New Testament Survey Final

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This literary work is a Greek translation of the Old Testament and is the 1st translation of the Bible.


Which of the following illustrates Luke's emphasis that Christ's message and work is universal?

Simeon saying that Jesus was a "light for the gentiles"

Which of the 2 key Jewish religious institutions was used primarily for teaching?


E.C. According to our textbook, name one of the likely locations where the gospel of Matthew was written.

Syria, Antioch of Syria or Palestine

Which of the 2 key Jewish religious institutions was used primarily for worship & sacrifice?


Who did Jesus most certainly preach the Sermon on the Mount to?

The 12 disciples

What are the last words Jesus said to his disciples called?

The Great Commision

According to the book, studying the New Testament can keep us from an over-reliance on _____________.

The Holy Spirit

The fact that Matthew changes his name, and drops his occupation upon hearing Jesus' call illustrates which of the following about Jesus?

The person of Jesus caused a powerful response & desire to change in people

List the 3 tests of Canonization:

Universal message (written/applicable to all generations & times) Written by a trusted source (an apostle, or someone closely associated) Does not contradict other scripture

John identifies Jesus as the _______ at the very beginning of his book.


Name 3 reasons why the gospels can be considered trustworthy.

Written while 1st hand accounts (disciples) were still alive. 3/4 are directly linked to an apostle of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is active & working to inspire and preserve

What people group were essentially freedom fighters who wanted to overthrow Rome?


Hermeneutics is:

a set of methods & principles of interpreting scripture

Matthew organized and arranged his gospel based on the

discourses of Jesus

The word gospel means:

good news

What did the book of Matthew begin with (ch. 1 & 2) that the book of Mark leaves out entirely?

A genealogy and Jesus birth

Jesus was born in the days of which ruler?

Herod the Great

Which of the 4 gospels is not part of the synoptic gospels?


Which gospels is not one of the synoptics?

John (Matthew, Mark, and Luke are)

Who is the military leader known for recording the History of the Jewish War?


Which 2 gospels contain the nativity story?

Matthew & Luke

Where did Jesus grow up? (his hometown)


What are 5 different and specific reasons why the gospels were written?

Need to quickly spread the message. Apostles were getting old. Looking to the future for Christians as Christ has not yet returned. Combined Gospel Message - in the face of false accounts coming up. Need for material to instruct new converts

What language was the New Testament written in?


Which of the following gives proof to the time of writing of Luke to before 62 AD?

He doesn't mention the fall of Jerusalem He doesn't mention Nero's persecutions He doesn't mention James' martyrdom

How does Matthew demonstrate that Christ was the fulfillment of God's intentions? (Choose the best answer)

He quoted Old Testament prophecy pertaining to Jesus

How does Matthew demonstrate that Christ was the fulfillment of God's intentions? Christ was the Messiah/King of Israel? Christ was a supreme authority & the ruler over ALL?

He quoted Old Testament prophecy pertaining to Jesus He called Jesus the "Son of David" He quotes Jesus as the "Son of God"

How does Matthew demonstrate that Christ was a supreme authority & the ruler over all? (Choose the best answer)

He quotes Jesus as the "Son of God"

Luke has one characteristic that NO other biblical author has. What is it?

He was a Gentile

The gospel writer, Luke, has one characteristic that no other Biblical author has. What is it?

He was a gentile

This group was more political than religious, they worked with the Pharisees to get rid of Jesus


Give me the 5 essential elements to a solid hermeneutic AND briefly explain each one.

Holy Spirit Literary Grammatical Historical Theological

What aspect of Christ's identity does Mark focus on?

Jesus as servant

Which group rejected the authority of the Septuagint?


Matthew was a ______ writing to _________. How do we know this?

Jews; Jews because: He writes about Jewish customs and doesn't stop to explain them. He doesn't use the Hebrew title YHWH for God. He cites many OT references. He ties Jesus lineage to Abraham & David.

Which gospel shows the full humanity of Jesus? Which gospel shows best the full deity (fully God) of Jesus? Which gospel shows best Jesus as a suffering servant? Which gospel shows best Jesus as the Messiah King?

Luke John Mark Matthew

In our textbook we read about the importance of women in the ministry displayed by Luke in his gospel account. Which of the following illustrates this part of Christ's ministry?

Luke talking about Mary Magdalene

Luke had a strong interest in Jesus' healing ministry. What was one of the reasons for this?

Luke was a physican

Which gospel most clearly emphasized Jesus as the King, the Anointed One? Which gospel most clearly emphasized Jesus as the Suffering Servant? Which gospel most clearly demonstrated Jesus as fully God?

Matthew Mark John

This is a lower level of works that covers many of the same things as the Apocrypha, but they are falsely attributed/titled.


What people group was essentially a priestly aristocracy? They denied the resurrection of the dead.


This group is ethnically & religiously mixed, and lived to the north of Judea.


What was Matthew's occupation before becoming a disciple?

Tax Collector

How many New Testament books are there in our English Bibles?


Approximately how old was Jesus when he began his ministry?


How many days passed between Jesus' resurrection & ascension?


What year was the 2nd Temple destroyed?

70 AD

What year was the Jerusalem temple destroyed by Rome?

70 AD

Which two chapters in the NT DO NOT deal with a fallen world?

