MKT 371 Quiz 2

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22. Which of the following is an approach used by marketers to increase consumers' affect toward their brand?

A. classical conditioning B. create a positive affect toward the ad or Web site C. mere exposure

Attitude components tend to be


Attitude components tend to be _____.


John is a salesman and gave one of his customers an expensive watch. Which of the following is the most likely reason John gave this gift?

to elicit a return favor

When orange juice manufacturers attempted to expand the various times of day when consumers would see orange juice as an appropriate beverage to consume, they were trying to influence which situation?


Which of the following is NOT a core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality?


Atmosphere is referred to as _____ when describing a service business such as a hospital, bank, or restaurant.


With respect to the typology of service environments, a bank would be categorized as _____.


Which of the following is (are) designed to provide information on latent motives?

Completion technique

How are actual behaviors and response tendencies most often measured?

Direct questioning

According to the Flow Theory, the motivator for human action is the pursuit of:


Flow theory suggests that consumers are more likely to experience anxiety when there is

High challenge/low capability

K-C is interested in mom's emotional reactions to Huggies Brand, which has popular characters or cute designs. Which attitude component is K-C interested in?


SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) is used to assess which component of attitude?


Which of the following is a situation in which consumer behavior occurs?

all of the above

Which of the following is considered a dimension of brand personality?

all of the above

Features of the individual person that are not lasting characteristics, such as momentary moods or conditions, are called _____.

antecedent states

Nikki likes to attend the movies, but she is concerned with how expensive ticket prices are getting and the cost of concessions. She wants to have fun, but she also knows that she needs to save money for college. Which type of motivational conflict is Nikki experiencing?


_____ is the process managers use to manipulate the physical retail environment to create specific mood responses in shoppers.


A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object is known as a(n) _____.


_____ are learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable/unfavorable way towards a given object or issue


Which of the following is a strategy for altering the cognitive component of a consumers attitude?

change beliefs, shift importance, add beliefs, change ideas

Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes all EXCEPT which of the following?


Lori reads three newspapers a day and is always reading a book in the evening. She has a high need to engage in thinking, and she actually enjoys it. She likes to complete crossword puzzles and do other types of word games. Lori has a high need for _____.


How are actual behaviors and response tendencies most often measured?

direct questioning

Decisions made by consumers regarding the _____ situation can create significant social problems as well as opportunities for marketers.


Which of the following is a theory about how attitudes are formed and changed under varying conditions of involvement?

elaboration likelihood model

Strong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that affect our behavior are known as _____.


Consumer ability to effectively cope with stressful situations relates to the concept of _______.

emotional intellignece

All of the following factors must be present for flow to be experienced except:

extrinsic reward

A long-running television commercial for Dial soap would show an individual in various situations with other people (e.g., car pool or elevator). This individual would join the others and look around, appearing to be in discomfort. Then a voice-over would say, "Aren't you glad you used Dial . . . don't you wish everyone did?" Which type of appeal does this illustrate?


Which of the following is NOT considered an emotional dimension?


How does music influence consumer behavior?

influences need

Which of the following is a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or interesting?


Motives that are either unknown to the consumer or are such that he or she is reluctant to admit them are referred to as _____ motives.


Flow theory suggest ____ experience bordem

low challenge, high capabilities

When asked why he bought a specific automobile, Jeremy replied that is has good gas mileage, is rated one the best cars in terms of safety, and is in a moderate price range. These reasons reflect Jeremy's _____ motives.


Changing behavior prior to changing affect or cognition is based primarily of

operant conditioning

Changing behavior prior to changing affect or cognition is based primarily on _____.

operant conditioning

Which of the following reflects the relatively stable behavioral tendencies that individuals display across a variety of situations?


Décor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather, and configurations of merchandise or other materials surrounding the stimulus object are included in which situational characteristic?

physical surrondings

Which of the following is(are) designed to provide information on latent motives?

projective techniques

Two prominent sets of motives under regulatory focus theory are termed _____.

promotion and prevention

The purchase decision and consumption process always occur in the context of _____.

specific situation

A substantial amount of brand switching when the current brand is satisfactory may be explained by the _____ motive.


The tendency of many consumers to discount claims made by salespeople and ads is related to the need ___

to attribute casuation

Source credibility is a function of

trustworthiness and expertise

The source of a communication represents _____.

who delivers the message

Motives that are either unknown to the consumer or are such that he/she is reluctant to admit are referred to as _________ motive?


Which of the following are antecedent states?


To understand a consumer's behavior, we must know about the _____.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding humorous appeals?

