NGSL Eng-Jpn Set 1

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flat (adj)

平らな (level; even; without curves or bumps)

peace (n)

平和 (time when there is no war or fighting)

average (adj)

平均の;普通の (typical or normal; usual; ordinary)

year (n)

年 (unit of time equal to 12 months or 365 (or 366) days)

elderly (adv)

年配の (Being very old)

pension (n)

年金 (regular payments you receive after you retire)

senior (adj)

年長者;先輩;高齢者 (Having higher status or authority than another person)

age (n)

年齢 (number of years a person has lived (also of things))

happy (adj)

幸せ;嬉しい (Feeling pleasure or joy; glad)

happiness (n)

幸福;喜び;適切さ (state of feeling pleased; feeling of satisfaction)

fortunate (adj)

幸運な (Having good luck)

wide (adj)

広い (Having a great distance from one side to the other)

spread (v)

広げる,広がり (To place something over or cover a large area)

advertisement (n)

広告 (poster, TV, film showing advantages of new product)

broad (adj)

広範囲の (wide; from the shorter two sides to the other)

floor (n)

床 (part of a room on which you stand)

bottom (n)

底 (lowest part of something; part on which it rests)

store (n)

店 (place where you can go to buy things)

shop (n)

店;商店 (place which sells things)

degree (n)

度; 程度;レベル (unit for measuring temperature or angles)

sit (v)

座る (To be in a resting position on a chair)

seat (v)

座席,着席させる (To show someone to a place that can sit down)

yard (n)

庭 (outdoor area or garden next to a house)

garden (n)

庭 (yard; ground outside your house to grow plants)

build (v)

建てる;作る (To make, e.g. a house, by putting materials together)

lawyer (n)

弁護士 (professional who helps people with the law)

extend (v)

引き伸ばす;広げる (To straighten or stretch something out, e.g. your leg)

pull (v)

引く;引っ張る (To hold something and move it toward you)

drag (v)

引っ張る (To pull something that difficult to move)

quote (v)

引用する,引用 (To use someone's exact words in your writing or speech)

retire (v)

引退する;退職する (To stop because you have reached the time)

retirement (n)

引退;退職 (Concerning people who have stopped working because they have reached a certain age)

strong (adj)

強い;力強い (Having big muscles; physically powerful)

strongly (adv)

強く (With strength or in a strong manner)

force (v)

強制する (To use physical strength or violence to persuade)

powerful (adj)

強力な;効力のある (Having control or influence over)

strengthen (v)

強化する (To make something stronger)

form (n)

形 (visible shape or style; type; kind)

shape (n)

形,形作る (the outer form of something, what it looks like)

shadow (n)

影 (dark shape that appears when something is against the; of light)

affect (v)

影響する (To do something that changes something else)

influence (v)

影響を与える,影響 (to affect what happens; change something (indirectly))

useful (adj)

役に立つ (that can help with a particular task)

officer (n)

役人;将校 (person with an important position in an organization)

role (n)

役割 (character played by an actor)

helpful (adj)

役立つ (Doing things that help someone)

his (pron)

彼の;彼のもの (Something belonging to a male person)

their (det)

彼らの;彼女らの;それらの (Belonging to them)

them (pron)

彼らを;彼女らを;それらを (Referring to specified other people)

themselves (pron)

彼ら自身;彼女ら自身;それら自体 (reflexive form of they)

they (pron)

彼ら;彼女ら;それら (Used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things)

him (pron)

彼を (Subject form of a male person you are talking about)

she (pron)

彼女 (female person or animal mentioned before)

her (pron)

彼女の;彼女を ((Subject form of a female you are talking about))

herself (pron)

彼女自身 (female person that did the original action)

himself (pron)

彼自身 (the same (male) person who did the action)

wait (v)

待つ,待機する (to spend time until an expected thing happens)

follow (v)

後について行く;従う (to come after someone; be guided by someone)

engage (v)

従事する;かみ合う (To carry out, participate in; be involved in)

employee (n)

従業員 (person who works for someone else for payment)

gain (v)

得る (To get something wanted, needed or valued)

get (v)

得る;受ける (To obtain, receive or be given something)

score (v)

得点,得点する (To get points in a sport such as kicking a ball into a goal)

heart (n)

心臓 (the part of the body that pumps blood)

anxious (adj)

心配している (Afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous)

worry (v)

心配する (To feel concerned or troubled about something)

concern (n)

心配; 懸念 (feeling of worry or anxiety)

mind (n)

心;精神 (part of humans that allows us to think or feel)

necessarily (adv)

必ずしも (In a way that is needed or required, or is unavoidable)

need (v)

必要がある (to be unable to manage without something; require)

require (v)

必要とする (To need something, to make it necessary)

necessary (adj)

必要な (Needed or required; unavoidable)

requirement (n)

必要条件 (Something that is a necessity)

forget (v)

忘れる (To not remember something)

busy (adj)

忙しい (working hard doing something; full of activity)

advise (v)

忠告する; 勧める (To suggest what should be done)

faithfully (adv)

忠実に (in a trustworthy manner)

comfort (n)

快適さ; 安楽 (state of being relaxed, warm or happy)

comfortable (adj)

快適な; 心地よい (not being worried about something; at ease)

mad (adj)

怒った (Very angry)

anger (v)

怒らせる (To make someone mad, upset, or annoyed)

afraid (adj)

怖がって (Worried that something bad will happen; scared)

frighten (v)

怖がらせる (To make someone afraid or nervous)

scare (v)

怖がらせる (to make someone feel frightened or worried)

remind (v)

思い出させる (To make someone remember something)

remember (v)

思い出す (To bring a previous image or idea to your mind)

recall (v)

思い出す,想起 (To remember events or details of the past)

suppose (v)

思う;仮定する (To imagine or guess what might happen)

lazy (adj)

怠惰な (not liking to work or make an effort; idle)

hurry (v)

急ぐ,急ぐこと (To move/act quickly to get somewhere/do something)

rapid (adj)

急速な (Happening very quickly)

rapidly (adv)

急速に (With great speed)

sex (n)

性別 (state of being male or female mostly biological)

character (n)

性格; 性質; 特徴 (Your personality or nature)

sexual (adj)

性的な (Concerning or connected with the physical activity that can produce babies)

lover (n)

恋人;愛好家 (person who loves someone or is loved by someone)

presumably (adv)

恐らく (Concerning a true or likely nature)

fear (n)

恐れ (unpleasant feeling caused by being aware of danger)

horrible (adj)

恐ろしい (Very unpleasant)

awful (adj)

恐ろしい;ひどい (Very bad; horrible; terrible)

panic (n)

恐慌;パニック (overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety)

ashamed (adj)

恥じている (Feeling shame or guilt because you did something wrong)

embarrass (v)

恥ずかしがらせる (to cause someone to feel uncomfortable about something)

son (n)

息子 (male child; friendly way of addressing a boy)

breath (n)

息;呼吸 (air you take in and out of your body)

bother (v)

悩ませる;思い悩む (To take the trouble to do something)

trouble (n)

悩み;困難;面倒;もめごと;病気;故障 (state of difficulty or stress)

evil (adj)

悪 (Morally bad; causing harm to someone)

bad (adj)

悪い (Not good; wrong)

badly (adv)

悪く (Not in a good way; not as wanted or liked)

sad (adj)

悲しい (feeling unhappy; wishing something hadn't happened)

scream (v)

悲鳴,悲鳴を上げる (To make a sudden loud cry)

information (n)

情報 (collection of facts and details about something)

planet (n)

惑星 (One of the bodies that orbit the sun)

imagine (v)

想像する (to think creatively about; form mental picture of)

imagination (n)

想像力 (ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images)

intention (n)

意図 (aim or purpose)

opinion (n)

意見 (a person's thoughts on a topic)

love (v)

愛する,愛 (To care for and like someone very strong and deeply)

attachment (n)

愛着;愛情 (strong affection for someone)

feel (v)

感じる (To be aware of or experience an emotion or sensation)

emotion (n)

感情 (a feeling such as sadness, anger or love)

emotional (adj)

感情の (causing, feeling, or appealing to the emotions)

sense (v)

感覚,感じる;感知する (To perceive using sight, sound, taste touch or hearing)

thank (v)

感謝する (to tell someone you are grateful to them)

attitude (n)

態度 (way you act, think and feel about something)

hate (v)

憎む;ひどく嫌う (to have a very strong feeling of dislike for)

success (n)

成功 (achievement of a desired purpose or goal)

successful (adj)

成功した (Having the desired effect or result)

successfully (adv)

成功するかたちで (In a manner that achieves a goal)

grow (v)

成長する (To develop and become bigger or taller over time)

growth (n)

成長;増殖;腫瘍 (act of growing)

battle (n)

戦い、戦闘 (military fight between armies)

war (n)

戦争 (situation where armies fight each other)

possess (v)

所有する;取り憑く (to have or own something)

ownership (n)

所有権 (state of having a legal right to possess something)

possession (n)

所有物 (Having or owning something)

property (n)

所有物;財産 (Things, building or piece of land owned by someone)

holder (n)

所有者 (person who owns or has received something)

fan (n)

扇風機;うちわ (thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool)

hand (n)

手 (body part at the end of a person's arm)

wave (v)

手を振る (to move your hand or arm to say hello or goodbye)

assist (v)

手伝う;援助する (to help)

magic (n)

手品;魔法 (Any art that invokes supernatural powers)

give (v)

手渡す (To hand over or present something to someone)

letter (n)

手紙 (message you put in an envelope and send by post)

brilliant (adj)

才気ある (Having a great amount of intelligence or talent)

arrangement (n)

打ち合わせ;準備 (organized plan, event for a time and place)

beat (v)

打ち負かす (To win against another person or team; defeat)

hit (v)

打つ;たたく (To fight, attack or damage something or someone)

strike (v)

打つ;殴る (To hit something)

pay (v)

払う;支払い (To give money for goods or work done)

treat (v)

扱う (To act in a certain way toward someone)

handle (v)

扱う (To have the ability to cope with or take responsibility for)

throw (v)

投げる (To use your arm to make a thing fly through the air)

protest (v)

抗議,抗議する (To express opposition through action or words)

fold (v)

折りたたむ ( To bend one part of something against another part e.g. paper)

resist (v)

抵抗する (To try to stop or prevent something)

resistance (n)

抵抗;耐性 (Refusal to accept something new or different)

push (v)

押しのける (To force something away from you)

press (v)

押す;押しつける (To push something against something else)

refuse (v)

拒否する (To say that you will not accept something)

invitation (n)

招待 (when someone asks another to attend an event, etc)

invite (v)

招待する;勧める (To ask someone to go somewhere or do something)

lift (v)

持ち上げる (To move something to higher position)

owner (n)

持ち主;オーナー (person who owns or has something)

take (v)

持ち帰る (To pick up something and go away with it)

have (aux)

持っている (To own, possess, or hold something)

bring (v)

持ってくる;もたらす;至らせる (to take or go with someone to a place)

hold (v)

持つ;抱く (To use hands or arms to carry or keep something)

finger (n)

指 (One of the five long parts of the hand)

indicate (v)

指し示す (To show something, direct attention to or point out)

command (v)

指揮する (To give an order; have control over others)

instruction (n)

指示;教育 (information about how to do or use something)

challenge (n)

挑戦 (an activity you wish to try that may be hard to do)

shake (v)

振る;震える;動揺させる,振動;震え (to move something violently back and forth or up and down)

illustration (n)

挿絵;図解 (picture that helps explain something)

catch (v)

捕まえる (use your hands to stop and hold something flying)

locate (v)

捜し出す;置く;位置する (To find a certain place, location, or destination)

search (v)

捜す,捜索 (To carefully look for something)

sweep (v)

掃く (To remove something from a surface with a brush)

lesson (n)

授業;課 (something done to learn or teach something; class)

dig (v)

掘る (To move material to create a hole)

seek (v)

探し求める (To search for; to try to find; look for)

connection (n)

接続 (something that joins things together; being joined)

contact (v)

接触する;連絡する (To get in touch with someone)

guess (v)

推測する (to give an answer without knowing if it is correct)

recommendation (n)

推薦 (official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice)

recommend (v)

推薦する (To say something is good and deserves to be chosen)

provide (v)

提供する (To make available; to supply for use)

offer (v)

提供する;申し出る (to give the opportunity to accept something)

file (v)

提出する (To submit documents to an authority, e.g. city hall)

suggestion (n)

提案 (idea about what someone should do)

proposal (n)

提案 (offer or plan to people who can decide about it)

propose (v)

提案する (To offer or put forward an idea for consideration)

suggest (v)

提案する (to mention something that could be done; propose)

assistance (n)

援助 (act of helping someone)

aid (v)

援助する (To provide things useful or needed by others)

harm (v)

損害,害する (To injure, damage, or cause problems due to something you do)

damage (n)

損害,損害を与える (Physical harm that is done to something)

operator (n)

操作者;(電話の)交換手;経営者 (person whose job it is to connect phone calls)

support (v)

支える;支援する (To give assistance or advice to someone)

payment (n)

支払い (amount of money that is paid for something)

control (v)

支配する;管理する;抑制する;照査する (To direct or influence the behavior of something)

improvement (n)

改善 (addition or change that makes something better)

improve (v)

改善する (To make, or become, something better)

attack (v)

攻撃する (to try to destroy, beat, or injure)

government (n)

政府 (group of people and system which rule a nation)

politics (n pl.)

政治 (Activities influencing the policies of a government)

political (adj)

政治の (Concerning government or public affairs)

politician (n)

政治家 ( someone who is active in politics)

policy (n)

政策;方針 (course of action proposed by an organization, etc)

save (v)

救う (To rescue someone or something from a bad situation)

teach (v)

教える (To help someone learn or do something)

church (n)

教会 (building where christians gather and pray to god)

educate (v)

教育する (to teach someone in a school or college)

educational (adj)

教育の (Intended to teach or inform)

reckon (v)

数える;考える (to believe or expect that something is true)

count (v)

数える;重要である (To add things together to find the total number)

number (n)

数字;番号 (symbols such as 1, 2, 56, 793)

mathematics (n pl.)

