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When tempted, Jesus responds every time with the same three-word phrase: __ ___ ________.

"It is written."

Name the four groups that opposed Jesus:

1. Satan and the demons 2. his own family 3. his own disciples 4. the Jewish religious leaders.

How many Galilean Christians are gathered in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost?


Acts _____ (chapter/verse) holds the key to understanding as the entire book of Acts unfolds.


Over a period of how many days following his resurrection does Jesus appear to a diverse group of witnesses in a variety of places?


In Acts 6 how many men are appointed by the apostles to care for the widows?


Greed, hypocrisy, and deception characterize the actions of ______________ and __________________ because when they sell their property they secretly keep some of the profits for themselves.


Which of the following is a major theme in Philippians?

ALL OF THE ABOVE (Give generously, rejoice rather than worry, pursue humility)

Which of the following literary types is found in the book of Revelation?

ALL OF THE ABOVE (Letter, Prophecy, Apocalyptic)

Which conqueror establishes Greek as the major trade and intellectual language of Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt?

Alexander the Great

Which of the following parables demonstrates that Jesus has come to seek out and befriend sinners?

All of the Above (The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Lost Son)

_______________________ argues that there will not be a visible, earthly millennial reign of Christ.


What is the location of the multicultural church that commissioned Paul for his missionary journeys?


The refers to the time when Jesus returned to heaven following his resurrection.


In the marketplace of _________________, Paul presents God as Creator and the only one worthy of true worship.


In Acts 4 __________________ sells a field and gives the money to the apostles to distribute to the poor.


The Sermon on the Mount begins with nine _______________ .


What physical malady does Paul suffer from immediately following his encounter with the resurrected Christ?


Most of the twelve apostles were from what two villages?

Capernaum and Bethsaida

Which of the following is not considered one of the seven "signs" of John's gospel?

Casting demons out of the Gerasene demoniac

When Jesus is eight days old he undergoes what Jewish rite of identity?


The _________ theory suggests that Jesus didn't really die, but only appeared to die.


What is the name of the Roman centurion whose conversion marks a major leap forward for the Christian mission?


What is the name of the Roman centurion whose conversion marks a major leap forward for the Christian mission? ___________.


Titus is a pastor on the island of ________________.


Paul is on his way to which city when he meets the resurrected Christ?


Which interpretive strategy for Acts views Acts as inspiring and valuable, but not necessarily binding?


Most likely, ___________________________ was emperor of Rome when Revelation was written.


To avoid the murderous plot of Herod, Joseph takes his family to the country of _________.


To avoid the murderous plot of Herod, Joseph takes his family to the country of __________.


John the Baptist is often compared to which prophet of the Old Testament?


While Cleopas and his unnamed friends are walking on the road to ____________they meet the resurrected Jesus.


Timothy is a leader of the church in which ancient city?


While on his missionary journeys, Paul spent the most time in which of the following cities?


Easter Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.


Following the resurrection of Jesus, the disciples continued to worship on Saturday, which is the Jewish Sabbath.


Jesus healed the sick, calmed the sea, and cast out demons but he never actually raised anyone from the dead.


Jesus was a people pleaser, who never hurt anyone's feelings.


Luke, the author of Acts, was a fisherman by trade.


Most scholars date the composition of Revelation to the mid-second century.


Paul's Roman citizenship puts him at a distinct disadvantage throughout the book of Acts.


Paul's name change from "Saul" to "Paul" was evidence of his conversion.


Prior to the New Testament euangelion usually referred to the good news of a sporting victory.


The Egyptians are ruling over Judah as the Old Testament ends.


The anti-Christ is the centering vision for the entire book of Revelation.


The name Jesus is a Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua, which literally means "God is Good."


The question of whether Jesus really rose from the dead is a question of science not of history.


The specific message of Luke and Acts is that the gospel is only for Jews.


The speeches recorded in Acts are not verbatim accounts therefore they should not be trusted.


The time lapse between the final prophecy of Malachi and the birth of Jesus is about 4300 years.


We should interpret Jesus' parables as making essentially one point.


When interpreting a parable it is important that each detail of the parable stand for something.


When threatened by the Sanhedrin the apostles willingly stop preaching the name of Jesus.


In Mark's gospel, the cleansing of the temple is sandwiched between the cursing of what plant?

Fig tree

After Paul planted churches in this location, false teachers arrived, demanding that Gentile Christians be circumcised:


A __________ is anyone who is not an ethnic Jew.


What is the name of the olive orchard where Jesus goes to pray, just prior to being arrested? ______________ .


What heresy was attacking the churches that received 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John?


Why does Joseph change his mind about divorcing Mary?

God speaks to Joseph in a dream.

Which of the following answers best describes Jesus' description of God's kingdom?

God's kingdom is best described as God's desire to reign over all creation, including the human heart.

____ __ ________ is king over Judea when Jesus is born.

Herod The Great

Identify the interpretive method that reads Revelation as a prophetic overview of church history from the first century until the second coming of Christ:


As a result of Pentecost, the _____ ______ now lives permanently within individual followers of Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit

The theme of which biblical book is "authentic faith acts"?


