MKTG 380: Exam 1

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"If you'd follow my instructions more carefully and focus on getting the job done, you'd be a lot more successful." These instructions tell you the person giving them is most likely a(n): A. driver. B. expressive. C. amiable. D. analytical. E. motivator.


A salesperson will find that he or she is called upon to use the greatest creativity when: A. selling to new prospects rather than present customers. B. selling office furniture rather than business insurance. C. receiving customer orders in the firm's telemarketing center rather than going to the customer's place of business. D. selling repairs on a company's existing photocopying machine rather than persuading the firm to buy a new copier. E. selling to consumers who are buying vegetables rather than a new home.


Each quadrant of the social style matrix defines a different type of person. People who are high in assertiveness and low in responsiveness are: A. drivers. B. expressives. C. amiables. D. analyticals. E. motivators.


Even though personal selling is the most expensive method of communication on a per person reached basis, businesses continue to use personal selling because of advantages in: A. flexibility and control. B. cost. C. credibility. D. efficiency. E. referral


How can a salesperson protect him or herself from being sexually harassed by a customer? A. Make sure that she does not become too dependent on one single customer. B. Plan to interpret any overt action that looks like friendship as harassment. C. Be standoffish and do not create long-term relationships with customers. D. Treat every sale as if it were a market exchange transaction. E. There is nothing a salesperson can do to prevent sexual harassment.


In the United States, which of the following nonverbal communications is positive and indicates the listener is interested in the message being communicated? A. contemplative posture B. avoidance of eye contact C. playing with items on the desk D. shaking head E. pursed lips and furrowed brow


Moira and Mariah Kelley are sisters. Both are risk avoiders. They speak slowly and softly in a monotone voice, have deliberate and stiff movement, and use few gestures. Both hate to be late and don't like people who are late. They don't like casual dress at work, and they appreciate lectures that include lots of facts and figures. The Kelley sisters would be classified as: A. low responsive and low assertive; analyticals. B. high responsive and low assertive; drivers. C. low responsive and high assertive; expressives. D. high responsive and high assertive; amiables. E. high responsive and low assertive; amiables.


Personal selling includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. credit analysis. B. building relationships with customers. C. offering information. D. helping customers identify problems. E. after-the-sale service.


Sabrina needs to "bite her tongue" after asking the prospect a difficult question. Tolerating silence is often important to allow the customer: A. time to think. B. an opportunity to end the meeting. C. to shift from the intimate to the social zone. D. inflection. E. alternative body language word pictures.


Shaking hands should: A. be the prospect's choice. B. be the first thing a salesperson does. C. only happen the first time a salesperson meets a prospect. D. always take place with the prospect seated. E. all of the above


The two critical dimensions used to understand social behavior are: A. assertiveness and responsiveness B. passiveness and aggressiveness C. verbal and nonverbal D. aural and verbal E. domestic and international


To make the point that communications need to be appropriate to the audience receiving them, Kathy showed a group of reading teachers the molecular formula for compounds produced by PKC Pharmaceutical companies. Even though the information was in English, the teachers did not have a clue what it was about. Kathy was using: A. an analogy. B. an 80-20 rule diagram. C. public zone, and personal zone differentials. D. nonverbal communication. E. high-inflection culture content.


When Madison was selling bingo equipment to the American Legion officer, she admitted that other companies sold much more technologically advanced equipment than her company. She concluded by saying that her company produced some of the most durable equipment on the market today. Why would Madison make this statement about competitors' products? A. to increase her credibility as a salesperson B. to increase her commission C. to give the officer a chance to reconsider his purchase order D. to offset any unethical acts by her competition E. actually, there was no reason for Margaret to reveal any negative information about her company


When asking questions the salesperson should: A. encourage the customer to provide a full response. B. let the prospect know the salesperson's time is valuable. C. ask questions that interest him or her. D. ask questions that can only have one answer. E. do all of the above


Which of the following body language signals is most positive? A. Prospect has arms and legs uncrossed. B. Prospect is leaning away from the salesperson. C. Prospect's left hand is clenched in a fist. D. Prospect is looking directly in to the salesperson's eyes for 15 to 20 seconds each time they make eye contact. E. Prospect is fidgeting.


