Native Americans

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Median Income is

$38,530 (C.B. 2015)

Elders play very important role in a child's upbringing:

-They serve as mentors and advisors; reinforce cultural norms. -Absent gender roles

Percentage of unemployment rate in 2012 was




Fraction of children living in poverty

One in three

Student Test Scores Compared to Whites:

Overall, Native students score far lower than other students on national tests; the gap in reading and math test scores between Native and white students is more than half of a standard deviation throughout their educational careers.

A leading cause of death is


Even with education, ______ ________ remain lower.

median earnings

According to White House,

"American Indians and Alaska Natives are over represented in the school discipline system. They are disproportionately suspended and expelled, representing less than one percent of the student population but two percent of out-of-school suspensions and three percent of expulsions."

The rate of past month illicit drug use was rising among AI/AN adults than the national average percentage.

(11.2% vs. 7.9%)

Health Disparities:

-Among AI/AN people, cancer is one of the leading causes of death followed by heart disease. -Death rates from lung cancer have shown little improvement in AI/AN populations. AI/AN people have the highest prevalence of tobacco use of any population in the United States. -Deaths from injuries were higher among AI/AN people compared to non-Hispanic whites. -Suicide rates were nearly 50 percent higher for AI/AN people compared to non-Hispanic whites, and more frequent among AI/AN males and persons younger than age 25. -Death rates from motor vehicle crashes, poisoning, and falls were two times higher among AI/AN people than for non-Hispanic whites. -Death rates were higher among AI/AN infants compared to non-Hispanic white infants. Sudden infant death syndrome and unintentional injuries were more common. AI/AN infants were four times more likely to die from pneumonia and influenza. -By region, the greatest death rates were in the Northern Plains and Southern Plains. The lowest death rates were in the East and the Southwest. -CDC

Historical Perspective:

-Many misperceptions about the history of Native Americans -President Jackson, in 1830, signed the Indian Resettlement Act -80 Tribes were forced to move (Population Transfer) -In 1887, the Dawes Act, abolished Tribes -Followed by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

Violence and Neglect:

-National homicide victimization against AI/AN women are 2nd to African American women and higher than rates for White women. -From 2008 CDC study, 39% of Native women reported they were victims of intimate partner violence. -Some counties have rates of murder against AI/AN women that are over 10x the national average. -AI/AN women are 3x more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted. -American Indians are overrepresented in incarceration and arrest rates: as much as 50% of arrests while only 11.5% of population

According to Forbes, the U.S. government keeps Native Americans in poverty using 5 tactics:

1. Indian lands are owned and managed by the federal government. -"Chief Justice John Marshall set Native Americans on the path to poverty in 1831 when he characterized the relationship between Indians and the government as "resembling that of a ward to his guardian." With these words, Marshall established the federal trust doctrine, which assigns the government as the trustee of Indian affairs. That trusteeship continues today, but it has not served Indians well. -Underlying this doctrine is the notion that tribes are not capable of owning or managing their lands." 2. Nearly every aspect of economic development is controlled by federal agencies. -"All development projects on Indian land must be reviewed and authorized by the government, a process that is notoriously slow and burdensome. On Indian lands, companies must go through at least four federal agencies and 49 steps to acquire a permit for energy development. Off reservation, it takes only four steps. This bureaucracy prevents tribes from capitalizing on their resources." 3. Reservations have a complex legal framework that hinders economic growth. -"Thanks to the legacy of federal control, reservations have complicated legal and property systems that are detrimental to economic growth. Jurisdiction and land ownership can vary widely on reservations as a result of the government's allotment policies of the nineteenth century. Navigating this complex system makes development and growth difficult on Indian lands." 4. Energy regulations make it difficult for tribes to develop their resources. 5. The federal government has repeatedly mismanaged Indian assets. -"Tribes historically had little or no control over their energy resources. Royalties were set by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, but the agency consistently undervalued Indian resources. A federal commission concluded in 1977 that leases negotiated on behalf of Indians were "among the poorest agreements ever made." -Unfortunately, it hasn't gotten much better. A recent class action suit alleged that the government mismanaged billions of dollars in Indian assets. The case settled in 2009 for $3.4 billion—far less than what was lost by the feds."

They speak how many different languages?


The percentage of educational attainment (collectively) could be as high as ___.


Percentage of current poverty rate is at


The rate of past month binge alcohol use was rising among American Indians/American Natives adults versus the national average percentage.

30.6% vs. 24.5%

In 2011, ____ were mother only and ____ were father only families. Percentages

32% , 11%

In 1.7 million households in 2015, what is the percentage of marred couples, including those with children.

38% married couples

____ is the percentage of grandparents living with grandchildren.


Percentage of home ownership rates


The number of federally recognized Indian tribes in 2016.


In 2015 population of Native Americans

6.6 million, 2% of U.S. population (39% is under 24).

However, some tribes face no poverty while others face up to __ percent.

60 Source: (White House).

According to the Census Bureau, the high school graduation rate is _____.


_____ ________ is an issue - American Indians and American Natives report more binge drinking episodes per month and higher alcohol consumption per episode than any other racial-ethnic group. 24.9%

Binge drinking

________ are more likely to live in poverty than adults or the elderly.


______is the largest tribe.


In the 1960s,

Oscar Lewis suggested that the poor get trapped in a culture of poverty as a result of having values and behaviors that make them "fundamentally different" from other U.S. residents.

Reasons Why Native Americans have struggled with education.

The negative effects of entrenched poverty and the troubled history of Indian education have combined with systemic challenges to result in sharply lower academic and educational outcomes for Native youth, who also have dramatically fewer educational opportunities than their peers (White House).

Which 15 states have 100,000 or more American Indians and or Alaska Native residents?

These states were California, Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, New York, New Mexico, Washington, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Minnesota.

Problems perpetuating educational disparities could be:

misrepresentation, irrelevant curriculum, lack of student support, and funding.

American Indian/Alaska Native were more likely to need alcohol or illicit drug use treatment than ________________________________________.

persons of other groups by age, gender, poverty level, and rural/urban residence." According to the White House, From 2003-2011


proficiency in higher ed is challenged by ill-equipped students who lack the rigor and advanced classes to allow them to succeed.

Higher death rates than ______.


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