In the gospels the ultimate goal of Jesus' journey is __________________.


Why did Jesus ask to be baptized by John?

Jesus desired to identify with sinful humanity.

Which of the following is a way that Jesus' ascension expands his heavenly ministry?

Jesus equips the Church of ministry, Jesus intercedes for us, and Jesus prepares a place for us. (all of the above)

At the transfiguration Peter wants to build three shelters, one for each of the following persons:

Jesus, Moses, and Elijah

Which of the Old Testament prophets does Peter quote in the sermon, which is recorded in Acts 2?


Which of the following is not considered one of the Synoptic Gospels?


Name the prophet who prepares the people for the coming of Jesus the Messiah:

John the Baptist

John baptized his disciples in the ________ River.


What are the names of the two men who buried Jesus? ___________ and ________________.

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus

The theme of which biblical book is "contend for the faith". _______.


The theme of which biblical book is "contend for the faith"?


What is the name of the early church leader who wrote First Apology?

Justin Martyr

The __________ of God refers to God's personal rule or reign over his creation, including his people.


Jesus clashes with the Jewish religious officials, because they have differing views of the_______________________- .

Kingdom of God

In Acts the practice of breaking bread most likely refers to observing the _____ _________.

Last Supper

What is the name of the businesswoman that Paul and his team meet in Philippi? She and her entire household respond to the gospel and are baptized.


Before conquering the Persian empire, Alexander the Great unites __________ and ____________.

Macedonia and Greece

Before conquering the Persian empire, Alexander the Great unites _______ and __________.

Macedonia, Greece

What is the central command of the Great Commission?

Make Disciples

What is the name of the man who replaces Judas as the twelfth apostle?


The prophet __________ predicted that Jesus would be born in the city of Bethlehem.


The prophet ___________ predicted that Jesus would be born in the city of Bethlehem.


What is the name of the tiny village in which Jesus grew up?


_____________________ is the name of the runaway slave, who is owned by a wealthy Gentile named Philemon.


According to Michael Wilkins, the Great Commission looks in what three directions?

Outward, Inward, and Upward

Taken together 1-2 Timothy and Titus are known as the ____________________ Letters.


John writes Revelation while exiled on the island of ______________.


The life of which church leader dominates chapters 13-28 of Acts?


What is the name of the festival when the Holy Spirit descended upon, indwelt, and empowered the disciples of Jesus?


The life of which church leader dominates chapters 1-12 of Acts?


Name the three disciples of Jesus who witness the transfiguration:

Peter, James, and John

What is the name of the apostle who leads the Ethiopian eunuch to faith in Jesus?


Which character in the book of Acts shares the gospel with an Ethiopian eunuch?


During the Roman era, the high priesthood became primarily a _________ position.


Which of the following social networks did Jesus not draw from when calling his disciples?

Political favors

In the first century, the temple is the center for which segment of Jewish life?

Political, Economic, and Religious

When Paul finally arrives in Rome he is a ________________________ rather than a free traveler.


According to Jesus, what must people do to become citizens of the kingdom of God?

Repent and believe the good news

Which of the following is not a category of parallelism described in this chapter of Grasping God's Word?


The theme of which biblical book is "a righteousness from God"?


Which of the following letters is not considered one of Paul's prison epistles?


Paul, most likely, wrote his prison epistles, while imprisoned in the city of _________.


On what day of Holy Week does Jesus' body lie in a tomb?


"You are like whitewashed tombs" (Matt. 23:27) is an example of which special literary form?


As Jesus is being arrested, which of the disciples cuts off the right ear of Malchus, the high priest's slave?

Simon Peter

What is the situation in Judah when the OT comes to a close?

Some Jews are back in the land, but the Persians rule instead of a Jewish Davidic king.

Due to their hot-tempers, James and John were known by what moniker?

Sons of Thunder

Whose martyrdom leads to the scattering of Christians throughout Judea and Samaria?


Which of the following traits is not a characteristic of "the age to come"?


While on his missionary journeys, Paul's standard practice was to gain a hearing in the Jewish ___________________.


1-2 Corinthians are letters that relate to the nitty-gritty of the local church.


Acts 1:8 can be read as an outline for the entire book of Acts.


Ananias is the name of the disciple who meets with Paul and prays for his healing.


At the close of Revelation, God's long awaited promise to dwell with his people is fulfilled.


At times in the gospels, the demons will publicly acknowledge that Jesus is the "Son of God."


False teaching is the primary problem that is faced by the church at Colossae.


For the Jewish people, Pentecost was known as a pilgrimage festival.


Genealogies were important in the ancient world to show a person's social standing and status and to establish a ruler's legitimacy.


God uses the Assyrian empire to destroy the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 B.C.


God uses the Assyrian empire to destroy the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 B.C..


God's sovereignty is on display as Paul travels from Jerusalem to Rome.


Hyperbole is another name for exaggeration.