Which of the following is NOT part of a salesman's voice characteristics? A. his hand gestures B. the speed with which he speaks C. how loudly he speaks D. how he articulates his words E. his use of inflections at the end of his sentences


Which of the following statements about active listening is FALSE? A. Paraphrasing what a prospect says is fine, but never repeat things word for word. B. The salesperson should listen to the customer's words from the customer's point of view. C. Additional questions can give the salesperson a more complete understanding of what the prospect is trying to communicate. D. Tolerating silence gives the customer time to think. E. Summarizing provides both the salesperson and the customer with an overview of what has been said.


Which of the following statements is good advice for salespeople concerned about properly using hand gestures? A. Pointing a finger at the prospect should be avoided. B. Do not expose your palm to your prospect because that gesture sends negative or "stop" signals. C. When making a presentation before a group, keep hand gestures to a minimum so you'll appear confident about your topic. D. Using the hand in a slicing motion signals the other person to cut their comments short. E. Each of the above statements is good advice for salespeople who want to use proper hand gestures


Which of the following statements is good advice for salespeople concerned about using proper facial expressions as nonverbal communicators? A. Nothing creates rapport like a smile. B. Refrain from blushing during the presentation. C. Facial expressions should be natural not rehearsed. D. Facial reactions are typically easy to manage. E. All of the above statements are good advice for salespeople.


Which one of the following statements about a salesperson's product knowledge is FALSE? A. The most important knowledge a salesperson can have about his or her product is the technical knowledge of how it performs in use. B. Customers often want salespeople to explain how their products will work with other products. C. Purchasing agents rate product knowledge as one of the most important attributes of a good salesperson. D. In many cases the service provided by the salesperson is more important than the performance of the product sold by that salesperson. E. Salespeople must not only know product features, but also the benefits provided by those features.


Adapting your communication style to your audience will help you to keep your messages: A. from being misinterpreted. B. clear, concise, and audience-appropriate. C. consistent with corporate ethical guidelines. D. from being excessively long-winded. E. all of the above.


Because more and more customers are demanding 24/7 service, selling firms need: A. to schedule sales people's work hours in 24 hour blocks. B. to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. C. more salespeople. D. greater integrated marketing communications. E. all of these


In terms of the social style matrix, Inez is best described as a very emotional, people-oriented person who has an animated way of talking. She also has a take-charge attitude, great initiative, and has been called a risk taker. Into which quadrant does this information place Inez? A. drivers B. expressives C. amiables D. analyticals E. motivators


It is late in the day when Reginald calls on his favorite customer. The customer is tired but invites him in and sits back with his hands and legs open. Reginald interprets this body language as: A. exhaustion. B. positive. C. boredom. D. indifference. E. None of the above. Body language does not indicate a customer's feelings.


Jennifer walks in to her customer's office and immediately the customer begins talking about his problems both at work and at home. Jennifer had a sales presentation prepared for the customer but, instead quietly listens, asking questions where appropriate and offering support when appropriate. Jennifer is practicing: A. the paraphrasing what a prospect says mirroring technique. B. active listening. C. the body language agreement method. D. the tolerating silence presentation format. E. the low-context, high-context differential.


Mimi is an inexperienced sales rep for an office supply company. She has asked your advice on giving gifts to office managers to whom she is trying to make a sale. You tell her to: A. check her motives before she gives any gift to an office manager. B. make sure that when she gives a gift the office manager knows that it comes with no strings attached. C. make sure gift-giving does not violate her company's code of ethics. D. never give an office manager the idea she is trying to buy his or her business. E. do any and all of the above


Opal is a salesperson for a wholesaler. There are many retailers in her territory and she says, "No two are alike. I must adjust my way of communicating to their different styles. Some are strictly business. Others like to talk about their families or sports before I discuss my company's products." Opal's approach illustrates which characteristic of a successful salesperson? A. ethical B. flexibility C. knowledge D. dependability E. motivation


The _____ matrix is a training program for building adaptive selling skills that uses two critical dimensions, assertiveness and responsiveness. A. affinity B. social style C. personality D. sales approach E. prospect reference


The _____ method of sales presentation is most consistent with the application of the marketing concept. A. standard memorized B. customized C. flexible D. outlined E. focused


The reason information supplied through publicity is usually considered to be more credible than information supplied by a salesperson is: A. salespeople are considered unethical. B. the information is communicated by sources perceived to be independent. C. information communicated by salespeople can be changed to fit the situation. D. publicity costs more than personal selling. E. organizations have more control over when information is disseminated through publicity.