数学 (study or science of numbers and shapes)

enemy (n)

敵 (Someone who wants to harm another)

sentence (n)

文 (set of spoken or written words that make a whole statement)

cultural (adj)

文化的な (of a particular society's customs and beliefs)

culture (n)

文化;教養 (beliefs and customs of a particular group)

cook (v)

料理する (To heat food until it is ready to eat)

fresh (adj)

新しい (Newly made or gathered)

newly (adv)

新しく (Very recently; just done or made)

newspaper (n)

新聞 (Sheets of paper (or online) containing news stories)

direction (n)

方向 (Describes the way you are going, e.g. North)

course (n)

方向; 進路 (The route or direction that a river, etc moves along)

manner (n)

方法 (That way that something happens or is done)

journey (n)

旅 (act of traveling from one place to another ; trip)

trip (n)

旅行 (journey or visit to a place)

travel (v)

旅行する (to go to a place that is far away)

flag (n)

旗 (piece of cloth, frequently marked with a colorful symbol or sign)

day (n)

日 (Each of the 24 hours beginning at midnight)

daily (adv)

日々 (Happening every day)

date (n)

日付 (A day in the calendar such as January 3rd)

sunday (n)

日曜日 (seventh day of the week, the day after Saturday)

shade (n)

日陰 (area of darkness when something blocks the light)

early (adj)

早い;初期の (Happening sooner than expected)

obvious (adj)

明らかな (Easily understood and clear; plain to see)

obviously (adv)

明らかに (in a way that is obvious/easy to see or understand)

bright (adj)

明るい; まぶしい (Producing a lot of light)

tomorrow (adv)

明日;未来 (day after today)

apparent (adj)

明白な (Easy to see or clearly understand)

apparently (adv)

明白に;見掛けは (according to what you heard; from what can be seen)

specific (adj)

明確な;特定の (Special or particular; clearly presented or stated)

definitely (adv)

明確に (Without question; beyond doubt)

star (adj)

星 (A bright planet of gas in the night sky)

movie (n)

映画 (motion picture; film)

film (n)

映画 (movie)

spring (n)

春 (time of year when plants start growing after winter)

yesterday (adv)

昨日 (day before today)

lunch (n)

昼食 (light meal eaten in the middle of the day)

occasionally (adv)

時折に (not very often; sometimes; seldom)

clock (n)

時計 (A device that shows the time)

hour (n)

時間 (60 minutes)

time (n)

時間(という概念) (Something measured in minutes, hours, days, etc)

occasion (n)

時;出来事;機会 (time when something happens or takes place)

ordinary (adj)

普通の (Normal or usual)

usually (adv)

普通は (Normally; regularly)

normally (adv)

普通は;正常に (In the manner that is usual or ordinary)

dark (adj)

暗い (Having little or no light; not light in color)

darkness (n)

暗さ;黒さ (The state or quality of being dark in color)

bend (v)

曲げる (To use force to make an object not straight)

even (adv)

更に ((when this is surprising) as well; too)

write (v)

書く (To compose letters and words on paper or a screen)

shift (v)

替える,交代 (To change in position or direction)

most (pron)

最も多くの;たいていの,最も (nearly all of something)

least (adv)

最も小さい;最も少ない,最も小さい;最も少ない (In the smallest or lowest way)

prime (adj)

最も重要な;最上の (Most important, chief importance in value)

top (n)

最上部;最上位 (highest or upper part or point of something)

original (adj)

最初の;原始的な;独創的な,原物 (being first made, thought or performed; fresh)

maximum (n)

最大 (largest or greatest)

finally (adv)

最後に;やっと (After a long time or some difficulty)

final (adj)

最後の (Being the last thing in a series)

last (n)

最後の (the one before)

eventually (adv)

最終的には (Finally)

recent (adj)

最近の (happening or beginning not long ago)

recently (adv)

最近;近年 (just a while ago; not long ago)

month (n)

月 (one of 12 28-31 day periods in the year)

moon (n)

月 (round object circling the Earth at night)

famous (adj)

有名な (widely known; recognized by many people)

guilty (adj)

有罪の (Responsible for a wrongdoing or an offense)

fashion (n)

服装 (style of dress or activity popular at some time)

desire (v)

望む;強く欲する,欲望;願望 (To wish for, hope or want something)

breakfast (n)

朝食 (first meal of the day)

morning (n)

朝;午前 (early part of the day before 12 pm)

period (n)

期間;時代 (set amount of time during which events take place)

tree (n)

木 (tall green plants in a forest)

wooden (adj)

木でできた (made of wood)

thursday (n)

木曜日 (fourth day of the week; the day after Wednesday)

future (n)

未来 (Time that is to come after the present)

book (n)

本 (Thing made of pages with writing on that you read)

truly (adv)

本当に (In accordance with truth or fact or reality)

really (adv)

本当に;実に (Very)

desk (n)

机 (A piece of furniture like a table often with drawers)

material (n)

材料,物質 (substance from which a thing is made of)

bunch (n)

束 (group of things of the same kind)

east (n)

東 (The direction where the sun rises)

sheet (n)

枚;用紙;シート (large piece of fabric or material that is used to cover something, often a bed)

fruit (n)

果物 (food that grows on a tree or bush)

branch (n)

枝 (part of a tree growing outward from the trunk)

frame (n)

枠組み;骨組み,組み立てる (Border of wood, metal, etc. in which a picture, door, pane of glass, etc. is enclosed or set)

share (n)

株;株券 (part of a company you own, shown by a certificate)

root (n)

根;根元,根付かせる;根こそぎにする (the part of a plant that grows underground)

guide (v)

案内する;指導する,案内者;指導者 (To lead people visiting a new or unknown place)

stick (n)

棒 (long thin piece of wood from a tree)

shelf (n)

棚 (flat board attached to a wall on which to store things)

wood (n)

森林 (Land covered with trees, smaller than a forest)

forest (n)

森林 (large area with many trees)

chair (n)

椅子 (A piece of furniture you sit on when sitting at a table or desk)

plant (n)

植物 (living thing with leaves and roots growing in soil)

extremely (adv)

極めて (In a way that is much more than usual or expected)

extreme (adj)

極端な,極度 (Very great in degree)

pleasure (n)

楽しさ;愉快;満足 (feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction)

enjoy (v)

楽しむ (To take pleasure in something)

instrument (n)

楽器 (device that is used for creating music)

movement (n)

楽章 (part of a piece of music)

style (n)

様式 (the (tasteful) way something is designed or made)

normal (adj)

標準の;正常な (standard or regular way of doing something)

standard (adj)

標準,標準の (accepted level of quality; an official measurement)

model (adj)

模型を作る,模範となる (To make a small scale copy of a full original)

pattern (n)

模範;原型;模様;傾向;パターン (regular repeated behavior)

power (n)

権力;支配権 (legal or official right to perform certain actions)

across (adv)

横切って;交差して (From one side to the other of something)

cross (v)

横断する;交差する,交差している (To meet at one point)

bridge (n)

橋 (structure built over river/road so you can cross)

opportunity (n)

機会 (time/situation when a thing might be done; chance)

chance (n)

機会;可能性;偶然 (The possibility that something will happen)

machine (n)

機械 (piece of equipment used to do work)

fault (n)

欠点 (a failure or negative aspect of)

next (adj)

次の (immediately after the previous one)

song (n)

歌 (Some music with words in verse)

sing (v)

歌う (To make musical sounds with your voice)

singer (n)

歌手 (person who sings, often as a profession)

stop (v)

止まる (To finish moving or to come to an end)

correct (adj)

正しい,訂正する (True or accurate)

plus (prep)

正数 (Having a value greater than zero)

square (n)

正方形;四角 (shape with 4 equal length sides and 4 equal angles)

honest (adj)

正直 (Good, truthful, sincere, or faithful; trustworthy)

exact (adj)

正確な (Completely correct; accurate; specific)

exactly (adv)

正確に (No more and no less than; precisely)

just (adv)

正確に (just when, just as exactly at the time of)

walk (v)

歩く (to move with your legs at a slowish pace)

tooth (n)

歯 (hard white things in the mouth, used to bite)

history (n)

歴史 (study of past event)

historian (n)

歴史家 (Someone who studies or writes about the course of history)

historic (adj)

歴史的な (Belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past)

historical (adj)

歴史的な (Connected with the past)

die (v)

死ぬ ((of a person) to stop living)

dead (adj)

死んでいる (Not alive)

death (n)

死;死亡 (when someone dies; the end of life)

remain (v)

残る;~ままである,残り;遺跡 (To be left behind, to continue to exist)

kill (v)

殺す (To end the life of a person or other living thing)

murder (n)

殺人,殺す (crime of deliberately killing a person)

everyday (adj)

毎日;日常の (Used or seen daily; suitable for daily use; ordinary)

monthly (adv)

毎月に (Occurring about once every 4 weeks)

weekly (adv)

毎週 (Happening, published, or done once a week)

comparison (n)

比較 (Looking for differences and similarities in two or more things)

compare (v)

比較する (To consider how similar and different things are)

crazy (adj)

気が狂った;夢中である (Not being sensible or practical)

aware (adj)

気づいている (Knowing or feeling that something exists)

notice (v)

気づく (To become aware by sight, touch, or hearing)

realize (v)

気づく;理解する (To become aware of or understand mentally)

mood (n)

気分;ムード (emotion or a state of mind; how you feel)

pleasant (adj)

気持ちのよい (Causing a good feeling)

ease (n)

気楽さ;容易さ (state of being comfortable or relaxed)

water (n)

水 (clear liquid that forms the seas, rivers and rain)

wednesday (n)

水曜日 (third day of the week; the day after Tuesday)

ice (n)

氷 (frozen gas or liquid, esp. water)

dirty (adj)

汚い (Not clean)

pollution (n)

汚染 (act or result of releasing dirty or dangerous substances into an environment)

never (adv)

決して〜ない;〜したことがない; (Not ever; not at any time)

decide (v)

決める (To make a choice about something or choose after thinking)

decision (n)

決定 (choice made after thinking; final judgment)

determine (v)

決定する (To control exactly how something will be or act)

determination (n)

決意 (will to achieve a goal despite difficulties)

oil (n)

油 (thick, black liquid in the ground used as fuel)

law (n)

法律;法則 (system or rules made by the government)

cry (v)

泣く (to produce tears and sounds because of pain)

pour (v)

注ぐ (To make something flow in a steady stream)

note (v)

注意する;気づく (To make mention of something; to make a remark)

careful (adj)

注意深い (Thinking about what you are doing in order to avoid a mistake)

carefully (adv)

注意深く (In a manner that involves focus and care)

attention (n)

注意;注目 (focus of your thoughts on something)

order (v)

注文,注文する (to ask for something you want to buy, e.g. a meal)

regard (v)

注視する;注意を払う (To pay attention to someone or something)

swim (v)

泳ぐ (to move through water by moving parts of the body)

wash (v)

洗う (To clean someone or something with soap and water)

flood (n)

洪水 (large amount of water covering land that is usually dry)

activity (n)

活動 (An action or task, e.g. sports, washing your clothes)

active (adj)

活動的な;能動的な (Moving around a lot or doing many things)

sink (n)

流し (large bowl in a kitchen or washroom for washing things)

flow (v)

流れる (To move steadily and easily in a certain direction)

stream (n)

流れる (small river)

float (v)

浮く (To rest on top of a surface of water or another liquid)

bath (n)

浴槽 (long container you fill with hot water to wash in)

sea (n)

海 (place with a large amount of salt water)

coast (n)

海岸 (land near the sea or ocean)

disappear (v)

消える (To no longer see because it's not there any more)

tear (n)

涙 (drop of salty water from the eye)

cool (adj)

涼しい;冷たい (Almost cold; not warm or hot)

deep (adj)

深い (Going far down from the surface)

deeply (adv)

深く;深刻に (to a great, intense or extreme extent)

depth (n)

深さ (distance below a surface)

serious (adj)

深刻な;真剣な;まじめな (Needing thought or concentration; important; in a sober manner)

mix (v)

混ぜる (To combine two or more things to make one)

confusion (n)

混乱 (Not knowing what to do; state of disorder)

confuse (v)

混乱させる (To make something unclear or hard to understand)

mess (n)

混乱,散らかす;混乱させる (state of confusion and disorderliness)

thirst (n)

渇き,喉が渇く (need for something to drink)

reduce (v)

減少させる (To make something smaller or use less of it)

measure (v)

測る;寸法をとる (To calculate size, weight or temperature of)

measurement (n)

測定 (size or amount of something or someone)

port (n)

港 (place along a coast where ships load and unload things or passengers, or be sheltered during a storm)

lake (n)

湖 (large area of water surrounded by land)

satisfy (v)

満たす (To be happy because you met your expectation)

preparation (n)

準備 (act of making ready for a purpose or activity)

prepare (v)

準備する (To make something ready for use)

channel (n)

溝を掘る; 溝 (long hole dug in the ground)

slip (v)

滑る,滑ること (To slide out of position or fall on the ground by accident)

slide (v)

滑る;そっと動く;下がる;悪化する,滑ること;滑り台 (To move smoothly and easily, usually over a surface)

stay (v)

滞在する (To spend time visiting a place or someone's home)

performance (n)

演奏;公演 (activity done to entertain an audience)

row (v)

漕ぐ (To move a boat using long pieces of wood called oars)

intense (adj)

激しい (Very strong, great or extreme in degree)

tuesday (n)

火曜日 (second day of the wee; the day after Monday)

fire (n)

火;火事 (heat and the flame produced when burning)

sake (n)

為;目的;利益 (interest or benefit of someone or something)

free (adj)

無料の (Costing no money)

ignore (v)

無視する (To not listen to, look at, or pay attention to)

innocent (adj)

無邪気な;無罪の (Free from evil or guilt)

bear (n)

熊 (large brown animal with fur that lives in forests)

skill (n)

熟練;技術 (ability to do something well)

hot (adj)

熱い;暑い (Having a high temperature)

heat (v)

熱,熱くする;興奮する (To make hot or hotter )

burn (v)

燃える;焼く (To destroy with fire)

bomb (v)

爆撃する (to drop a bomb on; attack with explosives)

father (n)

父 (A male parent)

cow (n)

牛 (large farm animal from which we get milk and beef)

stuff (n)

物 (generic description for things, materials, objects)

tale (n)

物語 (story about colorful and imaginary events)

specifically (adv)

特に (In a well defined or clear manner; in particular)

especially (adv)

特に (More than usual; extremely)

particularly (adv)

特に (specially; more than others)

special (adj)

特別な (Different from what is usual; better or greater than normal)

particular (adj)

特定の;特有の,項目;詳細 (one specific (one))

feature (n)

特徴 (distinctive or important point of something)

dog (n)

犬 (Small 4-legged animal that barks kept as a pet)

crime (n)

犯罪 (act that is against the law; murder, theft etc)

criminal (adj)

犯罪の,犯人 (Involving illegal activity ; relating to crime)

condition (n)

状態; 状況 (the state of living you are in, e.g. good health)

circumstance (n)

状況 (condition or fact that affects a situation)

situation (n)

状況 (condition, location or position)

hunt (v)

狩る,狩り (To search for wild animals to kill (for food))

alone (adv)

独りで;ただ~だけ (Without anyone or anything else)

narrow (adj)

狭い (Not wide ; short from one side to the other)

cat (n)

猫 (animal of the lion, tiger and leopard family)

king (n)

王 (royal male ruler of a country (inherited from family))

unusual (adj)

珍しい (Being rare or uncommon; not ordinary; strange)

rare (adj)

珍しい (Not common or usual)

appear (v)

現れる (to be seen, become visible; come into sight)

modern (adj)

現代の (of the present time; up to date; contemporary)

currently (adv)

現在 (Happening or being in the present time)

current (adj)

現在の (Happening or being in the present time)

scene (n)

現場;場面 (part of an act in a play)

reality (n)

現実 (What is true, as opposed to what is imagined)

real (adj)

現実の;本物の (Actually existing or happening, not imagined)

cash (n)

現金 (physical money (not credit card or digital))

reasonable (adj)

理性的な;合理的 (Fair and sensible; appropriate)

reasonably (adv)

理性的に;合理的に (In a fair and just manner)

reason (n)

理由;原因;根拠 (explanation for why something occurred or was done)

environment (n)

環境 (The natural world in which plants and animals live)

environmental (adj)

環境の;環境保護の (Of the natural world in which plants and animals live)

sweet (adj)

甘い (tasting like sugar; containing sugar)

alive (adj)

生きている (Living; not dead)

live (v)

生きる (To be alive)

survival (n)

生き残り (act of continuing to exist when facing difficulty)

creature (n)

生き物 (animal of any type)

life (n)

生命;人生;生活 (All the living things e.g. animals, plants, humans)

production (n)

生産 (process of making something on a large scale)

producer (n)

生産者;製造者 (company producing or growing a certain product)

produce (v)

産出する;製造する (To manufacture something using machines)

industry (n)

産業 (Factories or businesses that make certain products)

industrial (adj)

産業の (Concerning industry or people involved in industry)

ready (adj)

用意のできた;~しがち;即座の (Prepared)

alright (adv)

申し分ない;大丈夫である;了解した (OK; fine; good)

application (n)

申し込み; 申請 (formal request for job, building permission etc)

apply (v)

申し込む;申請する (to ask formally for (job, building permission etc))

man (n)

男 (An adult male human being)

boy (n)

男の子 (A young male person)

male (adj)

男性 (Characteristic of boys or men)

guy (n)

男;やつ (informal man; boy; any person)

town (n)

町 (small city)

screen (n)

画面,上映する;検査する;選抜する;隠す (flat surface on a computer, or tv that shows images)

differently (adv)

異なって (In another and different manner)

different (adj)

異なる;いろいろな;変わった (Not of the same kind; unlike other things)

doubt (n)

疑い (not being sure of something; lack of certainty)

suspect (v)

疑う (To doubt or lack trust)

exhaust (v)

疲れさせる (Be very very tired)

tire (n)

疲れさせる;飽きさせる (Lose energy and feel that you need to rest)

disease (n)

病気 (illness that affects a person, animal, or plant)

illness (n)

病気 (unhealthy condition of the mind or body)

ill (adj)

