MIT 422

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Risk management

various risks involved in a project should be identified and a mitigation and contingency plan needs to be developed to ensure that the project is not derailed at any point.


you should be willing and able to work towards a particular goal


* - usually define the following: * objectives - what the strategy to achieve in each perspective * measures - how progress for that particular objective will be measured * targets - the target value sought for each measure * initiatives - what will be done to facilitate the reaching of the target

WBS Numbering

* Every level item has a unique assigned number so that work can be identified and tracked over time. * A WBS may have varying numbers of decomposition levels, but there is a general scheme for how to number each level so that the tasks are uniquely numbered and correctly summarized.


* a depenedency is defined as an action that is probably to impact on the project during its lifecycle * resource plan

payback analysis

* amount of time it will take to recoup the total dollars invested in a project, in terms of net cash inflows. * determines how much time will elapse before accrued benefits overtake accrued and continuing costs * Payback occurs when the net cumulative benefits equal the net cumulative costs, or when the net cumulative benefits minus costs equal zero

business unit strategy

* guiding principles and planned objectives set by management to be followed by an autonomous division of a company. * separate business unit strategy for each division will often be prepared and used by larger companies that have considerably different objectives among their various divisions.

project charter

* identifies vision, targets, range, organization, and execution plan. * it helps you to fix the direction for the project and get buy in from your stakeholders as to how the project will be prepared and accomplished.

Controlling the scope

* is the last process group of project scope management. * part of project monitoring and control process group is the process of monitoring the status of the project, product scope and managing the changes to the scope baseline. This process ensures that all requested changes and recommended corrective or preventive actions are processed through the integrated change control process.

Level 3 items

* key activities required to produce level 2 deliverables * Additional levels are used depending upon the magnitude of the deliverables and the level of detailed required to reliably estimate costs and schedules.

Defining scope

* main purpose of the scope definition is to clearly describe the boundaries of your project. * one needs to get the client's agreement * main purpose is to clearly describe the boundaries of your project. * the elements within the scope and out of the scope are well defined in order to clearly understand what will be the area under the project control. * You should identify more elements in detailed manner and divide them among the scope and out of the scope.

reasons for a project

* market demand * business need * customer request * technology advance * legal requirements

return of investment

* measures the efficiency of an investment. * result of subtracting the project costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs. * percentage * can be positive or negative

net present value

* method of calculating the expected net monetary gain or loss from a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time. * only consider projects with a positive NPV if financial value is a key criterion for project selection. * a positive NPV means that the return from a project exceeds the cost of capital - return available by investing the capital elsewhere.

Level 2 items

* names of all vendor project deliverables that are expected to be required as part of a contract. * should also include an agency deliverable tasks

Validating scope

* process of formalizing acceptance of the complete project deliverables. * Validating project and product scope takes place with the project sponsor and/or customer * take place as each deliverable is completed. * signifies that the customer or sponsor approves and accepts the deliverable

process-centered WBS

* similar to deliverable-oriented WBS except that it is organized, at the highest level, by phases or steps in a process rather than by deliverables. * benefit is that it encourages the inclusion of process-required deliverables, such as System Development Life Cycle deliverables. * all contractual and SDLC deliverables are accounted for in the WBS * benefit is that it encourages the inclusion of process-required deliverables, such as System Development Life Cycle deliverables. * all contractual and SDLC deliverables are accounted for in the WBS

Scope creep

* something common with every project. * This refers to the incremental expansion of the project scope. * the client may come back to the service provider during the project execution and add more requirements. * change requests need to be raised in order to cover the increasing costs of the service provider.


* taking corrective actions to address deviation. * Establishing standards based upon objectives * Measuring and reporting performance and then comparing the two * Taking corrective/preventive action

develop project team

* team performance assessments * these are mostly documented updates and as such evaluations are performed by the project manager to focus on improvement areas for the individuals within the team as it is the project manager's responsibility to increase team performance.

project execution

* this is the phase where deliverables are developed and completed. * kick-off meaning usually marks the start of the project execution phase where the teams involved are informed of their responsible

Validating the scope

* this is the process which is a part of project monitoring and control process group. * includes reviewing deliverables with the customer or sponsor to ensure that they are completed satisfactorily and obtaining formal acceptance of deliverables by the customer or sponsor.

Controlling scope

* to influence the factors that cause scope changes, to ensure that changes are processed according to procedures developed as part of integrated change control, and to manage changes when they occur. * keep scope realistic. break project down into series of smaller ones * involve users in project scope management. adding key users to the project team and give them ownership of requirements * use off the shelf hardware and software whenever possible. * follow good project management process.

financial perspective

* tracks your financial requirements and performance * operation growth and mixed * cost declined, productivity increased * assets used and investment strategy

WBS construction methods

* use some form of visual display of the deliverables, phases, or activities. * all project team members will convene and brainstorm all work required to complete project deliverables successfully. * involvement of all team members in this process increases the likelihood that the resulting WBS will be comprehensive. * team members start by identifying all project deliverables or milestones and then decompose them one at a time into a detailed and sequential list of the detailed activities required to complete the deliverable or milestone. * One way of visually conducting this process is by using post-it notes to reprsent each deliverable and sub-activity

legal concerns

- if your business entails legal consideration like copyrights, patents, trademarks or special licenses, include it here

insurance policies

- list the various insurance policies that you will take out and their individual costs


- powerful model for many different situations performing net present value analysis, return on investment, and payback analysis


- rather than being filled with acronyms, MBA-speak and ten dollar words, an effective elevator pitch can be understood by your grandparents. your spouse, and your children

Earliest start time rule

- the earliest start time for an activity leaving a particular node is equal to the largest of the earliest finish times for all activities entering the node.

Optimistic time

- the shortest possible time in which an activity is likely to be completed.

financial information

- the viability of your business culminates in this section when your prepare projections of income and expenses cash flow forecasts and when you review how much money you may require even if you plan to be self-funding, projections and cash flows facilitate making sound management decisions now and in the future funding requirements show the amount borrowed in your financials and include the monthly payments in your cash flow projections if seeking an investment partner, indicate the share of the company available in exchange for the investment

life cycle costing -

- this allows you to see a big-picture view of the cost of a project throughout its life cycle. This helps you develop and accurate projection of a projection of a project's financial cost and benefits. Considers the total cost of ownership or development plus support costs.

technical process

- this section would describe the methodologies that will be implemented in the project.. by adopting a scientific methodology ensures successful project delivery, sample is CASE and UML

fixed-price plus incentive contract

. here the contract includes an incentive or bonus, typically for the early or on-time completion of the deliverable.


