NASM CPT 7th edition

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What phase 1 stabilization endurance training primary methods of progression is?

-Master basic movement patterns. -Progress exercises proprioceptively (controlled, yet unstable) once basic movement patterns are established. -Increase the complexity of exercises once basic movement patterns have been established.

Anterior view How should the feet look? Common movement impairment?

-Straight forward -Feet externally rotating (turning out)

Anterior view KNEES How should the knees look? Common impairment?

-knees should track straight forward and remain directly over the client's second and third toes. -KNEE VALGUS (caving inward) knock knees

What is the RDA for protein?

0.8 g/kg of body weight

Lateral View What should you view? Common impairment?

-LPHC and shoulders f -forward lean of the torso, an excessive low-back arch, or arms falling forward

Active stretches are held for?

1 to 2 seconds and repeated for 5 to 10 repetitions.

Pes planus distortion syndrome Overactive muscles? Go Slow And Hip FLex

Gastrocnemius Soleus Adductor complex Hip flexors

Which mechanoreceptor is sensitive to changes in muscular tension and rate of that tension change, causing the muscle to relax, which prevents the muscle from excessive stress and possible injury?

Golgi tendon organs

Lower crossed syndrome Over active muscles ? Hip Flex Less extend

Hip Flexors Lumbar Extensors

Which of these joint movements is part of backside mechanics?

Hip extension

A client wants to improve their mile time. Which of the following is an outcome goal?

I want to run a 6-minute mile.

Which type of exercise accommodates effort whereby the harder the individual pushes or pulls, the more resistance they feel, despite the movement speed remaining constant?


Which of the following does plyometric training help increase?

Motor unit recruitment

closed chain exercise

Movement where the distal segment of the joint is fixed.

Which joint has the simplest movement, moving either back and forth or side to side?


What is the phase that the primary adaption is Core strength Maximal muscular strength

Phase 4 maximal strength and training

Intentions are a good predictor of behavior, but what has been shown to help translate intentions into behavior?


Contraction of the hamstring and rectus abdominis muscles create what motion of the pelvis in the sagittal plane?

Posterior pelvic tilt

Which is a primary adaptation of the Stabilization Endurance phase?

Postural alignment

uses changes in volume, intensity, and exercise selection to provide loading differences on a daily or weekly basis.

Undulating periodization

Lower crossed syndrome

anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back)

open chain exercise

exercise in which a distal segment of the body moves freely in space

Pes planus distortion syndrome

flat feet, knee valgus, adducted and internally rotated hips

Upper crossed syndrome

forward head and rounded shoulders

What muscle produces flexion of the leg at the knee joint and plantarflexion of the foot at the talocrural joint


Osteokinematics is

how the bones and joints are moving through a ROM,

Which heart chamber gathers oxygenated blood coming to the heart from the lungs?

left atrium


motion of the joint surfaces

Altered reciprocal inhibition

muscle inhibition caused by a tight agonist, which inhibits its functional antagonist

Altered length-tension relationship

muscle's resting length is too short or too long, reducing the amount of force it can produce

Neuromuscular efficiency is the ability of the

nervous system to recruit the correct muscles to produce force, reduce force, and dynamically stabilize the body's structure in all three planes of motion.

Dynamic stretches uses force production of a muscle and the body's momentum to take joint full ROM and are perform for?

one set of 10 repetitions using 3 to 10 dynamic stretches.

What is the phase that the primary adaptation is Core strength and joint stabilization Muscular endurance and prime mover strength

phase 2. strength and endurance training

What area of the body is most targeted during the single-leg squat to row exercise?

posterior chain

right ventricle

pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs

beta oxidation

reaction that converts fatty acids to acetyl CoA to enter the Krebs cycle


the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.

anterior chain

the combination of the muscles in the front part of your body (quads, hip flexors, abdominals, pectorals) working together as a whole

Neuromuscular specificity

the speed of contractions and exercise selection

Mechanical Specificity

the weight and movements placed on the body

Phase 2 strength endurance training primary methods of progression is

-Decrease rest periods. Increase the volume of exercises (reps + sets). -Increase the load (weight) of resistance training exercises. -Increase the complexity of resistance training exercises.