病気で,悪く (Not well or sick)

sick (adj)

病気の (Having a physical or mental illness)

hospital (n)

病院 (building for sick people, with doctors and nurses)

pain (n)

痛み (strong feeling of hurt or discomfort)

hurt (v)

痛む;傷つける (To cause pain, damage or injury)

occur (v)

発生する (To come to pass or to happen)

presentation (n)

発表;プレゼンテーション (act of giving a formal talk about something)

discovery (n)

発見 (Learning something for the first time)

find (v)

発見する (To discover something by looking for it)

found (v)

発見する (To discover something by looking for it)

discover (v)

発見する (To find something new that was not known before)

remark (v)

発言,述べる (To notice or make a comment about something)

statement (n)

発言;陳述 (act or process of saying something formally)

develop (v)

発達する;開発する (To grow bigger, more complex, or more advanced)

climb (v)

登る (To rise gradually and steadily to a higher point)

mount (v)

登る;乗る;取り付ける (To attach to a support)

registration (n)

登録 (act of recording information on an official list)

register (v)

登録する,登録 (To record your name on an official list; sign up)

white (adj)

白 (lightest color; the color of fresh snow and milk)

million (num)

百万 (1,000,000)

skin (n)

皮膚 (outer layer of an animal or human)

plate (n)

皿 (flat dish used for eating or serving food)

dish (n)

皿;料理 (shallow container that you cook or serve food in)

steal (v)

盗む (To secretly take something that belongs to another)

eye (n)

目 (The part of the body that you see with)

wake (v)

目が覚める;目覚めさせる (To stop something or someone sleeping)

blind (adj)

目の見えない (Unable to see; with eyes that cannot see)

purpose (n)

目的 (reason for which something is done; aim; goal)

goal (n)

目的;目標 (Something you try to do or achieve; an aim)

scale (n)

目盛り;基準;尺度;縮尺比;規模 (a device that is used to weigh a person or thing)

fix (v)

直す (To make something whole or able to work again)

directly (adv)

直接に (in a frank and honest way)

direct (v)

直接的な;率直な (to tell someone to do something in a straight-talking way)

difference (n)

相違 (Not of the same kind; unlike other things)

nurse (n)

看護師 (person trained to care for sick or injured people)

seriously (adv)

真剣に (In a dangerous or negative manner)

true (adv)

真実の; 本当の (Agreeing with the facts; not false; real or actual)

truth (n)

真理;真実 (real facts about something)

sleep (v)

眠る (To rest your body in bed, as at night time)

wear (v)

着る (To have clothes, glasses, shoes etc on your body)

moment (n)

瞬間 (very short or brief period of time)

know (v)

知っている (to have knowledge of things in your mind)

inform (v)

知らせる (To give information or facts about something)

announce (v)

知らせる;公表する (To make a public statement about a plan, decision)

unknown (n)

知られていない (Being unfamiliar or not known)

governor (n)

知事 (person who leads a state or province)

knowledge (n)

知識 (Information, understanding, or skill)

short (n)

短い;背が低い;不足して (small distance from one end to the other)

brief (adj)

短時間の;簡潔な ((of period of time) short; using few words)

stone (n)

石 (hard, solid piece of rock)

coal (n)

石炭 (dark hard substance from the earth burnt as a fuel)

sand (n)

砂 (Grains of rock that make beaches and deserts)

beach (n)

砂浜 (large area of sand, next to an area of water)

desert (n)

砂漠 (bare area of land, often with few plants and water)

sugar (n)

砂糖 (white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter)

laboratory (n)

研究室 (workplace for the conduct of scientific research)

researcher (n)

研究者 (Someone who does research work)

research (v)

研究,研究する (To carefully study to find and report new knowledge)

destroy (v)

破壊する (To damage so badly that something no longer exists)

burst (v)

破裂する; 爆発する (To break in a sudden and violent way)

positive (adj)

確かな;肯定的な;前向きな (Good or useful in qualities, constructive, confident)

certainly (adv)

確かに ((said when something is definitely true or is sure to happen))

indeed (adv)

確かに (actually; in fact; in reality)

surely (adv)

確かに;きっと (With certainty; definitely)

sure (adj)

確信している (having no doubts about something)

certain (adj)

確信している;必ず~する;明白である;若干の (Being sure about something; without doubt)

check (v)

確認する (To confirm the details of something are correct)

identify (v)

確認する;同一視する (To indicate who or what someone or something is)

brush (n)

磨いたり払うためのハケ (thing used to comb your hair or to clean the floor)

society (n)

社会 (community of people living together)

social (adj)

社会的な (Involving activities among people especially free time activities)

pray (v)

祈る;祈願する (To wish or hope for something to happen or be true)

bless (v)

祝福する (To make something holy by saying a special prayer)

god (n)

神 (religion supernatural being with special powers )

nerve (n)

神経 (fibers in the body that enable feeling and movement)

nervous (adj)

神経質な;緊張して (Having a tendency to become uneasy or anxious)

we (pron)

私たち (Used to refer to the speaker and other people together)

our (det)

私たちの (Belonging to us)

us (pron)

私たちを (Belonging to the speaker and other people)

ourselves (pron)

私たち自身 (Used by a speaker to show that they and one or more people are affected by their action)

my (det)

私の (Of mine; belonging to me)

mine (pron)

私のもの (That thing that belongs to me)

me (pron)

私を (Object form of the person now speaking or writing)

private (adj)

私的な;個人的な ((information) personal; not to be seen by everyone)

myself (pron)

私自身 (the same person as did the action mentioned)

autumn (n)

秋 (The season when the weather is getting colder, after summer)

science (n)

科学 (Knowledge of the physical world based on facts)

technology (n)

科学技術 (use or knowledge of science in industry, engineering etc)

scientific (adj)

科学的 (Concerning science)

scientist (n)

科学者 (person who is trained in a science)

secret (adj)

秘密の (that you don't want others to know; private)

title (n)

称号 (name given to something to identify or describe it)

tax (n)

税 (Money taken by a government from its people)

species (n pl.)

種 (most specific level in the scientific tree)

seed (n)

種子 (small object from which something new can grow)

kind (n)

種類 (One type of thing)

sort (n)

種類 (group or class of similar things or people)

earn (v)

稼ぐ (to get money for work)

pile (n)

積み重ねる,積み重ね (group of things one on top of another)

hole (n)

穴 (opening into or through something)

sky (n)

空 (the place where we see clouds above us)

empty (adj)

空っぽの (Containing nothing; with no contents)

air (n)

空気 (mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe )

space (n)

空間;間隔 (empty area with nothing in it)

suddenly (adv)

突然に (In an unexpected or very quick manner)

sudden (adj)

突然の (Happening or done quickly or unexpectedly)

window (n)

窓 (opening in a wall or door to let in light)

stand (v)

立つ (to be upright; not be sitting or lying down)

chapter (n)

章 (One of the main sections of a book)

edge (n)

端;ふち (boundary of a surface)

competition (n)

競争 (fighting against others when trying to win something)

race (n)

競争,競争する (contest between either people, animals or vehicles, to determine which is the fastest)

laugh (v)

笑う,笑い (To make a happy sound when something is funny)

secondly (adv)

第二に (Concerning a point or reason after the first)

second (adj)

第二の (2nd; the one following first)

equal (adj)

等しい (same in shape, size, or number)

muscle (n)

筋肉 (One of the contractile soft organs of the body)

answer (n)

答え (solution to a problem or test question)

reply (n)

答える,返信 (Answer someone's question)

management (n)

管理;経営 (people who are in control of a business or group)

pipe (n)

管;パイプ (tube a round, hollow piece of metal, plastic, or wood)

box (n)

箱;ボックス (A container with (usually) four straight sides and a lid)

range (n)

範囲,範囲に及ぶ;並べる (limits within which something extends or varies)

easy (adj)

簡単な;ゆったりした (Not hard to do; not difficult)

simple (adj)

簡単な;単純な (Not hard to understand or do; not complex)

easily (adv)

簡単に (without difficulty)

simply (adv)

簡単に;単純に (In an easy or clear manner)

briefly (adv)

簡潔に (Happening in a short period of time; using few words)

roughly (adv)

粗雑に;手荒く (In an inexact or imprecise manner)

energy (n)

精力;エネルギー (physical or mental strength)

mental (adj)

精神の (Concerning the mind)

spirit (n)

精神;気分;気力 (part of a person that is not physical and believed to be the source of human emotions and character)

string (n)

糸;ひも (Thick thread; thin rope)

promise (v)

約束する (to say you will certainly do something)

commitment (n)

約束; 誓約 (promise or decision to do something for a purpose)

convince (v)

納得させる (To persuade someone, or make them feel sure)

pure (adj)

純粋な (Not mixed with anything else; uncontaminated)

paper (n)

紙,紙で包む;壁紙を貼る (pages of a book are made from this)

lovely (adj)

素敵な;愛らしい (Attractive or beautiful)

quick (adj)

素早い;速い (Using very little time; moving far in little time)

wonderful (adj)

素晴らしい (producing feelings of enjoyment or delight)

fantastic (adj)

素晴らしい;幻想的な (Very fanciful in design, construction, or appearance)

detail (n)

細部;詳細,詳しく述べる (small part of something; tiny fact)

strip (v)

細長い路 (To take something away from (someone))

gentleman (n)

紳士 (man who has good manners and is considerate)

introduction (n)

紹介 (making someone known to another by name)

introduce (v)

紹介する (to make someone known to another by name)

finish (n)

終わり (the end of something; completion)

combination (n)

組み合わせ (act or result of mixing things together)

combine (v)

組み合わせる (To mix several things together to form one thing)

organization (n)

組織 (formal group of people with a particular purpose)

organize (v)

組織する;まとめる;計画する (To arrange and plan things, e.g. a party)

manage (v)

経営する;管理する (To run or operate a business by directing others)

manager (n)

経営者;~長;マネージャー (person who controls and runs a business or group)

career (n)

経歴;職業 (particular occupation in professional life)

economy (n)

経済 (total of all the goods, services and wages in an area)

economic (adj)

経済の (Having to do with trade, industry, and money)

experience (n)

経験 (knowledge gained by living life, doing new things)

tie (v)

結ぶ;縛る (To attach things (together) with a string or rope)

marriage (n)

結婚 (formal relationship between a husband and a wife)

marry (v)

結婚する (To become the husband or wife of someone)

wed (v)

結婚する (formal to get married to)

result (v)

結果,~という結果になる (To be the outcome of other causes and effects)

salary (n)

給料 (money an employee is paid each year)

govern (v)

統治する;影響を与える (To officially control and lead, conduct the policy, make decisions)

picture (n)

絵;写真;映像 (painting, drawing or photograph on paper or screen)

constantly (adv)

絶えず (frequently or without pause)

absolute (adj)

絶対的な;完全な (Complete and total)

continue (v)

続く (To do something without stopping, or after pausing)

maintain (v)

維持する;持続する (To keep, exist or continue without changing)

maintenance (n)

維持;整備 (keeping (a machine) working by checking and fixing it)

green (n)

緑色 (the color of young leaves)

draw (v)

線を引く;描く (To create an image using pen or pencil and paper)

line (n)

線,並ぶ;線を引く;覆い隠す (mark that is long, straight and very thin)

edit (v)

編集する (to check and makes changes before publication)

editor (n)

編集者 (Person deciding the contents of a book or magazine)

practice (v)

練習する (To do something many times to improve a skill)

bind (v)

縛る;結ぶ (To wrap something with rope)

chain (n)

繋ぎ、連鎖 (series of (metal) connected links or rings)

repeat (v)

繰り返す,繰り返し (To say something again)

put (v)

置く (To move or place a thing in a particular position)

lay (v)

置く;横たえる (To put or set something down in a flat position)

place (v)

置く;設置する (To put something in a certain location or position)

sign (v)

署名する;合図する;契約する (To write your signature on formal documents such as contracts)

sheep (n)

羊 (animal with a woolly coat raised for meat or wool)

beautiful (adj)

美しい (Having very attractive or appealing physical qualities)

beauty (n)

美人 (The quality of being physically or visually attractive)

crowd (n)

群衆,群がる;押す (large group of people together in one place)

duty (n)

義務 (work required by your job or position)

fly (v)

羽ばたいて飛ぶ (To travel through the air using wings)

habit (n)

習慣 (usual way of behaving ; something often repeated)

possibly (adv)

考えようによっては;~かも知れない (may be true or likely, but is uncertain)

think (v)

考える;思う (To have an idea, opinion or belief about something)

idea (n)

考え;アイデア (belief, thought, suggestion, opinion or plan)

consider (v)

考慮する;みなす (To think carefully about something)

consideration (n)

考慮事項 (careful thought; thinking about something)

survive (v)

耐える;生き残る (to continue to live despite illness or trouble)

ear (n)

耳 (Thing on either side of your head that you hear with)

listener (n)

聞き手 (Someone who listens)

listen (v)

聞く (To use your ears to hear and understand things)

hear (v)

聞く;聞こえる (To be aware of sound; to perceive with the ear)

staff (n)

職員,職員を配置する (employees of a company)

meat (n)

肉; (flesh of a dead animal that you eat)

shoulder (n)

肩 (part of the body where an arm attaches or joins)

stomach (n)

胃 (place in the body where food is digested)

tall (adj)

背の高い (High in height)

background (n)

背景 (images, color, or information behind the main one)

breast (n)

胸 (two soft round parts on a woman's chest.)

ability (n)

能力 (The power, money, or skill to do something)

capability (n)

能力 (means, ability, or potential to do something)

capable (adj)

能力がある (Having the ability to do something; can do)

fat (n)

脂肪 (oily part of meat)

threaten (v)

脅かす (To say you will harm or hurt someone)

threat (n)

脅し (Warning of probable trouble)

leg (n)

脚 (Part of the body from the thigh down)

brain (n)

脳;頭脳 (The part of the head that thinks and controls your body)

arm (n)

腕 (part of your body from your shoulder to your hand)

angry (adj)

腹を立てている (Having a strong feeling of being upset )

knee (n)

膝 (Middle part of your leg that bends)

automatically (adv)

自動的に (in a way not requiring control by a person)

motor (adj)

自動車の,動力を起こす (concerning cars and vehicles)

self (n)

自己 (person that someone really is)

nature (n)

自然 (physical world, including plants, animals, rocks)

naturally (adv)

自然に (Without the aid of someone or something)

natural (adj)

自然の (Not made by humans; without human intervention)

freedom (n)

自由 (state of being free, not being controlled)

own (det)

自身の;特有の (yours, his, hers, etc.; not belonging to another)

throughout (prep)

至る所に;~の間中ずっと (Over or across an entire thing or place, or in every part of something)

interest (v)

興味を持たせる (to make someone want to know about something)

excitement (n)

興奮;刺激 (When people feel very happy and enthusiastic)

tongue (n)

舌 (part of the body that tastes food; it is pink or red and is inside the mouth)

stage (n)

舞台 (place where actors or musician perform for others)

ship (n)

船 (large boat)

good (adj)

良い (excellent; high quality)

color (n)

色 (Quality of things you can see, e.g. red, blue)

flower (n)

花 (plant with a pretty head, e.g. a rose)

art (n)

芸術 (A creative skill using the imagination, e.g. painting)

artist (n)

芸術家;アーティスト (A person who is skilled and creative in art, such as a painter)

young (adj)

若い (at an early stage of existence; not mature)

suffer (v)

苦しむ;耐える (To experience pain, illness, or injury)

hero (n)

英雄 (person of great courage and strength who saves others)

brown (adj)

茶色の (of the color of coffee or chocolate)

grass (n)

草 (Plants with narrow green leaves, grown on lawns)

ruin (v)

荒廃;破滅,破壊する;破滅させる;だめにする (To destroy or spoil something, to make it useless)

depress (v)

落ち込ませる (To make someone feel sad or depressed)

drop (v)

落とす (To let something fall from your hand)

cover (n)

蓋; 覆う (thing you put over something to close or hide it)

thin (adj)

薄い;細い (not thick; not wide in size)

medicine (n)

薬 (a substance used in treating illness or pain)

drug (n)

薬 (chemical used as a medicine)

blood (n)

血 (red liquid in the bodies of people and animals)

bloody (adj)

血がついた,ひどく (Covered or spotted with blood on the surface)

perform (v)

行う;成し遂げる (To carry out an action well or successfully)

go (v)

行く (To move or travel to another place)

come (v)

行く (To move toward someone; go with someone)

action (n)

行動 (Something that a person or thing does)

act (v)

行動する (To behave in a certain way)

crash (v)

衝突する (to damage an object by causing it to hit something)

clothes (n pl.)

