Muscle Reading

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Learn to use standard english when it counts. What is standard English?

Standard English (also called standard written English) is the form of the language used by educated speakers and writers.

To read at a deeper level, ask deeper questions. What are questions that you do not want to ask? Explain what type of questions you want to create to get deeper questions.

To read at a deeper level, ask deeper questions. Unless you're reading solely to gain facts, go beyond simple yes-no and true-false questions. Create questions that prompt you to define key terms, separate the main points from minor details, and make connections between ideas. Often these questions will have more than one correct answer.

What is the purpose of reviews?

The purpose of these reviews is to keep the neural pathways to the information open and to make them more distinct. That way, the information can be easier to recall. You can accomplish these short reviews anytime, anywhere, if you are prepared.

How does visual imagery help you as a reader?

Visualize the material. Form mental pictures of the concepts as they are presented. Visual imagery in this way can help deepen your understanding of the text while allowing information to be transferred into your long-term memory.

What is the two most important factors of speed reading?

When it comes to reading speed, the size of your vocabulary and the prior knowledge that you bring to a topic are more important factors. These develop gradually over time as you continue your education and gain new experiences.

What is the art of note taking?

When taking notes, remember that you don't have to capture everything that an instructor says. To a large extent, the art of note taking consists of choosing what not to record.

While there are no "hacks," tips, tricks, secrets, or shortcuts to personal development, there is one thing you can do: _____________ Which is what?

While there are no "hacks," tips, tricks, secrets, or shortcuts to personal development, there is one thing you can do: read more.

While there are no "hacks," tips, tricks, secrets, or shortcuts to personal development, there is one thing you can do: read more. What type of books should you choose?

While there are no "hacks," tips, tricks, secrets, or shortcuts to personal development, there is one thing you can do: read more. Choose books that challenge you and introduce you to new subjects. Also read more actively by joining book groups and distilling what you learn into Discovery and Intention Statements.

How does outlining help you learn?

With complex material, take time to understand the structure of what you are about to read. Outlining actively organizes your thoughts about the assignment and can help make complex information easier to understand. Have fun with this technique. Make the questions playful or creative. You don't need to answer every question that you ask. The purpose of making up questions is to get your brain involved in the assignment.

In a similar way, reading is not about winning a race. It's about becoming a better _________ _________. Fill lin the blank.

In a similar way, reading is not about winning a race. It's about becoming a better human being.

How often do we use information Literacy? Explain the steps taken.

Information literacy happens in a continuous cycle. You ask questions and gather answers. Those answers lead to more questions, which lead to more research. At each stage, you dig deeper. You understand your topic in a more refined way. You ask better questions and find better answers.

List some examples of information literacy.

Information literacy is a set of skills that you can use for many purposes. For example, you might want to learn more about a product, a service, a vacation spot, or a potential job. You might want to follow up on something you heard on the radio or saw on TV. Or you might want to develop a topic for a paper or presentation. In each case, success depends on information literacy.

Muscle Reading mentions a popular tool: highlighting. What should you do and what should you avoid?

It also presents a danger—the ever-present temptation to highlight too much text. Excessive highlighting leads to wasted time during reviews. Get the most out of all that money you pay for books and the time you spend reading. Highlight in an efficient way that leaves texts readable for years to come and provides you with an easy reviewing method.

It's easy to fool yourself about reading. Just having an open book in your hand and moving your eyes across a page doesn't mean that you are reading effectively. Reading takes what type of focus?

It's easy to fool yourself about reading. Just having an open book in your hand and moving your eyes across a page doesn't mean that you are reading effectively. Reading takes mental focus.

What if you cant find the answer to your question?

Jot down new questions, and note when you don't find the answers you are looking for. Ask these questions in class, or see your instructor personally. Demand that your textbooks give you what you want—answers.

What are some examples of kinesthetic senses when reading your books.

Marking up your books offers other benefits. When you read with a highlighter, pen, or pencil in your hand, you involve your kinesthetic senses of touch and motion. Being physical with your books can help build strong neural pathways in your memory.

Give a summary of muscle reading.

Muscle Reading includes three phases—steps to take before you read, while you read, and after you read. For a more detailed summary, you could name each of the steps.

