Multiple Choice Vital Signs
Before a glass clinical thermometer is used, it should be soaked in a disinfectant for a minimum of A. 15 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 45 minutes D. 60 minutes
Difficult or labored respiration are A. Apnea B. Dyspnea C. Rales D. Cheyne-Stokes
For an adult, which pulse rate is immediately reported to the doctor or nurse A. 62 beats per minute B. 46 beats per minute C. 74 beats per minute D. 80 beats per minute
A persistent systolic pressure above 140 mmHg or a diastolic pressure above 90 mmHg is called A. Hypertension B. Hypotension C. Bradycardia D. Tachycardia
A pulse site at the neck is the A. Carotid B. Temporal C. Popliteal D. Femoral
Before taking vital signs on a patient, what should you do first A. Introduce yourself B. Close the privacy curtain C. Explain the procedure D. Place the call bell within reach
Charles is mouth breathing due to chronic nasal obstruction. You are taking his respiration and note a sound like snoring on inspiration. What character of respiration does he present A. Stertorous B. Labored C. Difficult D. Shallow
Which of the following usually causes an arrhythmia A. Defect in the electrical conduction of the heart B. Hypertension or high blood pressure C. Inflammation of the vein D. Low platelet
You measure Mr. James' blood pressure. His diastolic pressure was 78mmHg and his systolic was 144mmHg. How would you record these measurements A. 78/144 B. 78 C. 144/78 D. 144
The most accurate method for taking a temperature is A. Rectal B. Oral C. Axillary D. Groin
Which statement about the size of a blood pressure cuff is true A. the bladder of the cuff needs to cover about 80% of the circumference of the upper arm B. Cuffs should cover about 80% of the length of the upper arm C. Blood pressure cuffs are indicated by the age of the patient D. Except for infant cuffs, all adults use the same size cuff
Why are vital signs recorded on a graphic record A. It provides a visual diagram of variations in a persons vitals B. It is the easiest way to record vitals C. It is required as a legal record D. It provides proof that vital signs were taken
You are counting Mrs. Millie White's respiration. Which statement is false A. You need to tell her what you are doing B. Each rise and fall of the chest is counted as one C. Both sides of her chest should rise an fall equally D. Respiration are usually counted for 1 minute
You are taking vital signs on Jamie first thing in the morning. His pulse rate is 70, weak but regular. How would you chart his results A. P 70 weak and regular, your signature and title B. Pulse 70 reg. but weak, your signature C. 70 weak and regular, your signature and title D. P 70 w & reg., your signature and title
You count Mr. Smith's chest rising 15 times in one minute, his breathing is even and no irregularity noted. You would record this as A. R 15, even, regular B. R 30, even, regular C. R 15, even, irregular D. R 30, even, irregular
You take Mr. Millard's pulse when he comes into the office and note that his pulse is 50 beats per minute. You know that this is called A. Bradycardia B. Tachycardia C. Hypotension D. Hypertension
You take respiration on a 16 year old post op from having scoliosis surgery. Your results are R 10, even, reg. You know to report these results as A. Bradypnea B. Apnea C. Tachypnea D. Orthopnea
You come to Laura's room on morning rounds to take her vital signs. She is lying in the bed. How would you check her pulse A. Place in comfortable position, use stethoscope and place over apex of heart B. Place in comfortable position, support her arm and place her palm or hand downward C. Place in comfortable position, support her arm and place palm of hand upward D. Place in comfortable position, place two fingers on neck beside the trachea
A factor that does not increase blood pressure is A. Exercise B. Excitement or anxiety C. Shock D. Stimulant
You are taking Mr. James' pulse. The beats are not spaced evenly. How would you describe his pulse when reporting A. Thready and bounding B. Weak and feeble C. Strong and full D. Irregular
The terms deep or shallow, are MOST usually associated with which vital sign measurement A. Respirations B. Temperature C. Blood pressure D. Pulse
The type of colored pen used to chart on a TPR graph is determined by A. Facility you are working for B. What you learned in class C. You know to always use a black pen D. What your co worker tells you
What is the FIRST thing you will do when entering a patients room to take a radial pulse A. Wash your hands B. Identify the patient C. Place patient in a comfortable position D. Feel for their pulse
What would be the correct way to document a rectal temperature A. 98^6 R B. 98.6 C. 98.^6 D. 98.6 R
When the cuff on the sphygmomanometer is deflated the needle on the dial should be at A. Zero B. Ten C. Twenty D. One
Which of the following is not considered one of the four main vital signs A. Apical pulse B. Pulse C. Temperature D. Respiration
A TPR graph is most commonly used in which healthcare facility A. Pediatric office B. Long term care facility C. Orthopedic surgeon office D. Physical therapy office
A nursing assistant notes a patients blood pressure to be 148/96. Which is the BEST action the assistant can take A. Tell the patient the blood pressure reading B. Report the reading to the patients nurse C. Wait 15 minutes and repeat the procedure D. Immediately repeat the procedure in the other arm
A nursing assistant notes a patients temperature to be 101.2. Which is the BEST action the assistant can take A. Tell the patient the temperature reading B. Report the temperature to the patients nurse C. Wait 15 minutes and repeat the procedure D. Immediately repeat the procedure using a different site
All of the following mat decrease blood pressure except A. Depression B. Pain C. Fasting D. Shock
Mr. Currell has a blood pressure of 90/56. This blood pressure is called A. Hypertension B. Hypotension C. Hypocardia D. Myalgia
