New English words 23

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push over

a person who is easy to overcome or influence. Colonel Moore was benevolent but no pushover synonyms: weakling, feeble opponent, straw man, prey, soft touch See also push over


adjective (of a person or part of the body) gracefully thin. her slender neck synonyms: slim, lean, willowy, sylphlike, svelte, lissome, graceful, slight, slightly built, thin, skinny (of something abstract) barely sufficient in amount or basis. a slender majority of four synonyms: meager, limited, slight, scanty, scant, sparse, paltry, insubstantial, insufficient, deficient, negligible, exiguous See also slender waist adjective բարեկազմ slender, shapely, rangy, noble բարակ thin, slim, fine, slender, small, sleazy նազելի graceful, airy, slender, maidenly նրբագեղ elegant, graceful, courtly, dinky, slender, curious փոքր small, bantam, slender, remote թույլ weak, feeble, faint, low, slight, slender սուղ slender, costly նուրբ delicate, fine, subtle, refined, exquisite, slender խղճուկ wretched, miserable, meager, shabby, scanty, slender ցածր low, base, deep, nether, slender քիչ sparing, slender

slick (done in a very impressive way that seems to need very little effort They ran a very slick promotion campaign, you must admit. Synonyms and related words Easy to do and to be easy:easy, simple, convenient... Explore Thesaurus a. a slick movement or action is one that is skilful and done without a lot of effort The team demonstrated their usual slick passing style. Synonyms and related words Describing graceful movements:graceful, smooth, fluid... Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words Done well or skilfully:skilful, masterly, accomplished... Explore Thesaurus 2 a slick person is clever and good at persuading people but probably not honest or sincere a slick car salesman Synonyms and related words Words used to describe people or behaviour that is not sincere:insincere, forced, sugary... )

adjective (of an action or thing) done or operating in an impressively smooth, efficient, and apparently effortless way. "a slick piece of software" synonyms: efficient, smooth, smooth-running, polished, well-organized, well run, streamlined (of skin or hair) smooth and glossy. "a dandy-looking dude with a slick black ponytail" synonyms: shiny, glossy, shining, sleek, smooth, oiled noun an oil slick. "Nicholls was competing in France in 2002 when the slick from the oil tanker Prestige hit the beach." a race car or bicycle tire without a tread, for use in dry weather conditions. "He didn't have much time in the car before the race and going out on slicks in those conditions was a real test,' reckoned Lockie." a glossy magazine. "Although the stories are not his best work, he and his agent must have been pleased to receive the higher rates that the slicks were paying." verb make (one's hair) flat, smooth, and glossy by applying water, oil, or cream to it. "his damp hair was slicked back" synonyms: smooth, sleek, grease, oil, gel


adjective excessively proud of oneself; vain. Not to be vain or conceited , but it was the truth and anyone sensible would agree. synonyms: vain, narcissistic, self-centered, egotistic, egotistical, egocentric, proud, arrogant, boastful, full of oneself, self-important, immodest, swaggering, self-satisfied, smug, supercilious, haughty, snobbish, big-headed, too big for one's britches, stuck-up, high and mighty, uppity, snotty, vainglorious See also conceit, self-conceited, conceited man ինքնահավան conceited, arrogant, proud, bumptious, donnish, cock-a-hoop սնապարծ boastful, conceited, vain, vainglorious, assuming

weary (Writing these snippets makes every developer weary and nervous)

adjective feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. he gave a long, weary sigh synonyms: tired, worn out, exhausted, fatigued, sapped, burnt-out, dog-tired, spent, drained, prostrate, enervated, all in, done in, beat, ready to drop, bushed, worn to a frazzle, pooped, tuckered out verb cause to become tired. she was wearied by her persistent cough See also world-weary, be weary of, weary of life, grow weary adjective հոգնած tired, weary, aweary, beaten, done, sick հոգնեցուցիչ tedious, wearing, wearisome, toilsome, trying, weary ձանձրացած weary verb հոգնել weary, tire, fag, pall հոգնեցնել weary, fatigue, fag, pall,


adjective filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement. giddily exuberant crowds synonyms: ebullient, buoyant, cheerful, jaunty, lighthearted, high-spirited, exhilarated հորդ copious, rattling, exuberant, heavy, hard լիառատ profuse, exuberant, rich, liberal, prodigal ճոխ gorgeous, gingerbread, sumptuous, showy, luxurious, exuberant փարթամ lush, gingerbread, showy, exuberant, opulent, luxurious եռանդով լի sappy, exuberant energetic, lively, active...