Muscle Reading is a blank(number)-phase technique you can use to extract the ideas and information you want: Fill in the blank

Muscle Reading is a three-phase technique you can use to extract the ideas and information you want:

Muscle Reading is a way to decrease ____________and ___________by increasing _________and _____. Once you learn this system, you might actually spend less time on your reading and get _____out of it. Fill in the blank

Muscle Reading is a way to decrease difficulty and struggle by increasing energy and skill. Once you learn this system, you might actually spend less time on your reading and get more out of it.

Muscle Reading is a three-phase technique. What are the three phases?

Phase 1 includes steps to take before you read. Phase 2 includes steps to take while you read. Phase 3 includes steps to take after you read.

Plan to do your first complete review within 24 hours of reading the material. Why is this important or is it even something you need to do?

Plan to do your first complete review within 24 hours of reading the material. Sound the trumpets! This point is critical: A review within 24 hours moves information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Review within one day. If you read it on Wednesday, review it on Thursday. During this review, look over your notes and clear up anything you don't understand. Recite some of the main points again

What do skilled readers do? What questions do they ask themselves? and what choices do they make?

Skilled readers constantly make choices about what to read and what not to read. They realize that some texts are more valuable for their purposes than others and that some passages within a single text are more crucial than the rest. When reading, they instantly ask, "What's most important here?"

Reading means to open a book and slogging through the text in a straight line from the first word until the last. True of False explain

Somehow, students get the idea that reading means opening a book and slogging through the text in a straight line from the first word until the last. Actually, this method can be an ineffective way to read.

When are long study reviews necessary?

Sometimes longer review periods are appropriate. For example, if you found an assignment difficult, consider rereading it. Start over, as if you had never seen the material before. Sometimes a second reading will provide you with surprising insights.

Start with a purpose. At work, your purpose for reading is probably to produce a specific outcome—What would that purpose be?

Start with a purpose. At work, your purpose for reading is probably to produce a specific outcome—to gain a skill or gather information needed to complete a task. Fix that purpose in mind before you read in depth about a topic

What does an active reader do? List some behaviors.

Stays alert, poses questions about what she reads, and searches for the answers Recognizes levels of information within the text, separating the main points and general principles from supporting details Quizzes herself about the material, makes written notes, and lists unanswered questions Instantly spots key terms and takes the time to find the definitions of unfamiliar words Thinks critically about the ideas in the text and looks for ways to apply them

The ability to summarize means to do what?

Talking about your reading reinforces a valuable skill—the ability to summarize.

The bottom line is that reading at work ultimately means one thing—What?

The bottom line is that reading at work ultimately means one thing—getting something done.

The final phase of Muscle Reading is about moving information into what and by doing what?

The final phase of Muscle Reading is about moving information into your long-term memory by reciting and reviewing.

Speed reading is effective true or false. Explain

The good news is that speed isn't everything. What counts is flexibility. Skillful readers vary their reading rate according to their purpose and the nature of the material.

Think about the last book you read. How many pages did it have? How many hours did you spend reading it? And how much of it do you remember? These simple questions remind us that it's easy to forget most of what we read—unless we take steps to prevent that outcome. List four ways of prevention.

Write informal Discovery Statements. After you finish an article or book chapter, set aside your reading material. Grab a pen and paper, or open up a document on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Then spend two minutes writing a free-form Discovery Statement about what you just read. Just summarize what is important, memorable, and useful to you.

What are some ways to mark up your text books?

You can mark up a text in many ways. For example: Place an asterisk (*) or an exclamation point (!) in the margin next to an especially important sentence or term. Circle key terms and words to look up later in a dictionary. Write short definitions of key terms in the margin. Write a Q in the margin to highlight possible test questions, passages you don't understand, and questions to ask in class. Write personal comments in the margin—points of agreement or disagreement with the author. Write mini-indexes in the margin—that is, the numbers of other pages in the book where the same topic is discussed. Write summaries in your own words. Rewrite chapter titles, headings, and subheadings so that they're more meaningful to you. Draw diagrams, pictures, tables, or maps that translate text into visual terms. Number each step in a list or series of related points. In the margins, write notes about the relationships between elements in your reading. For instance, note connections between an idea and examples of that idea. If you infer an answer to a question or come up with another idea of your own, write that down as well.