The skills required to be a successful salesperson: A. are associated with intellectual achievement. B. can be learned. C. are the focus of Six Sigma selling programs. D. create a value proposition. E. allow customer-centric production managers to become effective multi-channel distributors.


To sell to Joann you need to appeal to her ego. She'd rather hear that your new product will cause people to notice her as an innovative leader than the exact amount of cost savings it will provide or that her employees would like it. Joann's social style best fits that of a(n): A. driver. B. expressive. C. amiable. D. analytical. E. motivator


When Kerry saw his prospect's yellow and green plaid trousers, white golf shirt with gold buttons, and his black and white shoes, he was fairly certain that he was in the company of a(n): A. driver. B. expressive. C. amiable. D. analytical. E. entrepreneur.


When selling to an amiable, the salesperson should: A. avoid establishing any long-term relationship. B. stress the product's benefits in terms of its effect on the satisfaction of employees. C. never guarantee a product's performance. D. expect a quick purchase decision. E. create a presentation that would appeal to a risk taker.


Which of the following statements about adaptive selling is FALSE? A. Adaptive selling emphasizes the importance of satisfying customer needs and building long-term partnerships. B. In adaptive selling it is important for the salesperson to adjust to the client, even if you must fake a way of acting that is not really who you are. C. In adaptive selling you have to be creative when you're looking for what excites a prospect. D. Adaptive selling gives salespeople the opportunity to use the most effective sales presentation for each customer. E. Adaptive selling is used with relationship building.


Which of the following statements about body language is true? A. Only one's voice characteristics carry more of the communication exchange than body language. B. Customers may look away from the salesperson while they actively consider information in the sales presentation. C. Hand gestures have the same meanings in all cultures. D. A person rocking from side-to-side is conveying a positive outlook. E. Broad, vigorous arm gestures indicate a lack of interest in the verbal portion of the communication process.


Which of the following statements about body language is true? A. Self-touching gestures typically indicate the listener is very comfortable with what he or she is hearing. B. Individuals use increased arm movement when they are expressing an opinion. C. Open and relaxed hands are a good indicator of boredom. D. The meaning of hand gestures is consistent from one culture to another. E. Individuals sitting with their legs crossed are sending a message of cooperation and confidence.


Why does personal selling work better than other communications options available to firms selling in the business-to-business market? A. Personal selling employs more people in the U.S. than advertising. B. Salespeople are able to tailor unique messages for each prospective buyer. C. U.S. firms have become particularly adept at hiring "born" salespeople. D. Personal selling is the most expensive form of promotion. E. Salespeople are proficient in all aspects of new product development.


Advance Machine Company makes industrial-strength floor cleaning equipment. In support of its sales force, it ran ads in trade journals aimed at supermarkets, entertainment venues, educational institutions, and other places that have a lot of foot traffic. It created an Internet website for customers to come and look at what type of products it sold. It set up a toll free number for clients to call and created a direct marketing piece that offered discounts and rebates on orders. Advance Machine Company used: A. dyadic communication to reach its potential customers. B. feedback to qualify leads. C. integrated marketing communications. D. a decentralized promotions organization. E. any means possible to circumvent its sales force.


Andrea is a technical assistant for a computer company. After listening to the customer, she asks, "What is it the software will not do?" Andrea is practicing the active listening skill of: A. paraphrasing what a prospect says. B. listening to the customer's words from the customer's point of view. C. asking questions to gain a more complete understanding of what the customer is trying to communicate. D. tolerating silence gives the customer time to think. E. summarizing provides both the salesperson and the customer with an overview of what has been said.


As you enter the prospect's office you see _____ and become fairly certain you are dealing with an amiable. A. annual sales awards on the wall B. a prominently displayed calendar C. pictures of the prospect's family on the desk D. a PERT chart on the wall E. numerous sales charts


C.K. makes a conscious effort to control his emotions in all situations. In terms of social style, C.K.'s way of behaving is indicative of: A. low assertiveness. B. high assertiveness. C. low responsiveness. D. high responsiveness. E. none of the above, control of emotions is not related to one's social style.


