Mood Disorders, CONVERSION DISORDER, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders, Psychology vocab ch. 12, psychological disorders, Schizophrenia, Psych: Module 4

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scizotypal personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by oddities of thougt and behavior but not involving bizarre psychotic behaviors

schizoid personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by social withdrawal

schizoid personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by social withdrawl

In behavioral terms, which of the following is true of prejudice?

Prejudice is connected with avoidance, aggression, and discrimination.

Keisha takes care to look smart and attractive for her new job interview. She knows that her interviewers will evaluate her based on the first impression she creates. In this scenario, the impression created by Keisha is an example of the__________.

Primacy effect

Behavior therapists rely heavily on ___

Principles of conditioning and observational learning

We tend to live among people who are similar to us and background, and we therefore come into contact with them more often. This reflects_____


Which of the following statements best describes psychodynamic therapies?

Psychodynamic therapyies, based on the thinking of Sigmund freud, assume that psychological problems reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts

Many health problems are affected by_____such as attitudes, emotions, and behavior.

Psychological factors

_____Is best defined as a cluster of traits that buffer stress and are characterized by commitment, challenge, and control.

Psychological hardiness

In the context of psychotherapy, which of the following statements is true?

Psychotherapies influence clients' thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Salma and really tells her therapist, John, "I should have won the beauty contest. It is not fair. In "John confronts Salma's belief by asking, "wasn't the winner more talented and articulate than you?" John is most likely using___

Rational emotive behavior therapy

According to Aaron Beck, clients may engage in___, which means looking at the world in black and white rather than in shades of gray.

Absolute thinking

Sheena's brother was recently killed in a road accident. He was run over by a car driven by a drunk driver. A group of college students who belong to an organization that protested against driving under the influence of alcohol asked her to sign a petition and donate to the cause. sheena Was glad to help them because she was still grieving her brothers death. This scenario demonstrates how the_____ of sheenas attitude influenced her behavior.


Michael fails to present his science project on time. He informs his teacher that it was because his younger brother had destroyed it while playing. However, when his friend, James, forgets to get his project, micheal quickly assumes that James was lazy to do his project. In the context of social perception, Michael is demonstrating the ______.

Actor-observer effect

Terry was molested by her male colleague a week ago. Since then, she has been overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety and hopelessness. Her doctors refers to her condition as:

Acute stress disorder

_____Is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a yrumatic event

Acute stress disorder

The resistance stage of the General adaption syndrome is also known as the___stage.


When Brenda takes the elevator, she always faces the front. She does this even when there are no written rules or laws that require this behavior. This is an example of

An implicit social norm

Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He has been excepted at two different graduate schools. Both schools are equally prestigious and will provide him with an outstanding education. However, he is finding it difficult to choose between the two. According to Neal E. miller just have a conflict is known as a(n):

Approach - approach conflict.

In the_______, each of the two goals is desirable, and both are within reach.

Approach-approach conflict

Type A people:

Are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive - so much so that they are prone to getting in auto accidents

Psychological disorders are:

Associated with faulty perception or interpretation of reality

Behavior inconsistent with an attitude that may have the effect of modifying an attitude is known as

Attitude discrepant behavior

To help people control alcohol intake, tastes of different alcohol beverages can be paired with drug induced nausea and vomiting or with electric shock. This best exemplifies ___

Aversive conditioning

In the_____, you are motivated to reject each of the two negative goals. However, rejecting one requires approaching the other.

Avoidance - avoidance conflict

People with__are generally unwilling to enter a relationship without some assurance of acceptance

Avoidant personality disorder

5 Axis

Axis1-Clinical disorders (anxiety disorders depression psychopathic amnesia dementia eating, mood disorders somataform sleep disorders) Axis2-Personality disorders & mental retardation (paranoid disorder, narcissistic,schitzo,dependent disorder etc) -mental retardation-you can have a clinical disorder and retardation at the same time or separately(mathematics, reading disorder need a IQ of 70 or below) Axis3-general medical conditions (it can sometimes produce symptoms or behaviors that can seem like a psychological disorder) axis4-psychosocial and environmental stressors (where you can get subjective information, helps see how the environment can produce the disorder or problem) Axis5-GAF(Global assessment of functioning) (ranges from 0-10 used to determine how the individual is functioning in the present moment)

Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform

Belonging to a collectivist society

Most anti-anxiety drugs belong to the chemical class known as ________


____Such as pathogens, injuries, age, gender, and family history of disease may strike us as the most obvious causes of illness.

Biological factors

People with___are preoccupied with exaggerated or imagined the physical defects; continuous hair pulling, and compulsive skin picking

Body dysmorphic disorder

Compare and contrast disorganized schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia

Both disorders involve an individual having delusions, but while someone with disorganized schizophrenia has delusions that often center on bodily functions, delusions in an individual with paranoid schizophrenia are generally about persecution or grandeur. In addition, disorganized schizophrenia is also accompanied by emotional indifference, incoherence, and social withdrawal.

Mary has schizophrenia and exhibits symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, lack of emotional expression, and social withdrawal. Mary exhibits:

Both positive and negative symptoms

The immune system combats diseases:

By generating antibodies, which attach themselves to antigens, deactivating them and marking them for destruction.

The tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping is known as the_______.

Bystander effect

While returning home from office, Luke was robbed by two men in his neighborhood. After the incident, Luke realize that many people have been watching the incident yet no one had tried to help him fight or catch the culprits. This unwillingness of the people to aid Luke is an example of the

Bystander effect

Jason Mrs. psychotherapist for the first time. During the session, the therapist tells him that she believes that humans have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that they are free to make choices and control their destinies she also tells him that there he is intended to help people get in touch with your genuine feelings. In this case, Jason's therapist is using ___

Client centered therapy

In the context of humanistic therapies _______ encourages self-exploration and Self-expression, and aims to provide insight into the parts of us that we have disowned so that we can feel whole

Client-centered therapy

Which of the following statements is true of group psychoanalysis?

Clients in a group are allowed to interpret one another's dreams

We are motivated to make our cognitions or beliefs consistent with each other and with our behavior

Cognitive dissonance theory

Jack's therapist Susan wants him to recall significant points about his recent appraisal to help him cope with his work more effectively. In this scenario, Susan is using_____.

Cognitive therapy

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model,___means deciding to enhance and maintain the relationship


In addition to his normal duties, a professor actively participates in the extra-curricular activities of the college where he teaches. According to Suzanne Kabasa, which of the following characteristics of psychological hardiness does the professor exhibit?


Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love involves three components, and ___ is one of them


People with higher levels of self efficiency are more likely to:

Control their alcohol intake.

Levels of___, a stress hormone in the Saliva are elevated during a severe panic attack


Bipolar II Disorder

Diagnosis used to describe a clinical course in course in which the individual experiences one or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode.

the most widely used classification scheme for psychological disorders

Diagnostic and statistical Manual (DSM) of the American psychiatric association the DSM provides information about a persons overall functioning and a diagnosis. it also includes information about a persons medical conditions,psychosocial and environmental problems.medical conditions may include a persons physical problems that may affet the persons response to psychotherapy or drug treatment

A landlord refuses to rent his vacant apartment to college students. He believes that students are wild parties and disturb others. In the context of behavior, the landlords refusal is an example of


Anxiety Disorders

Disorders characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and the inability to relax. Disorders include Phobias, panic disorder, General Anxiety disorder, PTSD and Acute stress disorder.

