Multi-Domain Operation O140 (Quiz 2)

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What are the three tenets of MDO?

- Calibrated Force Posture - Multi Domain Formations - Convergence

What are some Space planning considerations for MDMP?

- Determine status of Space enabled equipment by Warfighting function •Conduct IPB, to include: o Solar/terrestrial weather, and terrain impacts on Space operations o Threat EW/Counterspace capabilities to disrupt Space linkages during Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) - Develop operational planning considerations: o Determine potential degradation to Medical operations o Identify enemy EW systems for targeting o Develop PACE plan to deal with D3SOE considerations (e.g., unit has to be prepared to operate in analog vs digital manner)

How is IO structured across the Range of Military Operations?

- Large scale combat operations: Military Deception OPS, Counteracting Enemy IO Crisis Response and Limited Contingency Operations: Influence actors political, economic, military structures Military Engagement, Security Cooperation, and Deterrence: Influencing partners to align with U.S. interests to prevent threats

What are the 3 ranges of military operations?

- Large-scale combat operations: Dis-integrate/Exploit - Crisis response and limited contingency operations: Penetrate - Military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence: Compete/Re Compete

What are the six phases of joint operations?

- Phase 0 (Shape) : Compete/ Re compete - Phase 1 (Deter) - Phase 2 (Seize Initiative): Penetrate - Phase 3 (Dominate): Dis-integrate/Exploit - Phase 4 (Stabilize) / - Phase 5 (Enable Civil Authority)

How does satellites provide Health Service Support?

- Precise positional data and navigation support (GPS) - Track Class VIII medical supplies and see the battlefield (CSS VSAT and JBC-P Log) - Long-distance communications (SATCOM)

In 10 days, how much jamming is experienced at NTC?

60-80 hours SATCOM, 40-50 hours FM, 43 hours JCR, 29 hours GPS of jamming (minimum historical) over 10 days at the National Training Center

Explain the MDO Tenet: Calibrated Force Posture

Allows Army forces to support Joint Force objectives in competition; deters armed conflict by preventing adversaries from attempting to seize territory on favorable terms; and enables friendly forces to quickly seize the initiative in large-scale combat operations by setting the theater for expeditionary forces. •Forward Presence Forces - Forward presence forces consist of Army forward deployed and rotational units and capability sets. •Expeditionary Forces - Expeditionary Army forces are those formations ready to maneuver from the U.S. or other regions across strategic distances while in contact with the adversary's reconnaissance, long-range fires, space, and cyberspace capabilities. •National-Level Capabilities - National-level capabilities include intelligence, cyberspace, space-based, and some kinetic strike capabilities normally controlled above the theater level. •Authorities - In armed conflict, Army forces must have authorities to employ capabilities such as electronic attack, offensive cyberspace and space measures, and lethal strikes, especially to support a rapid transition from competition to conflict. In both competition and conflict, authorities to operate in the cyberspace domain and information environment must be granted earlier, faster, and to lower echelons to enable MDO.

What does ABCT stand for?

Armored Brigade Combat Team

Hows does a ABCT operate in MDOs?

Brigades converge organic ISR, maneuver, and fires capabilities with limited amounts of available aviation, maneuver support, EW, joint fires, and offensive space capabilities.

Explain the MDO Tenet: Convergence

Convergence is the rapid and continuous integration of capabilities in all domains, the EMS, and the information environment that optimizes effects to overmatch the enemy through cross-domain synergy and multiple forms of attack all enabled by mission command and disciplined initiative. Through convergence, multi-domain capabilities are brought together in stimulate-see-strike or see-strike combinations that disrupt, degrade, destroy, or dis-integrate enemy systems or create windows of superiority to enable friendly exploitation of the initiative. •Cross-Domain Synergy - The combination of complementary effects complicates an enemy's ability to act, producing an overall effect greater than the sum of the individual parts. Against a near-peer enemy, the Joint Force will not have sufficient capacity to achieve overmatch without cross-domain synergy. •Layered Options - The creation of additional options makes it easier for friendly forces to target enemy vulnerabilities in unexpected ways and avoids dependence on a single method of seeing or striking. Layered options also confront the enemy with an array of different threats to which it must respond.

Define the Cyberspace Domain:

Cyberspace is a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent networks of information technology infrastructures and resident data, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. (JP 3-12[R]) Army operations depend on cyberspace for synchronizing, storing, coordinating, and protecting information. Commanders rely on cyberspace to exercise command and control. Joint commanders and staffs conduct operations in and through cyberspace and the entire electromagnetic spectrum to assure U.S. and allied forces freedom of maneuver in all domains to include cyberspace while denying enemies and adversaries the same.

What are defensive cyberspace operations (DCO)?

DCO are passive and active cyberspace operations intended to preserve the ability to utilize friendly cyberspace capabilities and protect data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems (JP 3-12[R]).

What are the MDOs?

Land, Air, Sea, Space, Cyber

Fact or Assumption? Neither the U.S. nor adversaries will employ nuclear weapons:

MDO Assumption

What is military deception operations?

