Module 3: Blood vessels and the Lymphatic system

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Capillary beds have precapillary _______ at the junction of capillaries and the metarteriole


Eosinophils defensive function

Guard against parasites and allergens

After a meal the _____ receive priority and the skeletal muscles receive very little flow


The shift in fluid at the arterial end of the capillary is caused by blood _______ pressure


Digestive function of the lymphatic system is provided by ______, which are found in the small intestine and are involved in the process of ______ absorption

lacteals; lipid

The _____ _____ _____ expand and recoil with every heart beat due to a histologically dominant network of elastic tissue in the tunica media

large elastic arteries

The superior vena cava is an example of a ____ ____ that includes smooth muscle circularly and longitudinally arranged in the tunica media and externa, respectively

large vein

Immune function occurs largely because lymph contains _________ and immunoglobulins, which serve as powerful defense mechanisms against pathogens


This is the physical force by a ______ against a surface like a capillary wall


In some cases, ______ cells are made and sent back to the bone marrow


They will open and close due to the ______ of the lymph fluid flowing through the vessel


Fever can ______ interferon activity


The birth of T cells takes place in the _____ bone marrow


Blood flow is _____ according to metabolic needs


Constriction of these sphincters _____ the blood flow through their respetive capillaries


Lastly, fever will prevent the ______ of bacteria and viruses


Naturally acquired passive immunity

Antibody acquired from mother's milk Antibody acquisition from mother's blood stream

Naturally acquired immunity

Antibody production resulting from illness Immunity that would result from pathogen acquisition through kissing

Artificially acquired active immunity

Antibody production resulting from immunization The injection of a dead or weakened pathogen

adaptive immunity

B lymphocytes T lymphocytes Antigen presenting cells Cytotoxic T cells memory T cells CD4+ cells Plasma cells

Neutrophils defensive function

Discharge enzymes into a cloud of bactericidal chemical

Lymphocytes defensive function

Include NK cells, which patrol the body looking for diseased host cells

Conditions that decrease blood flow

Increasing blood viscosity Increasing vessel length Increasing red blood cell count Dehydration Vasoconstriction Increased Resistance

Conditions that increase blood flow

Increasing vessel radius Increasing blood pressure Increasing blood velocity Aldosterone hypersecretion

Artificially acquired passive immunity

Injection of gamma globulins Treatment for snakebites

Vein characteristics

Loosely referred to as "capacitance vessels" Contain the majority of blood at any one time Collapsed when empty Provide for relatively consistent velocity of blood flow Rely on the respiratory and skeletal muscular pumps to proper blood

Artery characteristics

Loosely termed "resistance vessels" Loosely termed "pressure reservoirs" Usually carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body Pulsatile flow of blood Exhibit greater ability to alter vessel diameter

Basophils defensive function

Secrete histamine, increasing blood flow

Monocytes defensive function

Transform into phagocytc macrophages that ingest dead pathogens

Fever can also ______ tissue repair


The _____ is the first vessel blood upon exiting the heart


Just prior to entering capillary beds, _________ have become extremely thin and present only a few layers of smooth muscle


Most of the redirection will occur in the ________


Yet a fever, when allowed to run its course, is actually ________


It is similar to ______ _____ in consistency and appearance

blood plasma

The site of gaseous exchange, or ______, are characterized by extremely thin walls with only endothelium and basal lamina, which better suits diffusional requirements


The fluids are collected and recirculated into the ______ ________ via diffusion

cardiovascular system

When this occurs, blood is _____ to tissue or organs elsewhere


Lymphatic endothelial cells ____ have tight junctions and they do not have a continual basal lamina


Lymphatic vessel _______ cells are different from blood vessel cells


A ____ is an abnormal elevation of the body temperature


When the sphincters are open, blood will ____ the capillary bed


One disease condition that exemplifies the _____ _____ function of the lymphatic system is elephantiasis, which is caused by parasitic blockages of the lymphatic vessels, resulting in massive interstitial tissue edema

fluid reclamation

Fluid contained inside the lymphatic vessels is referred to as _______


The tonsils, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes are all examples of __________ ________

lymphatic organs

Accumulations of lymphocytes embedded in connective tissue networks are called ________ _______. They can be present in static location or acutely accumulate in areas of infection

lymphatic tissues

Originating distally in the tissues of the body, excess interstitial fluids are taken up by the ______ ______, which resemble ________

lymphatic vessels; veins

There are large gaps between the endothelial cells so ______ and large molecules can pass between them


The _____ _____ contain abundant but irregularly spaced smooth muscle with frequent valves present in the tunica interna

medium veins

During exercise the skeletal muscles receive ______ blood flow


Nonspecific defense


After maturation the cells move to lymphatic tissue and _______


Typically, fluid filters _____ the arterial end of a capillary


From here, cells are sent to mature in the ________


The overlapping endothelial cells make _____ that can open and close


The lymphatic system recovers fluids lost from the _______ to the ________

vasoculature; interstitium

Fluid will then osmotically reenter at the _____ end


After exiting the capillary, _________ contain no muscle and are the first vessel that blood enters on its way back to the heart


This fluid delivers materials to the cells and removes its ________


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