In the context of the origins of dissociative disorders, both psychodynamic and learning series suggest that:

Dissociative disorders help people keep disturbing memories or ideas out of mind.

Jane has episodes where she cannot remember what she did or where she was. She has found clothes in her closet that do not belong to her. When she go see the doctor, she introduces herself as Suzy. Jane is most likely diagnosed with:

Dissociative identity disorder

In the context of psychoanalysis, Sigmund fraud considered___the "royal road to the unconscious."


The ________ monitors brain waves and can be used to teach people how to produce alpha waves which are associated with relaxation


In the context of biofeedback training, the___is a device that is used to monitor muscle tension.



Emotion of elation.


Emotion of sadness.

On a _______ level, prejudice is associated with negative feelings such as fear, dislike, or hatred.


In client centered therapy,_____refers to the recognition of a clients experiences and feelings


The feeling of____encourages helping behavior and discourages aggression


Cognitive Distortions

Errors that depressed people make in the way they draw conclusions from their experiences.

In the context of her behavior, ________ is the concern that others are assessing one's behavior

Evaluation apprehension

Which of the following aggravated the psychological problems that inmates of asylums were already facing?


Which of the following is a risk factor of coronary heart disease?


How does paranoid schizophrenia differ from disorganized schizophrenia?

Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by organized delusions and hallucinations relating to a single theme but without greatly disturbed thought processes. Disorganized schizophrenia is characterized by greatly disturbed thought processes, emotional withdrawal, fragmentary and disorganized delusions, and hallucinations.

Influenza is caused by a virus. This virus is an example of a broad category of disease causing organisms called___.


In the context of the humanitarian reform movements during the 18th century, which of the following happens when Philippe Pinel, a physician, and change the patients at La Salpêtrière in Paris?

Patients profited from kindness and freedom

AcCording to Gestalt therapy, which of the following statements is true?

People Don social mass, pretending to be things that they are not

Which of the following statements is true of the demonological model that explains the origins of psychological disorders?

People assumed that the behaviors associated with psychological disorders were caused by possession by the devil

In the context of aggression, which of the following is a perspective of cognitive psychologists?

People decide whether they will lash out or not on the basis of their interpretations of the other person's motives

Which of the following is true of cancer?

People who's immune system is damaged maybe more likely to develop cancer.

Mixed Episode

Person experiences rapidly alternating moods accompanied by symptoms of manic episode and depressive episode.

Is the best known form of psychosurgery that is used with people with severe psychological disorders.

Pre-frontal lobotomy

Discrimination refers to behavior that results from_________.


A reason people tend to have partners from the same background is


Which of the following is a factor that contributes to attraction


In Sternberg's scheme, romantic love:

Refers to an intense, positive emotion that involves sexual attraction, feelings of caring, and the belief one is in love.

According to psychodynamic therapy psychological problems:

Reflect early childhood experiences and inner conflicts

According to Selye's theory, if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body and the related stressor is not removed, we enter the_______stage of the General adaption syndrome parentheses (GAS). This stage precedes the last stage of the GAS.


Joanne avoids talking about her troubled marriage with her psychoanalyst. When she is asked to talk about the relationship, she becomes restless and claims, "there's nothing to tell." Which of the following is indicated by Joannes behavior?


People describe Sarah as peculiar. She mixes up random words from different languages and strings them together in rambling sentences. She finds out her fantasy of living in a world made of cotton candy all day. However, she does not suffer from hallucinations or delusions. Sarah is displaying symptoms are

Schizotypal personality disorder

Wanda likes investigative journalism. She reads newspapers that investigative reporting. She does not read other newspapers because she dislikes their views. In this scenario, Wanda is exhibiting _____.

Selective exposure

In the context of sources of prejudice, when people view those who belong to their own groups more favorably than those who do not, there are involved in_____.

Social categorization

_____ Believe that we are not likely to act aggressively unless we believe that aggression is appropriate under the circumstances and likely to be reinforced

Social cognitive theorists

According to durlez and Stangor & Crandall, ______ is a source of prejudice

Social conflict

Alex wants to be physically fit. As he cannot work out effectively at his home, he goes to the gym with his friends. At the gym, he works out better when his friends work out along with him. In the context of good behavior this is the result of

Social facilitation

Katie is scared of meeting new people. She eats at her desk at work to avoid interacting with her coworkers and consistently refuses their invitations to go out for parties. Psychologist will most likely diagnosed Katie with

Social phobia

Refers to maybe people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes so much rain, behavior rehearsal, and feedback

Social skills training



Unlike type A people, type B people:

Are less ambitious and less inpatient

Modern psychodynamic therapist differ from traditional psychoanalysis in that the:

Client and therapist usually sit face-to-face

Dr. Thomas, a psychiatrist, works at a facility that treats people with psychological disorders as outpatients rather than sending them to hospitals. He also helps people who have been released from hospitals. Most of the people treated by him have chronic psychological disorders. Dr. Thomas works at a

Community mental health center

_____ is the feeling of being pulled into a more directions by opposing motives.


People are said to____when they change their behavior to adhere to social norms


In the early 1950s, a classic experiment on _______ was conducted by a Saloman Asch.


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, ___________ is the ideal form of love, which combines passion intimacy and commitment.

Consummate love

A man witnessed an explosion in which a coworker died, and soon after, he lost his vision. Despite many neurological test, doctors could not find any organic basis for the man's loss of eyesight. The man is most likely suffering from

Conversion disorder

Unlike client centered therapy, Gestalt therapy ______

Is directive in nature

In the context of the different behavior-therapy methods, which of the following is true of modeling?

It relies on observational learning

Stanley Milgram under took a series of classic experiments at Yale University in 1963 to study the factors that contribute to

Obedience to authority

Ryan, a psychiatrist, has recommended that his patient, who suffers from generalized anxiety, stop the use of anti-anxiety drugs. After two weeks, the patient complains that her anxiety symptoms have become worse. Ryan told the patient that her feelings are an expected response to stopping anxiety. What is the patient experiencing?

Rebound anxiety

_____ is the tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas - a reflection of the defense mechanism of repression


Sheetal dislikes advertisements for beauty products. She believes the advertisements make false claims about the products and miss lead people into buying them. Hence, she changes the channel whenever such commercials are aired on the TV. This is an example of________.

Selective avoidance

conversion disorder

a disorder in which anxiety or unconscious conflicts are "converted" into physical symptoms that often have the effect of helping the person cope with anxiety or conflict characterized by a major change in or loss of physical functioning. although there are no medical findings to explain the loss of functioning.

biopsychosocial views

people with disorders can be helped by psychological methods that provide ways of reducing physical discomfort such as breathing and showing them that there are things they can do to cope with their attacks


*thorough physical workup for each new presenting symptom. *psychotherapy to enable the patient to acknowledge and resolve unconscious conflict. *physical rehab for muscle atrophy, if indicated. *medication to relieve associated anxiety and depression.

Conversion disorder, continued

-can be a single symptom of a presenting illness that may migrate or vary in subsequent episodes. -can be multiple symptoms that severely constrict the patient's ability to function, resulting in actual physical impairment from disuse of body part.

origins of Somatoform disorders


pychological views


__Are excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, or Heights.

Specific phobias

Seasonal Pattern

Specifier for a depressive episode in which the individual has varying symptoms according to time of year, with symptoms usually developing during the same months every year.

