Module 2

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Intelligence Service

- An intelligence service is defined as assistance provided to another entity during the performance of ISR support, including: 1) The actual action of delivering or conveying intelligence to a user (e.g., presenting a briefing, tipping and cuing, collaboration, threat modeling, etc.) 2) The process of enabling an ISR mission (e.g., exercise planning, skill knowledge training, security clearance indoctrination, etc.).

COM versus CRM

- CRM, which determines what intelligence systems must collect, and collection operations management (COM), which specifies how to satisfy those requirements. CRM focuses on the requirements of the customer, is multidiscipline oriented, and advocates what information is necessary for collection.

Aspects of the Operational Environment (OE)

- The adversary and other actors - The physical domains - The information environment - Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and infrastructure (PMESII) systems and subsystems

Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

- executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces - conducts and synchronizes worldwide multi-discipline and all source intelligence and security operations - delivers linguist support and intelligence-related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications, and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, and Coalition Commands and the U.S. Intelligence Community

Twenty-Fifth Air Force (25 AF)

- multisource intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) - cyber and geospatial forces and expertise - Service Cryptologic Component responsible to the National Security Agency/Central Security Service - electronic warfare airborne national command and control (C2) - nuclear operations, and some aspects of nuclear C2

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

- provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planner in the Department of Defense and the intelligence community in support of U.S. military planning and operations, and weapon systems and acquisition.

Dept. of State (DOS) Bureau of Intelligence & Research's (INR)

-harness intel to serve U.S. diplomacy - supports foreign policy & national security purposes -they direct the intel analysis and research, liases with the IC, and represents teh DOS on committees and in interagency intel groups

What are the Steps of the JIPOE process?

1. Define the operational environment 2. Describe the impact of the operational environment 3.Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors 4. Determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of action

What four main components is the NIS broken out into?

1. The Strategic Environment Section 2. The Mission Objective Section 3. The Enterprise Objective Section 4. The Implementing the Strategy Section

What are the five Strategic Vectors the SMP focuses on?

1.Provide effective 21st-century deterrence 2.Maintain a robust and flexible global intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability 3.ensure a full spectrum capable, high-end focused force 4.Pursue a multi domain approach to out five core missions 5. continue the pursuit of game-changing technology

The SMP gives a plan/direction of how the U.S. Force will operate over the next_____years


How many steps are in the Joint Targeting Cycle (JTC)?


Commander's Critical Information Requirement (CCIR)

A limited number of information requirements that enable the staff to focus limited resources on those aspects of the operation the commander is interested in closely monitoring and upon which a decision may be based. Consist of Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) and friendly force information requirements (FFIRs).

The ______ dictates how the USAF will conduct ISR in order to accomplish both individual AF mission and support the Joint environment


Request for Information (RFI) and Analysis/Production Process

AFI 14-134 establishes and details the AF RFI and analysis/production process. The RFI and analysis/production process is the construct through which AF intelligence entities address customer requirements, share analytic findings, tap into analysis expertise across the IC, and collaborate on production. It is the mechanism that enables the Air Force Intelligence Analysis Enterprise (AFIAE) to Appendix C - Module 2 Baseline Course Content 75 achieve decision advantage. RFIs are integral in answering intelligence gaps found in PIRs and EEIs.

Acquisition Intelligence Production

Acquisition intelligence analysts support acquisition programs and initiatives by helping to identify and document intelligent dependencies (such as Intelligence Mission Data [IMD], modeling and simulation, etc.) that provide critical input to intelligence production efforts and the development of product/service requirements.


Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst


Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operator


All Source Intelligence Analyst

Collection Manager (CM)

An individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking of organic collection resources and the development of requirements for theater and national assets that could satisfy specific information needs in support of the mission

Intelligence Product

An intelligence product is defined as tangible information in written, visual, digital, and/or verbal form that: 1) Conveys information of intelligence value (e.g., written assessment, threat map, targeting materials, database, etc.); 2) Facilitates the accomplishment of an intelligence mission (e.g., assessment checklists, training folders, etc.).

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs)

An intelligence requirement that the commander and staff need to understand the threat and other aspects of the operational environment.

Step 4 of PCPAD

Analysis and Production


Analysis and Production Analyst

Collection Agency

Any individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them.

Request for Information (RFI)

Asks for information that is unavailable or represents an intelligence collection gap. This request is sent up the Collection Management chain to RFI managers that will determine the best solution to support the request.

