Misconceptual Questions Physics 2 Exam 3

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About what percentage of the heat produced by burning gasoline is turned into useful work by a typical automobile? a. 20% b. 50% c. 80% d. 90% e. nearly 100%


A bimetallic strip, consisting of metal G on the top and metal H on bottom, is rigidly attached to a wall at the left. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion for metal G is greater than that of metal H. If the strip is uniformly heated it will _________________. a. curve down b. curve up c. do nothing (won't get longer or shorter) d. remain horizontal, but get longer


As heat is added to water, is it possible for the temperature measured by a thermometer in the water to remain constant? a. yes, the water could be changing phase b. no, adding heat will always change the temperature c. maybe; it depends on the rate at which the heat is added d. maybe; it depends on the initial water temperature


For objects at thermal equilibrium, which of the following is true? a. each is at the same temperature b. each has the same internal energy c. each has the same heat d. all of the above e. none of the above


If 9500 joules of heat was added to a sample of ideal gas at constant volume then the internal energy of gas will a. increase by 9500 b. decrease by 9500 c. remain unchanged d. not enough information


In a mixture of the gases oxygen and helium, which statement is valid? a. the helium atoms will be moving faster than the oxygen molecules, on average b. both will be moving at the same speed c. the oxygen molecules will, on average, be moving more rapidly than the helium atoms d. the kinetic energy of helium atoms will exceed that of oxygen molecules e. none of the above


Two equal-mass liquids, initially at the same temperature, are heated for the same time over the same stove. You measure the temperatures and find that one liquid has a higher temperature than the other. Which liquid has the higher specific heat? a. the cooler one b. the hotter one c. both are the same


When using the ideal gas law, which of the following rules must be obeyed? a. always use temperature in kelvins and absolute pressure b. always use volume in m cubed and temperature in K c. always use gauge pressure and temperature in degrees C d. always use gauge pressure and temperature in K e. always use volume in m cubed and gauged pressure


Which of the following possibilities could increase the efficiency of a heat engine or an internal combustion engine? a. increase the temperature of the hot part of the system and reduce the temp of the exhaust b. increase the temperatures of both the hot part and the exhaust part of the system by the same amount c. decrease the temperatures of both the hot part and the exhaust part of the system by the same amount d. decrease the temperature of the hot part and increase the temperature of the exhaust part by the same amount e. none of the above; only redesigning the engine or using better gas could improve the engine's efficiency

A and C

A bimetallic strip, consisting of metal G on the top and metal H on bottom, is rigidly attached to a wall at the left. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion for metal H is greater than that of metal G. If the strip is uniformly heated it will _________________. a. curve down b. curve up c. do nothing (won't get longer or shorter) d. remain horizontal, but get longer


A container of an ideal gas that was originally at 3 atm (pressure) is compressed to one-third (1/3) of its original volume. During this compression the temperature was held constant and there was no phase change. What's the pressure now? a. 27 atm b. 9 atm c. 6 atm d. 3 atm e. 1 atm


After heating a gas, the speed of the average molecule in the gas was twice as fast as it used to be. If the original temperature of the gas had been T then approximately what is the temperature of this gas now (after heating it)? Assume K a. 2T b. 4T c. 1/2 T d. 1/4 T e. T (no change)


An ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion, a process in which no heat flows into or out of the gas. As a result, a. the temperature of the gas remains constant and the pressure decreases b. both the temperature and pressure of the gas decrease c. the temperature of the gas decreases and the pressure increases d. both the temperature and volume of the gas increase e. both the temperature and pressure of the gas increase


One mole of an ideal gas in a sealed rigid container is initially at a temperature of 100 degrees C. The temperature is then increased to 200 degrees C. The pressure in the gas a. remains constant b. increases by about 25% c. doubles d. triple


The average kinetic energy (not the total kinetic energy) of each individual molecule that makes up a gas is proportional to its a. heat b. temperature c. nuclear energy d. internal energy


When an ideal gas is warmed from 20 degrees C to 40 degrees C, the gas's temperature T that appears in the ideal gas law increases by a factor a. of 2 b. of 1.07 c. that depends on the temperature scale you sue


Which statement is true regarding the entropy change of an ice cube that melts? a. since melting occurs at the melting point temperature, there is no temperature change so there is no entropy change b. entropy increases c. entropy decrease


A container of an ideal gas that was originally at 9 atm (pressure) is expanded to 3 times its original volume. During this expansion the temperature was held constant and there was no phase change. What is the pressure now?? A. 27 atm B. 6 atm C. 3 atm D. 1/3 atm E. 2 atm


