Module 3

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When an electron in a pigment molecule is absorbed by a photon, it ____.

) emits its extra energy and returns to its original energy level

The activation energy could be defined as

) the energy input needed to start the reaction

thermodynamics is the study of


A chemical reaction which releases more energy than it consumes, the break down of ATP to ADP for instance, is called

1) an exergonic (=exothermic) reaction

A chemical reaction which releases more energy than it consumes, the break down of ATP to ADP for instance, is called Question options:

1) an exergonic (=exothermic) reaction

Allosteric enzymes ____.

1) have regions that bind with inhibitor or activator molecules

The electron transfer chain is located ____.

1) on the inner membrane of the mitochondria

Which of the following is true for endergonic reactions?

1) the input of energy is required

For each glucose molecule broken down in anaerobic respiration, how may ATPs are produced?


Which of the following are the final product of glycolysis?

2 molecules of pyruvate

What is a key characteristic of enzyme behavior?

2) The active site of an enzyme orients its substrate molecules, thereby promoting interaction of their reactive parts.

When molecules are broken apart in respiration, ____. Question options:

3) the energy released is channeled into molecules of ATP

All of the following statements are corollaries of the Second Law of Thermodynamics except Question options: 1) Heat energy represents lost energy to most systems. 2) Systems tend to rearrange themselves to accommodate an increase in entropy. 3) Highly organized systems require energy for their maintenance. 4) The total amount of free energy in the universe is constant.


Which statement below characterizes metabolic pathways?

4) They are enzyme-mediated sequences of reactions.

The activation energy of a reaction refers to the minimum amount of energy ____.

4) necessary to cause a reaction to proceed on its own

With regard to photosynthesis, photorespiration ____. 1) is more efficient in producing carbohydrates 2) predominates in C3 plants in cool weather when water is plentiful 3) predominates in C4 plants on hot days 4) produces the same amount of PGA 5) is less efficient in producing carbohydrates

5) is less efficient in producing carbohydrates

CO2 and H2O will not form glucose on their own because ____.

5) the bonds of CO2 and H2O are too stable to be broken without an input of energy

fluid mosaic model

A composition of phospholipids, proteins, sterols, and glycolipids

second law

A cup of hot coffee cooling over time

first law

A hydroelectric plant at a waterfall, producing electricity

The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce


created, destroyed

According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can neither be ________ nor ________ .


Aerobic respiration ________ organic compounds to form ATP.


All natural processes proceed with an increase in ________ of the universe.

first law

Apple trees absorbing energy from the sun and storing the energy in the chemical bonds of starch and sugar


As the first step in glycolysis, two _____-carbon molecules are produced.

receptor proteins

Bind extracellular substances that trigger changes in the cell's activity

What is the source of carbon for the dark reactions?


Bread rises from the _____ produced during alcohol fermentation.


What is the source of carbon for the dark reactions?



Calories are units to measure


Cells regulate ________ activity in order to control how much substrate is used and how much reaction product is made during metabolism.

second law

Earth's sun continuously losing energy to its surroundings


Endergonic and exergonic reactions are frequently _______ in cells.


For each glucose molecule broken down in anaerobic respiration, how may ATPs are produced?


Glycolysis depends upon a continuous supply of NAD+ and ____.

adhesion proteins

Help cells of the same type stick together


How many ATP are spent before a glucose molecule can be broken down to release energy?


How many NADH molecules are formed during glycolysis?

ADP and Pi

Hydrogen ions flowing through the ATP synthases provide energy to combine


If the pH of the environment is above the enzyme's optimal value, the rate of the enzymatic reaction will be


In addition to ATP, the final stage of aerobic respiration also produces ________ .

b. ​the molecule that accepts electrons is reduced

In oxidation-reduction reactions, ____.​


In the science of thermodynamics, the property of randomness is also referred to as


Kinetic energy is the energy of


Lactate fermentation transfers the electrons and hydrogen ions carried by NADH directly to ____.

photosystem II

Light energy is absorbed by which structure within the thylakoid membrane

chemical transformations

Metabolism is all of the _________ in living organisms.


Most enzymes act as ________ because they lower the energy of activation of a chemical reaction.

Most eukaryotes make ATP by aerobic respiration which breaks down organic molecules such as carbohydrates. aerobic respiration begins with gylcolysis , a reaction that converts one molecule of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate . Aerobic respiration ends in the mitochondria and yields about 36 molecules of ATP per two . An alternate pathway, fermentation , is common in microorganism and does not require oxygen . It also begins with glycolysis but produces only two molecules of ATP.