Acts 6-7

These 14 books are not considered scripture by Protestant Christians as understood simply to be Jewish observational/historical writing of its day.


E.C. What are the 'extra' books that can be found in the Roman Catholic Bible, but not modern Protestant Bibles called.


This brutal leader was what led Mary & Joseph to return to Nazareth instead of Bethlehem after they had fled to Egypt.


Why do we need to study all 4 of the gospels?

Because each one views the same events through different eyes.

What word is used over 100 times in John's gospel, making it obvious that he was concerned with evangelism?


Where was Jesus born?


E.C. Who was John Mark's cousin?


Mark records Jesus telling several different groups to be silent during his ministry. Which of the following reasons explains why Jesus might have told the evil spirits that he cast out to be silent?

Be silent because Jesus didn't want to be associated with them.

Mark records Jesus telling several different groups to be silent during his ministry. Which of the following reasons explains why Jesus might have told the disciples to be silent?

Be silent because they were lacking full understanding.

E.C. In Matthew 1:1, the author refers to Jesus as both the Son of _________ & _________.

David & Abraham

This literary work includes at least a small portion of nearly every book in the Old Testament, and was discovered in a series of caves near Qumran.

Dead Sea Scrolls

Where did Joseph & Mary flee to when Jesus was a baby?


What people group lived communally & devoted their lives to studying the scriptures?


The 2 steps of reading a passage within it's given historical context are:

Exegesis & Homiletics

It is possible to read scripture without using Hermeneutics.


What was the 'problem' with the last chapter of Mark?

Found way after (again... yes) but written actually fairly close to when Mark's gospel was most likely.Mark 16:9-20 is unknown whether it was a part of Mark's original gospel. There are ancient manuscripts of Mark's gospel that do not include the verses, and multiple early church testimonies that did not affirm them as Marcan as well. On the one hand, it is a bit of a blemish on the record of the Bible, however, there is no new information added (all of it is elsewhere in Acts or the gospels) and also nothing in it is contradictory to anywhere else, so it lines up with the rest. Whether it is included or not, it doesn't change the message or truth of what happened following Christ's resurrection.

The New Testament tells of the ___________ of what the Old Testament ___________.

Fulfillment; Promises

Where did the majority of Jesus ministry take place?


What did the book of Matthew start with that Mark leaves out?

Genealogies & the birth of Jesus

Who was Mark writing to and how do we know?

Gentile (Roman Christian) audience 1. He explains Jewish traditions 2. Uses some latinisms 3. Observes Roman Time 4. Uses fewer genealogies, OT references & Jewish customs than other gospels

Luke emphasizes Jesus' compassion for whom?

Gentiles Samaritans Women Tax Collectors

What does the name Matthew mean?

Gift of Lord

Why is New Testament disobedience worse (in a way) than Old Testament disobedience?

It rejects Christ

What main theme is Matthew trying to communicate to his readers? Give examples.

JESUS AS ISRAEL'S TRUE MESSIAH/KING and examples are crown of thorns & purple robe. Riding on a Colt as the Kind entering Jerusalem. Ch. 1 - Geneaology - David & Abraham. Visit of the Magi. Fulfillment of many specific prophecies

Who was the apostle John's older brother?


E.C. When Mark went on his own way in Acts 13:13, where did he return to?


Where was Jesus crucified?


Which New Testament character is known for saying "I must decrease, he must increase?

John the Baptist

Who directly paved the way for Jesus' ministry?

John the Baptist

What does the book of Mark begin with?

John the Baptist and Jesus' baptism

Why did Jesus silence these people: His disciples, the evil spirits He cast out, the people He healed

Lacking full understanding Jesus didn't want to be associated with them This information would bring to many crowds

Which of these is not a primary genre found in the New Testament?


What is Matthew's Hebrew name?


Which gospel is the shortest?


Which gospel's first 2 chapters begins right away with John the Baptist as an adult, and then into Jesus' ministry?


Which 2 gospels do NOT include a genealogy of Jesus?

Mark & John

Which order should the following NT books be placed in based on when they were written? Why?

Mark, Matthew/Luke, Acts, John because Matthew & Luke probably used Mark as a source, so Mark must be first. Acts is the 2nd part of Luke's gospel - so that had to be after. John was written much later on

Which gospel includes the Sermon on the Mount in chapters 5-7?


Why doesn't Matthew write the name of God in his gospel account?

Out of reverance

Where was John exiled to after he wrote his gospel?


The NT tells us of the person of Mark. We learn of his relationship to Peter as well as Paul & Barnabus. What conflict occurred between Paul, Mark & Barnabus?

Paul refused to let Mark go on the 2nd missionary journey

Mark received his information about Jesus from one key person. Who?


Mark received his information for his gospel about Jesus from one key person. Who?


What legalistic Jewish people group's name means "separate ones"?


What people group comes directly from the Maccabeans? (Hint: Saul/Paul was one of them.)


Which disciple was not one of the 3 that were closest with Jesus?


Who is the book of Luke officially/formally written/dedicated to?

Theophilus, most likely a high ranking Roman official

Why do we say that Acts and the Gospel of Luke is a two volume set?

They are written by the same person They are written near the same time Acts make reference to the gospel of Luke in it

God's character is shown in the NT in which of the following ways:

Through Jesus Christ Through Miracles Through Visions Through the spoken word of Apostles

Mark was most likely the first gospel written


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