Multiple Choice Questions

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In class, we covered the following principles of Software Engineering, EXCEPT: a. Rigor/Formality b. Separation of Concerns c. Avoidance of change d. Generality e. Incrementality


"Focus on the ______ and all else will follow"


Requirements state ______ the software should do, without saying _____ it should do it

what, how

The Spiral model of software development is, or has the following EXCEPT: a. Risk-driven b. Spirals from the inside out c. Spirals out of control d. Requirements analysis e. Prototyping f. Verification


The famous paper claiming there is No Silver Bullet for software was written by: a. Your famous Professor Ziv b. Arthur Brooks c. Fred Brooks d. Fred Astaire e. Fred Flintstone


The known problems of the Waterfall Model include the following, EXCEPT: a. It takes too long b. At the end it delivers what the customer wanted c. The customer is too involved d. It is too rigid e. It is too linear f. It is too sequential


UI methods include the following diagrams and visual representations, EXCEPT: a. Swimming lane diagrams b. Storyboards c. User stories d. Mockups e. Wireframes


UML includes the following diagrams, EXCEPT: a. Use case diagrams b. Class diagrams c. Entity Relationship diagrams d. Activity diagrams e. Sequence diagrams


Based on our charts, the following is a valid Use Case for ATM software, EXCEPT: a. Withdraw Money b. Deposit Money c. Transfer Money d. Bank System e. Buy Stamps


Use cases: a. May not map well to design and implementation constructs b. May not translate well to acceptance tests c. Make it difficult to verify a design and implementation against user goals d. Are framed in terms of user goals and flow of events e. May be difficult for non-experts to understand


Which of the following software process models insists on understanding user needs/wants/wishes before any coding and software development begins: a. Agile, such as SCRUM b. OSS (Open Source Software) c. Rational Unified Process d. Waterfall e. Spiral


(ZOW- Zot on Wheels- is only food ordering system that user can pick up or have delivered and is charged on the device) To best meet ZOW requirements, follow a software process model that is: a. Rational b. Waterfall c. Agile d. Build-and-fix e. None, process models are oppressive


According to our charts, if an error is found-and-fixed during the requirements phase the cost of fixing it is a. One unit of cost b. 2-3 units of cost c. 5-10 units of cost d. 10-100 units of cost e. Over 100 units of cost


According to our charts, the largest cost in the software life cycle, is the phase of: a. Maintenance b. Testing c. Coding d. Design e. Specification f. Analysis


Base on our charts, Maintenance of software development could consume: a. 2/3 or more of total software cost, effort and resouces b. Up to half of total software cost c. Up to 25% of total software cost d. 10% or less of total software cost e. 1% or less of total software cost


In class, we covered the following essential ingredients of Software Engineering, EXCEPT: a. People b. Processes c. Designs d. Tools


Based on our notes, examples (types) of Actors include: a. Users and customers, as well as related systems, databases, networks,... b. all human users of the system, regardless of their background c. Software developers, managers, testers, and community stakeholders d. All people whose needs are captured in the requirements document


Based on our notes, the first step in the process of developing requirements is: a. Elicitation b. Orientation c. Specification d. Prototyping e. Analysis


In class we covered the following perspectives of Software Engineering, EXCEPT: a. People b. Business c. Design d. Engineering


It identified the following as essential problems of software that are hard to fight, EXCEPT: a. Visibility b. Changeability c. Conformity d. Complexity


OSS is related to, but still different from Agile. What characteristic of most open source projects is different than most Agile projects? a. OSS is done in large distributed teams b. OSS makes small, frequent, incremental releases c. OSS has frequent communication among team members d. OSS does software requirements, architecture, and design, "just in time"


One of the Pie Chart on Cost shows that the largest expense in the cycle, is the phase of a. Maintenance b. Testing c. Coding d. Design e. Specification f. Analysis


The famous paper No Silver Bullet identified the following as essential problems of software that are hard to fight or overcome, EXCEPT: a. Variability b. Invisibility c. Changeability d. Conformity e. Complexity


The following are all useful questions for discovering Actors, EXCEPT: a. Is it required to login and authenticate oneself to the system? b. Who logs in and out of the system? c. Who starts up and shuts down the system? d. Who provides inforation to the system? e. Who consumes information from the system?