adjective having or exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. he didn't tell me about it and I'm not clairvoyant synonyms: psychic, telepathic, visionary, oracular, second-sighted noun a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. During the two weeks of special events, clairvoyants , psychics and other special guests from across the country will be visiting the Heber Street church. synonyms: psychic, fortune teller, crystal-gazer, medium, spiritualist, telepath adjective պայծառատեսություն clairvoyant սրաթափանց keen, clairvoyant, incisive, perspicacious, shrewd noun խորաթափանց clairvoyant


adjective impudent; flippant. a saucy remark synonyms: cheeky, impudent, impertinent, irreverent, forward, disrespectful, bold, as bold as brass, brazen, pert, fresh, lippy, mouthy, sassy bold and lively; smart-looking. a hat with a saucy brim synonyms: jaunty, rakish, sporty, raffish sexually suggestive, typically in a way intended to be lighthearted. saucy songs լկտի impudent, saucy, obscene, filthy, cynical, audacious աներես intrusive, obtrusive, saucy, officious, pragmatical, importunate


prolong. he had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process synonyms: prolong, lengthen, extend, draw out, drag out, spin out, ձգել tighten, stretch, rack, protract, lug, drag գծագրել describe, protract գծել draw, protract դանդաղել linger, delay, procrastinate, tarry, defer, protract երկարացնել extend, prolong, lengthen, grow, protract, pad հապաղել defer, linger, pause, elide, protract քաշքշել protract


showing great skill at doing something She is a consummate politician. It was a demanding part that Collins played with consummate ease. Synonyms and related words Skilful and able:street, transliterate, able... կատարյալ ideal, perfect, complete, consummate, uttermost, stark լիակատար utter, thorough, consummate, entire, outright, profound լրիվ full, complete, total, whole, entire, consummate

i'm not going behind his back put bad guys behind bars let it go speaking of which

stub in back

grep -- > what -- > where The use of grep in its simplest form is to search for a given string of characters, such as sshd in the /etc/passwd file. sysadmin@localhost:/etc$ grep sshd passwd The grep command can be used to filter lines in a file or the output of another command based on matching a pattern. That pattern can be as simple as the exact text that you want to match or it can be much more advanced through the use of regular expressions (discussed later in this chapter). For example, you may want to find all the users who can login to the system with the BASH shell, so you could use the grep command to filter the lines from the /etc/passwd file for the lines containing the characters bash:

sysadmin@localhost:~$ grep bash /etc/passwd To make it easier to see what exactly is matched, use the --color option. This option will highlight the matched items in red: *sysadmin@localhost:~$ grep --color bash /etc/passwd* In some cases you don't care about the specific lines that match the pattern, but rather *how many lines match the pattern*. With the -c option, you can get a count of how many lines that match: *sysadmin@localhost:~$ grep -c bash /etc/passwd* The -n option to the grep command will display original *line numbers:* *sysadmin@localhost:~$ grep -n bash /etc/passwd* *grep -v nologin /etc/passwd -- > All lines not containing nologin in the /etc/passwd file* *grep -l linux /etc/* -- > List of files in the /etc directory containing linux* *grep -i linux /etc/* -- > Listing of lines from files in the /etc directory containing any case (capital or lower) of the character pattern linux* *grep -w linux /etc/* -- > Listing of lines from files in the /etc directory containing the word pattern linux*


the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone line to secretly monitor a conversation. These tools enable the government to intercept far more information without a warrant - i.e. without probable cause - than traditional telephone wiretapping .


