MKT Research and Analysis Test 3

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If the price of a product ranges from $59 to $179, the range of these prices is _____


If the average units produced in a month by a Ford Motor Co. plant for Ford Explorers is 22, but only 18 Explorers are produced on a given day in that same month, the deviation score for this one day is ______.


Internet surveys probably should remain active for a minimum of ____ hours


Find the approximate standard deviation of the following set of scores: 3, 6, 2, 7, 8 .


If 35 percent of TV viewers recalled seeing an ad for a Toyota Prius on a particular television program based on a sample of 800 viewers, the 95 percent confidence interval for this study would be between approximately _____.

32 percent and 38 percent

Find the mode of the following scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7


All of the following are software that researchers can use to perform statistical calculations EXCEPT _____.


Which should be used when comparing the means of three groups to see if they are significantly different from one another?


_____ involves the investigation of the effects of one treatment variable on an interval-scaled dependent variable and determines whether statistically significant differences in means occur between two or more groups.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

The key statistical test for an ANOVA model is the _____.


The statistical significance of a regression model is determined using which test?


The F-distribution is a function of _____.


When a researcher sets an acceptable significance level a priori (a), he or she is determining how much tolerance he or she has for which type of error?

Type I

When a researcher sets an acceptable significance level a priori (α), he or she is determining how much tolerance he or she has for which type of error?

Type I

Which type of error occurs when the researcher concludes a relationship exists when in fact one does not exist?

Type I

Failing to identify a hypothesized difference using a sample result when one really does exist in the population is which type of error?

Type II

Codes are rules for ______ data.

all of these choices

Which of the following is a step in determining sample size?

all of these choices

All of the following are stages in the selection of a sample EXCEPT _____.

analyze data

A researcher hypothesizes that males and females differ with respect to attitude toward sports sponsorships. To investigate this hypothesis that these two groups' attitudes differ, he will use a _____.

bivariate test of differences

An investigation of all the individual elements that make up a population is called a(n) ______.


When a company decides to send an Internet survey to all of its 127-member sales force to determine their morale, this is an example of a _____


Practically speaking, what is the first thing a researcher should do when interpreting ANOVA results?

check whether or not the overall model F is significant

Coding that assigns numbers to categories in an arbitrary way merely as a means of identifying some characteristic is called _____.

class coding

If a researcher for Procter & Gamble selects five states randomly, and then selects 10 supermarket chains within each of these states to call for a phone survey for research regarding a new shampoo, what type of sampling procedure is being used?

cluster sample

Which sampling technique is an economically efficient sampling technique in which the primary sampling unit is not the individual element in the population but a large cluster of elements?

cluster sampling

Assigning males the value of zero and females the value of one in a database to record the gender of the respondents is an example of _____.


When a researcher combines the "Strongly Disagree" and "Disagree" responses on a Likert scale item to a single "Strongly Disagree/Disagree" percentage, this is an example of _____.

collapsing the data

A researcher interested in a data matrix that displays the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables should construct a _____.

contingency table

When a researcher uses students to participate in a study because he has easy access to them, what type of sampling procedure does this represent?

convenience sample

Another name for data transformation is _______.

data conversion

When a respondent's answers to ten Likert-scale items are added up to form a total subtest score for these questions, this is an example of _________.

data transformation

In the regression equation, Y = α + β X, Y is the _____.

dependent variable

The transformation of raw data into a form that makes the data easier to understand and to interpret is called ______.

descriptive analysis

A stratified sample size for each stratum is allocated according to analytical considerations is called a(n) __________.

disproportional stratified sample

Assigning a "1" or "0" code where each number represents an alternate response such as "yes" or "no," is an example of _____.

dummy coding

Which of the following is an alternative to dummy coding using the values of -1 and +1 to represent two categories of responses?

effects coding

Breaking down the answer to the question: "Have you ever purchased a ticket online for an American Airlines flight?" into subgroups based on gender and zip code is an example of _____.

elaboration analysis

In practice, what is the first step in interpreting the t-test when comparing two means?

examine the difference in means to find the "direction" of any difference

A set of data organized by summarizing the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs is referred to as a(n) _____.

frequency distribution

A researcher is creating a table to present to a client that gives the number of respondents selecting the various product concepts of interest in the study. The client will use this information in the decision of which product concept to pursue. This table is referred to as a _____.

frequency table

Multivariate dependence techniques are variants of the _____, which is a way of modeling some process based on how different variables cause fluctuations from the average dependent variable.

general linear model (GLM)

The mean of a variable over all observations is called the _____.

grand mean

All of the following are characteristics of the standardized normal distribution EXCEPT _____.

has a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0

A(n) _____ is a test for hypotheses stating that the mean scores from some interval- or ratio-scaled variable group based on some less-than interval classificatory variable are not the same.

independent samples t-test

In regression analysis, the symbol X is commonly used for the ______ variable, and the symbol Y is commonly used for the ______ variable.

independent; dependent

When a researcher wants to estimate national market share based on the results of the test market for a new product in St. Louis and Kansas City, this is an example of _____.

inferential statistics

When a marketing vice-president tells the marketing department to schedule a test market in Dallas because he feels that this city is "typical" of the composition of the target market for a new product nationally, this is an example of what type of sample?

judgement sample

Which of the following is a nonprobability sampling technique in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member?

judgement sample

The arithmetic average of a set of numbers is referred to as the _____.