A PM will typically pick two to five of these KPIs to measure project performance.

Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Achieving the private victories required to move from dependence to independence


All projects have a definite budget; the stakeholders/customer is willing to spend a certain amount of money for delivery of a new product or service. Reducing the project's cost, it will either have to reduce project scope or reduce its scope

Work breakdown structure

Decomposition of all the work necessary to complete a project. * arranged in a hierarchy and constructed to allow for clear and logical groupings, either by activities or deliverables. * should represent the work identified in the approved Project Scope Statement and serves as an early foundation for effective schedule development and cost estimating. recursor to a detailed project schedule. accompanied by a WBS dictionary, which lists and defines WBS elements.

two-factor theory

Developed a theory of workplace motivation Based on the assumption that there are two sets of factors that influence motivation in the workplace by either enhancing employee satisfaction or hindering it


It is basically the process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller and more manageable components.

effort and cost tracking

PMs will account for the effort and cost of resources to see if the budget is on track. this type of tracking informs if a project will meet its completion date based on current performance


The habit of creative cooperation.

McClelland's Acquired-Needs Theory

The study of David Mclelland, states that people acquire or learn certain needs form their culture, family, culture, family, personal and occupational experience, type of organization for which a person works. McClelland created the three needs theory

Organization breakdown structure

a chart that shows which organizational units are responsible for work items.

general business overview

a description of the business and where it fits into the marketplace. describe what needs the business will be feelig and how it will go about filling them describe the markets that will use your business and any business history

scope statement

a document that clearly defines the business needs, benefit of the project, objectives, deliverables and key milestones. a scope statement may change during the project, but it shouldn't be done without the approval of the project manager and the sponsor.

developing a project management plan

a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide


a strategic and systematic approach to managing people in a way that would maximize their motivation and contribution towards meeting the organization's objectives.

Four frame of organization

a team leading organization science scholars has developed a very useful model to understand the ambiguity and complexity of and influence the behavior of organizations. model of bolman and deal can help those interested to better understand and approach the issues about organizational diagnosis, development, and change.

Matrix organization

a team structure with members from functional areas, depending on skills required

Matrix organizations

a team structure with members from functional areas, depending on skills required.


a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. A project can also be defined as a group of milestones or phases, activities or tasks that support an effort to accomplish something

expert judgement

a term that refers to a technique in which judgement is made is based upon a specific set of criteria and/or expertise that has bee acquired in a specific knowledge area, or product area, a particular discipline an industry

Gantt chart

a visual timeline that you can use to plan out tasks and visualize your project timeline.

Fit for use

ability of product or service to meet customer needs

work challenge

ability to assign work that capitalizes on a worker's enjoyment of doing a particular task, which taps an intrinsic motivational factor

Be proactive

ability to control one's environment rather than have it control you. Self determination, choice, and the power to decide response to stimulus, conditions, and circumstances.


ability to dispense or cause punishment


ability to establish friendly personal relationships between the project manager and others.

maslow's hierarchy of needs

abraham maslow a highly respected psychologist who rejected the dehumanizing negativism of psychology in the 1950s

make or buy analysis

action of deciding between manufacturing an item internally or in-house or buying it from an external supplier (also known as outsourcing) such decisions are typically taken when a firm that has manufactured a part or produced, or else considerably modified it, is having issues with current suppliers, or has reducing capacity or varying demand.

Systems management

addresses the business, technological, and organisational issues associated with creating, maintaining, and modifying a system.

process-centered WBS

all deliverables are identified, and all work is included. This comprehensiveness will reduce the risk of off balance sheet work tasks, which might have unexpected impacts on the project schedule.

close project or phase

all of the activities needed to formally close the project or phase - initiaiting

cost budgeting

allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items

contingency reserves

allow for future situations that may be partially planned for (known unknowns) and are included in the project cost baselines.


also a basic function of management because without motivations, employees cannot work effectively.


always play a vital role in time management. This is due to the fact that schedule over-runs are quite expensive.


an effective elevator pitch addresses the specific interests and concerns of the audience


an effective elevator pitch as few words as possible but no fewer


an effective elevator pitch explains the problem your solution solves

Project manager

an important authorized member of a project team.


analyze to organize data and look for process problems and opportunities grounded in the context of the customer and competitive environment this step helps to identify gaps between current and goal performance prioritize opportunities to improve and identify sources of variation and root causes of problems in the process

Schedule development

analyzing activity sequences, activity resource estimates, and activity duration estimates to create the project schedule.


any portions of project (tasks) which required by project, uses up resources and consumes time - may involve labor, paper work, contractual negotiations, machinery operations.. Activity on Arrow (AoA) shows as arrow, AON Activity on Node.

budget estimation

approximation based on a well-defined cost data and established ground rules


are the people involved in or affected by project activities, and include the project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, and even opponents of the project


are written to get money for work it asks readers to approve funding or grant permission for the proposed business project most corporate or business project start with a proposal a proposal is a document that requests support for work a proposer wants to do.

scope baseline

art of project management plan and acts as the reference point through the project life. it has several components which includes project scope document, WBS, and WBS dictionary

request for proposal (RFP)

as for the price and how/who will do the work invitation for bid ifb - one simple price to do the work


as much as possible, an effective pitch is also specific and tangible


as new situations arise, be flexible and refine goals as needed.


beginning or ending point of one or more activity, instantaneous point in time also called nodes

maslow's hierarchy of needs

best known a hierarchy of needs which states that the behavior of people is guided or motivated by sequence of need


break larger goals into smaller tasks that can be quickly achieved.


briefly describe the products or services your provide financial information - current bank and investor summarize future plans explain where you would like to take your business

HRM Plan

built upon an understanding of the department's vision, mission, values, and strategic programmes and challenges.

six sigma

business improvement approach that seeks to find and eliminate causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and service processes. focuses on outputs that are critical to customers. results in a clear financial return for the organization.

