MIS 305 Ch. 10 essay (social media, collaboration, capital)

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How do social media information systems support content sharing?

: For businesses, the trick to understanding sharing is to learn how their customers search. A big segment of social media content is shared results from a search. Searching is essential to social media apps because all successful apps have an enormous database of content to share. For a business to be successful in social media, they must learn how searching is done-they need to learn how their customers search for tweets, how their customers use hashtags and expressions, and how customers find content by geographic location. If a business understands search, it can improve the likelihood that the content they create will be found by the customers they seek. Search is a powerful user procedure and a must for businesses to master.

What are tags? Describe the uses of a tag.

A tag is a keyword or term given to a piece of data by its creator. A tag or hashtag makes it easier to search for that term or keyword. A hashtag is a user-created tag that adds the prefix # to a word. Tags are important tools for search engines and also because they can be organized into structures, such as bookmark categories.

What are the three objectives of building social capital?

Answer: Building social capital is a process that has three objectives: (1) Increase the number of relationships in a social network (2) Increase the strength of those relationships (3) Connect to those with more resources

Describe how social media information systems help an organization's customer service process.

Customer service is the series of activities before, during or after a sale with the goal of increasing customer satisfaction. Social media provides many new options for businesses to improve customer service. For example, local and state government agencies use social media to coordinate garbage pickup, to share updates on wildfire and flood locations, and so on.

Describe the importance of social media process objectives.

For any business to use social media successfully, its managers need to understand the objectives of the social media process. However, like other dynamic processes, the social media process has few well-accepted objectives. For example, people use social media to communicate, share, support and entertain while the objectives of a business may be to boost sales or respond to customer complaints.

Describe the characteristics of social media applications.

For users, social media apps are free, fun to use, and frequently changed. Most of the features on social media apps are offered to the user for no cost, although advanced features may have a fee. The software is also updated frequently, sometimes with little notification to users. App providers expect users to experiment with the updated app to figure it out. For a business using social media, the attributes of free, fun, and frequently changed also hold true. However, unlike other software the business uses, it has little input on the features of the software.

What is location-based marketing?

Location-based marketing integrates customer location data into marketing activities. For example: Organizations send offers to customers who are geographically closer to them.

What is social capital?

Social capital is the investment in social relations with the expectation of returns in the marketplace. Building social capital is a dynamic process that is vital to the firm.

What is social media?

Social media are Web apps that support the creation and sharing of user-generated content. User-generated content is publicly available content created by end users.

What are the two categories of social media data?

Social media data falls into two categories: content and connections. Content data is user-generated content and the responses to that content contributed by other users. Connection data is data about relationships.

Describe with an example how social media listening helps organizations improve business processes.

Social media listening is collecting and responding to customer-generated content that is either positive or negative. The objectives of listening are to improve customer service, promotions, or other business processes. Example: Some hospitals use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest to create opportunities for its patients to communicate with each other about common illnesses, treatments and medicines. By creating these platforms, the hospital builds brand recognition and also has the opportunity to listen to patients candidly discussing their treatments, reactions, and frustrations.

Describe why businesses cannot determine the objectives of a social media process.

Social media process is not controlled by the business. Businesses must share control of the social media process with other participants-the app providers like Facebook and Twitter, and the users. Because businesses don't control it, they do not get to change it or determine its objectives

List the major risks associated with user-generated content.

The major sources of user-generated problems are: 1. Junk and crackpot contributions 2. Unfavorable reviews 3. Mutinous movements

Describe how social media helps organizations' promotion processes.

The most immediate and profitable way that social media help business is by supporting the process of promotion. Promotion is the process of sharing data about a product or service with the objective to improve awareness and sales. Traditionally, businesses executed promotion via well-crafted messages from the business to the customer; however, with social media, promotion now includes informal messages and messages among customers.

What is meant by "the strength of a relationship" in the context of social capital? How can an organization use social media to strengthen its relationships?

To an organization, the strength of a relationship is the likelihood that a person or other organization in the relationship will do something that benefits the organization. An organization has a strong relationship with the user if he buys its products, writes positive reviews about it, posts pictures of using the organization's products or services, and so on.

Define traditional capital and human capital.

Traditional capital refers to investments into resources such as factories, machines, manufacturing equipment, and the like. Human capital is the investment in human knowledge and skills for future profit.

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