In Acts God's sovereignty is expressed through the spread of the Gospel.


In the context of Acts 2 "tongues" refers to known languages.


Jesus often violated commonly accepted rules of ritual purity by eating with outcasts and sinners.


Jesus redefines "family" as anyone "who does the will of my Father".


Jesus' first followers left everything to follow him.


Jesus' words and actions declare that the kingdom of God has become a present reality.


John the Baptist is beheaded by Herod Antipas.


Joseph, the father of Jesus, belongs to the house and royal line of David.


Luke describes the ascension of Jesus at the end of his gospel and at the beginning of Acts.


One of the distinguishing practices of the early church was their devotion to the Word of God.


Paul approved of the stoning of Stephen.


Paul hopes that the collection he receives for the Jerusalem church will promote unity within the body of Christ.


Paul used a secretary by the name of Tertius to write the letter of Romans.


Paul's letter to Philemon reminds us that Christ unites people of different social, racial, and economic situations.


Peter makes his confession while he is with Jesus in the villages of Caesarea Philippi.


Revelation uses images and symbols to communicate its message.


Taken as a whole, the seven churches of Asia Minor can be described as being spiritually weak.


The Romans rule the biblical world throughout the New Testament era.


The author of the book of Hebrews is unknown.


The book of Acts continues the story told in the gospel of Luke.


The culture that Alexander the Great and his successors attempted to install is known as Hellenism.


The first visitors to Jesus' tomb are a group of women.


The goal of Paul's missionary journeys is to establish local communities of faith.


The gospel of Mark tells us nothing about the birth or boyhood of Jesus.


The gospel writers arrange Jesus' actions thematically.


The kings bringing the three gifts didn't arrive when Jesus was born, but came months later when the family was living in a house.


The leading figure throughout Acts is the Holy Spirit.


The resurrection of Jesus stands at the center of the Christian faith.


The two sisters of Lazarus are named Mary and Martha.


The word "Hosanna" originally meant "God save us."


Unlike most rabbis, Jesus takes the initiative when calling his disciples.


When Jesus disrupts the money changers in the temple area, we should understand this as a condemnation of the temple.


While hanging on the cross, Jesus forgives the people who have orchestrated his crucifixion.


While imprisoned in Caesarea, Paul has a chance to witness to Governor Felix and his wife Drusilla.


Jesus fulfills the prophecy of which Old Testament prophet by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey:__________.

TRUE (found in Zechariah)

Chronologically speaking, which of the following are in the correct order, from earliest to latest?

Tabernacle, temple, synagogue, church

The ___________ theory suggests that Jesus didn't really die, but only appeared to die.

The Coma Theory

The marching orders that Jesus gives his disciples are commonly known as:

The Great Commission

Which empire replaces the Babylonian empire in 539 B.C.?

The Persian Empire`

Which empire installs Herod the Great as king over Judea?

The Roman Empire

For a Jewish person Pentecost celebrated which of the following events?

The annual grain harvest, the exodus, the giving of the law

In Revelation what three figures compromise the unholy trinity?

The beast of the sea, the beast out of the Earth, and the dragon

By reaching out to sinners, Jesus demonstrates that God opens the doors of the kingdom to people who recognize these two things.

Their own sinfulness and their need for God

The gospel of Luke and Acts are both addressed to a man named _________.


The gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are both addressed to a man named


At the Jerusalem Council, a group of Christians argued that Gentiles should be circumcised. Which of the following statements best describes this group?

They were a group of believing Pharisees.

On Paul's second missionary journey, while passing through Lystra and Derbe, a man named _____________________ joins Paul's team.


What question is central to the book of Revelation?

Who is Lord?

At Pentecost the presence of _______ and _________ demonstrate that the powerful presence of God has come.

Wind and Fire

In Luke 19 Jesus eats with a chief tax collector named __________.


Jesus fulfills the prophecy of which Old Testament prophet by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey: ___________.


The official charge that the Jewish leaders brings against Jesus is _________.


The official charge that the Jewish leaders brings against Jesus is ____________.


Jews divided history into two ages: "this age" and "the age to _________ ."


Due to the Galilean Christians speaking in tongues, the Jews accuse them of which of the following behaviors?


Koinonia, often translated ____________ in English, involves generosity in sharing, giving, and participating.


Prior to meeting Jesus, Peter, Andrew, James, and John were all ____________ .


The ____________________ method of reading Revelation focuses solely upon what will happen at the end of history.

futurist ?

By raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus demonstrates the he is Lord over both ____ and ____.

life, death

By raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus demonstrates the he is Lord over both_________ and __________ .

life, death

Nature miracles demonstrate that God is ___________ the whole created order.


While on the island of Malta, Paul is bitten by what type of animal?


The event where Jesus' "face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light" was known as the ______________.


Paul is imprisoned in Caesarea for how many years?


The word apokcalypsis means "to __________" or "to _____________" what has been hidden.

unveil and reveal

Which of the following is a standard question that a reader should ask of any story?

who? what?? why???

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