MSLE Midterm #3

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Delivers relevant advertising to users from the type of content they consume online

Contextual Targeting

What are the different types of consumer promotions that brands use?

Continuity promotions Proprietary promotions Cashback offers On-pack premiums Collect & Win Instant Win Product sampling Scratch N' Win Cause Helper Loyalty programs Special Events Bonus offers Multipacks Trial Size Buy now, Pay later Interest-free Financing Community builders Surprise sweetener Open house/plant tours World Records

What are the key "moments" identified by Google as important for businesses in the mobile era?

I want to KNOW moments I want to GO moments I want to DO moments I want to BUY moments

True or False: The massive reach of YouTube and Instagram has given rise to the phenomenon of social influencers.


True or False: The most critical piece in working with an advertising agency is the creative team working on your campaign.


True or False: The top four content categories watched by YouTube users are comedy, music, entertainment/pop culture, and 'how-to' videos.


True or False: Through its product mix strategy, Band-Aid was able to target different usage occasions.


True or False: "Exclusivity" distribution means to have a specific place in the store that is exclusive to your products.


True or False: "Ubiquity" means having your product is very exclusive retailers only.


True or False: Disposable displays are the most desirable merchandising a marketer can ask for.


True or False: ESPN is an example of a walled garden.


True or False: Google watches what websites you visit, what web stores you shop or browse in, what content you read, and what things you buy or query online. Then, they feed you ads about those things you've shown an interest in. This is called network targeting.


True or False: It's not necessary for brands to craft their product mix in various sizes, shapes, colors, forms, and usage occasions to specifically meet consumers' needs and their expectations, resulting in maximized brand appeal. One size can fit all.


True or False: Marketers should slice their consumer segments into tiny benefit slices and create a product for each of them specifically.


True or False: Social Media is a great advertising channel


True or False: On average, a person needs to see an ad five to seven times before they start to remember it.

False; 3 to 5 times

True or False: The customer path to purchase is complex and non-linear. Salesforce reports numbers of digital touch-points on the customer path to purchase is 12 to 14 interactions.

False; 6 to 8

True or False: 71% of retail shoppers conduct online research before buying.

False; 81%

Some brands gorge themselves on pretty pictures and affecting imagery without giving any consideration to whether those images provide any real sustenance for the brand.


Their product claims are so outrageous they cannot be believed.


What are the three things you should be asking and evaluating with every time you go to post something on social media?

1. Is it timely? 2. Is it relevant? 3. Is it actionable?

What are the elements of "World Class Advertising"?

1. The product is the hero or the object of desire. 2. The ad is presented in a relevant yet unexpected way. 3. It touches an emotion.

How much should brands budget annually for ad agency costs?

20% of the total annual marketing budget

What's a "blocking strategy" and how is it used?

A blocking scheme is nothing more than designing the way you want the products to be displayed on the shelf. A good blocking scheme will increase sales and call attention to your products. It's pretty hard to miss the wall of orange Tide bottles!

On-Pack Premiums

Attach a sample of your product to another top-selling product. This encourages trial and increased consumption.

What are channel strategies?

Defining what kinds of retailers should carry your product.

Instant Win

Drive sales of items with immediate consumption.

They imitate an existing campaign instead of carving out their own unique identity.


Collect & Win

Increase purchase frequency with a reward only redeemable by collecting enough bar codes, stamps, or coupons.

How long does it take for ad campaigns to get made?

Most good campaigns take six to eight months of development.

Cashback Offers

Need to react fast? Cashback offers are a great way to maximize sales in the short term.

Proprietary Promotions

Offering the consumer something highly desirable that they can only get through your brand.

Search listings appear below the paid search listings

Organic Search

Google typically allows 4 companies to be shown in these search listings.

Paid Search

Pay Google only if the customer click on your listing

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

They like to see their name and logo in conspicuous places.


The process of purchasing ad space via software and relying on complex algorithms to deliver ads contextually; using AI machines to buy ads.

Programmatic Advertising

Continuity Promotions

Promotions that require a series of purchases; ex. frequent flyer programs

Google's Auction System

Real-Time-Bidding (RTB)

The means by which you get a high organic search listing

Search Engine Optimization

They try to be trendy when they are not.


What is the nickname we give to the shelf area between the top of the shoulders and top of the knees?

The Consumer Strike Zone. The focal range in which consumers are most likely to shop for products on a store shelf is almost identical to the traditional baseball strike zone—the top of the shoulders to the knees. Products that are placed on shelves in this zone have an 85% greater chance of being purchased than those shelved higher or lower.

How do social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest sell their advertising?

These sites all manage and sell the advertising within their environments, so they aren't part of the Google or Facebook Networks; they are programmatic walled gardens. They all use the same RTB and PPC formula as Google Ads—limited ad spaces are auctioned, and they only get paid when a consumer clicks on the ad—so they too are incentivized to put out only the best ads that they believe will entice consumers to click on.

How do sites like,, and sell their advertising?