Military Deception (MILDEC) is actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military, paramilitary, or violent extremist organization decision makers, thereby causing the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment of the friendly mission (JP 3-13.4). This is achieved through: •Causing delay and surprise through ambiguity, confusion, or misunderstanding. •Causing the enemy to misallocate personnel, fiscal, and materiel resources. •Causing the enemy to reveal strengths, weaknesses, dispositions, and intentions. •Causing the enemy to waste combat power and resources with inappropriate or delayed actions.

What does MDO stand for?

Multi-Domain Operations

Explain the MDO Tenet: Multi_domain Formations

Multi-domain formations possess the combination of capacity, capability, and endurance which generates the resilience necessary to operate across multiple domains. All Army formations must be multi-domain capable to some degree. •Conduct Independent Maneuver - Independent maneuver alludes to formation possessing the capacity, capability, and empowered initiative to operate under the constraints of the operational environment. Multi-domain formations possess organic capabilities to sustain and protect themselves until they regain contact with adjacent and supporting units. •Employ Cross Domain Fires - The ability to employ cross-domain fires provides options to commanders and builds resilience within the Joint Force to overcome temporary functional separation imposed by enemy anti-access and area denial systems. •Maximize Human Potential - The Army builds and sustains multi-domain formations through the selection, training, and education of the leaders and Soldiers in them. Advances in performance science enable Soldiers and junior leaders to enter operations at peak cognitive, physical, and emotional potential.

What are offensive cyberspace operations (OCO)?

OCO are are cyberspace operations intended to project power by the application of force in or through cyberspace (JP 3-12[R]).

What is Electronic Warfare (EW)?

Refers to military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy (JP 3-13.1). EW includes Electronic Attack, Electronic Protection, and Electronic Warfare Support and includes activities such as electromagnetic jamming, electromagnetic hardening, and signal detection.

What is Signal Intelligence (SIGNIT)?

Signal Intelligence is intelligence derived from communications, electronic, and foreign instrumentation signals (JP 2-0). SIGINT provides unique intelligence information, complements intelligence derived from other sources, and is often used for cueing other sensors to potential targets of interest.

What are the advantages and vulnerabilities of the Space Domain?

Space Advantages: •Precise Positioning and Accuracy •Information and Intelligence Gathering •Global Command and Control •Allows Unfettered Global Access Space Vulnerabilities: •Congested, Contested, and Competitive •Satellite Communications •Surveillance and Reconnaissance •Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT)

What is AN/MLQ-40 Prophet?

Used by SIGINT, gives the maneuver commander a comprehensive picture of electronic emitters within his battlespace and provides the ability to locate, collect, and electronically attack selected emitters where ground reconnaissance assets cannot penetrate or cover in a timely manner

Provide pros and cons to Cyberspace:

While cyberspace enables communications capabilities, it also creates critical vulnerabilities for adversaries and enemies to attack or exploit. The complexity, low entry cost, widely available resources, minimally required technological investment, and ease of anonymity in cyberspace enables enemies and adversaries to inflict serious harm. The expanded availability of commercial off-the-shelf technology provides adversaries with increasingly flexible and affordable technology to adapt to military purposes. Low barriers to use cyberspace significantly decrease the traditional capability gap between the United States and adversaries, allowing them to field sophisticated cyberspace capabilities.

Are all ABCT MDO capable?

Yes, All brigades are multi-domain capable, yet those responsible for controlling terrain require high levels of cross-domain organic capabilities to create the convergence that enables their broader task sets. •Brigades habitually access intelligence, EW, cyberspace, and space capabilities through the division, corps, and field army as described above. Brigades execute convergence and cross-domain maneuver to see, isolate, maneuver, and/or protect to exploit the initiative and achieve positions of advantage to accomplish their missions. • A brigade has the analytical capacity to converge limited amounts of national- or theater-level intelligence sources with its organic ISR.

What is information operations (IO)?

is the integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision-making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own (JP 3-13).

What are lessons learned in the 2022 Russian Ukraine war regarding Electronic Warfare?

•Demonstrated Russian capability of using Electronic Warfare (EW) to generate effects •Combined cyber operations, EW, and information operation campaigns to produce non-lethal and lethal effects •Utilized UAS and ground systems to conduct o Communications signature footprint location o SATCOM and radio jamming o GPS denial and deception (e.g., jamming and spoofing) o Signals interception and targeting

Adversaries increased technological advancement in space will hinder space operations how?

•Denied, Degraded, and Disrupted Space Operational Environment (D3SOE)

The are the domains of cyberspace in the OE?

•Political. What networks and nodes require the most emphasis on security and defense to enable the functioning of the government? •Military. Where are networks and nodes utilized by enemy and adversary actors to enable their activities? •Economic. What networks and nodes require the most emphasis on security and defense to enable commerce and other economic-related activities? •Social. What network nodes enable communication with the host nation population for the purpose of providing information or protecting them from potential negative effects caused by military operations in cyberspace? •Information. What is the nature of the data transiting cyberspace that influences or otherwise affects military operations? •Infrastructure. What networks and nodes enable critical infrastructure and key resource capabilities and supporting supervisory control and data acquisition system? •Physical Environment. How are wireless networks affected by the electromagnetic environment which includes terrain and weather? •Time. What are the optimal times to create effects to support the overarching mission?

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