The measure of central tendency that identifies the value that occurs most often is called the _______.


When a third variable is included in the analysis that is studying the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable, and this third variable changes the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in an important way, this third variable is called a(n) _____.

moderator variable

When a researcher is attempting to predict sales volume by using building permits, amount of advertising, and the income levels of residents, the researcher is using _____.

multiple regression analysis

If a national political pollster selects ten states randomly, then randomly selects five counties within each state, then randomly selects five voting precincts within these counties, then randomly selects five blocks within these precincts, then randomly selects five households for door-to-door interviews about heir boring intentions in the next presidential election, this is an example of what type of sampling procedure?

multistage area sample

One of the most common probability distributions in statistics is the _____ distribution.


The formula for the chi-square test uses _____.

observed and expected frequencies

Lists of respondents who have agreed to participate in marketing research along with the e-mail contact information for these individuals are called _____.

online panels

Claire has agreed to participate in surveys online. Every few weeks, she is sent an email requesting her to participate in an online survey. What did Claire do to become involved in these research studies?

opted in

The confidence interval for a proportion uses which of the following formulas?

p ±ZSp

A researcher is testing a hypothesis and is examining the data to determine whether or not the observed relationship between a salesperson's age and sales are significantly related. Which of the following will he use to determine the significance level of the results?


All of the following are examples of descriptive statistics EXCEPT _____.


An estimate of the population mean in the form of a single value, usually the sample mean, is called a _____.

point estimate

Which of the following refers to any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics?


_____ is the long-run relative frequency with which an event will occur.


In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection?

probability sampling

A stratified sample in which the number of sampling units drawn from each stratum is in proportion to the population size of that stratum is called a(n) _____.

proportional stratified sample

When the head of the marketing research department instructs field interviewers to interview parents at a soccer tournament such that they each interview 10 truck owners, 10 SUV owners, 8 sedan owners, and 4 owners of sports cars, this represents what type of sampling procedure?

quota sample

Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?


Index numbers require which level of measurement?


Which of the following is most appropriate if the purpose of the regression analysis is forecasting?

raw parameter estimates

A telephone directory that lists the people in the phone book by their street address instead of by their last name is called a ______.

reverse directory

A frequency distribution of a sample is called a(n) _____.

sample distribution

The formula below is used to calculate the ______ . (ZS/E)2

sample size

Measures computed from sample data are called _____.

sample statistics

A list of elements from which the sample may be drawn is called a _______.

sampling frame

Which type of error occurs when certain sample elements are excluded or when the entire population is not accurately represented in the sampling frame?

sampling frame error

A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a _____.

sampling unit

If Delta airlines selects randomly a set of 40 flights on a given day, and then selects randomly a group of ten passengers on each of these flights to participate in an in-flight survey, the passengers are ________.

secondary sampling units

Which of the following becomes a key indicator of whether or not a hypothesis can be supported?

significance level

When a researcher puts the name of each person on a sampling frame list on a 3" x 5" card, shuffles the cards thoroughly, and then selects 35 names from the top of the pile of cards for a phone interview study, this is an example of what type of sampling procedure?

simple random sample

All of the following are common sampling criteria EXCEPT _______.

size of the population

In the regression equation, Y = α + β X , β is the _____.

slope of the regression line

A marketing researcher wants to put together four focus groups of 18-24 year-old males who are "heavy downloaders of music" (defined as downloading 50 songs per month). He finds one person in the target market who qualifies and then asks that person to suggest the names of two other males between the ages of 18-24 who download music so that he can invite them to participate in the focus group. These people, in turn, are each asked to suggest two others similar to themselves to participate in the focus group study. This procedure represents what type of sampling procedure?

snowball sample

Which type of sampling procedure selects initial respondents using probability methods and selects subsequent respondents from information provided by those initial respondents?

snowball sample

Which of the following eliminates the drawback of having the measure of dispersion in squared units rather than in the original measurement units?

standard deviation

Which of the following represents the standard deviation of the sampling distribution?

standard error of the mean

Lance is studying the relationship between sales training of the sales force and customer satisfaction and loyalty. When researchers like Lance are focused on explanation rather than prediction, then which of the following is most appropriate when using simple regression?

standardized regression coefficient (b)

Which of the following provides a common metric allowing regression results to be compared to one another no matter what the original scale range may have been?

standardized regression coefficient (b)

The number of respondents or observations (in a row or column) used as a basis for computing percentages in a contingency table is referred to as a(n) _____.

statistical base

A sampling procedure in which a starting point is selected by a random process and then every nth number on the list is selected is called a(n) _____.

systematic sampling

Which type of sampling error is primarily due to the nature of a study's design and the correctness of execution?

systematic sampling error

When a researcher needs to compare means for a variable grouped into two categories based on some less-than interval variable, a(n) _____ is appropriate.


Counting the number of responses to questions in a survey by hand is called _____.


A survey question asked respondent how much of the Super Bowl they watched by asking them to check one of the four following choices: "all of it," "most of it," "some of it," or "none of it." How many dummy variables would a researcher need to dummy code this question?


The researcher examining descriptive statistics for any particular variable is using which type of statistics?


Which type of statistical analysis test hypotheses involves only one variable?

univariate statistical analysis

The sum of the differences between observed values and the group mean for a given set of observations is known as the _____.

within-group error

If the regression equation is: Y = 24.35 - 14.2 X , then 24.35 is the ______ , while -14.2 is the ______.

y-intercept; slope

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