Phase 5 Power training methods of progression is

-Increase the load of resistance training exercises. -Increase the SPEED (repetition tempo) of exercises. -Increase the sets of exercises.

Phase 4 maximal strength training methods of progression is

-Increase the load of resistance training exercises. -Increase the sets of resistance training exercises.

Phase 3 muscular development training methods of progression is

-Increase the volume of exercises. -Increase the load of resistance training exercises. -Increase the complexity of resistance training exercises.

OHSA Movement 1.The client should squat to a depth that brings the ______ _________ to the ______ (approximately chair height) and then return to the starting position. The squat depth can be ______ if the client has _____ or is __________of performing a squat to this depth. 2.The client will repeat the movement for approximately _____ repetitions, while the fitness professional views them from both the ___________ and ________ vantage points.

1. -Femur parallel to the ground -reduced, discomfort, incapable 2. -five repetitions -anterior and lateral

OHSA-Overhead Squat Assessment 1.The client stands on a ____, _______ ______ with the feet shoulder-width apart and pointing ______ _____. 2.The foot and ankle complex should be in a _______ ________ . 3.Ideally, the assessment should be performed with the shoes ___ to better view the client's ____ and _____ complex. 4.The client should raise their ____ completely overhead with ___ fully ____________.

1. Flat, stable surface and pointing straight ahead 2. Neutral position 3. off. foot and ankle complex 4. Arms completely overhead with ELBOWS fully extended

Name the 6 fundamental movement patterns

1.Squatting 2.Hip hinge 3.Pulling motions 4.Pushing motions 5.Pressing 6.Multiplanar movement

Starting at what percentage of bone density loss does the risk of hip fracture increase by 2.5 times?


Stage 1 hypertension


Stage 2 hypertension


What is the optimal amount of protein per meal for muscle protein synthesis?

20 to 40 g

Lower crossed syndrom Under active muscles? A Great Grand Ham

Abdominis Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Hamstrings

Which of the following reflects the characteristics of moderate-intensity exercise?

Ability to talk comfortably during exercise without breathlessness in the average untrained individual

What is sarcopenia?

Age-related loss of muscle tissue

What is a normal physiologic process of aging that results in arteries that are less elastic and pliable?


Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during a concentric contraction?

As the velocity of the muscle action increases, its ability to produce force decreases.

Which of the following would be an appropriate Phase 2 superset?

Bench press and stability ball push-ups

For someone training in the Muscular Development phase, which of the following changes would be optimal?

Body fat loss

Which ADL would be most likely to involve the hip hinge?


A client performs a heavy squat exercise followed by a set of squat jumps. What type of resistance training system is being used?

Complex training

Robert is a recently retired military veteran. He has earned his NASM-CPT credential because he wants to help young people prepare for the physical demands of serving in the military. Which employment options provide him with the greatest access to potential clients in all geographic locations?

Conducting online coaching and personal training

Which scenario best demonstrates companionship support?

Coordinating group events that are centered around physical activities

What is the phase that the primary adaption is

Core strength Maximal muscular strength Rate of force production

What group of hormones are released by the brain during exercise help reduce pain?


Which muscle functions as part of the global muscular system?

Erector Spine

Which is very important as a prenatal vitamin?


When discussing suspended bodyweight training, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

It increases flexibility and joint mobility.

Which subsystem is responsible for providing both frontal plane mobility and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex?

Lateral Subsystem

What does the gastrocnemius do?

Leg straight and Bending at the knee and foot on a gas pedal, pressing and releasing it, or standing on your tiptoes. The action of moving your whole foot up and down at the ankle joint is plantar flexion.