You can still use the three phases of Muscle Reading when accessing what resources?

You can still use the three phases of Muscle Reading when accessing a web page or ebook on a computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

Define Pseudo-skimming and explain.

falls between previewing and reading for detail. He calls it pseudo-skimming.This calls for distinguishing between two kinds of paragraphs. Important paragraphs contain the main points, key details, and major events in a story.

What do master students share for continuing conversation?

master students share it with others for continuing conversation. Reading becomes a creative act and a tool for building community.

Why is reciting information to someone else benefit you?

One of the best ways to learn anything is to teach it to someone else.

Read with Bias Towards action. What does this mean?

Read with a bias toward action. Your reading might include passages that call for action on your part. Mark these passages with an appropriate symbol in the margin. For example, write a big letter "A" for action next to the relevant paragraph. Or draw a small box there and check off the box after taking the appropriate action. Another option is to enter actionable items directly in your calendar or add them to your to-do list.

instead, read with the ______________ of someone who's in a large group of people and searching for someone she knows. Her eyes scan the crowd at high speed until—presto!—they land on the familiar face. When reading, your brain can operate with that kind of efficiency. Rather than looking for people, however, you're scanning to land on the paragraphs that contain answers to your questions.

Read with the alertness.

When you recite, you practice an important aspect of metacognition—synthesis, or combining individual ideas and facts into a meaningful whole. How can you do this?

Talk to yourself about what you've read. Or talk to someone else. When you finish a reading assignment, make a speech about it. When you recite, you practice an important aspect of metacognition—synthesis, or combining individual ideas and facts into a meaningful whole.

Talking about your reading reinforces a valuable skill—the ability to ____________. Fill in the blank

Talking about your reading reinforces a valuable skill—the ability to summarize.

Using non-standard English in the classroom or workplace might lead people to do what or feel what?

To doubt your skills, your intentions, or your level of education.

Speed-reading teachers often tell you to: Reduce eye movements. Avoid regressions (going back to reread passages that you didn't understand). Stop sub-vocalizing (hearing words in your mind as you read them). Explain what the results might be to theses tips.

Yet the faster you try to read with these techniques, the less you'll understand

What does the 80-20 rule mean?

Books about time management often mention the "80-20" principle. According to this principle, 80 percent of the value created by any group derives from only 20 percent of its members. If you have a to-do list of 10 items, for example, you'll get 80 percent of your desired results by doing only two items on the list.The point is not to take these figures literally but to remember the underlying principle: Focus on what creates the most value. :

List an example of Phase three in muscle reading.

Finally, you enter Phase 3. Hear your voice reciting what you have learned. Listen to yourself making a speech or singing a song about the material as you review it.

Sometimes ordinary reading methods are not enough. It's easy to get bogged down in a murky reading assignment The solution starts with a First Step: When you are confused, tell the ______________________.

Sometimes ordinary reading methods are not enough. It's easy to get bogged down in a murky reading assignment The solution starts with a First Step: When you are confused, tell the truth about it.

Phase one Technique in muscle reading is what?

Before you read Step 1: Preview; Step 2: Outline; Step 3: Question

What can you do for short reviews?

Carry index cards. Write ideas, formulas, concepts, and facts on cards, and carry them with you. These short review periods can be effortless and fun.

Construct a word stack what are the steps to creating a useful study aid.

Construct a word stack. When you come across an unfamiliar word, write it down on a 3 × 5 card. Below the word, copy the sentence in which it was used, along with the page number. You can look up each word immediately, or you can accumulate a stack of these cards and look up the words later. Write the definition of each word on the back of the 3 × 5 card, adding the diacritics—marks that tell you how to pronounce it.

List an example of Phase one in muscle Reading.

For Phase 1, visualize or feel yourself prying out questions from a text. These questions are ones you want answered based on a brief survey of the assignment. Make a mental picture of yourself scanning the material, spotting a question, and reaching into the text to pry it out. Hear yourself saying, "I've got it. Here's my question."

Why is having a large vocabulary important

Having a large vocabulary makes reading more enjoyable and increases the range of materials you can explore. Building your vocabulary gives you more options for self-expression when speaking or writing. With a larger vocabulary, you can think more precisely by making finer distinctions between ideas.

