Module Seven

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direct marketing channel

A marketing channel in which there are no intermediaries; the manufacturer sells directly to the buyer.


In the "think, feel, do" model of marketing communications, what follows "awareness"? -Interest -Consideration -Action -Desire


_____ refers to any interference that stems from competing messages, a lack of clarity in the message, or a flaw in the media that subsequently creates a problem for the communication channels.

independent marketing channel or conventional marketing channel

A marketing channel in which several independent members—a manufacturer, a wholesaler, and a retailer—each attempts to satisfy its own objectives and maximize its profits, often at the expense of the other members.


In search engine marketing, the ______ of the ad describes how useful an ad message is to the customer doing the search. -click-through rate -number of impressions -ROMI -relevance

Feedback loop

Which process allows the receiver to inform the sender whether the message was properly decoded? -Noise channel -Receiving loop -Feedback loop -Communication channel

franchising , franchisor, franchisee

A contractual agreement between a franchisor and a franchisee that allows the franchisee to operate a business using a name and format developed and supported by the franchisor.


A situation that occurs in a marketing channel in which one member has the means or ability to have control over the actions of another member in a channel at a different level of distribution, such as if a retailer has power or control over a supplier.

strategic relationship or partnering relationship

A supply chain relationship that the members are committed to maintaining long term, investing in opportunities that are mutually beneficial; requires mutual trust, open communication, common goals, and credible commitments.

corporate vertical marketing system

A system in which the parent company has complete control and can dictate the priorities and objectives of the supply chain; it may own facilities such as manufacturing plants, warehouse facilities, retail outlets, and design studios.

horizontal channel conflict

A type of channel conflict in which members at the same level of a marketing channel, for example, two competing retailers or two competing manufacturers, are in disagreement or discord, such as when they are in a price war.

vertical channel conflict

A type of channel conflict in which members of the same marketing channel, for example, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers, are in disagreement or discord.

referent power

A type of marketing channel power that occurs if one channel member wants to be associated with another channel member. The channel member with whom the others wish to be associated has the power and can get them to do what they want.

legitimate power

A type of marketing channel power that occurs if the channel member exerting the power has a contractual agreement with the other channel member that requires the other channel member to behave in a certain way. This type of power occurs in an administered vertical marketing system.

expertise power

A type of marketing channel power that occurs when a channel member uses its expertise as leverage to influence the actions of another channel member.

coercive power

A type of marketing channel power that occurs when a member uses threats or punishment of the other channel member for not undertaking certain tasks. Delaying payment for late delivery would be an example.

reward power

A type of marketing channel power that occurs when the channel member exerting the power offers rewards to gain power, often a monetary incentive, for getting another channel member to do what it wants it to do.

information power

A type of marketing channel power within an administered vertical marketing system in which one party (e.g., the manufacturer) provides or withholds important information to influence the actions of another party (e.g., the retailer).


Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations are among the many communication disciplines that make up IMC, which refers to integrated marketing ______. -companions -communications -coalition -collaboration

advanced shipping notice (ASN)

An electronic document that the supplier sends the retailer in advance of a shipment to tell the retailer exactly what to expect in the shipment.

their websites

Firms have begun to rely more heavily on communicating with their customers through ______. -personal selling -their websites -print media -television


For one person, the Taco Bell logo might mean a dieter's worst nightmare, but for another it can mean a great meal. This exemplifies the fact that each receiver may ______ a given message differently. -transmit -encode -decode -send

Sales promotions

Free samples, point-of-purchase displays, sweepstakes, and contests are examples of what IMC strategy? -Public relations -Sales promotions -Direct marketing -Mass advertising


Google AdWords provides a quality score measuring how related a keyword is to an ad's text. What concept does the score refer to? -Relevance -Impressions -Click-through rate -Social shopping

like; want

Gordon is a marketer at a bicycle manufacturer and is responsible for developing an ad focusing on his employer's newly designed titanium-frame touring bike. The goal for the ad is to take consumers from the interest stage of the AIDA model to the desire stage. In other words, the ad is intended to move the consumer from saying, "I ______ it" to "I ______ it." -want; like -need; like -need; want -like; want

part of an integrated unit

IMC programs are advantageous in that they regard each individual marketing communication element as ______. -part of an integrated unit -a separate entity -a measure of profitability -interchangeable with the others


If Wendy's airs a television advertisement delivering a message about a special promotion at its restaurants, Wendy's is the ______ in the communication process. -noise -receiver -channel -decoder -sender

It has fairly high visibility among consumers.

If marketers have a brand or service that has reached top-of-mind awareness among their consumers, this most likely means which of the following? -It does not advertise. -It is definitely the market leader. -It is of premium quality. -It has fairly high visibility among consumers.