the use of a lot of advertisements and other publicity to influence or interest people Synonyms and related words Advertising, marketing and PR:ad blocker, adspend, advertising..

botch (Mariah Carey is breaking her silence on her botched New Year's Eve performance)

to do something very badly or carelessly Police officers had botched the entire investigation. I've botched this up in a couple of places. Synonyms and related words To make a mistake, or to do something badly:mess up, blunder, slip up...


verb invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent. officers fabricated evidence synonyms: falsify, fake, counterfeit, cook, invent, make up; concoct, make up, dream up, invent, trump up, cook up See also կեղծել forge, manipulate, simulate, fabricate, falsify, fake հորինել invent, weave, compose, fabricate, feign, wove սարքել fabricate, invent, doctor, fake, forge պատրաստել prepare, make, produce, cook, manufacture, fabricate խարդախելարտադրել fabricate


verb shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end. a truncated cone shape synonyms: shorten, cut, cut short, curtail, bring to an untimely end, abbreviate, condense, reduce, prune adjective (of a leaf, feather, or other part) ending abruptly as if cut off across the base or tip. The ends are usually acute or obtuse, but sometimes also fish tail-like, truncate or vague.

dictate terms

you are the one who should dictate the terms

Despite its advantages, declaring a variable as a register has its limits. A careful analysis of the code LEADS US TO A CONCLUSION that speaking of movies, did you watched

you fired someone with the SOLE PURPOSE of making me afraid Now we'd like to DRAW your ATTENTION to the following scanf function call: the union's initializer has to have one element (as there is actually only one value to initialize).

ride along


sentimental person

զգացմունքային մարդ



pervade ("a smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air")

(especially of a smell) spread through and be perceived in every part of. "a smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air" synonyms: permeate, spread through, fill, suffuse, to spread through the whole of something and become a very obvious feature of it A strange sour smell pervaded the air. Death is the theme that now pervades his poetry. Synonyms and related words To spread over an area:spread out, disperse, fan out... Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words To be, or to become obvious or noticeable:stand out, jump out at, stick out a mile... հագեցնել saturate, satisfy, slack, cram, pervade, sate լցնել pour, fill, infest, impregnate, line, pervade տարածվել creep, extend, circulate, permeate, overflow,

(find /etc -name hosts) *find <directory to start search> -criteria <argument for criteria>* To redirect stderr (error messages) to a file issue the following command: find /etc -name hosts 2> err.txt Search for files beginning in your home directory containing the name bash. find ~ -name "*bash*" Use the head command to display the first two lines of the /etc/passwd file: head -2 /etc/passwd

(find -- > where -- > -name -- > what ) You can also redirect stdout and stderr into two separate files. find /etc -name hosts > std.out 2> std.err cat std.err cat std.out Find files that were modified (or created) less than 5 minutes ago in the specified directory by using the following commands: find ~/Music -mmin -5 Execute the following command to find files in the /usr directory that are larger than 2MB in size: find /usr -size +2M


(of rock) having solidified from lava or magma. The occurrence of these felsic extrusive igneous rocks potentially provides key information on the complex interplay of magmatism and tectonics. See also igneous rock, igneous rocks ժայթքած igneous հրաբխային volcanic, igneous, eruptive հրե igneous հրեղեն fiery, igneous կրակե igneous կրակի igneous

Use the ''which'' command to determine if there is an executable file named date that is located in a directory listed in the PATH value: sysadmin@localhost:~$ which date /bin/date

*To see a list of all currently open ports, you can use the following command:* *root@localhost:~# netstat -tln* In the previous example, -t stands for TCP (recall this protocol from earlier in this chapter), -l stands for "listening" (which ports are listening) and -n stands for "show numbers, not names". There may be times when you need to test the functionality of the DNS server that your host is using. One way of doing this is to use the 'dig' command. This command will perform queries on the DNS server to determine if the information needed is available on the server.