Knowledge workers read a lot. List some examples.

Knowledge workers read a lot. They consume technical manuals, sales manuals, policies and procedures, memos, emails, websites, newsletters, invoices, application forms, meeting minutes, brochures, annual reports, job descriptions—and more.

Why should you schedule reading time?

Scheduling your reading takes time. The potential benefits are beyond calculation. With a plan, you can be more confident that you'll actually get your reading done. Even if your estimates are off, you'll still go beyond blind guessing or leaving the whole thing to chance. Your reading matters too much for that.

What should you do during your learning process of Muscle Reading?

That's a normal reaction to have when learning any new skill. Persist with the process. Allow time to develop your new muscles for reading. With time and patience, you'll reap the rewards—understanding more of what you read and remembering more of what you understand.

Why should you create questions while you read?

You don't need to answer every question that you ask. The purpose of making up questions is to get your brain involved in the assignment. Take your unanswered questions to class, where they can be springboards for class discussion. Demand your money's worth from your textbook. If you do not understand a concept, write specific questions about it. The more detailed your questions, the more powerful this technique becomes.

Deface your books. Have fun. Flag answers by highlighting, underlining, writing comments, filling in your outline, or marking up pages in any other way that helps you. Indulge yourself as you never could with your grade school books. What type of energy senses are your releasing?

You involve your kinesthetic senses of touch and motion. Being physical with your books can help build strong neural pathways in your memory.

How should you recite a subject matter to someone?

sheet of paper and wrote a key topic from a book at the top of the page. Then he wrote out what he would say about this topic if he were teaching it to someone who knew nothing about it.When he got stuck, Feynman went back to the book to find what he missed. Then he went back to writing. He kept revising until he eliminated the gaps in his understanding of the topic.

Define metacognition

the knowledge that people have about their own thinking processes and their ability to monitor their cognition. A synthesis, or combining individual ideas and facts into a meaningful whole.

Decades ago, psychologists identified the primacy-recency effect, which suggest, what?

Decades ago, psychologists identified the primacy-recency effect, which suggests that we most easily remember the first and last items in any presentation.Footnote Previewing and reviewing your reading can put this theory to work for you.

Define Muscle Reading?

Effective textbook reading is an active, energy-consuming, sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat business. That's why this strategy is called Muscle Reading.

English comes in many forms, including these: List four examples

English comes in many forms, including these: Slang. Idioms. Dialects. Jargon.

Evaluate Sources

Evaluate information Some students assume that anything that's published in print or on the Internet is true. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Some sources of information are more reliable than others, and some published information is misleading or mistaken. Before evaluating any source of information, make sure that you understand what it says.

Define Filler Paragraphs and list examples.

Filler paragraphs include minor details, stories about how the author arrived at her conclusions, digressions, answers to critics, rare exceptions to rules, and other optional material.

Any community of English speakers and writers can reshape the language for its own purposes. Learning when and how to use non-standard English is part of mastering the language. However, save nonstandard expressions for informal conversations with friends

Mistakes can be your best teachers—if you are willing to learn from them.

Mistakes can be your best teachers—if you are willing What?

Mistakes can be your best teachers—if you are willing to learn from them.

How does mastery come about? Muscle Reading might take a little time to learn. At first you might feel it's slowing you down. That's natural when you're gaining a new skill.

Muscle Reading might take a little time to learn. At first you might feel it's slowing you down. That's natural when you're gaining a new skill. Mastery comes with time and practice.

What is one Critical skill for information literacy?

One crucial skill for information literacy is using key words. Your choice of key words determines the quality of results that you get from search engines.

Retrieval Practice Examples

One way to get yourself to recite is to look at each underlined point. Note what you marked; then, put the book down and start talking out loud. Explain as much as you can about that particular point. A related technique is to stop reading periodically and write a short, free-form summary of what you just read. In one study, this informal "retrieval practice" helped students recall information better than other study techniques.

How can you become a flexible reader?

Other ways to become a flexible reader include psuedo-skimming, reading widely, and reading wisely.

Phase Three technique in muscle reading is what? List the three steps.

PHASE 3: After you read: Step 6: Recite; Step 7: Review; Step 8: Review again

What are the five steps of highlighting?