Did Kim make a mistake when she told a potential customer that her competitor's products were flimsy and poorly made? A. Yes, if the Federal Trade Commission ever learns of her lack of discretion. B. No, because customers don't believe what salespeople tell them. C. Yes, if the potential customer had ever bought the competitor's products, it could be regarded as a criticism of their judgment. D. No, she was trying to make a sale. E. She shouldn't worry about it if that is part of her sales presentation.


Dmitri is trying to establish a long-term relationship with the purchasing agent at Longwood Publishing, Inc. Over lunch, Dmitri told the agent that he accidentally saw a confidential memo on the CEO's desk that discussed the hostile takeover of Longwood's major competitor. What do you think of Dmitri's business behavior? A. If he hadn't divulged the information, it would have been a form of backdoor selling. B. He has successfully built trust by being honest and open. C. He has jeopardized his chances of ever building a long-term relationship with this agent. D. If he hadn't divulged the information, it would have been a form of deception. E. Divulging the information prevented him from accidentally creating an ethical dilemma.


During a break in the monthly sales meeting David, your company's newest salesperson tells his sales manager, "I wish I could figure out my new prospect. He is friendly, seems to agree with everything I say, but he keeps postponing a decision about which company will be his primary supplier. It's driving me nuts!" Based on your knowledge of the social style matrix you can advise David that he is dealing with a(n): A. driver. B. expressive. C. amiable. D. analytical. E. avoider.


Each quadrant of the social style matrix defines a different type of person. People who are low in assertiveness and high in responsiveness are: A. drivers. B. expressive. C. amiables. D. analyticals. E. gatekeepers.


In discussing knowledge salespeople should have, the text listed all of the following EXCEPT: A. the company for which they work B. the products they sell C. the legal requirements for providing information to stockholders D. the customers to whom they sell E. the products sold by their competitors


Instead of describing the product, the salesperson was nodding her head and using expressions like, "Really?" "Uh-huh," and "That's interesting." The salesperson is: A. trying to find the appropriate time to close the sale. B. dealing with customer objections. C. engaging in active listening. D. watching for nonverbal communication to see if the customer really meant what he was saying. E. encouraging active speaking


Jerry was Zip's Business Services top salesperson. He often sold as much as the rest of the sales staff. After many years, he left for a better offer with a competing firm. Many of Zip's customers moved with Jerry. This illustrates in relationship marketing that: A. companies control the flow of sales. B. customers prefer loyal salespeople. C. customers often have greater loyalty to salespeople than to the firms they represent. D. companies need to pay salespeople more commission. E. customers are unpredictable, requiring sales organizations to adjust strategies as environmental factors alter the marketing landscape


Luisa has been in sales about three years. In that time she has learned that different sales presentations are necessary for different customers. In fact, she will often change her presentation during her sales calls depending upon the nature of the selling situation she encounters. Luisa is using: A. focused selling B. an unprofessional approach with her customers C. adaptive selling D. no prior planning E. flexible selling


Over half of all sales positions in the United States are in ______________ sales. A. real estate B. insurance C. retail D. securities E. manufacturer's rep


Ryan really wants to make his monthly quota. He has only two sales calls scheduled for the last day of the month. Ethical selling principles suggest Ryan should attempt to __________ but not ___________ his customers. A. overwhelm; lubricate B. cultivate; stimulate C. persuade; manipulate D. demonize; satisfy E. manipulate; persuade


The text defines personal selling as a business activity involving a person-to-person communication process during which a seller: A. promotes the success of their products to gain the sale. B. focuses on the short-term profit of the seller and the long-term value to the customer. C. uncovers and satisfies the needs of a buyer to the mutual long-term benefit of both parties. D. uses economic adaptive learning to address the macro financial needs of the customer. E. sacrifices the satisfaction needs of employers and employees to create value for the customer.


