Mkt 321 test 1

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Maria will go out of her way to purchase a brand or patronage a store that claims to support a charity if she purchases their brand or shops in their store. Even though she knows that marketers develop these programs to help themselves as well as the cause, she doesn't really care about that. She's just driven by the desire to help. To which group of consumers does Maria belong?

) Socially concerned

The gay market has been estimated to comprise _____ of the adult U.S. population.

5-7 percent

The percentage of U.S. women who watch sports on TV every week is _____.

50 percent

Which of the following is an example of cause-related marketing (CRM)?

A company donates $1 to Diabetes research for every purchase of its product by consumers.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the overall model of consumer behavior?

A consumer's self-concept and lifestyle influence his or her needs and desires.

_____ are based on performance criteria over which the individual has some degree of control.

Achievement roles

Mickey is concerned about the environment, but he is most concerned about issues that relate to his personal health. That's why he protested when the city was considering placing a landfill near his home. Other than that, though, Mickey really does not consider environmental issues when he is shopping for products. To which environmental activism segment would Mickey belong?

Affluent Healers

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the religious/secular value in American society?

America is basically a religious society.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Americans' environment-oriented values?

Americans traditionally have not been very receptive to change.

Carl likes to support marketers that support causes or charities that are important to him. However, he is concerned about a marketer's motive behind cause-related marketing programs and uses good judgment on which ones to support. Carl is best described as belonging to which group of consumers?


A shift back to an emphasis on postponed gratification in American would most likely _____.

B) decrease the use of credit

Karen believes in cause-related programs, but she doesn't always act accordingly. That is, she likes to patronize retailers that claim to donate a portion of her purchases to charity, but she only shops there when it is convenient for her to do so. Which consumer group would Karen belong?


_____ is the complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society.

C) Culture

Which of the following describe a population in terms of its size, distribution, and structure?

C) demographics

In which country is the concept of guanxi, which involves personal relationships, an important consideration?


Which of the following is NOT a segment used to describe consumers with respect to their environmental activism?


_____ is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

Consumer Behavior

_____ is everything the consumer must surrender in order to receive the benefits of owning/using the product

Consumer cost

Which of the following is a challenge facing marketers who implement cause-related marketing programs?

Consumer skepticism and apathy.

____ are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable.

Cultural values

_____ are widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable.

Cultural values

Which of the following statements is true regarding culture?

Culture is acquired.

_____ describe a population in terms of its size, structure, and distribution.


_____ refers to the physical location of individuals in terms of geographic region and rural, suburban, and urban location.


_____ refers to the traits of femininity and masculinity.

Gender identity

The behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a given society are known as _____.

Gender roles

How did the movie "Bring It On" become a success with teens?

It was positioned as a contest between a white cheerleading squad from the suburbs and a black squad from the inner city.

The manager of a brand of trash bags that is degradable and better for the environment wants to make that claim on the package and in its advertising. According to the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) guidelines for green claims, what must this marketer do to be able to label the product as "environmentally safe" or "environmentally friendly"?

Labels making these claims must specify what portion of the product is being referred to.

Which of the following is a reason why women are an important target market?

More women work more hours outside the home today than at any time in our history.

Heather is married and has three children. While she and her family are concerned about the environment, they only alter their actions and purchases when it is convenient for them. Which environmental activism segment best describes Heather and her family?

New Green Mainstream

Which of the following is a segment used to describe consumers with respect to their environmental activism?

New Green Mainstream

_____ are rules that specify or prohibit certain behaviors in specific situations.


_____ is based on the cost of a standard market basket of products bought in each country.

Purchasing power parity (PPP)

Which of the following statements is true regarding Americans' other-oriented values?

Since World War II, Americans have increasingly valued diversity.

John doubts the sincerity of marketers who claim that they will donate to a cause if he purchases their product. He doesn't believe that they will make a difference because he thinks that marketers are only concerned with profits and probably only donate a small portion of their profits to the stated cause. John is best described as belonging to which group of consumers?


Which group of consumers doubts the sincerity or effectiveness of cause-related marketing programs?


Which consumer group is driven by a desire to help with respect to cause-related marketing programs?

Socially concerned

Which of the following is NOT true regarding consumer behavior?

The overall model of consumer behavior presented in the text is accurate in predicting consumer behavior.

Which of the following is true regarding changes in American cultural values?

There is substantial variance in values across individuals and groups.