Name the Levels of OPT model

Level 1: Stabilization Level 2 : Strength Level 3: Power

gradually increases the intensity of the training program while simultaneously decreasing volume over a specific period of time.

Linear periodization

Lateral view: Forward lean Overactive: Under active?

OA: -Hip flexors - Gastrocnemius/soleus -Rectus abdominis and external obliques ( UA: -Gluteus maximus -Hamstrings complex -Lumbar extensors

Lateral view: LOWBACK ARCH Overactive? Under active?

OA: -Hip flexors (rectus femoris, psoas, TFL) -Lumbar extensors -Latissimus dorsi UA: Hamstrings complex and Abdominals

Lateral view: Arms fall forward Overhead? Under active?

OA: -Latissimus dorsi -Pectoralis major and minor -Teres major UA: -middle and lower trapezius -Rhomboids -Posterior deltoids -Portions of the rotator cuff

Anterior View FEET Over active? Under active?

OA: Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Hamstring complex UA: Anterior and posterior tibialis, Gluteus max and medius

Anterior view KNEES Overactive ? Under active?

OA: Tensor fascia latae, and adductor complex UA: Gluteus maximus and medius Anterior and posterior tibialis

OHSA-Overhead Squat Assessment

OHSA access dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control

If someone went out for a 5-mile jog with their friend, which energy system would provide most of the ATP for this activity?

Oxidiative phosphorylation

Upper crossed syndrom Over active muscles? pucker PUCKER Up Lets Smack

Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Upper trapezius Levater scapula Sternocleidomastoid

What is the term for a postural disturbance being added to a task in order to make the task more difficult?


What is the phase that the primary adaptation is Mobility and flexibility Core and joint stabilization Postural alignment and control Muscular and aerobic endurance

Phase 1. Stabilization Endurance training

Name the phases of OPT model

Phase 1: stabilization Phase 2: Strength Endurance Phase 3: Muscular Development Phase 4: Maximal Strength Phase 5: Power

What is the phase that the primary adaptation is Core strength Muscular strength and hypertrophy

Phase 3 Muscular Development training

Ambivalent people may be reluctant to start an exercise program. What should the fitness professional focus on when helping a potential client overcome this barrier?

Provide information about the benefits of participating and hope they decide to participate

right atrium

Receives deoxygenated blood from the body

How are dietary supplements defined?

Regulated dietary materials used to increase intake of a desired nutritional component

Which of the following is the functional unit of a muscle cell?


Which of the following options would be the correct superset for back exercises during Phase 2 of the OPT model?

Seated cable row followed by stability ball dumbbell row

If a Certified Personal Trainer helps a client improve their technique by using guided practice to enhance confidence, what determinant of behavior are they targeting?


When developing a safe and effective warm-up for Phase 1, what is an important consideration for flexibility?

Self-myofascial techniques

What interventions are suggested for an individual with a resting blood pressure of 134/86 mm Hg?

Some lifestyle changes coupled with some medical monitoring

The difference between the end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes is referred to as what?

Stroke volume

The hamstring complex compensating for weakened hip extensors, which cannot produce force effectively, is an example of what key term?

Synergistic dominance

Which of the following does not meet the criteria for exercise or activity to be considered aerobic?

The exercise is intense

reciprocal inhibition

The simultaneous contraction of one muscle and the relaxation of its antagonist to allow movement to take place

Pes planus distortion syndrome Under active muscles? Trial and Proud Great Marches

Tibialis anterior and posterior Gluteus Max and Medius

Upper crossed syndrome Under active muscles? Trap Low, Mid Right Down cross forward

Trapezius lower and middle Rhomboids Deep Cervical Flexors

What are the three categories within the lipid family?

Triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols

Which condition is an example of a chronic disease?

Type 2 diabetes

OPT workout template is divided into six parts:

Warm-Up, Activation, Skill Development, Resistance Training, Client's Choice, and Cool-Down

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