Module 10 Quiz

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C. perceptual distortions

A primary effect of sleep deprivations in humans is A. psychosis B. overeating and weight gain C. perceptual distortions D. secretion of stress hormones E. depression

C. increase the amount of time spent that night in slow-wave sleep

A full day of physical exercise would be expected to A. produce insomnia B. reduce the amplitude of delta activity in the frontal lobes C. increase the amount of time spent that night in slow-wave sleep D. increase the need for REM sleep E. increase the amount of time spent dreaming

E. an episode of cataplexy

A person who exhibits sudden paralysis while remaining conscious may be suffering from A. REM without atonia B. somnambulism C. a sleep attack D. situational insomnia E. an episode of cataplexy

A. in either stage 3 or 4 of slow-wave sleep

A person whose brain waves contain high-amplitude delta waves is most likely A. in either stage 3 or 4 of slow-wave sleep B. in stage 1 of slow-wave sleep C. dreaming D. in stage 2 of slow-wave sleep E. awake

C. inhibition of neurons that normally inhibit the vIPOA

Activation of adenosine receptors may increase sleep by A. excitation of hypocretin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus B. inhibition of the ventrolateral preoptic area C. inhibition of neurons that normally inhibit the vIPOA D. activation of histamine neurons E. inactivation of serotonin neurons

A. alternating delta and beta EEG activities

All of the following are characteristics of REM sleep EXCEPT A. alternating delta and beta EEG activities B. loss of muscle tonus C. presence of beta wave EEG activity D. occasional twitching E. rapid eye movements

B. hypnagogic hallucinations

An example of _________ is a person who dreams while laying awake, but is temporarily paralyzed. A. somnambulism B. hypnagogic hallucinations C. cataplexy D. night terrors E. a daydream

C. lateral preoptic area

Damage to the __________ suppresses penile erections during REM sleep A. central nucleus of the amygdala B. nucleus accumbens C. lateral preoptic area D. hippocampus E. lateral hypothalamus

D. in relation to a person's particular need for sleep

Insomnia is defined A. as a problem in rapidly reaching REM sleep B. as the inability to fall asleep within one hour of going to bed C. as awakening 4 or more times during the night D. in relation to a person's particular need for sleep E. as a relative lack of slow-wave sleep compared to REM sleep

C. sleepwalking

Narcolepsy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A. awaking refreshed from a sleep attack B. sleep attacks C. sleepwalking D. hypnagogic hallucinations E. sleep paralysis

C. narcoleptics generally enter REM sleep directly from the waking state

Narcolepsy is considered to be a neurological disorder in that A. narcoleptics are prone to develop mania B. narcoleptics show no problems in staying asleep C. narcoleptics generally enter REM sleep directly from the waking state D. slow-wave sleep intrudes into the awake state in narcoleptics

A. REM-OFF area; wakefulness

Secretion of orexin within the __________ produces ____________. A. REM-OFF area; wakefulness B. REM-ON area; a loss of slow-wave sleep C. preoptic area; wakefulness D. REM-OFF area; cataplexy E. preoptic area; wakefulness

D. acetylcholine antagonists

Signs of cortical arousal in the EEG are reduced by A. dopamine agonists B. GABA agonists C. serotonergic drugs D. acetylcholine antagonists E. adenosine

B. non-REM sleep; slow-wave sleep

Sleep stages 1-4 are termed ___________, whereas stages 3-4 are referred to as ___________. A. REM sleep; non-REM sleep B. non-REM sleep; slow-wave sleep C. slow-wave sleep; non-REM sleep D. paradoxical sleep; REM sleep E. arrhythmic sleep; paradoxical sleep

C. sleepwalking

Somnambulism is synonymous with A. sleep attack B. dreaming while awake C. sleepwalking D. cataplexy E. night terrors

A. feedback loops of intracellular protein production

The "ticking" of a clock cell within the SCN appears to involve A. feedback loops of intracellular protein production B. the rhythmic opening of sodium channels in the membrane C. interactions between two adjacent clock cells D. the rhythmic opening of calcium channels in the membrane E. the buildup of sodium in the clock cell over time