Lisa is a single mother of two and works two jobs to provide for her family and derives little or no satisfaction from employment. To which market segment would Lisa belong?

Trapped working woman

Which of the following is a segment of female consumers?

Trapped working woman D) Career working woman E) all of the above

_____ is consumers' efforts to reduce their reliance on consumption and material possessions.

Voluntary simplicity

Which of the following is a current American value?


Which of the following is an emerging American value?

admiring nature

Leigh is working on a research project for her marketing class, and her assignment is to study how Americans' values with respect to consumer behavior have changed in the past 50 years. Which of the following would give her the best insight into these changes?


When did Americans begin to place increased emphasis on leisure, immediate gratification, and sensual gratification?

after the end of World War II

A(n) _____ is based on an attribute over which the individual has little or no control.

ascribed role

The WUSA, WNBA, and LPGA have _____.

been a response to the changing role of women in American society

Target stores give one percent of a customer's purchase to a school of their choice if they use a Target Visa credit card to pay for their purchases. Target will also donate one-half percent of all other purchases made on that card. This is an example of _____.

cause-related marketing

Which type of marketing ties a company and its products to an issue or cause with the goal of improving sales or corporate image while providing benefits to the cause?

cause-related marketing

Which of the following is a component of a market analysis?


Harold is tasked with developing the marketing strategy for his family's business. What should he do first?

conduct a market analysis

Jamie is developing a thorough understanding of his company's own capabilities, the capabilities of current and future competitors, the consumption process of potential customers, and the economic, physical, and technological environment in which these elements interact. Which step in the marketing strategy process is Jamie performing?

conducting a market analysis

Marketing strategy begins with _____.

conducting a market analysis

Which index is published by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and measures how equitably a company treats its GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender) employees, customers, and investors?

corporate equality index (CEI

Lakeisha is an architect, and her husband, Timothy, is an engineer. Both are in their early 30s. They represent a growing percentage of the workforce along with others who generate new ideas and technologies for a living or engage in complex problem solving. Lakeisha and Timothy are part of the _____.

creative class

Marketers that wish to expand internationally need to understand a culture's widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. To do this, marketers should study _____.

cultural values

Norms are derived from _____.

cultural values

Sarah's job at a major manufacturer of consumer package goods is to learn as much as possible about the knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans in a given country in which her company intends to expand. Her job, then, is to understand a country's _____.


Dale has to write a research report about Poland in his International Marketing class. One aspect he must learn about the country is its size, structure, and distribution. What does this represent?


Talbot's is a women's clothing store that offers classic fashions at a slightly premium price (i.e., a wool skirt typically costs over $100). During the process of market segmentation, Talbot's identified a group of consumers who are larger than average women yet still want stylish clothing. Further research into this segment revealed that these women tend to be between the ages of 35 and 50, are career-oriented, have a household income over $50,000, and are married with children under the age of 18 living at home. This group is also heavy users of magazines and newspapers as well as prime-time television. Which step of market segmentation does this describe?

describing each group

Which element of the marketing mix is concerned with having the product available where target customers can buy it?


According to the authors, American culture increasingly values _____.


The United States is comprised of a culture that accepts a wide array of personal behaviors and attitudes, foods, dress, and other products and services. Thus, the United States values _____.


Since women are quite diverse as a group, what other factors must marketers also consider when designing marketing communications?

ethnicity B) age C) life stage D) employment status E) all of the above answer

What is the basis for virtually all societies?

family unit

Which is a product or service that often needs modification when targeting gay consumers?

financial services

While women are vital members of the workforce in the U.S., they are still considered the primary care givers of the children in a family. This represents women's _____ in American society.

gender role

Health Valley is a brand of food, such as breakfast cereals, that uses all natural and organic ingredients. Moreover, they only purchase grain from organic farms. They state on their packages that "organic farming helps keep our food pure and protects our land and water from harmful substances. By supporting dozens of small organic farms, Health Valley helps protect a way of life for these family farmers, and helps ensure a safer and healthier Earth for you and your children." This is an example of _____.

green marketing

Carlos is attempting to segment the market for his company's products. Where should he begin?

identify product-related need sets

What is the first step in market segmentation?

identify product-related need sets

Laurie purchased an entertainment armoire from a national chain furniture retailer. Unfortunately, one of the doors did not operate properly, so she called the retailer to complain. A service representative was sent out to adjust the door, but just a few weeks later, the problem reoccurred, so Laurie called again and asked for a new armoire. The store manager said that another service rep would have to come out to determine if it was due to a manufacturer's defect before it could be replaced. Because the service representative failed to show up, the manager decided to offer Laurie a new armoire. Unfortunately the replacement had the same problem and Laurie demanded her money back. Now she tells everyone she knows the problems she's had with this retailer. Which value most likely underlies Laurie's complaining behavior?


