NEMCC Intro to Business Ms Bowlin FINIAL

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A good organizational structure is ________ for the expansion of business activities. A. essential B. unnecessary C. recommended D. optional


A manager plans to use the job characteristic model to motivate a particular employee. He shows the employee that his contributions are important and relevant. He is using the core job characteristic of A. task significance B. role enrichment C. skill variety D. autonomy


Employees are more likely to continue working for and working hard at companies that: A. create a positive work environment and recognize employee contributions. B. have a good location (e.g., close to the employee's home). C. provide wellness benefits like free healthy snacks and gym memberships. D. fulfill their need for status.


Employees that are terminated may or may not be rehired by the same employer. This is generally dependent on: A. the former employee's prospects for employment elsewhere. B. the relationship the employee had with the employer, the amount of notice given by the employee prior to departure, and the needs of the employer. C. whether the employee has an offer from a competitor of the former employer. D. whether or not the employee files an unfair termination claim with the EEOC..


In a functional structure, communication generally occurs within each functional department and is transmitted across departments through: A. department heads. B. the CEO. C. Chief Communication Officer. D. team leads.


In email messages, using all capital letters denotes: A. you are shouting or angry. B. the point you are making is important. C. you are excited or happy. D. nothing out of the ordinary.


In the United States, the________ is the right of an employer to fire an employee or an employee to leave an organization at any time, without any specific cause. This principle gives both the employee and employer freedom to terminate the relationship at any time. A. employment-at-will principle B. mandatory employment principle C. just cause principle D. right-to-work provision


Involuntary termination is: A. losing your job—the employer fires the employee. B. resigning from your job in order to start working a different job. C. being put on leave pending an internal or external investigation. D. resigning from your job—the employee quits the job.


James has a leadership style that is sometimes described as "hands off" or laissez-faire management because he: A. delegates the tasks to the employees while providing little or no direction. B. spends most of his time collaborating with employees. C. isn't in the office all the time but keeps a close watch on all duties. D. likes to micromanage the employees.


Job rotation is an way for: A. employees to gain new skills because of cross-training in new tasks. B. employees to improve efficiency with increased specialization. C. employees to shift out of job roles they hate. D. knowledge to be specialized and siloed within departments.


Job turnover is a continual challenge for human resources since it costs money and time to bring new employees into an organization. According to employee job turnover research, which of the following was discovered to be a main reason people leave a company? A. The external marketplace had better job opportunities. B. Perks, such as free food and drinks, were not provided. C. Employees decide to start their own companies. D. There were too few networking opportunities for employees.


Managers with a transactional leadership style: A. tend to tell employees what is expected of them and hold them accountable. B. think only about themselves. C. encourage employee creativity and are accepting of small mistakes. D. encourage employees to participate in the decisions of the department.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is illustrated in a pyramid shape that represents how: A. all human beings have basic needs that must be met before individuals can focus on higher needs. B. as we satisfy the needs at the top of the pyramid we look to satisfy lower needs C. human beings have varied needs that managers must discover. D. human beings have needs that evolve as they age.


Merely the presence of a goal is not motivation enough. According to the goal setting theory, a goal must be SMART. This stands for: A. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely B. specific, measurable, accountable, realistic, and timely C. specific, manageable, accountable, realistic, time-constrained. D. specific, meaningful, accountable, recognized, and timely


Reinforcement can be affected by various factors, including A. satiation: the degree of need. Money may not motivate someone who is already wealthy. B. expectancy, the individual's belief that effort will lead to the intended performance goals. C. instrumentality, the belief that a person will receive a desired outcome if the performance expectation is met.