Project scheduling

calendar that links the tasks to be done with the resources that will compete them


can be internal or external to the organization directly involved in the project or simply affected by the project.

extrinsic motivation

cases people to do something for a reward or to avoid penalty

hygiene factor

cause dissatisfaction in the workplace are extrinsic (or independent of the work itself), and are linked to things such as compensation, job, security, organizational politics, working conditions, quality of leadership, and relationships between supervisors, subordinates, and peers.

intrinsic motivation

causes people to participate in an activity for their own enjoyment

project change control

change control systems are essential to take into account any potential changes that could occur during the course of the project


characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others


characteristics that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others


checking project progress toward meeting its objectives


client is a person or individual that is obliged for receiving the deliverables when the project is accomplished


closes the cycle, integrating the learning methods or even reformulate a theory altogether

integration management

collection of processes required to ensure that the various elements of the projects are properly coordinated. it involves making trade-offs among competing objectives and alternatives to meet or exceed stakeholder's needs and expectation.


combination of all project activities and the events

Do step

components of the plan are implemented such as making a product

cost control

contains monitoring and control of expenditures as the work proceeds as well as modifying the method if the result is not satisfactory

schedule control

controlling and managing changes to the project schedule

developing the project management plans

coordinate all planning efforts to create a consistent, coherent document - the project management plan

Time and cost management

covers developing a schedule, allocating resources, and managing funds for the project.


create a timeframe to achieve the goal.


create criteria that you can use to measure the success of a goal

Stakeholder management

critical component to the successful delivery of any project, programme, or activity. A stakeholder is any individual, group, or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a programme.

WBS (diagram or list)

define comprehensive list of project activities.


define measure analyze improve and conrol focuses on improving existing processes that have not reached process entitlement or an optimal state.


define who your customers and what their requirements are for the products and services define team goals, project boundaries, and focus areas define th e process you are striving to improvemeasure


defined as positive and negative consequences that a individual perceives as a participant has incurred a consequence of his/her relationship with another.

Top management

defined as the person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level.

project success criteria

defined as the qualitative or quantitative criteria by which the success of the project is judged.


defines exactly what is required and how to accomplish it

Project scope

defines the boundaries of the project what to include and what not to include, this process must be clear from start so that the project can be delivered on time and on budget.

Project organizational charts

defines the human infrastructure of the project. This task is designed to define the project organization chart, the roles, and the relationships of the project team. the organizational structure clearly identifies role and responsibilities of each position, augmenting the existing role definitions where necessary to cover all of the responsibilities. The project organization technique that is used in this step provides a standard set of roles and responsibilities of each position, augmenting, the existing role definitions where necessary to cover all of the responsibilities.

functional or detailed

defines what end products should be as well as minimum requirements


deliverable oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines its total scope.

HRM plan

departmental document which sets out what programs are required in the following years of practice HRM In the department.

acceptance criteria

describe how the buyer organizations will determine if the work is acceptable

WBS dictionary

describe task, sequence activities, estimate duration, estimate resources, identify constraints


describe the location, benefits, amenities and accessibility to consumer traffic. indicate the freight routes, traffic stats, demographics, and growth rate details of parking and zoning cost of lease or mortgage plus taxes and utlities explain why you chose this location and outline any renovations or alterations

scope of work

describe the work to be done in detail. specify the hardware and software involved and the exact nature of the work

location of work

describe where the work must be performed. specify the location of hardware and software and where the people must perform the work

quality control

describe your policies on quality control describe any hazards or environmental risks and how your propose to deal with these obstacles describe any special safety measures or procedures relevant to the production of your product distribution outline how your products will be delivered or distributed and any competitive advantages to your methods

- mission statement

describes your company's philosophy in a few sentences


determine if trial is working correctly

strategic planing

determining long-term objectives, predicting future trends and projecting the need for new products and services

resource planning

determining what resources and what quantifies of each should be used to perform project activities.

Bruce Tuckman

developed a ladder model describing the five stages of team building which is an excellent tool for the project manager to Foster and develop the team into a high performance unit


developed in the 1950s by the US Navy. Originally the critical path method is considered only as logical dependencies between terminal elements. It has been expanded to allow for the inclusion of resources related to each activity, through processes called activity - based resource assignments and resource leveling.

cost estimating

developing an approximation of the costs of the resources needed to complete project activities..

six phases that are involved in project integration management

developing the project charter, developing the project management plan, directing and managing project work, monitoring and controlling project work, performing integrated change control, and closing project.

direct costs

directly related to creating the products and services of the project. project managers should focus on direct costs because they can be controlled.

WBS or work breakdown structure

divides the project into components to ensure that its easy to create the project

develop project management plan

documenting the actions needed for all subsidiary plans - planning

the vision

documents how you see your company in the future

Human Resource management

e term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization.


easiest way of managing project time.


elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.


elements that the business or project could exploit to its advantage


eliminate guesswork, assumptions about what customers need and expect, and how well processes are working collect data from many sources to determine speed in responding to customer requests, defect types, and how frequently they occur

personalized power

enjoy their power for its own sake, use it to advance personal interest, display it as a status symbol

Activity resource estimating

estimating how many resources a project team should use to perform project activities.

activity duration estimating

estimating the number of work period that are needed to complete individual activities

organizational process assets

every organization maintains a repository of information and data from the past projects that can be used by the organization's people and projects

project name

every project must have a project name, it is recommeded that is unique. having a unique project name distinguish itself from other projects.

sponsors name

every project must include the name, title, and contact information of the project sponsor


every version of an effective elevator pitch conveys the same basic message


explains why you are qualified to see the problem and build your solution

Quality of conformance

extent to which a process is able to deliver output that confirms to design specification.

Kaoru isihkawa

father of quality circles

executive summary

first opportunity to grab a potential investor's interest should highlight the strengths of your overall plan and therefore be the last section you write.

Quality management

focused not only on product/service quality but also the means to achieve it

learning and growth perspective

focuses on how you educate to your employees, how you gain and capture your knowledge, and how you use it to maintain a competitive edge within your markets.

risk management

focuses on identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project. goal is to achieve project's objectives it's the art and science of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to harness/control/manage the effects of uncertainties on objective of a temporary endeavor.

Immediate predecessors

for a particular activity are the activities that when completed, enable the start of the activity in question

develop project charter

formal authorisation of the project or phase - initiating

herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory

frederick herzberg clinical and pioneer of job enrichment is regarded as one of the great original thinkers in management and motivational theory. Conducted a study to determine factors that would cause satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees in the work place


functions on the premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the or consumption of the products or services offered by an organization. participation and teamwork by everyone.

