Mr. Searfoss: World Culture and Current Events Final Study Guide

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Do you think there will ever be peace in the Middle East, explain your answer?

I think there will ever be peace in the Middle East, explain your answer once there is new leaders. Right now the current leaders are too stubburn.

Be able to explain your website stories. (3-5 sentences on each)

. rockfalls in lakes cause mud lakes. Around 50 jade workers were trapped. Stuck for days. About a dozen dead. 2.PARIS — Inside the cavernous cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, the last Mass of the day was underway on Monday of Holy Week when the first fire alarm went off. At 6:43 p.m., another alarm rang. It was just 23 minutes later, but when they returned to the attic, it was clear they had a major problem: It was on fire. Soon much of the roof and the delicate spire rising high above it were also engulfed in flames, fanned by a strong breeze. 3. (CNN)Another mountaineer has died after summiting Mount Everest, bringing the death toll for the 2019 climbing season to 11 people. American attorney Christopher John Kulish, 62, died on Monday after reaching the top of Everest on the Nepalese side of the mountain in the morning, Meera Acharya, the Director of Nepal's Tourism Department told CNN. 4.Malaysia will return 450 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste to the countries that shipped it, in a refusal to become a dumping ground for the world's trash. Nine shipping containers at Port Klang, west of Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday were found to contain mislabeled plastic and non-recyclable waste, including a mixture of household and e-waste. 5.Shinzo Abe's long game is paying off. Only a year ago, the Japanese Prime Minister was looking like the odd one out as US President Donald Trump cozied up to China's Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Name 5 facts that you learned from CNN Student News.

1. rockfalls in lakes cause mud lakes. Around 50 jade workers were trapped. Stuck for days. About a dozen dead. 2.PARIS — Inside the cavernous cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, the last Mass of the day was underway on Monday of Holy Week when the first fire alarm went off. At 6:43 p.m., another alarm rang. It was just 23 minutes later, but when they returned to the attic, it was clear they had a major problem: It was on fire. Soon much of the roof and the delicate spire rising high above it were also engulfed in flames, fanned by a strong breeze. 3. (CNN)Another mountaineer has died after summiting Mount Everest, bringing the death toll for the 2019 climbing season to 11 people. American attorney Christopher John Kulish, 62, died on Monday after reaching the top of Everest on the Nepalese side of the mountain in the morning, Meera Acharya, the Director of Nepal's Tourism Department told CNN. 4.Malaysia will return 450 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste to the countries that shipped it, in a refusal to become a dumping ground for the world's trash. Nine shipping containers at Port Klang, west of Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday were found to contain mislabeled plastic and non-recyclable waste, including a mixture of household and e-waste. 5.Shinzo Abe's long game is paying off. Only a year ago, the Japanese Prime Minister was looking like the odd one out as US President Donald Trump cozied up to China's Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Name 3 countries of the Middle East.

Iran, turkey, and Pakistan

Why is it important to learn about World Issues/Current Events? Explain your answer.

It is important to learn about World Issues/Current Events so one knows of how the world outside of American affects daily life. Examples: trade, war, threats, allies, travel, etc

Do you believe mass killings can be prevented? Explain your answer.

Mass killings can be prevented by having better protection and better aware of the people who might do such a tragity.

What are some of the U.S. interests in the Middle East?

Much of my work focuses on how the United States can best pursue these interests at a time when the region is plagued with deep and growing sectarian tensions, geopolitical rivalries, institutional collapse, and growing radicalization.

Name the 7 continents and 5 oceans.

North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica. The five oceans are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean surrounds Antarctica.

Describe the mass killing that you researched. (3-5 sentences)

Sagamihara Stabbings- then slashed residents' throats or stabbed them in the chest as they slept. Nine women and 10 men were killed location ? Tsukui Lily Garden is a residential care center run by Kanagawa Kyoukai that housed 149 residents between the ages of 19 and 75, all of whom had intellectual disability but many with various physical disabilities

What is going on in Syria?

Soldiers who support the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad Fighters known as rebels, who don't want Assad to be in power anymore The group that calls itself Islamic State (IS)

What 2 world leaders do you believe are the most influential and why? a. Know at least 10 other world leaders from the worksheet you did b. Name and country, they are leader of

Trump and Vlad Putin a. Vladimir Putin- russia Michel Temer- Brazil Shinzo Abe-Japan Theresa May- Britan Narendra Modi-India Moon Jae-in- Isreal Xi Jinping- china Angela Merkel- Germany Ashraf Ghani- Afganistan Bashar Al Assad- Syria

Know the world leader's worksheet, just leader and country

Vladimir Putin- russia Michel Temer- Brazil Shinzo Abe-Japan Theresa May- Britan Narendra Modi-India Moon Jae-in- Isreal Xi Jinping- china Angela Merkel- Germany Ashraf Ghani- Afganistan Bashar Al Assad- Syria etc

Be able to explain the Migrant Caravan.(Who, what, where, how, when, why, etc.)

Who- South American's from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua • Around 5,000 migrants What- Around 5,000 to 7,000 migrants are camped at the improvised refugee shelter set up about a week ago in Mexico City, where they are getting rest and medical care after several weeks of rugged travel conditions. Where- Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua • The caravan left San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on October 13. Two others, smaller, caravans are also making their way north. •Making its way north to the United States from the Jesus Martinez Stadium in Mexico City • A group of Central American migrants resume their journey north after leaving the temporary shelter How- Severe insecurity: Honduras and El Salvador are among the deadliest places in the world that aren't war zones •Runaway corruption: means that, more often that not, Central America's political class is colluding with and protecting criminal groups, •Droughts, floods: and other phenomena linked to climate change are devastating agricultural •Economies and exacerbating: hunger for rural communities in some of the world's most unequal societies. •Intolerable situations: of domestic violence: Latin America has one of the highest levels of •violence against women in the world •Lack of economic: opportunity is another significant factor. When- October. 13 - Nov. 9, 2018- now Why-the migrants are from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua and say they are fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries.

Describe the current events going on in the following: (3-5 sentences on each) a. Syria b. Iran c. Israel - Palestine d. Algeria e. Libya f. Poland

a. Soldiers who support the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad Fighters known as rebels, who don't want Assad to be in power anymore The group that calls itself Islamic State (IS) b. The US has just pulled out of an important international agreement known as the Iran nuclear deal. The deal is an agreement between Iran and other major world powers - the US (although it is now withdrawing), UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. It restricts what Iran is allowed to do with its nuclear programme, which makes it possible for the country to develop a nuclear weapon. c. Despite a long-term peace process and the general reconciliation of Israel with Egypt and Jordan, Israelis and Palestinians have failed to reach a final peace agreement. d. here are conflicting reports about the death toll during the war against France for independence in the 1950s and early 60s. French historians estimate that up to 400,000 Algerians were killed, while the Algerian government says more than one million people died e. The offensive preempted a U.N.-led diplomatic initiative supported by the United States. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, one of the president's most reliable spokesmen, issued a statement the week before the president's conversation, calling for "the immediate halt to these military operations" by Hifter. The United States had previously signed a joint statement condemning Hifter's incursion and supported a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire. f. The President declares same-sex marriage will never be legalised. Heads roll in the public service and at state TV and radio stations. There's a refusal to accept refugees from nearby nations — part of the concern is that many are Muslims.

What did the Syria government do that brought criticism from the U.S. and other countries?

the military activity of Russia in Syria has been criticized by the US and its regional allies

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