Rick steps into Jeannie's office and tells her "Great news! We just closed on the Donaldson account." Jeannie says, "That is great news! Thanks for telling me right away and congratulations to you and your team!" This is an example of which type of business communication. A. Face-to-face B. News update C. Presentation D. Written communication


The Hawthorne studies focused management attention on A. the socio-psychological aspects of human behavior in organizations B. the financial incentives offered by organizations C. the social aspects of corporate initiatives D. the effectiveness of management interaction


The SWOT analysis examines an organization's: A. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. B. sales, working capital, operating expenses and taxes. C. strengths, weaknesses, operations and tactics. D. strategy, working capital, opportunities, and threats.


The belief that a person will receive a desired outcome if he meets the performance goal is called ________ in Vroom's Expectancy theory. A. instrumentality B. grit C. expectancy D. valence


The management control function is essential to: A. helping organizations and individual employees achieve their goals. B. planning for organizational resources. C. leading. D. determining what strategic initiatives the organization should take on.


Typical functions of first line managers include: A. Coordinating activities, supervising employees, and participating in day-to-day operations. B. Setting team budgets, tracking expenses, and hiring new employees. C. Planning, decision making, and objective setting. D. Strategy development and corporate reporting.


Which of the following is a possible reason for a mutual-agreement termination? A. The termination date was agreed upon in an employment contract before the employment starts. B. The company is downsizing and has eliminated the employee's position. C. The employee felt they were being treated unfairly by management. D. The employer wants the employee to quit but decides to terminate the employee in order to speed up the process.


When employees feel the boss is listening and the boss acts on their ideas, employees feel more: A. job satisfaction. B. information overload. C. job burnout. D. disengaged.


A manager needing to explain the operation of equipment to an employee needs ________ skills and communication skills. A. soft B. technical C. conceptual D. human


Equity theory assumes that A. Individuals will put the group first. B. Individuals will try to maximize their outcomes. C. Individuals will listen to their boss regardless of whether they agree. D. Individuals will focus on their own needs.


Freddie Mac released information about quarterly income and expenses. This is an example of: A. horizontal communication. B. external communication. C. vertical communication. D. diagonal communication


Herzberg hypothesized that are two different sets of factors governing job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. These are A. financial needs and safety needs. B. hygiene factors and motivation factors. C. existence and relations needs. D. motivation factors and relationship needs


In McClelland's analysis, employees who are strongly affiliation-motivated are driven by the desire A. to influence others. B. to create and maintain social relationships. C. to achieve and finish tasks. D. to find deep, lasting meaning in their work.


In business, the title "manager" refers most to: A. One particular role in all businesses. B. Three distinct sets of roles, responsibilities, and activities C. A member of the executive team. D. A specific set of communication skills.


In order to be in business, it is essential to develop relationships inside the organization as well as with your customers. These relationships most commonly allow you to: A. earn recognition from your supervisors and peers. B. help solve your customer's problems. C. share your feelings with others. D. be promoted more quickly.


In the evaluation portion of the hiring process: A. companies assess how satisfied they are with their staff as a whole. B. companies assess the effectiveness of their selective hiring process. C. it is conducted by the employee's manager to provide feedback on performance and set goals for the coming year. D. companies assesses how well the new employee is performing his or her job to see if the company should keep the employee on staff.


James has just started working for a company that does not tell their employees what to do, how to do it or when things are due. This type of freedom is an example of a company that does not utilize: A. the balanced scorecard. B. the process of control. C. performance standards. D. process of organizing.


Jeannie schedules a meeting with her sales colleagues scattered across the country. She needs to be cost effective and time sensitive so she sets up a meeting online where all can see and hear each other in order for the sales figures to be worked through as a team. This is an example of which type of business communication? A. Written communication B. Web-based communication C. Face-to-face D. Message board


Most companies address these two needs, identified by Maslow, with salary and benefits and rely on higher level needs to keep employees motivated day-to-day. A. Safety and social needs. B. Physiological and safety needs C. Self-esteem and self-actualization needs. D. Social and self-esteem needs


Over the next ten years, 40% of the workforce will retire. For an HR manager, implications are that: A.younger generations are smarter than older generations. B. the demographics of the labor pool is changing and there are not enough qualified people to fill those jobs that are left vacant. C. older workers are preferable to younger workers. D. they will have to quickly ramp up their hiring.