Which of the following is true of stereotyping

Stereotypes about physically attractive people are positive

______Refers to Joseph wolpes method for reducing fears by associating a hierarchy of images of fear evoking stimuli with deep muscle relaxation

Systematic desensitization

Which of the following statements is true of somatoform disorders?

Tendencies toward perfectionism and rumination, which are found among many people with somatoform disorders, I thought to be at least partly heritable

Which of the following is one of Selye's three stages in the General adaption syndrome?

The exhaustion stage

A research experiment was conducted on peoples attitude toward the particular section of the society. After the experiment, the precipitants were requested to donate a small amount for the research organization. When they agreed and donated they were followed with more request for bigger donations this is an example of

The foot in the door technique

Which of the following characteristics is true of group think that contributes to flawed decisions

The groups belief in it's rightness

In the context of stress, which of the following is true of predictability and control?

The illusion of being in control allows people to feel that they are not at the mercy of the fates.

When Jacob met his supervisor for the first time he remember to smile as he answered her questions. On seeing his smile, his supervisor thought Jacob is a friendly person. In terms of social perception, Jacobs impression is an example of _________.

The primacy effect

Sunny was considered a shy person at school. When Sunny met his classmate, Ronnie, 10 years after school, Ronnie was surprised that Sunny had become outspoken and confident. Ronnie almost forgot how shy sunny used to be at school. In terms of social perception, the change in Ronnie's perception is due to

The recency effect

Panic Disorder

The recurrent abrupt attacks of extreme anxiety that are not triggered by a specific object or situation (in the abscence of external stimuli that usually elicit anxiety). People with this disorder have strong physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, heavy sweating, tremors, and pounding of the heard. They may also experience choking sensations, nausea, or numbness. The sometimes think they are having a heart attack.

Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapists?

They discourage clients from gaining insight into (maladaptive) behaviors such as feelings of anxiety

Which of the following is true of client centered therapists

They have unconditional positive regard for their clients

Loya, who is suffering from depression after her boyfriend left her, consult a therapist. During their sessions, she often talks to her therapist in a manner similar to how she spoke to her ex-boyfriend. This best exemplifies___


Which of following is true of attribution theory?

We are biased toward making this positional attributions with me explain other people's behavior

dissociative identity disorder

a disorder in which a person appears to have two or more distinct identities or personalities that may alternately emerge

la belle indifference

a french tern descriptive on the lack of concern for their medical problem sometimes shown by people with conversion disorders

paranoid schizophrenia

a type of schizophrenia characterized primarily by delusions commonly of persecution and by vivid hallucinations

Panic disorder

an abrubt anxiety attack that is apparently unrelated to specific objects or situations.ethy expereince shortness of breath,heavy sweating, tremors,, and pounding of the heart.people with the disorder may experience choking sensations,nausea, numbness or tingling, etc


an erroneous belief, such as one of persecution or gradeur that may accompany certain psychotic disorders

negative sympths

behavior deficis, such as flattened emotions, social withdrawal, and impaired attention

psychological disorders

behaviors or mental processes that are connected with various kinds of distress or significant impairment in functioning

postive symptom

behaviroal excesses such as hallunincations declusions and bizarre behaviors

explaing bological

brain disorder affecting problems in attention memory abstract thhinking and laguage because of frontal lobe differences smaller frontl lobe region difficulties reflect a loss of synapses structures that connect neurson in order to communicate with other neurons

Acute stress dusirder

characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness caused by a traumatic event, occurs within a ninth if the event and lasts from two days too four weeks. like PTSD that is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness and caused by traumatic event \s

Post-traumatic stress disorder

characterized by rapid heart rate and feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic experience.frequently occurs months or years after an event, a disorder that follows a distressing event outside the range of normal human experience and that is characterized by features such as intense fear, avoidance

Obsessive compulsive disorder

defined by recurrent anxiety-provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control(obsessions) and seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce the anxiety(compulsions) for ex. doubts whether one has locked the doors or shut the windows an anxiety disorder defined by the recurrent anxiety-provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control(obsessions) and seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce anxiety


elated, excessive excitement

generalized anxiety disorder

feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least 6 months duration.central symptom is persistent anxiety, however the anxiety cannot be attributed to a phobic object,situation, or activity, it seems free floating the core of the disorder appears to be pervasive worrying symptoms include motor tension.automatic overarousal sweating,dry mouth,racing heart,lightheadness,excessive vigilance

A Multifactorial model of schizophrenia

interaction among biological and psych factors. genetic factors create a vulnerability or susceptibility, inclusion of brain trauma, family environment


legal term descriptive of a person judged to be incapatable of recognizing right from wrong or of conforming his or her behavior to the law

myths about suicide

people who don't Schizophrenia commit suicide are not as serious as those who do even though those who do give warning also, suicidal thinking is not a form of psychosis,neurosis or personality disorder many people commit suicide when they believe they have run out of options.

rapid flight of ideas

rapid speech and topic changes characteristic of manic behavior

Explaining psychological

result of overwhelming the ego with urges from the id. urges threaten the ego and cause intense conflict individual regresses to an earlier stage of development

phobic disorders

specific phobias, social phobia, and agoraphobia

attributional style

the tendency to attribute one's behavior to internal or external factors and global or unstable actors and global specific factors

negative symptoms

those symptoms of schizophrenia that reflect the absence of appropriate behavior such as blank fates monotonic voices, and motionless bodies


Fear of high places.


Fear of open crowded places.

General nursing intervention

*allow patient to express feelings; listen empathetically and nonjudgmentally. *monitor and report any new conversion symptoms. *encourage independence with self-care and assist with basic physiologic needs- such as eating, hygiene, safety. *provide a safe environment for patient's particular impairment. *monitor for suicide potential. *support family as the attempt to provide encouragement without providing secondary gain.


"fear of the market place" or fear of being out in open busy areas/ crowded places/


"hearing voices" "seeing things" a perception in the absence of sensory stimulation that is confused with reality

A man cancels an important business trip to a mountainous country because he is afraid of steep roads. He is also terrified of cable cars and the venue of the meeting is accessible only by cable cars. The man most likely suffers from


Albert Ellis's rational emotive behavior therapy methods are _______.

Active and directive

Social Phobia

An irrational and excessive fear of public scrutiny

Pre-frontal lobotomy was pioneered by

Antonio Egas Moniz

Cory was driving when his car met with an accident. His best friend, who was sitting in the car with him, was killed in that accident. However, Cory escaped uninjured. When he woke up the next morning, he could not recall where he was or what had happened to previous night. He is most likely exhibiting

Dissociative amnesia

Mood Disorders

Disturbance in person's mood, emotional state.

In cognitive-dissonance theory,______ is the tendency when people seek explanations for their behavior to themselves in such a way that unpleasant undertaking seem worth it

Effort justification

___Is best described as a psychodynamically oriented therapist who focuses on the conscious, coping behavior of the ego instead of the hypothesized, unconscious functioning of the id

Ego analyst

When shaina is about to begin her speech in class, she notices that a few of her classmates are the spring on them selves. She becomes nervous that she might be going to her audience and gets distracted. In this scenario, the presence of the classmates is not likely to facilitate her performance due to _______.

Evaluation apprehension

Jesse, who suffers from episodes of depression, shares her personal experiences with a few people with similar problems. They meet every week under the supervision of therapist to discuss their problems. In which of the following therapies is Jesse most likely participating?