a foreign language or local dialect. they were unable to speak a word of the local lingo օտար լեզու


*make or become wider, larger, or more open*. her eyes dilated with horror* synonyms: enlarge, widen, expand, distend speak or write at length on (a subject). She is speaking to us from the security of her living room, safe in her culpable life, dilating on the most hopeless of catastrophes. synonyms: expatiate, expound, enlarge, elaborate, speak/write at length ընդարձակել expand, extend, enlarge, aggrandize, dilate լայնացնել widen, broaden, enlarge, dilate, flue տարածվել creep, extend, circulate, permeate, overflow, dilate ընդարձակվել expand, dilate, extend լայնանալ widen, broaden, dilate ծավալվել evolve, dilate

Best man, maid of honor


Don't be fooled he is trying to fool you


I advised you


I don't wanna PICK A FIGHT


I was ON a date


I was picturing him in a bit different way


I'm looking forward to it


Now we set p to point to the second element of the array string. The recommended form of this assignment is as follows: p = string + 1; Acceptable, though less elegant (however, some would argue, clearer), is the following form: p = &string[1];


The compiler doesn't validate the program, nor does it translate it.


Within is closer to inside - it mainly refers to something like a building where you are physically in (or inside). In can also mean a state or an organisation, so you can be "in trouble", or "in school" but not "within trouble".


are tomatoes firm


bite bit bitten


cheating ON him


defrost a chicken


how dare you


if you insist ON doing this


in the first place


jokes apart kidding aside


keeping this in mind bearing this is mind


one possible solution would be to send a combined resource allocation message to all UEs, but this was rejected ON THE GROUNDS OF high power needed to reach all UEs reliably


since when do you care who I am going out with


therefore, so do I


wear wore worn fly flew flown draw drew drawn drive drove driven throw threw thrown Dig dug dug


you were ON a break


*/ WILL BE DEEMED invalid because the compiler cannot determine where the comment began

... Contribute to our Open Dictionary to consider that someone or something has a particular quality deem something necessary/important/appropriate etc: The Commission will take as long as is deemed necessary to make its decision. deem someone/something to be something: These buildings are deemed to be of architectural importance and must be protected.


1 to defeat someone easily Synonyms and related words To defeat someone in a game, competition or argument:defeat, win, beat... Explore Thesaurus 2 to hit someone very hard Synonyms and related words To hit a person:hit, smack, bludgeon... Explore Thesaurus 3 to badly affect someone or something, especially in a way that involves losing money Synonyms and related words To have a bad effect, or to reduce a good effect:damage, spoil, harm...


1 [COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE] a physical attack on someone, or the crime of physically attacking someone an assault on a young student He was charged with assault. guilty of indecent assault Synonyms and related words An attack on someone:attack, assault, bashing... Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words Crimes involving violence or damage to property:ABH, actual bodily harm, arson... Explore Thesaurus 2 [COUNTABLE] an attack by the armed forces a NATO air assault assault on: the assault on Pohang-dong Synonyms and related words Wars, battles and military manoeuvres:drawdown, overwatch, exfiltration... Explore Thesaurus a. [ONLY BEFORE NOUN] used in a military attack an assault rifle/vehicle/weapon Synonyms and related words General words for weapons and ammunition:ammo, ammunition, armaments... Explore Thesaurus 3 [COUNTABLE] a strong criticism The article was a vicious assault on Bell's integrity. Synonyms and related words Criticisms and accusations:criticism, attack, reproach... Explore Thesaurus 4 [COUNTABLE] FORMAL a serious attempt to achieve something difficult Synonyms and related words An attempt to do something:attempt, effort, struggle...

go nut

1 to become crazy A man could go nuts sitting around wondering what might happen. Synonyms and related words To be, or to become crazy or stupid:spit the dummy, be/go out of your mind, lose the plot... Explore Thesaurus 2 to behave in a crazy, enthusiastic, or violent way A goal was scored and the crowd went nuts. Synonyms and related words To be, or to become crazy or stupid:spit the dummy, be/go out of your mind, lose the plot...