Read carefully first. Read an entire chapter or section at least once before you begin highlighting. Don't be in a hurry to mark up your book. Make choices up front about what to highlight. Perhaps you can accomplish your purposes by highlighting only certain chapters or sections of a text. Recite first. You might want to apply Step 6 of Muscle Reading before you highlight. Talking about what you read—to yourself or with other people—can help you grasp the essence of a text. Recite first; then, go back and highlight. You'll probably highlight more selectively. Use highlighting to monitor your comprehension. Critical thinking plays a role in underlining and highlighting. When highlighting, you're making moment-by-moment decisions about what you want to remember from a text. Take your critical thinking a step further by using highlighting to check your comprehension. Stop reading periodically and look back over the sentences you've highlighted. See whether you are making accurate distinctions between main points and supporting material. Highlighting too much (more than 10 percent of the text) can be a sign that you're not making this distinction and that you don't fully understand what you're reading.

Why should you read out loud?

Read material out loud, especially if it is complicated. Some of us remember better and understand more quickly when we hear an idea.

Reading widely and well allows you to:

Reading widely and well allows you to think new thoughts, make new decisions, and master new skills. That takes time—and it's worth it.

Research techniques are

Start with your main question about the topic you chose. This is the thing that sparked your curiosity in the first place. Answering it is your purpose for doing research. Your main question will raise a number of smaller, related questions. These are supporting questions. They also call for answers. As you skim these sites and the other sources, review the main question and supporting questions that you asked at the beginning of your research. You might choose to drop some of those questions, reword them, or ask new questions based on what you've discovered so far.

Stop Reading when and what should you do?

Stop reading. When none of the above suggestions work, do not despair. Admit your confusion and then take a break. Catch a movie, go for a walk, study another subject, or sleep on it. The concepts you've already absorbed might come together at a subconscious level as you move on to other activities. Allow some time for that process. When you return to the reading material, see it with fresh eyes.

Strengthen your vocabulary by taking what steps?

Strengthen your vocabulary by taking interest in words. Look up unfamiliar terms. Pay special attention to words that arouse your curiosity.

Your choice of key words determines the quality of results that you get from search engines. For better search results:

Use specific key words. Use unique key words.Remember to think of synonyms.When you're not sure of a key word, add a wild card character.

This is what you do for the first 3 steps of Muscle Reading list them.

While research debunked the benefits of speed reading, there is skimming. This is what you do for the first 3 steps of Muscle Reading: preview an assignment, create an outline, and pose questions to answer.

Phase Two Technique in muscle reading is what? List the two steps.

While you read Step 4: Focus Step 5: Flag Answers

You have previewed the reading assignment, organized it in your mind or on paper, and formulated questions. Now you are ready to begin reading. First you need to make sure that you are _ _ _ _ _. FILL IN THE BLANK

Focused. Reading takes focus.

Why should you learn a new language? What does that say about you?

And if you currently speak two or more languages, you've already demonstrated your ability to learn.

Sometimes the people you live with and care about the most—a friend, roommate, spouse, or child—can become a temporary roadblock to reading. What is one way to prevent this?

Attend to people first. When you first come home from school, keep your books out of sight. Spend some time with your roommates or family members before you settle in to study. Make small talk and ask them about their day. Give the important people in your life a short period of full, focused attention rather than a longer period of partial attention. Then explain that you have some work to do. Set some ground rules for the amount of time you need to focus on studying. You could be rewarded with extra minutes or hours of quiet time. Plan for interruptions. It's possible that you'll be interrupted even if you set up guidelines for your study time in advance. If so, schedule the kind of studying that can be interrupted. For instance, you could write out or review flash cards with key terms and definitions. Save the tasks that require sustained attention for more quiet times. Use "pockets" of time. See whether you can arrange a study time in a quiet place at school before you come home. If you arrive at school 15 minutes earlier and stay 15 minutes later, you can squeeze in an extra half hour of reading that day. Also look for opportunities to study on campus between classes.

