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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things? a. metabolism b. reproduction c. responsiveness d. growth e. motility


Which of the following may be a component of bacterial cell walls? a. lipoteichoic acids b. mycolic acid c. tubulin d. carrageenan e. both lipoteichoic and mycolic acids


A periplasmic space is found in which of the following? a. Gram-positive cells only b. Gram-negative cells only c. both Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells d. neither Gram-positive nor Gram-negative cells


Chloroplasts differ from mitochondria in that the former have a. cristae. b. thylakoids. c. two lipid bilayers. d. DNA. e. 70S ribosomes.


Endospores survive a variety of harsh conditions in part because of the presence of a. glycoproteins. b. dipicolinic acid. c. hopanoids. d. lipopolysaccharide. e. mycolic acid.


Lipid A is a component of a. mycolic acid. b. lipopolysaccharides. c. cytoplasmic membranes. d. plant cell walls. e. bacterial glycocalyces.


Protein synthesis occurs in the a. nucleus. b. ribosome. c. inclusion. d. cytoskeleton. e. periplasmic space.


Which of the following never have cell walls? a. archaea b. animal cells c. fungi d. algae e. bacteria


A (capsule/slime layer/matrix) is a type of glycocalyx that is firmly attached to the cell.


The "run" in bacterial motility is the result of (clockwise/counterclockwise/whiplike) rotation of the flagella.


A bacterial cell stains positive with the acid-fast stain. Which of the following is FALSE? a. It has a cell wall that contains waxy lipids. b. It will be difficult to stain this cell with the Gram stain c. It may be a member of the genus d. Mycobacterium. d. It has a cell wall that contains endotoxin.


Nadia has an infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, which has a Gram-positive cell wall. What distinguishes Gram-positive bacterial cell walls from Gram-negative bacteria cell walls? a. the presence of phospholipids b. the presence of a cytoplasmic membrane c. the presence of peptidoglycan d. the presence of teichoic acid


Penicillin is used to treat Streptococcus pyogenes infections. Treatment is successful when the pathogen is killed, but the medication does not harm the host cells. Penicillin disrupts the peptide bridges between NAM units. This results in __________. a. damage to the bacterial DNA b. disruption of protein synthesis within the bacterial cell c. damage to the cell membrane of the cells lining the throat d. damage to the bacterial cell wall


Short, hairlike structures used only by eukaryotic cells for movement are called a. pseudopodia. b. pili. c. flagella. d. cilia. e. fimbriae.


Which of the following is classified as a nonmembranous organelle of eukaryotic cells? a. Golgi body b. endoplasmic reticulum c. peroxisome d. centriole e. mitochondrion


Which of the following processes can be either specific or nonspecific depending upon the particular molecules that are transported? a. diffusion b. active transport c. osmosis d. facilitated diffusion


Which of the following statements concerning pili is FALSE? a. Pili facilitate the transfer of DNA among bacterial cells. b. Pili are long, hollow tubules. c. A bacterial cell will usually have only one or two pili. d. Pili are longer than fimbriae and flagella. e. Not all bacteria have pili.


What types of molecules may NOT need transport proteins to be able to cross cytoplasmic membranes? a. small hydrophilic molecules b. large molecules c. ions d. nothing crosses cytoplasmic membranes without transport proteins e. small hydrophobic molecules


Which of the following bacterial cell structures plays an important role in the creation of biofilms? a. fimbriae b. pili c. glycocalyces d. flagella e. both fimbriae and glycocalyces


In a(n) (hypertonic/isotonic/hypotonic) solution, an animal cell can gain so much water that it may burst.


The reserve deposits of starch or other compounds found in many prokaryotic cells are called (vacuoles/inclusions/nucleoid).


The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the site of (protein/lipid/carbohydrate) synthesis.


Goli bodies are examples of a (membranous/non-membranous/cellular) organelle.


The semiliquid matrix of the nucleus is called the (cytoplasm/nucleoid/nucleoplasm).


The glycocalyx of a eukaryotic cell performs all of the following functions EXCEPT a. cellular recognition and communication. b. anchoring cells to each other. c. strengthening the cell surface. d. transfer of genetic material between cells. e. protection against dehydration.


