module 1 summary exercises

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(True/False) The status flags are implemented as individual bits within the Status & Control Register.


Assembly languages are portable (T/F)


Which of the following are components of the Control Unit?

-status register -instruction pointer -instruction register

how many bits long is a WORD


what is the largest unsigned integer that may be stored in 24 bits?

16,777,215 [2^24 (- 1)]

how many bytes long is a QUADWORD


there are [blank] general purpose registers


A [blank] Architecture's instructions are decoded to micro-programs with are executed by the CPU, whereas a [blank] Architecture's instructions are directly executed by the CPU


Which register is known as a loop counter?


The _____ register holds the 32-bit address of the next instruction to be fed to the instruction execution cycle.


a [blank] is a set of parallel wires used to conduct a group of electrical signals simulataneously


High-speed memory that reduces the frequency of access by the CPU to conventional memory is called

cache memory

The purpose of a compiler is to...

convert high/low level program code to assembly/machine code

what type of tool can convert ARM Assembly to x86 Assembly

cross assembler

when transferring instructions and data between the main memory unit and the cpu, they will be placed on the [blank] bus.


what component is responsible for communication among the various internal CPU components?

internal bus

a signer integer stores the sign in the...

most significant bit (MSB)

which of the following best describes the relationship from assembly language instructions to machine language instructions

nearly one to one

what storage unit is the closest/fastest on the chip?


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