They don't use RTB or PPC. Instead, they just sell Pay-Per-View (PPV), sometimes called reservation. It's a pre-negotiated deal with a fixed price and guaranteed delivery of a number of ad showings. You buy 10,000 views and they will show your ad 10,000 times and you'll pay for that, regardless of if it created any clicks on your ad.

True or False: A blocking scheme is nothing more than designing the way you want the products to be displayed on the shelf. A good blocking scheme will increase sales and call attention to your products.


True or False: A great PR plan reinforces some aspect of the brand positioning strategy - the benefits, the "reason why", or the brand personality - in a unique and interesting way.


True or False: A great marketing PR initiative can add significant value in free publicity to augment paid marketing support.


True or False: A study done by the Nielsen Company in Canada found that only about 15% of all contextual ads are actually fed to someone in the market to buy. So even though it's a good system, it's far from perfect.


True or False: A study of Facebook users found the people who said it was permissible for brands they "like" to send them marketing messages on the platform, but they only want to hear from them once a week or once a month at the most, not several times a day or even daily.


True or False: A well executed consumer promotion can yield benefits long past they promotional timeframe.


True or False: About 95% of all PPC online advertising is sold and managed through Google and Facebook


True or False: Advertising is entertainment


True or False: Brands can borrow personality from famous people


True or False: Categorizing consumer needs is a rigorous task we call segmentation analysis.


True or False: Defining the kind of outlets where you want to sell your products is called a "channel strategy".


True or False: Digital advertising can serve two purposes: 1. Generating Demand by creating broad exposure of your product or service offering. 2. Harvesting Demand by retargeting those who have shown interest in some form online.


True or False: Esports and video gaming are a driving new force in social media.


True or False: Facebook takes up 22% of the time Americans spend on mobile devices, with users spending on average 20 minutes on the site each day.


True or False: If you try to make the agency deliver on too-short timing, you increase the chance you'll get half-baked ideas. Don't try to rush greatness. Most good campaigns take 6 to 8 months of development.


True or False: Media Planners are an important part of the advertising agency team.


True or False: PR is driven by the power of the great, creative idea.


True or False: Pay-Per-View digital ads are a mass marketing tactic to generate advertising reach and frequency.


True or False: Pinterest is an example of a walled garden.


True or False: Products that are placed on shelves "in the consumer strike zone" have an 85% greater chance of being purchased than those shelved higher or lower.


True or False: Programmatic advertising refers to the process of purchasing ad space via software, relying on complex algorithms to deliver ads contextually.


True or False: Smart marketers make variations in their product between distribution channels to align with that channels strengths.


True or False: Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or brand attention through social media sites.


True or False: The goal of the Google Display Network is simple: to bring the advertisers' message to the right customers wherever they are online.


True or False: Top companies develop consumer promotion plans that extend far from just the retail store environment. They use the promotion as a means to create radio station tie-ins, stage PR events, rally employees and develop unique promotional opportunities with the retail trade.


True or False: Top marketers try to influence everything associated with the display and sale of their product. Lighting, ambiance, and product displays in the retail environment are all powerful marketing tools that can directly increase the appeal of your product to consumers and ultimately increase sales.


True or False: When asked what would motivate them would follow a brand or company on social media, the #1 answer is to GET A DISCOUNT!


True or False: When choosing a distribution strategy, match brand image with the consumer perception of the potential distribution point to find those channels that enhance and synergize with your product identity.


True or False: When critiquing the advertising agency creative presentations, the first comment should always be a strategic evaluation of whether the concept delivers the brand positioning strategy - target audience, benefit, and reason why.


True or False: Where your product is sold, and how it is displayed, creates a powerful communication message about your brand in the mind of consumers.


True or False: YouTube is becoming the go-to search engine for Millennials and Gen Z.


What are the two kinds of distribution strategies?

Ubiquity Exclusivity

Marketing Truth about Channel Strategies

Until you achieve distribution in excess of 70% of the outlets in your consumer selling channel, do not advertise broadly to consumers. Consumer advertising prior to a 70% distribution goal is a waste of money. Think of it this way, even at 70% distribution, 3 out of every 10 customers who go looking for the product can't find it!

How do you decide a distribution strategy?

When choosing a distribution strategy, match brand image with the consumer perception of the potential distribution point to find those channels that enhance and synergize with your product identity.

How should you "judge" creative storyboards presented by the ad agency's creative teams?

When critiquing advertising agency creative presentations, the first comment should always be a strategic evaluation of whether the concept delivers the brand positioning strategy—target audience, benefit, and reason why. This is a great training exercise for junior marketing people to develop their strategic evaluations skills.