A steel plate has a hole in it with a diameter of exactly 1.0 cm when the plate is at a temperature of 20 degrees C. A steel ring has an inner diameter of exactly 1.0 cm at 20 degrees C. Both the plate and the ring are heated to 100 degrees C. Which statement is true? a. the hole in the plate gets smaller, and the opening in the ring gets larger b. the opening in the ring gets larger, but we need the relative size of the plate and the hole to know what happens to the hole c. the hole in the plate and the opening in the ring get larger d. the hole in that plate and the opening in the ring get smaller e. the hole in the plate gets larger, and the opening in the ring gets smaller


An ideal gas is in a sealed rigid container. The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules depends most on a. the size of the container b. the number of molecules in the container c. the temperature of the gas d. the mass of the molecules


An ideal gas undergoes an isobaric compression and then an isovolumetric process that brings it back to its initial temperature. Had the gas undergone one isothermal process instead a. the work done on the gas would be the sam b. the work done on the gas would be less c. the work done on the gas would be greater d. need to know the temperature of the isothermal process


Both beakers A and B contain a mixture of ice and water at equilibrium. which beaker is the coldest, or are they equal in temperature? a. beaker A b. beaker B c. equal


Heat is a. a fluid called caloric b. a measure of the average kinetic energy of atoms c. the amount of energy transferred between objects as a result of difference in temperature d. an invisible, odorless, weightless substance e. the total kinetic energy of an ideal gas


If 7500 joules of heat was lost (un-insulated container) from a sample of ideal gas at constant volume then the internal energy of the gas will a. remain unchanged b. increase by 7500 J c. decrease by 7500 J d. not enough information


If you place a cold glass full of iced tea outside on a hot and humid summer day you'll notice that the water vapor surrounding the tea begins to condense on the outside of the glass (water droplets show up on the outside of the glass). In this process what can we say about this water vapor (that condensed)? a. it increased its internal energy b. it gained heat c. it lost heat d. it did work on the cold glass e. the cold glass did work on it


In the early mornings during summer at the beach the wind tends to blow generally towards the ________. The wind in this case would be considered part of the _______ heating process. a. water, conductive b. water, radiative c. water, convective d. land, conductive e. land, radiative f. land, convective


In the late afternoons (3-5 PM) during summer at the beach the wind tends to blow generally towards the _________. The wind in this case would be considered part of the __________ heating process. a. land, radiative b. land, conductive c. land, convective d. water, radiative e. water, conductive f. water, convective


It is a well-known fact that water has a higher specific heat capacity than iron. If you had equal masses of iron and water (iron in one room and water in another room) and you added the same amount of heat to each of them then... Assume that they are not near a phase change temperature. a. they will experience the same change in temperature since it was the same amount of heat b. the water's temperature will increase more than the iron's temperature c. the iron's temperature will increase more than the water's temperature


Rod A has twice the diameter of rod B, but both are made of irons and have the same initial length. Both rods are now subjected to the same change in temperature (but remain solid). How would the change in the rods' lengths compare? a. Rod A> Rod B b. Rod B> Rod A c. Rod A=Rod B d. need to know whether the rods were cooled or heated


Ten grams of water is added to ten grams of ice in an insulated container. Will all of the ice melt? a. yes b. no c. need more info


The rms speed of the molecules of an ideal gas: a. is the same as the most probable speed of the molecules b. is always equal to the sq rt of 2 times the max molecular speed c. will increase as the temperature of a gas increases d. all of the above


Two identical bottles at the same temperature contain the same gas. If bottle B has twice the volume and contains half the number of moles of gas as bottle A, how does the pressure of B compare with the pressure in A? a. Pb=1/2 Pa b. Pb=2Pa c. Pb=1/4 Pa d. Pb=4 Pa e. Pb=Pa


When a hot object lies side-by-side, in contact with a colder object (and they are in an insulated environment) energy will be lost from the hot object and gained by the colder object. This particular is called____________. a. internal energy b. temperature c. heat d. potential energy e. nuclear energy


When you put an ice cube in a glass of warm tea, which of the following happens? a. cold flows from the ice cube into the tea b. cold flows from the ice cube into the tea and heat flows from the tea into the ice cube c. heat flows from the tea into the ice cube d. neither the heat nor cold flows. only temperature


Which of the following happens when a material undergoes a phase change? a. the temperature changes b. the chemical composition changes c. heat flows into or out of the material d. the molecules break apart into atoms


A heat engine operates between a high temperature of about 600 degrees C and a low temperature of about 300 degrees C. What is the maximum theoretical efficiency for this engine? a. 100% b. 66% c. 50% d. 34%