Tyler is paying careful attention to what Jack (her prospect) says and sorting out relevant facts from all the statements. With eye contact and nods of her head, she tells Jack she's interested in what Jack is saying. Tyler is engaged in: A. focused learning. B. presentation protocol. C. active listening. D. dynamic hearing. E. all of the above


Ursula is in the middle of a serious negotiation with her customer. She is not sure what the customer meant by his last statement. Ursula should ___________________ in order to verify her customer's intent. A. start her presentation over from the beginning B. quickly move to a trial close C. restate the customer's comment D. call her sales manager E. all of the above


When we consider the distance involved, it is correct to say most students in a classroom are seated in the professor's _____ zone. A. progressive B. personal C. public D. outreach E. intimate


Which of the following is NOT one of the forms of nonverbal communication? A. body language B. appearance C. inflection D. space E. all of the above


Which of the following is the BEST example of a salesperson engaging in deliberate deception? A. The sales clerk at JCPenney told the woman, "That swimsuit makes you look 5 pounds thinner." B. The salesperson for the plant nursery offered to give the buyer an extra bush if he bought two dozen. C. The swimming pool salesperson neglected to tell the buyer that he would have to pay an additional $2,000 to have the ground prepared for the bargain $1,200 pool he just bought. D. The wholesale flower seller claimed that his flowers were so beautiful that they almost looked artificial. E. The computer salesperson offered the buyer a free one-year service contract for buying a computer during this month


Which of the following products would most likely be the hardest for a new salesperson to sell? A. photocopy machines B. horse trailers C. management consulting services D. wooden building trusses E. restaurant tablecloths


Which of the following statements about appearance as a nonverbal communicator is true? A. A salesperson should always wear professional attire. B. It is much better to under dress than to overdress. C. Salespeople should attempt to match their style of dress to that of their customers. D. In today's business world, ties are an unnecessary bother and do nothing to add to a salesperson's potential for success. E. Successful salespeople wear high-fashion clothing.


Which of the following statements about ethics is true? A. Ethics do not change with time. B. There is no need for personal codes of ethics. C. Ethical principles establish appropriate behavior. D. What is ethical in the Middle East is also ethical in the United States. E. If an act is unethical, it is also illegal.


Which of the following statements about salesperson relationships with customers and prospects is true? A. Selling to new prospects requires the same skills as selling to existing customers. B. Salespeople responsible for existing customers place more emphasis on selling products than on servicing and relationship building. C. Rejection is an inevitable part of making initial contacts with potential customers. D. To convince prospects to purchase a product they use regularly, salespeople need to be especially self-confident and aggressive. E. none of these


Which of the following statements accurately describes how ethics and legal principles impact selling? A. Partnerships between buyer and seller can develop even if either acts unethically or illegally. B. Ethical principles become less important as firms move to strategic partnerships. C. Legal principles guide market exchange relationships. D. Ethical behavior builds distrust. E. All of the above statements accurately describe how ethics and legal principles impact selling.


Which of the following would be the most ethically correct gift for a salesperson of fire equipment to give a purchasing agent? A. a detailed brass model of the first fire engine ever made B. an expensive bottle of Scotch C. a pen with the company's logo, address, and phone number imprinted on the side D. hard-to-get tickets to see the World Series E. a cordless telephone in the shape of a fire engine


"With your gardening background, Ms. Black, I am sure you can see the time and energy savings from investing in this new self-propelled tiller. Because you can put in an even bigger vegetable garden with the same energy, and have more vegetables to sell, you will be able to more than repay the initial investment after the first year, even when we factor in an assumed rate of interest of 12.5 percent." Based on this excerpt from a salesperson's presentation, you must assume Ms. Black is a(n): A. driver. B. expressive. C. amiable. D. analytical. E. avoider


A person who _____ would probably find a career in sales attractive. A. wanted a nine-to-five job B. wanted to work in an office C. was not motivated by financial rewards D. liked independence and was willing to take responsibility E. did not like to take responsibility


A textbook publishing company advertises to college faculty, offering to pay several thousand dollars (much more than they typically pay for book reviews) if the professor will review the company's textbook. Before completing the contract agreement, the publisher asks if the professor will adopt the text for their classes while reviewing it for the publisher. When the professor decides to reject the arrangement, she is primarily influenced by: A. customer goals. B. university policy. C. state laws. D. personal code of ethics. E. social norms.


Assuming company policies do not prohibit gift giving, which of the following gifts would be most appropriate for a salesperson selling earthmoving equipment to give a potential retail customer? A. 100 free long-distance minutes B. a software program worth over $300 that protects against computer viruses C. four Atlanta Braves baseball tickets and a parking pass D. a coffee mug with the company name, logo, and telephone number imprinted on it E. an autographed picture of the buyer's favorite sports figure


Before going into the prospect's office, the secretary advised the new salesperson that her boss likes facts and figures and is suspicious of anyone who tries to establish a personal relationship with him. The secretary was probably describing a(n): A. driver. B. expressive. C. amiable. D. analytical. E. avoider


Hand gestures can convey significant information to salespeople. When selling in an international environment, salespeople should remember hand gestures mean: A. the prospect is ready to end the interview. B. the prospect wants to place an order. C. the prospect strongly agrees with what she has said. D. different things in different cultures. E. the prospect strongly disagrees with what has been said.