Step 6 of JTC


National Defense Authorization Act

Authorizes appropriations for each fiscal year for military actives of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Based on publicly available data

A4 responsibilities

Build strategy, write best policy, advocate for resources, develop our work forces

______/_____ develop concepts for their forces that are intended to meet the strategic direction


Who delivers the NMS to the SECDEF to govern U.S. Military?


What are the two main types of plans?

Campaign Plans and Contingency Plans

Step 3 of JTC

Capabilities Analysis

Step 2 of PCPAD


Joint Planning

Combatant Commanders are charged with turning that guidance into executable actions

Step 4 of JTC

Commanders Decision/Force Assignment


Communication Signals Intelligence Analyst


Conducts global operations in partnership with other combatant commands, services and U.S. government agencies to deter and detect strategic attacks against the united states. USSTRATCOM is responsible for command of U.S. nuclear capabilities, space operations, global surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence, communications, computers, global missile defense and combating weapons of mass destruction.


Cryptologic Language Analyst

The _____ to all members and organizations of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC)


Air Force Material Command (AFMC)

Deliver and support agile war-winning capabilities AFMC delivers war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all air force weapon systems

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

Deliver rapid and precise air, space and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the united states, its territories and our allies and partners; provide integrated air and missile warning and defense; promote interoperabilitiy throughout the Pacific area of responsibility; maintain strategic access and freedom of movement across all domains; and posture to respond across the full spectrum of military contingencies in order to restore regional security


Deterrence & Nuclear Integration


Digital Network Intelligence Analyst

The ______to all members and organizations of the US intelligence community (IC) for the NIPF

Director of National Security (DNI)

Step 5 of PCPAD

Dissemination and Integration


Electronic Signals Intelligence Exploitation Analyst

Step 1 of JTC

End State/Commanders Objectives


Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)


Human Intelligence Specialist


In intelligence usage, the acquisition of information and the provision of this information to processing elements.

Essential Elements of Information (EEIs)

Information requirements that are also critical or that would answer PIRs are known as EEIs. EEIs may require answering numerous specific questions regarding the collected area/target, such as threat OB, operational status and readiness of troops and equipment, or identification of unique signature information as well as human factor analysis and information operations intelligence integrations (IOII).

Key Intelligence Questions

Intelligence analysis and production are driven by leading questions or requirements for intelligence to fill a gap in knowledge or understanding of the environment, adversary capabilities, centers of gravity, or intentions.

Intelligence Production

Intelligence production is the development, tailoring, and presentation of intelligence knowledge via products and/or services that meet or address customer requirements.


Intelligence, Surveillance, & reconnaissance

How does the NIPF impact ISR Airmen?

It directs the IC on who is in charge and how the IC needs to operate in order to meet the customer needs and maintain security

National Intelligence Strategy

It supports NSS, the NIS provides the IC with the mission direction of the DNI for the next to four to five years.


Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection


Manpower, Personnel & Services

Step 5 of JTC

Mission Planning/Force Execution

The ____ is the primary source for establishing, disestablishing, managing and communicating national intelligence priorities


The _____ sets the overall picture for the IC as a whole to include mission, vision, mission objectives, and enterprise objectives


The _____ is jointly signed by the SECDEF and Director of National Security to all users of Space assets


The _____ is a U.S. Law that governs defense budget/spending

National Defense Authorization Act


Numbered/Named Air Force is a command echelon that resides directly under a MAJCOM

Tactical Level of Warfare

OE is focused on adversary land, air, maritime, space, and other forces


OPLAN in an abbreviated format



Step 1 of PCPAD

Planning and Direction

The operational chain of command runs from the _________, to the _________, to the _________

President, Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), Combatant Commander (CCDR)

US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

Primarily responsible for civil support and homeland security and also oversees the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). It has few permanent forces and is instead assigned forces by the Secretary of Defense or the President whenever required for the execution of its missions

The DNI acts as the _______ to the president, the national security council, and the homeland security council for intelligence matters related to national security

Principal adviser

Step 3 of PCPAD

Processing and Exploitation

Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

Provide our Nation's specialized airpower, capable across the spectrum of conflict

Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)

Provide strategic deterrence, global strike and combat support

National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)

Published annually and reviewed quarterly, the NIPF is the primary mechanism to establish, manage, and communicate national intelligence priorities.