Group therapy

___Refer to erroneous beliefs that one is being victimized

Ideas of persecution

Which of the following best describes attitude?

It is an enduring mental representation of a person, place, or thing that typically evokes and emotional response and related behavior.

In the context of group decision making, which of the following is true of the majority wins scheme?

It is the most commonly used social decision scheme

Which of the following statements is true of social facilitation

It is the process by which a person's performance is increased when other members of a group engage in similar behavior

According to evolutionary psychologists, men prefer physical allure in their partner because:

It provides reproductive advantage

Which of the following is true of the immune system?

It remembers how to battle antigens, often for years.

Which of the following is true of the attraction-similarity hypothesis?

It theorizes the reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction.

Which of the following hassles is an example of environmental hassles?


___Is a disorder that follows an upsetting event outside the range of normal human experience and that is characterized by features such as intense fear and avoidance

Posttraumatic stress disorder

_______ are based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud.

Psychodynamic therapies

People with___are loners. They do not develop warm, tender feelings for others

Schizoid personality disorder

Tom is a loner who shows little interest in making friends and does not exhibit much emotion. However, he is efficient at his job. His job involves updating a database to reflect the most recent events occurring in the world. He is showing signs of

Schizoid personality disorder

___Is characterized by disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood, as well as with drawl and absorption in the dream or fantasy


Yarema is a cyclist. He notices that whenever he trains with someone else, his time improves markedly. In the context of good behavior, this phenomenon occurs due to a process known as

Social facilitation

The collectivist culture that stress interdependence, such as Asian cultures, people are more likely to attribute another person's behavior to that person's ______.

Social roles and obligations

_____ is best described as a demand made on the organism to adapt, cope, or adjust.


From the behavioral perspective, which of the following a statements is true of aggression

Strong, agile organisms are likely to be reinforced for aggressive behavior

People with generalized anxiety disorder:

Suffer from persistent anxiety that cannot be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity.

The______activates the adrenal Medela, causing it to release and make sure of adrenaline and noradrenaline during the alarm reaction stage of the general adaption syndrome.

Sympathetic nervous system

List four symptoms of schizophrenia.

Symptoms of schizophrenia include delusions, hallucinations, disordered thoughts, and speech, loss of social skills, and emotional withdrawal from others.

In the context of the Milgram studies, ________, were the real participants


Disorganized schizophrenia

The worst type of schizophrenia characterized by disorganized delusions and vivid hallucinations. People with this disorder show incoherence, disorganized behavior, disorganized delusions, flat or inappropriate emotional responses and social impairment. They may also exhibit silliness and giddiness of mood, giggling, and nonsensical speech. They neglect their appearance and hygiene and lose control of their bladder and bowels.

In the context of stress and immune system, which of the following is true of steroids?

Their persistent secretion interferes with the formation of antibodies.

In the context of aggression, which of the following is a perspective of social-cognitive theorists?

They believe that consciousness and choice play key roles in aggressive behavior among humans

Which of the following is true of corticosteroids?

They combat allergic reactions.

Which of the following is true of rational emotive behavior therapist?

They encourage clients to challenge and correct irrational expectations

________ is referred to as the coronary-prone behavior pattern.

Type A behavior

Which of the following is a difference between type A people and type B people?

Type A people are more likely to continue to strive for more and more as compared to type B people.

______ is associated with client centered therapy

Unconditional positive regard

post-traumatic stress disorder

a disorder that follows a distressing event outside the range of normal human experience and that is characterized by features such as intense fear, avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, and reliving the event

acute stress disorder

a disorder, like PTSD, that is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness and caused by a traumatic event; acute stress disorder occurs within a month of the event and lasts from two days to four weeks

dissociative fugue

a dissociative disorder in which one experiences amnesia and then flees to a new location

dissociative fugue

a dissociative disorder in which one experiences amnesia and then flees to a new location,a person abruptly leaves his or her hoe or place of work and travels to another place having lost all memory of his or her past life.


a false sensory perception that occurs in the absence of any actual sttimulus

waxy flexibility

a feature of catatonic schizophrenia in which people can be molded into postures that they maintain for quite some time

wavy flexibility

a feature of catatonic schizophrenia in which people can be molded into postures that they maintain for quite some tmes

catatonic schizophrenia

a form of schizophrenia characterized by a tendency to remain in a fixed, stuporous state for long periods or expereince a state of hyperactivity or catatonic excitement

paranoid schizophrenia

a form of schizophrenia characterized by delusions of persecution, grandeur, or jealousu

disorganized schizophrenia

a form of schizophrenia characterized by severe deterioration of adaptive behaiovr including erratic speech, childish mannerisms, and bizarre behavior


a legal term descriptive of a person judged to be incapable of recognizing right from wrong or of conforming his or her behavior to the law.

learned helplessness

a model for the acquisition of depressive behavior based on findings that organisms in aversive situations learn to show inactivity when their operants go unreinforced

paranoid personality disorder

a personalaity disorder characterized by persistent suspiciousness, but not involving the disorganization of paranoid schizophrenia

paranoid personality disorder

a personality characterized by persistent suspiciousness but not involving the disorganization of paranoid schizophrenia

borderline personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by instability in relationships, self-image, mood, and lack of impulse control

borderline personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by instability in relationships,self-image, mood and lack of impulse ontrol

avodant personality disorder

a personality disorder in which the person is unwilling to enter into relationships without assurance of acceptance because of fears of rejection and criticism

avoidant personality disorder

a personality disorder in which the person is unwilling to enter relationships without assurance of acceptance because of fears of rejection and criticism


a personality trait characterized largely by persistent anxiety

learned helplessness

a possible explanation for some depressive behavior based on findings that organisms in aversive situations learn to show inactivity when their behavior is not reinforced


a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of control of thought processes and inappropriate emotional responses


a recurring thought or image that seems beyond control

major depressive disorder

a serious to severe depressive disorder in which the person may show loss of appetite, psychmotor retardation and impaired reality testing

major depressive disorder

a serious to severe depressive disorder in which the person may show loss of appetite, psycho-motor retardation, and impaired reality testing


a somatoform disorder characterized by persistent belief that one is ill despite lack of medical findings

body dysmorphic disorder

a somatoform disorder characterized by preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated physical defect in one's appearance

conversion disorder

a somatoform disorder in which anxiety or unconscious conflicts are converted into physical symptoms that often have the effect of helping the person cope with anxiety or conflict

la belle indifference

a term descriptive of the lack of concern for their (imagined_ medical problem sometimes shown by people with conversion disorder.


a type of anxiety disorder fear of spiders, needles, public speaking

disorganized schizphrenia

a type of schizophrenia characterized by disorganized delusions and vivid imaginations

disorganized schizophrenia

a type of schizophrenia characterized by disorganized delusions, vivid hallucinations, and inappropriate affect

catatonic schizophrenia

a type of schizophrenia characterized by srtiking motor impairment

catatonic schizophrenia

a type of schizophrenia characterized by striking motor impairment

paranoid schizophrenia

a type of schizophrenia characterized primarily by delusions -- commonly or persecution -- and vivid hallucinations

whats the difference between PTSD and acute stress disorder?

acute stress disorder is short-lived and emphasizes acute dissociative reactions, whereas PTSD has long-lasing effects

catatonic stupor

an immobile, expressionless, coma like state associated with schizophrenia

social phobia

an irrational, excessive fear of public scrutiny


an irresistible urge to repeat an act or engage in ritualistic behavior such as hand washing

the Demonlogical model

based on the belief that psychological disorders are caused by the devil or demons.