a large, impressive house. Simple shotgun houses to magnificent mansions will be showcased in this exhibition detailing New Orlean's vivid architectural past. synonyms: stately home, hall, manor, manor house, country house, palace, residence մեծ առանձնատուն

flea market

a market, typically outdoors, selling secondhand goods. The Jam will also have a flea market where you can sell, buy and barter musical instruments, audiotapes, CDs and rock T-shirts.

hasty (done in a hurry because you do not have much time-- a hasty inspection)

Contribute to our Open Dictionary 1 done in a hurry because you do not have much time a hasty inspection Synonyms and related words Quickly:quickly, fast, rapid... Explore Thesaurus 2 doing things in a hurry, without careful planning or thought She shouldn't be so hasty. Synonyms and related words Not well planned:unstructured, haphazard, chaotic... Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words Not showing careful thought or good judgment:shallow, foolish, mindless... Explore Thesaurus DERIVED WORDS hastily hastily pronunciation in British English ADVERB a hastily written note Synonyms and related words Not well planned:unstructured, haphazard, chaotic... Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words Quickly:quickly, fast, rapid... Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words Not showing careful thought or good judgment:shallow, foolish, mindless... Explore Thesaurus hastiness NOUN [UNCOUNTABLE] Synonyms and related words Not well planned:unstructured, haphazard, chaotic...


Contribute to our Open Dictionary an offensive word for a gay man Synonyms and related words Offensive words for homosexual people:nancy, poof, fairy...

bloom, blossom

Definitions of bloom noun a flower, especially one cultivated for its beauty. an exotic bloom synonyms: flower, blossom, floweret, floret a youthful or healthy glow in a person's complexion. her face had lost its usual bloom synonyms: radiance, luster, sheen, glow, freshness, blush, rosiness, pinkness, color verb produce flowers; be in flower. a rose tree bloomed on a ruined wall synonyms: flower, blossom, open, mature 4 more definitions See also in bloom, to bloom, full bloom, algal bloom, in full bloom, come into bloom ծաղկում bloom, heyday, prosperity, efflorescence, blow, plenitude կարմրություն redness, bloom, crimson ծաղիկ flower, smallpox, bloom, blossom նրբախավ bloom


Definitions of embezzle verb steal or misappropriate (money placed in one's trust or belonging to the organization for which one works). she had embezzled $5,600,000 in company funds synonyms: misappropriate, steal, thieve, pilfer, purloin, appropriate, defraud someone of, siphon off, pocket, help oneself to, abstract, rob, rip off, skim, line one's pockets with, pinch See also embezzle շորթել fleece, encroach, chisel, embezzle, flay, ramp գողանալ steal, sneak, crib, salvage, thieve, embezzle


Definitions of innocuous adjective not harmful or offensive. it was an innocuous question synonyms: harmless, safe, nontoxic, innocent, edible, eatable; inoffensive, unobjectionable,

ditch someone

Idiom: To ditch someone. Idiom: To ditch someone. Meaning- *to leave or lose someone on purpose*. Example: I ditched my brother at the museum, and I went to meet my friends at the movie theater.Apr 9, 2012

similar fashion, similar manner

STDERR can be redirected in a similar fashion to STDOUT


The header is often supplemented with a few comments documenting the purpose of the file. oun something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. the handout is a supplement to the official manual synonyms: addition, accessory, supplementation, supplementary, extra, add-on, adjunct, appendage, peripheral the amount by which an angle is less than 180°. verb add an extra element or amount to. she took the job to supplement her husband's income synonyms: augment, increase, add to, boost, swell, amplify, enlarge, top up See also dietary supplement, food supplement, herbal supplement, nutritional supplement, single supplement noun հավելված appendix, supplement, rider, addendum, appendices, trimming լրացում addition, supplement, complement, trimming, addendum, addenda verb ավելացնել add, enhance, append, augment, adjoin, supplement հավելում կատարել supplement

safeguard (protect, defend, save...)