Of the following, which person is MOST likely to develop hypertension based on risk factors A. Underweight 12 year old Indian female student B. Obese 40 year old african american male smoker C. 30 year old asian male distance runner who works as an air traffic controller D. 45 year old caucasian mother of triplets who is on a low carbohydrate diet
Respiration and pulse are counted for _____ each, unless they are abnormal in rate or rhythm A. 2 minutes B. 1 minutes C. 30 seconds D. 3-5 minutes
Respiration are usually counted A. After taking the temperature B. After taking the pulse C. Before measuring the blood pressure D. After measuring the blood pressure
The least accurate route for measuring temperature is A. Aural B. Axillary C. Oral D. Rectal
Vital signs are normally taken when the person is A. Sitting or standing B. Sitting or lying down C. Only when lying down D. Only when sitting down
What is the instrument called to record temperature A. Stethoscope B. Thermometer C. Sphygmomanometer D. Temperature
What is the respiratory rate of a patient who is observed to have 16 inspirations and 16 expirations A. 8 B. 16 C. 32 D. 64
What medical term is used if a patient does not have a fever A. Febrile B. Afebrile C. Pyrexia D. W/o fever
When taking a pulse, why should the thumb NOT be used A. The width of the thumb impedes an accurate feel for the pulse B. The thumb has a pulse and can be confused with the patients C. The sensation of the thumb is not as good as it is in the middle D. There is more dexterity in the fingers then in the thumb
Which of the following may increase or accelerate your pulse rate A. Depressant drugs B. Shock C. Sleep D. Heart disease
Which of the following statements is not the correct way to measure blood pressure A. The patients forearm should be supported on a flat surface B. The lower edge of the sphygmomanometer cuff should be 1 to 1 1/2 inches below the antecubital area C. The length of the bladder on the cuff should be approximately 80 percent of the circumference of the patients upper arm D. The patients arm should be free of any constructive clothing and the cuff should be applied to the bare skin
A pulse rate over 100 beats per minute, except in children, is A. Bradycardia B. Arrhythmia C. Tachycardia D. Fibrillation
Constant pressure in the walls of the arteries is A. Pulse deficit B. Systolic C. Diastolic D. Hypertension
Heart sounds are caused by A. Contraction of the heart muscle B. Relaxation of the heart muscle C. Closing of the valves in the heart D. Movement of blood through the heart chambers
How does the respiratory rate of a healthy toddler compare to that of a healthy 21 year old A. Equal respirations B. Lower respirations C. Higher respirations D. Irregular respirations
How long should a clinical thermometer be left in the axillary site A. 3-5 minutes B. 5-7 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 20 minutes
In a blood pressure measurement of 132/86, the number 86 is the A. Bradycardia B. Tachycardia C. Diastolic D. Systolic
Prehypertension occurs when A. The diastolic reading is below 80 mmHg B. The diastolic reading is between 80 to 100 mmHg C. The diastolic reading is between 80 to 89 mmHg D. The diastolic reading is over 100 mmHg
Scott is in the hospital due to having his appendix removed. He is an athlete in top physical condition. Which of these pulse findings may be considered normal for Scott A. P 78, strong, irregular B. P 102, weak, regular C. P 56, strong, regular D. P 120, strong, regular
The measurement of the balance between heat produced and lost is A. Vital signs B. Homeostasis C. Temperature D. Wellness
The pulse site used while taking a blood pressure is A. Carotid B. Femoral C. Brachial D. Popliteal
Variations in body temperatures can occur due to all of the following reasons except A. Individual differences B. Time of day C. Body's fluid balance D. Body sites
What abbreviation would you use when documenting a reading using a tympanic thermometer A. Ax B. R C. A D. O
Which is considered to be an elevated temperature A. Aural 98.6 F B. Axillary 98.2 F C. Oral 99.9 F D. Rectal 100 F
Which of the following does not lead to increased body temperature A. Illness or infection B. Exercise C. Starvation or fasting D. Excitement
You are checking on a patient at midnight and notice apnea while observing their respiration without waking them. You know that apnea means A. Bubbling or noisy counts on inspiration B. Difficult breathing C. Absence of respiration D. High pitched whistling sound on inspiration
A pulse is described as regular or irregular by its A. Rate B. Character C. Volume D. Rhythm
A sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to measure blood pressure in A. mm Ca B. mm Na C. mm Bp D. mm Hg
Cheyne-stokes respiration describes A. Rapid breathing B. Difficult or labored breathing C. Moist or stertorous breathing D. Periods of apnea and dyspnea
Difficult breathing with a high pitched whistling or sighing sound during expiration is A. Apnea B. Cheyne-Stokes C. Orthopnea D. Wheezing
If a patient has problems breathing in any other position other than sitting erect or standing it is called A. Tachypnea B. Apnea C. Bradypnea D. Orthopnea
If you count 9 respiration in 30 seconds, your would report A. 9 per minute B. 27 per minute C. 20 per minute D. 18 per minute
In which procedure is lubricant required A. Oral B. Axillary C. Aural D. Rectal
Pulse rates are most commonly measured at which site A. Apical B. Brachial C. Carotid D. Radial
Respiration is defined as A. Taking in O2 and expelling CO2 by the heart B. Taking in CO2 and expelling O2 by the lungs C. Taking in CO2 and expelling O2 by the heart D. Taking in O2 and expelling CO2 by the lungs
The diastolic pressure is the A. First sound you hear B. Second sound you hear C. Third sound you hear D. Last sound you hear
To take an apical pulse rate, you must A. Count for only 15 seconds B. Feel for the artery on the side of the neck C. Use a sphygmomanometer D. Have the patient sit or lie down
What supplies will you need to measure and record a radial pulse A. Watch with a second hand B. Paper C. Pen/pencil D. All of the above