Air Education and Training Command (AETC)

Recruit, train, and educate Airman to deliver airpower for America

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs)

Requirements deemed most important to mission accomplishment are identified as priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) and must be satisfied for a commander and staff to conduct the JIPOE process and successfully plan and conduct a mission. PIRs are general statements of intelligence need, such as, "What terrorist groups are active within the area of interest?" PIRs provide the framework for prioritization of all Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (GIISR) operations within a CCMD.

The AF FOC and the ____ are complementary documents



Scientific Applications Specialist

Who submits the National Defense Strategy?

Secretary of Defense


Strategic Plans, Programs, & Requirements


Studies, Analyses, Assessments, & Lessons Learned

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)

Subordinate joint force tactical units develop collection requirements in support of current and future operations and commander's priorities and objectives and send those requirements to the subordinate joint force J-2 for validation and tasking to tactical collection assets

Step 2 of JTC

Target Development and Prioritization


Targeting Analyst

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

The CIA assists the DCIS in carrying out the following responsibilities: - collecting intelligence through human sources and by other means - Correlating and evaluating intelligence related to national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intelligence - Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside of the U.S

Programs of Analysis (POAs)

The DNI has directed each IC organization to annually publish a PoA to provide comprehensive intelligence analysis and production focus for their organization. Collectively, the IC PoAs offer a framework for collaboration with customers, stakeholders, and IC partners.

How does the NDS impact ISR Airman?

The NDS drives the U.S.'s overall plan to defend itself, it is the foundation for all other defense plans and documents to include NMS

How does the National Defense Authorization Act impact ISR Airmen?

This directly funds everything from USAF manning, to programs, to systems for the current fiscal year and sets the overall plan for future spending

How will the AF FOC impact ISR Airmen?

This document, along with the SMP, drives how AF ISR will need to operate and give strategic goals for AF ISR to be able to achieve that will directly impact how all ISR Airmen will need to train and fight over the next 20 years


This is the Intelligence Process that describes how the various types of intelligence operations interact to meet the commander's intelligence needs (see Figure 8). The PCPAD model facilitates an understanding of the wide variety of intelligence operations and their interrelationships.

National Security Space Policy (NSSP)

This outlines the environment objectives, approaches and challenges in the space domain with a specific focus on National Security

________ and _______ for all defense programs and personnel for National Defense Authorization Act

U.S. Congress and President

The AFDD 2-0, GIISR (CSAF to _____ ISR)


A3 responsabilities

USAF's operations lead; enabling Airmen to fly, fight and win in air, space, and cyberspace

What are four Functional Combatant Commands


US Central Command (USCENTCOM)

United States Central Command utilizes national and international partnerships to build cooperation among nations, respond to crisis, deter and defeat threats and support development that ultimately increases stability in the region

Collection Management Authority (CMA)

Within the DoD, CMA constitutes the authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theater collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop theater-wide collection policies. CMA ensures unity of collection effort, effectively employs synchronized collection to support combat operations, and assesses the collection process.

Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT)

Works in concert with coalition, joint, and inter agency partners. delivers decisive air, space, and cyberspace capabilities for United States Central Command, ally nations, and america

US European Command (USEUCOM)

Works with NATO and other partner nations to address the security and defense needs of nations in Europe and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia. Coordinates with these nations to find cooperative solutions in peace and wartime alike,to plan training missions, provide humanitarian assistance and to develop strategies for promoting peace and stability in the region

Unified Combatant Command (CCMD)

a command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander.

Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE)

a continuous process that intelligence professionals use to manage the analysis and development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries, and other relevant entities

What does the SMP consist of?

a core narrative, goals, objectives, and four annexes: the Human Capital Annex (HCA), Strategic Posture Annex (SPA), Capabilities Annex (CA), and the Science and Technology Annex (STA)

Strategic Direction Identifies.....

a desired military objective or end state; national-level planning assumptions; and national-level constraints, limitations, and restrictions

The Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)

acts as the collection management authority on behalf of the J-2 and exercises collection requirements for certain assets and all national resources

National Security Strategy (NSS)

addresses tasks that are necessary to provide enduring security for the American people. It provides a broad strategic context for employing military capabilities in concert with other instruments of national power (Ends)

Dept. of Treasury Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA)

advances national security and protects financial integrity by informing Treasury decisions with timely, relevant, and accurate intel and analysis.

Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force to____

all U.S. Air Force Personnel

The Chief Staff of the Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force gives the SMP to.....

all U.S. Air Force Personnel (Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, Civilians)

Operational Level of Warfare

analysis of the operational environment that includes considerations such as sociocultural factors, the location of adversary political and economic support structures ETC......

What is the JIPOE process used for?

analyzing adversary capabilities and COGs, identify potential adversary courses-of-action (COAs), and assess the most likely and most dangerous adversary COAs

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

collects analyzes, and produces relevant maritime intel and disseminates it rapidly to key strategic, operational, and tactical decision-makers to meet Navy, DoD, and national requirements

What does the DOD provide

combat-credible military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation


complete and detailed plan containing: - full description of CONOPS - all applicable annexes to the plan including: - TPFDL - TPFDD

Joint Staff (JS)

composed of personnel from each of the five armed services that assists CJCS and the Vice-CJCS in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS). Broken into a J1-J7 format

Base Plan (BPLAN)

concept of operations, major forces, concepts of support, anticipated timelines for completing the mission

Coast Guard Intelligence

conducts intelligence activites to provide timely, objective, relevant, and actionable maritime intelligence to drive operations, enable mission support, and inform decision-making for coast guard and homeland security missions and national security requirements

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

delivers world-class geospatial intel (GEOINT) that provides a decisive advantage to policymakers, warfighters, intel professionals, and first responders

Technical Intelligence (TECHINT)

derived from the exploitation of foreign material and scientific information

How does the NMS impact ISR Airmen?

determines why the U.S. Military will conduct operations, which drives intelligence support requirements to all operations at all levels

Designated Campaign Plans

direct the activities the command will do to shape the OE and prepare for, mitigate, or deter crises on a daily basis

US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)

encompasses 31 nations in Latin America south of Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean Sea. Works to increase the security of the united states by engaging its partners to enhance the peacekeeping abilities of the region, to promote human rights, to deter illegal activities associated with illicit trafficking and to conduct multinational military exercises designed to strengthen partnerships while developing collective capabilities

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

equips the homeland security enterprise with the timely intel and information is needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient

Strategic Level of Warfare

establish national and multinational military objectives will concentrate on civil-military relations; national ideology, will, and morale

How often is the core SMP updated?

every two years, but may be revised annually as required

United States Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA)

executes the Air Force, USEUCOM, and USAFRICOM missions with forward-based Airpower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)

functions within the chain of command by transmitting to the commanders of the unified combatant commands the orders of the president or the SECDEF

The National Defense Authorization Act ______ and ultimately ______ the U.S. defense agencies to accomplish their mission and plan for the future

funds, enables

Unified Commands are Organized on a ________ or _________ basis

geographical, functional

Campaign Plans (TCPs) (FCPs)

implement the military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the CCMDs will conduct on a daily basis

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining americas intelligence satellites

Why does the NIPF exist?

in order to ensure that the U.S. IC as a whole is meeting the requirements of the U.S. people, U.S. government, and our allies. Additionally the NIPF established specific roles and responsibilities for the overarching leadership of the IC

Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

information collected and provided by human sources

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

intel-driven and threat-focused national security organization with both intel and low enforcement responsibilities

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

intelligence produced by exploiting foreign communications systems and communications emmiters

USAF Strategic Master Plan (SMP)

it translates the United States Air Force's 30 year strategy, America's Air Force: A Call to the Future, into comprehensive guidance, goals, and objectives.

A9 responsibilities

leading, carrying out, reviewing, and ensuring the analytic integrity of studies and analyses, assessments, and the lessons learned program of the Department of the Air Force across air, space, and cyberspace domains

A5/8 responsibilities

leads the Air Force's strategic planning and programming effort to develop and sustain unmatched capabilities through air, space, and cyberspace

National Security Agency (NSA)

leads the US in cryptology that encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services, and enables computer network operations in order to gain a decision advantage for nation and our allies under all circumstances

commanders estimate

least amount of detail

A1 Responsibilities

managing personnel programs and carrying out policies affecting Air Force active-duty and civilian members


mission is to direct, synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interests in collaboration with domestic and international partners

Collection Operations Management (COM)

organizes, directs, and monitors the equipment and personnel that collect the data to satisfy requirements. COM personnel develop collection plans against requirements in cooperation with CRM personnel, predict how well a system can satisfy requirements, monitor and report the operational status of technical collection systems, allocate and task technical collection assets and processing and/or exploitation systems or HUMINT collection assets with the capability to collect, and evaluate the performance of the collection systems or platforms.