In a successful partnering relationship, purchasing agents: A. enjoy receiving small gifts from their sales rep. B. should never refuse any gifts or offers from their sales rep. C. can ethically enjoy lavish gifts from their sales reps because of the long-term nature of the relationship. D. can ethically accept a free lunch from the salesperson. E. do all of the above


In terms of the social style matrix, James is best described as a supportive risk avoider who moves and speaks slowly and deliberately. He is cool and aloof and never shows any emotion. Into which quadrant does this information place James? A. drivers B. expressives C. amiables D. analyticals E. gatekeepers


One of the advantages of personal selling as compared to advertising is: A. salespeople can be so closely supervised. B. salespeople can become very persuasive since they give an identical sales presentation to so many different people. C. salespeople can rely on puffery. D. salespeople can change their message if they find their customers are losing interest. E. salespeople are accurately described by all of these


Salespeople are like entrepreneurs because: A. they do not have to invest in themselves. B. integrated marketing communications eliminates investment risk. C. manufacturers trust salespeople to be corporate-centric. D. of the unusual freedom and flexibility in doing their jobs.


Salespeople should vary the loudness of their speech: A. to produce recognizable images. B. according to the gatekeeper's instructions. C. to determine your constant inflection point. D. to avoid monotony. E. is accurately described by all of the above


The 80-20 ______________ suggests salespeople should listen 80 percent of the time and talk no more than 20 percent of the time. A. listening model B. personal-interpersonal differential C. body language agreement model D. speaking-listening differential E. word picture-loudness zone


Valerie's goal as a sales rep is to add ______, which is the total benefit that her company's products and services provide to the buyer. A. creativity B. relationships C. mission-driven maximization D. value E. go-to-market success


When Tony sells his company's line of wind chimes to Tom King, the owner of King's Nursery, he carries one with him and illustrates its melodious sound to the customer. When Tony sells his company's line of wind chimes to Milt Pressley, the owner of Franklin Hardware, he shows Pressley the sales projections for next year. This ability to vary his sales presentation indicates that Tony is using ______ selling. A. responsive B. alterable C. outlined D. adaptive E. methodological


When identifying a customer's social style, salespeople should: A. assume specific jobs or functions are associated with a social style B. rely on their first impressions to accurately determine the customer's social style C. consider carefully how they feel about the customer's behavior D. attempt to get the customer to reveal his or her style rather than react to your style E. do all of the above


Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to influence the ethical behavior of salespeople? A. company policies B. social norms C. personal goals D. tax policies E. the legal system


Which of the following statements most describes someone engaged in personal selling? A. The governor directs the state's legislature to enact a law that provides more legal protection for abused children. B. Jackson's parents loan him $1,000 to repair his car. C. A mother removes her children for misbehaving at the restaurant. D. Vivian interviews for a job she really wants. E. Your professor gives you a choice of essay or multiple choice questions.


While making a presentation to the owner of Harold's Dress Shop about a window display, Scott began to pick up nonverbal cues that this was not what the owner wanted. Scott asked, "Would you be interested in a window with less clutter that showcased some of your more expensive items?" When the owner replied, "Yes," Scott adopted a new sales strategy and discussed his ideas for a showcase window. Scott was practicing _____ selling A. responsive B. alterable C. outlined D. adaptive E. methodological


6. Adaptive selling suggests that you may have to adjust your selling strategy based on ________________ differences: A. age B. religious C. family customs D. image of a "perfect product" E. all of the above


Each of the following items should suggest the prospect you are meeting with is an analytical EXCEPT: A. The piece of mail in the top of his "in" basket is announcing this month's selection in the Popular Science Book Club B. Several plaques on the wall awarded to him for exceeding productivity expectations C. The prospect consistently wears dark suits, white shirts, and conservative ties D. Diploma in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech E. A number of photos on the wall of him as a member of recreational league softball teams


For the last two weeks your company has had Jake, a newly hired sales trainee riding with you as you make sales calls and the many other things you do in managing your territory. During this time you have found him to be consistently dependable, supportive and personable, but at times he has struck you as somewhat undisciplined. Based on your knowledge of social styles' strengths and weaknesses, you classify Jake as a(n): A. leader. B. expressive. C. driver. D. analytical. E. amiable.


