module 3 history

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In what industry did Andrew Carnegie make his principal fortune?


What did the 19th-century philosophy ofSocial Darwinism say about success in our society

survival of the fittest

What was the goal of the Interstate Commerce Act?

to lower excessive railroad rates

What was the main purpose of this 1886 poster?

to organize a protest against acts of police brutality against workers

What unions included all kinds of workers? What included workers from thesame occupation?

trade; craft

What new type of business organizationpermitted a small group of capitalists tocontrol the stock of a large number ofindividual corporations without actuallybecoming one company?


What was the term for owners allowing a board of trustees to control businesses


From 1865 to 1900, how did the growth of industry affect American society in significant ways?


How does a "vertically integrated" system ofproduction control manufacturing?

when a company buys or controls manufacturers and suppliers for its products and materials.

What major strike occurred at one of Carnegie's steel works factories?


Why were John D Rockefeller, Andre Carnegie, and J. Postponing Morgan sometimes called robber barons?

They used ruthless business tactics against their competitors

What Supreme Court case showed that the government was pro-business?

US vs. EC Knight

During the late 1800s, what was the major governmental reaction to theactivities of labor unions in the United States?

court issued injections to stop workers from striking

What factor most allowed manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers.


Why did the American Federation of Laborbecame the first long-lasting, successful laborunion in the United States?

fought for the rights of skilled workers

They thought of themselves as "Captains of Industry," but what did some callCarnegie

Robber Barrons

Who merged with J.P. Morgan to form U.S. Steel?

Andrew Carnegie

What allowed for mass production of steel?

Bessemer Process

Which African American leader supported the use of technical training to obtain economic independence to raise the standard of living for African Americans?

Booker T. Washington

How were the Homestead strike of 1892 andthe Pullman strike of 1894 similar?

Both strikes involved substantial loss of life, were highly publicized, and resulted in government intervention, including the use of military force.

What well-known scandal involved Union Pacific stockholders sellingshares to congressmen?

Credit Mobilier

What is the economic doctrine of laissez-faire?

Economic doctrine that says government should not interfere with business

In the late 19th century, why did owners of big businesses generally embrace SocialDwarfism?

Economic success demonstrates fitness too

Who invented the oil drill?

Edwin Drake

Which President of the AFL ran for U.S. President five times as a socialist?

Eugene V. Debs

What did Mark Twain call the late 1800s?

Gilded Age

What factors contributed to the immense industrial boom known as the Industrial Revolution?

Government support for businesses, increasing urban population, and abundance of natural resources

What was a demonstration in Chicago in which someone killed eight police. men with a bomb?

Haymarket Riot

Who wrote many "rags to riches stories" about young men who were honest andhardworking?

Horatio Alger

Who organized the Industrial Workers of the World and what distinguished them from other unions of the time?

IWW Wobbly, they were radical unionists and accepted african americans got their ranks

During the 1870s and 1880s, how did therailroad industry affect its infrastructure

It increased the amount of railroad tracks

How did the government's adoption of laissez-faire policies influence big business?

It lead to a military regulated business enviroment

In the decades after the Civil War, what was the major result of the shift from single proprietorship to corporate organization?

It raised sums of money

Who started Standard Oil?

John D. Rockefeller

Which union allowed women and African Americans to be members?

Knights of Labor

Which union lost popularity after the Haymarket Riot?

Knights of Labor

Which main abuse did the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887 address?

Lower excessive Railroad rates

Why was the oil industry important in the late 19th century?

Lubricant for machinery, replacement for cool energy source

What conditions caused the growth of laborunions in the late 19th and early 20thcenturies?

Many workers were typically unemployed at least part of the year, and their wages were relatively low when they did work

Which factor most limited the growth of laborunions during the late 1800s?

Most employers were very hostile toward workers' efforts to organize.

What were Republicans that supported Civil Service Reform called?


How did John D Rockefeller make his principal fortune?

Oil and Petrolium

What act created the civil service system? (Qualifications forjobs instead of favors)


How did the Industrial Revolution affect the population of the US?

Population increase, immigration increase

What was a strike in which federal troops had to intervene?

Pullman Strike

What was the central factor that furtheredindustrialization in the United States between1865 and 1900?

Railroad expansion

Who was the president of the American Federation of Labor?

Samuel Gompers

What act made monopolies illegal and forced them to break up into smaller companies?

Sherman Antitrust

When Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" is applied to the humanpopulation?

Social Darwinism

What was the most famous one and who was the boss?

Tammany Hall; Tweed

What was the major railway strike of 1877 called?

The Great Strike

According to the map, what region of the country was iron and steel a leading industry?

The Mid Atlantic and Mid West

What made it possible to construct skyscrapers in the 1800s?

The bessemer process/New methods

List the central influences, benefits, and detriments of the railroads between 1860 and 1900

The federal government gave s subsidies economic development nations biggest investors six times more traps and benefits

What was the significance of the HaymarketSquare incident in 1886?

The incident led to the downfall of the Knights of Labor

Investors Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse made the use of electricity safer and less expensive. What was the most important effect of their innovations?

The use of electricity was widespread in households and business, changing life forever

During the period from 1865 to 1900, how weredisputes between labor and management wereoften settled?

The use of violence by both sides

After the civil war, what was one common way business leaders tried to eliminate competition?

They all tried forming monopolies and trusts

What do the Bessemer-Kelly process and the open-hearth process have in common?

They are both methods of producing steel

What were four political changes that took place in the late 1800s?

initiative, referendum, recall, secret ballot

Why did many wealthy American industrialists of the late 19th century use the theory of Social Darwinism?

justify monopolistic actions

During the late 1800s, what economic system would the defenders of Social Darwinismmost likely have supported?

laissez-faire capitalism

When these trusts eliminated all competition, what were they called?


Social Darwinism was based on what aspect ofCharles Darwin's theory of biological evolution?

natural selection

During the late 1800s, what was the labor union's greatest success in theUnited States?

organized skilled workers and to craft unions

What were groups of politicians that gained control of public services andpracticed patronage?

political machines

n what industrial accident did 146 femaleworkers die in a fire that could have beenprevented by adequate safety measures

the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

According to the theory of laissez faire, howdoes the economy function best?

the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be, and by extension, society as a whole.

Why, prior to 1880, were there so fewrestrictions on immigrants to the UnitedStates?

there were jobs that need to be filled

How did the United States Government aid thedevelopment of the West during the periodfrom 1865 to 1900?

they granted land to railroad companies

During the late 19th century, what were Samuel Gompers, Terence Powderly, and Eugene Debstrying to do?

they try to improve working conditions by organizing labor unions

Why were scabs unpopular with strikingworkers during the late 1800s?

they were used to break strikes

Why did businesses form trusts, pools, andholding companies?

to eliminate competition and maximize profits

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