Module 13: Mixed Design ANOVA

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Mixed Design: Has two separate things:

* 1 or more independent variable uses the same participants * 1 or more Independent variable uses different participants Sometime it is called "Mixed - Plot Design"

When type of design includes an ANOVA where one factor is repeated and the other is not ?

A - Mixed design B- Factorial C- simple D- Complex Correct Answer A

A study investigates whether there are personality differences between students taking different courses at a university. Every student in psychology, math, and drama courses fills in a personality test with five dimensions. Which of the following is true?

A - Personality dimension is an independent measures factor and course is a repeated factor. B - Both personality dimension and course are repeated-measures. C - Both personality dimension and course are independent measures. D -Personality dimension is a repeated-measures factor and course is an independent measures factor. Correct Answer: D

8 - A mixed factorial design:

A - Uses both categorical and continuous variables. B - Needs a non-parametric test. C- Is one in which both men and women take part. D- Has at least one between subjects variable and one within subjects variable. Correct Answer: D

1 - Field and Lawson (2003) reported the effects of giving children aged 7-9 years positive, negative or no information about novel animals (Australian marsupials). This variable was called 'Infotype'. Each child received all three types of information about different animals. The gender of the child was also examined. The outcome was the time taken for the children to put their hand in a box in which they believed either the positive, negative, or no information animal was housed. Which of the following is the most appropriate method to analyse their data?

A -One-way independent ANOVA B. One-way repeated-measures ANOVA C. Two-way mixed ANOVA D. Two-way independent ANOVA Correct Answer: C

3 - A researcher tested 40 adults. Each adult had to rate their mood after listening to a tape of people being sick, and then again after a tape of people laughing. What experimental design has been used?

A matched design B.A repeated-measures design C.A mixed design D.A between-subjects design Correct answer: B

ANOVA for Mixed Factorial Designs

A mixed factorial design involves two or more independent variables, of which at least one is a within-subjects (repeated measures) factor and at least one is a between-groups factor. In the simplest case, there will be one between-groups factor and one within-subjects factor. The between-groups factor would need to be coded in a single column as with the independent-samples t test or the one-way ANOVA, while the repeated measures variable would comprise as many columns as there are measures as in the paired-samples t test or the repeated-measures ANOVA.

7 - Which of the following is a mixed design?

A- An investigation of the effect of sex of participant on age of attaining a degree B - An investigation of the effect of the sex of the participant on driving simulator errors before and after drinking alcohol C- An investigation of the effect sex of participant on driving simulator errors with and without training D -An investigation of the effect of sex of participant on choice of degree topic Correct Answer: B

2 - A researcher tested 40 children aged 6 years. Each child engaged in a task where they had to use two dolls (one representing themselves and one representing a teacher) and they had to enact a time when their teacher had been angry with them. All children were videotaped and 20 children were told that their teacher would see the tape and 20 were not. What experimental design has been used?

A. A repeated-measures design B. A matched design C. A mixed design D. A between-subjects design Correct Answer: D Between-subject design: another name for independent design. Between-group design: another name for independent design.

5- Which of the following assumptions are relevant in mixed ANOVA designs ?

A. Homogeneity of regression slopes B. Sphericity only C. Homogeneity of variance and sphericity D. Multicollinearity Correct answer: C

4 - A researcher tested 40 adults. Each adult had to rate their mood after listening to a tape of people being sick, and then again after a tape of people laughing. Half of the participants were asked to visualize the people that they could hear on the tape, whereas the other half just listened. What experimental design has been used?

A. mixed design B. A repeated-measures design C. A matched design D. A between-subjects design Correct Answer: A

Mixed design

An experimental design incorporating two or more predictors (or independent variables) at least one of which has been manipulated using different participants (or whatever entities are being tested) and at least one of which has been manipulated using the same participants (or entities). Also known as a split-plot design because Fisher developed ANOVA for analysing agricultural data involving 'plots' of land containing crops.


analysis of variance used for a mixed design.

6- A mixed design ANOVA is really the combination of two previously studied ANOVAs. The first is the traditional ANOVA and the second is the ________________ ANOVA (use two words).

repeated meseasures

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