During this phase, skilled readers focus on finding answers to their questions and flagging them in the text. Which are the following: List them

Access the table of contents. For a bigger picture of the text, look for a table of contents that lists chapter headings and subheadings. Click on any of these headings to expand the text for that part of the book. Note that charts, illustrations, photos, tables, diagrams, and other visuals might be listed separately in the table of contents

Pose this question each time that you read, and look for clues to the answers. Pay special attention to the following:

Any readings that your instructor refers to in class Readings that are emphasized in a class syllabus Readings that generate the most questions on quizzes and tests Parts of a text that directly answer the questions you generated while previewing Chapter previews and summaries (usually found at the beginning and end of a chapter or section)

What do you want to be conscious of when you are reading?

As you read, be conscious of where you are and what you are doing. When you notice your attention wandering, gently bring it back to the present moment. There are many ways to do this.

If you are looking for answers to questions during your reading. You are a blank, watching for every blank.

As you read, seek out the answers to your questions. You are a detective, watching for every clue. When you do find an answer, flag it so that it stands out on the page.

Avoid marking up text too soon. Why?

Avoid marking up a text too soon. Wait until you complete a chapter or section to make sure you know the key points. Then mark up the text. Sometimes, flagging answers after you read each paragraph works best.Also remember that the purpose of making marks in a text is to call out important concepts or information that you will review later. Flagging key information can save lots of time when you are studying for tests. With this in mind, highlight or underline sparingly—usually less than 10 percent of the text. If you mark up too much on a page, you defeat the purpose: to flag the most important material for review.

What should you avoid when reading?

Avoid reading in bed, except for fun. Avoid marathon reading sessions. Schedule breaks and set a reasonable goal for the entire session. Then reward yourself with an enjoyable activity for 10 or 15 minutes every hour or two

Previewing a reading helps by doing what? What is the purpose?

Before you start reading, preview the entire assignment. You don't have to memorize what you preview to get value from this step. Previewing sets the stage for incoming information by warming up a space in your mental storage area. . Previewing is also a way to get started when an assignment looks too big to handle. It is an easy way to step into the material. Previewing helps to clarify your purpose for reading.

What do digital texts offer?

Digital texts offer another level of preparation that allows you to create more readable pages. To begin, change the appearance of the text. Adjust the size and choose from different fonts. Many ebook readers also allow you to change the color of the text and the amount of contrast between text and background. These settings can be useful when you're reading in a place with dim lighting. Safari and other web browsers also come with a built-in "reader" mode that does much the same thing as Readability.

How can muscle reading techniques help you?

The techniques of Muscle Reading can help you plow through all that material and extract what you want.

List an example of Phase Two in muscle Reading.

Then for Phase 2, focus on finding answers to your questions. Feel free to underline, highlight, or mark up your text in other ways. Make the answers so obvious that they lift up from the page.

Muscle Reading—asking questions—comes in handy. See if you can express your purpose as a question. Suppose that your purpose for reading is to learn more about marketing. Turn that purpose into a question: What are the elements of extraordinary marketing?What is the next step?

Then read books and articles for specific answers on the question.

Successful readers monitor their understanding of reading material. How do Successful readers handle confusion?

They do not see confusion as a mistake or a personal shortcoming. Instead, they take it as a cue to change reading strategies and process ideas at a deeper level.

Define Information Literacy.

To Find information from appropriate sources, evaluate the information, organize it, and use it to achieve a purpose. The ability to do this in a world where data is literally at your fingertips is called information literacy.

To assist your recall of Muscle Reading strategies, memorize three short sentences: List them

To assist your recall of Muscle Reading strategies, memorize three short sentences: Pry out questions. Focus and flag answers. Recite, review, and review again.

How should you read?

To begin, get in a position to stay focused. If you observe chief executive officers, you'll find that some of them wear out the front of their chair first. They're literally on the edge of their seat. Approach your reading assignment in the same way. Sit up. Keep your spine straight.

To gain Fluency and improve pronunciation you should do what two things?

To gain greater fluency and improve your pronunciation, also make it your goal to hear and speak standard English.

Extract value with nonlinear reading. Consider how you first learned to read as a child. You opened up a book, fixed your eyes on the first word, and worked straight through until the end of the sentence or page. As you got older, you approached longer and longer documents with essentially the same strategy: Start at the beginning and plow through word by word until you reach the last period of the last paragraph. Therefore read with what type of intention?

To learn, absorb, answer your questions.

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