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Attributes of Transformational Leaders Are charismatic, agreeable, and extroverted Score high on emotional intelligence Create a vision Encourage the personal development of others Provide supportive leadership Practice empowerment Think innovatively Lead by example - they mobilize the commitment to change by acting as a role model Establish new goals & expectations for followers Utilize moral reasoning


Basics of SLII Effective leadership depends on two independent behaviors: Supporting Behaviors Listening Giving Recognition Communicating Encouraging Coaching Directing Behaviors Giving Explicit Directions Controlling Supervising Ruling Regulating


Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders Visionary Masterful communication skills Ability to inspire trust Able to make group members feel capable Energy and action orientation Emotional expressiveness and warmth Romanticize risk Unconventional strategies Self-promoting personality Dramatic and unique


Charismatic Leaders The followers attribute charismatic qualities Exert referent power over followers which results in a strong emotional bond between the leader & the followers Create the impression that they are trustworthy, credible, moral, esteemed & powerful Use exemplification and promotion to create & maintain the desired image of themselves, their vision, & their organization Will create positive visions for the followers There may be a special "spark" when working with followers


Communication Style of Charismatic Leaders Charismatic leaders utilize a colorful, imaginative, open, and expressive communication style. Management by Inspiration Using metaphors and analogies Gearing language to different audiences Management by Storytelling Inspiring and instructing by telling fascinating stories Extensive Use of Social Networking Face-to-face networks Social networking sites


Consideration Extent to which the leader creates an environment of emotional support, warmth, friendliness, and trust. Leader is approachable and focuses on the welfare of the group members. Makes connections with people. Soft-spoken in that the leader is not dominating the discussions taking place between leader and group members.


Controlling Dysfunctional Politics Be Aware of Its Causes and Techniques Hire People with Integrity Implement Shared Goals Amongst the Firm and the Human Element in the Firm Encourage Goal Congruence Set Good Examples at the Top Avoid Favoritism and Cronyism Discuss Questionable Information in a Public Forum


Decision-Making Styles What differs is the degree of group member participation Decide Leader makes decision alone and announces it Consult (Individually) Leader works with each group member individually to gather their suggestions - and makes decision alone Consult (Group) Leader works with group members as a group in a meeting, gathers suggestions - and makes decision alone Facilitate Leader presents problem to group, facilitates discussion, gathers input, ensures they don't favor their individual decision Delegate Leader permits group members to make the decision, works behind the scenes, does set limits but allows group members to work autonomously


Dimensions of Leadership Behavior In Ohio State studies in the 1950s Researchers surveyed group members regarding their perceptions of their supervisors (leaders). 85% of the leadership behaviors described were focused in two areas/dimensions: Consideration Initiating Structure This research became the basis for most of the future research on leadership behaviors


Empowerment Decision making is passed from leader to group members Supplements participative management Leadership behaviors & management practices that support & encourage empowerment often lead to higher motivation and productivity You cannot be empowering unless you are able to delegate Empowered employees have an internal commitment toward work goals Leader's power and influence increases when shared with others. Group members with more power tend to accomplish more.


Fiedler's Contingency Theory The basic idea is simple: Match the leader's style with the situation most favorable for his/her success. The theory was designed to enable leaders to diagnose both leadership style and organizational situations. Leadership style may be relationship- or task-motivated. Leadership style is relatively enduring and difficult to change. Leaders are regarded as having a consistent style of task or relationship orientation. Leaders should be matched to situations according to their style.


How to tell if there is Charisma There will be high levels of devotion to the leader There will be high levels of identification with the leader There will be a great deal of emulation of the leader


Initiating Structure Extent to which relationships are organized and defined by assigning tasks, specifying procedures to be followed, scheduling work, clarifying expectations, and establishing realistic goals. Leader clearly defines their personal role as well as those of each and every group member.


Leadership GridTM Framework for specifying the extent of a leader's concern for production and for people - Figure 4.3 in book Benchmark Leadership GridTM styles include: Authority-Compliance (9,1) Country Club Management (1,9) Impoverished Management (1,1) Middle-of-the-Road Management (5,5) Team Management (9,9)


Measuring the Leadership Situation Leadership situations are classified as High, Moderate, or Low control. More controllable situations are viewed as more favorable for the leader. Control is determined by three dimensions: Leader-Member Relations Task Structure Position Power Leader member relations is a stronger influence than the other 2 dimensions combined


More Comparisons The trait approach of universal theories would say SELECT a person for a leadership position The Behavior based contingency approaches say to TRAIN in the appropriate leadership behaviors


Normative Decision Model Leaders must choose a style that elicits the correct degree of group participation when making decisions. Views leadership as a decision-making process where the leader examines the elements involved in the situation in order to determine the most effective decision-making style. Model includes: Five decision-making styles Seven situational factors See Figure 5-5 in Book on page 156


