ is an example of non-digital data stored that is comparable to a database

library card catalog

poor security

little control or management of data, access to and dissemination of information may be out of control, management may have no way to know who is access or changing data

which of the following features enables a DBMS to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency

minimizes isolated files with repeated data

How do systems serve the different management groups in a business and how do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance?

no single system can provide all the information an organization needs. most have systems supporting processes for each of the major business functions - sales, marketing, production, finance, accounting, HR Functional systems that operate independently of each other are in the past because they cant share information to support cross functional business

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

one type is wireless sensor network, the goal is to create a distributed network of sensors which measure a host of parameters that allow city management to run the city more efficiently Examples: monitor pollution on specific streets, trash cans can send signals when they are close to full, traffic and street light use can be monitored to optimize lights dynamically Back end infrastructure is increasingly on the cloud, making these technologies more integrated and cheaper

A DBMS makes the

physical database available for different logical views.

Lack of data sharing and availability

pieces of information are in different files and different parts of the organization and cannot be related to each other, making it impossible for info to be shared or accessed timely

Analytic Platform

preconfigured hardware-software system that is specifically designed high-speed analysis of large datasets

the logical view of a database

presents data as they would be perceived by end users.

a field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the tables records is called the

primary key

The traditional file environment does not typically have a problem with

program-data independence

Data ___ occurs when the same data is duplicated in multiple files of a database


Program-data dependence

refers to the coupling of data stored in files and the specific sw programs required to update and maintain those files such that changes in programs require changes to the data Any change in data organization or format requires a change in all the programs associated with those files. example: one program might store zip codes as five digits while another stores them as nine digits. if the original data were changed from five to nine the other programs requiring five digits would no longer work and could cost millions to implement properly

In a table for customers, the information about a single customer would reside in a single


in a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are

select, project and join

Six dimensions of a Smart City

smart economy smart mobility smart environment smart people smart living smart governance

at the operational level ______

tasks, resources, and goals are predefined and highly structured

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

technology for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers

in-memory computing

technology for very rapid analysis and processing of large quantities of data by storing the data in the computer's main memory rather than in secondary storage

Kluwer management decided

the best solution was to deploy new technology to move from a static intranet of corporate knowledge to one in which actively engaged employees collaborated and learned from colleagues and were engaged

The relationship between entities and attributes is best illustrated by

the entity CUSTOMER with the attribute PURCHASE

The Globe and Mail illustrates_____

the importance of data management. business performance depends on what a firm can or cannot do with its data

Business Processes

the manner in which work is organized, coordinated, and focused to produce a valuable product or service. They are supported by flows of material, information and knowledge among the participants. It also refers to the unique way in which organizations coordinate work, information and knowledge and the ways in which management chooses to coordinate work. the performance of a business firm depends on how well its business processes are designed and coordinated. They can also be a liability if they are based on outdated ways of working that impede organizational responsiveness and efficiency. by analyzing business processes you can achieve a very clear understanding of how a business works and how to change the business by improving its processes to make it more efficient and effective

data redundancy

the presence of duplicate data in multiple data files so that the same data are stored in more than one place or location happens when different groups collect the same pieces of data and store it independently of each other it wastes storage resources and leads to data inconsistency

in a relational database, a record is referred to in technical terms as a


primary key (PK)

unique identifier for all the information in any row of a database table the primary key cannot be duplicated example: supplier_number is the primary key in the supplier entity table, but the foreign key in the part entity table

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