There are two options that can be used to safeguard against accidental overwrites.


a chair fitted with wheels for use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk as a result of illness, injury, or disability. Blocking my path was a young woman in a wheelchair being pushed by her mother. See also wheel chair, wheelchair user, wheelchair accessible

mundane (lacking interest or excitement; dull.)

adjective lacking interest or excitement; dull. seeking a way out of his mundane, humdrum existence synonyms: humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, wearisome, unexciting, uninteresting, uninvolving, uneventful, unvarying, unremarkable, repetitive, repetitious, routine, ordinary, everyday, day-to-day, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, workaday, plain-vanilla, ho-hum of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one. the boundaries of the mundane world synonyms: earthly, worldly, terrestrial, material, temporal, secular, areligious ordinary and not interesting or exciting, especially because of happening too regularly mundane activities/tasks/matters Synonyms and related words Ordinary and normal:BAU, identikit, normal... Explore Thesaurus 2 FORMAL relating to the world and practical matters instead of religious or spiritual ones Synonyms and related words Not religious and not holy:secular, irreverent, agnostic...


adjective likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; ill-fated. the moving story of their doomed love affair verb condemn to certain destruction or death. fuel was spilling out of the damaged wing and the aircraft was doomed See also doom, doomed to failure, be doomed դատապարտված a bad event, usually death, destruction, or complete failure, that will happen in the future and cannot be avoided He predicted doom for any country that did not act immediately. impending doom (=likely to happen soon): A sense of impending doom hung over the meeting. meet your doom (=die in an unpleasant way): the famous castle in Denmark where Hamlet met his doom Synonyms and related words Fate and destiny:fate, destiny, providence...


adjective not able to be seen through; not transparent. the windows were opaque with steam synonyms: nontransparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, smeary, misty, hazy, dirty, muddy, muddied, grimy noun an opaque thing or substance. To be honest, it's a relief when summer is over and we can get back into good old black opaques , which cover a multitude of shortcomings. բթամիտ stupid, blockhead, slow, pinhead, thick, opaque անթափանցիկ opaque, staunch, proof, stanch հիմար stupid, silly, foolish, opaque, dumb, inept անլույս opaque աղոտ մութ opaque անլուսաթափանց opaque

akin to, resembles

akin to something similar to something The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy. Synonyms and related words Similar and similarly:similar, like, comparable...

flair (have a flair for something -)

an attractive, skilful, or interesting way of doing something She always dresses with flair. Synonyms and related words Skill, talent and ability:experience, ability, skill... to be very skilful at something Our youngest son has a flair for drawing. Synonyms and related words To be good at doing something:be able to do something, have a flair for something, have a genius for (doing) something...


consisting of various kinds of people or things a drawer full of miscellaneous items a miscellaneous collection of newspaper articles Synonyms and related words Words used to describe mixtures and collections:balanced, cohesive, combined... adjective (of items or people gathered or considered together) of various types or from different sources. "he picked up the miscellaneous papers" synonyms: various, varied, different, assorted, mixed, sundry, diverse, disparate, diversified, motley, multifarious, ragtag, heterogeneous, eclectic, odd, divers See also miscellaneous expenses, miscellaneous income, miscellaneous goods, miscellaneous notes զանազան various, different, divers, varied, diverse, miscellaneous բազմազան diverse, varied, various, manifold, multifarious, miscellaneous այլեվայլ miscellaneous բազմակողմանի versatile, comprehensive, universal,

repel (propel)

drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away. government units sought to repel the rebels synonyms: fight off, repulse, drive back/away, force back, beat back, push back, hold off, ward off, keep at bay, rebut be repulsive or distasteful to. she was repelled by the permanent smell of drink on his breath synonyms: revolt, disgust, repulse, sicken, nauseate, turn someone's stomach, be repulsive, be distasteful, be repugnant, turn off, gross out refuse to accept (something, especially an argument or theory). the alleged right of lien led by the bankrupt's attorney was repelled քշել drive, repel, drift, whisk, lash, blow ետ մղել fend, repel, parry, rebut, ward, riposte մերժել reject, refuse, deny, decline, repudiate, repel