If you are looking to find out more about a particular good or service, you may find yourself reviewing a ____ (a web page that contains periodic posts).

Whether or not the receiver is a user of the firm's product

Imagine that a firm sends out a message in the form of a print advertisement for a product. Which element is most likely to contribute to how receivers decode the message differently? -Whether or not the receiver reads the ad more than once -What newspaper or magazine the print ad appears in -What time of the year the print ad is issued -Whether or not the receiver is a user of the firm's product

aided recall

Imagine that you are reading one of your favorite magazines. If you see a logo and recognize the brand as it is being presented to you, this is an example of ______. -recall capability -brand notoriety -brand persistence -aided recall


In communication, what is the process by which the receiver interprets the sender's message? -Noise -Decoding -Feedback -Encoding

Click-through rate

In search engine marketing, what term describes the number of clicks divided by number of impressions? -Conversion rate -Relevance -Click-through rate -ROI


In the ______ budget method for IMC, the budget is set essentially by the amount left over and not allocated elsewhere. -available -percentage-of-sales -competitive parity -objective-and-task

competitive parity

In the ______ method of IMC budgeting, the budget is set so that the firm's proportion of communication expenses matches its share of the market. -competitive parity -objective-and-task -all-you-can-afford -percentage-of-sales


In the communication process, the _____ is the creative agency or intermediary that receives the message from the sender and transforms it into a marketing communication, such as a television commercial or flyer.


In the communications process, the ______ is the person who reads, hears, or sees and processes the information contained in a message and/or advertisement. -sender -transmitter -receiver -encoder


Marketers measure the ______ of exposure by how often the audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time. -reach -rating -frequency -repetition


Marketing communications ______ consumers by making them aware that a product or service exists or by increasing their purchase intent. -influence -mislead -command -deter

mobile task management

Mobile task management technology is a wireless network and a mobile device that receives demand notification and enables a speedy response.

business-to-business (B2B)

Personal selling is an important component of many IMC programs, especially in ______ settings. -heavily promotional -business-to-business (B2B) -introductory market -business-to-consumers (B2C)


Public _____ is the organizational function that manages the firm's communications and supports other promotional efforts.

-Store-specific credit and loyalty cards -Credit and debit cards -Online shopping websites

Select all that apply Businesses are able to collect information for their databases when customers use which of these? (Choose every correct answer.) -Store-specific credit and loyalty cards -Credit and debit cards -Online shopping websites -Cash

-Marketing expenditure -Gross margin

Select all that apply To calculate return on marketing investment (ROMI), what do marketers need to know? (Choose every correct answer.) -Marketing expenditure -Click-through rate -Impressions -Gross margin

-Increasing market share -Generating inquiries -Increasing customer loyalty

Select all that apply What goals might a firm hope to achieve with an IMC campaign? (Choose every correct answer.) -Increasing employee motivation -Increasing market share -Generating inquiries -Increasing customer loyalty

direct marketing

Telephone calls, mailed flyers, mailed catalogs, and e-mails can all be considered part of ______. -top-of-mind awareness -personal selling -online marketing -direct marketing


The "think, feel, do" model for the mental stages a consumer goes through is more formally called the ______ model. -Aided recall -AIDA -Brand awareness -Top-of-mind awareness

communication channel

The ______ is the medium that carries the message for a firm, whether in print, broadcast, or Internet. -message outlet -communication channel -transmitter -encoding process

Universal Product Code (UPC)

The black-and-white bar code found on most merchandise. It contains a 13-digit code that indicates the manufacturer of the item, a description of the item, and information about special packaging and special promotions.


The communication _____ is the medium (e.g., print, television, radio) that carries the message from the firm to the consumer.


The integrated marketing communications process refers to which of the six Ps in the marketing mix? -Product -Promotion -Place -Price


The number of times an ad appears in front of the user is known as the number of ______. -conversions -click-throughs -impressions -gross rating points

should be clearly known by

The sender of a message ______ the audience. -should be clearly known by -must be hidden from -decodes the message for -should be a member of


The ultimate goal of any marketing communication is to compel the receiver to react positively to the message and brand and then to ______ the product or service. -evaluate -remember -purchase -discuss

Adopting a generic look for the brand

There are a number of ways in which marketers can build top-of-mind brand awareness among consumers. Which of the following would NOT be an ideal strategy? Multiple choice question. Advertising their brands Having a memorable brand name Using memorable symbols Adopting a generic look for the brand

radio frequency identification (RFID)

Tiny computer chip that automatically transmits to a special scanner all the information about a container's contents or individual products.