Internal project stakeholders

generally include the project sponsor, project team, support staff, and internal customers for the project.


generate both obvious and creative solutions to fix and prevent problems finding creating solutions by correcting root causes requires innovation, technology, and discipline


goal should encourage employees to work together


goals should tap into the passion of employees and be something that they ca form an emotional connection to. This can optimize the quality of work.

scatter diagram

graph pairs of numerical data, on variable on each axis, to look for a relationship. the closer data points are to a diagonal line, the more closely two variables are related

seek first to understand , then to be understood

habit of communication

Begins with the end in mind

habit of personal leadership — leading oneself that is towards what you consider your aims. By developing the habit of concentrating on relevant activities you will build a platform to avoid distractions and become more productive and successful.

socialized power

have an interest in organizational goals, have a desire to be useful to the organization and society, this are more effective administrators and exercise power for the benefit of others

Human resource framework

heart of the organizations is people, empowerment, servant

cost plus incentive fee CPIF

here all allowable expenses are charged back and in addition an incentive fee for exceeding the performance specified in the contract. the incentive fee is designed to encourage increased cost performance by the seller. there is the potential of both buyer and seller saving if the performance criteria is exceeded

cost plus fixed fee CPFF

here all allowable expenses are charged back plus a fixed fee at the end of the contract. the fixed fee is how the seller makes their profit. the aim of the fixed fee is to encourage the seller to complete the work as quickly as possible

cost plus fee CPF or cost plus percentage of cost CPPC

here the seller is reimbursed for allowable costs plus a fee that's calculated as a percentage of costs. there is no incentive for the seller to complete the work quickly with this type of contract.

project staffing

human resources is one of the most important part of a project, this section would cater to the assembly of the team

cost estimates

identification of project components to which cost will be distributed project schedule

cause and effect diagram/fishbone chart

identifies many possible causes for an effect or a problem and sorts them into useful categories. you can also use the technique known as the 5 whys

Risk management plan

identify all foreseeable risks, common risks include unrealistic time and cost estimates, customer review cycle, budget cuts, changing requirements.


identify high-level goals that need to be met throughout the project and include them in the gantt chart.

the competition

identify the current competition, their size and market share analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the competition and outline how you plan to overcome their strengths and target their weaknesses


identify the most important goals and what it will take to achieve them

activity definition

identifying the specific activities/tasks that the project team members and stakeholders must perform to produce project deliverables.

future projection

if you plan any future expansion, include this information. list any potential threats and opportunities


implement plan on trial basis

use of earned value

in order to identify the value of the work that has been carried out so far, use the accounting technique known as earned value this is particularly. helpful for large projects and will help you make any quick changes that are absolutely essential for the success of the project.

products and services

in this section you need to describe your products and/or services. list the benefits of your products or service describe your advantages over the competition realistically assess the volume you can do describe the business developmental stage list any potential or current contracts. if you have orders or letters of intent include them in the appendix detail your profit margins on individual products and services. show what your products sell for and the cost of raw materials. if you are a reseller quote the cost to you including freight, packaging, wages point out the expected profit margins and explain how the business will maintain them through expansion and / or market fluctuations

cost reimbursable contracts

in this type of contract all the costs that the seller incurs during the project are charged back to the buyer and thus the seller is reimbursed costs. the costs which are allowable will be defined in the contract. in this type of contract more risk is carried by the buyer as the final cost is uncertain. if problems arise during the execution of the project then buyer will have to spend more

fixed price or lump sum contracts

in this type of contract, a specific price is agreed for the good or service being sold. in project terms, the buyer and seller will agree on a well-defined deliverable for a specific price. in this type of contract, the bigger risk is borne by the seller. they must make sure they make a profit even given some unknowns such as increasing costs or delays in creation of the deliverable

key personnel

include a brief profile for all key partners and employees outlining their duties and experience include their resumes in the appendix. highlight their education and expertise, business qualification work history and references

company information

include a short statement that covers when your business was formed, the names of the founders and their roles, your number of employees and your business location

growth highlights

include examples of company growth such as financial or market highlights graphs and charts can be helpful

Integration management

includes developing and managing the direction of the project


includes events in which may or may not happen.

planning quality management

includes identifying which quality requirements and standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy them. incorporating quality standards into project design is a key part of quality planning.

project integration

includes the processes required to ensure that the elements of a project come together at the right times to complete a project successfully

Project integration management

includes the processes required to ensure that the various elements of the projects are properly coordinated.. involves making trade-offs among competing objectives and alternatives in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations

adam's equity theory

inputs are defined as each participant's contributions to the relational exchange and are viewed as entitling him/her to rewards/costs.


insure that the process improvements, once implemented will hold the gains rather than revert to the same problems gains procedure documentation helps institutionalise the improvement.

Detailed schedule

integrate detailed list of project activities, dependencies, constraints, and resources to reflect complete timeframe


integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes.

resource planning

involve careful choice of resources. resource plan has to closely correspond with cost estimated

acquiring the project team

involves assigning the needed personnel to work on the project. key outputs of this process are project staff assignments, resource calendars, and project management plan updates

acquiring the project team

involves assigning the needed personnel to work on the project. key outputs of this process is a human resource plan.

developing the project team

involves building individual and group skills to enhance project performance. team-building skills are often a challenge for many project managers. the main outputs of this process are team performance assessments and enterprise environmental factors updates

directing and managing project work

involves carrying out the project management plan by performing the activities included in it.

Activity definition

involves developing a more detailed WBS and supporting explanations to understand all the work to be done so you can develop realistic cost and duration estimate.

closing the project or phase

involves finalising all activities to formally close the project or phase. outputs of this process include final product, service, or result transition and organisational process assets updates.

plan step

involves identifying a goal or purpose, formulating a theory, defining success metrics, and putting a plan into action.

performing integrated change control

involves identifying, evaluating, and managing changes throughout the project life cycle.

controlling quality

involves monitoring specific project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant quality standards while identifying way to improve overall quality

monitoring and controlling project work

involves overseeing activities to meet the performance objectives of the project.

perform quality assurances

involves periodically evaluating overall project performance to ensure that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. the quality assurance process involves taking responsibility for quality throughout the project's life cycle

life cycle cost analysis

involves the analysis of the costs of a system or a component over its entire life span.

managing the project team

involves tracking team member performance, motivating team members, providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts and coordinating changes to help enhance project performance. outputs of this process include change requests, project management plan updates, project documents updates, enterprise environmental factors updates, and organizational process asset updates

developing the project charter

involves working with stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes a project - the charter

human resource plan

is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals

work breakdown schedule (WBS)

is a visual representation that breaks down the scope of the project into manageable sections for the team


is all about keeping the project on track.

project quality management

is all of the processes and activities needed to determine and achieve project quality

deliverable-oriented WBS

is built around the project's deliverables that are expected to be required as part of a contract. all deliverables are identified, and all work is included.

first gantt chart

is devised in the mid 1890s by Karol Adamiecki, a polish engineer who ran a steel work in southern poland and had come interested in management ideas and techniques.

executive summary

is often considered to be the most important section of a business plan tells your reader where your company is where you want to take it and why your business idea will be successful.

cost budgeting

is the conversion the cost estimation into a feasible control budget

profit margin

is the ratio of revenues to profits.

Project time management

it describes the processes required to ensure timely completion of a project. It consists of activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule control.

planning human resource management

it involves identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. the main output of this process is a human resource plan.