exhibit; display. the albums showcase his production skills


extremely unpleasant These were particularly despicable crimes. Synonyms and related words Extremely unpleasant:jank, horrible, dreadful.. deserving hatred and contempt. a despicable crime synonyms: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable


feel deep respect or admiration for (something). Cézanne's still lifes were revered by his contemporaries synonyms: respect, admire, honor մեծարել esteem, venerate, exalt, glorify, revere, reverence երկրպագել worship, adore, venerate, deify, revere հարգել revere, reverence, esteem

get the hang of (informal), to hang -- kaxel

get the hang of something (informal) to succeed in learning how to do something after practising it After three weeks of using this computer I think I've finally got the hang of it.

The command line *FEATURES* a rich collection of commands that allow you to manage files.

have as a prominent attribute or aspect.

I'm headed towards home



making a short high noise a squeaky voice Synonyms and related words Describing sounds that are high and short:high, high-pitched, clear...

We said earlier that any stream operation must be preceded by the fopen() function invocation

must be followed by


noun *a short, light sleep, especially during the day*. he settled in the grass for a snooze synonyms: nap, doze, sleep, rest, siesta, power nap, catnap, forty winks, slumber verb have a short, light sleep. the children play beach games while the adults snooze in the sun synonyms: nap, doze, sleep, rest, take a siesta, catnap, drop off, snatch forty winks, get some shut-e


noun *an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.* a breach of confidence synonyms: contravention, violation, infringement, infraction, transgression, neglect, delict a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense, especially one made by an attacking army. The CASEVAC used the breach made by the sappers to get the vehicles on the OBJ. synonyms: break, rupture, split, crack, fracture, opening, gap, hole, fissure verb make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense). the river breached its bank synonyms: break (through), burst (through), rupture, bust (through) (of a whale) rise and break through the surface of the water. Glass structures fascinate me, and I'd like to work with that someday, to create a dolphin leaping out of the water or a whale breaching , something like that. See also breach of contract, breach of trust, material breach, breach of duty, breach of warranty, breach of agreement, breach of the peace, breach of faith, breach of etiquette *a failure to follow a law or rule* breach of: Reproduction of the CD constitutes a breach of copyright. be in breach of something: The company was found to be in breach of environmental regulations. Synonyms and related words Disobedience and failure to cooperate:breach, contravention, defiance... Explore Thesaurus a. a failure to do something that you have promised to do or that people expect you to do breach of contract: If you don't deliver on time, you could be sued for breach of contract. breach of trust/confidentiality: a clear breach of patient confidentiality Synonyms and related words To not keep a promise:break, go back on, renege... Explore Thesaurus b. a situation in which someone does something that goes against accepted rules of social behaviour an embarrassing breach of etiquette Synonyms and related words Morally bad or wrong behaviour:evil, sin, wrong... Explore Thesaurus 2 FORMAL a serious disagreement This could lead to a major breach in our relationship with China. Synonyms and related words Arguments and arguing:argument, disagreement, conflict... Explore Thesaurus 3 FORMAL a space made in a wall, fence, or line of defence, especially during a military attack Synonyms and related words Places where war and fighting take place:bastion, battlefield, beachhead... Explore Thesaurus PHRASES breach of the peace breach of security step into the breach

blossom (փթթել-with a blossoming of a network) a flower on a tree, or all the flowers on a tree apple blossom in blossom (=covered with flowers): By March, the cherry trees are in blossom. Synonyms and related words Parts of trees:bark, blossom, bole..

