Module 3- ANTH 1000

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Cave paintings from the Upper Paleolithic are thought to reflect which of the following?

How people got their food

Which of the following is common among societies that live in unpredictable environments?

People maintain wider social ties and there is less cultural diversity.

Which of the following indicates a way in which the principles of biological evolution fail to completely explain culture change?

People sometimes promote cultural practices that are known to have harmful consequences.

Robert Carneiro has suggested that states may emerge because of population growth in an area that is physically or socially limited. Competition and warfare in such a situation may lead to the subordination of defeated groups, who are obliged to pay tribute and to submit to the control of a more powerful group.

Population Growth, Circumscription, and War

Outside of Mesoamerica, where in the New World do archaeologists have evidence of the independent development of agriculture?

South America and the eastern United States

When anthropologists observe that some "bundles" of traits are generally found together in certain kinds of cultures, they may conclude that all those traits __________.

are particularly adaptive to specific, similar sets of circumstances

In the Near East, some of the early cultivated crops like ______ were not used for eating, but for cutting tools and building puroposes


Which of the following aspects is common among groups who come into being as a result of ethnogenesis?

belief in a common ancestor

Which of the following tools are characteristic of the Upper Paleolithic?

blades, burins, and microliths

Large sedentary urban populations

decline in health standards -> rapid spread of disease

Use of grains to feed babies and young children

decline in lactation -> increase in fertility

Which domesticated animals were present in the New World before the arrival of the Spanish?

dogs and turkeys

If plant remains in a particular site have characteristics different from the wild plants of the same type, ________ has occured


The worldwide spread of cultural features is particularly notable in which domain of human activity?


The process of _______ has resulted in the worldwide spread of cultural features, most notably in the areas of economics and international trade


In every society studied by anthropologists—in the simplest as well as the most complex—groups do not all think and act the same.

Subculture: The shared customs of a subgroup within a society

The city of Warka is associated with which ancient civilization?


Which of the following occurred during the formative era of Sumer?

Temples were built in religious and political centers.

During the Upper Paleolithic period in Europe, the availability of vast supplies of meat from the megafauna, giant game animals, and other diverse resources allowed them to become more sedentary and trade with neighboring groups


The symbolic aspects of culture blossomed during the Upper Paleolithic and set the stage for the complex cultural life we follow today.


In many parts of the world, the adoption of broad-spectrum collecting is associated with __________.

a decline in overall stature

Archaeologists have found evidence that the people of Catal Hüyük were cultivating which of the following?

lentils, wheat, and barley

Dependence on Grains

malnutrition -> vulnerability to drought and famine

Clovis points have often been found in association with which of the following?

mammoth bones

Which of the following would you expect to find in a settlement whose people consumed a grain-based diet?

roasters, grinders, and storage pits

Dependence on Intensive Agriculture

sedentary populations -> crowding in urban centers

What was the first step in creating a stone tool using an indirect percussion technique?

shaping a core into a pyramidal or cylindrical shape

Which of the following changes occurred in the New World around 10,000 years ago?

shift to more broad-spectrum hunting and gathering

As an alternative to environmental circumscription, Carneiro proposed that __________ could lead to state formation.

social circumscription

Archaeologists have found evidence of which of the following plant species at Guila Naquitz in the Valley of Oaxaca?


Which of the following illustrates the intersection of learned and instinctive behaviors?

taboos against eating pork

With which people is the site of Eynan associated?

the Natufians

Which of the following may have been an important element in the flourishing of Upper Paleolithic culture?

the emergence of language

When some adults are buried with special objects and others are not, archaeologists conclude that __________.

the society had differences in social status

Which of the following factors into whether a society becomes multicultural?

whether voluntary resistance to the dominant group's cultural traits is permitted

For this concept it is important to be careful to describe it as part of a particular time period; what is characteristic of one time may not be characteristic of another

Culture: the set of learned behaviors and ideas (including beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals) that is characteristic of a particular society or other social group

There is no certainty that a society had differences in status if only some people were buried with special objects, such as jewelry or pots filled with food


How are cultural constraints likely to affect the type of information ethnographers collect?