National Defense Strategy (NDS)

outlines DOD's approach to implementing the president's NSS. Establishes a set of over arching defense objectives that guide DOD's security activities and provide direction for the NMS (Ways)

US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)

oversees an area of responsibility stretching from the waters of the United States west coast to the western border of india, and from Antarctica to the North Pole. It works with its partners to promote the development of the region while cooperating to enhance security, deter aggression, respond with force when necessary and to provide humanitarian assistance

Air Staff

patterned on the JS structure to improve communication with other DoD organizations

Contingency Plans

planned for potential threats, catastrophic events, and contingent missions without a crisis-at-hand

National Intelligence Priority Framework (NIPF)

promulgates (wtf?) policy and establishes responsibilities for setting the national intelligence priorities and translating them into action

Air Mobility Command (AMC)

provide air mobility, Right Effects, Right Place, Right Time

Air Force Space Command (AFSC)

provide resilient, defendable and affordable space capabilities for the Air Force, Joint Force and the Nation

Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)

provides combat ready forces to fly, fight and win

Marine Corps Intelligence

provides commanders seamless, tailored, timely, & mission-essential intel and to ensure this intel is integrated into the operational planning process

A10 responsibilities

provides guidance, advocacy, and oversight of the Air Force Nuclear enterprise and countering weapons of mass destruction mission to ensure Airmen have the necessary capabilities to defend our nation

NAF Responsibilities

provides operational leadership, supervision, and prepare forces for deployment and employment


provides the Department of Defense with an aggregate of transportation capabilities and assets. Together with commercial partnerships, USTRANSCOM enables a diverse array of joint mobility missions.

Department of Energy (DOE)

responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence throughout the DOE complex, as well as protecting vital national security information and technologies

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

responsible for enforcing the controlled substance laws and regulations of the U.S. DEA's Intel Program helps initiate new investigations of major drug stuff

A2 responsibilities

responsible for functional management of all air force global integrated ISR capabilities, including oversight of planning, programming, and budgeting; developing and implementing the Air Force policies and guidance for managing air force global integrated ISR activities; professional development, training education, readiness, and deployment

US Africa Command

responsible for military relations with African nations, the African Union and African regional security organizations . It protects and defends the interests of the United States by strengthening the defense capabilities of African nations and, in cooperation with African governments, conducts military missions that increase security while deterring and defeating a variety of transnational threats


responsible for planning and conducting special operations. It offers direct action in the form of short duration strikes and small-scale offensives, special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, civil affairs operations, counterterrorism, psychological operations, information operations, counter-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, security force assistance, counterinsurgency operations and any specific activities directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense.

Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT)

scientific and technical intelligence obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCIA)

serves as the head of the CIA and reports to the DNI

Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

serves as the head of the US Intelligence Community, oversees the NIP

Each CCMD is composed of....

significant assigned components of two or more Military Departments

Counterintelligence (CI)

similar in collecting information as HUMINT acts upon information for both offensive and defensive purposes by coordinating with other intelligence disciplines, law enforcement, and security elements

What are the 3 levels of warfare?

strategic, operational, and tactical-model

Air Combat Command (ACC)

supports global implementation of national security strategy ACC operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. Provides command, control, communications and intelligence systems, and conducts global information operations

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

supports the DNI's role as head of the IC and manager of the NIP

National Military Strategy (NMS)

supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS (Means)

How many MAJCOMs are there?


Air Force Future Operating Concept (AF FOC)

the Air Force's overarching force development concept. It describes how future Air Force (AF) forces will provide responsive and effective Global Vigilance-Global Reach-Global Power in light of the anticipated future strategic and operational environment.

Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-0, Globally Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations (GIISR)

the air force's keystone doctrinal publication on GIISR and defines how the service plans and conducts these operations to enable Joint Operations


the deliberate process of balancing ways, means, and risk to achieve directed objectives and attain desired end states by synchronizing and integrating the employment of the joint force

What need does the NMS address?

the need to counter revisionist states that are challenging international norms as well as violent extremist organizations (VEOs)

Operational Planning

translates the commander's concepts into executable activities, operations, and campaigns, within resource, policy, and national limitations to achieve objectives

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

unique intelligence discipline that integrates imagery, IMINT, and geospatial information

How does the NIS impact ISR Airmen?

will detail how the USAF will meet objectives set in the National Defense Strategy

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