Reinforcements can be positive or negative. For example, a bonus is positive. Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement? A. A punishment. B. When a manager allows staff to telecommute, avoiding a long drive. C. A missed bonus.


Skills that allow you to get along with and motivate other people are: A. technical skills. B. human skills. C. conceptual skills. D. functional skills.


Successful teams require: A. no management. B. supportive management. C. command-and-control management. D. volatile management.


The internal factors include strengths and weaknesses ________ the organization currently. A. outside B. within C. both within and outside D. created by


The management control function is essential to: A. leading. B. helping organizations and individual employees achieve their goals. C. planning for organizational resources D. determining what strategic initiatives the organization should take on.


The primary role of middle managers is to: A. Plan and make decisions, scan the environment, and set objectives. B. Allocate resources, oversee first-line managers, and develop and implement activities. C. Develop strategic initiatives, hire new employees, and develop expense reports. D. Supervise employees and participate in day-to-day operations.


The weekly report you prepare for your supervisor about your team's progress toward performance targets is considered: A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. diagonal communication. D. lateral communication


There are several reasons why employee turnover may be high at some companies. To reduce this high turnover, companies may take a number of steps to retain employees. Some of these include: A. threaten to give employees poor references if they leave. B. offering competitive compensation. C. creating an unhealthy work environment. D. helping employees volunteer at local community charities.


Today the key management functions are considered to be: A. technical, relational, and conceptual. B. planning, organizing, leading, staffing, motivating, and controlling. C. strategic, tactical and operational. D. management by objectives.


What is proper etiquette regarding electronic devices during business meetings you attend in person? A. Use electronic devices as you would outside the meeting. B. Bring electronic devices but silence them or turn them off. C. Use them when the meeting is focused on topics that are irrelevant to you. D. Leave all electronic devices behind.


Which of the following are considered formal communications? A. A text from a client to let you know they'll be a couple of minutes late for the meeting. B. A monthly budget report from the accounting analyst who supports your team. C. An email message from your colleague inviting everyone out to celebrate another employee's birthday. D. An email message from the CEO asking if you can stop by her office before going home.


Which of the following are considered informal communications? A. A scheduled meeting with your boss to discuss an upcoming presentation. B. An instant message from someone you supervise to let you know she just signed a new customer. C. A project proposal draft sent to your boss for feedback. D. A memo to your boss summarizing decisions made at a meeting he missed.


Which of the following definitions best describes a team (or work team)? A. A group of people who come together to make decisions. B. A group of people with complementary skills who work together to achieve a specific goal. C. A group of people performing the same job functions and working in the same office space. D. A group of people who go about their jobs independently and meet primarily to share information.


________ assumes that the primary source of most employee motivation is monetary, with security as a strong second. A. Equity theory B. Theory X C. Theory Y


A leader sends out a directive that employees will work by rules set forth solely by the leader suggests which type of leadership style? A. delegative leadership B. democratic leadership C. autocratic leadership D. laissez-faire leadership


An ability to reason abstractly and analyze complex situations is known as: A. organizational skills. B. technical skills. C. conceptual skills. D. soft skills.


David McClelland's acquired-needs theory splits the needs of employees into three categories. These three categories are A. autonomy, mastery, and purpose B. belonging, autonomy, and power C. achievement, affiliation, and power. D. belonging, responsibility, and achievement.


During the screening portion of the hiring process: A. managers try to push as many candidates possible to the next hiring stage. B. managers conduct a background check to confirm the information presented on the candidate's application. C. managers strive to identify the best applicants at the lowest cost. D. managers develop a list of questions directly related to the job requirements.