noun a flower or a mass of flowers on a tree or bush. tiny white blossoms verb (of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers. the mango trees have shed their fruit and blossomed again synonyms: flower, bloom, floweret, floret; bloom, flower, open, unfold, mature verb ծաղկել prosper, blossom, flourish, illuminate, thrive, bud բարգավաճել thrive, prosper, flourish, blossom, pan փթթել blossom, blow, flower բացվել open, unfold, blossom, cleave, lighten, uncurl noun ծաղիկ flower, smallpox, bloom, blossom

scuffle-tussle (*a small fight that lasts for a short time and is not very violent* Synonyms and related words Physical fights:fight, battle, combat...--> թեթեվ վիճաբանություն)

noun a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters. there were minor scuffles with police synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle, brawl, fracas, free-for-all, scrimmage, scrap, set-to, roughhouse an act or sound of moving in a hurried, confused, or shuffling manner. he heard the scuffle of feet verb engage in a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters. the teacher noticed two students scuffling in the corridor synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle, exchange blows, come to blows, brawl, clash, scrap move in a hurried, confused, or awkward way, making a rustling or shuffling sound. a drenched woman scuffled through the doorway noun ծեծ beating, dusting, flogging, physic, lashing, scuffle կռիվ fight, quarrel, fighting, battle, broil, scuffle verb կռվել kick, scramble, buffet, cope, jostle, scuffle


noun a sudden hard pull. one of the other girls gave her ponytail a yank synonyms: jerk, pull, tug, wrench, snatch, seize verb pull with a jerk. her hair was yanked, and she screamed See also Yank, yank off, yank out verb պոկել strip, yank, rend, wrest, flay, draw ձիգ տալ yank noun ուժեղ ձգում yank (an insulting word for someone from the US Synonyms and related words Offensive words for people according to nationality or ethnicity:black, colored, coloured...)

take over

noun an act of assuming control of something, especially the buying out of one company by another. As the company suffers from such a low valuation, it could also be a target for a takeover . synonyms: buyout, merger, amalgamation, purchase, acquisition See also take-over, takeover, take, over, take over from, take-over bid ստանձնել


noun an act of grappling. Over 40 separate maneuvers are available to The Hulk via his combat system, which consists of a number of punches, jumps, and grapples . verb engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle. passersby grappled with the man after the knife attack synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, battle seize or hold with a grapnel. This said, they grappled him with more than hundred hooks. See also grapple with ըմբշամարտ grapple, wrestle կեռ beak, grapple, crank, hanger, hook, jemmy ճանկ claw, clamp, grapple, nail, clutch, dog

plunge, immerse, dive, sink

noun an act of jumping or diving into water. we went straight from the sauna to take a cold plunge synonyms: dive, jump, nosedive, fall, pitch, drop, plummet, descent verb jump or dive quickly and energetically. our daughters whooped as they plunged into the sea synonyms: dive, jump, throw oneself, launch oneself push or thrust quickly. he plunged his hands into his pockets synonyms: thrust, jab, stab, sink, stick, ram, drive, push, shove, force See also take the plunge, plunge into, plunge pool, plunge in, plunge down verb կոխել plunge, shove, stab սուզվել dive, sink, plunge, submerge, duck, merge ներքաշել immerse, plunge խրել thrust, stick, jab, job, plunge, stab հանկարծ ընդհատվել plunge noun սուզում plunge, sinking, ducking, immersion, diving, dipping սուզվելը ducking, plunge


noun secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, դավաճանություն betrayal, adultery, treason, treachery, infidelity, collusion գաղտնի միաբանություն collusion

impetus, stimulus, impulse

noun the force or energy with which a body moves. hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus synonyms: momentum, propulsion, impulsion, motive force, driving force, drive, thrust, energy, force, power, push, strength See also give impetus to խթան goad, stimulus, impetus, impulse, spur, inducement թափ impetus, brunt, sway, elan, fit ազդակ impulse, impetus, stimulus, agent շարժիչ ուժ mover, impetus, momentum, impellent, propulsion, sinew a force that helps something to happen or develop more quickly impetus FOR: The committee's report may provide further impetus for reform. gain/lose impetus: The peace process has been steadily gaining impetus. give/add/bring impetus TO something: The document will give fresh impetus to the debate. Synonyms and related words Causes:cause, catalyst, source...

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