衣服 (The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie)

clothing (n)

衣類 (The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie)

represent (v)

表す;代表する;説明する (To stand in the place of to act the part of)

express (v)

表す;述べる (To state or show what you think or how you feel)

representation (n)

表現 (act or action of representing something)

expression (n)

表現;表情 (act of making your thoughts and feelings known)

indication (n)

表示;兆候 (Something that signals that something else exists or will happen)

list (n)

表;リスト (series of written names, words or numbers)

equipment (n)

装置;設備 (Tools or materials used to perform a task)

product (n)

製品 (item that can be bought)

process (v)

製造過程;手順;一連のプロセス,処理する (To adopt a set of actions that produce a particular result)

complicate (v)

複雑にする (To make more difficult to do, understand or use)

west (n)

西 (direction that the sun sets from north, 90 degrees to the left)

view (n)

見えるもの、視界 (things you are able to see from a specific place)

spot (adj)

見つける (see someone by chance)

detect (v)

見つける;検出する (To discover or identify the presence of something)

see (v)

見る (To use your eyes to look at something)

sight (n)

見ること;視力;視野 (sense that allows one to see and take in information through your eyes)

look at (vphr)

見る,見ること (to use your eyes to focus on something)

stranger (n)

見知らぬ人 (Someone you do not know)

rule (n)

規則;ルール;習慣,決定する (statement that says how things should be)

discipline (n)

規律;訓練;分野,律する (Instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control)

parent (n)

親 (person's/animal's mother or father)

favor (n)

親切,好む;賛成する (helpful act of kindness)

dear (adj)

親愛な (Loved or valued very much)

attraction (n)

観光スポット (interesting place people want to visit e.g. museum)

watch (v)

観察する (to look at carefully to work out what is happening)

observe (v)

観察する (to watch carefully; to make a comment )

observation (n)

観察;監視 (remark or comment on something you noticed)

release (v)

解放する;公開する,解放 (To allow to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc)

touch (v)

触る;接する (to feel an object with your fingers, etc)

argue (v)

言い争う (To give reasons for or against an idea or point of view)

say (v)

言う;言葉を使う (To use words to tell your message)

refer (v)

言及する;引用する;参照する (To talk about or write about something)

reference (v)

言及;参照 (To cite a piece of research in speech or in writing)

language (n)

言語 (words or signs used to communicate messages)

program (n)

計画;予定 (planned set of actions; a schematic system)

project (n)

計画;事業;プロジェクト (a planned piece of work for specific purpose)

plan (n)

計画;段取り (detailed proposal/set of actions to do something)

calculate (v)

計算する (To find an answer using mathematics)

compute (v)

計算する (To find out by calculating or estimating)

article (n)

記事;文書 (piece of writing about a particular subject)

memory (n)

記憶 (Something that has been remembered)

visit (v)

訪ねる,訪問する (To go to a place for a time, usually for a reason)

visitor (n)

訪問者 (one who goes to a place to see it (or someone))

establish (v)

設立する;制定する (To set or create something to last for a long time)

establishment (n)

設立;制定;施設 (organization, institution or place to do business)

allow (v)

許可する (To let or permit someone do something)

acceptable (adj)

許容できる (Satisfactory; good enough)

appeal (v)

訴える (To request a judge or others change a decision)

accuse (v)

訴える;非難する (To claim that someone has done something wrong)

evidence (n)

証拠 (factual proof that helps to establish the truth)

prove (v)

証明する (To demonstrate truth by providing evidence)

council (n)

評議会 (group chosen to make decisions about something)

try (v)

試す;やってみる (To make an effort, to attempt to do something)

attempt (v)

試みる;企てる (To try to do something challenging or difficult)

exam (n)

試験 (test of your knowledge of, or ability in something)

examination (n)

試験 (test of your knowledge of, or ability in something)

examine (v)

試験をする;調べる (to test your knowledge or ability)

test (n)

試験;テスト (examination; questions to measure knowledge)

poem (n)

詩 (a written composition in verse, not prose)

poetry (n)

詩 (poetic writing; imaginative verses)

poet (n)

詩人 (person who writes poems)

talk (v)

話す (To say things or ideas to someone with words)

speak (v)

話す (To use words to tell information, express thoughts)

speaker (n)

話す人;演説者 (person who makes a speech before a group)

topic (n)

話題;トピック (matter people talk or write about)

speech (n)

話;スピーチ (expression of ideas or opinions)

story (n)

話;物語 (an account or description of how something happened)

pride (n)

誇り (When you respect yourself)

proud (adj)

誇りに思う (Pleased because of something you have done)

admit (v)

認める (To agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true)

awareness (n)

認識 (Having knowledge of something)

recognize (v)

認識する (To remember because you have met it before)

swear (v)

誓う (To make a serious promise to do something)

birth (n)

誕生 (time when a baby or young animal is born)

explanation (n)

説明 (details or reasons given to make something clear)

illustrate (v)

説明する (To explain with examples to make easier to understand)

explain (v)

説明する (To make clear or easy to understand by describing)

describe (v)

説明する;描写する (To tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of something)

reader (n)

読者 (person who reads written or printed materials)

who (pron)

誰 (What or which person or people, to ask about, talking about)

somebody (pron)

誰か (Person who is not known or named)

someone (pron)

誰か (person who is not known or named)

whose (pron)

誰の (Who owns something)

nobody (pron)

誰も~ない (no person; no one; not any person)

whom (pron)

誰を;誰に;~する人 (Used in formal writing or speech)

investigation (n)

調査 (search for information about something)

investigate (v)

調査する (To try to find out facts; to carry out research)

charge (v)

請求する (To ask for money as a price for a service or goods)

bill (n)

請求書 (piece of paper showing what you have to pay)

comment (n)

論評;コメント (something you say, giving an opinion; remark)

mystery (n)

謎;ミステリー (book, play, or film that deals with a solution of a strange crime)

alarm (n)

警報;アラーム (sound or light used for a warning or alert)

police (n)

警察 (People, often in uniforms, who solve crimes)

discussion (n)

議論 (Any long communication about some particular topic )

discuss (v)

議論する (To talk about something seriously or in great detail)

shell (n)

貝殻 (hard outer covering that protects)

financial (adj)

財政の;金融の (Involving money)

finance (n)

財政;金融,資金 (control of money a person/business has access to)

poor (adj)

貧しい (Without money; not rich)

dealer (n)

販売業者 (Someone who buys things to sell to others)

sale (n)

販売;売上高 (Giving something for money; the amount sold)

responsibility (n)

責任 (state of being dependable or reliable)

land (n)

陸;土地 (the earth; the ground)

stair (n)

階段 (Steps that go from one level to another)

step (n)

階段;ステップ (flat horizontal piece that forms stairs)

class (n)

階級; ランク (rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people))

hide (v)

隠す (to put a thing where it can't be found; go where you won't be found)

neighbor (n)

隣人;近所の人 (person who lives, or is near, you)

collect (v)

集める (To gather things/people together in one place)

concentrate (v)

集中する (to pay great attention to a task; focus)

concentration (n)

集中;濃度 (paying ( a lot of) attention to a task)

gather (v)

集会を開く (To bring people/animals together into a group)

hire (v)

雇う (To employ a person to do a particular job or borrow something)

employ (v)

雇う (To pay a person to work for you; to give a job to)

employment (n)

雇用 (act of employing someone)

employer (n)

雇用主 (person or firm that hires workers)

magazine (n)

雑誌 (weekly or monthly publication with pictures and stories)

separate (adj)

離す;分ける,分かれた (to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts)

away (adv)

離れて (Not here; far from here; in a different direction)

apart (adv)

離れて;別々に (Separated by an amount of time or space)

divorce (n)

離婚する (legal dissolution or breakup of a marriage)

difficult (adj)

難しい (Hard; not easy; you need to work hard to do it)

difficulty (n)

難しさ;困難 (Something that is hard to do)

rain (n)

雨 (Drops of water that fall out of clouds in the sky)

snow (n)

雪,雪が降る (icy material falling from the clouds)

cloud (n)

雲;曇り (a mass of water vapor in the sky, as when it is going to rain)

electricity (n)

電気 (energy generated positive and negative charges)

electric (adj)

電気の (using electricity)

cable (n)

電線 (wire carrying electricity, TV signals, internet etc)

telephone (n)

電話 (machine used to talk to someone who is far away)

phone (v)

電話をかける (To talk to someone using a telephone)

train (n)

電車 (vehicle that carries people and runs on rails)

blue (adj)

青い (color of the clear sky)

quiet (adj)

静かな (Not loud; making very little sound)

quietly (adv)

静かに (In a quiet manner; making little sound or fuss)

silence (n)

静けさ (No sound or noise)

greatly (adv)

非常に (an extraordinary extent or degree)

highly (adv)

非常に (more than usual; to a great degree)

excellent (adj)

非常に優れた (extremely good)

blame (v)

非難する (To say someone is responsible for something bad)

interview (v)

面接;インタビュー (To formally ask questions about a given topic)

shoe (n)

靴 (outer covering for the foot made from leather)

loud (adj)

音が大きい;うるさい;派手な (Making a lot of noise)

music (n)

音楽 (sounds that are sung or played to give pleasure)

musician (n)

音楽家;ミュージシャン (person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job)

sound (n)

音;音響 (Waves traveling in air or water that can be heard )

noise (n)

音;騒音; 雑音 (Loud sounds that cause discomfort or annoyance)

cheek (n)

頬 (soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes)

head (n)

頭 (top part of your body with eyes and a mouth)

rely on (v)

頼る (To depend on someone or something)

face (n)

顔 (front part of the head where eyes, nose, and mouth are)

remarkable (adj)

顕著な (Interesting and unexpected, worthy of notice)

wish (v)

願う (To want something to happen or to become true)

hopefully (adv)

願わくは;うまくいけば (in a manner wishing something to happen)

customer (n)

顧客 (Someone who buys goods or services from a business)

wind (n)

風 (natural movement of outside air as part of the weather)

leap (v)

飛び跳ねる,跳躍 (To move forwards often in big steps)

flight (n)

飛行 (the act of flying)

plane (n)

飛行機 (an airplane)

feed (v)

食べ物を与える (To give food, e.g. to animals or a baby)

meal (n)

食事 (food for eating at a particular time, e.g. dinner)

diet (v)

食事,ダイエットする (To eat special or less food, as to lose weight)

food (n)

食物 (What people and animals eat to live)

hunger (n)

飢え (need for food; a severe lack of food)

drink (v)

飲む (To put water in your body through your mouth)

neck (n)

首 (part of the body joining the head and the body)

horse (n)

馬 (large animal with 4 legs used for riding)

station (n)

駅 (place where you can catch a train or a bus)

surprise (v)

驚かせる (To do something that another person didn't expect)

wonder (n)

驚き (Surprise caused by experiencing something amazing)

surprisingly (adv)

驚くほど (In an unexpected manner ; to an unexpected degree)

bone (n)

骨 (hard piece of your body that forms the skeleton)

high (adj)

高い (Rising upward a great distance)

height (n)

高さ (distance of something from the bottom to the top)

raise (v)

高める (To increase a quantity, size, intensity or price)

hair (n)

髪;毛 (long thin strands on your head or body)

soul (n)

魂 (spiritual part of a person)

fascinate (v)

魅了する (Attract or interest greatly)

attract (v)

魅了する;引きつける (To make someone notice and become interested in)

attractive (adj)

魅力的な (making you like them, as by being good-looking)

charm (n)

魅力,魅了 (quality of making people like you; attractiveness)

fish (n)

魚 (animal that swims and lives in the sea)

bird (n)

鳥 (animal with feathers that uses wings to fly)

yellow (adj)

黄色 (color of lemons or the sun)

golden (adj)

黄金の (Made of gold)

black (adj)

黒い (color of the sky on a dark night)

nose (n)

鼻 (part of the face used for breathing and smelling)

shot (v)

(ボールをゴールに)ける;投げ入れる;シュートする (To kick or throw a ball at a goal)

anywhere (adv)

(疑問文で)どこかへ,(否定文で)どこにも,(肯定文で)どこでも (in, at or to any place; used in questions, with 'not')

anything (n)

(疑問文で)何か,(否定文で)何も,(肯定文で)何でも (thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions)

any (det)

(疑問文で)何か;いくらか,(否定文で)どれも;少しも,(肯定文で)どれでも (one (thing) of many; some (thing))

anyone (pron)

(疑問文で)誰か,(否定文で)誰も,(肯定文で)誰でも (Any person)

anybody (pron)

(疑問文で)誰か,(否定文で)誰も,(肯定文で)誰でも (Any person; anyone)

whether (conj)

~かどうか;~であろうとなかろうと (if something will happen or not)

might (aux)

~かもしれない;~してもよい (used to express that something could happen)

off (adj)

~から離れて;休みの;停止して (not having on; not wearing)

from (prep)

~から;~出身の (Starting at a particular place, time or level)

want (v)

~が欲しい;望んでいる;~したいと思う (To desire or wish for something; hope for a thing)

let (v)

~させる;許可する (to not stop someone from doing something)

shall (aux)

~すべきである;当然~だろう;~しなければならない;~しましょうか (Expressing the future tense, to expect to happen)

intend (v)

~するつもりである (To plan or want to do something)

will (aux)

~するつもりである;~でしょう;どうしても~するものだ;~しなさい;~することがある (used with verbs to express the future)

whenever (adv)

~するときはいつでも;いつであれ;一体いつ~ (At any or every time that)

ought (aux)

~するべきである;~するはずである (what is expected; should)

whatever (det)

~する事は何でも;何であれ;一体何が~ (Anything or everything needed; no matter what)

afford (v)

~する余裕がある (to have enough money to pay for something)

tend (v)

~する傾向がある (To regularly behave in a certain way)

though (adv)

~だけれども (Although, despite the fact that)

would (aux)

~だろう;~したい;よく~したものだった;~しようとしてきかない (modal (v) used to indicate possibility, request etc.)

be (v)

~である (Being)

could (v)

~できた (Used as the past form of can, to indicate possibility)

unless (conj)

~でない限り (negative of 'if')

not (adv)

~ではない ((word indicating the negative of verbs, adjectives, etc))

characterize (v)

~とみなす; 描く; 特徴づける (To describe the qualities of person, place, thing)

and (conj)

~と・・・ (used to refer to two or more things)

with (prep)

~と一緒に; ~で;~の一員で;~に賛成して;~した状態で (Used to express that people or things are together)

figure (v)

~と考える (to understand after thinking; work out)

without (prep)

~なしで (Used to say you don't have something or it isn't in a place)

about (prep)

~について (of (a subject); concerning)

per (prep)

~につき; ~ごとに (For each; during each)

become (v)

~になる (To begin to be; grow to be; develop into)

against (prep)

~に反対して (in opposition to; disagreeing with)

along (prep)

~に沿って (At a point on a line)

regardless (adj)

~に注意しない;~にかかわらず (Without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling)

relation (n)

~に関する (manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another)

besides (prep)

~のほか;~を除いて,その上 (Other than or in addition to)

seem (v)

~のように見える;思われる (To appear to be something)

over (prep)

~の上に (in the direction of; toward)

onto (prep)

~の上に;~に向けられて (Movement towards a certain direction, or into a certain area)

beneath (prep)

~の下に (Under; In or to a lower position; below)

into (prep)

~の中へ (Going inside something)

cause (v)

~の原因となる;引き起こす;~させる (To make something happen; create effect or result)

beyond (adv)

~の向こうに;~を超えて;~のほかに (On or to the farther side; in addition to)

around (adv)

~の周りに (Located on every side, or along something)

behind (adv)

~の後ろに (In or toward the back)

at (prep)