Most eukaryotes make ATP by aerobic respiration which breaks down organic molecules such as carbohydrates. aerobic respiration begins with gylcolysis , a reaction that converts one molecule of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate . Aerobic respiration ends in the mitochondria and yields about 36 molecules of ATP per two . An alternate pathway, fermentation , is common in microorganism and does not require oxygen . It also begins with glycolysis but produces only two molecules of ATP.

The compound(s) which donate electrons to the electron transport system are


the sun

Nearly all life on Earth obtains its energy from

Your muscles get sore during a workout because

O2 becomes depleted and you produce lactate

The first stable compound produced from CO2 in the light-independent reaction is ____.


Lactate fermentation transfers the electrons and hydrogen ions carried by NADH directly to ____.


a substrate

Substrate-level phosphorylation transfers phosphate groups directly from ____ to ADP.

in the stroma

Sugars are formed in the chloroplasts ____.​


T OR F: Energy flows from photosynthesis to anaerobic respiration in a one-way direction.


The amount of low-quality energy in the universe is decreasing.


The best light to grow the alga in is ____, according to the figure.


The breakdown of ____ for energy production results in the formation of ammonia as a waste product.


The breakdown of ____ yields acetyl-CoA and carbon dioxide.


The final step of the Krebs cycle regenerates ____.


The first law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe is

first law

The glow of an incandescent bulb following the flow of electrons through a wire

Calvin-Benson, stroma, ATP, NADPH, rubisco, RuBP, PGA, ATP, NADPH, PGAL, glucose.

The light-independent reactions of the Calvin-Benson cycle build sugars in the stroma of chloroplasts. They run on _____ and _______ , molecules made in the light-dependent reactions. During carbon fixation, the enzyme rubisco is used to attach CO2 to a five-carbon molecule . The resulting unstable six-carbon molecule splits into two three-carbon molecules . A phosphate group from ATP and hydrogen and electrons from NADPH transform each molecule of PGA into a molecule of PGAL . Two carbon PGAL molecules combine to form larger carbohydrates .


The main steroid component of animal membranes


The molecule often called the energy currency of the cell is


The primary component of the cell membrane; consists of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions

What statement is an application of the first law of thermodynamics?

The quantity of energy does not increase or decrease in the universe.


The sum total of the chemical activity at the cellular level which enables an organism to meet its nutrient and energy demands is termed the organism's


There are _____ acetyl-CoA molecules are produced per glucose molecule.


What is NOT a product of the light-independent reactions?​


What is a required input for the light-independent reactions?


What is formed during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis?


What is present in both the light-dependent and light-independent reactions?

1, 3, 2

What is the correct operational sequence of the three processes listed below? I. glycolysis II. electron transport chain III. Krebs cycle

aerobic respiration

What process requires oxygen to function?


What type of energy is the energy in chemical bonds?​


When NADP+ and a hydrogen ion combine, which molecule is fromed?

the mitochondria

When pyruvic acid becomes broken down into CO2 and H20, this occurs within


Where does most of the energy that fuels life come from originally?


Where does the oxygen liberated by plants in photosynthesis come from?


Where in a cell does glycolysis occur?


Which chemical has five carbon atoms?


Which chemical has five carbon atoms?​


Which of the following are products of the light depednent reactions that are sent to the light independent reactions

2 molecules of pyruvate

Which of the following are the final product of glycolysis?


Which of the following are the products of the light-dependent reactions that are sent to the light-independent reactions?


Which of the following colors of light is absorbed most by the chlorophyll molecules?


Which of the following is not part of an ATP molecule?


Which of the following sets of reactions would you find in the cytoplasm of a cell?


Which plant(s) overcome the inefficiencies of photorespiration through a secondary carbon fixation process?

carbon fixation

________ is the process of converting inorganic carbon to an organic molecule.

energy is the

ability to do work

Phosphorylation is the _______ of a phosphate group to a molecule


What process requires oxygen to function?

aerobic respiration

NADP+ and a hydrogen ion

after passing through an electron transfer chain, the high-energy electrons are used to combine which of the following two molecules?

oxygen is not needed, so it diffuses out of the cell

after water is broken down, hydrogen ions remain in the chloroplast to be used in chemical reactions

Which of the following are able to enter cellular respiration to provide the cell energy? Question options: 1) carbohydrates 2) lipids 3) proteins 4) all of the above can enter the cellular respiration reactions

all of the above

Many enzyme regulators are molecules which can regulate enzyme activity by binding to a(n) ______ site and thereby altering the shape of the ________ site on the enzyme.