Which of the following is one of the defining characteristics of American society?


What percentage of American adults exercise regularly?

less than 50%

Which type of decisions involve very little effort or thought on the part of the consumer?

low-involvement decisions

A portion of a larger market whose needs differ somewhat from the larger market is referred to as a(n) _____.

market segment

Smaller women like to purchase fashionable clothes just as much as any women. However, most clothes are not proportioned for their smaller size and do not fit well. As a result, several manufacturers offer "petite" sizes of clothing for this group of consumers. Women who comprise this group have needs that differ somewhat from the total market and represent a _____.

market segment

The product, price, communications, distribution, and services provided to the target market is referred to as the _____.

marketing mix

Thomas wants to gain a useable understanding of consumer behavior in order to help him become a more effective marketing manager. Which application of consumer behavior does this represent?

marketing strategy

What is the largest single influence on the movement toward uniformity in the teenage market?

mass media

The voluntary simplicity movement in America represents a shift in which value?


Which of the following is a self-oriented value?


Which is NOT a reason why Americans work long hours?

minimum wage is higher the more hours worked

A woman that is married where both she and her husband work and share homemaking and child care responsibilities is classified as _____ with respect to gender orientation.


Rayna is married and a mother of four children. Both she and her husband share homemaking and child-rearing responsibilities. Rayna would be classified as a_____ gender orientation.


Mitch is a vegetarian who does not eat any animal products. He based this lifestyle decision on his love of animals, and he did not want an animal to suffer for his pleasure. On which motive did Mitch base his decision?


What is typically absolutely necessary of any firm that desires to capture the loyalty of the gay community?

must have internal policies that do not discriminate against gay employees

Karen's father is an executive for a major international corporation and has been transferred to various countries over the years. With each move, Karen is enrolled in a new school. Even though English is spoken in the schools she attends, there are students from all over the world whose parents have jobs similar to Karen's father. With each new school, Karen spends the first few weeks merely observing the other students to learn which behaviors are appropriate in specific situations because she's learned that at each school the kids behave differently. Karen is attempting to learn that student body's specific _____ regarding behavior.


The boundaries that culture sets on behavior are called _____.


Which of the following is NOT generally involved in green marketing?

pricing products lower than the competition

What is the first step in the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

Juan has segmented the market for boats and is currently analyzing each with respect to several factors, such as size, growth rate, competitor strength, fit with company image, distribution available, cost to serve, and risk before deciding which segment to target. Which step of market segmentation is Juan conducting?

selecting an attractive segment(s) to serve

The totality of an individual's thoughts and feelings about him- or herself is known as _____.


Which is NOT a step in the consumer's decision process?

self-concept analysis

Auxiliary or peripheral activities that are performed to enhance the primary product or primary service is referred to as _____.


Which of the following is NOT a step in market segmentation?

set budget

The value that Americans place on youth has _____.

shown a slow reversal toward more value being placed on age in recent years

The population of the United States is almost 300 million people. With respect to demographics, this number represents _____.


With respect to demographics, which of the following refers to the number of individuals in a society?


Using one marketing strategy across various cultures is referred to as _____.


With respect to demographics, which of the following describes the society in terms of age, income, education, and occupation?


Several coffee manufacturers are informing consumers of their fair trade practices in which farmers in less developed countries are paid a living wage for their crops. The philosophy behind this movement is to be profitable for the farmer, be environmentally sound, and to be socially responsible. This movement has been referred to as the _____.

sustainability movement

Green marketing methods that are profitable for the farmer, environmentally sound, and socially responsible are said to be _____.


The segment(s) within the larger market on which an organization will focus its marketing effort is referred to as the _____.

target market

Which of the following factors had a significant impact on Americans' emphasis on security?

the Depression B) World War II C) the Cold War D) a and b E) a, b, and c answer

Those who work in such professions as architecture, science, engineering, and health care and business who generate new ideas and technologies for a living or engage in complex problem solving are referred to as _____.

the creative class

What has been found to improve the results of cause-relatedmarketing programs?

the fit between the company and the cause

17. Which changing American value has been a major force in maintaining a relatively strong economy?

the shift toward immediate gratification

A shift from a focus on sensual gratification to abstinence in America would most likely affect _____.

the types of advertising themes used

A shift away from a competition oriented society would most likely affect _____.

the use of comparative advertising

Which of the following is NOT an other-oriented value


A woman that is married with the husband assuming the responsibility for providing for the family and the wife running the house and taking care of the children would be classified as _____.


