MW Miller Plus Endocytosis and Exocytosis (p. 22)
Describe an example of phagocytosis and identify the cell type involved.
An example is when feeding in amoeba, neutrophilis and macrophages engulf foreign material and cell debris. They are white blood cells. [Logic: phagocytosis and pinocytosis are both part of endocytosis and these involve white blood cells].
Distinguish between phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
At a basic level, phagocytosis, or 'cell-eating' involves engulfing cell material and pinocytosis, or 'cell-drinking' involves taking up excess liquid. The longer definition: phagocytosis is 'cell-eating' in which the cell engulfs solid material to form large vesicles or vacuoles. Pinocytosis is 'cell-drinking' in which the take in non-specific liquids or fine suspensions into the cell to form small pinocytic vesicles. This latter process happens when
Describe an example of exocytosis and identify the cell type involved.
Exocytosis involves secretory cells.