AIDA or Awareness Interest Desire Action

To create an effective IMC program, marketers need to move consumers through a series of mental stages for which there are several models, the most common being the _____ model.


True or false: Marketers should expect to measure the full potential of a marketing campaign immediately after it is launched.


True or false: Social shopping involves sending e-mails to specific customers about new products that may be of interest to them.


True or false: When first creating an IMC campaign, firms should avoid focusing on the long term.


Using the Internet to communicate about product preferences with other shoppers is called _____ shopping.

Personal selling

What IMC strategy involves a two-way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller and is designed to influence the buyer's purchase decision? -Direct advertising -Public relations -Sales promotion -Personal selling


What activity involves placing announcements and persuasive messages in the mass media, to inform and/or persuade a target market or audience about products, services, organizations, or ideas? -Marketing -Advertising -Consumption -Public relations

The feedback loop

What allows the receiver to communicate with the sender and thereby inform the sender whether the message was received and decoded properly? -The encoding process -The feedback loop -The transmission process -Noise


What is the first component of the AIDA model? -Interest -Desire -Action -Awareness


What is the fourth (and final) component of the AIDA model? -Action -Interest -Awareness -Desire


What software usually reports metrics, such as the time viewers spend on particular web pages and the number of pages they view? -Click-through -Frequency -Web-tracking -SEO


What type of metrics, such as aided recall, measure a potential customer's ability to recognize or recall that the brand name is a particular type of retailer or product/service? -Intention -Action -Desire -Awareness -Interest


When a firm has a public relations agent, the primary function is to generate ______ publicity and improve the company's reputation. -positive -negative -product-specific -brand-specific


When someone is asked to name a brand of soda, most consumers will reply back with Coca-Cola. This is an example of ______ awareness. -top-of-mind -unconscious -effortless -aided

Having a link to the advertiser's website show up at the top of a Google Search page

Which of the following is accomplished using search engine marketing? -Getting favorable reviews by well-known bloggers -Having a link to the advertiser's website show up at the top of a Google Search page -Reviewing ad performance on social media sites, such as Facebook -Eliminating the need for print or television marketing

Google Ads

Which of the following is an example of a search engine marketing tool? -Gross rating points -A blog -Google Ads -Twitter

Include unique attributes that appeal to the target audience.

Which of the following is the best way to raise consumer interest in an ad? -Spend a lot of money on the ad. -Use the ad to target several different audiences simultaneously. -Include unique attributes that appeal to the target audience. -Copy a competitor's format.


Which of the following is the most visible IMC component? -Sales promotion -Public relations -Personal selling -Advertising

Having a memorable brand

Which of these elements would be the most important for building a top-of-mind level of brand awareness? -Having the brand with the best value -Holding the brand that has been longest in the market -Having the best quality product -Having a memorable brand

Having a memorable brand

Which of these elements would be the most important for building a top-of-mind level of brand awareness? -Holding the brand that has been longest in the market -Having a memorable brand -Having the best quality product -Having the brand with the best value


Which of these is a measure of how effective an ad is for the amount spent? -SEO -CTR -ROMI -SEM

Aided recall

Which of these is an awareness metric based on consumer recognition of a brand when presented with the name? -Lagged effect -Encoding -Aided recall -Top-of-mind awareness

Brand awareness

Which term best describes the strength of the association between a brand name and the type of product or service in the consumers' minds? -Brand ignorance -Brand awareness -Brand capability -Brand desirability


Which term refers to any interference in a message? -Noise -Feedback -Decoding -Communication


Which word best describes the advantage of using an IMC program over a single marketing communication element in order to deliver a message to the target audience? -Evolution -Uniqueness -Integration -Familiarity


Within the communication process, decoding can best be described as ______. -interpretation -conversion -transmission -conversation


Within the communication process, encoding ______ the sender's ideas. -transmits -converts -adds complexity to -interprets


_____ is the third of the four components in the AIDA model.


_____ occurs when there is a discrepancy between the encoding and decoding of a message.


_____ promotions are special incentives or programs that encourage consumers to purchase a product or service and may include coupons, rebates, contests, free samples, or point-of-purchase displays.


_____ refers to the conversion of the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.


______ describes the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific marketing communication, such as an advertisement, at least once. -Reach -Segmentation -Frequency -Exposure

-It creates positive word of mouth. -It connects customers by forming a community.

Select all that apply Corporate blogging is a new form of marketing communication. What does a well-received blog accomplish? (Choose every correct answer.) -It develops short-term relationships. -It creates positive word of mouth. -It maintains low visibility. -It connects customers by forming a community.

