Music 351 Exam 4

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"Man with a Thousand Moves"

B-boying is highly choreographed


A sample and an interpolation are the same thing


The Lincoln Center Battle featured two dance crews: Rocky Steady and:

Dynamic Rockers

Where was Kool Herc (Clive Campbell) from originally?

Kingston, Jamaica


New York City Breakers

Which of the following statements about breaking is true:

Some cities banned breaking because it was dangerous

In which of the following films did the Rock Steady Crew appear?

Style Wars Wild Style Flashdance

lindy hop

developed in harlem featured lifts and jumps was a very athletic dance

The term merry-go-round is associated with which of the following figures?

dj kool herc

Mr. Animation

member of the Air Force Crew

Grandmaster Caz

member of the Cold Crush Brothers

Crazy Legs

member of the Rock Steady Crew

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