multiple personality disorder

same as dissociative identity disorder

psychomotor retardation

slowness in motor activity and in thought


fear of heights


fear of high places


fear of open, crowded places

generalized anxiety disorder

feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least six months' duration

biological view

heredity children with 1 parent diagnosed with schizophrenia have a ten percept chance of inheriting pregnancy complications influenza during the sixth or seventh motnh of pregnancy maternal starvation more dopamine receptors in the brain

How do children with PTSD differ from adults with PTSD?

instead of flashbacks they are likely to reexperience trauma in nightmares or through play


loss of contact with reality;appearance in young adulthood consisting of hallucinations and delusions, psychotic Catatoic Stupor-immobile, expressionless, coma like state

biological views

most disorders tend to run in the family from genetics,

What is the prevalence of acute stress disorder?

occurs in 10 to 20% of children

catatonic schizophrenia

one of the most unusualy psych disorders characterized by striking motor impairment. This includes slowing in activity into a stupor that may suddenly change into an agitated phase. A striking feature of this condition is waxy flexibility.

sociocultural factors of suicide

suicide is connected with age,educational status, ethnicity and gender

Dissociative identity disorder (DID)

(multiple personality disorder))two or more identities or personalities each with distinct traits and memories "occupy" the same person.each identity may or may not be aware of the others


A condition in which the senses thought and movement are dull.

dissociative fugue

A dissociative disorder in which one experiences amnesia, abruptly leaves their home of workplace, and travels to a new location having lost all memory of his or her past life. While at the new location, the person does not think about the past or report

Conversion disorder is characterized by:

A major change in, or loss of, physical functioning, although there are no medical findings to explain the loss of functioning.

Which of the following statements is true of the biological views that explain the origin of anxiety disorders?

A predisposition toward anxiety, in form of a highly reactive autonomic nervous system, can be inherited.

Joe is suffering from kidney dysfunctionality. Joe's doctor advises him to start taking injections instead of tablets I would be more effective and would cure him sooner. However, Joe fears of hypo dermic needles and refuses to be injected. In this scenario, Joe seems to have___

A specific phobia

___Is a condition in which the senses, thought, and movement are dulled.

A stupor

_____Is a type of somatic symptom disorder that was earlier called hypochondria

Acute stress disorder

Which of the following statements is true of changing attitudes through persuasion?

Agreement and praise

According to the General adaption syndrome, the____is first triggered by perception of a stressor.

Alarm reaction

The___is the first stage in a group of bodily changes that occur and the General adaption syndrome.

Alarm reaction stage

_________ is an unelfish concern for the welfare of others


Cheryl is suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Her doctor prescribes her drug. Which of the following drugs is she most likely taking?

An antidepressant

stress disorders

PTSD, Acute stress disorder

In the context of evidence-based practices, which of the following treatments would be most effective in treating depression, developmental disabilities, and bed-wetting?

Behavior therapy

Is best described as a systematic application of the principles of learning to the direct modification of a clients problem behaviors

Behavior therapy

Which of the following statements is true of approach - approach conflicts?

Both goals involved in these conflicts are attainable

Cognitive therapist, like psycho animal lytic and humanistic therapists:

Came to foster him self insight, but they mainly aimed to help make people more aware of the current recognitions

_____Is characterized by the development of abnormal, or mutant, cells that may take a root anywhere in the body.


In the context of schizophrenia, people with a condition termed___show striking impairment in motor activity.


When ads focus on the quality of the product, they persuade people to change attitudes through__________.

Central route

Describe the difference between delusions of persecution and delusions of grandeur

Delusions of persecution are beliefs that someone is being harassed, oppressed, or manipulated by others. Delusions of grandeur are egocentric beliefs that emphasize self-importance and self-centered glamour.

According to the ____, the ancient Greeks believe that the gods punished humans by causing madness.

Demonological model

Steve's position has prescribed him Valium for his anxiety attacks. This drug will

Depress the activity of the central nervous system

Which of the following is true of aggression?

Electric stimulation of part of the hypothalamus triggers stereo typical aggressive behaviors in many lower animals

Some people with psychological disorders believe in ideas of persecution. They might fear that the FBI's after them. Which criteria of psychological disorders is reflected here?

Faulty perception or interpretation of reality

In___, people forget their entire lives.

Generalized dissociative amnesia

Eugene believes that he can bring about positive change in his life through his own efforts. So I call just to say that Eugene _____.

Has high self-sufficiency expectations

Which of the following is true of the method of free association

In this method, clients are made comfortable and asked to talk about any topic that comes to mind

In gestalt therapy, A therapist:

Leads clients through planned experiences to heighten their awareness of inner conflict

In the exhaustion stage of the General adaption syndrome, the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system may predominate. As a result,_____.

Many aspects of sympathetic activity are reversed

People with panic attacks tend to:

Misinterpret bodily cues and view them as threats

Is a behavior therapy technique in which a client observes and imitates a person who approaches and copes with feared objects or situations


Dr. Diaz is a therapist who works with clients of many different cultural backgrounds. The clients like the fact that she always considers their cultural background important to her therapeutic approach. Dr. Diaz is demonstrating________

Multicultural competence

In the____, each of several alternative courses of action has pluses and minuses

Multiple approach - avoidance conflict


Paranoid-delusions of gradeur, persecution or jealousy Disorganized-incoherent thoughts and speech along with disorganized behavior Catatonic-stiff body positions for a long time

The core of generalized anxiety disorder appears to be:

Pervasive worrying about numerous stressors.

Extreme, irrational fears of objects in situations, such as a hypo dermic needles in public speaking are examples of


The group effected called ______ is likely to lead the group to make more risky shifts in decision making.


In___, a tormenting event is revisited in the form of intrusive memories, recurrent dreams, and flashbacks - the feeling that the event is reoccurring.

Posttraumatic stress disorder

The deliberate seeking and attending to information that is consistent with one's attitude is known as ______.

Selective exposure

Rajesh has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In the manic phase, he is likely to:

Show excessive excitement or silliness.

Which of the following statements is true of chemistry involved in aggression?

Testosterone appears to affect the tendencies to dominate and control other people

In the experiment on social influence conducted by Solomon Asch, the discomfort face by the participants in the study was caused by:

The pressure to conform

____ are best described as controlled environments in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with keepsakes, such as poker chips, that may be exchanged for privileges.

Token economies

Which of the following is a difference between traditional psychoanalysis and humanistic therapies?

Traditional psycho analysis focuses on early childhood experiences, humanistic therapies focus on my clients are experiencing here and now.

____Engage in search and destroy missions in which they "recognize" and eradicate foreign agents and unhealthy cells.

White blood cells


a codnition in which the senses, thought, and movement are dulled


a condition in which the senses, thought, and movement are dulled

the medical model

assumes that illnesses have psychical or biological causes that cam be identified and that people afflicted by them are to be cured through treatment or therapy

ideas of persecution

erroneus beliefs that one is being victimized or persecuted

predictive validity

in this usage, the extent to which a diagnosis permits one to predict the course of a disorder and the type of treatment that may be of help.

psychological disorders

patterns of behavior or mental processes that are connected with emotional distress or significant impairment in functioning

bipolar disorder

people have mood swings from ecstatic elation to deep depression. irrational behaviors a disorder in which the mood alternates between the extreme poles also referred to as manic depression


refusal to talk

antisocial personality disorder

the diagnosis given a person who is in frequent conflict with society yet who is undeterred by punishment and experiences little or no guilt and anxiety

panic disorder

the recurrent experiencing of attacks of extreme anxiety in the absence of external stimuli that usually elicit anxiety

What is comorbid with PTSD in adolescents?