In the United States, which of the following nonverbal communications indicates the listener is bored and disinterested with what is being said? A. leaning backwards B. lack of eye contact C. furrowed brow and pursed lips D. playing with items on the table or desk E. all of the above


Larry, an inexperienced sales rep, has asked you to suggest ways to deal with potential ethical problems. What is your advice? A. It's only unethical if it is illegal. B. Do what the other sales reps do. C. Do whatever makes profits for your company. D. Perform whatever services your client requests. E. Develop and maintain a personal code of ethics.


One of the advantages of personal selling is it is the most _____ method used to communicate with customers. A. creditable B. controlled C. desirable D. defensive E. flexible


Ryan is trying to dispel the myth the role of sales people is to "sell refrigerators to Eskimos." He tells his salespeople that they need to be a customer-centric organization that helps customers: A. identify problems. B. find information to about potential solutions. C. by providing after-the-sale service. D. by making the customer the center of their efforts. E. all of these


The Frito-Lay salesperson who drives a truck to a store, checks the store's stock of Frito-Lay products, determines what the store needs and gets the manager's permission to place that stock in the store is a ________________ salesperson. A. production B. inside C. missionary D. manufacturer's industry service representative E. field


The physical space between two people who are interacting can be divided into four zones. The zone closest to a person (two feet or less) is called the _____ zone. A. social B. personal C. public D. receptive E. intimate


When identifying a customer's social style, salespeople should: A. not let their judgment be clouded by their initial reaction to the customer B. look for clues that may suggest he or she has made an inaccurate assessment of a customer's social style C. ask questions rather than make statements D. avoid assuming that specific jobs or functions are associated with a particular social style E. do all of the above


When leaving the employment of one company and moving to another company, what is the ethical approach to leaving? A. Give the company ample notice so they can find your replacement. B. Avoid saying anything in anger to anyone at the company that you feel may have done you an injustice. C. Help your replacement learn about your territory and your customers. D. Refrain from divulging confidential material about your old company to your new boss. E. do all of the above


When making a checklist for personal code of ethics to determine which behaviors he will engage in as a salesperson, Lew would likely ask himself all of the following EXCEPT: A. "Would I be embarrassed if a customer found out about my behavior?" B. "Would I be upset if a salesperson did this to me?" C. "Would my family think less of me if they knew I was engaged in this activity?" D. "Would I be upset if my activities were publicized in the local newspaper?" E. "Would society be better off if everyone engaged in this activity?"


Which of the following acts may be considered sexual harassment? A. Milton tells a pornographic joke to all the secretaries. B. Nora repeatedly comments on her co-worker's moral reputation. C. Sybil shows a set of obscene playing cards to her subordinates. D. Manning makes lewd comments to his secretary. E. All of the above may be considered sexual harassment.


Which of the following is a suggestion for active listening? A. Echo what the prospect has said. B. Summarize the conversation. C. Be quiet while the prospect thinks. D. Concentrate on ideas rather than just words. E. Do any of the above to encourage active listening.


Which of the following is a suggestion for active listening? A. Avoid repeating the same information. B. Never summarize information already provided. C. Do not embarrass the customer by rephrasing his or her comments. D. Do not allow any moments of silence during the sales pitch. E. None of the above is a suggestion for active listening.


Which of the following would be LEAST likely to be an ethical problem area in the salesperson-company relationship? A. switching jobs B. reporting work-time information C. expense accounts D. reporting sales activities E. accurately making sales quotes to customers


Which of the following would be the WORST bit of advice for a new salesperson for an office machine manufacturer to follow? A. Take note of how top executives in your firm dress. B. Adjust to the geographic region in which you work. C. Attempt to match the clothing choices of your typical customers. D. If you look well dressed, you'll feel more confident. E. Be a leader and wear the latest fashions.


_____ refers to how emotional people tend to get in social situations. A. Assertiveness B. Attentiveness C. Receptiveness D. Awareness E. Responsiveness


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