Angry, accusatory advertising


Instead of pitching your products and services, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them. ____________ marketing helps raise awareness and educate consumers. a. Content b. Contextual c. YouTube d. Native

a. Content

What are the three types of public relations? (multiple answers - mark all that apply) a. Corporate b. Marketing c. Agency d. Defensive e. Communicative

a. Corporate b. Marketing d. Defensive

What are the important metrics you'd want to know when doing an email blast to your customer list? (multiple answers - mark all that apply) a. Number of returning customers b. Bounce rate c. Conversion rate d. Number of new customers e. Click-through rate f. Open rate

a. Number of returning customers b. Bounce rate c. Conversion rate d. Number of new customers e. Click-through rate f. Open rate

Gross Ratings Points (GRP's) are a calculated by multiplying what two numbers? (multiple answers - mark all that apply) a. Reach b. Advertising Dollars Spent c. TV Ratings d. Frequency

a. Reach d. Frequency

What are the four important TV ratings periods called? a. Sweeps b. Meters c. Systems d. Months

a. Sweeps

What does the "big head and long tail" mean? (multiple answers - mark all that apply). a. The 29,750 other items are the "long tail". b. In a typical grocery store, there are over 30,000 items. c. 250 items make up over 80% of a grocer's sales

a. The 29,750 other items are the "long tail". b. In a typical grocery store, there are over 30,000 items. c. 250 items make up over 80% of a grocer's sales

World-Class Advertising - ads that break through - have three consistent elements. If you have determined an ad to be "on strategy", then you can use these as a secondary judgment tool. World-class advertising always has these commonalities: (multiple answers - mark all that apply). a. The ad is presented in a relevant-yet-unexpected way b. It makes you laugh c. The product is the hero, or the object of desire d. It touches an emotion e. It costs less than $1 million to produce

a. The ad is presented in a relevant-yet-unexpected way c. The product is the hero, or the object of desire d. It touches an emotion

What are the elements in the Three Ingredients of Greatness in Consumer Promotions? (multiple answers - mark all that apply) a. They make it easy to enter. b. The contest offers a unique, desirable prize that ONLY YOU CAN OFFER. c. They give away a highly valuable prize. d. They execute the promotion on digital media. e. They make you believe you have a good chance (or at least a fair chance) of winning.

a. They make it easy to enter. b. The contest offers a unique, desirable prize that ONLY YOU CAN OFFER. e. They make you believe you have a good chance (or at least a fair chance) of winning.

What percentage of your total annual marketing budget should be allocated to pay to your advertising agency - their monthly retainer, their markup on materials developed, and their buying agency commission? a. 15% b. 20% c. 25% d. 30%

b. 20%

An airlines frequent flyer program is an example of what type of consumer promotion? (multiple answers - mark all that apply). NOTE: THINK ABOUT THIS. Just because I didn't explicitly speak to it in the book doesn't mean it doesn't apply! A frequent flyer program fits in several of these promotional categories! a. Loyalty program b. Bonus Offers c. Collect & Win d. Continuity e. Proprietary f. Scratch 'N Win g. Instant Win

b. Bonus Offers c. Collect & Win d. Continuity e. Proprietary

A fighter brand does which of the following (multiple answers - mark all that apply.) a. Compete in the premium category b. Exist to wreak havoc on competition c. Not intended to develop consumer loyalty d. Are a low-profile secret weapon in the brand arsenal e. Are major brands with strong consumer awareness f. Mission is to attack top competitors

b. Exist to wreak havoc on competition c. Not intended to develop consumer loyalty d. Are a low-profile secret weapon in the brand arsenal f. Mission is to attack top competitors

What is it called when you buy 10,000 advertisement views, and they show your ad1 0,000 times and you pay for that, regardless of if it created any clicks on your ad. (multiple answers - mark all that apply) a. Pay-Per-Click b. Real-Time-Bidding c. Direct Buy d. Reservation e. Walled Garden f. Pay-Per-View

c. Direct Buy d. Reservation f. Pay-Per-View

What is the name of the congressional act that stated manufacturers must treat all retailers - big and small - equally and fairly? a. Ryan - Pelosi Act b. Trump Act c. Robison-Patman Act d. Hatch - Kennedy Act

c. Robison-Patman Act

Johnny Cupcakes puts a little something extra inside of every box he ships to a customer who has placed an order - it could be an extra shirt, a ball cap, a baseball card, a $20 bill, bubble gum -- anything. But every box gets something. This type of promotion is called what? a. Trial size b. Loyalty program c. Surprise sweeteners d. Community builders e. World records

c. Surprise sweeteners

What are the two data sources The Nielsen Company uses in their TV Ratings system? (multiple answers - mark all that apply). a. Satellite System Viewer Data b. Cable System Viewer Data c. TV Meters d. TV Viewing Diaries

c. TV Meters d. TV Viewing Diaries

The simple rule for effectively using social media for marketing is this. Ask yourself, is this message _________, _________, and __________. It has to be two of three. (multiple answers, mark all that apply) a. Meaningful b. Substantive c. Friendly d. Actionable e. Relevant f. Timely g. Readable

d. Actionable e. Relevant f. Timely

What does MDF stand for? a. Monpolization Development Fund b. March Demonitization Fund c. Monetary Development Fund d. Marketing Development Fund

d. Marketing Development Fund

Have you ever looked at your Facebook feed and saw an article about something that interests you, and you clicked on it? It took you to an article about a product or service clearly advertising, but it didn't seem like it? What is this type of advertising called? a. Contextual targeting b. Referral advertising c. Content marketing d. Native advertising

d. Native advertising


selling your product in a few, exclusive locations ex. Lamborghini


wanting to have your product everywhere ex. coca-cola

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