75% displayed a comorbid diagnosis of depression and/or substance abuse

Depersonalization disorder

A dissociative disorders characterized by persistent feelings that one is detached from one's own body. Ad if one is observing once's thought processes from the outside looking in on someone else.

Mood disorder

A disturbance in expressed emotions, generally involving excessive or inappropriate sadness or elation. Disorders include depression and bipolar disorder.

waxy flexibility

A feature of catatonic schizophrenia in which people can be molded into postures that they maintain for quite sometime.


A psychotic disorder characterized by loss of control of thought processes and inappropriate emotional responses. Various types are paranoid, disorganized, and catatonic.

acute stress disorder

An anxiety disorder characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event. It occurs within a month of the event and lasts from 2 days to 4 weeks unlike PTSD which can occur 6 months or more after the traumatic event.

Suicidal Lethality

Dangerousness of a suicidal person's intended method of dying.

Bipolar I Disorder

Individual experiences 1 or more manic episode with the possibility, of having experienced one or more major depressive episodes.

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Mood disorder in which the individual experiences acute, but time-limited, episodes of depressive symptoms.

Dysthymic Disorder

Mood disorder involving chronic depression of less intensity than major depressive disorders.

Psychological disorders

Patterns of behavior or mental processes that are connected with emotional distress or significant impairment in functioning.

Hypomanic Episode

Period of elated mood not as extreme as a manic episode.

Positive symptoms

Those symptoms of schizophrenia that indicate the prescence of inappropriate behavior such as hallucinations, delusions, agitation, and inappropriate giggling.

Negative symptoms

Those symptoms of schizophrenia that reflect the absence or lack of appropriate behavior, such as blank faces, monotonic voices, and motionless bodies.

ideas of persecution

erroneous beliefs that one is being victimized or persecuted

Bipolar disorder

(aka manic depressive disorder), this mood disorder consists of mood swings that alternates between two extreme poles from elation (excessive excitement) to deep depression. The person may show excessive excitement, silliness, poor judgement, restlessness, oversexed behavior, pressured speech, rapid flight of ideas(rapid speech and topic changes), grandiosity.

Dissociative identity disorder

(formerly called multiple personality disorder) A dissociative disorder that is characterized by two or more identities or personalities each with distinct traits and memories, occupying the same person. Each identity may or may not be aware of each other.

Major Depressive Disorder

A serious severe mood disorder in which the person may show loss of appetite, psychomotor retardation, and in extreme cases, delusions of worthlessness. It affects 5-7% of us each year. Other ymptoms are difficulty concentrating, lost of interest, pessimism, thoughts of suicide, faulty perceptions, guilt for imagined wrong doings, possible hallucinations or strange bodily sensations.

Manic Episode

Period of euphoric mood with symptoms involving abnormally heightened levels of thinking, behavior, and emotionality.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Persistent anxiety....feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least 6 months duration. The anxiety cannot be attributed to a phobic object, situation or activity, rather it seems to be free floating. Symptoms include motor tension (shakiness, inability to relax, furrowed brow, fidgeting), autonomic arousal (sweating, dry mouth, racing heart, irritability, insomnia, and tendency to be easily distracted.

bipolar disorder

a disorder in which the mood alternates between two extreme poles; also referred to as manic depression

what experiences are associated with PTSD?

actual or threatened death or injury, or a threat to one's physical integrity

acute stress disorder

anxiety and other symptoms develop after exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor; symptoms do not persist for more than 4 weeks after the trauma

what type of treatment seems to be promising for PTSD?

cognitive-behavioral treatment involving imaginal or real-life exposure to feard stimuli


persistent belief that one is ill despite a lack of medical findings.

how do the traumatic experiences of PTSD differ from others?

the are likely to exceed and overwhelm the coping abilities of most humans

attributional style

the tendency to attribute one's behavior to internal or external factors, stable or unstable factors, and so on

How do children who experience PTSD differ from other childre?

they most likely have been exposed to major accidents, natural disasters, kidnapping, brutal physical assaults, war and violence, or sexual abuse

Which of the following statements is true of psychiatrist Aaron Becks cognitive therapy

Aaron Beck believed that clients may selectively perceive the world as a harmful place and ignore evidence to the contrary

Behavior therapy ______ to directly promote desired behavioral changes

Applies principles of learning

Suzanne Kabasa and her colleagues studied business executives who seemed able to resist illness despite stress. And one phase of the research, executives completed a battery of psychological tests, and the researchers found that the psychology hardly executives tended to:

Appraise change as an interesting incentive to personal growth.

In the context of the experimental research by Neal E. Miller, which of the following types of conflicts is the most complex?

Approach - avoidance

In the context of psychodynamic therapies, when the superego floods an individual with excessive guilt, ___

Defenses are established

dissociative disorders

Disorders in which there are sudden, temporary changes in consciousness or self identity.

Jesse and her mother argue about Jessie's choice of friends and dates. Her mother thinks Jesse is stubborn and resistant. Jesse thinks her mother is bossy and controlling. The symptoms are examples

Dispositional attribution's

Amnesia is typically associated with

Dissociative disorders

In_____,mental processes such as thoughts, emotions, memory, consciousness, even knowledge of one's own identity -the process is that make a person feel whole- may seem to be split off from one another

Dissociative disorders

Is a perception in the absence of sensory stimulation that is confused with reality.


Which of the following brain structures is associated with instinctive aggressive reactions in nonhumans


Ever since Michelle failed her biology test, she thinks that she will never be able to find a job when she eventually graduates. She feels that she will end up homeless. This situation best demonstrates:

Irrational beliefs.

In the context of the General adaption syndrome, which of the following is true of the fight or flight reaction?

It stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life-threatening.

Mark and Tracy are close friends from second grade. They share feelings with each other, but they lacked passion or commitment. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, Mark and Tracy's love is a form of


____Is characterize largely by persistent anxiety


Michael's bods tells him to report to work at 4 AM the next day. Michael is not happy about arriving at wort at such an unusualI hour, yet he does as told. In the context of social influence, his behavior is an example of_______

Obedience to authority

Some people stay at home for fear of having an attack in public. They are having ____With agoraphobia.

Panic disorder

Lisa, a high school student, is suspicious of her classmates. She does not trust them and keeps a distance from everyone at school. Lisa is most likely suffering from

Paranoid personality disorder

Connor was anxious because his taxi was struck in Taft traffic. The impact of the sympathetic activity, which was triggered due to anxiety, eventually stabilized as his body attempted to restore lost energy and repair damage. Connor is most likely in the___of the General adaption syndrome.

Resistance stage

Describe the difference between schizophrenic disorders and mood disorders.

Schizophrenic disorders are characterized most by disturbing thoughts, whereas mood disorders are characterized most by disturbing emotions.


Seemingly irresistible urges to engage in behaviors that tend to reduce the anxiety.

Catherine is terrified of dogs. To help alleviate her fears, the therapist first teaches her how to relax her muscles. Next, the therapist uses virtual therapy to expose Catherine to different dogs and asked her to stay relaxed. Which of the following is the basis for the virtual therapies by Catherine's therapist?