allsoteric, active

A chemical reaction which releases more energy than it consumes, the break down of ATP to ADP for instance, is called

an exergonic (=exothermic) reaction

The molecule often called the energy currency of the cell is


Allosteric inhibition generally results from ____.

binding of regulatory molecules at sites other than the active sites

The best light to grow the alga in is ____, according to the figure.


the most common unit used to measure the energy of biological systems is the


Which of the following are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide and water

According to the first law of thermodynamics, ____.

chemical reactions do not create or destroy energy

Leaves of plants appear green because their _____ green light.

chlorophylls reflect (or transmit)

One reason that metal ions and vitamins are needed by many organisms is that these substances are used as _______ in enzyme functioning.

cofactors and coenzymes

When a molecule binds to an enzyme's active site and inhibits the enzyme's activity, the situation is called

competitive inhibition

Question 11 2 / 2 points Endergonic and exergonic reactions are frequently _______ in cells.


The type of reaction depicted above could be _________ in your cells.

coupled with the reaction ATP -> ADP + energy

In the respiration rate experiment, which organism had the highest rate of respiration?


Where in a cell does glycolysis occur?


When a 'high energy' bond of ATP is broken, the released energy usually

drives an endergonic reaction

During the light reactions, _____ are pumped into the thylakoid's membranes.


the second law of thermodynamics states that

energy tends to flow from concentrated to less concentrated forms

The second law of thermodymanics states that the _________ of the universe is increasing.


Which of the following has the greatest amount of energy per gram?


Which of the following has the greatest amount of energy per gram? Question options:


The formation of lactate by muscle cells during ATP production is an example of a type of metabolism called


Yeasts carry out a form of anaerobic respiration known as alcoholic .


The C4 pathway ____.

fixes carbon twice

A "high-energy bond" in ATP ____.

forms as part of an endergonic reaction


frequently participates in coupled reactions

Reduction is the

gain of electrons

Glycolysis depends upon a continuous supply of NAD+ and ____.


The starting substance for glycolysis is


Which of the following has the greatest total energy?


Which of the following has the most energy?


Pyruvate is the end product of ____.


The metabolic process common to both aerobic and anaerobic respiration is


Allosteric enzymes ____.

have regions that bind with inhibitor or activator molecules

In 1985 a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, leaked methyl isocyanate (cyanide) into the atmosphere. More than 2000 people died within a few minutes. Research has shown that cyanide blocks one of the final reactions in the electron transport chain, stopping it. If you were an investigator working for a lawyer representing the victim's families, which of the following would you tell her would help to prove that cyanide killed these people?

high concentrations of lactic acid in the cells

the electron transfer chain

high-energy electrons that are ejected from photosystem II enter a series of reactions called

During chemiosmosis, _____ ions are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane to produce ATP.



hydrogen ions flow through structures in the thylakoid membrane called ATP synthases. they flow from the thylakoidcompartment into the

high-energy electrons in the electron transfer chain

hydrogen ions move into the thylakoid compartment using energy from which of the following?

flow back out of the thylakoid compartment

hydrogen ions power the formation of ATP as they

noncyclic pathway

if a photosynthetic cell is running low on NADPH, should it use the cyclic pathway or the noncyclic pathway of the light-dependent reactions?

electron transfer chain

in the cyclic pathway, electrons pass through the

Glycolysis occurs

in the cytoplasm

In plant cells, chloroplasts are found ____.

in the cytoplasm of the cell

thylakoid membrane

in the electron transfer chain, high energy electrons are passed through the

Sugars are formed in the chloroplasts ____.

in the stoma

Increasing the amount of ratio of enzyme to substrate molecules in a mixture will

increase the rate of reaction

An enzyme is thought to optimize the fit between substrates by restraining and stretching or squeezing them into certain shapes and moving them to the transition state, as described by the ____ model of enzyme activity.


The _________ model of the enzyme-substrate complex suggests that the active site is flexible and its shape can change in order to produce an optimal fit between the enzyme and substrate molecules.


Noncylic pathway

is a one way flow of electrons from water, to photosystem II, to photosystem I, to NADPH. Energy is released as electrons move through the first electron transfer chain. This energy pumps hydrogen ions into the thylakoid compartment.