Informants may be more likely to discuss elements they view as traditional and customary.

It has been suggested that the labor and management needed for the upkeep of an irrigation system led to the formation of a political elite, the overseers of the system, who eventually became the governors of the society. Proponents of this view believe that both the city and civilization were outgrowths of the administrative requirements of an irrigation system


How does cultural relativism affect the application of anthropology to real-world problems?

It encourages thoughtful understanding and respect when developing solutions to social problems.

What criterion did Henry Wright and Gregory Johnson propose as a way to determine whether or not a settlement was a state?

It had to have at least three levels of political administration.

Which of the following describes the Wari empire in the Andean region of South America?

It was a large militaristic empire integrating the Moche and Nazca states.

Canada and the United States are two groups that generally speak English, live next to each other, and share many common ideas and behaviors.

Society: A group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language not generally understood by neighboring peoples. By this definition, societies do not necessarily correspond to countries

What do the burials at Dickson Mounds and Cahokia suggest about the consequences of food production?

Socioeconomic inequality increased following the rise in food production.

Which of the following describes one way that Teotihuacán differed from Monte Albán?

Teotihuacán completely dominated the valley in which it was located.

In which region did wild wheat resources likely lead to increased sedentism?

The Anatolia region of the Near East

The strong doctrine of cultural relativism includes being morally relativistic—suspending all judgment about behaviors the anthropologist believes to be wrong like slavery or torture.


The tools made by Upper Paleolithic peoples suggest that they were much more effective hunters and fishers than their predecessors—spears were shot from a spear thrower rather than thrown with the arm; the bow and arrow was used in various places; and harpoons, used for fishing and perhaps for hunting reindeer, were invented at this time


What do the animal bones found at Dolni Vestonice suggest about Upper Paleolithic behaviors?

Upper Paleolithic people scavenged and hunted.

The retreat of glacial ice from North America and overall warmer and wetter climate brought dramatic changes to plant and animal communities throughout North America and Mesoamerica, and people began to expand the range of plants and animals they relied upon

broad spectrum food- collecting

Which of the following is needed to generate culture?

communicating with other people

A form of ______ between Asia, Africa, and Europe has been occurring since at least the beginning of written history

continental diffusion

Storage pits and grinding stones found in North China indicate that __________ was an important part of the Neolithic diet there.


Compared to pottery from the early Neolithic, pottery from the later Neolithic had which of the following characteristics?

more graceful forms and colorful designs

Which of the following features was characteristic of both Maglemosian people in Europe and Archaic people in the New World?

reliance on forest products and sedentary settlements

What has been the principal reason for the rapid rate of cultural change since 1500 C.E.?

the expansion of Western societies into other areas of the world

During the last ice age, which areas would have had environments similar to modern-day Siberia?

North America and Europe

The Upper Paleolithic was not known as a period of great advancement in toolmaking.


Why do some revolutions fail to measure up to expectations?

Often the old regime is replaced with a new regime that is also repressive.

Archaeologists generally assume that inequality in death reflects inequality in life, at least in status and perhaps also in wealth and power


Archeologists use somewhat different criterion to tell from the information provided by material remains, whether a society was a state or not.


Cultural relativism is defined as the attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be viewed within the context of that society's problems and opportunities


The cave paintings of the Upper Paleolithic are inconsistent with the idea that "the art is related to the importance of hunting in the economy of Upper Paleolithic people." The art of the cultural period that followed the Upper Paleolithic did not reflect how people got their food once getting food no longer depended on hunting large game.


When does writing first emerge in the archaeological record?

3000 B.C.E.

What was found in the fifth hut outside the settlement of Dolni Vestonice?

A bake oven and broken animal figurines

"Kennewick Man"

An 8,400 year-old skeleton was found in Washington State. The cranial features resemble those of Ainu and Polynesians, but the individual's DNA is similar to existing Native Americans.

Paleo- Indians

Archaeological remains of early New World hunters have been found in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Which state served as a center of trade between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula in the first millennium C.E.?