Catherine is married and a mother of two children. She has decided to forego her own career to stay home with her children until they are grown and on their own. Both she and her husband have decided that it is best for their family for him to assume the responsibility for providing financial security for them while she takes care of the home and family. Catherine would be classified as which type of woman?


Erica and her family decided that it was just too much strain on them for Erica to work outside the home. Even though she was a successful attorney and they enjoyed the good things in life, her family made a conscious decision to reduce their reliance on consumption and material possessions. This behavior has been termed _____.

voluntary simplicity

Which of the following has NOT been found to be a motive for choosing to become a vegetarian?

) economics

Which of the following is enabling the growth of a global culture?

) mass media B) work C) education D) travel E) all of the above answer

Which of the following is used to evaluate the attractiveness of various market segments?

) segment size B) distribution available C) fit with company image D) cost to serve E) all of the above answer

Which of the following is a key consideration for each geographic market that a firm is contemplating?

A) Is the geographic area homogenous or heterogeneous with respect to culture? B) What needs can this product or a version of it fill in this culture? C) What are the distribution, political, and legal structures for the product? D) In what ways can we communicate about the product? E) all of the above answers

Which of the following is a key aspect regarding consumer behavior?

A) Organizations are applying theories and information about consumer behavior on a daily basis. B) It is often necessary to conduct research. C) Consumer behavior is a complex, multidimensional process. D) Marketing practices designed to influence consumer behavior involve ethical issues that affect the firm, the individual, and society. E) all of the above

The vegetarian market includes which group of consumers?

A) adults B) adolescents C) children D) a and b E) a, b, and c answer

Which term is used to refer to the application of marketing principles and tactics to advance a cause such as a charity, an ideology, or an activity?

A) cause marketing B) social marketing C) personal marketing D) a and b answer E) a, b, and c

Which of the following is NOT an environment-oriented value?

A) cleanliness B) performance/status C) tradition/change D) risk taking/security E) all of the above are environment-oriented values answer

Which of the following is considered a symbol that has varying meaning across cultures?

A) colors B) animals C) numbers D) music E) all of the above answers

Consumers higher in individualism are more likely to _____ when faced with poor service performance.

A) complain B) switch C) engage in negative word-of-mouth D) a and b E) a, b, and c answer

Which of the following is used to describe a group of consumers with similar needs sets?

A) demographics B) lifestyles C) media usage D) a and b E) a, b, and c answer

Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy?

A) demographics B) values C) language D) nonverbal communications E) all of the above answer

Gay consumers, like heterosexuals, vary in terms of _____.

A) ethnicity B) geographic region C) occupations D) age E) all of the above answer

Which term is used to refer to whether a person is biologically a male or female?

A) gender B) sex C) gender identity D) a and b answer E) a, b, and c

Individualism affects which of the following?

A) incentive systems for salespeople B) advertising themes C) product design D) customer complaining behavior E) all of the above answer

Which of the following is part of the marketing mix?

A) product B) price C) communications D) distribution E) all of the above answer

Which of the following is a traditional American value?

A) youth B) competition C) active D) hard work E) all of the above answer

In the United States, promptness is considered a virtue. Americas are expected to be on time to an event, and they expect others to do so as well. Which aspect of culture best explains this behavior?

Culture is acquired, that is, it is learned.

_____ represents how one lives, including the products one buys, how one uses them, what one thinks about them, and how one feels about them.


Which segment of environmental activists are concerned about the environment but alter their actions and purchases only when it is convenient?

New Green Mainstream

_____ is done to enhance the welfare of individuals or society without direct benefit to a firm.

Social marketing

Gertrude expresses deeply felt environmental concerns and tailors everything she does and purchases on these beliefs. Which segment of environmental activism best describes Gertrude?

True Naturals

Marketers have responded to Americans' increasing concern for the environment with an approach called _____.

green marketing

Under the Federal Trade Commission's set of voluntary guidelines for green claims, labels promoting products as "environmentally safe" or "environmentally friendly" must _____.

must specify what portion of the product is being referred

Which age group is the closest thing to a global culture today?


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