Which of the following is NOT a function of the Streptococcus pyogenes cytoplasmic membrane? a. active transport b. diffusion c. selective permeability d. endocytosis


Which of the following is NOT a membranous organelle within a eukaryotic cell? a. nucleus b. endoplasmic reticulum c. chloroplast d. ribosome


Eukaryotic ribosomes are composed of 50S and 30S subunits. T/F?


Fragments of (LPS/NAM/NAG) released from Gram-negative bacteria into the bloodstream produce fever and shock.


________ may have pili. a. Prokaryotes b. Archaea c. Bacteria d. Eukaryotes e. Both eukaryotes and bacteria


The filament and basal body are associated with which of the following external structures found in some bacterial cells? a. flagella b. pili c. fimbriae d. glycocalyx


When the nurse practitioner looked into Nadia's throat, she saw white spots on the tonsils. These were white blood cells attempting to fight off the infection. Which of the following statements explains a key difference between Nadia's white blood cells and the Streptococcus pyogenes infecting her throat? a. Nadia's white blood cells have a nucleus, while the Streptococcus pyogenes do not. b. Nadia's white blood cells contain DNA, while the Streptococcus pyogenes do not. c. The Streptococcus pyogenes do not contain ribosomes, while Nadia's white blood cells do contain ribosomes. d. The Streptococcus pyogenes have a cell membrane, while Nadia's white blood cells do not.


Which of the following have a periplasmic space? a. Gram-negative bacteria only b. Gram-positive bacteria only c. both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria d. archaea e. eukaryotes


Which of the following is NOT a basic process of life? a. sexual reproduction b. growth c. metabolism d. responsiveness


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a eukaryotic cell? a. can undergo transcription and translation simultaneously b.presence of a nuclear envelope c. presence of membrane-bound organelles d. contain chromosomes composed of DNA and histones


Which of the following is NOT a component of eukaryotic cell walls? a. sterols b. silicates c. chitin d. cellulose


Which of the following is unique to archaea? a. hami b.fimbriae c. LPS d. peptidoglycan e. pili


Which of the following prokaryotic cells contain an outer membrane? a. Gram-negative bacteria only b. Gram-positive bacteria only c. both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria d. all prokaryotes e. archaea


A bacterial cell is placed in distilled water. Which of the following will happen? a. There will be no net gain or loss of water in the cell. b. The cell will lose water. c. The cell will gain water. d. The cell will shrink.


A bacterial cell possesses a glycocalyx. Which of the following is FALSE? a. It will be less likely to dry out. b. It will be able to attach to surfaces. c. It will be engulfed more quickly by defensive cells of the host. d. It will be more pathogenic.


Bacterial cell walls that are resistant to drying contain a. carbohydrates. b. amino acids. c. waxes. d. lipopolysaccharide. e. tubulin.


Cholesterols are typically found in ________ cytoplasmic membranes. a. prokaryotic b. bacterial c. eukaryotic d. archaeal e. both eukaryotic and prokaryotic


Endocytosis and exocytosis are means of transport used by a. bacteria. b. archaea. c. eukaryotes. d. all prokaryotes. e. nothing; no cells use both processes.


PHB is NOT associated with which of the following words? a. plastic b. inclusion c. ribosome d. biodegradable


Some bacteria have a water-soluble outer slime layer composed of a. lipid. b. lipoteichoic acid. c. carbohydrate. d. protein. e. peptidoglycan.


The archaea are similar to bacteria in all of the following aspects EXCEPT __________. a. their lack of membranous organelles b. their mechanism of cell division c. their ribosomal proteins d. their cytoskeleton


Which of the following organisms is a prokaryote? a. Protozoa b. fungus c. archaea d. algae e. both archaea and protozoa


Which of the following statements concerning osmosis is FALSE? a. Osmosis stops when the system reaches equilibrium. b. Cells placed in hypotonic solutions will gain water. c. During osmosis, water crosses to the side of the membrane with a lower solute concentration. d. Osmosis requires a selectively permeable membrane. e. Crenation results when blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution.


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