Project management plan

it is the human resource plan which provides the relevant information for the develop project team process as it outlines how each member of the project team is to be trained, and also how the project team development will be carried out. included within the human resource plan, will be the dynamics and environment which the team will perform

collecting requirements

it is the process of defining and documenting stakeholders need to meet the project activities. The document for collecting requirements is developed in the project planning phase

planning estimates

it's a rough approximation of cost within a reasonable range of values, prepared for information purposes only.

summary schedule

its important to have a complete project schedule,this ensure delivery of the key components of the project s usually one page that describes the complete list of activities

Latest finish time rule

latest finish time for an activity entering a particular node is equal to the smallest of the latest start times for all activities leaving the node. slack is the length of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the completion date for the entire project.

leadership style

leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.

license and permit

list any license or permits that your business requires to operate and their assorted costs. include your business registration information and include your business permit


list any staff positions along with their job descriptions areas of responsibility and expected salaries

asset and equipment

list any staff positions along with their job descriptions, areas of responsibilities and expected salaries identify the members of your advisory board and give their backgrounds and qualifications

deliverables schedule

list specific deliverables describe them in detail and specify when they are dye


list your suppliers what are their terms of credit how much lead time between order and delivery make note of any personal guarantees you had to sign in order to obtain credit

table of contents

lists the sections and subsections of the proposal and their page number

Pessimistic time

longest possible time in which an activity is likely to be completed.

human resource management

management of an organzation's workforce or human resources. focuses on how people are managed for project mission and objectives. end goal is to obtain optimal fit among resources, resource needs and project needs.

Project scope management

management of the process that is required to ensure that a project includes all the work necessary to complete the project successfully. * concerned primarily with controlling what is and what is not in the scope.

balance scorecard

management system that maps an organization's strategic it align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications,, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. originated by drs. robert kaplan and david norton in the early 1990s as a performance measurement

Responsibility assignment matrix

maps the work of the project as described in the WBS to the people responsible for performing the work, as described in the OBS is a specific type of organizational chart that shows which organizational units are responsible for which work items. allocates work to responsible and performing organizations, teams, or individuals, depending on the desired level of detail.

qualitative factors

may have a bearing on the decision to buy the products from external suppliers.

qualitative factors

may have a bearing on the decision to manufacture the products this incorporates all pertinent factors that cannot be decreased to numbers such as the quality of the business' production and department and its experience.


means meeting the needs of the customers. This is also known as fit for use.

internal process perspective

measures your critical-to-customer process requirements and measures

customer perspective

measures your customers' satisfaction and their performance requirements — for your organization and what it delivers, whether it's products or services

project objectives

measuring if a project is on schedule and budget is an indication if the project will meet stakeholders objectives

procurement management process or procurement process

method by which items are purchased from external suppliers. the procurement management process involves managing the ordering, receipt, review and approval of items from suppliers. a procurement process also specifies how the supplier relationships will be managed to ensure a high level of service is received. widely used in government, many private companies use the terms purchasing and outsourcing


money included in a cost estimate to mitigate cost risk by allowing for future situations that are difficult to predict.

sunk cost

money that has been spent in the past

monitor and control project work

monitoring and controlling all of the processes of a project - monitoring and controlling


most commonly used graph for showing frequency distributions or how often each different value in a set of data occurs


most proposal contain a section that shows only the projected completion date but also key milestones for the project. if you are doing a large project spreading over many months, the timeline would also show dates on which you would deliver progress reports. and if you can't cite specific dates, cite amounts of time or time spans for each phase of the project

costs, resources required

most proposals also contain a section detailing the costs of the project whether internal or external with external projects, you may need to list your hourly rates, projected hours, cos of equipments and supplies and so forth and then calculate the total cost of the complete project. with internal projects, there won't be a fee but you should still list the project cost.

benefits and feasibility of the proposed project

most proposals discuss the advantages or benefits of doing the proposed project. this acts as an argument in favor of approving the project also some proposals discuss the likelihood of the project's success. in the unsolicited proposal, this section is important.

description of the proposed work

most proposals must describe the finished product of the proposed project. describing the written document you propose to write, its audience and purpose, providing an outline and discussing such things as its length graphics and so on

Project managers

must conduct cash analysis to determine net present value. Top management must consider cash flow concerns when selecting projects in which to invest.

think win-win. habit of interpersonal leadership

necessary because achievements are largely dependent on co-operative efforts of others. based on the assumption that there is plenty for everyone and that success follows a cooperative approach more naturally than the confrontation of win-or-lose

design secrecy

necessary to protect propriety technology


need to introduce the company.

indirect costs

not directly related to the products or services of the project but are indirectly related to performing the project.


often occuring just after the introduction the background section discusses what has brought about the need for the project - what problem, what opportunity there is for improving things, what the basic situatio is. writing the background section still might be useful however in demonstrating your particular view of the problem

Critical path method

one of several related techniques for doing project planning. CPM is for projects that are made up of a number of individual activities. If some of the activities require other activities to finish before they can start, then the project becomes a complex web of activities.

Gantt chart

one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. . On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is represented by a bar, the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration, and end date of the activity.

delivering projects on time

one of their biggest challenges time has the least amount of flexibility; it passes no matter what happens on a project. schedule issues are the main reason for conflicts on projects especially during the second half of projects

company structure

outline the corporate structure. are you a sole proprietor, partnership or an incorporation list any shareholders. partners, incorporation

goals and objectives

outline the goals and objectives of the company. state long and short term goals. make them smart goals

corporate strategy

overall scope and direction of a corporation and the way in which its various business operations work together to achieve particular goals

operational information

overhead cost explain your estimated overhead costs and demonstrate a break-even point a detailed explanation will be included in your financial projections so don't go into great detail here a brief summary of monthly expenses

direct and manage project execution

perform the work to achieve the project objectives - executing

business proposal

perhaps one of the most critical documents you need to learn how to write. it is what spells the difference between success and failure whether you're a freelancer or you have a company of your own


person or entity within or outside the project with a specific key involvement or stake in the project

level 2 activities

phases or schedule checkpoints/milestones. these activities could be SDLC phases such as Initiation, Planning etc.


plan the introduction to your proposal carefully make sure it does all of the following things that apply to your particular proposal indicate that the document to follow is a proposal refer to some previous contact with the recipient of the proposal or to your source of information about the project find one brief motivating statement that will encourage the recipient to read on and to consider doing the project give an overview of the contents of the proposal

marketing and sales strategies

plan within a plan the marketing plan will outline exactly how you will find potential customers a sound marketing plan includes a mix of methods including the use of various media promotional methods and potential one on one techniques