Systematic desensitization

dissociative amnesia

a dissociative disorder marked by loss of memory or self-identity; skills and general knowledge are usually retained

dissociative amnesia

a dissociative disorder marked by loss of memory or self-identity; skills and general knowledge are usually retained. The person is suddenly unable to recall important personal information (explicit, episodic memories).

dissociative amnesia

a dissoiative disorder marked by loss of memory or self-identity. skills and general knowledge are usually retained. being suddenly unable to recall important personal information,


a group of severe psychotic disorders characterized by distortions in thinking, perception, emtoion, and behavior


a perception in the absence of sensory stimulation that is confused with reality

schizotypal personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by oddities of the thought and behavior, but not involving bizarre psychotic behaviors


a severve psychologiccal disorder that touches very aspect of a persons life. its characterized by disturbances in thought and language perception and attention motor activity and mood as well as withdrawal and absorption in daydreams or fantasy

mood disorders

disturbance in expressed emotions generally involving excessive or inappropriate sadness or elation disorders include major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder

contemporary psychological models

diathesis stress model-assumes that there may be biological differences between individuals it explians why some people develop certain psychological disorders under stress the bioopsychosocial model explains psychosocial disorders in terms of a combination of bioloical vulnerabiles, psychological factors such as exposure to stress and sociocultural factors such as family relationships and cultural beliefs.

somatoform disorders

disorders in which people complain of physical problems even though no physical abnormality can be found

Somatoform disorders

disorders in which people complain of physical problems even though no physical abnormality can be found.people with this disorder complain of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease. two types conversion disorder and hypochondriasis

dissociative disorders

disorders in which there are sudden, temporary changes in consciousness or self-identity


elated, showing excessive excitement

personality disorders

enduring patterns of maladaptive behavior that are sources of distress to the individual or others

personality disorders

enduring patterns of maldaptive behavior that are sources of distress to the individual or others

specific phobias

excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, or heights.


false, persistent beliefs that are unsubstantiated by sensory evidence


false, persistent beliefs that are unsubstantiated by sensory or objective evidence

psychological view

fantasies become confused with reality, leading to hallucinations and declusions family environmen;rigid citical attitude toward children places children at risk for developing' important to note family environement does not actually produce the disorder


fear of tight or enclosed places


fear of tight, small spaces


feeding or emotional response, particularly as suggested by facial expression and body language

dissociative disorders

mental prcesses such as thoughts, emotions, memory, consciousness, even knowledge of ones own identity the processes that make a person feel whole may seem to be split off from one another. list of disorders are dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, and dissociative identity disorder


more common type of somatoform disorder, people with this disorder insist that they are suffering from a serious physical illness even though no medical evidence of illness can be found.

origins of dissociative disorders

people with dissociative disorders have learned not to thin about bad memories or disturbing impulses to avoid feelings of anxiety, guilt, and shame.they help people to keep disturbing memories out of their mind

specific phobia

persistent fear of a specific object or situation

social phobias

persistent fears of scrutiny by others or of dong something that will be humiliating or embarrassing ex excessive fear of public speaking

anxiety disorders

psychological symptoms such as worryingpessimism,nervousness,fear of losing control etc the physical symptoms reflect arousal of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system trembling sweating racing heart elevated blood pressure etc disorders categorized by excessive worrying fear of losing control, nervousness and inability to relax the disorders include phobic disorders, panic disorders,generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and stress disorders

rapid flight of ideas

rapid speech and topic changes, characteristic of manicky behavior


recurrent anxiety provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control.

antisocial personality disorder

the diagnosis given to a person who is in frequent conflict with society, yet who is undeterred by punishment and experiences little or no guilt and anxiety

positive symptoms

the excessive and sometimes bizarre symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations, delusions, and loose associations

What are the three core features of PTSD?

the three core features are (persistent for more than 1 month): -reexperiencing of the traumatic event -avoidance of associated stimuli and numbing of general responsiveness -symptoms of extreme arousal

behaviors that are suggestive of psychologial disorders

they are unusual-bizarre quality,unpredictable panic attacks they suggest faulty perception or interpretation of reality-hallucinations and ideas of persecution believing you are hearing and seeing things and things are out to get you they suggest severe personal distress-Anxiety, exaggerated fears and other psychological states cause personal distress, severe personal distress may be considered abnormal. they are self defeating-behavior or mental processes that cause misery rather than happiness and fulfillment may suggest psychological disorder.those who have depressive disorders suffer a great deal or example drinking because it threatens ones health and ones life they are dangerous-behavior or mental processes that are hazardous to the self or others may be considered suggestive of psychological disorders. people who may attempt suicide or people who threaten and attack others. individuals behavior that is socially unacceptable-must consider the context of a behavior pattern in judgng whether its normal

positive symptos

those symptoms of schizophrenia that indicate the presence of inappropriate behavior such as hallucination delusions agitation and inappropriate giggling

what is the prevalence of PTSD?

unless there is several traumas or a histroy of anxiety most children won't develop PTSD; 3.7% in boys and 6.3% in girls;

Which of the following factors decreases the tendency to conform?

valuing being right over being liked

Cognitive therapy is:

Likely to focus on changing the beliefs in attitudes that create and compound peoples problems

The risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by:

Lowering LDL serum cholesterol

When Catherine was seated in a crowded bus, one of the passengers in advertently stepped on her toe. Immediately, Catherine assumed that the passenger has no respect for others. In the context of social perception, Catherine is:

Making a dispositional attribution

A girl from wealthy family is seen constantly mocking students who are impoverished. Her class teacher believes that her condescending tones come from her parents, who display similar behavior toward the poor. In this scenario, her class teacher is:

Making a situational attribution

A woman has difficulty concentrating on her job because she keeps wearing about the things like leaving the door unlocked or the tap turned on. She feels that her house might be robbed or damage any day because of her carelessness. According to the scenario, she is most likely suffering from

Obsessive - compulsive disorder

__Is defined by recurrent, anxiety - provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control and seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce the anxiety.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of _______ in the brain


According to social-cognitive perspective, aggression skills are mainly acquired by:

Observation of other people acting aggressively

Why did Fritz Perls adopt that term just Gestaltto name the therapy originated by him?

Fritz Perls used the term Gestalt to signify his interest in giving the conflicting parts of the personality and integrated form or shape

According to Carl Rogers, psychological problems arise:

From roadblocks placed in the path of self actualization

In the context of second screen, in____, physicians beam streams of radiation deep into the school, destroying spots of tissue believed to be over active in severe obsessive compulsive disorder

Gamma knife surgery

__Is characterized by feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least six months duration.

Generalized anxiety disorder

Flora had met with an accident a few days ago. She has forgotten everything about her life before the accident. Flora is suffering from

Generalized dissociative amnesia

Which of the following is a similarity between client centered therapy and Gestalt therapy?

Like client centered therapy, Gastalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection

The___is the third stage in a group of bodily changes that occur in the General adaption syndrome. In this stage, muscles become fatigued.

Exhaustion stage

When an individual experiences fatigue because of ongoing stress and becomes ill, he or she has most likely reach the_____of the General adaption syndrome.

Exhaustion stage

People with depersonalization-derealization disorder:

Experience episodes of feeling detached from themselves or feeling that the world around them is unreal

Which of the following statements is true of groupthink?