Why do ethnocentrism and the glorification of other cultures hinder effective anthropological research?

Both attitudes interfere with the accurate, objective description and explanation of a culture.

What does the cultivation of the bottle gourd indicate about the development of plant domestication in Mesoamerica?

Cultivating desirable species that were not part of the diet led to domestication.

The organizational requirements of producing items for export, redistributing the items imported, and defending trading parties would foster state formation.

Local and Long- Distance Trade

An international code of human rights has been accepted universally.


Cultural relativists claim there are universal principles of morality and all cultures should adhere to these principles.


Other characteristics can often be found in these first states like cities with a substantial part of the population directly involved directly in the collection or production of food.


Increase in population

Increase in food production -> pressure on the environment

Increase in Surplus

Increase in population -> Increase in accumulation of material culture

In addition to an increased reliance on hunting, which of the following developed during the Upper Paleolithic in the Old World?

Increased sedentism and trade

In place of the one-piece flint implement, the preagricultural peoples in Europe, Asia, and Africa equipped themselves with composite tools—tools made of more than one material.

Microlithic technology

Archeologists generally define the _____ in terms of the presence of domesticated plants and animals


On the whole, domestic animals were less important economically in the _______ than they were in many parts of the _________

New world, old world

What is likely to happen if a person simply disregards customary patterns of behavior?

Other members of the society will not condone the behavior.

Which of the following describes the Upper Paleolithic in North Africa?

People hunted grassland animals, moved regularly, and traded for stone

We can visualize the earliest preagricultural settlements clustered around regions rich in natural resources, as archaeological evidence indeed suggests they were.


An arroyo

The Olsen-Chubbuck site, a kill site excavated in Colorado, shows the organization that may have been involved in hunting bison. In a dry gulch dated to 6,500 B.C.E. were the remains of 200 bison. At the bottom were complete skeletons, and at the top were completely butchered animals. This find clearly suggests that Paleo-Indian hunters deliberately stampeded the animals into a natural trap.

Which of the following have archaeologists found evidence for at Cahokia?

a class of social elites

Which of the following may have been the result of the development of complex agriculture at Ali Kosh?

The population tripled between 5500 B.C.E. and 4500 B.C.E.

Beringia land bridge

The traditional assumption is that the Native Americans came to North America from Siberia on foot on land that is now under water in the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska

Why do Wright and Johnson believe that a state had emerged by early Uruk times?

The variable settlement sizes suggests a three-level hierarchy.

Archaeologists do not always agree on how a state should be defined, but most think that hierarchical and centralized decision making affecting a substantial population is the key criterion.


What is the significance of the Meadowcroft Rockshelter in western Pennsylvania?

There is clear evidence of pre-Clovis occupation

Monte Verde, Chile

There is evidence that modern humans were in southern South America by at least 12,500 years ago

What is the problem with using ethnographic analogy to determine what a tool was used for?

There is no way to be sure that contemporary tool use reflects that of the ancient past.

Which of the following characteristics would suggest that an ancient city was part of a state system?

There were full-time craft specialists

How do anthropologists approach individual variation when studying a culture?

They try to measure the parameters of individual variation.

What do Upper Paleolithic tools suggest about their makers?

They were better hunters and fishers than those who came before them.

Which of the following lists the emergence of city-state centers in chronological order?

Warka, Monte Albán, Teotihuacán

Globalization can cause _________ effects, such as increasing class inequality and native peoples' loss of land


One way that scholars are trying to explain the rise of agriculture in both the Fertile Crescent and Mesoamerica is through the idea of __________.

niche construction

Which of the following was the most likely cause of the collapse of Cahokia?

overuse of environmental resources

As the domestication of plants and animals continued most parts of the world also saw _______

population growth

Increases in literacy, life expectancy, and growth of middle classes are the _______ effects of globalization


Movement of art, music, and food among cultures tends to be _______


By analyzing the polish found on prehistoric blades from a site in Siberia, S.A. Semenov established that __________.

they were used to cut meat

How do states further the potential of an area to support a larger and denser population?

through the creation of infrastructure

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