A typical thermos bottle has a thin vacuum space between the shiny inner flask (which holds a liquid) and the hsiny protective outer flask, often stainless steel. the vacuum space is excellent at preventing a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. conduction and convection e. conduction, convection, and radiation


An ideal gas at STP is first compressed until its volume is one-third initial volume, and then it is allowed to expand until its pressure is one-third the initial pressure. All of this is done without a phase change and at a constant temperature. If the initial internal energy of the gas was 4,500 J then the final internal energy of the gas will be A. 40,500 J B. 500 J C. 1,500 J D. 4,500 J E. 9,000 J


An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion from state A to state B. In this process (using sign conventions) a. Q=0, delta U=0, W>0 b. Q>0, delta U=0, W<0 c. Q=0, delta U>0, W>0 d. Q>0, delta U=0, W>0 e. Q=0, delta U<0, W<0


An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal process. Which of the following statements is true? i) no heat is added to or removed from the gas ii) the internal energy of the gas doesn't change iii) the average kinetic energy of the molecules does not change a. (i) only b. (i) and (ii) only c. (i) and (iii) only d. (ii) and (iii) only e. (i), (ii), and (iii) f. none of the above


In an isobaric compression of an ideal gas, a. no heat flows into the gas b. the internal energy of the gas remains constant c. no work is done on the gas d. work is done on the gas e. work is done by the gas


It has been a hot summer, so when you arrive at a lake, you decide to go for a swim even though it is nighttime. The water is cold! The next day, you go swimming again during the hottest part of the day, and even though the air is warmer the water is still almost as cold. Why? a. water is fairly dense compared with many other liquids b. water remains in a liquid state for a wide range of temperatures c. water has a high bulk modulus d. water has a high specific heat


On a cold and cloudy day a piece of metal feels colder to the touch than a piece of wood. This is due to the difference in which one of the following physical properties? a. emissivity b. specific heat c. density d. thermal conductivity e. latent heat


On a sunny day a black, cotton t-shirt will gain more heat than a white, cotton t-shirt. This is due to the difference in which one of the following physical properties? a. density b. latent heat c. thermal conductivity d. emissivity e. specific heat


On a very hot day, could you cool your kitchen by leaving the refrigerator door open? a. yes, but it would be very expensive b. yes, but only if the humidity is below 50% c. no, the refrigerator would exhaust the same amount of heat into the room as it takes out of the room d. no, the heat exhausted by the refrigerator into the room is more than the heat the refrigerator takes out of the room


Radiation is emitted a. only by glowing objects such as the sun b. only by objects whose temperature is greater than the temperature of the surroundings c. only ob objects with more caloric than their surroundings d. by any object not at 0 K e. only by objects that have a large specific heat


The linear expansion of a material depends on which of the following? a. the length of the material b. the change in temp of the material c. the type of material d. all of the above e. both b and c


Two objects are made of the same material, but they have different masses and temperatures. If the objects are brought into thermal contact, which one will have the greater temperature change? a. the one with the higher initial temperature b. the one with the lower initial temperature c. the one with the greater mass d the one with the lesser mass e. the one with the higher specific heat f. not enough info


Which of the following is not true about an ideal gas? a. the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases as the temperature increases b. the volume of an ideal gas increases with temperature if the pressure is held constant c. the pressure of an ideal gas increases with temperature if the volume is held constant d. all gas molecules have the same speed at a particular temperature e. the molecules are assumed to be far apart compared to their size


After heating a gas the speed of the average molecule in the gas was twice as fast as it use to be. If the original temperature of the gas had been T then approximately what is the temperature of this gas now (after heating it)? Assume K. a. 1/2 T b. 1/4 T c. 2T d. T (no change) e. 4T


In the afternoons on hot, sunny, summer days at the beach the wind tends to blow generally toward the __________. The wind in this case would be considered part of the ___________ heating process. There may be more than one type of heating happening; I'm just asking about the wind. A. water, conductive b. water, convective c. water, radiative d. land, conductive e. land, convective f. land, radiative


Two ideal gasses, A and B, are at the same temperature. If the molecular mass of the molecules in gas A is twice that of the molecules in gas B, the molecules' root-mean-square speed is: a. the same in both gases b. twice as great in A c. 1.4 times greater in A d. twice as great in B e. 1.4 times greater in B


the temperature of an ideal gas increases. Which of the following is true? a. the pressure must decrease b. the pressure must increase c. the pressure must increase while the volume decreases d. the volume must increase while the pressure decreases e. the pressure, the volume, or both, may increase


The total energy of all of the molecules that make up a gas is its a. internal energy b. heat c. temperature d. nuclear energy


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