HR managers must comply with laws when hiring, promoting, compensating, and firing employees. These laws include: A. Free and Appropriate Public Education Act. B. The Clayton Act C. Americans with Disabilities Act. D. Breach of Warranty of Habitability.


Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from a large group or a small network of family and friends. Maslow labeled this as A. Safety needs. B. Self-actualization. C. Social needs. D. Self-esteem needs


If you send a personal email from a work computer, does the company have the right to view that message? A. No, employers have no right to know details about your personal life. B. No, if you are sending a private message through your personal email, even on a work computer, the employer cannot view that message. C. Yes. Regardless of the email account, courts have found in favor of employers most of the time when these cases have gone to court. D. Yes, but only if it is sent through company e-mail. If you use your personal email on the company computer, the employer cannot read it.


In equity theory, recognition, praise, or a sense of achievement are some of the A. Social needs outcomes B. Tangible outcomes C. Intangible outcomes D. Self-actualization outcomes


Key characteristics of work teams include: A. all team members report through the same department and/or management chain. B. teams completely disband after the completion of each project. C. teams have authority and decision-making power to pursue their goals and complete assignments. D. teams change periodically adding new members and dropping old members as they finish their assigned tasks.


Managers with a transactional leadership style: A. encourage employee creativity and are accepting of small mistakes. B. encourage employees to participate in the decisions of the department. C. tend to tell employees what is expected of them and hold them accountable. D. think only about themselves.


Maslow argues that people cannot focus on social or self-esteem needs until A. They get recognition for the work they have already done. B. They can express who they truly are C. They have enough to eat and a decent place to live. D. They are in optimal physical shape.


Ray just learned that he is one of three finalists for a Vice President position at Microsoft. In two weeks he will meet with the company president and two other current vice presidents for one final interview. After the interview, if he gets the position, most likely he can expect to receive________. A. a phone call telling him when he is expected to start work. B. an email telling him that he was selected for the position. C. a letter with details about the job offer. D. a text letting him know he got the job.


Some legitimate reasons a manager might layoff a high performing employee include: A. because the employee is expected to take time off to have a baby. B. because the manager doesn't like the employee. C. because revenues are down and they have to downsize—to cut costs by eliminating jobs. D. because the employee has political opinions that differ from the manager's.


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires organizations to: A. give twelve weeks of paid leave in the event of an adoption or birth. B. give two weeks of paid leave in the event of an adoption or birth. C. give twelve weeks of unpaid leave in the event of an adoption or birth. D. give twelve weeks of unpaid leave if an employee needs to provide care to a sick friend who is not related (family).


The National Labor Relations Act was created to: A. protect companies from unfair labor practices by unions B. combat corruption in labor unions C. protect employees from retaliation should they join a union D. force more workers to join unions


The arrangement of people within an organization is known as: A. unity of command. B. team structure. C. organizational structure. D. span of control.


The basic premise of the theory of reinforcement is that A. fair treatment is the key to employee motivation. B. Behavior depends on socialization and group norms. C. An individual's behavior depends of the consequences of that behavior.


The first three steps in the controlling process include: A. reviewing current processes, comparing processes to industry benchmarks, taking corrective action. B. measuring performance; taking corrective action; revising performance standards. C. setting standards; measuring performance; comparing performance to standards. D. comparing performance to standards; setting standards; taking corrective action.


When a need is met, Maslow argues that A. Self-actualization will become more important B. Self-esteem will become more important. C. it will no longer serve a motivating function. D. Social needs become more important.


Which is true about at-will employment? A. If employees wish to resign, they must supply written documentation to explain why they are leaving their job. B. Management must show just cause for termination, and in some cases, they must furnish written documentation to substantiate the reasons for terminating an employee. C. Employers can fire employees at any time and without any reason D. Employers can force employees to work for them for specified amounts of time such as one year.


Which of the following is a factor that typically contributes to successful teamwork? A. Leadership controls all the team's functions B. Members work better individually than together C. Members trust one another. D. Leadership remains consistent over time.