E. theta; 3.5-7.5 Hz

The _________ brain wave pattern has a characteristic frequency of __________. A. sleep spindle; 1-3 Hz B. theta; 12-14 Hz C. alpha; 13-30 Hz D. sleep spindle; less than 3.5 Hz E. theta; 3.5-7.5 Hz

A. beta

The ____________ pattern of EEG activity is characterized by irregular, high-frequency (13-30 Hz), low-amplitude waves. A. beta B. delta C. theta D. sleep spindle E. alpha

D. rest the brain

The high level of delta waves in normally active brain areas suggests that the primary function of stage 4 of slow-wave sleep is to A. inhibit motor movements during dreaming B. facilitate memory C. promote beta-wave activity in the forebrain D. rest the brain E. redirect blood flow to the genitals

C. adenosine; slow-wave sleep

The metabolism of glycogen increases the brain levels of ___________, which in turn, promotes ___________. A. GABA; slow-wave sleep B. GABA; REM sleep C. adenosine; slow-wave sleep D. a benzodiazepine ligand; slow-wave sleep E. adenosine; wakefulness

B. unlikely, given that the cerebral hemisphere of a dolphin sleep at different times

The notion that sleep or wakefulness is regulated by a substance that circulates within the blood is A. proven by the observation that naps reduce sleep time the following night B. unlikely, given that the cerebral hemisphere of a dolphin sleep at different times C. REM and slow-wave sleep appear to involve independent mechanisms D. proven by studies of the dolphin sleep cycle E. proven by studies in which blood transfusion from a tired person to a rested person results in sleep in the recipient

E. night terrors

The phrase "pavor nocturnus" is synonymous with A. cataplexy B. dreaming while awake C. sleepwalking D. sleep attack E. night terrors

D. the ability of a person to move during REM sleep

The primary symptom of REM-sleep behavior disorder is (are) A. attacks of cataplexy B. a depressed mood upon awakening C. motor movements during slow-wave sleep D. the ability of a person to move during REM sleep E. loss of dreams during REM sleep

D. sleeping at inappropriate times

The primary symptom of narcolepsy is A. recurring nightmares B. abnormal slow-wave sleep C. dreaming while awake D. sleeping at inappropriate times E. sleep paralysis

D. secretion of as yet unidentified chemicals

The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls circadian rhythms via A. indirect neural connections with the hippocampus B. release of hormones from the pituitary C. activation of the ganglion cells of the retina D. secretion of as yet unidentified chemicals E. pathways routed through the paraventricular hypothalamus

C. narcolepsy involves the intrusion of REM sleep components resulting in narcolepsy

Which of the following is true of human narcolepsy? A. narcolepsy is a non-genetic disorder B. an autoimmune disease damages ghrelin neurons resulting in narcolepsy C. narcolepsy involves the intrusion of REM sleep components resulting in narcolepsy D. narcolepsy is a stress disorder E. narcolepsy is a disorder of childhood

D. melanopsin is found within ganglion cells

Which of the following is true of melanopsin? A. melanopsin in rods is a cue that resets SCN clock cells B. melanopsin is found within cones but not rods C. melanopsin activity is suppressed by light D. melanopsin is found within ganglion cells E. melanopsin is found within the rods but not cones

A. REM sleep patterns are similar in all species

Which statement about sleep is false? A. REM sleep patterns are similar in all species B. sleep is a useful behavior C. everyone dreams D. all vertebrates show sleep E. mammals and birds show signs of REM sleep

A. light; zeitgeber

_________ is an example of _________. A. light; zeitgeber B. colder night temperature; pacemaker C. melatonin; pacing stimulus D. warmer day temperature; zeitgeber E. light; chronopulse

C. cataplexy

__________ is (are) considered to be an abnormality of REM sleep. A. sleep apnea B. somnambulism C. cataplexy D. night terrors E. insomnia

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