Deming Cycle or PDCA

plan-do-check-act iterative four-step management process

Network diagrams

preferred technique for showing activity sequencing It is a schematic display of the logical relationship among, or sequencing of, project activitiesActivity

expense of purchasing products

price paid to suppliers to purchase them.

request for quotation rfq

price per unit quote


problem-based, processes, analysis, design

project cost management

process by which companies control and plan the costs of doing business. it is the team that is responsible for the project and most importantly the project manager who must be able to carry out effective controlling of the cost.

determining budget

process of aggregating the estimated cost of individual activities or work packages to establish an authorized cost baseline. it constitutes the funds authorized to execute the project. risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives

defining scope

process of developing a detailed description of the project and product. so while collecting requirement list, all the different requirements of the project and the resulting product or service are defined.

quality control

process that is used to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or service. emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects and reporting to management who makes the decision to allow or deny product release. ensuring consistency to processes to meet customer needs

statewide projects

procured as firm-fixed-price contracts are well suited to the deliverable-oriented approach.


program evaluation review technique In most cases, PERT is applied for individual task

seven-level model

project management body of knowledge advocates a predetermined seven-level model, which has the advantage of clear labels and definitions of each level

major work packages

proper organization of project is needed to ensure successful implementation.

external proposal

proposal to an independent organization or individual from another such entity. is one written from one separate, independent organization or individual to another such entity

internal proposal

proposal to someone within your organization you may have to include certain sections such as qualifications or you may not have to include as much information

detailed schedule

provides a complete reference to the activities of the project


purpose of delivering this sometimes by the project manager or individuals peers, is to allow the individual to acquire new skills and hence increase their ability to carry out the tasks within the project. Often such training will be given by another group such as a training department or a specialist compant.


rather than being to close the deal the goal of an elevator pitch is to just set the hook,start a conversation or dialogue with an audience

unsolicited proposal

recipient has not requested proposal. must convince the recipient that a problem or need exists before you can begin the main part of the proposal

"8 -80" rule

recommends that the lowest level of work should be no less than 8 hours and no more than 80 hours.

risk register

referred to as risk log is a master document which is created during early stages of your project. it is a tool that plays an important part in your risk management plan, helping you track issues and address problems as they arise.


refers to all the work involved in creating the products of the project and the processes used to create them. * it also refers to the detailed set of deliverables or features of a project. deliverables can be product related, such as a piece of hardware or software, or process related, such as planning document or meeting minutes,


refers to mutually binding agreement between seller and the buyer legally binding documents clarifies responsibilities and helps the parties to focus on key deliverables

Resource loading

refers to the amount of individual resources an existing schedule requires during specific time periods. helps protect managers to develop a general understanding of the demands a project will make on the resources

Activity definition

refers to the process of parsing a project into a number of individual tasks which must be completed before the deliverables can be considered completed. Activity definitions rely on a number of specific input processes.

elevator pitch

reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary in the time span of an elevator ride or approximately 30 seconds to two minutes and is widely credited to Ilene Rosenzweigh and Michael Caruso

Matrix organizational structure

represents the middle ground between functional and project structures. Personnel often report both to a functional manager and one or more project managers.

ISO Standards 9000

required to do business in certain countries standardizes key terms in quality and provides a set of basic principles for initiating quality management systems the importance of ISO 9000 is the importance of quality.with ISO 9000, an organization can identify the root of the problem and therefore find a solution.

market research

research is important in this section. an analysis of today's market and trends past and future industry trends you need to include your target market size and demographics your ideal customer profile your realistic projected market share geographic boundaries seasonal trends customer service policies


revenues minus expenditures. when justifying investments in new information systems and technology, it is important to focus on profits, not just revenues or expenses. to increase profits, a company can increase revenues, decrease expenses, or try to do both you cannot measure the potential benefits of the application without knowing the profit margin. profit margin is the ratio of revenues to profits.

perform integrated change control

reviewing, approving, and controlling change requests - monitoring and controlling

Strength and weaknesses

s if possible you can sals include in the proposal your company's strengths and weaknesses

stratification/flowchart technique

separates data gathered from a variety of sources so that patterns can be seen are graphic displays of the logic and flow of processes that help you analyze how problems occur and how processes can be improved.

business plan

serves as a guide for any business you must have one if your are seeking financial assistance

Organizational culture

set of shared assumptions, values and behaviors that characterize the functioning of an organization It is very powerful, and many people believe that the underlying causes of many companies' problems are not in the organizational structure or staff but in the culture. Same organization can have subcultures.

human resources planning

should serve as a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization

Pareto chart

shows on a bar group which factors are more significant. histogram can help you identify and prioritize problem areas. help identify the vital few contributors that account for most quality problems in a system sometimes referred to as the 80-20 rule 80 percent of problems are often due to 20 percent of the causes


simply means that all of the team reside in same location which greatly aids communication, problem-solving, and the management of issues. it also aids the team being able to form good working relationships with their peers.


sourcing and purchasing of goods and services for business use, it is similar to purchasing. it also means acquiring goods and services from an outside source generally involves making buying decisions under conditions of scarcity based on the consumption purposes of the acquired goods and services


special knowledge that others deem as important.

title page

specific formats for title pages vary from one proposal to another but most include the following the title of the proposal as short as informative as possible a reference number for the proposal the name of the potential funder (recipient) the proposal's date of submission the signature of the project director and responsible administrators in the proposer's institution

applicable standards

specify any company or industry-specific standards that are relevant to performing the work

special requirements

specify any special requirements such as hardware or software cert, minimum degree or experience level of personnel, travel requirements, and so on.

period of performance

specify when the work is expected to start and end, working hours, number of hours that can be billed per week, where the work must be performed and related schedule information

responsibilities of a human resource manager

staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work.

time and materials

standard phrase in contract for construction in which the buyer agrees to pay the contractor based upon the work performed by the contractor's employees and subcontractors, and for materials used in the construction plus the contractor's mark up, no mater how much work is required to complete construction


standardize improvements


stands for define, measure, analyze improve and control. it focuses on improving existing processes that have not reached process entitlement or an optimal state

Phase 1: project initiation

start of the project goal of this phase is to define the project at a broad level. usually begins with a business case. this is when you will research whether the project is feasible and if it should be undertaken. if feasibility testing needs to be done, this is the stage in which that will be completed.


stays at a fairly high level and does not go into too much unnecessary details


strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats


study current situation

WBS construction

subject to project management progressive elaboration, and as new information becomes know, the WBS should be revised to reflect that information.