External threat heightens the cohesiveness of the group and is a source of stress

When Alex learned that the local supermarket sells chemically grown vegetables, he started buying vegetables that were sold at the organic farmers market. In the context of changing attitudes through persuasion, Alex was influenced by________.

Fear appeal

_____ is a type of a persuasive communication that influences behavior on the basis of arousing anxiety and concern instead of rational analysis of the issues.

Fear appeal

Serena has an internal locus of control. This means that she:

Feels in control of her own life.

Is a behavior-therapy method used for reducing fears


Behavior-therapy methods for reducing fears include

Flooding, systematic desensitization, virtual therapy, modeling

Raul goes to a psychotherapist because he is suffering from insomnia. The therapist asks him to relax by lying in a couch and encourages him to talk about anything that comes to his mind. The therapist does not use hypnosis. Through this process, The therapist hopes to gain insight into the unconscious process in Raul's mind. The therapist is using the technique of ______.

Free association

When compared to Hypno sis, Sigmund Freud found ______ to be a more gradual method of breaking through the walls of defense that block the clients insight into unconscious processes

Free association

____ was originated by Fritz Perls.

Gestalt therapy

In the context depressive disorders, people who remained depressed:

Have lower self-esteem

Susan is in the alarm reaction stage of Selye's general adaption syndrome. In this scenario, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Her body is arouse and she experiences a fight or flight reaction.

Kevin is in the exhaustion stage of Selye's General adaption syndrome. Which of the following is most likely to occur?

His heartbeat and restoration rate slow down and his muscles become fatigued.

Asylums were intended primarily for:

Housing people with psychological disorder

Which of the following is a difference between humanistic forms of therapy and behavioral therapy?

Humanistic forms of therapy tend to focus on what people think and feel, whereas behavior therapist tend to focus on what people do.

People with___insist that they are suffering from a serious physical malady, even though no medical evidence of it can be found

Illness anxiety disorder

While conducting experiments to study the affect of humor on stressed students, it was found that exposing students to humorous video tapes raise the level of ____in their saliva.

Immunoglobulin A

Prejudices act as cognitive filters through which people view the social world. People tend to think of people as "familiar" or "foreign", or "good" or "bad." Their feelings and reactions toward others may be biased by these perceptions. This source and prejudice is referred to as _______.

Information processing

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, ______ involves closeness and caring - companioning the interests of the loved one, even if it entails sacrificing one's own


Peter and Kirsten share a warm relationship and count on each other for emotional support without sextual feelings for each other. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, this demonstrates ________.


Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy used by psychotherapists?

It allows the therapist to work with several clients at once

Which of the following statements is true of the elaboration likelihood model?

It describes the ways in which people respond to persuasive messages

Which of the following is true of cognitive therapy?

It focuses directly on one starts and encourages ideas that help one solve problems

Identify a true statement about behavior therapy

It helps clients discontinue over eating, smoking, and phobic avoidance of harmless stimulus

In psychoanalysis, which of the following statements best describes catharsis?

It is the expression of repressed feelings and impulses to allow the release of the psychic energy associated with them.

The immune system is able to eradicate foreign substances like pathogens because of the functioning of white blood cells called___.


Suicidal Intent

Level of commitment to taking one's own life.

Which of the following is a difference between life changes in daily hassles?

Life changes occur at irregular intervals, whereas daily hassles occur regularly.

People with mood disorders:

May become severely depressed when things are going well or when they encounter mildly upsetting event

Sanchez, an eight-year-old boy, suffers from unpredictable panic attacks and constantly talks to his imaginary friends. His mother confesses to the family doctor, "I probably drank too much alcohol during pregnancy and caused damage to Sanchez's brain" this statement supports the__on psychological disorders

Medical model

Tom is a World War II war hero who sent this from? Stress disorder and major depression. In 1954, he was sent to an institution for treatment. You successfully cured and he reentered society to lead a normal life. He was most likely admitted to a

Mental hospital

Cancer is characterized by the development of abnormal, or mutant, cells that may take route anywhere in the body: in the blood, bones, digestive tract, lungs, and sex organs. If their spread is not controlled early, the cancerous cells may___, that is, establish colonies elsewhere in the body.


Dissociative identity order was formerly termed

Multiple personality disorder

In the context of humanistic therapies, client centered therapists:

Must be able to tolerate differentness


A feature of schizophrenia where perceptions that occur in the abscence of external stimulation as in hearing voices or seeing things. They are confused with reality. They cannot be distinguished from real perceptions.

Cognitive Triad

A negative view of the self, the world, and the future.


A personality trait characterized by persistent anxiety.


A time-limited period during which specific symptoms of a disorder are present.

Paranoid schizophrenia

A type of schizophrenia characterized primarily by delusion-commonly of persecution-and vivid auditory hallucinations. Usually the delusions are of grandeur and persecution, including jealousy.


False, presistent beliefs that re unsubtantiated by sensory or objective evidence.

flat affect

a severe reduction in emotional expressiveness, found among many people with schizophrenia or serious depression

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

persistent, frightening thoughts that occur after undergoing a frightening and traumatic event

What do children with PTSD tend to exhibit?

they show many of the same symptoms as combat soldiers exposed to the horrors of war; they may have nightmares, fears, and panic atacks for years, they may regress developmentally and display age-inappropriate behaviors (i.e., fear of strangers); they avoid situations that remind them of the event or they may reenact the event in play; they may feel pessimistic, vulnerable, or numb, and have problems in school

Selected nursing diagnoses

*disturbed sensory perception -kinesthetic- related to repressed anxiety. *bathing/hygiene self-care related to impaired ability to perform or complete activities of daily living independently. *disabled family coping related to disturbed family relations. *risk for disuse syndrome related to loss of function of body part. *ineffective coping related to feelings of inadequacy. *ineffective role performance related to physical conversion symptom.

Posttraumatic stress disorder

An anxiety disorder characterized by a rapid heart rate and feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic experience. Such experiences may include a natural or man-made disaster, a threat or assualt, or witnessing a death. It may occur months or years after the event.

Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder

An anxiety disorder defined by Obssesions (recurrent, anxiety provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control), and compulsions (seemingly irresistible urges to engage in behaviors that tend to reduce the anxiety).

Conversion disorder

Characterisics: *alteration or loss of functioning of a body part that isn't related to any physical abnormalities. *symptoms not under patient's conscious control. -may be either disturbing to patient or not acknowledged --la belle indifference. -classically mimic neurologic problems, such as paralysis, blindness, aphonia, and other sensory disturbances. -may involve GI or other systems. -appear to express a conflict or an unmet need; primary and secondary gains are in operation.

Bipolar Disorder

Mood disorder involving manic episodes - intense and very disruptive experiences of heightened mood, possibly alternating with major depressive episodes.

Cyclothymic Disorder

Mood disorder that, compared to bipolar disorder, involves a less intense variation between states of eupohoria and dysphoria.

Specific Phobia

Persistent fear of a specific object or situation.


Fear of tight or small places.

what is the average age of onset for PTSD?

it can strike at any time but depends on the child's developmental level, pre-disaster level of anxiety and stress, cognitive appraisal of threat, and coping style

negative symptoms

the deficiencies among people with schizophrenia, such as flat affect, lack of motivation, loss of pleasure, and social withdrawal

what is acute stress disorder characterized by?

the development during or within 1 month after exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor of at least three of the followin dissociative symptoms: -an absence of emotional responsiveness -derealization -a reduced awareness of surroundings -depersonalization -dissociative amnesia

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