Humorous ads are low risk because they tend to translate well across situations and cultures.?

Arm & Hammer baking soda has been very successful promoting other uses for this product. Advertisements provide several uses other than baking, such as removing odors from carpeting, the laundry, and kitty litter boxes. Finding more uses for a product is known as a(an) _____.

expanded usage situation

Mike is the owner of a restaurant that also has a bar. Based on research that studied the impact of background music on restaurant patrons, what can Mike expect if he uses slow music in his establishment?

larger amount of bar purchases

James begged his mother to buy him some high-top Converse shoes. When asked why he wanted these shoes, he said that he wanted them because they were comfortable. He really wanted them because his two best friends have them, and if he had them, he would be considered "cool," but he didn't want to tell his mother that. Wanting to appear "cool" to his friends represents which type of motive?


refers to presenting one of two equivalent value outcomes either in positive or gain terms or in negative or loss terms

message framing

A consumer who buys a product because a close friend bought one may be fulfilling a _____ motivation.


Transient feeling states that are generally not tied to a specific event or object are


Which construct represents an unobservable inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioral response and provides specific direction to that response?


Which of the following is NOT an individual characteristic influencing consumer behavior?

task definition

Which type of advertisement or sales presentation presents both good and bad points?

two sided

The energizing force that activates behavior and provides purpose and direction to that behavior is known as


Duane is attempting to determine consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by asking them their beliefs about how his restaurant performs on several attributes, such as price, ambience, quality of the food, and friendliness of service. Consumers can rate his restaurant with a score of 1 to 7 for each of these attributes, with 7 being the highest. Duane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that a higher total is better. At a basic level, which type of model is Duane using?


Which set of motives deals with our need to determine who or what causes the things that happen to us?

Need for attribution

If esteem needs are satisfied which of the following is not?


Which of the following statements is important for surprise to be effective in advertising?

There should be a natural association between cue and brand

The sum of all the physical features of a retail environment is referred to as the

a service scape

In an attempt to alter consumers' cognitive component of their attitude toward the Pepsi brand of cola, a freshness date was added on the cans. Pepsi wanted consumers to consider this attribute that was never a consideration before. Pepsi was using which strategy to alter the cognitive structure of a consumer's attitude?

add beliefs

Which of the following is a component of attitude?

affective, cognitive, behavioral

Generally speaking, compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral route, attitudes formed under the central route tend to be _____.


Which of the following is a common technique for inducing trial behavior?


Which of the following is NOT a key situational dimension or characteristic that influences consumer

alternative evaluation

Madeline has a(n) _____ toward Regular Coke, whereby she simultaneously really likes the taste but also is really negative about the brand because it has high calories.

ambivalent attitude

Marketers must promote _____ rather than _____, especially for less knowledgeable consumers and for complex products.

benefits, features

A set of human characteristics that become associated with a brand is referred to as _____.

brand personality

Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

central route

For years, American automobiles did not have the level of quality that foreign, particularly Japanese, automobiles had. However, that has changed, and most automobiles built in the United States have comparable or superior quality compared with imports. Consumers' attitudes are slow to change, however, and marketers must use which strategy to change the cognitive component of consumers' attitudes?

change beliefs

Which component of attitudes consists of a consumer's beliefs about an object?


Which component of attitudes consists of a consumers beliefs about an object


The situation in which consumers receive information has an impact on their behavior and is referred to as the _____ situation.


In regulatory focus theory, _____ motives revolve around a desire for growth and development and are related to consumers' hopes and aspirations.


A socially defined occasion that triggers a set of interrelated behaviors that occur in a structured format and that have symbolic meaning is referred to as a _____.

ritual situation

Smoke detectors, preventive medicines, insurance, retirement investments, seat belts, burglar alarms, and sunscreen are all examples of products to satisfy consumers' _____ needs.


Sharon has to purchase a gift for her mother and only has this afternoon to do so because her birthday party is that evening. She's wondering how she will be able get to the mall in time to pick out the perfect gift. This is an illustration of which situation characteristic?

temporal perspective

Anne appears in a television commercial for a local chiropractor. She tells the audience how she suffered from migraine headaches several times a month. However, once she started treatment at this particular chiropractor, her headaches disappeared. She claimed, "I kept expecting them to come back, but they didn't. I have a whole new lease on life, thanks to Peavy Chiropractic!" Which type of ad is this?

testimonial ad

Instead of featuring any functional benefits of the product or brand in ads for the iPod, this product was introduced by showing a silhouette of a person dancing with the white earbuds and holding a white iPod MP3 player. Which type of advertising appeal does this illustrate?

value expression

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