summary budget

summary of budget includes the total estimated budget of the project. its estimated monthly or yearly


supplementary material that is collected and appended at the end of a proposal should be devoted to those aspects of your project that are secondary interest to the reader begin by assuming that the reader will only have a short time and it will only be the main body of your proposal then assume that you have gotten the attention fo the reader would now like additional answers

the cost of manufacture

suppliers to purchase them

weighted scoring method

technique for putting a semblance of objectivity into a subjective process. using a consistent list of criteria, weighted according to the importance or priority of the criteria to the organization, a comparison of similar solutions can be completed.

resource leveling

technique for resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks. the main purpose of resource leveling is to reduce over-allocation


terrible resource to waste. This is the most valuable resource in a project.


the ability to improve a worker's position

Conflict tolerance

the degree to which employees are encouraged to air conflicts and criticism openly

People focus

the degree to which management's decisions take into account the effect of outcomes on people within the organization.

open systems focus

the degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the environment.

need for Affiliation

the desire for interpersonal relationship. in this stage, people has a need for friendly relationship and its motivated towards interaction with other people

Need for Achievements

the drive to excel and succeed


the final paragraph or section of the proposal should bring readers back to a focus on the positive aspect of the project you can end by urging them to get in touch to work out the details of the project, to remind them of the benefits

Know the project vision

the first measure taken when determining a project charter.


the legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders

need for power

the need to influence the behavior of others

procurement management plan

the processes to purchase or acquire the products, services, or results needed from outside the project team to perform this work


the project manager's perceived ability to authorize others' use of discretionary funds


the project manager's perceived ability to influence a worker's later work assignments


the project manager's perceived ability to influence a worker's later work assignments

Technological scope creep

the project team may require new technologies in order to address some of the new requirements in the scope.

solicited proposal

the recipient of the proposal requested the proposal a company will send out requests for the proposals

name of project members

the section must provide significant information of the team members that will work in the project, contact information must also be including for project communication.

Most likely time

the time that the activity would most likely take if it were repeated time and time again.

motivators or satisfiers

these are linked to employee motivation and arise from intrinsic or dependent conditions of the job itself. factors for satisfaction include responsibility, job satisfaction, recognition, opportunities for growth, and advancement.

Ground rules

these are the formal or informal rules that lay down the boundaries of behaviour on a project, and it is important that the project manager sets and leads by example in this regard

enterprise environmental factors

these are the internal and external environmental that can influence a project's success

Resource calendars

these describe unspecified when each individual project team member will be available to carry out their appropriate tasks within the project, but most importantly here, when they are available to take part within team building activities.

project staff assignments

these were created as part of the acquire project team process and are used as a main inputs because such staff assignments consist of the list of all team members for the develop project team process and are to be included for this project


they should be limited in scope and time to keep it manageable.

organizational chart

this describes the organizational chart of the company / organization sponsoring the project, including customers ad external customer

quality deliverables

this determines if specific task deliverables are met


this entity should explain how and who the project will affect and in what ways.

mission statement

this explains what your business is all about. it should be between several sentences and a paragraph

scope management

this includes developing and managing the direction of the project.

cost estimating

this involves forecasting cost of the resources needed for the project

Cash flow analysis

this is a method for determining the estimated annual costs and benefits for a project and the resulting annual cash flow.

project schedule

this is a tool that allows the project manager to coordinate with team. timeline of possible accomplishment of the project.

put first things first. habit of personal management.

this is about organising and implementing activities in line with the aims established in habit 2.

project performance/monitoring

this is all about measuring project progression and performance and ensuring that everything happening aligns with the project management plan.

Communication plan

this is of particular importance if your project involves outside stakeholders. Develop the proper messaging around the project and create a schedule of when to communicate with team members based on deliverables and milestones.

Project performance

this monitors changes in the project. it takes into consideration the amount and types of issues that arise and how quickly they are addressed. These can occur from unforeseen and scope changes.

project closure

this phase represent the completed project. contractors hired to work specifically on the project are terminated at this time. valuable team members are recognized ome pms even organize small work events for people who participated in the project to thank them.

risk management

this section address how the team would identify, management and control risk to a project

project control

this section describes how to monitor the progress of the project and how to handle changes. constant review must be in place to ensure project success it can be done monthly or quarterly

project deliverables

this section describes the list of items/products that the project should have. this may include software packages, pieces of hardware, technical report, and training materials

project responsibility

this section describes the roles and responsibilities involve in the project

detailed budget

this section is compose of cost management plan including more detailed budget information.

reference materials

this section list down important documents related to the project, minutes of the meeting, project scope, and more. the documents will help stakeholders and other members of the team to know the history of the project.

brief description of the project

this section outlines the goals of the project and the reason for developing it

anagement objectives

this section provides important view of top management, the priorities of the project, it also includes the major assumption of the project and constraints.

definition of terms and acronyms

this section would list down all terminologies used in the project to easy understanding.

time and materials contracts

this type of contract is a cross between fixed-price and cost-reimbursable contracts this is opposed to a fixed-price contract in which the buyer agrees to pay the contractor a lump sum for construction no matter what the contractors pay their employees, sub contractors and suppliers

Level 3 activities

those activities required to complete Level 2 phases or milestones. Multiple tasks are included for any work that needs to be done in multiple phases.


typically an important project even, such as achievement of a key deliverable.


up to date financial statements, personal statements of net worth letters of reference or letters of intent product photos and brochures, relevant newspaper articles or internet downloads resumes of key employees or partners incorporation or business registration papers cash flow projection and sales forecast

resource allocation

used to assign the available resources in an economic way.

Quality management

uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality.

Post mortem

valuate what went well in a project and identify project failures. this is especially helpful to understand lessons learned so that improvements can be made for future projects


very important part of the proposal because it provides a short overview and summary of the entire proposal. the abstract of the proposal is short, often 200 words or less. in a short proposal addressed to someone within the writer's institution, the abstract may be located on the title page.


what the project wants, how accomplished and project needs defined by seller

Forming stage

when the team first come together, and the project manager should encourage the team to get to know each other on an informal basis at this point, and the project to cost meeting could be a good time and place to carry this out


where outcomes are monitored to test the validity of the plan for signs of progress and success or problems and areas of improvement


where the team are now working as a mature and efficient unit. They have empathy and sympathy with each other and it is at this point that the team are greater than the sum of the individuals.


where the team is now disbanded as a result of their work being completed.


where the team starts to function as a unit with each knowing exactly what role they play and how they relate with others


which is where the team individuals try to find their place and position within the team. Typically this is where an individual's personality along with their strengths and weaknesses start to emerge and as a result there may be some conflict as the individuals try to determine how they are to work together

Theory Y

workers are self-directed, enjoy work, accept responsibility

Theory X

workers have little ambitions, dislike work, avoid responsibility

Statement of work

written description of a project's objectives.

