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What time of day was it when Nehemiah inspected the wall?

During the night.

What protection did the builders have in case the enemy attacked?

Each of the builders wore his sword at his side.

God saw the suffering of our forefathers in what country?


Who rebuilt the Sheep Gate?

Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests.

How often will the Israelites forgo working the land and will cancel all debts?

Every 7th year.

What was Nehemiah's request of the governors of Trans-Euphrates?

That they will provide me safe-conduct until I arrive in Judah.

Who did Nehemiah say would provide the success in rebuilding the wall?

The God of heaven.

What did Nehemiah question the men from Judah about?

The Jewish remnant that survived the exile, and also about Jerusalem.

Who helped the people understand what was being read from the Book of the Law of Moses, making it clear and giving the meaning?

The Levites.

In addition to giving the people back what belonged to them, what did the leaders have to stop charging (usury)?

The hundredth part of the money, grain, new wine and oil.

Who rebuilt the Horse Gate?

The priests.

Who rebuilt the Fish Gate?

The sons of Hassenaah.

God made their sons as numerous as what?

The stars in the sky.

What happened to the enemies after the wall was built?

The surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence.

How did the men from Judah describe Jerusalem to Nehemiah?

The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.

What did the leaders have to give back to the people?

Their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses.

How did the people determine when each family was to bring to the house of God a contribution of wood to burn on the altar?

They cast lots.

Why were the nations afraid after the wall was rebuilt?

They realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.

How long did Nehemiah stay in Jerusalem before inspecting the wall?

Three days.

During the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, where did Nehemiah have the leaders of Judah go?

Up on top of the wall.

What gate did Nehemiah enter when he was done inspecting the wall?

Valley Gate.

What gate did Nehemiah go out through to inspect the wall?

Valley Gate.

How did Nehemiah feel when the king asked him why he was sad?

Very much afraid.

In their thirst God brought them what?

Water from the rock.

What did Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem say as they ridiculed the Jews?

What is this you are doing? Are you rebelling against the king?

How were the other half of men equipped for protection?

With spears, shields, bows, and armor.

What false statements did Sanballat and the enemies accuse Nehemiah of?

You and the Jews are plotting to revolt, and you are about to become their king.

Who did Nehemiah tell God he was praying for?

Your servants, the people of Israel.

Who read the Book of the Law of Moses to the people?

Ezra the priest.

How long did Ezra read the Book of the Law of Moses?

From day-break till noon.

How long in the day did the workers build the wall?

From the first light of dawn till the stars came out.

Why did the people offer great sacrifices and rejoice during the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem?

God had given them great joy.

What did Nehemiah ask God to give him success with?

Granting him favor in the presence of this man.

How tall was the wall rebuilt when the enemies of Jerusalem became angry?

Half its height.

After the threat from the enemies, what percent of the men worked on the wall?


Who rebuilt the Valley Gate?

Hanun and the residents of Zanoah.

What did Nehemiah continue to do for some days?

He mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.

What was Nehemiah's first reaction after hearing the news about Jerusalem?

He sat down and wept.

After hearing Nehemiah's request to return to Jerusalem, what did the king ask?

How long will your journey take, and when will you get back?

The leaders of the people settled where?

In Jerusalem.

In what month and year does the book of Nehemiah begin?

In the month of Kislev in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes.

In what month and year did Nehemiah tell the king about his sadness?

In the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes.

Who rebuilt the Jeshanah Gate?

Joiada and Meshullam.

How did the Levites celebrate at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem?

Joyfully with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps, and lyres.

What was Asaph's job?

Keeper of the king's forest.

What was the response of the people of Jerusalem to Nehemiah's charge to rebuild the wall?

Let us start rebuilding.

Who rebuilt the Inspection Gate?

Malkijah, one of the goldsmiths.

Who rebuilt the Dung Gate?

Malkijah, the son of Recab.

God sent what against Pharaoh?

Miraculous signs and wonders.

After hearing about Jerusalem, how did Nehemiah refer to God in his prayer?

O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God.

How many of the rest of the people were to live in Jerusalem?

One out of every ten.

Why did Nehemiah act differently than the previous governors for Judah?

Out of reverence for God.

God divided the sea before them, so that the Israelites did what?

Passed through it on dry ground.

Who rebuilt the Water Gate?

Pedaiah and the temple servants.

What was Nehemiah's response to the threats of the enemy?

Prayed to God and posted a guard day and night.

What did Nehemiah do before answering the king about what he wanted?

Prayed to the God of heaven.

Who was disturbed to hear about Nehemiah's plans?

Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite.

Who rebuilt the Fountain Gate?


Who rebuilt the East Gate?


How long had it been for the Israelites to celebrate the festival of the seventh month like this?

Since the days of Joshua.

How long did it take to rebuild the walls?

52 days.

What animal did Tobiah say would make the wall fall down if it stood on it?

A fox.

By day God led them with what?

A pillar of cloud.

By night God led them with what?

A pillar of fire.

How often did Nehemiah say he was praying to God?

Day and night.

Who was to accompany the Levites when they received the tithes?

A priest descended from Aaron.

On the 24th day of the seventh month, how long did the Israelites stand and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God?

A quarter of the day.

God hurled the pursuers into the depths like what?

A stone into mighty waters.

What name did God give Abram?


The Lord God chose whom to bring out of Ur of the Chaldeans?


How many times did Sanballat and the enemies try to meet with Nehemiah to harm him?

5 times.

What did the people say in response to Ezra reading the Book of the Law of Moses?

"Amen! Amen!".

What did the Israelites promise God regarding marriage?

"Not to give our daughters in marriage to the peoples around us or take their daughters for our sons."

When the neighboring peoples bring merchandise or grain to sell on the Sabbath, what did the Israelites promise God?

"We will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on any holy day."

When did Nehemiah return to the king of Babylon?

32 year of Artaxerxes.

How long did God sustain them in the desert?

40 years.

What did the king provide to Nehemiah that was not requested?

Army officers and cavalry.

Those in Jerusalem had returned from exile in what country?


Why did the king grant Nehemiah's requests?

Because the gracious had of God was upon him.

What were the Israelites supposed to live in during the feast of the seventh month?


What did they go and find in order to build their booths?

Branches from olive and wild olive trees, and from myrtles, palms, and shade trees.

In their hunger God brought them what?

Bread from heaven (manna.

After spending a quarter of the day reading from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God, they spent another quarter of the day doing what?

Confession and worshiping the Lord their God.

What was Nehemiah's job?

Cupbearer to the King.

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