The optimal temperature of an enzyme

is different for different enzymes

With regard to photosynthesis, photorespiration ____.

is less efficient in producing carbohydrates

activation energy

is the energy input needed to start the reaction

blue leaf

is the right one, background tan

Approximately 41% of the energy in glucose is used to make ATP. What happened to the other 59%?

it is lost as heat

The tangy taste of yogurt occurs because bacteria produce


Which of the following is the largest abiotic source of energy for living organisms on earth?

light energy from the sun

Thylakoid membrane

light-dependent reactions occur in which of the following structures within the plant cell

Oxidation is the

loss of electrons

The sum of all chemical reactions in an organism refers to its


The proteins associated with the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are located ____.

on the thylakoid membrane

Where do photosystems I and II occur?

on the thylakoid membrane

cyclic pathway

only uses photosystem I

enthalpy is the total __ of a system

potential energy

what type of energy is the energy in chemical bonds

potential energy

The breakdown of ____ for energy production results in the formation of ammonia as a waste product.


All the energy utilized by living organisms is ultimately

released into space in the form of heat

All the energy utilized by living organisms is ultimately

released to space in the form of heat

Endergonic reactions ____.

require a net input of energy

Fats provide more energy than carbohydrates because they ____.

require more oxidation reactions to breakdown fully

In some cases, inhibitors or activators of enzyme-catalyzed reactions act by ____.

reversibly binding to an enzymes allosteric site

The ____ a photonâs wavelength, the ____ its energy.

shorter, greater

An enzyme lowers activation energy by ____.

shutting out water molecules

Decreasing the amount of ratio of enzyme to substrate molecules in a mixture will

slow the rate

The fluid filled region found in chloroplasts is called the


The dark reactions of photosynthesis take place in the

stroma of chloroplasts


t or f: The Kreb's Cycle is the second step in aerobic respiration.

The shape of an enzyme's active site is determined by its

tertiary structure

fixes carbon twice

the c4 pathway

During photosynthesis, which process fixes carbon dioxide?

the calvin cycle

thylakoid compartment

the energy released from this pumps hydrogen ions into the

C4 photosynthesis is advantageous to plants growing in hot, dry regions because

the enzyme which fixes CO2 has a high affinity for CO2

The total amount of energy in a closed system is constant. This is a statement of

the first law of thermodynamics

After carbon fixation in C4 plants, the first stable compound produced is

the four carbon compound oxaloacetate

The enzymes which catalyze the reactions of the Krebs cycle are found in

the mitochondria

When pyruvic acid becomes broken down into CO2 and H20, this occurs within

the mitochondria

In oxidation-reduction reactions, ____.

the molecule that accepts electrons is reduced

In oxidation-reduction reactions, ____.

the molecule that accepts electrons is reducedlecule that accepts electrons is reduced


the non-cyclic pathway is a one-way flow of ______ from molecules of water to


the non-cyclic pathway is a one-way flow of electrons from molecules of water to blank, to photosystem 1, to

If the structure of the mitochondrial membrane was disrupted, which of the following metabolic processes would be most significantly effected?

the production of ATP from NADH and FADH2

Which of the below graphs best illustrates the trends of enzyme activity at various pH environments?

the upside down u graph

In 1985 a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, leaked methyl isocyanate (cyanide) into the atmosphere. More than 2000 people died within a few minutes. Research has shown that cyanide blocks one of the final reactions in the electron transport chain, stopping it. These people died because

their cells could produce some ATP but not enough to sustain life

Which statement below characterizes metabolic pathways?

they are enzyme-mediated sequences of reactions.

In the respiration rate experiment, which of the following is the best explanation for testing the dry peas?

they served as the control

The structural unit for the light reactions of photosynthesis is the


The active site of an enzyme is the region

to which substrate molecules bind

How many ATP are spent before a glucose molecule can be broken down to release energy?


One molecule of FADH2 generated during the citric acid cycle can be converted to ___ ATP molecules during electron transport and chemiosmosis.


noncyclic pathway

uses both photosystems I and II

In the electromagnetic spectrum, ____.

visible light provides the energy for photosynthesis


which molecule does photosystem II pull replacement off of

high-energy electrons

which of the following is ejected from photosystem I?

atp only

which of the following is the end product of the cyclic pathway

electrons are continuously recycled and do not need to be replaced

which of the following statements describes the cyclic pathway?

electrons are lost to NADP+ and must be repalced

which of the following statements describes the noncyclic pathway


while they were in the photosystem, the high-energy electrons were "charged up" with energy from what source

Cellular respiration is a gradual, multistepped process. This is so

your cells have the opportunity to transform the energy into chemical bonds

o2 and atp

​During the third stage of aerobic respiration, electrons and hydrogen ions released by the reactions of the first two stages are picked up by ____.

​the energy released is channeled into molecules of ATP

​When molecules are broken apart in respiration, ____.

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