Muckrakers populists and progressives
Direct election of senators
Clayton anti-trust act
Enforces sherman anti trust act
John Muir
Environmental journalist who joins up with Teddy Roosevelt
Expose speculation in their writings called exposés
Income tax
New nationalism
Pride for your country
Square Deal
Teddy Roosevelt program for reform / presidential campaign
Woman's right to vote
Jacob Riis
Wrote "how the other half lives" talking about the nasty living conditions. Unique because it used photographs
Lincoln Steffens
Wrote "shame of the cities" exposing political spevils in the city
John spargo
Wrote "the bitter cry of the children" exposing problems associated with child's labor
Upton sinclair
Wrote "the jungle" talking about the meat packing industry
David G. Phillips
Wrote "the treason of the senate" exposing how US senate is being manipulated by the big guys
Ida Tarbell
Wrote the "history of the standard oil company" which exposes oil manipulative practices