-How many times users click banner ads -The number of pages users view -How much time users spend on particular web pages

Select all that apply What does web-tracking software measure? (Choose every correct answer.) -How much has been purchased from traditional retailers -How many products will be sold over the coming months -How many times users click banner ads -The number of pages users view -How much time users spend on particular web pages

-Interest -Awareness -Desire

Select all that apply Which of the following are stages of the AIDA model? (Choose every correct answer.) -Interest -Accountability -Awareness -Desire

-Businesses are compiling customer databases, including the customer's personal information, to identify and track consumers and then entice them with targeted marketing. -Mobile devices can function as a payment medium. Customers can tap their cell phones, and the transaction occurs in much the same way it occurs with a credit card. -Firms use e-mail to inform customers of new merchandise and special promotions, confirm the receipt of an order, and indicate when an order has been shipped.

Select all that apply Which of these are examples of innovative technologies being used in direct marketing? (Choose every correct answer.) -Businesses are compiling customer databases, including the customer's personal information, to identify and track consumers and then entice them with targeted marketing. -Sales associates in retail stores are using computers to consult the firm's online catalog when a customer wants a product that is not on display in the store. -Mobile devices can function as a payment medium. Customers can tap their cell phones, and the transaction occurs in much the same way it occurs with a credit card. -Firms use e-mail to inform customers of new merchandise and special promotions, confirm the receipt of an order, and indicate when an order has been shipped.

-Features of products and services -Where customers can purchase products -Reviews of products or services

Select all that apply Which pieces of information should be communicated to customers through a company's website? (Choose every correct answer.) -Features of products and services -Where customers can purchase products -Reviews of products or services -Contact information for competitors

-The success of campaigns is measured using marketing metrics. -Factors such as the lagged effect can complicate the measurement process.

Select all that apply Which statements about measuring marketing campaigns are true? (Choose every correct answer.) -Measuring marketing efforts is easiest when the campaign uses new forms of communication. -The success of campaigns is measured using marketing metrics. -Marketers can expect to see results almost immediately after launching a campaign. -Factors such as the lagged effect can complicate the measurement process.

-Determine which media best reach the target market. -Identify the cost of the necessary communications. -Establish a set of communication objectives.

Select all that apply Which steps should marketers follow when using the objective-and-task method to determine a budget? (Choose every correct answer.) -Determine which media best reach the target market. -Compare the budget to that of the competitors. -Identify the cost of the necessary communications. -Establish a set of communication objectives.

-Advances in technology have led to a variety of new and traditional media channel options for consumers. -Print media have grown and become more specialized.

Select all that apply Why are many firms shifting some of their promotional dollars away from advertising? -Advances in technology have led to a variety of new and traditional media channel options for consumers. -Print media have grown and become more specialized. -Studies show that advertising is not a very effective way to communicate with consumers. -Direct marketing and personal selling are usually the best ways to deliver messages to a target audience.

marketing communications

When a firm influences the actions of a consumer, the firm has probably done so through ______. -marketing communications -market manipulation -market domination -in-person persuasion


When marketers set communication objectives, choose media, and determine costs for each communication type chosen, they are using what IMC budget method? -Objective-and-task -Percent-of-sales -Rule-of-thumb -Competitive parity

indirect marketing channel

When one or more intermediaries work with manufacturers to provide goods and services to customers.

Direct marketing

Which IMC strategy involves communicating specifically with target customers to elicit a response or transaction? -Sales promotions -Direct marketing -Public relations -Sponsorship


Which brand would most likely NOT have top-of-mind awareness in its respective product category with consumers? -Harley-Davidson -Starbucks -Coca-Cola -Paddywax

IMC combines the channels so that together they exceed the total of the individual channels.

Which statement about marketing channels is true? -The number of available IMC channels is shrinking as marketers switch to new media. -IMC combines the channels so that together they exceed the total of the individual channels. -New media channel options are overall better and more effective than traditional marketing channels. -Reaching the right audience through marketing channels is becoming easier.


Within the communication process, encoding is the message the sender intends to say, whereas decoding is what the receiver actually ______. -means -feels -hears -does


Within the communication process, when you are reading or seeing a billboard with an advertisement, you are known as the ______. -encoder -firm -receiver -transmitter

social media

YouTube, Facebook, Gab, and Rumble are all examples of ______. -social media -paper brochures -catalogs -newspapers


Zubi Advertising Services, Inc., has worked with American Airlines to create advertisements across various media. This ad agency is performing what role in the communication process? -Sender -Channel -Transmitter -Receiver


_____ media refers to online and mobile technologies that distribute content to facilitate interpersonal interactions.

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