~の所で;~に (in the place where something is)

toward (adv)

~の方へ;~へ向いて;~に対して (Facing or moving in the direction of something)

by (prep)

~の近くに (Near; with)

beside (prep)

~の近くに;~の 隣に (By the side of something; next to something)

during (prep)

~の間に (At some point in the course of an event or thing)

while (conj)

~の間に (During the time that; at the same time)

whilst (conj)

~の間に (During the time that; at the same time)

between (prep)

~の間に (In the space that separates two objects)

of (prep)

~の;~から;~について (Belonging to or connected with something)

to (adv)

~へ;~に;~まで;~に対して;~すること;~ために (Move towards; in the direction of)

should (aux)

~べきである (Used to indicate what is proper or reasonable)

till (conj)

~まで (Until)

until (conj)

~まで (Up to, to indicate a point in time when something happens)

also (adv)

~もまた;同様に;その上 (In addition; too; in a similar way)

nor (conj)

~もまた~でない (Used to show two things that are both untrue or do not happen)

than (conj)

~よりも (Used to compare two things that are not equal)

except (prep)

~を除いて;~以外 (Not including; other than)

within (adv)

~中に;~以内 (Not beyond the limits of a particular space, time or range)

since (prep)

~以来;~なので (from the time in the past that)

ago (adv)

~前に (At a specified length of time in the past)

after (adv)

~後で;~を追って (Later than another time, or behind something)

responsible (adj)

責任がある;信頼できる (Having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner)

storage (n)

貯蔵;保管;保管場所 (act of storing something; a depository for goods)

buyer (n)

買い手 (A person who buys, e.g. a customer in a store)

buy (v)

買う (To get something by paying money for it)

lend (v)

貸す (to give to someone for a while before it is returned)

loan (v)

貸す,貸付 (To borrow money that must be paid back)

cost (n)

費用 (The price you pay for something)

appreciate (v)

ありがたく思う;感謝する (to be thankful for; to value or admire)

likely (adj)

ありそうな;~しそうである;適した (referring to the chance that something will actually happen)

those (det)

あれら (used to show which people or things we are talking about)

several (det)

いくつかの;それぞれの (More than two but not many)

somewhat (adv)

いくぶん (little, not very)

some (det)

いくらかの;ある;およそ (Used to refer to an unspecified amount or number)

fill (v)

いっぱいにする;満たす (To make something full)

full (adj)

いっぱいの;満ちた (Containing or holding as much as possible)

when (n)

いつ (word you use to ask about the time or day)

always (adv)

いつも (at all times; in every situation)

usual (adj)

いつもの (being the way things occur most of the time)

glad (adj)

うれしい (happy that something happened; pleased)

funny (adj)

おかしい;妙な (Causing laughter; amusing)

chat (v)

おしゃべりする;チャットする (To talk in a friendly and relaxed manner)

probably (adv)

おそらく ((+adj or v) that is likely to happen or be true)

favorite (adj)

お気に入りの (Most liked; best loved)

announcement (n)

お知らせ (act of informing people about something publicly)

expense (n)

費用 (paying money for something (big))

money (n)

お金;金銭;財産 (Coins or notes we use to pay for things)

stir (v)

かき混ぜる (To mix something by making circular movements in it)

key (n)

かぎ,重要な (Something you use to open a lock or start a car)

hang (v)

かける;吊るす (To attach a picture, photograph etc onto a wall)

hard (adj)

かたい (difficult to bend, break or cut; solid)

fairly (adv)

かなり (quite; pretty; between very and a little)

rather (adv)

かなり;いくぶん;どちらかといえば;それどころか (Somewhat; fairly; not that much)

bag (n)

かばん;バッグ;袋 (soft container to put things in and carry with you)

bite (v)

かむ,かむこと (To press down on or cut into something with the teeth)

barely (adv)

かろうじて (In a way that is difficult but still possible; almost not)

pretty (adj)

かわいい;すてきな (Being attractive to the eye in a simple way)

arrange (v)

きちんと並べる; 整える (To organize things into an order for them to happen)

tight (adj)

きつい;ピンと張った:詰まった;密接な;厳しい ((rope or tie) pulled strongly)

clean (adj)

きれいな;清潔な (Being free from dirt or marks because it was washed)

shock (n)

ぎょっとさせる,激突;ショック (sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected)

qualification (n)

資格 (official record proving a certain standard or level)

bond (v)

くっつける; 接着する (To become joined or connected, e.g. using glue)

relax (v)

くつろぐ;緩める (To become or free from tense, tight, or stiff)

fight (n)

けんか;戦い (act of trying to hurt someone by hitting them)

here (adv)

ここに (In this place; at this location, position or time)

thus (adv)

このように;したがって (therefore; so; as a result)

this (adj)

この,これ,こんなに (person, thing, or idea near you)

these (det)

これら (People, things, or ideas near you)

hello (itj)

こんにちは (What you say when you meet someone)

qualify (v)

資格を取る (to earn a qualification through exam/studying)

fund (n)

資金を出す (To supply money for something)

admire (v)

賞賛する;感心する (To feel respect or wonder toward someone)

smart (adj)

賢い (Being wise, intelligent or clever)

question (v)

質問する;疑問に思う (To ask for or try to get information)

mass (n)

質量 (Having to do with a large amount of people)

quality (n)

質;資質 (high level of worth or excellence)

bet (v)

賭ける (To gamble money to win more money, e.g. on horses)

purchase (v)

購入する (To buy something; to get by paying money for it)

gift (n)

贈り物;才能 (Something given to another for a reason; present)

baby (n)

赤ん坊 (very young child, who cannot yet speak)

red (adj)

赤;血の色のような (being the color of blood)

run (v)

走る (To move your legs faster than walking)

happen (v)

起こる;たまたま~する (To take place or occur)

foot (n)

足 (lowest part of the leg we use to stand on)

distance (n)

距離 (amount of space between two places or things)

track (v)

跡;道,追跡する (To follow behind someone to see what they are doing)

jump (v)

跳ぶ;跳ね上がる (To push your body into the air with your legs)

dance (v)

踊る (To move your body rhythmically to music)

kick (n)

蹴る (hit using the foot)

physical (adj)

身体の;肉体の (Concerning the body of a person)

car (n)

車 (A vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things)

gear (n)

車のギア (the transmission configuration in a vehicle)

wheel (n)

車輪 (circular thing that rolls, used for moving things)

army (n)

軍隊 (large group of soldiers organized to fight in wars)

military (n)

軍隊,軍の (Concerning soldiers or the armed forces)

roll (v)

転がる (To move along a surface by turning many times)

tap (v)

軽くたたく;コツコツと音を立てる (to hit something lightly)

patient (adj)

辛抱強い (not getting annoyed when things take a long time)

farm (n)

農場 (Land used for growing crops or raising animals)

farmer (n)

農家の人 (person who operates a farm)

close (adv)

近い (Next to; only a short distance away)

near (adj)

近い,近くに (With a small distance between things)

nearby (adj)

近くの,近くに (Close to where you are)

approach (v)

近づく; 接近する (To get close to reaching something or somewhere)

neighborhood (n)

近所 (area of a town or city that people live in)

mention (v)

述べる;話に出す,言及する (To refer to or talk or write about something)

chase (v)

追いかける,追跡 (To go after someone or something with the intent to catch)

addition (n)

追加 (Fact of adding something; thing that is added)

additional (adj)

追加の (Further or added)

send (v)

送る;送信する (To cause mail or package to go to another place)

escape (v)

逃げる (To get away from a place where you are being kept)

miss (v)

逃す;~し損なう (to be too late to ride on something e.g. train or bus)

pass (v)

通り過ぎる;渡す (To travel through or near a place)

fast (adj)

速い (Moving or able to move quickly)

quickly (adv)

速く;すぐに (without taking a lot of time; fast)

speed (n)

速さ,急ぐ;加速する (quality of being fast or quick)

rate (n)

速度;割合;比率 (speed or frequency of events over time)

series (n pl.)

連続 (number of things that happen one after another)

continuous (adj)

連続的な (Happening, existing, or being performed without stops)

arrest (v)

逮捕する (To use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes)

week (n)

週;週間 (period of seven days, starts on Sunday and end on Saturday)

late (adj)

遅い (Happening near the end of a given time)

luck (n)

運 (accidental way things happen, often good things)

lucky (adj)

運のよい (fortunate; having good things happen by chance)

carry (v)

運ぶ;持つ (To hold something and move it to another place)

exercise (n)

運動する (To work out to become stronger and healthier)

drive (v)

運転する (To control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere)

driver (n)

運転手 (Someone who operates a vehicle)

fortune (n)

運;運勢 (Chance or luck, particularly good luck)

past (n)

過ぎた;過去の,過ぎて (time that existed before now, e.g. long ago)

tool (n)

道具 (device used to make things, e.g. a hammer or driver)

road (n)

道路 (long piece of hard land for cars to travel on)

street (n)

道;通り (road in a city with buildings and places to walk)

illegal (adj)

違法の (Not allowed by the laws or rules)

far (adj)

遠い (a long way away)

suitable (adj)

適した;ふさわしい (right for a particular purpose or occasion)

fit (adj)

適している (Proper or acceptable; morally or socially correct)

proper (adj)

適切な (Correct according to social or moral rules)

properly (adv)

適切に (In an appropriate or correct manner)

adapt (v)

適応する (To change something to fit or suit a new purpose)

elect to (v)

選ぶ (To choose to do something; to make a decision)

choose (v)

選ぶ (To select; decide between several possibilities)

pick (v)

選ぶ (to decide on a thing from various choices; select)

championship (n)

選手権 (sports competition to find the best player or team)

player (n)

選手;プレーヤー (person who plays sports)

choice (n)

選択 (decision between two or more possibilities)

selection (n)

選択 (process of choosing someone or something carefully)

select (v)

選択する,厳選した (To choose from a group, something most suitable)

election (n)

選挙 (process of choosing someone by voting)

avoid (v)

避ける (To prevent from happening, or stay away from)

shelter (n)

避難所;保護施設 (structure that covers or protects things)

county (n)

郡;州 (administrative region within a country or a state)

section (n)

部分;区間 (One of the parts that form something)

room (n)

部屋 (part of building enclosed by walls, e.g. kitchen)

department (n)

部門;局;課;学科 (division of a larger part or organization)

mail (n)

郵便;メール (a letter, package or email)

cast (n)

配役 (people who appear in a play or movie)

deliver (v)

配達する;伝える;出産する (To take something to a person or place)

delivery (n)

配達;話し方;出産 (act of taking something to a person or place)

ugly (adj)

醜い (Unpleasant to look at; not attractive)

heavy (adj)

重い (Having a lot of weight)

heavily (adv)

重く (a lot or to a great degree)

weight (n)

重さ (How heavy something is)

load (n)

重荷;負荷,積み込む (large, often heavy, amount of something to be moved)

important (adj)

重要な (having a big effect on (person, the future))

field (n)

野原 (open area of land, especially without buildings)

wild (adj)

野生の (Living in nature; not tame)

amount (n)

量;総計,合計に達する;結局~なる (quantity of something)

gold (n)

金 (soft yellow metal that is very valuable)

metal (n)

金属 (Usually hard shiny material mined from rock)

rich (adj)

金持ち;豊かな (Having a lot of money, possessions, or resources)

friday (n)

金曜日 (firth day of the week; the day after Thursday)

balance (v)

釣り合う; バランスをとる (To make two or more things equal)

silver (n)

銀 (near white color metal with high value and the symbol 'ag')

bank (n)

銀行 (A financial institution that keeps or lends money)

gun (n)

銃 (weapon in which bullets are fired down a metal tube)

keen (adj)

鋭い (Being eager or excited for something to happen)

sharp (adj)

鋭い;とがった (Having a thin edge or point that is able to cut)

steel (n)

鋼 (very strong metal made of iron and other substances mixed together)

lock (v)

錠やロック、鍵をかける (To use a key/code so others can't open something)

pot (n)

鍋;容器 (deep, round container that is used for cooking)

mirror (n)

鏡 (thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself)

long (adj)

長い (large distance from one end to the other)

length (n)

長さ (measurement of distance or of time)

flash (n)

閃光,ぴかっと光る (sudden bright light)

shut (v)

閉じる;閉める,閉じた (To close something)

open (adj)

開放された (Not closed or shut)

mistake (n)

間違い (something done wrong, calculated wrong, etc; error)

wrong (adj)

間違った;間違って (Not right, incorrect; not true; bad)

involvement (n)

関与 (act or process of joining in a particular activity)

relationship (n)

関係 (manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another)

relate (v)

関係づける;関連する (To understand or sympathize with someone or something)

prevent (v)

防ぐ (To stop something from happening or existing)

defense (n)

防衛 (the process of protecting something from attack)

limit (n)

限度;境界,制限する (point beyond which it is not possible to go)

rid (v)

除去する;解放する (To no longer be wanted so you throw it away)

relief (n)

除去;安心;救助 (pleasant and relaxed feeling)

otherwise (adv)

さもなければ;別のやり方で,他の (indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly)

exposure (n)

さらすこと;暴露 (state of experiencing something directly)

expose (v)

さらす;暴く (To make visible, without covering or protection)

further (adj)

さらに先へ;さらにまた (extra; in addition)

however (conj)

しかしながら;どんなに~でも;一体どうやって ((used to introduce a counter statement to what has been said))

stare (v)

じっと見る (To look at someone or something for a long time)

potato (n)

じゃがいも (edible tuber vegetable)

immediately (adv)

すぐに (without any delay; straight away; right (after or before))

already (adv)

すでに (Having happened or been done before this time)

all (adv)

すべて (completely; totally)

everything (pron)

すべてのこと・もの (All of the things mentioned)

every (det)

すべての;毎~ (Including each person or thing in a group)

sorry (itj)

すまないと思う;後悔している;気の毒に思う (what you say to admit you were wrong)

do (v)

する (To act; to perform actions)

there (adv)

そこ;あそこ;そこで;そこに (In that place or position, at that location)

such (det)

そのような;とても~な (Like or similar)

else (adv)

その他に;さもないと (otherwise; if you fail to...)

instead (adv)

その代わりに (When one thing is replaced by another)

its (adj)

それの (of something; belonging or related to something)

therefore (adv)

それゆえに (For that reason)

itself (pron)

それ自体 (Referring to it)

that (adj)

それ;あれ;そのようなこと,その;あの,それくらい (used to show which person or thing we are talking about)

lot (n)

たくさん (a lot (of) many or much of)

plenty (pron)

たくさん (when there is not too little of something; a lot )

much (pron)

たくさんの,非常に;だいたい (a lot; large amount; a high degree of)

single (adj)

たった一つの (Only, merely)

hesitate (v)

ためらう (To stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do)

fool (v)

だます (To trick someone; to deceive)

glance (n)

ちらりと見ること (quick or temporary look)

grab (v)

つかみ取る (To quickly reach out and take something in your hand.)

spell (v)

つづり;スペル,つづる (to be able to say, write, or print the letters that make up a word)

connect (v)

つなぐ;接続する (To join or attach things together)

but (conj)

でも (Used before you say something different, opposite)

sometimes (adv)

ときどき (only at certain times; occasionally)

tiny (adj)

とても小さい (very, very small)

very (v)

とても,まさに (lot; much)

anyway (adv)

とにかく;いずれにせよ (A word people use to change the topic of a conversation)

somehow (adv)

どういうわけか;なんらかの方法で (In a way that is not known or certain)

please (adv)

どうぞ;どうか;ぜひ (You say this when you politely ask people for things)

where (n)

どこ (word you use to ask the location of something)

somewhere (adv)

どこかに (at or to an unknown or unnamed place)

elsewhere (adv)

どこか他の所で (In or to another or different place)

everywhere (adv)

どこでも;どこで~しても (Every place)

nowhere (adv)

どこにも~ない (Not in or at any place; no place)

wherever (adv)

どこへ~しても (In any situation or at any time that)

which (det)

どちら (question word to ask about a person's choice)

either (adj)

どちらか (one of two (used when there is a choice of two))

neither (adj)

どちらも~ない (Not one or the other not either none of two things)

how (adv)

どのように ((used to explain the way to do something))

because (conj)