Project team

made up of individuals from various areas and departments within a company.


-are the people involved in or affected by project activities and include the project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, and even opponents of the project.


many project fail on this constraint because the scope of the project is either not fully defined or understood from the start. When you increase a project's scope, you will either have to increase its cost or time.


most significant portion of project management which cannot be avoided at any cost. Hence, a project manager is also responsible for taking charge of the various development stages that comprise the whole project.

project organizational structure

also hierarchical but instead of functional managers or vice presidents reporting to the CEO, program managers report to the CEO. Their staffs have a variety of skills needed to complete the project within their programs, An organization that uses this structure earns its revenue primarily from performing projects for other groups under contract.

Best practice

an optimal way recognized by industry to achieve stated goal or objective

procurement management

various materials needed during the project needs to be procured and managed with the vendors and suppliers for successful completion of the project.

Systems approached

a holistic and analytical approach to solving simple and complex problems that includes using systems philosophy, systems analysis and systems management.

Human resource management

a manager needs to take care of his team, encourage and motivate them and make sure the team moves in the right directions.


a newer method for setting goals that takes into consideration the environment of today's fast-paced business.


it is the process of planning, organizing, controlling and measuring.

Project team

made up of individuals from various areas and departments within a company

Scope statement

a document that provides an understanding, justification, and expected results of a project


a group of milestones or phases, activities or task that support an effort to accomplished something.

Project attributes

collection of descriptive characteristics and parameters of some project to define key information about the project and communicate it to stakeholders.

Skills of a project manager

communication skills, organization skills, team-building skills, leadership skills, and technology skills.

five phases of project management

conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, and project close.

Project cost estimation

cost estimation is the most important concern that influences the verdict of the PM to a great extent

time and cost management

covers developing a schedule, allocating resources and managing funds for the project.

Group focus

degree to which activities are organized around groups or teams instead of individuals


determining the cause of deviations from the plan

Systems philosophy

efined as the overall model for thinking about things as systems

Project management

enables organizations to maximize IT resources to carry out its goals. Project management provides a systematic approach in solving problems.

functional organizational structure

hierarchy most people think of when picturing an organizational chart. Functional managers or vice presidents in specialties such as engineering, manufacturing, IT, and human resources report to the chief executive officer (CEO) their staffs have specialized skills in their respective disciplines.


ho acts as a key proponent for a project, the sponsor can serve as the champion.

External project stakeholders

include the project's customers, competitors, suppliers, and other external groups potentially involved in the project or affected by it.


inspiration, prophet, visions

Role of project manager

integration management, scope management, time and cost management, quality management, human resource management, communication management, risk management, procurement management.

Quality management

involves taking care of the quality of the process in questions such that it meets or even exceeds various quality parameters set earlier.

Project scheduling

is a calendar that links the tasks to be done with the resources that will complete them.

Project management

is a discipline of planning, organizing, securing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals.

Project manager

is a person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, execution and closure of a project.


is about setting up the project team's structure. A major driver in this aspect is the company's existing structure. Companies are usually set up as functional, matrix, or projectized organizations. When organizing your project, you will need to take the company's structure into account.


is an essential duty of a project manager. Determine what needs to be done, who is going to do it, and when it needs to be done are all part of the planning process. Keep in mind that planning is an iterative process that takes place throughout the life of the project.

PMO, 1969

is the world's largest nonprofit membership association for the project management professions. It has set the standards for the project, program, and portfolio management and offers training and certification. according to PMI, project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a broad range of activities in order to meet the requirements of a particular project.

Project planning

it is a discipline for stating how to complete a project within a certain timeframe, usually with defined stages, and with designated resources. Activities includes: Setting objectives, identifying deliverables, planning the schedule, and making support plans.

Project management process

it is a set of activities to plan, monitor, coordinate and review a goal.

Project management

one of the most important tool that organization should have. it is a formal discipline for managing IT projects. It provides IT practitioners with a structured approach to ensure successful deployment of projects. The aim of project management is to ensure that projects are delivered on and follow to the specification.


part and parcel aspect for every project since it involves the complex mechanism to find the middle ground amid employees and the manager.

Systems analysis

problem solving approach that requires defining the scope of the system, dividing in into components, and then identifying and evaluating its problems, opportunities, constraints and needs.

Political framework

recognizes major constituencies, coalitions


refers to carrying out the project plan in order to achieve the projects objectives.


sets of interacting components that works together for a holistic function

Responsibility assignment matrix

shows who is responsible for work in a project.

Risk tolerance

the degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative, and risk-taking

member identity

the degree to which employees identify themselves with the organizational culture


the degree to which management focuses on outcomes rather than on techniques and processes used to achieve results.


the degree to which rewards are allocated for employee performance rather than seniority, favoritism, or other non-performing factors.

Unit integration

the degree to which units or departments within an organization are encouraged to coordinate with each other. control

Communication management

the manager needs to prepare a communication plan and make sure that there is a healthy communication both horizontally and vertically

Communication management

the manager needs to prepare a communication plan and make sure that there is a healthy communication. both horizontally and vertically.


this entity should explain what are the technological aspects of the project will be and should also prove that the aspects will outdo the already existing technologies in terms of performance, specifications, and profile generation.


this entity should explain what the business objectives of a certain project are, interns of what costs will be, how the project will affect the various stakeholders, and potential or future clients financially and whether it will yield a better income.

Basic management functions

this includes planning, organizing, influencing, ad controlling.

Quality management

this involves taking care of the quality of the process in question that it meets or even exceeds various quality parameters set earlier. Human resource management - a manager needs to take care of his team, encourage and motivate them and make sure that the team moves in the right direction.

Integration management

this is developing and managing the direction of the project.

SMART goals

this method helps ensure that the goals have been thoroughly vetted. also provides a way to clearly understand the implications of the goal-setting process.

phase 2: project planning

this phase is key to successful project management and focuses on developing a roadmap that everyone will follow. this phase typically begins with setting goals. two of the more popular methods for setting goals are SMART and CLEAR.

Time (schedule)

time is money, a commodity that slips away too easily. Since projects are only temporary, it should have a deadline date for delivery. Reducing the project's time, you will either have to increase its cost or reduce its scope.

triple constraint or the project management triangle

time, cost, and scope


to set specific goals, answer the following questions: who, what, where, when, which, and why

Procurement management

various materials needed during the project need to be procured and managed by the vendors and suppliers for successful completion of the project.

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