The three main elements that constitute a software architecture are, EXCEPT: a. Constructors b. Components c. Connectors d. Configurations


Traders are watching the Stock Market data, especially today. The architectural style of listening to selective data from the Stock Market is called: a. Publish-subscribe b. Object-oriented c. Client-server d. Model-view-controller e. Layered f. All of the above


UI methods include the following, EXCEPT: a. Interrogations b. Observations c. Focus groups d. User testing e. A/B testing


UML includes the following diagrams and visual representation, EXCEPT: a. Swimming lane diagrams b. Class diagrams c. Activity diagrams d. Use case diagrams e. Sequence diagrams


Agile software development is know to be EXCEPT: a. Better than the process models that existed before b. Rigid c. Accommodating of changing requirements d. Accommodating of customer involvement and user feedback e. Iterative f. Incremental


Agile software development is know to be, EXCEPT: a. Better than the process models that existed before b. Rigid c. Accommodating of changing requirements d. Accommodating of customer involvement and user feedback e. Iterative f. Incremental


By our definition(s), software architecture is, EXCEPT: a. Blueprint for a software system's construction and evolution b. Principles and decisions about the system c. The set of principle design decisions about the system d. A subset of the overall set of design decisions about the system


In which quadrant of the Spiral Model does "risk analysis" appear a. Upper left b. Upper right c. Lower left d. Lower right


Some o the top reasons/causes of software failure include, EXCEPT: a. Requiremets and specifications are incomplete b. Requirements and specifications never change c. Lack of methodical usage of metrics d. Lack of resources e. Lack of user input/user invovlement


Some of the top reasons/causes of software failure include, EXCEPT: a. Requirements and specifications are incomplete b. Requirements and specifications never change c. Lack of methodical usage of metrics d. Lack of resources e. Lack of user input/user involvement


The Spiral model of software development is, or has the following EXCEPT: a. Four quadrants b. Risk-averse c. Requirements analysis d. Prototyping e. Verification


Verizon uses a UNIX/LINUX system. She starts with a big file, then narrow it down to calls made in Irvine in August 2016. This architectural style is called: a. Object-oriented b. Pipe-and-Filter c. Model-view-controller d. Client-server e. Layered


(ZOW- Zot on Wheels- is only food ordering system that user can pick up or have delivered and is charged on the device) The following are possible valid use cases for ZOW requirements, EXCEPT: a. Create order b. Change order c. Add mustard to order d. Pay for order


In class, we covered the following principles of Software Engineering, EXCEPT: a. Rigor/Formality b. Anticipation of change c. Anticipation of overlapping concerns d. Generality e. Modularity f. Incrementality


(ZOW- Zot on Wheels- is only food ordering system that user can pick up or have delivered and is charged on the device) ZOW has become very popular very quickly, and is in use nationally outside UCI and internationally. Its software architecture should be designed to include: a. One server b. One additional server for each additional user c. 2-3 servers d. Multiple servers in one location e. Multiple servers with redundancy in multiple geographic locations


A storyboard can include, or be made of: a. Sketches of users interacting with a system b. Sketches of system interface and user screens c. Images and moving images of people, systems, and their environments d. Text descriptions e. All of the above


According to our charts, if an error is found and fixed only after deployment and maintenance, the cost of fixing it is: a. One unit of cost b. 2-3 units of cost c. 5-10 units of cost d. 10-100 units of cost e. Over 100 units of cost


Good things will happen if good UI methods are used, EXCEPT the following: a. Sales double b. Traffic count doubles c. System response time/reaction time cut in half d. User response time/reaction time cut in half e. User happiness cut in half


On a UML class diagram, one can potentially find the following, EXCEPT: a. Classes (class names) b. Class attributes and methods c. Class relationships d. Relationship names e. Configurations


The Waterfall model of software development is, EXCEPT: a. Better than the chaos that existed before b. Rigid c. Linear d. Sequential e. Accomodating of customer involvement and user feedback


Techniques for Requirements Analysis include the following, EXCEPT: a. Observe customer b. Interview customer c. Perform Research d. Create scenarios/ use cases/ user stories e. Prototype solutions f. Deconstruct models


The following architectural styles can be mixed/combined with other styles a. Publish-subscribe b. Object-oriented c. Client-server d. Model-view-controller e. Layered f. All of the Above


The following typically involve create human design activity, EXCEPT: a. Jewelry making b. Clothes making c. Car making d. Software engineering and architecture e. Bridge engineering and architecture f. Pouring concrete during Bridge construction


The paper did suggest the following as "potential silver bullets", EXCEPT: a. Buy vs. Build b. Requirements refinement c. Rapid prototyping d. Incremental Development e. Great designers f. Object-oriented design


A use-case template may include the following fields, EXCEPT: a. Name and Title b. Revision History c Pre-condition d. Basic Flow(s) e. Alternative Flow(s) f. Exception Flow(s) g. Post-mortem


By our definition, a use-case template may include the following fields, EXCEPT: a. Name and Title b. Revision History c. Pre-condition d. Basic Flow(s) e. Alternative Flow(s) f. Exception Flow(s) g. Misuse Flow(s)


Software Engineering is multi-__________ developmennt of multi-___________ software

person, version

A Diagram is a ________ in a __________ that has a __________

statement, language, syntax

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