なぜなら~だから (For a reason)

stroke (v)

なでる (To touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way)

smooth (adj)

なめらかな,なめらかにする (Something that feels pleasant and flat when you touch it not rough)

smell (v)

におい,においを嗅ぐ;においがする (To use the nose to sense something)

yes (itj)

はい (way to say you agree or will do something)

clear (adj)

はっきりした (Easy to understand; well-explained; obvious)

unclear (adj)

はっきりしない; 不明確な (Not easy to understand; not obvious)

clearly (adv)

はっきりと (In a way that is easy to understand; obviously)

silly (adv)

ばかな (Lacking seriousness or foolish)

stupid (adj)

ばか;頭が悪い (not intelligent; lacking the ability to learn easily)

terrible (adj)

ひどい;恐ろしい (Very bad; horrible)

perhaps (adv)

ひょっとすると;おそらく (Possibly, but not certainly; maybe)

amaze (v)

びっくりさせる (To cause wonder; to surprise completely)

pretend (v)

ふりをする (To act as if something is true when it is not)

thick (adj)

ぶ厚い (Having a large distance between two surfaces)

dust (n)

ほこり (Fine dry powder that builds up on surfaces)

almost (adv)

ほとんど (Only a little less than, nearly, not quite)

nearly (adv)

ほとんど (not completely; almost)

hardly (adv)

ほとんど~ない (Clearly or undoubtedly not; very little)

smile (v)

ほほえむ,笑顔 (To put up the corners of mouth to show happiness)

increasingly (adv)

ますます (more and more; in greater degree or amount)

firstly (adv)

まず第一に (Before anything else)

yet (adv)

まだ (until now; up to the present)

still (adv)

まだ;それでも;なお ((used of an action or condition that is ongoing))

straight (adj)

まっすぐな (Not having curves, bends, or angles)

everyone (pron)

みんな;誰でも (Every person; everybody)

everybody (pron)

みんな;誰でも (Every person; everyone)

waste (v)

むだに使う;浪費する (To use valuable things ineffectively)

rarely (adv)

めったに~ない (In an infrequent manner)

soon (adv)

もうすぐ;早く (At a time not long from now)

another (det)

もう一つの;別の (one more (thing); additional (thing))

other (det)

もう一方の;別の;他の,もう一方の人・物;別の人・物;その他 ((something) else; not the first (one))

struggle (v)

もがく;奮闘する (to try very hard to do something difficult)

maybe (adv)

もしかすると;たぶん (Possibly but not certainly; perhaps)

if (conj)

もし~なら;~かどうか (Introducing a condition for something to happen)

entertain (v)

もてなす (To take care of guests by offering them food or drink often at your home or in a restaurant)

back (adv)

もとに戻って (have returned to a place you were before)

originally (adv)

もともと (At first; in the beginning)

anymore (adv)

もはやこれ以上~しない (No longer; no more)

hi (itj)

やあ;こんにちは (What you say when you meet someone)

soft (adj)

やわらかい;穏やかな (Easy to press, bend or cut; not hard or firm)

slowly (adv)

ゆっくりと (in an unhurried or not speedy manner)

loose (adj)

ゆるい;自由な (Not tightly attached or held)

impress (v)

よい印象を与える (To make an emotional or cognitive impact upon)

nice (adj)

よい;すてきな;親切な;立派な;微細な (Good or enjoyable)

similar (adj)

よく似た (Nearly the same)

familiar (adj)

よく知られた (Well-known or easily recognized)

more (adj)

より多くの, もっと (Greater in amount, number, or size)

less (adj)

より少ない,~差し引いて (smaller in amount or degree)

aside (adv)

わきへ (to the side; out of the way; for later use)

slight (adj)

わずかな,軽視 (Very small)

slightly (adv)

わずかに (Concerning a small quantity or degree)

identity (n)

アイデンティティ;独自性;身元 (collection of qualities that makes a person)

iron (n)

アイロン,アイロンをかける (hot heavy metal object used to smoothen clothes)

access (n)

アクセス;接近 (way to enter a place, e.g. a station or stadium)

apartment (n)

アパート (set of rooms to live in on one floor of a building)

alcohol (n)

アルコール飲料 (Drinks such as wine, whiskey, beer)

image (n)

イメージ;画像 (picture, sculpture or painting of something)

web (n)

インターネットのウェブ (internet's collection of interrelated information)

inch (n)

インチ (1/12 of a foot (2.54 centimeters))

site (n)

ウェブサイト (present, former or future LOCATION of something, such as a building)

engineer (n)

エンジニア;技師 (one whose job is involved with engineering)

engine (n)

エンジン (machine that changes energy into mechanical motion)

entertainment (n)

エンターテイメント; 娯楽 (activity make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc)

orange (adj)

オレンジ色 (being a color that is a mixture of red and yellow)

bike (n)

オートバイ;自転車 (2-wheeled vehicle ridden by pushing on foot pedals)

cup (n)

カップ (small round container used to hold liquids for drinking)

camera (n)

カメラ (object that takes pictures digitally, or on film)

card (n)

カード (small piece of paper or plastic used as I.D.)

carpet (n)

カーペット (colored floor covering made of wool, etc)

gas (n)

ガス;気体 (the elements in our air, like oxygen or nitrogen)

glass (n)

ガラス (hard transparent material used for making windows)

kiss (v)

キスをする,キス (To put your lips against another's to show love)

camp (n)

キャンプ (place where people live for a short time in tents)

club (n)

クラブ; 同好会; 会員制組織, (group of people who share an interest, as in sport)

cream (n)

クリーム (thick liquid rubbed into the skin)

credit (n)

クレジット;信用 (system to buy something and pay for it later)

group (n)

グループ;集団 (number of people or things gathered together)

cake (n)

ケーキ (A sweet baked food made from flour, eggs, fat and sugar)

gate (n)

ゲート;門 (place in a fence which can be opened or closed)

game (n)

ゲーム (Activity with rules that people play to have fun)

commercial (n)

コマーシャルの (radio or television advertisement)

computer (n)

コンピュータ (A machine for storing information and accessing the internet)

coach (n)

コー​チ (person who teaches others how to do (sport, job) )

corner (n)

コーナー;角;地域;窮地 (place where two lines, sides, corners etc meet)

coffee (n)

コーヒー (A brown drink made from roasted beans and boiled water)

bin (n)

ゴミ箱;容器 (type of container, usually for trash)

golf (n)

ゴルフ (game played to hit a ball into a hole with a stick)

football (n)

サッカー (sport where 2 teams try to kick a ball in a goal; soccer)

supporter (n)

サポーター; 支持者 (someone who shows they are in favor of idea/plan)

server (n)

サーバー (person whose occupation is to serve at table (as in a restaurant) (court games) the player who serves to start a point (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network; utensil used in serving food or drink)

shirt (n)

シャツ (light garment for upper body, with sleeves)

shower (n)

シャワーを浴びる;浴びせる;たくさん与える (process of cleaning your body by standing under falling water)

jacket (n)

ジャケット;カバー (light, thin coat worn on the upper body over another shirt or piece of clothing for protection or warmth)

switch (n)

スイッチ (thing you move to turn electrical items on or off)

skirt (n)

スカート (piece of clothing for the lower body worn by women)

ski (n)

スキー (One of a pair of long flat runners attached to the feet for gliding over snow)

stress (v)

ストレスを感じる (To be in a state of mental tension due to problems)

sport (n)

スポーツ (game or physical exercise with rules)

set (n)

セット;一揃え (complete group of something, e.g. a chess set)

cent (n)

セント (100th of the basic unit of money e.g. there are 100 of these in a dollar)

zero (num)

ゼロ (number 0)

taxi (n)

タクシー (car that transports people for money)

cigarette (n)

タバコ (white stick filled with tobacco and covered in paper)

tank (n)

タンク (container for holding liquid or gas)

champion (n)

チャンピオン;優勝者 (person who fights for or supports strongly)

chocolate (n)

チョコレート (A hard brown candy made from cocoa beans)

cheese (n)

チーズ (yellowish solid food made from aged milk)

team (n)

チーム (group of people working on a task together)

teenager (n)

ティーンエイジャー;10代の若者 (person between the ages of 13 and 19)

television (n)

テレビ (device that broadcasts programs, movies or show)

tent (n)

テント (portable cloth shelter used outdoors)

table (n)

テーブル (raised flat surface)

tape (v)

テープで貼る (To stick things together using an adhesive strip)

designer (n)

デザイナー (Someone who creates plans to make something)

door (n)

ドア (You walk through this when you go in a room)

dollar (n)

ドル (A basic unit of money equal to 100 cent)

dress (n)

ドレス;ワンピース;服装 (Women's garment with a top part and a skirt)

knife (n)

ナイフ;刀 (long piece of metal you use for cutting things)

grin (v)

ニヤリと笑う (To show the teeth because you are amused ; smile)

chicken (n)

ニワトリ (A bird which cannot fly that is raised for its eggs and meat)

native (n)

ネイティブ;母語話者 (person speaking a language from birth)

rat (n)

ネズミ (Any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse)

mouse (n)

ネズミ (small animal that has fur and a long tail)

knock (v)

ノックする (To hit something to get people's attention)

bus (n)

バス (A large road vehicle used for carrying many people)

pub (n)

パブ;酒場 (building with a bar licensed to sell alcohol)

bread (n)

パン (Baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc.)

percentage (n)

パーセンテージ;割合 (part of a whole divided into hundredths)

percent (n)

パーセント (One one-hundredth of a whole)

party (n)

パーティー (social event often with food, drinks and dancing)

partner (n)

パートナー;相棒 (someone you have a business or personal relationship with)

beer (n)

ビール (alcoholic drink that is made from wheat or grains)

piano (n)

ピアノ (keyboard instrument used for playing music)

tension (n)

ピンと張ること;緊張 (feeling of anxiety and inability to relax)

pink (adj)

ピンク (One of the colors people can see:)

fence (n)

フェンス,囲い (wood/metal structure enclosing an area/land)

hook (n)

フック,フックで吊るす (curved or bent tool)

pig (n)

ブタ (animal that bacon comes from)

swing (n)

ブランコ (outdoor seat that hangs by two ropes, often from a tree)

brand (n)

ブランド;銘柄 (name given to a product or service e.g. Rolex, Ferrari)

boot (n)

ブーツ; 長靴 (footwear covering your foot and part of your leg)

boom (v)

ブーンという音;ブーム (To make a deep hollow resonant sound)

plastic (n)

プラスチック (stiff but usually come; what flexible man-made material, usually made using a hydrocarbon-based polymer)

present (n)

プレゼント;贈り物 (gift)

pool (n)

プール (large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in)

bed (n)

ベッド (A piece of furniture that people sleep on)

bell (n)

ベル (object shaped like a cup that rings when hit)

ring (v)

ベルやアラームの音が鳴る;響く (To produce a sound from a bell, alarm or telephone)

belt (n)

ベルト (band of material worn around a person's waist)

couple (n)

ペア;カップル (two of something; two people; a pair)

pen (n)

ペン (Something you write with in ink)

paint (v)

ペンキ,ペンキを塗る;描く (to apply something; coat)

page (n)

ページ (One side of a sheet of paper)

hotel (n)

ホテル (place where people can stay when travelling)

hall (n)

ホール;会場 (area inside the entrance of a house)

bowl (n)

ボウル (round container used for holding rice, soup etc)

button (n)

ボタン (small round piece material used to fasten clothing)

bottle (n)

ボトル;瓶 (container with a narrow neck used to hold liquids)

boat (n)

ボート;船 (small form of transport for traveling on water)

pitch (n)

ボールを投げる,投球 (black substance that is sticky when it is hot and very hard when it is dry)

ball (n)

ボール;球 (small round object often used in a game or sport)

snap (v)

ポキッと折る;プツンと切れる;パチンと音を立てる;すばやく動く,パチンという音 (To break something long and thin e.g. a branch)

pocket (n)

ポケット (small cloth bag sewn into clothing to hold things)

pop (v)

ポンとはじける;現れる;飛び出す (to cause something to open or burst suddenly)

pump (v)

ポンプ,ポンプでくみ上げる (To make water or any other liquid move using a machine)

mile (n)

マイル (unit of distance; 1.6 kilometers)

musical (n)

ミュージカル (play or movie set to music)

message (n)

メッセージ;伝言 (piece of information that is told/given to someone)

meter (n)

メートル (unit of length equal to 100cm or about 39 inches)

radio (n)

ラジオ (system for sending and receiving signals through the air)

leader (n)

リーダー (person who is in charge of a group or task)

leadership (n)

リーダーシップ (quality of being able to guide or influence others)

record (n)

レコード (Being the highest or most extreme level achieved in an area)

restaurant (n)

レストラン (place where you can order, buy and eat a meal)

wine (n)

ワイン (alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes)

piece (n)

一かけら;破片 (small part that of something larger)

one (num)

一つ;人・もの (number 1)

member (n)

一員;メンバー (person or thing belonging to a group or team)

once (adv)

一度;昔の,いったん~すると (One time; one instance)

classic (n)

一流作品;古典 (Something popular or famous for a long time)

pair (n)

一組;ペア (two of the same thing, e.g. socks)

together (adv)

一緒に;まとめて (Near close in the same place not far in a family or group)

generally (adv)

一般に (Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people)

general (adj)

一般的な;全般的な (Widespread, normal or usual)

partly (adv)

一部分は;少しは (In part; not completely)

seven (num)

七 (number 7)

seventy (num)

七十 (70)

rise (v)

上がる;起立する,上昇 (To move from a lower position to a higher one)

up (adj)

上へ;立って;起こって (Move higher; raise)

boss (n)

上司;ボス (The person who manages you, or is in charge of you at work)

coat (n)

上着; コート (clothing worn outside over your normal clothes)

master (adj)

上達な,熟練な (being very skilled at doing something)

below (adv)

下に;低く (In a lower position, place, or level)

down (prep)

下へ;下って (Going from a higher position to a lower position)

impossible (adj)

不可能な (very unlikely to happen or exist)

constant (adj)

不変の;不断の (Happening frequently or without pause)

complain (v)

不平を言う (To say something is wrong and should be changed)

depression (n)

不景気;うつ病;衰弱 (medical condition in which a person's sadness stops him/her from living his/her life normally)

uncertainty (n)

不確実なこと (The feeling that you don't really know what will happen)

lack (v)

不足,欠いている (to not have, or not have enough, of something)

unfortunately (adv)

不運にも (in a way that is to be regretted; unluckily)

generation (n)

世代 (People born and living at about the same time)

world (n)

世界 (All the humans, events, activities on the earth)

century (n)

世紀 (period of 100 years)

care (v)

世話をする (to look after someone or something)

hill (n)

丘 (High land not as high as a mountain)

both (adj)

両方 (Used to refer to two things at the same time)

central (adj)

中央の; 主要な (Being in the middle)

center (n)

中心 (place in the middle of something)

middle (n)

中心;中間,真ん中の;中央の (place that is halfway between two things)

round (adj)

丸い,円形 (being in the shape of a circle or ball)

log (n)

丸太 (piece of a tree that has fallen or been cut)

largely (adv)

主として;大部分は (In large part; mainly or chiefly)

mainly (adv)

主に (mostly; usually; being the largest part)

mostly (adv)

主に;ほとんど (In large part; mainly or chiefly)

insist (v)

主張する (To strongly state your opinion without changing it)

claim (v)

主張する;要求する (To say something is true when others may not agree)

capital (adj)

主要な (Main, or major)

main (adj)

主要な (Most important; most often used)

chief (adj)

主要な; 最重要の (most important one)

major (adj)

主要な;重要な (Important, serious, or large in scope)

subject (n)

主語 (the person or thing that does the action of a (v))

ride (v)

乗る,乗車 (To sit on and control a horse or vehicle)

disturb (v)

乱す;妨げる (To stop someone from working or sleeping)

milk (n)

乳 (white liquid produced by females to feed babies)

dry (adj)

乾いた (Without water; not wet)

spare (adj)

予備;スペア (Being extra; available to be used or borrowed)

schedule (v)

予定;スケジュール (To arrange a time to do something with others)

expectation (n)