Normative Decision Model (Vroom-Yetton) It is a time driven model Also based on contingency - leader diagnoses the situation on 7 contingency factors Then the leader identifies the appropriate decision making style of which there are 5 styles The decision making style is based on authority the leader retains/participation of followers The decision is evaluated by The quality of the decision Whether followers accept the decision


Path Goal Theory The Leader influences performance by: Recognizing the group member's needs over which the leader has control Increasing personal payoffs for group members for goal attainment Clarifying for the followers the behaviors most likely to result in goal accomplishment Clarifying expectations and relating performance to reward Reducing frustrating barriers to goal Increasing opportunities for personal satisfaction if group members perform effectively Not giving instructions on things the group members do well Providing structure & supply contingent rewards & clarify the desirability of the goals


Path-Goal Theory Developed by Robert House Specifies what a leader must do to achieve high productivity and morale in a given situation. In general, the theory says a leader who attempts to "clear the path" to a goal for a group member tends to find the group member's job satisfaction and performance increase. A leader should choose a leadership style that takes into account the group member characteristics and the task demands. The theory is based on the Expectancy Theory of Motivation.


Principles & Practices of Ethical & Moral Leadership Ethics The study of moral obligations The study of separating right from wrong Morals An individual's determination of what is right or wrong Influenced by a person's values Values Connected to ethics because ethics become the vehicle for converting ethics into action


Relationship-Oriented Attitudes & Behavior (Consideration) Focus is more on interpersonal relationships: Aligning people Openness to worker opinions Creating inspiration and visibility Satisfying higher-level needs Giving emotional support and encouragement Promoting principles and values Being a servant leader Focus on serving others - employees, customers, community Moral leadership


Servant Leadership from Curtiss Peck Leadership involves serving others. The desire to serve preempts the desire to lead, yet those who serve may very well be perceived as effective leaders. Leadership involves stoking the internal fires of others.


Situational LeadershipR (SL II) Developed by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hershey. Primary focus is on the characteristics of group members - and - matching leadership style to those characteristics. SLII is designed to increase the frequency and quality of conversations about performance and professional development between leaders and group members so that: Competence is developed. Commitment takes place. Turnover among talented group members is reduced. SLII is particularly applicable to front-line leaders, such as supervisors and team leaders.


Situational LeadershipR (SL II) Model not a theory (does not explain why, instead is prescriptive) Emphasizes contingency factors based on the characteristics of the followers Leaders behaviors have task and relationship components Leader must change styles based on the readiness of the group members Readiness is based on the followers combination of ability, willingness, and confidence


Some Comparisons The trait approach has a UNIVERSAL understanding of leadership rather than one that is contingent or situational Universal theories support the view that there is one BEST trait for all situations Contingency theories say there is no ONE best style rather it all depends on the situation and the followers


Substitutes for Leadership if one of these environmental factors are present Closely knit teams of highly trained folks Those who are strongly self motivated - Intrinsic satisfaction Computer technology - control, training, error detection, goal setting Strong professional norms Leadership Substitutes Task oriented Leadership can be replaced if the followers have: A high level of ability & knowledge Extensive experience & training


TYPES OF FOLLOWERS Diehards Activists Participants Bystanders Isolates


Tactics for Becoming an Empowering Leader Foster Initiative and Responsibility Link Work Activities to Organizational Goals Provide Ample Information Allow Followers to Choose Methods Establish Limits to Empowerment Continue to Lead Take Cultural Differences into Account


Task-Related Attitudes & Behavior (Initiating) Focus is more on the task to be performed than on the interpersonal aspects of leadership: Adaptability to the situation Direction setting High-performance standards Concentrating on strengths of followers Risk-taking with execution of plans Hands-on guidance and feedback Ability to ask tough questions Organizing for collaboration


The Anti-Leadership Argument: Leadership Does Not Matter Arguments against the importance of leadership include:Substitutes exist for leadership; factors in the work environment that provide guidance and incentives to perform, make the leader's role almost superfluous Leaders can be irrelevant; people lead themselves and outside influences can overwhelm them; factors outside the leader's control have a larger impact on business outcomes than do leadership actions Organizational systems are far too complex to attribute success to leadership; forces outside the leader's control determine a company's fate


The Research Business performance is positively affected by transformational leaders who: Individualize consideration Stimulate intellectually Have charisma Business performance is less likely to be positively influenced by leaders who: Manage by exception Provide contingent rewards


The Types Extravert Sensing Thinking Judging


The research Yes, there are similar traits/characteristics AS LONG AS THE LEADER'S STYLE FITS THE SITUATION


Transformational Leadership Focuses on what the leader accomplishes, yet it still pays attention to the leader's personal characteristics and his/her relationship with group members. Helps bring about major, positive changes by moving group members beyond their self-interests and towards the good of the group, organization, or society. Increases followers' awareness of the need for high performance by them to accomplish goals. Essence is in developing and transforming people. Heightens followers' awareness of their needs for personal development and growth. Urges followers to sacrifice their personal benefit for the benefit of the organization. In contrast, TRANSACTIONAL leadership is focused on routine transactions and rewarding group members for meeting standards.


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