________ is the process of identifying suitable candidates and encouraging them to apply for job openings in the organization. A. Hiring B. Training C. Recruiting D. Firing


________ is what message distortion is called when people are hearing what they want to hear or expect to hear, not what is actually stated. A. Workplace gossip B. Explication C. Filtering D. Biased hearing


A major focus of the staffing activities is: A. screening out candidates who are likely to sue the company for discrimination. B. negotiating group health insurance rates. C. discussing daily operations with line management. D. protecting the company from lawsuits by satisfying legal requirements.


Ability to lead is a ________ management skill. A. conceptual B technical C. functional D. human


Communication that flows horizontally across the organization among people working at the same level is known as: A. upward communication. B. downward communication. C. diagonal communication. D. lateral communication.


HR involves maximizing: A. operational stability. B. employment. C. company revenues. D. employee productivity.


HR today includes strategic initiatives like: A. product development. B. operations planning. C. financial planning. D. talent management.


Hygiene factors are part of ________ theory of motivation. A. Maslow's B. 4/ Fayol's C. McClelland's D. Herzberg's


In managing the recruitment process, an HR manager should identify a pool of qualified applicants by: A. reaching out to top universities and professional organizations and create a list of top candidates from only those sources. B. evaluating internal candidates only—this will help retain employees because they have an opportunity to be promoted. C. selecting a consistent recruitment strategy for all open positions at the company, and hiring only external candidates. D. evaluating and selecting both internal and external candidates based on job specifications which are the result of an analysis of the job/position.


In order to be strategic when participating in the recruiting process, HR professionals must ________. A. make sure each job candidate participates in drug testing B. create a healthy and safe work environment for each employee C. develop custom benefits packages for every new hire D. understand the labor market


Narcissistic leaders are known for being: A. always constructive in their leadership style. B. leaders who both motivate and show empathy for their employees. C. overly critical and prone to making harsh statements to employees. D. interested only in themselves at the expense of others.


Peter Drucker suggests that operational objectives should be SMART, which means: A. strategic, meaningful, actionable, realistic and time constrained. B. specific, measurable, accountable, realistic and time constrained. C. specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time constrained. D. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time constrained.


Skills you need to master in order to perform specific tasks are: A. interpersonal skills. B. organizational skills. C. soft skills. D. technical skills


Sophia, a teacher from Vancouver, Washington, can compare her compensation to peers in the District of Columbia, where pay is much higher. According to equity theory, she should A. Argue for a pay raise at her school. B. Consider her hierarchy of needs before acting. C. Quit and apply for a job in the District of Columbia. D. adjust for purchasing power and local market conditions.


The organizing function of managers involves: A. determining strategic priorities for the organization as a whole. B. determining how to most effectively utilize financial resources. C. not allocating resources needed to perform assigned activities. D. assigning activities identified in the planning process to some person, team or department.


Theory Y leadership assumes: A. employees will be more productive if rewards monetary and immediate. B. Most people are self-centered. As a result, they must be closely controlled and often coerced to achieve organizational objectives. C. Employees are more productive when they have strong relationships at work. D. creative capacity can spread throughout organizations


You are interviewing for a job as a barista at the local coffee shop. The manager interviewing you poses the following question: "You made a cup of coffee for a customer just as the customer ordered. When you hand the customer the coffee she says it doesn't taste right and is not what she ordered. You know that you made exactly what she ordered but she is very certain that something is wrong with the coffee. What do you do?" This question is an example of a: A. behavioral interview question. B. illegal interview question. C. skills-based interview question. D. situational interview question.


________ refers to expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety. A. Job enrichment B. Job rotation C. Job shifting D. Job enlargement


Within a business, formal communication: A. involves all messages sent by company leaders. B. does not follow the organization's chain of command for internal communication. C. involves planned, prepared communication pieces and artifacts. D. only takes place with people inside the organization.


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