予想;期待 (belief or hope that something is going to happen)

expect (v)

予期する;期待する (To believe something is probably going to happen)

reserve (v)

予約する;取っておく (To arrange for a room, table be kept for you, at particular time.)

appointment (n)

予約; 約束 (time you arranged to meet someone or do something)

affair (n)

事件; 事柄; 問題 (event or a set of events, often unpleasant ones)

office (n)

事務所;オフィス (building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities)

fact (n)

事実 (something that is known or proved to be true)

accident (n)

事故;偶然 (sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury etc)

matter (n)

事柄;問題;原因 (problem or reason for concern)

item (n)

事項;項目 (distinct, individual thing, often part of a group)

double (prep)

二倍,二倍の (Two times the amount or degree; twice)

secondary (adj)

二番目の;二次的な (Being of less importance than something else)

exchange (v)

交換する (To give things of similar value to each other)

person (n)

人 (man, woman or child)

people (n)

人々 (Human beings in general; plural of person)

folk (adj)

人の、民族の (of ordinary people; not sophisticated)

population (n)

人口 (number of people who live in a country, area etc)

popular (adj)

人気のある (liked or enjoyed by many people)

human (n)

人間 (a person; a man, woman or child)

ever (adv)

今までに;絶対に;ずっと;いつか;いったい (At any time; at all times in the future)

tonight (adv)

今夜 (night following this day)

today (adv)

今日 (on this day; at the time that is happening now)

now (adv)

今;すぐに;これから;さて;いまや~だから (At the present time or moment)

work (n)

仕事 (activity you do in order to make money)

job (n)

仕事 (regular work of earning money)

dependent (adj)

他人に頼っている (Someone who relies on someone for (financial) support)

agent (n)

代理人; エージェント (person who can represent and decide for others)

representative (n)

代表者,代表する (Typical of a particular group or thing)

under (adj)

以下の (In the same place as another thing, but lower)

before (adv)

以前に (At a time earlier than the present; previously)

previously (adv)

以前に (at an earlier time)

assume (v)

仮定する;推測する (to believe, based on the evidence; suppose)

mate (n)

仲間 (Someone who you work, live, or go to school with)

mission (n)

任務 (a special assignment that is given to a person or group)

appoint (v)

任命する; 指定する (To officially choose a person for a job, position)

rest (n)

休憩 (time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive)

holiday (n)

休日;祝日 (day when people don't go to work or school)

pause (v)

休止,休止する (To stop doing for a while before continuing)

meet (v)

会合する (To come together at a certain time or place)

membership (n)

会員;メンバーシップ (being a member of a group; joining a group)

company (n)

会社 (A business that sells things or provides services)

business (n)

会社 (A company formed for making profit)

conversation (n)

会話; 対談 (when you talk with other people; discussion or chat)

tell (v)

伝える; 話す (To say or communicate information to someone)

stretch (v)

伸ばす (To make something bigger by pulling on it)

reach (v)

伸びる;及ぶ;届く;到着する,伸ばすこと;届く範囲 (To come to or arrive at a goal or destination)

position (n)

位置 (specific location where someone or something is)

situate (v)

位置付ける (To place someone or something in a particular place or position)

low (adj)

低い (not high; being near the ground, or bottom)

address (n)

住所; アドレス (exact street location of a place)

system (n)

体系;システム (set of organized, planned ideas that work together)

body (n)

体;人 (A person's physical self)

something (pron)

何か (thing that is not yet known or named)

nothing (pron)

何も~ない (Not anything, not a single thing)

none (pron)

何も~ない;誰も~ない (Not any of a group)

extra (adj)

余分の,余分なもの (More than necessary; additional)

create (v)

作り出す;創造する (to make, cause, or bring into existence)

make (v)

作る (to create something by putting things together)

maker (n)

作る人;メーカー (person, company, or object that creates things)

operate (v)

作動する;操作する;作用する;経営する (To be working or being used)

writer (n)

作家;書き手 (professional who writes books, articles etc)

operation (n)

作用;操作;事業 (Functioning; use)

use (v)

使う;利用する (to do something with, for a task or purpose)

spend (v)

使う;過ごす (To use money to pay for something)

servant (n)

使用人 (person who works in another person's house and usually is responsible for cooking, cleaning and other tasks)

user (n)

使用者 (person that uses a service or thing, e.g. a website)

example (n)

例 (thing/person which represents a category)

instance (n)

例;実例 (an example of something; case)

supply (v)

供給する (To give or sell goods to others for their use)

serve (v)

供給する;役立つ (to give or provide something to another person)

supplier (n)

供給者 (organization that provides a product or service)

depend on (v)

依存する;頼る (To rely on for support (financial or emotional))

worth (n)

価値 (how much something is worth; the value of something)

keep (v)

保つ (To have and continue to hold something)

assure (v)

保証する (To make sure that something happens)

guarantee (v)

保証,保証する (To make a formal promise that something will happen or be done.)

protection (n)

保護 (Being kept from harm)

protect (v)

保護する (To defend someone or something from harm or danger)

insurance (n)

保険 (Payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death)

insure (v)

保険をかける;確実にする (to buy protection against possible loss/damage/injury)

believe (v)

信じる (To think or accept that something is true)

faith (n)

信仰;信頼 (belief that that something is true without proof)

signal (adj)

信号,合図する;示す,際立った (move a hand, or other thing to tell people to do something.)

trust (v)

信頼する,信頼;委託 (To be confident that someone is honest and reliable )

reliable (adj)

信頼できる (Deserving of your trust, dependable)

repair (v)

修理する (To put what is broken back into good condition ; fix)

service (v)

修理する;点検する (To maintain a piece of machinery so it runs well)

personal (adj)

個人的な (done by or to a particular person; individual)

personally (adv)

個人的に;自ら (by a specific person, and not by anyone else)

individual (n)

個人,個人の (single person, looked at separately from others)

owe (v)

借りがある;義務がある;おかげである (To need to pay or repay money)

borrow (v)

借りる (To take and later return something from another)

debt (n)

借金 (Sum of money owed to somebody that is not yet paid)

deserve (v)

値する (To be worthy of, e.g. getting praise or attention)

expensive (adj)

値段が高い (Costing a lot of money)

price (v)

値段をつける (To determine or set the cost of something)

health (n)

健康 ((person, company) being in a good condition; being well)

well (adj)

健康な (In a good way)

healthy (adj)

健康な (in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad)

side (n)

側面 (straight edge of an object)

injure (v)

傷つける (Do physical harm or damage)

injury (n)

傷害 (Physical or emotional harm or damage that a person experiences)

tendency (n)

傾向 (likelihood to behave in a particular way)

gentle (adj)

優しい;穏やかな (kind and quiet in nature; not harsh or violent)

gently (adv)

優しく;穏やかに (In a mild, careful, and soft manner)

brother (n)

兄弟;仲間 (A boy or man who shares a parent with you)

teacher (n)

先生 (person who teaches others, especially in a school)

license (n)

免許 (official certificate which grants a person permission to do or have something)

excuse (v)

免除する (to allow someone not to do (jury service, etc))

enter (v)

入る (To go into a room)

totally (adv)

全く (In a complete way; completely; absolutely)

entirely (adv)

全く (Wholly; completely)

quite (adv)

全く;かなり (Very; In a complete or total manner)

entire (adj)

全体の;完全な (Complete or full; with no part left out; whole)

whole (adj)

全部の (complete or full; all of )

public (adj)

公の;公的な (concerning society in general)

official (adj)

公式な;公的な (of or done by someone in authority; formal)

justice (n)

公正 (quality of being fair, equal, or just)

fair (adj)

公正な;公平な (Treating all people the same way)

six (num)

六 (6)

sixty (num)

六十 (60)

common (adj)

共通の; 普通の; 一般的な (typical, normal; not unusual)

soldier (n)

兵士 (person who is in the military)

inner (adj)

内側の (Concerning the inside part of something)

tip (n)

内密情報;ヒント,内報する;予想する (hint or clue)

inside (adj)

内部;内側;内情,内側の,内側に (being in something)

circle (n)

円;輪 (A perfectly round shape)

again (adv)

再び;その上 (One more time, once more)

adventure (n)

冒険 (An exciting and often dangerous experience)

joke (v)

冗談,冗談を言う (To say or do things that are meant to be funny)

copy (v)

写す; コピーする; まねる (To make something that looks the same as the original)

photo (n)

写真 (short for photograph; a picture taken by a camera)

photograph (v)

写真を撮る (To take a picture with a camera)

winter (n)

冬 (coldest season of the year)

cold (adj)

冷たい;寒い (Having a very low temperature)

freeze (v)

凍る (To harden to a solid below zero degrees)

attendance (n)

出席 (state of being present at a place or event)

attend (v)

出席する (To be present at an event)

event (n)

出来事 (Something that happens)

understand (v)

分かる;理解する (to know the meaning of language, what someone says)

divide (v)

分ける;分割する (To separate something into equal pieces)

deal (v)

分け与える;配る (to give out (cards, etc) to; distribute)

minute (n)

分; (unit of time equal to 60 seconds)

cut (v)

切る (To use a knife or scissors to divide or open the surface)

stamp (n)

切手 (small piece of paper you buy to put on a letter that you mail)

ticket (n)

切符;チケット (piece of paper that lets you enter or use something)

prison (n)

刑務所 (place the court puts criminals as punishment; jail)

judgment (n)

判断;判決 (opinion that is made after careful consideration)

advantage (n)

利点 (thing making the chance of success higher)

available (adj)

利用できる (present and able to be used)

benefit (n)

利益、特典 (good result or effect, something advantageous)

arrival (n)

到着 (when someone or something gets to at a place)

arrive (v)

到着する (to reach the place you are travelling to)

limitation (n)

制限;限界 (act of controlling or reducing the size of something)

excite (v)

刺激する;興奮させる (To make someone feel happy, interested or eager)

chip (v)

削り取る (To break a piece off something e.g. a cup)

reduction (n)

削減 (Making something smaller ; reducing something)

previous (adj)

前の (Existing or happening before the present time)

forth (adv)

前へ;外へ (Outward forward)

ahead (adv)

前方に;先に (In or toward the front)

forward (adv)

前方の (Toward what is ahead or in front)

progress (v)

前進する (To move forward or toward a place or goal)

advance (v)

前進する,進む (To move forward in a certain direction)

front (adj)

前面 (Opposite of back; the forward part of an object)

split (v)

割る;裂く,分割;対立 ( To break something into pieces or divide someting)

crack (v)

割れる,割れ目 (To almost break something)

creation (n)

創造 (act of making something)

creative (adj)

創造力のある (Having the ability to make something new)

theater (n)

劇場 (place where shows are performed on a stage)

dramatic (adj)

劇的な ((of an event) sudden and extreme)

dramatically (adv)

劇的に (In a sudden or extreme manner)

drama (n)

劇;ドラマ (play that is performed on stage, theater, or TV)

strength (n)

力;強さ (Being strong)

add (v)

加える (To put two things or numbers together, e.g. 2+2)

join (v)

加わる;つなぎ合わせる (To bring something close to another, to become one)

help (v)

助ける (To act to enable a person to do something; assist)

assistant (n)

助手 (person who helps another, usually as a job)

advice (n)

助言 (suggestion about what someone should do)

adviser (n)

助言者;顧問 (Someone giving advice in business, law etc)

effort (n)

努力 (amount of work used trying to do something)

encourage (v)

励ます;奨励する (To make someone more determined or confident)

worker (n)

労働者 (person who works)

labor (v)

労働,働く;詳細に論じる (To work hard (often physically) for many hours)

effect (n)

効果 (change brought about by a cause; result)

study (v)

勉強する (To focus on learning something usually at school)

move (v)

動かす;移動する (to cause something to change to a different place)

animal (n)

動物 (A living creature that is not a plant or person)

breed (v)

動物が子を生む; 繁殖する (To produce baby animals of specific kinds)

video (n)

動画;ビデオ (recording capturing action with sound )

win (v)

勝つ (To succeed in a game or contest)

winner (n)

勝者;受賞者 (person or thing that wins a contest or race)

pack (v)

包む;詰める (To put things in a suitcase to go on a trip)

northern (adj)

北の ( in or toward the north)

medical (adj)

医療の (of or relating to physical health or medicine)

seventeen (num)

十七 (17)

billion (num)

十億 (number 1,000,000,000)

sixteen (num)

十六 (16)

fine (adj)

十分な (Good, acceptable or satisfactory)

enough (adj)

十分な,十分に (Equal to what is needed; as much as required)

afternoon (n)

午後 (time after 12:00 and before the evening meal)

partnership (n)

協力関係 (working with others for some purpose)

southern (adj)

南部の (Having to do with a region in the south)

south (adj)

南;南の;南へ (direction that is the opposite of north)

word (n)

単語;言葉 (unit of language that has a meaning)

print (v)

印刷する (To make many copies of a page, magazine or book)

printer (n)

印刷機;プリンター (machine that makes copies of papers and documents)

impressive (adj)

印象的な (Causing admiration or respect; big, grand, expensive etc)

mark (v)

印;記号;評価,印を付ける;成績を付ける (To make or leave a visible sign on something; a writing symbol)

danger (n)

危険 (The possibility of getting hurt, damaged, or killed)

dangerous (adj)

危険な (involving the chance of hurt or damage; risky)

risk (v)

危険;リスク,賭ける;危険にさらす (To take the chance that you may do something dangerous)

immediate (adj)

即時の;直近の (done without delay; straight away)

egg (n)

卵 (hard-shelled thing from which a young bird is born)

leave (v)

去る (to go away from; depart )

friendly (adv)

友好的な (Acting like a friend; kind and helpful)

friendship (n)

友情 (feeling of liking someone; good relationship)

opposition (n)

反対 (act of disagreeing or trying to stop something)

oppose (v)

反対する (To fight against someone in a contest, game or fight)

object (v)

反対する (to disagree; to protest against an idea or plan)

opposite (adj)

反対側の (Across from or on the side facing something)

reaction (n)

反応 (feeling or action in response to something)

react (v)

反応する (To behave or make a change in a particular way)

counter (v)

反論,反論する (To indicate opposition or resistance)

income (n)

収入 (Earned money from work, investments or business)

collection (n)

収集物(品); コレクション (group of similar things gathered as a hobby)

treatment (n)

取り扱い (way someone acts toward another)

replace (v)

取り替える (To use instead of something else)

remove (v)

取り除く;解任する (To move, erase or take away from a place)

receive (v)

受ける;受信する (to get something that someone has given or sent to you)

accept (v)

受け入れる;受け取る (to agree to receive or take something offered)

tone (n)

口調、調子 (sound of a voice that reveals emotion or meaning)

argument (n)

口論 (A discussion in which you disagree with another's opinion)

mouth (n)

口,言う (part of the face used for eating and talking)

old (adj)

古い;年とった;昔の;~歳の (Having existed for a long time, not young or new)

classical (adj)

古典的な (Concerning ideas considered to be traditional)

shout (v)

叫ぶ (To speak very loudly because you want to get their attention)

possible (adj)

可能な;可能性がある (Having a chance of happening, or being true)

possibility (n)

可能性 (something with a chance of happening or being true)

probability (n)

可能性;確率 (what the chances are that something will happen)

kitchen (n)

台所 (place where food is cooked)

right (adj)

右の;右に (on side where the hand that most people write with)

each (det)

各;1つ1つの (Every one of two or more things)

agreement (n)

合意;協定;一致 (when you share the same opinion or reach a decision)

legal (adj)

合法的な;法的な (Concerning the law; allowed by law)

total (n)

合計 (whole number or amount of something)

same (det)

同じ (Identical; not different)

as (prep)

同じぐらい;~のように (word that is used to compare two equal things)

associate (n)

同僚;仕事仲間 (partner in professional work, e.g. in law)

gay (n)

同性愛者 (person attracted to someone of the same sex)

agree (v)

同意する;一致する;合う (to have the same opinion as someone else)

similarly (adv)

同様に (In away that is almost the same as something or someone else)

equally (adv)

同様に;等しく (In an equal, even, or identical manner)

league (n)

同盟;リーグ (association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members)

level (v)

同等の,平等にする (To make things flat or even)

name (n)

名前;評判;有名人,名前をつける (What something or someone is called)

deny (v)

否定する (To refuse to allow or accept something)

include (v)

含む (to make someone/something part of a group)

contain (v)

含む;入る (To hold something inside something else)

involve (v)

含む;関わる;巻き込む (To have or be included as a part of something)

blow (v)

吹き飛ばす (To move something using air)

taste (n)

味 (the flavor in your mouth from food or drink)

breathe (v)

呼吸する (To move air into and out of your lungs)

cough (v)

咳をする (To force air through your throat with a short, loud noise)

lip (n)

唇 (top and bottom part of the outside of person's mouth)

only (adv)

唯一の;最良の,ただ~だけ;つい~,ただし;~だがしかし (just one; just that amount or thing; not more than)

problem (n)

問題 (Something difficult to deal with or causes trouble)

issue (n)

問題;論争点 (important topic discussed, debated or argued over)

throat (n)

喉 (inside of the neck that swallows)

joy (n)

喜び (feeling of great happiness and pleasure)

smoke (v)

喫煙 (To breathe in through a cigarette and then blow it out)

lie (v)

嘘,嘘をつく (To say something that you know is not true)

prisoner (n)

囚人 (Someone kept in a prison as punishment for a crime)

recovery (n)

回復 (process of returning to a former state after problems or a downward turn)

recover (v)

回復する (To revive, become healthy after an illness or injury)

spin (v)

回転する (To turn around repeatedly)

association (n)

団体; 協会 (organization of people with the same interest)

surround (v)

囲む (To be on every side of something)

library (n)

図書館 (place where books and other media are kept)

design (v)

図案;設計図;計画,デザインする;考案する (to plan in a particular way to fulfill a purpose)

solid (adj)

固体の;堅実な (Firm or hard ; not a gas or liquid)

country (n)

国 (An area of land that is controlled by a government)

nation (n)

国家 (area or region controlled by a government and army)

royal (adj)

国王の (Concerning a king or queen)

national (adj)

国立;国の (Concerning a nation as a whole)

estate (n)

土地;財産;地位 (Land that a person owns)

soil (n)

土壌 (mix of sand and other natural material on the surface of the earth that is used to grow plants)

saturday (n)

土曜日 (sixth day of the week; the day after Friday)

pressure (n)

圧力 (the force/weight when pressing against a thing)

stock (n)

在庫;蓄え,仕入れる;満たす (piece of a business, bought in the form of shares)

local (adj)

地元の;局部の,地元の人;局部 (Relating or restricted to a particular area, city, or town)

district (n)

地区 (area of a country, city, or town)

plain (adj)

地味な;質素な (very simple/ordinary; not decorated; not striped)

map (n)

地図 (picture showing the geography of an area)

region (n)

地域 (part of a country, of the world, area, etc)

regional (adj)

地域の (Concerning a particular area)

community (n)

地域社会 (group of people who share a common idea or area)

area (n)

地域;場所 (A specific section or space; part of a region)

hell (n)

地獄 (Any place of pain and suffering)

earth (n)

地球 (the planet we live on)

ground (v)

地面;土 (solid surface of the earth that we stand on)

bury (v)

埋める; 埋葬する (To put something into the ground and cover it)

castle (n)

城 (large defensive building in historical times)

basic (adj)

基本的な (at the most important or easiest (beginner) level)

basically (adv)

基本的には (Used before you explain something simply)

basis (n pl.)

基準;基礎 (starting situation, fact, idea to develop from)

firm (adj)

堅い;安定した (Fairly hard or solid, not soft)

firmly (adv)

堅く;しっかりと (in a hard, steady, unchanging way)

report (n)

報告書; レポート (account of something which gives the necessary facts and information)

reporter (n)

報告書;記者;レポーター (Someone whose job is to research, gather, write, and report news for a newspaper, magazine, television or radio station)

coverage (n)

報道 (type of programs a radio or TV station broadcasts)

case (n)

場合 (example or instance of something)

location (n)

場所 (particular position or area)

salt (n)

塩 (Natural white crystal used to flavor or preserve food)

increase (v)

増える;増加させる (to make or become something larger in size or amount)

wall (n)

壁 (high, flat side of a room or building)

break (v)

壊す;折る (to separate into pieces by force, or by dropping)

grand (adj)

壮大な (Including many things ; very large)

voice (n)

声 (sound made when you speak or sing)

sell (v)

売る (To exchange something for money)

change (v)

変える; 変わる (To make or become different, or into something else)

alter (v)

変更する (To change a part of something e.g. clothing)

summer (n)

夏 (part of the year when the weather is hot)

evening (n )

夕方;晩 (The last part of the day and early part of the night)

dinner (n)

夕食 (The main meal of the day, usually in the evening in the US)

out (adv)

外に;外に出て;外れて (In a direction or movement away from the inside or center)

outside (n)

外側,外側の,外側に (area around or near something, such as a building)

foreign (adj)

外国の (Being of a different place or country)

appearance (n)

外観;出現;状況 (The way that something looks)

many (det)

多くの,多数 (Used to refer a large number of things)

night (n)

夜 (time when sun does not shine )

dream (n)

夢 (images, thoughts, and feelings that are experienced during sleep)

big (adj)

大きい (Large)

large (adj)

大きい;広い (Big; of great size; broad, tall, wide, long, or fat)

size (n)

大きさ;サイズ (How big or small a thing is)

rough (adj)

大ざっぱな;おおよその (Having an uneven or not smooth surface)

adult (n)

大人,成人 (person or animal that is fully grown)

delight (n)

大喜び,喜ばせる (strong feeling of great pleasure)

college (n)

大学;(米)単科大学 (school or educational institution for adults)

rush (v)

大急ぎでする;突進する,急ぎ;突進;ほとばしり (To do something very quickly)

atmosphere (n)

大気;空気 (the air around us)

presidential (adj)

大統領・社長の (Concerning the president)

president (n)

大統領;社長 (person in charge of a country, company or organization)

weather (n)

天気;天候 (whether it is raining, sunny, cold etc outside)

husband (n)

夫 (married man)

lose (v)

失う (to be unable to find something you once had)

loss (n)

失うこと;損害 (experience or state of failing to have or keep)

fail (v)

失敗する、目標に達成しない (To not achieve a goal, or to go wrong)

disappoint (v)

失望させる (To not meet the expectations of others or yourself)

unemployment (n)

失業 (state of being unemployed or not having a job)

strange (adj)

奇妙な (Unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected)

contract (n)

契約 (legal agreement, e.g. for doing work for money)

girl (n)

女の子 (A female child; a young woman)

woman (n)

女性 (adult female human being)

female (adj)

女性 (person of the sex that gives birth to babies)

lady (n)

女性;婦人 (another way of saying 'woman')

slave (n)

奴隷 (Someone who is legally owned by another person)

preference (n)

好み (Something that is liked or wanted more than another)

like (v)

好む (To find something pleasing; to prefer something)

prefer (v)

好む (To like something better than something else)

fancy (v)

好む;~したい気がする (To want to have or do something; feel like)

curious (adj)

好奇心がある (Wanting to know more about something)

pregnancy (n)

妊娠 (state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus)

pregnant (adj)

妊娠している (When women carry a child inside them that is not yet born)

bar (v)

妨げる; (道を)ふさぐ (To prevent entry, exit or an action)

block (v)

妨げる; 塞ぐ (To stop from going forward or making progress)

wife (n)

妻 (married woman)

sister (n)

姉妹 (female you share a parent with)

begin (v)

始まる;始める (To do the first part of an action; to start)

start (n)

始め;開始 (first time or place that a thing exists; beginning)

committee (n)

委員会 (group of people who do or decide something)

daughter (n)

娘 (A female child of someone)

child (n)

子ども (A very young person, between about 2 and 15)

kid (n)

子ども,冗談を言う (informal child or young person)

childhood (n)

子供時代 (The time when you are a child)

existence (n)

存在 (state of being present, alive or real)

exist (v)

存在する (to be present, alive or real)

season (n)

季節 (One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time)

learn (v)

学ぶ (to get knowledge or skills by study or experience)

grade (n)

学年 (level of study that is completed by a student)

term (n)

学期 (fixed period of weeks for learning at school)

student (n)

学生 (person studying at school)

guard (v)

守る;見張る,警備 (to keep watch over something to protect it e.g. a bank)

cheap (adj)

安い (Not costing a lot of money)

security (n)

安全 (Things done to protect people, buildings, a country, etc. from harm)

safety (n)

安全 (state of being free from harm or danger)

safe (adj)

安全な (being out of danger)

secure (v)

安全な,確保する;固定する (To protect something from danger or harm, keep things safe)

stability (n)

安定 (quality or state of not being easily moved or changed)

steady (adj)

安定した (Firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking, rocking or likely to fall over)

stable (adj)

安定した (In a good situation or condition not likely changed)

perfect (adj)

完全な;完璧な (so good it/they cannot be improved)

completely (adv)

完全に (In every way or as much as possible)

absolutely (adv)

完全に (completely; totally; very)

complete (v)

完全にする;完成させる (To finish or reach the end of doing something)

altogether (adv)

完全に;全部で;要するに (Completely and fully)

fully (adv)

完全に;十分に (Completely or entirely)

perfectly (adv)

完璧に (In a faultless manner; without mistakes)

settle (v)

定住する;落ち着く (To move to a new environment and become accustomed to it)

regular (adj)

定期的な;規則的な (Occurring or being done frequently)

regularly (adv)

定期的に;規則的に (At the usual time each day, week, or month)

practical (adj)

実用的な (relating to what is sensible, real or useful)

actual (adj)

実際の (Real or existing in fact, not imagined; real)

actually (adv)

実際は (used to add new (often different) information)

guest (n)

客;ゲスト (person invited to visit or stay in someone's home)

advertise (v)

宣伝する (to show how good a product is, to make people buy)

house (n)

家 (building in which a family, person lives)

furniture (n)

家具 (items such as tables, chairs, beds or closets)

home (n)

家庭;自宅 (place where a person or a family lives)

family (n)

家族 (a group of people who are related through blood)

rent (v)

家賃,賃借りする (To pay money for the use of something)

contribution (n)

寄付 (Helping a cause by giving money, things, services)

contribute (v)

寄付する (To donate, give (money) or help to something)

closely (adv)

密接に (nearby; just next to)

judge (v)

審理する;審査する;判断する (To form an opinion after careful consideration)

cope (v)

対処する (To deal with something in spite of difficulties)

seal (v)

封印する;密封する (To make something so that it does not leak air or water)

envelope (n)

封筒 (enclosing cover for a letter or card)

specialize (v)

専門にする (To focus on one area of a field or profession)

specialist (n)

専門家 (person who works in one specific area of a field or profession)

profession (n)

専門職 (job requiring special education or skills)

professional (adj)

専門職の;プロの (About a job such as doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc)

respect (v)

尊敬する,尊敬 (To think very highly of another person because of what they do)

ask (v)

尋ねる;求める;頼む (To say to someone that you want something)

lead (v)

導く (to show the way or guide others)

small (adj)

小さい (Little in size; not big)

little (adj)

小さい (not great in size, amount, or degree; small)

minor (adj)

小さい;少ない;重要でない (Not so large in size, not important or valuable)

package (n)

小包;包装;パッケージ (box or container items are placed in for mailing)

van (n)

小型トラック (truck with an enclosed cargo space)

path (n)

小道;通り道 (track made with stones/by walking over the ground)

bit (n)

少し;部分 (small piece of something)

few (adj)

少ない;ほとんどない (not many; small in number)

minority (n)

少数派 (part that is less than half of the whole; a small part)

tail (n)

尾 (part of an animal's body that extends from it's back end)

roof (n)

屋根 (cover or top of something)

belong (v)

属する (To be a member of a particular group and feel welcomed)

mountain (n)

山 (very high piece of land, higher than a hill)

rock (n)

岩;石 (big stone; hard, solid substance forming mountains)

shore (n)

岸 (land along the edge of an area of water)

island (n)

島 (area of land that is surrounded by water)

storm (n)

嵐 (Weather with a lot of rain, snow and strong winds)

river (n)

川 (flowing water that runs from mountains to the sea)

state (n)

州 (region within a country, with its own government)

left (n)

左 (side of your body your heart is on)

enormous (adj)

巨大な (Huge, very big, very large)

huge (adj)

巨大な (Very very large)

massive (adj)

巨大な;大量の (Very big large too big)

market (n)

市場;マーケット (public event where people sell goods on tables)

citizen (n)

市民 (person who belongs to and has rights in a country)

city (n)

市;都市 (A heavily populated area with many buildings and roads)

sail (v)

帆,航行する (To travel on water in a ship or boat)

hope (n)

希望 (when you wish something would happen; what you wish)

empire (n)

帝国 (group of countries controlled by one government)

pound (n)

常用ポンド;16オンス,0.4536kgに相当 (unit of weight equal to 16 ounces or 0.4536 kg)

hat (n)

帽子 (item of clothing worn on your head)

cap (n)

帽子 (small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade)

yourself (pron)

あなた自身 (reflexive form of 'you', used for an emphasis)

then (adv)

あのとき;それから (At that time not now)

thing (n)

あの物;あのこと (something you cannot remember the name of)


"Relaxed and not worried or angry


"a sports competition between two people or teams


"moving or happening without speed; not fast

often (adv)

"しばしば (Many times, frequently, on many occasions)

okay (itj)

"よし;わかった,まあまあ,承認する (Yes; alright)

eat (v)

"食べる (to put food in your mouth)

court (n)

(テニスなどの)コート (large, flat area, to play tennis or basketball)

director (n)

(会社の)重役;所長;監督 (senior person who manages part of an organization)

it (pron)

(先行するものを指して)それ (A thing that has been previously mentioned)

commit (v)

(罪などを)犯す (to do something bad, usually a crime)

account (n)

(預金)口座 (arrangement with a bank to keep your money for you)

chest (n)

(頑丈な)収納箱 (strong, lidded container for storing things)

grant (v)

(願い・要求などを)聞き入れる;付与する (To give or let someone do what they want)

ten (num)

10 (10)

hundred (num)

100 (100)

thousand (num)

1000 (number 1,000)

october (n)

10月 (10th month of the year)

november (n)

11月 (11th month of the year)

twelve (num)

12 (12)

december (n)

12月 (The 12th month of the year)

thirteen (num)

13 (13)

fourteen (num)

14 (14)

fifteen (num)

15 (15)

eighteen (num)

18 (18)

nineteen (num)

19 (19)

dozen (n)

1ダース (12 people or things)

two (num)

2 (2)

twenty (num)

20 (number 20)

twice (adv)

2度;2倍 (Two times)

february (n)

2月 (2nd month of the year)

three (num)

3 (number 3)

thirty (num)

30 (number 30)

four (num)

4 (4)

forty (num)

40 (40)

quarter (n)

4分の1 (One of four equal parts of something)

april (n)

4月 (4th month of the year)

five (num)

5 (5)

fifty (num)

50 (50)

july (n)

7月 (7th month of the year)

eight (num)

8 (8)

eighty (num)

80 (80)

august (n)

8月 (8th month of the year)

nine (num)

9 (9)

ninety (num)

90 (90)

september (n)

9月 (9th month of the year)


adj 穏やかな


adj 遅い;遅くなる


n 試合

your (det)

あなたの (belonging to you; belonging to the other person)

must (aux)

〜しなければならない;〜に違いない ((used to say that something is required or necessary))

unable (adj)

〜することができない (Not being able to do something)

able (adj)

〜することができる (Having the ability to do something)

can (aux)

〜することができる (To be able to; have the skill to; have the time to)

although (conj)

〜だけれども (Despite the fact that; however)

above (adv)

〜の上に (In a higher place than something else)

upon (prep)

〜の上に (More formal term for on)

among (prep)

〜の間に;~の中の (In the center of some things; in relation to several things)

through (adj)

〜を通じて; 〜を通して;完全に (From one end or side of something to the other end or side)

dare (v)

あえて~する (To have enough courage to do something)

you (pron)

あなた (person someone is speaking or writing to)

sir (n)

あなたさま;~殿 (form of address to a man you respect/do not know)

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